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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Today was an uneventful outing. I'm working on getting girls to stop if I approach them on the street, and also working on my follow-up to the opener, especially with grocery store approaches. Theres a bunch of articles by Bacchus that I need to reread but I'll work on it in bits and pieces. The first article I'll work through is the one on following up your openers.

My Outfit:
Textured top coat and stuff.

Only did one approach today. When I went out, it was raining and I thought I was insane for doing this. It was quite a long walk to the grocery store for today and then I started getting sleepy. So I said okay I'll just head back and check out the cvs next to my apt. By the time I got to the cvs, I noticed a cute girl at the frozen food section, but she was on the phone. She eventually paid for her stuff and stood outside for a bit, talking on the phone and then stood by the curb, waiting for an uber. She wasn't there for very long, but I was kicking myself for not approaching her. She had a nice a$$ and I'm more attuned to that in my current state. Pretty eyes too. I should have just walked past her while she was standing and delivered my mini-adventure rpo over my shoulder. Fuck...it sounds soo easy now that I'm thinking about it.

I also passed up on approaching another girl while I was walking to the grocery store, and I forget what my excuse was. I think it's b/c I wasn't sure how to deal with the rain and umbrella.

I walked back and there were about 3 other girls who I didn't end up approaching. One got in line to go to mail something at ups. This makes me think....maybe I should have also gotten in line and talked to her, by starting off with something casual. like something simple "hey is this the line for..." and then just work on baiting. Then figure out what to do when it's actually my turn in line...Something to consider.

The second girl went to go xerox something, and the third girl wasn't that attractive, I just lost track of her because I went to try and approach the xerox girl. And then I was walking behind an older woman walking her dog but the sun was in my eyes the whole path so I bailed on that. Finally, I saw a fast-walking older Korean woman with a nice figure.

Girl 1: Older Korean woman
I tried to do the turn and look behind to make eye contact but she had already caught up to me so I just continued with my "hey excuse me...I just realized" So note I did the pause after excuse me, which I was trying to iron out, oops. She doesn't say anything, and pretty much keeps walking so I just continue with the opener, asking her if it feels like a mini-adventure. She says hmm. So I launch into the description and you can see the gears turning in her head.

Her: oh haha
Me: you sound like you're new to [district] though
Her: no actually haha
Me: Oh you've been living here for a while
Her: yea haha
Me: So suppose I were to ask you this...What was your first impression when you came here
Her: hmm...cuz I came from the Seoul..[launches into a description of how seoul is much better lol]

And then her apartment arrived :sigh:

So yea because she was walking so fast I was just struggling to keep pace with her and didn't really test out slowing down and stopping. Looks like I need to break out of a couple of habits there. A great idea would've been to slow down to a stop while she was going into her description.

Now how would I continue this conversation? Well I could say "oh while I've never been to Seoul, the most similar city that reminds me of it is Shanghai" and then say... isn't it interesting how the people of these different cities have completely different ways of expressing their artistic sides? For example..."

At some point I will reread how Lofty reframes the girl's answer when he asks her "how is your night going on a scale of 1-10". There are some similarities because with the mini-adventure RPO you can follow up by figuring out how she feels about this district and try to reframe it from there to put her in a more positive headspace.

What I did well:​

  1. I still got in an approach despite it being rainy(the rain stopped eventually) and drowsy(I ended up doing 10k steps)

What I could've done better:​

  1. Lets chalk up the drowsiness to daylight savings. I could've been better about getting enough sleep, but I'm not going to be too harsh on myself there because I did go to bed at a good hour, I just woke up at 7am and couldn't sleep.
  2. I made all the mistakes that I was going to try and avoid. No worries, I only did one approach anyway. I will need more to drill in the proper mechanics. I will say though, before I was heading home, I decided to practice the slow and deliberate turn-to-look-behind-you and it was very powerful. Some random dude smoking on the bench suddenly started staring at me and scanned me from head to toe.
  3. I didn't go to a proper supermarket and as a result didn't do a proper supermarket approach.
  4. Even on days when it's rainy and you feel like shit, you can still get in 2-3 approaches. That is remarkable to know

Homework for next time:​

1-2 approaches tomorrow, with the proper mechanics(don't pause after the hey, slow and deliberate turn for street approaches and stop her, transition into baits or getting to know the girl depending on her interest level)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I realize if I'm not bantering with her, my conversations risk getting very boring. So learning this new immersive indirect style is nice because it's forcing me to grow in a completely new dimension.

My Outfit:
Blue racer, white v-neck, gray jeans.

Girl 1: Tall brunette with a big ass. I walk a couple steps ahead of her and gradually turn but she's on her phone and we don't make eye contact, at first. One idea is to start talking as I turn my head.

