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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Outing 4/3/2021​

Outfit: Blue racer, white v-neck, gray jeans, gray sneakers, rings, bracelet.

Girl 1: Tanned brunette wearing a skirt. I start with the mini adventure rpo.

Her: yea...I kinda want to get out of this neighborhood
Me: oh yea? What kind of neighborhood is more your vibe?
Her: um more suburban and more space
Me: suburban...
Her: yea just like a quieter neighborhood.
Me: Ok because I get the impression, looking at you that you're probably like, probably enjoy staying at home sometime reading a good book. Every now and then you do like to go out and let loose but usually you like chilling at home.
Her: yea! usually I'm at home doing my thing
Me: okay, I feel like you'd probably like [district]
Her: yea..[district] is okay...one of my friends lives in [other district] and he has a house and I'm like, you know...I want to get out of here...And one of my friends lives in [other other district] but that's expensive as fuck.
Me: But I guess since you mention all these neighborhoods I guess it's also interesting how the neighborhoods...they also put you in a different mood. For example I was downtown and that is even crazier than [our district]
Her: Oh yea downtown's hardcore hahah
Me: yeah haha but it was nice looking at all the artwork.
Her: Yeaa the artwork is nice there
Me: like have you ever wondered how the people of different cities express their own artistic side?
Her: Um
Me: like where I used to live—[She turns to go in a different direction.]
Her: yea I'm going this way.
Me: I have to go to starbucks but um...You seem interesting...how about we continue this conversation over a coffee sometime
Her: I'm good.

I keep making the same mistake here...which is not stopping the girl. Instead, my focus is scattered and I'm working on many different things and as a result I'm getting sloppy. She wasn't properly hooked

Girl 2: My memory is kind of fuzzy for this interaction but here's more or less how it went.

Me: Hey... has anyone told you who you look almost exactly like?
Her: [stops to listen]
Me: But wait...I'm not sure if I should tell you...what if you don't like her?
Her: [I forget what she said]
Me: Have you watched Casino Royale? You look like one of the characters from there
Her: Nope, Is she bad?
Me: Well...not really...she's married to a villain though
Her: [she takes off her mask, so I can see her whole face, and smiles] (here would have been a good time to have her spin around)
Me: You almost look like her...There's a different vibe behind your eyes though. Maybe you're more open-minded than her. (I realize she has an rbf but she's actually quite sweet so I say:) Er...I feel like you have a tough exterior but when people get to know you well they realize that you're actually very friendly. Do you know what I mean?
Her: yes! What was that movie called again?
Me: Casino Royale

I think she said thanks and that was that. One thing I noticed was, I was a little nervous and speaking fast b/c as I mentioned...this girl was hot and had an rbf. Also I ran out of stuff to say. But yea this opener is potent. Girls, especially girls that really spend a lot of time taking care of their appearance, would find this interesting.

What I did well:​

  1. Tried the new opener. It was fun! The problem is, I don't know enough 'look-alikes'. Like not even close. I can think of about 3 good ones that a lot of girls look like, but that's it so far. I realize that it doesn't even need to be super accurate though.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I should actually write down my stacks. Based on Alek's articles on naturalized game and canned game, it seems like you can just use canned material to get to the hook point. Besides the mini-adventure rpo, my other openers dont have much development in terms of follow up.

Homework for next time:​

Write down all your stacks!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Had this instant-date on Sunday, but failed the pull due to logistics
Today I went to the downtown area and was easily able to knock out 6-7 approaches. The only downside is that they were low-quality and the girls had to turn to go somewhere. Some girls did stop but I wasn't as good about it as I could have been. I was mainly focusing on eye contact, though and I did a decent job of that.
My Outfit:
Blue racer with silver detailing, white v-neck, jeans, rings, bracelet, white sneakers,
Girl 1:
She was holding really good eye contact and had these amazing teal-colored eyes. She responded well to the rpo and I follow it up with something like 'it sounds like you've lived here for a while' We quickly reached where she had to work and I foolishly asked if she was in a hurry. And did a 'polite ejection'. This was incredibly dumb on my part, as she was receptive. Note to self, when a girl seems like she's getting fidgety and might bounce, try a rainbow ruse or something stronger to get her more hooked.
Girl 2:
Girl with a backpack. I did the mini-adventure rpo, and transitioned into talking about the art of different cities. Maybe this thread isn't soo great. She certainly didn't have much to say on that. She was born in kyoto and grew up in mexico. Problem is, I didn't try to number close and we ended up going in different directions. She wasn't really hooked yet, but I think I could've.
Girl 3:
She ended up being waaay older than I expected. NVM.
Girl 4: hbmba
Tanned Latina, big booty, blonde highlights.

Did the mini-adventure rpo, followed up with "it sounds like you've lived here for a while" and I drop some bait saying how I live close-by but that I haven't been here for a year. She mentions how she's moving to another part of downtown and I try to give an immersive description of how the lighting over there at night makes it feel almost magical. She turns to go into a mall.

I ran into her later and she was very talkative again, asking me about my vaccine and I went into more description about how it was nice to travel to east of my city and the vibe there. Now it was my 'stop' that came up and so she was about to walk off but I told her to hold up and said she had a very pleasant vibe and suggested coffee. She asked if I had insta first (not a great sign) but she was fine exchanging numbers too. Oh and she never even asked for my name. So I told her after she put down her contact info.