So I turn and stop but she asks if we can keep walking. I do the mini-adventure rpo and add some baits like mentioning where I used to live and she bites and asks me a couple questions about whether I've lived here for a long time and stuff. She was heading to the train station. I also try to contrast the art in this city with where I used to live. It seemed to take on well, but she was getting ready to tap her card. I just told her she had a chill vibe but didn't bother to number close. I should've tried a little sooner before we reached the entrance. I was also thrown off by her not wanting to stop.

Then I went home for some zoom meetings, ate dinner and went out again at 6:30 to do some grocery shopping (I legitimately had to)

Girl 2: She was wearing sweats but she had a nice figure and she bent down to get some groceries and stuck her ass out. I came up next to her and pretended to examine the shelves. I notice a bottle of pickled ginger. Still holding the bottle in my hand I said

Me: Hey I just realized something...
Her: [steps back and looks at me, smiling but kind of surprised]
Me: Do you ever just go grocery shopping with a fixed list in mind, but then you see all these options(looks at the options and gestures) and you feel like... 'I kinda want to explore now and try something new.' Do you know what I mean?
Her: Yea sorta...hahahah
Me: sort of...(Should've said yea...that's kind of what I'm feeling right now)
Me: Yea, are you making anything serious this week?
Her: well um...I'm making hotpot
Me: Oh you have one of those electric hotpots!
Her: yea
Me: cool...yea I'm just looking for some interesting food (I should've gone into a spiel about how hotpot is great on during cold nights...The city that I lived in before moving to [here] was really cold so my friends and I liked to go to one of those all you can eat hotpot places and then go for karaoke afterwards)

Okay...I think she was just feeling shy and also, I think I was speaking quietly and kind of fast. And I forgot to check my eye contact, which was one of the assignments for this week. I definitely ejected early, but for now just doing the opener+a follow-up is alright.

What I did well:​

  1. Did the grocery store approach, and tried to continue the convo by following up with a question.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I should've number closed Girl 1 a little sooner before we reached the station entrance
  2. Should've paid attention more to holding eye contact with Girl 2.

Homework for next time:​

Focus on good strong eye contact(if you must gesture to a shelf, do that but don't break eye contact by looking at the shelf) and for street opens, try stopping her.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Today I was kicking myself. I approached a really attractive girl and she hooked immediately, but the conversation died b/c I didn't know how to continue and we both just resumed our shopping.

I've been just swamped with work so I'm trying to restructure my schedule to make time for everything. It's quite a challenge. But basically, I'm thinking I'll go out at 6 after dinner and do as much approaching as I can in the daylight and then head into a grocery store at sunset. Come back around 8. It's been frustrating b/c I've only been doing 1-2 approaches a day when I know it needs to be more in the 3-5 range to see good momentum. Maybe I should force that somehow as well.

My Outfit:
White racer, purple 'noise' shirt, gray jeans, gray sneakers, gray facemask.

I walked around the grocery store and hesitated too much and missed at least one solid approach opportunity with this blonde chick wearing yoga pants. I didn't approach because even though she was standing near me, she was looking at the left side of the aisle while I was looking at the right. A simple solution would've been to stand back, away from my side of the aisle so that I'm next to her (but looking at the other direction). Then I can just open over my shoulder like normal. Finally after much walking around and nearly giving up, I spot a girl in the wine section.

Girl 1: Gorgeous dyed blonde hair, I think she was Filipino, nice tush.
When I opened her, she didn't hear me at first and so she didn't respond. But then she realizes I was talking to her. I was feeling a rush of anxiety for some reason. I start with the wine nostaliga rpo and it goes down well. I follow up by asking her if she had to pick a drink that brings back the happiest memories, what would she pick? She answers Cab b/c she has a lot of good memories drinking it with her family and she turns the question back to me. I say Rio and tell her about how it reminds me of traveling. I'm not sure how to continue so the convo is about to die, but she picks it up again asking me what it tastes like. Afterwards, I didn't know what to say so we both go back to checking out the wine. She wishes me a good rest of the night.

Aww c'mon Skippy. You can do better than that.

I could've transitioned into saying how I missed traveling b/c of how the drinking culture is different at other places and talk about that, probably even use some of Bacchus's material about earlier drinking age and maturity. Then I could've shifted the conversation to asking her where she would travel if she had the chance.

So what I'm realizing about grocery stores:
  • You have to have much less hesitation
  • You need to be much quicker on your feet conversationally because if there is a lull in the conversation, there's no walking to save you, the conversation will fizzle out.
So I'm glad I'm hitting up grocery stores because it's forcing me to sharpen these aspects about my game that street approaches wouldn't have pushed me as much on.

What I did well:​

  1. Stuck around and made the grocery store approach, and had a good follow-up.
  2. Sort of focused on eye-contact, but it could've been better.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Followed up more
  2. Less hesitation on grocery store approaches...super important!!

Homework for next time:​

Same as usual. eye contact, and follow up to your approaches, and if it's a street approach, get her to actually stop.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(3/18/2021 Entry)​

My main mistake today is that I left the house w/o eating dinner. Not much to report on the approaching side of things today. Today would be day 11 of nofap and I can say that all this extra sexual energy has really motivated me to be more productive. I did an audit of my time and realized how much all the minutes add up. For example say in a month I spend 40 hours on Reddit...which is not completely inaccurate in spirit. Well...That's at least 40 approaches I could've done instead.

So I looked at all the meetings and other obligations I have in a day, calculated how many focused hours I can spend in a day and set a daily target of pomodoros. I'm still roughly following the 9-6 schedule and after 6ish, I can go out to daygame. So far, I want to say it's been effective. I was feeling pretty good about myself heading out. I finished a project that I've spent 2.5 months working on, and the results actually are meaningful. I accomplished a ton of other stuff too.

Another thing I implemented which has made a big difference is really focusing on that one most important task each day. An 'okay' day is one where I do my most important task. A 'good' day is where I do my 3 most important tasks and a 'very good' day is where I do all the daily tasks on my todo list. Then I have a way of converting these into scores and scoring my weeks.
My Outfit:
Floral Bomber
Girl 1:
I approached one Korean girl wearing bright pink yoga pants. She stopped at the stoplight and I waited for her to glance at me first, before going in to my opener. She just giggled nervously and said "sorry! I'm not...english haha". I should've just looked at her and said 'Korean?' and then whipped out the google translate.

Then I tried out a new market, which was pretty much all old people. I don't think it's worth it to go there again. Too far as well. Around this time I started to get really hungry and didn't want to approach anymore. So I need to eat at least a snack before going out.

Then I realized I needed some parmesan....I'm in the wrong grocery store for that...so I go to my local cvs instead. I noticed this blonde chick wearing all silver and gray sitting on the stool by the entrance. I didn't think to open but she snuck a glance at me as I stood nearby to get a basket. I could've just opened with "hey you look you're on security guard duty"

What I did well:​

  1. I was using my peripherals well and noticing girls glancing at me.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Should've used google translate on that one girl.
  2. Hesitated too long on this one girl at the grocery store. She was ok though.
  3. Forgot to really focus on eye contact. Oops!
  4. Although you can still get laid off of your first approach of the day, this 1-2 approaches an outing really isn't cutting it. I need to figure out a way to get in more reps, probably. I'll think more on that.

Homework for next time:​

1-2 approaches, same hw as before. Focus on eye contact!!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


2 approaches, 1 number.

I really need to do more approaches. I should do 2 approaches minimum. I was also considering going out for longer outings, but instead of going out everyday I just go out every other day.

My Outfit:
Blue racer, white v-neck, gray jeans.

Girl 1:
Didn't manage to stop her properly, and we were walking along-side each other. I do the mini-adventure rpo and she takes out her airpods. I was giving her decent eye contact, and I knew I should slow down and stop walking, but I just kept going at the same pace instead. She mentions how she's grew up in the area, etc... but she had to turn the corner almost immediately, and so that killed the interaction. If she's still walking, focus on slowing your pace!!

Girl 2:
This was a 20 min interaction...so yeah I'll just get to the main bits.

I walked a little bit ahead of her and stopped and turned around. She was on her phone but she stops to talk. I have good eye contact and do the mini-adventure rpo again. She says she doesn't really feel like it's an adventure but she just goes on walks to enjoy the simple things like the sunset or the cool breeze against your face. She was actually just immersing herself in her own 'verbals'. We talk for about 10-12 minutes when I suggest we continue walking, but she says she wants to walk on her own. No matter, so I suggest we hangout another time instead and ask if she likes coffee or boba...she says she only drinks water b/c she's trying to lose weight (she's actually quite slim...)

So I suggest we just go for a walk another time. She's up for that and this is the first time in the interaction where she actually gets curious and starts asking me questions, first she asks where I live, what I do etc...This was probably for social frame. We end up talking quite a bit more as I find out where she is from and all that.

Topics we discussed:

  • Golden question
  • how different cities have their own ways of expressing art
  • she's not terribly passionate about her job...but I reframed that into at least it lets her stay in this city and enjoy what it has to offer.
  • how different cities have their own 'pace'
Then she says she has to go (I wanted to end it sooner, but I wasn't sure how to because I had just offered to walk with her earlier and then it would be contradictory if I said I had to go...I'm probably overthinking this actually...)

So I put down her number and she asks me to text her my name so that she doesn't forget (a good sign)

I mention a park near where we both live to help paint a picture in her mind. Leaving was a bit awkward because she was going straight ahead and I told her I was turning right so I thought we could walk together to the intersection and then I'd turn. she was feeling awkward so I just ask her what she's up to after this and wave goodbye. I send her a text 20 min later b/c she's meeting her friends 30 min later and I didn't want the emotions to die down after meeting with her friends.