Girl 5:
Again....this interaction died because she had to turn to a mall. Basically, it was mini-adventure rpo—> asking her how she would describe the downtown area —> She just said "yea I like it..oh I have to go here"

Girl 6:
This one was a mess. She stops immediately when I open her (unfortunately, her back was to a wall) and I do the mini adventure rpo. (Honestly, it felt a little bit weird that she stopped just for that....maybe we were both thinking that) and she says she knows the area well. we continue walking and she immediately turns into a bar. Fuck....I wasn't sure how to salvage it. But also, she was a bit older than I was expecting. I notice that a lot with the girls I open downtown. At a distance you can't tell but when you open them you notice the wrinkles behind the make up.


Yea so going downtown really forces me to learn to hook girls better, because it's even more extreme than my district and girls have somewhere to be and the attention spans are short. Also it's just very chaotic environment.

What I did well:​

  1. Basically spamming the same mini-adventure rpo has its benefits in the sense that I can focus more on SECT. But eventually I will put a pause on it and restrict myself only to other openers once I think my other parts are good. (SECT and stopping girls)

What I could've done better:​

  1. Make it a point to ask every girl for her number
  2. Especially downtown, figure out how to get girls out of autopilot and get them to stop. That will probably be the next thing that I will practice because I think I've gotten eye contact mostly down now.

Homework for next time:​

Stop two girls downtown.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Going downtown might be even more time-efficient than approaching girls in my neighborhood, to be quite honest. Even though there's an extra 40 min 'wasted' taking a bus back and forth.

My Outfit:
Dark blue button-down, with polka-dots, blue floral facemask, gray jeans, white sneakers
Girl 1 hbturquoise: She was wearing a turquoise tank top that showed off her double D's. Long black silky hair that went down to her amazingly-shaped ass. And a nice tan to boot. She hooked hard...but unfortunately said she was seeing someone. I took down her number anyway using Gunwitch's tip "oh I just mean it as friends". So we'll see what comes out of this. At the very least it'll be a learning experience.
Me: [mini-adventure rpo]
Her; yea it's like a simulation
Me: I never thought about it as a simulation
Her: yea I feel like everyone you see...like we are a reflection of each other in ways we dont know...anyone that you can make a conversation with...anyone that you can lock eyes with...we're all connected in some ways so...that's how I feel with everything. Teehee
Me: I mean yea speaking of connection it's interesting how meeting new people can teach you something about yourself.
Her: yea
Me: like sometimes when you meet someone...you just know...you guys have that connection
Her: yea
Me: But on the other hand...sometimes you have to know them for a while...like siblings for example—
Her:—so you get closer to them in a sense like with siblings? Is that what you're saying?
Me: Because it's interesting how there's two completely different ways that people connect.
Her: yea you're right you're right!
Me: And I feel like with the instantaneous one... you first look at them and you're like.."oh I don't know if they're a friendly person—"
Her: Well you never know...and if you're judging downtown, I feel like first people have an attitude that comes off as rough so you never know and you never know what anyone else is going through.
Her: I have to go this way but what's your name? [we stop at the corner] Me: Yea you have a really pleasant energy about you
Her: Thankyou! I try. There's a lot of negativity in the world. I can be negative b/c I'm human but like as a whole we just try to be at a higher vibe. But then again we have our human side so we're just like our emotions take over sometimes
Me: Like I feel you're the type of person who even if something negative happens you're able to put a positive spin on it.
Her: always! Always there's always a positive spin in everything. Even in...like...lets say car accidents...I know it sounds bad but there's always a positive note in everything. And that's how I've gotten through life, to be honest...because if I just focus on the negative...I probably would've...already...like I was suicidal a few years ago...so I just turned my mindset total difference...because if I kept that negative mindset...I would've let the suicide win. So I just see everyday as wow I'm just so fucking grateful to be alive.
Me: Yea it feels much better to have that mindset. Even when shit hits the fan...you just get really fucking motivated instead...
Her: Honestly yea...because I don't see negative like bad things in my life as negative but as a learning process, how can I grow from this, and I always find something to learn from this....Wanna give me your instagram or something? because I have to get going
Me: yea how about we continue this conversation over a coffee Her: Umm I'm actually seeing someone right now...so I can't actually meet other people
Me: I just mean it as friends
Her: Ok just add me on instagram
Me: I actually try to stay off instagram
Her: Ok just take my number then and text me your name.[she touches my shoulder and we say bye]

I texted her and I've been trying out a new texting process with the numbers I get, loosely following what Gun suggests... What I do is I text them shortly after as if I just remembered a question related to our conversation

Me: Hey hbturquoise, it's Skippy! out of curiosity what made you decide to live downtown of all places
Her:[responds within seconds] I dj and produce music, so downtown is a good location for me
Me: ah makes sense, sounds like a good way to let out your creative side.

not sure what to do next here...maybe I'll ping her something and see if it sticks. Normally I will just talk up some cafe and say oh yea it's really great, we should try it sometime (soft closing) and then I will plan details.


I'm noticing a good bit of variance in the responses. Some girls will really hook on that rpo, and they'll continue the conversation automatically and I hardly need to try (I can just spit my pre-planned follow-up topics), while some girls will not relate to it so well, but they kind of come around to it, once I go in the description. It doesn't mean they necessarily hook though. And finally a small percentage still is not moved by it at all. Anyway, I still have a lot of things to implement when it comes to improving my hook rate.