What I did well:​

  1. Worked on stopping and my eye contact was decent in both interactions.

What I could've done better:​

  1. More focus on stopping the girl or at least slowing down. Otherwise the interaction dies too suddenly. It's too much of a gamble that you're walking in the same direction.

Homework for next time:​

  1. Stop two girls on the street and open one girl at the grocery store.
  2. Focus on making really good eye contact
  3. Follow up the opener with imaginative questions.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


2 approaches, 1 instant-date
Lots of great things happened today. (Tony's class, instant date, important new insights). I had gone to Tony's meditation class. It was really amazing stuff. When he taught us the self-hypnosis I felt my whole body deeply relaxed but also extremely still and I was highly attuned to my pulse and it was reverberating throughout my entire body. Aghh it just felt so blissful and I went out feeling casually relaxed. I think I will do this daily. And I'm also very optimistic that this can target a lot of my issues like sloth, wrath, pride, envy, greed, gluttony, approach anxiety, and lust (okay maybe not that one). Kidding aside I could see this method really helping with approach anxiety and just negative beliefs.

My Outfit:
Floral bomber(I call this my instant-date jacket because of all the i-dates I get in it...hopefully one day I can call it my sdl jacket), white v-neck, gray jeans, white sneakers. accessories.

Girl 1:
Blonde MILF with a glorious booty. I do my mini adventure rpo and also throw in the people-watching aspect. She bites. So I ask her if that's what first attracted her to the district. She says that it's like a mini-city and very busy, so I try to cold read that she's the adventurous type. Or at least a little bit. She mentioned she liked my jacket and I tied it into how because it's springtime it's time to let loose a little more and wear floral. She asks me for my name and also asked me how old I was and I have her guess. She guesses 30, which surprises me at first and she's like ohh it's just a wild guess I'm not very good with ages. She's like "I'm 32 btw" (that counts as MILF territory right?).

I transition into travel and ask her where she would go if she won the lottery and stuff. This leads to an interesting branch of conversation because she mentions how she learns Korean and we end up talking about kpop and k-dramas. At this point, I wasn't really using any tech, and just vibing with her. (I realize it seems like 90% of my approaches involve the word Korean somehow. I swear there's a perfectly logical reason for this)

I asked her the golden question and she says she does embroidering. I explore that topic with her briefly, but because I didn't stop her on the street, her location came by quickly and she turned to go into a coffee shop but I told her to wait up and said that she seemed interesting and that we should continue this conversation over a coffee. Thank GOD I'm wearing a face mask, so that she cant see my mouth shaking. So she's like sure let's go. "Oh right now?...fuck it why not"

So we go into the coffee shop, as I order my drink, she asks me how often I strike up conversations with strangers on the street. (okay so I just answered with my usual 'oh you're number 76 today' but I wonder if I need a better response to that because it's a little more on the bantery side and I think with this style, I'm not supposed to be overly witty or flirtatious(I think?). Also this means I probably did not do the meet-cute as well.

We're sitting and talking about movies and at some point after talking about k idols she is explaining how she began to understand better the differences between western and eastern idols. In the west, they're one uniform person while in Korea, it's kind of assumed that the person they are on stage is very separate from the person they are in real life. I relate to that by saying that yea "all of us have different personas with different people...like with your parents or with your friends or with a partner".

Then I bring on this thread of traveling more because I want to set a subtle sexual frame so after exploring what she would do in Korea, she brings the question back to me and I say Brazil and how it's a very sensual place, I describe the atmosphere and say how I would like to just go there, meet some exciting people and come back home as if nothing happened. She also agrees that the Brazilians she knows are very friendly people. So I'm not sure if this sexual frame took off. But I also said how when you're traveling you can be whoever you want to be and you're not constrained by people's expectations of you.

I'm starting to realize, conversation has been stalling a bit. I need touch upon an SOT so I ask her if she's a passionate person...(her face was hesitant)... or more laid back, and she says she's a little bit of both.

She asks me the same thing and I say that I'm very ambitious and she could tell because I started a conversation with her on the street and that it was a very fun conversation. She was like "some guys try to talk to me and they're just really disgusting about it..you would not believe" I agreed with her and immediately thought about @Lofty 's poor friend JADA ;) but didn't say much on the topic as I wasn't prepared to use those verbals. I just said yea some guys are really weird.

She has to go and actually she's running a little late so we get up to leave. She asks me for my number but the texts arent going through so I just take down her number and it works.

So a little bit earlier on into the instant date, I should've screened for logistics, asking her what she's up to for the rest of the day. And the other thing is that once conversation starts to feel like it's losing that initial spark, escalate to an SOT.

Girl 2:
Dark-haird FSU-looking girl. Actually she was mexican. She was wearing a black yoga set outfit and looked quite sexy. She was just standing engrossed in her phone. And after listening to my voice I realized it was not so great.