Another idea I had is for certain venues, just keep approaching until you get a certain result that you want. EG keep approaching until you get an instant date, or keep approaching until you get two numbers. "you are not allowed to go home until you've finished that objective...or unless it's time to sleep"

What I did well:​

  1. I got to try out the SOT of connection. Not sure if my usage of it was effective, but this girl already was receptive when I opened my mouth and she gave me LOTs of good content to add to my stacks and rainbow ruses.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I could've done more approaching, I guess and I still need to practice stopping the girls. I will visualize myself doing this. I have some ideas on how I might accomplish it.

Homework for next time:​

Stop two girls when downtown. This is less of a problem at the tourist trap though, which is where I'll probably go tomorrow


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Friday 4/9 journal entry)​

On Thursday, I went to Tourist Trap, but there were not enough opportunities. I squandered some many ofc, and that's entirely my fault. But that's what happened. One was a blonde chick that was standing and waiting on her phone, one was this Asian girl that was walking a bit fast, and then a couple of girls at trader joes.

My main goal these next 3 months is to really improve my hook rate, so basically by end of June, get it up to 50%. One challenge of this is accurately measuring improvement in spite of all the wildcards, and also different venues have their own pros and cons. I may need to develop different strategies for them. I see this as two issues really, which work in conjunction with one another. Hooking and stopping.

Some girls will stop for a second and listen to my opener, but they'll be like "yea I know what you mean" and then keep going. Other times the girls might be still in motion with me but they'll continue the convo, ask me questions...except when their destination arrives or they have to turn, they won't always stop to keep talking. Does this mean these girls are not interested? NO! I've instant-dated one girl who almost walked off like this and actually pulled her to my apt on a later date. I've also number closed another girl like this who almost walked off, but she ghosted my soft close.

And sometimes, girls will keep walking, they're not super moved by the rpo but I can get them to talk a little. But yea those interactions will still quickly die if they have to turn somewhere. But I feel like most girls can spare an extra 5-10 minutes, even if they're super busy.
  • Bus stops: I don't really see too many stationery sets due to covid. But I will need to try bus stops eventually. Only certain bus stops are a good idea though, not all of them have much talent.
  • Grocery stores...do those count as stationery? I dunno, some girls are zipping around, and occasionally some girls will take their time. I'm also not yet experienced with those to be able to pass judgment. With the girls zipping around I find it difficult to do attention grabs or get them to notice me first, because they might just grab something on the shelf and then go somewhere else. Doesn't matter actually. I need to do more grocery store approaches. this is all just bullshit speculation.
  • Downtown, busy streets, I'm finding it hard to have a proper conversation. Some girls will stop to listen but then just walk off (means I did not get them to hook properly) meanwhile other girls will be walking with me and seem receptive and it will seem like I could've gotten them to hook if I had a couple more minutes...only they have to turn to go a different direction and the interaction dies.
  • Slower streets, in less hectic districts of the city, same issue with downtown, but a tiny bit more leeway.
  • Malls— I have not tested them out yet, but I plan to hit up one mall tomorrow.
There are a couple of other things at play here. I'm missing a lot of information because many times, I get surprised by the abruptness and don't bother to try number closing when the girl walks off. But on the other hand, just getting the number doesn't necessarily mean she was hooked. Defining the hook is a little vague as well. My rough rule of thumb is if she asks me at least one question, that counts as a soft hook. But in those super short interactions, I have a hard time justifying it.

Brainstorming stuff for Stopping (with help from @Devilicious )
  • walk with her a little ahead and then slow down
  • Stop after the attention grab
  • Slow down and stop as you're delivering the rainbow ruse.
  • try the two openers by gunwitch (ex gf and who you look almost exactly like)
Brainstorming stuff I need to do for hooks:
  • Listen to and digest Gun's audio on attention and immersion, take notes, make a list of stuff to field test.
  • Learn about curiosity gambits...are they the same as interest baits?
  • Setting up open loops
  • Figure out how to stop girls
  • Reread Teevster's series on hooks
  • Try out the time-distortion rpo
  • Get in the habit of asking every girl for her number.
  • Rainbow ruses
Girl 1: Pale brunette with a great ass, yoga pants
She was receptive to the mini-adventure rpo, immediately agreeing with it and asking me where I live. we stopped at a signal and I thought she was following me but she realized she had to go the other direction, and I didn't react fast enough :/

Girl 2: Older blonde chick
She was glancing at me repeatedly and blatantly, so I opened her. Again, she was receptive and talkative, but I wasn't too into her. I tried to stop her by slowing down a little but she wasn't really slowing down and instead, she just turned her body to face me while still walking forward. Eventually, we got to a mall where she was going to go, so we finally stopped there but she didn't stop to chat. This is an example where the problem was both stopping and hooking.


These interactions really forced me to realize that I need to work on stopping and hooking and it'll be a fun 3-month challenge to work on hooking more consistently. This should set me up to be able to use the more persuasive techniques later.

Homework for next time:​

I'll be going to a mall so I'll try the ex-girlfriend attention grab openers, and just focus on stopping the girls. (aiming for 2)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 14, 2020
Coffee shops are good too , but there no volume there , stationary set though


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I didn't sleep well at all last night and felt like shit. Must've been all the alcohol from last night. Basically dicked around the whole day and then around 4pm decided to get my shit togher. Anyway, around 5pm I went to the tourist trap.

Girl 1: Asian girl with a gorgeous tan. I forgot to pre-open, and just went in

Me: Hey![waved] I just realized you look almost exactly like my ex-girlfriend. except you have a different energy in your eyes
Me: like I want to say... that maybe you're more open-minded...like I get the impression that at first you're kinda shy,
Her: uh huh,
Me: but then when you really get to know someone, you're really friendly
Her: uh huh
Me: and then you become really good friends. Does that make sense?
Her: Yea, I guess so haha
Me: Yea she was the opposite actually, she was really friendly at first but very few people would get to know her well. Yea it's interesting how really connecting with people happens in completely different ways...like sometimes you might meet someone and you just like totally, instantly see each other and you're like...'oh we're going to be best buds' but sometimes it takes a while...like with siblings...you have siblings?
Her: Sorry what's that?
Me: Do you have siblings by any chance?
Her: err yes, I have a sister.
Me: So I have a sister, and when we were growing up we would never get along we're really close now. so do you notice that too? Some people you can connect with them but it takes a long time
Her: yeah
Me; and some people you just get to know them immediately and you're like you're going to be best buddies
Her: that's true, that's true
Me: yea what are you up to right now?
Her: Ah yea, I'm just waiting for my uber, it'll be here in a minute. But it was nice talking to you though.
Me: (I decide to persist a little) Yea...are you a tourist here?
Her: Kinda. This is like my 4th time here.
Me; Oh so you don't actually live in [city]
Her: no no
Me: you're traveling?
Her: yea just bouncing around haha
Me: Oh I miss traveling...or actually to be fair I have done a little bit lately but what I really like is how you can be free and especially if you're traveling on your own you can just explore. because you know how when you live in a certain place, people sort of expect you to be a certain way...they kinda know who you are?
Her: yea
Me: but when you're traveling, you can just be whoever you want to be
Her: yea...well it was nice to meet you I have to go

And periodically she was distracted with checking her phone, presumably for the uber. I don't think she hooked, b/c she never really elaborated and just gave short answers, but I was missing two things that could've helped. One is asking her imaginative questions to get her to open up more, and the other is dropping intrigue baits. And also, I didn't ask for her number, which I should've done regardless.

And finally, I should point out that she was already stationary because she was waiting for the uber, but otherwise, she probably would've likely walked off sooner.

Also I just realized from the SOT of connection, you can transition to a 'my friend' gambit. Also my rainbow ruse wasn't great.


I think it might be nice to make a hooking checklist and include things like imaginative questions and intrigue baits

What I did well:​

  1. Went out despite feeling like shit
  2. Didn't chicken out of this approach.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Gone for the number even if I thought it wouldn't have worked

Homework for next time:​

Do 2 approaches downtown and focus on getting the girl to stop, that's IT. You don't need to worry about hooking her just yet.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Outing 4/13)​

I didn't go out on Monday because I was preparing for an interview. In hindsight, there was no reason to avoid going out. Because I ended up being unproductive anyway and definitely wasted 3-4 hours on stupid shit. So the lesson here is, there's really no good reason to not go out and do some approaches for 1-2 hours. If I'm really strapped for time, then I'll avoid writing the field report, or just write something really barebones, like tracking stats.

Yesterday was alright, I passed up on approaching this gorgeous girl at the bus stop because of AA (bus stops are new for me) and missed out on another approach by timing it badly, also I instant-dated this cute 21-yo latina.

This week, I'm trying out adding more intrigue on my openers and really getting girls to stop. Thanks to @Devilicious 's suggestion I'm opening with the attention grab of something like "Hey, I have a VERY important question to ask you"

My Outfit:
Black textured top coat, purple crew neck, black jeans, white sneakers.

Girl 1: hbJewel

Me: Hey :) ...super important question...
Her: [looks at me]
Me: I dunno...it's a little meta for this hour...are you ready for it?
Her: What...haha
This is where I stop by the wall and she naturally stops too

I go into my mini-adventure rpo (this time I focus on the feeling, "do you get the feeling that..."), Then I follow up with a rainbow ruse on "I get the sense that you like to do your thing and you're very disciplined about it, but every now and then, something catches your interest and then you like to explore that rabit hole..is that right?" She says yea yea, so I ask her when that happened to her and reframe it to asking her what puts her in a state of flow.

Her: I'm not sure if I have something like that, I just do my own thing
Me: Do your own thing...Well suppose I were to ask you...[goes into golden question]

She says it's making jewelry and I do some contrasting to elicit what she likes about it and relate to how I liked gemstones in high school.

Somehow the conversation moves to travel and I set the usual frames around travel and being able to be whoever you want to be and the subtle sexual frames of meeting someone exciting and going back home as if nothing happened.

I move her a little bit so that she's standing closer to the wall so that we're not so much in the way and around 10 min I tell her that I'm going to get a coffee and suggest she joins me.

She's down, because she was just about to go shopping anyway. She finally starts asking me questions, like what I major in, how old I am etc...

Topic transitions into asking her what's something that she really misses because of the pandemic and the topic goes to concerts and music and how the energy is different, in person, actually being there to listen to the music and have it fill you up.

I ask her what she's shopping for and she's shopping for her pet cat, and I relate to her a bit about that, and she asks me if I have pets so I say no, but mention how an ex had a cat so I kind of got to experience what that was like.

I'm having to run the conversation mostly. She mostly just says yes and agrees to whatever I say and asks me simple questions like whether I live in the dorms or what. She does ask me about zodiac signs and we relate on having the same one and it's probably why we're both adventurous and like independence, she says. after I finish my coffee I suggest we go back up and she can get on with her shopping. But I tell her we should hangout sometime and she's down for that. I take her number and we find out there a spot that we both really like in my district so I suggest to her we can go there sometime and she seems keen. I sent her an ice breaker around 2 hours later asking her about her meyers briggs because she had mentioned the zodiac.