Me: Hey, excuse me. spontaneous question. so I was just passing by and I was wondering. Have you ever noticed how when you're walking around [district]....[launches into mini-adventure RPO]
Her: a what?
Me: a mini-adventure
Her: lol. I guess.
Me: Because I always walk around and see these interesting buildings...
Her: uh huh
Me: ...and interesting people out and about...
Her: uh huh
Me: ...and the different businesses...and it all just puts you in a more...open-minded...creative...state
Her: yea... no it is, it's cool. it feels like a mini city
Me: yea... is that what first attracted you to this place?
Her: I guess...I mean...I don't really live here so.
Me: ahhhh
Her: Yea haha
Me: so then what part of—cuz where I used to live it was not like that at all
Her: oh really? yea there's different neighborhoods. when you go up it's a whole different atmosphere (technically the truth)
Me: yea...so...yeah
Her: yea
Me: I guess you're just doing some shopping then? (I'm half-way about to walk off but trying to figure out how to continue this convo...but I ran out of chick crack)
Her: yea..I didn't want to [mumbles something]. Nice meeting you though.
Me: yea nice meeting you.

OKAY so here's my realizations. For the mini-adventure RPO, transition into travel if she's already hooked and giving you a lot of good feedback. That's one way. Another possibility is to transition into saying "and have you noticed how the people of different cities have different ways of expressing their artistic side (as a whole)" Then contrast the typical ways people do art in my city vs the ways they did art in my old city. This leads to some intrigue baits but also it's a good way to then ask her where used to live if she noticed any differences like that OR you could even talk about what she likes to do to express her own artistic side...from there you can transition into so many topics.

Also, I had a great follow-up for the grocery store RPO, which is "Oh..suppose I were to ask you this...because I feel like you'll have an interesting answer...if you had to pick one meal that you'd say is in your all-time top 10 most memorable meals, what would it be?" (I add in the fact I feel like you'll have an interesting answer to challenge her a little to think about an interesting answer) Then you can take whatever she says and immerse her more with rich descriptions describing the emotions and sensations of the meal she told you about or you can do the same thing while relating to her with a similar meal you had. Then this lets you segue into the SOT of indulging yourself and much much more...

Now to be clear, this is still just an idea and it's not field-tested yet...but I'm really excited to go out and field test this so we'll see how it goes. Because there are so many parallels between food and sex and I wonder if whether talking about one as if it were the other can do anything.

What I did well:​

  1. Trying to number close the first girl. She was already half-way into the cafe when I told her to hold up. Reminds me of all the other times girls have jetted off to their location and I just let them pass by without trying to number close. Imagine all the promising leads I tossed out.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I missed out on approaching this other tan mexican chick with a great ass because I was trying to get the proper angle but then some dude got in the way with his walker and so I waited but by then she had crossed the road and taken a crazy path. And I didn't follow her.

Homework for next time:​

2 Approaches. If you can, try and field test the grocery store approach somewhere.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Just a quick write-up for yesterday's outing, nothing too eventful that day. Did the self-hypnosis exercise before going out. I planned to walk about 20 min to a supermarket, do an approach on the way and an approach there.

My Outfit:
White racer jacket, purple noise shirt, gray jean etc..
Girl 1:
She stops to talk but is confused and doesn't understand me and says "no english"
Girl 2:
Grocery store approach. I think my rpo will go more like this: "do you ever end up buying waay more food than you planned to?" And then go into the description. I think that's a good way to deal with the longer openers.

Anyway, I opened this latina with a big butt at the yogurt aisle. She was friendly and but she was buying yogurt for her kids. She didn't quite understand me at first and thought I was asking about the yogurts. I just chatted with her about her kids and that was it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 14, 2020
I feel grocery stores are underestimated for day game .
Good opener could be “ Lunch at your place tonight !! “ say playfully though .


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019


Just a quick write-up for yesterday's outing, nothing too eventful that day. Did the self-hypnosis exercise before going out. I planned to walk about 20 min to a supermarket, do an approach on the way and an approach there.

My Outfit:
White racer jacket, purple noise shirt, gray jean etc..
Girl 1:
She stops to talk but is confused and doesn't understand me and says "no english"
Girl 2:
Grocery store approach. I think my rpo will go more like this: "do you ever end up buying waay more food than you planned to?" And then go into the description. I think that's a good way to deal with the longer openers.

Anyway, I opened this latina with a big butt at the yogurt aisle. She was friendly and but she was buying yogurt for her kids. She didn't quite understand me at first and thought I was asking about the yogurts. I just chatted with her about her kids and that was it.