Seemed compliance was high with this girl because she was following me around but she wouldn't contribute much to the convo. Seems like she's the shy type. Also I didn't introduce sex anywhere into it so the sexual arousal key might've been weak. I don't really have a good excuse for why I didn't push the interaction further. My eye contact was decent, at least. but I wasn't necessarily trying to project a sexual state and I could've been better about that, I suppose.

What I did well:​

  1. Tried out this new intrigue bait to stop girls.
  2. Actually attempted to stop the girl
  3. Kept the conversation going smoothly despite the fact that she was quiet.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Need to do more approaches
  2. I should've been more deliberate about getting to the topic of sex

Homework for next time:​

Stop two more girls like this.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Hey skippy.

You got an important clue by finding out she has a cat and is independent. You can use those facts to game her more effectively.


When you find out the animal a girl likes and its qualities, it gives you insight into her sexual narrative. You can slot her into OCP/PPP/SUB and you can tailor your gambits to her fantasy.

Heres how i do it:

Fog: whats your favorite animal?
Girl: definitely a cat
Fog: how do you describe the personality of a cat?
Girl: independent
Fog: you are independent!
Girl: yes i am

Now i know she is independent, meaning shes more of a pretty princess (PPP) than anything, which gives me a lot of insight into who she is and how she likes to be gamed. For me, i start playing around with ideas of transformation with her, contrast independence to dependence and talk about society and social acceptance - which i know she will respond to
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Hey @fog I'd been meaning to learn more about the 3 archetypes so this helps a lot, thanks!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Entry from 4/15/2021)​

2 Approaches, 1 phone number
I went downtown in the evening and got back home in two hours. My focus has been just on stopping these girls, which has been working decently so far. Another thing I'm doing is forcing myself to close in some fashion. every. single. time. even if I don't think they'll say yes, because I need that valuable data. And by the way, hbJewel from last time never replied to my icebreaker.

My Outfit:
Blue Racer, white v-neck, gray jeans.

Girl 1: Busty latina wearing heels with a low cut orange top and black trousers.
Me: Hey, super important question...
Me: But it might be a little meta for this hour, are you sure you're ready for it?
Her: yea
Me: [mini-adventure rpo]
Her: I haven't really felt that. I don't really walk downtown actually.
Me: oh you don't live downtown? I don't either actually.
Her: yea I was just getting dinner with a friend.
Me: oh because I get the sense that...you're the type of person who's like...mostly very disciplined, but then every now and then, you find that really piques your interest and then you follow that rabbit hole and really dive deep into it.
Her: yea haha
Me: I think it's interesting how the people of different cities...
Her: mhm?
Me: they have their own way of expressing that open-minded creative side
Me: like you know in [city] right? It's known for it's murals.
Her: yea
Me: but where I used to live, it was really cold and snowy there and people would use lighting and tulips and it would make the city really nice.
Me: Have you always lived in [city]?
Her: yea...but not downtown
Me: [Her body is still not fully turned towards me] So I ask her if she's in a rush
Turns out her car is right nearby so she goes. I suggest getting a coffee sometime but she says she has a boyfriend.

Girl 2: Filipino Chick
Me:[stops her with the intrigue combo and asks her if downtown makes her feel adventurous]
Her: Really? haha I just want to go home
Me: Sounds like you're pretty jaded then, maybe you've been living downtown for a while
Her: I live close by, not actually downtown though.
Me: [I dive into the description of downtown]
Her: I mean...yes when I walk downtown it always makes me feel like I have to be creative.
Me: [goes into the artwork of different cities routine] this was a mistake, she brought up the topic of creativity, and so I should've gone with that since it's a good SOT.
Her: ...yea I've never lived in a snowy city but what I like about here is that it's chilly but never really snowy. Here I missed an opportunity to run some descriptive verbals about snowy cities and their charms while also dropping intrigue baits about where I used to live and contrasting it with warm sunny cities.
Her: I just like spring or fall, thats it, but I don't like extreme hot or extreme cold.
Me: So that's why you chose to live in [city]
Her: [says some stuff]
Then I transition to asking her where she would go if she could travel anywhere, but again, her body was still not fully turned to me, so I suggest we keep walking. She would go to spain or japan, and I continue with describing her settling in and ask what she would do next in japan.

Me: For me, I would go to Brazil, because it's a very sensual atmosphere, the people are very liberated, they're very open. You could just go meet some exciting people and then have an adventure and then quietly go back home as if nothing happened. Your little secret
Her: Your secret, haha, what happens away from home.

A little while later, I ask her the golden question, but she still says travel. Means I could've stayed on that thread longer and asked her where she's traveled. Instead I tried a rainbow ruse
Me: I get a sense about you that you usually follow a schedule and all that but you're not afraid to try new things, or go on an adventure, or just...do something new.
Her: yeaa. I'm waiting for my ride here.
Me: Okay I'm going to go to that Starbucks over there, but you seem pleasant, how about we continue this conversation another time over a coffee.
Her: um...it's weird...you just started talking to me randomly
Her: I'm not really a good person, I'm telling you haha
Me: You're not a good person...
Her: haha
Me: I'm a pretty terrible person myself so...that works out
Her: right...if we see each other again.
Me: How about we exchange numbers and I'll send you a text and if you happen to...
Her: You come to the area often? where do you live?
Me: take a guess. It's the second most diverse area.
Her: idk I hate guessing... [district]?
Me: That's right
Her: That's where I live too
Anyway, we exchange numbers, she commented that she didn't even know my name so I tell her and I send her an ice breaker shortly after asking her why she chose to live in that district. No reply. I think this interaction was probably missing social frame, since she said she felt I just approached her out of the blue. Maybe I'll delay stopping the girls by first doing the rpo and saying [stops] "oh and I just realized something about you..." and also trying to get them to notice me first.