Good stuff @Skippy

One detail to language that might help since i see youre using rpos and you notice the difference in details. How i would do the rpo:
"i find it fascinating (shaking my head smilingly).. do you know that feeling - you enter the store to purchase one thing... but you come out with a mio. things and you realise it.. and feel like: hey wait".
Through the whole thing i would be looking at an imagined grocery bag of things like im holding it in front of me or on several items i actually have. Aka Im referencing myself in it while displaying a self ironic despair w a smile about myself, a conspicuous notion of the store being manipulative with - that the store just got me to purchase a mio things. them vs us frame. The feeling command in play. Just how i initially thought about your particular rpo to make it more harmonic - its very relateable and appealing for her to lash onto w. a smile.

if you let her notice and take you in first this one is easier for people to relate to and it opens more disarmingly and easy for her to lash onto.

you can then ask questions eg. "does it happen to you?" if shes quiet or "it sounds like it happens to you a lot?" if she rifs along.

Both Bacchus and i have been playing with this way of things and experienced it to be very efficient. it is still something i experiment with though. But maybe you can sense if itll work for you.

keep up the consistent effort - good job!
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Good stuff @Skippy

One detail to language that might help since i see youre using rpos and you notice the difference in details. How i would do the rpo:
"i find it fascinating (shaking my head smilingly).. do you know that feeling - you enter the store to purchase one thing... but you come out with a mio. things and you realise it.. and feel like: hey wait".
Through the whole thing i would be looking at an imagined grocery bag of things like im holding it in front of me or on several items i actually have. Aka Im referencing myself in it while displaying a self ironic despair w a smile about myself, a conspicuous notion of the store being manipulative with - that the store just got me to purchase a mio things. them vs us frame. The feeling command in play. Just how i initially thought about your particular rpo to make it more harmonic - its very relateable and appealing for her to lash onto w. a smile.

if you let her notice and take you in first this one is easier for people to relate to and it opens more disarmingly and easy for her to lash onto.

you can then ask questions eg. "does it happen to you?" if shes quiet or "it sounds like it happens to you a lot?" if she rifs along.

Both Bacchus and i have been playing with this way of things and experienced it to be very efficient. it is still something i experiment with though. But maybe you can sense if itll work for you.

keep up the consistent effort - good job!

Thanks Glow! I like this perspective on the rpo and it's also even more flexible. EG I can use this in the produce section or even while I'm waiting in the checkout line. Originally it wouldn't really make sense to be talking about all the 'exciting options' when I'm just in front of some bananas, but this version works for that as well. I tried it out today in fact and the results were promising, although messed I it up b/c I still need to work on getting her to notice me first. But I have some ideas on that too. So I will field test this more


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Thanks Glow! I like this perspective on the rpo and it's also even more flexible. EG I can use this in the produce section or even while I'm waiting in the checkout line. Originally it wouldn't really make sense to be talking about all the 'exciting options' when I'm just in front of some bananas, but this version works for that as well. I tried it out today in fact and the results were promising, although messed I it up b/c I still need to work on getting her to notice me first. But I have some ideas on that too. So I will field test this more
Exactly - its an opener more in the direction of what you can call "dropping a hook" or "putting out a hook" where you just put something up she can respond to or not more than overtly addressing HER. While still making it you framed ;) As you write these are more flexible and easy to adapt from my viewpoint.

Also it includes an important emotional command - the FEEL part which ive found to be so easy for women to relate to and understand. i noted how relatable this was for women when i was playing around w commands. To share a feel around certain things.

many persuasive levels in this simple line.

Thank you for sharing this RPO too to for supermarket type engagements - its a perfect small talk piece


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Good opener @Skippy and good adjustments and tips @Glow! I will use this as my go-to grocery store opener, it's really good. I like the "Does that happen to you alot?" or "It sounds like that happens to you alot?". Because if it does happen to her alot it also gives you a feel for her personality (If she goes in with a small list and always ends up buying extra stuff, it would indicate she's a pretty spontaneous and in-the-moment type of girl).

What i had neglected when i have done my cold reads/Reality paces etc is my body language. I started playing my voice more like an instrument on the delivery, squinting skeptically, giving a surprised look, tilting my head, turning my body etc and it works way better now.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019


I haven't masturbated in 6 days and I'm going to try and go 90 days without masturbating. Mainly because last month I watched a lot of porn (but did not masturbate to it, thinking that it was okay) However, I found out that just watching porn and not orgasming is even worse. So I decided to also quit fapping and let my brain 'reboot' (sex is still okay though). I was worried that my libido had diminished. I think my erections weren't as strong, although I could probably rub one out if I had to.

After 3 days I was feeling a lot of sexual desire and sexual energy. This is pretty typical for me. I'm not sure about the erections though. I never really kept track of this stuff before but I vaguely remember I used to pop random boners more often.

Anyways it's been 6 days and I usually don't make it this far. I want to see what the effects are if I quit it for 3 months and only rely on sex to get off. I will give updates on this experiment.

Today I went to a different supermarket and didn't do any approaches there. It's unfortunate because there was this really cute girl that glanced at me twice, but I kept hesitating too much and she would move to a different aisle before I opened my mouth. Also saw a lot of girls with great asses there and it just increased my desire further. After wandering the supermarket for an hour. I paid and decided I would at least do one street approach before it got dark.

My Outfit:
Hazel-colored contact lenses, white racer jacket, purple 'noise' crew neck, gray jeans, gray ultraboost sneakers, bead bracelet.

So the colored-contacts are only because my main pair had a tear in it and this is my only backup, but I'm curious to see if it affects anything.

Girl 1: She was originally walking towards me and as she neared I realized she was gorgeous. So I pretended to look straight ahead and then turned around to go after her. I gave her about a two-block distance before going after her so when I did catch up, it would just seem coincidental.

I pass by her, look above her head, then make eye contact and say
Me: "hey I just realized something"
Her: [Looks surprised/confused but doesn't say anything otherwise]
Me: Have you ever noticed how walking around [district] is like a mini-adventure?
Her: yea...??
Me: Yea, cuz, I was just thinking. I didn't feel this way where I used to live before, but when you're walking around you see all these interesting buildings and there's like the x-businesses and the y-businesses...and then all just put together makes you feel... a little more open-minded, a little more creative.
Her: okay yea, I could see that
Me: yea? But you don't sound like...that's your first thought
Her: no
Me; no...well then how would you describe it?
Her: umm...It's one of the few urban areas in [city], there are parts of it that are creative, but it just depends on like what your frame of reference is.
Me: I guess compared to my frame of reference, this is more...urban than where I used to live. But, especially when I need that extra bit of creativity for my work, I do go out for walks and I find that helps. (I think here it was a better idea to focus the conversation more on her. I was trying to talk about myself to drop some intrigue baits but, she wasn't sufficiently hooked, so probably she wouldn't bite on the intrigue baits yet. So there's two main threads she mentioned which is creativity and 'frame of reference'. I should've taken either one of those and gone with it. For example, "since you mention frame of reference, isn't it interesting...how the people of different cities have their own unique ways of expressing their artistic side?" I could compare and contrast the ways from this city and 'where I used to live' and then transition to asking her what she does to express herself)
Her: alright, well I'm headed to [store]

and she turns into the store. Okay I run into this issue a lot, where the interaction is abruptly cut short because the girl was planning to turn into a store or something.

At first, this girl seemed a bit skeptical of me, but she seemed to be warming up, and so I think I could've changed that (this reminds me of another girl I opened a long time ago who was frosty at first but after building some similarity with her, she really warmed up)


When I got home, the frustrations of today made me really fucking motivated and really determined. All this extra sexual energy created a burning desire to not only take more action but also to manage my time effectively and to get my shit together. I'm itching to go out again.

What I did well:​

  1. Used labeling to get her to open up a little more "it doesn't sound like this is your first thought when it comes to this city"

What I could've done better:​

  1. Keep working on the grocery store approaches! Instead of waiting for the girl to notice you, meander about the aisle and when you are next to her, pick up something, count to 3, and say "hey I just realized something"...wait for her to turn and look at you... then continue with the RPO.

Homework for next time:​

Test out grocery stores Sunday evening (b/c streets are usually dead) and get in a good grocery store approach.
Nice one Man. I can feel your motivation and spirit from here.

And as for hesitation and procrastination, always remember the 3mins rule- that's what it was invented for. You have no other way to backdown but approach!

It's like a movie and you are the actor, once you see a girl start moving deliberately with confidence towards her and act out the approach. A simple 'hi' wouldn't hurt..

It's better to fail and be needy in daygame than social circle game because if it doesn't work out you don't get to see them again. You don't owe them nothing, in fact- you're doing them a favour..
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Good opener @Skippy and good adjustments and tips @Glow! I will use this as my go-to grocery store opener, it's really good. I like the "Does that happen to you alot?" or "It sounds like that happens to you alot?". Because if it does happen to her alot it also gives you a feel for her personality (If she goes in with a small list and always ends up buying extra stuff, it would indicate she's a pretty spontaneous and in-the-moment type of girl).

What i had neglected when i have done my cold reads/Reality paces etc is my body language. I started playing my voice more like an instrument on the delivery, squinting skeptically, giving a surprised look, tilting my head, turning my body etc and it works way better now.
Oh yea, I imagine that would be a good way to follow up with a rainbow ruse about spontaneity. Glad to know that tweaking the delivery like this was effective! I guess I'm pretty bland in the delivery, so I'd like to practice being more dynamic too.

Nice one Man. I can feel your motivation and spirit from here.

And as for hesitation and procrastination, always remember the 3mins rule- that's what it was invented for. You have no other way to backdown but approach!

It's like a movie and you are the actor, once you see a girl start moving deliberately with confidence towards her and act out the approach. A simple 'hi' wouldn't hurt..