I looked over my last 25 approaches and found that I got 6 phone numbers, so let's say that's around 6 hooks. My goal by the end of June is to bring that up to around 12-13 out of 25. I've made a big checklist for these 3 months on stuff I need to work on, that I'll be tackling in bits and pieces. I'll likely modify this checklist as time goes on and as I learn more about what I need to target. Any suggestions from you guys are welcome too!
  • [ ] Take notes on gun's attention module, and make a list of stuff to field test.
  • [ ] Take notes on gun's immersion module, and make a list of stuff to field test.
  • [ ] Read and take notes from teevster's hooking series, and make a list of stuff to field test.
  • [ ] Read and take notes from Bacchus's Intro to daygame nextasf post
  • [ ] Have developed stacks for all environments (streets, bus stops, grocery stores)[This is currently a work in progress]
  • [ ] Practice micro escalations 60yoc
  • [ ] Determine archetypes and figure out how to use each of them

What I did well:​

  1. Stopped both of these girls
  2. Went for the number close in both instances. This is easier to do when you've sufficiently stopped them

What I could've done better:​

  1. Don't ask girls if they need to be somewhere. This just reminds them that they have to go somewhere and they will keep going. This is a bad habit that I need to cut.
  2. Figure out a way to deal with the noncommittal body language when you stop girls. The girls today looked like they were about to walk off any moment, even though they were stopping and talking. One option is to really get out in front of them and another option is to maneuver so they have to turn completely around to face you, where they cant just talk by turning their head.
  3. Follow up with imaginative questions, especially for girl 1.

Homework for next time:​

Stop two girls downtown and work on the body-language aspect, try either of the two strategies. and for each of your stacks, add an imaginative question.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


2 approaches, 1 phone number (but she had a live-in boyfriend)
My Outfit:
White racer
Girl 1:
I messed up the street stop here, by opening her at the intersection which meant we had to continue walking anyway. As soon as I asked her whether walking downtown feels like a mini-adventure she goes into a rant about the crazy homeless people lol...and then I thought I'd stop her with a rainbow ruse, but once we're walking it's kind of hard to stop her. The walkway ahead was demolished due to construction, so she says "anyways, I have to go this way" and wades through the construction zone and onto another concrete pathway. It took me a second to realize that I would have to be going the same way too, as it's the same direction. Whatever...

Girl 2: Vietnamese fitness chick, great ass.
She initially blew out some poor kid who was trying to sell candy bars! That's why I noticed her actually...So I thought she'd be guarded. Ironically she was super sweet. I walked a little ahead of her and slowly turned around and her eyes met mine

Me: Hey :)
Her: wait a second—[she turns off her music on the phone]
Her: yes?
Me: I have a super important question
Her: yes
Me: It might be a little deep for this hour...are you sure you're ready for it?
Her: muahahah what?
Me: Have you ever noticed how whenever you walk downtown—
Her: Me??
Me: No in general. It feels like time is speeding up
Her: yea?
Me: because you see all these people walking around, and the crowd, and there's a lot of things going on, it puts you in the mood like everything is going fast.
Her: yea
Me: But when something interesting happens, you suddenly slow down, and you feel like living in the moment.
Her: ahhh okay
Me: You ever get that feeling?
Her; I don't really walk actually. I only walk to the gym and I always...hahah
Me: because you seem to me like the kind of person who's really...um...like you do your own thing according to your normal schedule, but then whenever something interesting happens, you really enjoy that and be spontaneous and adventurous
Her: oh okay[giggles]
Me: Are you like that ?
Her: yes hahaha sometimes
Me: I get the feeling that you've lived here for a while though
Her: I recently moved here. I lived in [city] and [city].
Me: so did you notice this...when I first moved here what I felt was really interesting was how the artwork from different cities is different
Me: [goes into the cities artwork routine]
Her: yea. I think I have to go haha
Me: are you in a rush?
Her: yea
Me: oh okay, I'll walk with you then, because I'm going in that direction too
Me: So when you have to let out your creative side and do something artistic, what do you like to do?
Her: sometimes, I like to draw

She describes how she used to draw but now all she does is go to the gym, then I ask her the golden question and she still says exercise, so I go into a description about how the gym is such a relaxing hobby and it makes you forget the rest of the day as you just focus on the exercises at hand and seeing the progress is nice. I ask her if she knows about the concept of flow and explain that to her. I also ask her a little bit about what movies-tv shows she likes and try to find some common ground. Eventually she has to turn so I tell her she has a very pleasant vibe and suggest grabbing a coffee sometime. She giggles and says she lives with her boyfriend.

Me: Ah so that might be a little bit hard then ;) (should've tried gunwitch's line with the he can make us breakfast in bed)
Her: yes haha
Me: Are you happy? do you like that or is it like ehh
Her: ehh so so
Me: Ok so how about we exchange numbers and keep in touch. We can be friends

I have her put down her full name, and she 'kinos' my shoulder and we part ways.

No idea how I'll follow up with her though. I just sent her an icebreaker saying it was nice meeting her and that I hope she gets enough protein at dinner.


Most of these numbers lately have been duds...it means I still have to work on immersion and add in a little more sexual arousal in there, probably. And yea probably better management of convos. So the first thing on the list I'll tackle is taking notes on gun's attention module. I mean I've already listened to it 3-4 times by now but it's time to finally cover it thoroughly. Another thing I need to do is review my stacks before going out and just sit and think critically about them.

What I did well:​

  1. Tested out the Time distortion rpo, but I didn't do it properly. I'll flesh it out better next time. Basically it uses listing to say why she's in autopilot when downtown and then uses listing to make her slow down and be more engaged with her surroundings(me). I got the idea from a post of bacchus where he combined listing, contrasting and pacing+leading. And I thought time distortion would be a good topic to apply it to, to get her out of autopilot.
  2. Already noticing an improvement compared to a year ago when I did 5-6 approaches downtown and got mostly blowouts or polite thank-yous. Still have a lot more progress to make before I'm where I want to be.

What I could've done better:​

  1. The girl today still had that uncommitted body language. I tried turning behind her so that she would have to fully face me but I did it too late. Maybe I should've positioned myself properly sooner into the interaction before she was fixed into a position.
  2. And maybe I need better hooking material. I think having two imaginative questions and enough bait to get them to ask me questions will help.

Homework for next time:​

  • Make an RPO + Stack for the mall. and approach two girls there. Or instead of making a new rpo, just use Gun's attention grabs
  • Take notes on gun's attention module
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Earlier this week, I rediscovered a computer game I used to play in high school. Basically, you operate a tank and try to destroy other tanks while moving around a maze. I was damn good at it in high school, and it was fun to play it again, but this time looking at it from a skill-building perspective. You see some rounds, I'll fuck up with the maneuvering and accidentally get blown up. And my maneuvering and shooting won't be completely fluid the first few times I play. Each match barely lasts a minute. So you can play many many rounds in an hour. And your cumulative score can still get pretty high. The lessons from this actually remind me of pickup. You have many different components to work on and if one of the components is weak, the entire pickup can falter. Then you might have times where everything is going fluidly and you're just "in the zone", blowing up tanks like nobody's business, similarly in pickup, you have times when your momentum is high. Unlike pickup, though, the tanks game only has micro momentum, unless you stop playing for a while. Anyway I've blocked that game for good. but it was a fun distraction

And making rapid improvements in the tanks game involves isolating different components and drilling them, like practicing maneuvering, avoiding bullets, and practicing shooting technique. Pickup has many many many more components to drill, which is why improvements might be slower. But I now understand why isolating components and removing wildcards as much as possible is so important. This means I need to give stationary girls more love.

First I went to [mall] and it was filled with beautiful couples, or at least the girls were beautiful. I was not expecting such a crowd, honestly. Maybe people are excited to get out and finally enjoy their freedom. But they also removed the seating, so I couldn't take breaks from walking around. It was annoying on my feet. I was way too in my head and so I decided to leave and check out [another mall] instead. Again, I was sort of feeling in my head, but I came up with a nice RPO, basically how walking around this shopping district was like a mini-vacation because the toy buildings, make you suspend reality, and it feels like you're at Disney or something.

My Outfit
Floral bomber

Girl 1: She was sitting and eating at one of the benches. I tested out the rpo on her. I wasn't too attracted to her, but I had spent 2 hours walking around and talking to no one, that I needed to get started. She flat out said no, lol. Because she works there, so she's probably fed up with it. I get that. But she said she knew what I meant because of the Disney vibe. Anyways I was not in a mood to continue the convo with her so a little while later, I got up and wished her a nice evening.

Girl 2: This girl was pretty hot. Brunette with a nice tan, and her nails were painted white, which I liked. She was standing by the light and hooked pretty much instantly, asking me where I'm from when I asked her about the mini-vacation. But I was not expecting to get derailed and I completely fucked up the convo. I can barely stand to review this interaction because of how awkward it was. So my plan was to transition to asking her where she'd go on vacation and delve into the topic of that a little bit. But I was uncalibrated in how I introduced the question and she was confused why I asked her that. At one point she even asked me if I was taking a survey or something. Man, I really fucked this one up. She was still really friendly though, just confused. She was waiting for a friend (a date?)

I also forgot to pre-open and instead just opted to open her over my shoulder. Should've done the fake text attention grab instead.

Girl 3: I was determined to redeem myself so I opened some girl that sat next to me by the bus stop and she responded well to the rpo. I was smoother about transitioning to the travel question this time. We actually talked for about 30 min because we were taking the same bus, and it actually felt we were in our own liminal bubble when we took our seats because she was talking loudly. I wasn't too attracted to her so I didn't bother to number close at the end.


I will need to spot more stationary sets, since according to Bacchus's post that Lofty linked in his journal, this is the best way to build your baseline, and I think that makes sense. I've been more focused on getting girls to hook and with moving sets that means getting them to stop first. But being able to practice that skill purely is important too. So maybe I'll just ditch downtown area and focus on going to the malls more often. And at the very least, the girls that are walking around there are just shopping anyway so they're not in a hurry. Maybe one week, I can focus solely on grocery stores and one week I can focus solely on "hey you look like my ex" openers (since I love the flexibility they provide)

Homework for next time:​

Tomorrow I will be going to the tourist trap. Work on the notes for real this time, and spend 25 min working on the stacks.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
What post of Bacchus’ are you referring to? The nextasf daygame one, would you be able to link it?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Thank you!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I went to the tourist trap. There were lots of beautiful girls around..again...but they were in groups or with a friend. I did spot one lone wolf, but she walked into a clothing store, and I wasn't sure how to approach her there. But it seems this should be doable, from what I've read. Another was this short blonde who was video-chatting on her phone the whole time. I ended up doing 3 approaches, but they were more just for practice, and not necessarily girls I was into.

My Outfit:
navy blue v-neck, rings, bracelets, gray jeans, gray sneakers, aviators(which I removed while approaching)

Girl 1: I thought I'd warm up with opening her because she was the only lone wolf I saw at the time, but she essentially waved me off.

Girl 2: I made up an RPO about how this area really engages all of your senses and she hooked pretty strongly, social frame was good, she was asking me questions, asking my name etc...I wasn't into her, but she had a nice energy and was very talkative so it was fun. Oh and she was also stoned.

Girl 3: I went to a trader joes and opened a girl with the "do you know that feeling of planning to buy only 1 thing..." rpo. She was receptive. I mainly wanted to practice getting out of my head and getting more comfortable opening in grocery stores. I ejected because I wasn't sure how to continue the convo. I asked her if it happens to her a lot and shes like "oh yea, I have to be careful or I'll end up spending too much money" she said some other stuff but I was just like "yea totally" and dipped out.

It was fairly easy to open her because we had made eye contact earlier and when she was looking at the groceries next to me, she was standing really close to me and hovering for a while. I almost hesitated for too long. I really need a good follow-up and some more baits for this stack and then I think I should be in good shape.

Also regarding grocery stores, this past weekend, two women actually 'opened' me by just commenting on the product that was holding and looking at. So I realize that's a really simple way to open and then transition into something juicier. And in their case, I heard their voice first before noticing their presence.


Sounds like this coming week would be a good time to focus on grocery stores and stores in general. And trader joes is a friendlier grocery store to approach in because people are more 'passionate' about it than their local supermarket. Costco is probably similar.

What I did well:​

  1. Pushed myself to do at least two approaches (that's my target every day)

What I could've done better:​

  1. I mainly faltered because I didn't have a proper follow up to the grocery store rpo

Homework for next time:​

Make a developed stack on grocery stores and one for shopping in general. I have an rpo but now I want to think about how to follow up with that.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Quick update: So I haven't been approaching too seriously these past couple of days because I'm focused on preparing for a final round interview. I've been going to grocery stores but at bad times. And I'm definitely not writing field reports because that takes me a long time.

But I wanted to share an uncooked idea for a gambit, similar to Bacchus's Tourist Frame Gambit, But now instead of talking about travel, you talk about holidays so maybe ask her "if you could fast forward in time to your favorite holiday, what would you pick" maybe immerse her for a bit and then you could talk about Halloween and insinuate that it is a time for people to let out their wild and sexual side. Hopefully this can set a similar sexual frame.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


It's been a busy week, catching up with lots of old friends. So far I have only done 3 approaches, and only one of which was in a grocery store. one approach is promising, the girl was asking me lots of questions and basically saying she's free whenever. I tried to schedule a coffee for Saturday but she gave me the "I'll let you know" text. My gut was telling me that going for a Saturday was a little bold but I didn't listen to it.

I'm posting the texting here because I think I fucked something up

Me: Hey [girl], it's Skippy :) out of curiosity, since you mentioned ambivert...you ever try to figure out your meyers briggs personality?
Her: Yes, it's actually INTP but last i took it was back ini college so I don't know if that's still accurate lol. whats yours?
Me: I usually get intj lol
Her: oo pretty close. Do you think it changes though?
Me: apparently my friend said we took it in middle school but I don't remember what I got.
Me: also I hear personality changes a lot over 7 years so psychologists say that if you've been friends with someone for that long you'll likely be friends for life
Her; That makes sense! it's cause you guys kind of grew up together and witnessed each other's different phases I guess haha
Me: yes I could totally see that being the case! so what days/times are good for coffee/boba. You mentioned most days work? (Ooops I forgot to soft close instead here)
Her: yea I mean my schedule is the usual 8-5 but other than that I'm mostly free lol
Me: cool how about saturday at 5?
Her: Sure, I'll let you know
Her: what were you doing walking along [street where we met] earlier btw haha
Me: lol I was heading to cvs
Me: and it's okay if saturday is too busy. let's just pick another day. I'm good for after 5 any other day except monday.

I'm not sure if this was the right way to handle her "Sure, I'll let you know" text. Thoughts?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019

Some text advice based on what you just posted

1. Emotions.

When she texted back, "what's yours?" Instead of just answering her question (logical). Make her guess. And to her question, "what were u doing walking along x earlier btw?", spike her emotions with something silly. I know u said "cvs" to not appear like a total wacko for being out cold approaching but you know what I mean?

2. Get rid of the slash (/) mark. Too formal. Formal/business talk is anti seductive. Spoke about it towards the end of this report.

"Sure I'll let you know" = I'm gonna pass on this one.

So dont, "hey r we still on for today?" Lol. Dont respond at all until next week with something unrelated to the meet.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Thanks for the advice @Velasco this helps a lot! Especially this:
When she texted back, "what's yours?" Instead of just answering her question (logical). Make her guess.
yea really wish I had done this instead! would've been a great way to get her curious and invested