It's better to fail and be needy in daygame than social circle game because if it doesn't work out you don't get to see them again. You don't owe them nothing, in fact- you're doing them a favour..
Agreed :) I'll practice being more cognizant of when I'm hesitating and start counting down. In fact, just yesterday, I lost a lot of possible sets by hesitating too much.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Only did one approach but I number closed the girl and she seems extremely interested, she's texting me paragraphs and down to meet tomorrow. Unfortunately, I can't meet her tomorrow b/c I have a date scheduled with the blonde milf for that day and I don't feel like double-booking because I'm busy with work and stuff. So I scheduled a date with her for Monday.

Oh and I did two grocery store approaches yesterday. Got ignored by one and another one related to my opener but I accidentally opened her as she was passing by and so she continued on ahead after that.

My Outfit:
Black textured topcoat, purple crew neck, black skinny jeans.

Girl 1: Green-eyed Brunette, short hair. (hbmushroom)
I open with the mini-adventure rpo, then transition to how different cities have their own way of expressing their artistic sides. So I used that to transition into dropping bait for "where I used to live" and she asks me about that. I describe the vibe of my old city, the snow, and the red brick buildings and how it makes you crave the local dish there. She asks me about it and I have her take a wild guess, and give her a hint.

Then she turned to go in another direction, so I tell her:

Me: you have a pleasant vibe
Her: thanks! yea no thanks for talking!
Me: Yea...Do you want to continue this conversation over a coffee?
Her: yea! um...let me give you my number
Me: Oh sure
Her: I like your jacket by the way. I was just admiring it a couple of cross-walks ago haha (hehehehe)
Me: Thanks :) what are you up to today? (I point to her giant plastic box)
Her: Oh I have to go feed my cat...um...and then...just a little home projects.
Me: Oh what are you working on?
Her: Um...I'm trying to grow some...mushrooms... not the drug type...but like gourmet mushrooms.

I ask her if she likes to cook, and we talk about that for a bit. She asks me my name and I teach her how to pronounce. She tells me to hit her up whenever. I describe to her this boba place and that was it.

Then I sent her an icebreaker text basically asking her what she planned to make with the mushrooms and she started sending me paragraph-long responses and triple texting immediately. Scheduled a boba date for Monday.

What I did well:​

  1. I focused on having really good, sexual eye contact. We were mostly walking side-by-side but I bet that made a difference.
  2. Went for a number close

What I could've done better:​

  1. I need to grow some bollocks and try to stop these girls! Stop walking or slow down your pace! You're shooting yourself in the foot b/c of that.
  2. I actually should've tried for the instant date. But I will start going for those later on. It was fucking cold and I wasn't in the mood for that. She was also holding a big box.
  3. Find a consistent time to do Tony's meditation exercise. And link it to something. I tend to just try and fit it in whenever I can but that's not a good way to build a habit.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Did one approach today, but it was dumb. Basically, this attractive korean-american girl was glancing at me a couple times across the street (at least she was looking in my direction) so I go after her, but the walkway is too narrow and I'm walking behind her for a long stretch, where we're just walking straight, and there's no space for me to approach. She stops at a signal to turn right. I don't want to go with her b/c I was afraid she'd think I was following her(dumb, I know) so I open her at the signal with the mini-adventure rpo. She's like "yea I see how it can be an adventure" The signal turns and she keeps walking but I stay ('since I'm still going straight ahead') and she confusedly looks back at me. I say "oh you're going that way..." :facepalm:

The important lesson here, is don't be overly concerned that you're following the girl, OR...approach her sooner. I had a chance earlier at another signal but I didn't take it. should've used the 3-second rule then. There was a pole in the way then, but I'm sure I could've found a way around that if I wanted to.

Also had the date with that blonde alternative chick. I don't think she would be considered a MILF anymore. She doesn't feel that much older than me actually.
Last edited:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
Did one approach today, but it was dumb. Basically, this attractive korean-american girl was glancing at me a couple times across the street (at least she was looking in my direction) so I go after her, but the walkway is too narrow and I'm walking behind her for a long stretch, where we're just walking straight, and there's no space for me to approach. She stops at a signal to turn right. I don't want to go with her b/c I was afraid she'd think I was following her(dumb, I know) so I open her at the signal with the mini-adventure rpo. She's like "yea I see how it can be an adventure" The signal turns and she keeps walking but I stay ('since I'm still going straight ahead') and she confusedly looks back at me. I say "oh you're going that way..." :facepalm:

The important lesson here, is don't be overly concerned that you're following the girl, OR...approach her sooner. I had a chance earlier at another signal but I didn't take it. should've used the 3-second rule then. There was a pole in the way then, but I'm sure I could've found a way around that if I wanted to.

Also had the date with that blonde alternative chick. I don't think she would be considered a MILF anymore. She doesn't feel that much older than me actually.
Ladies love being chased by attractive males and you're one- always remember that you're doing her a favour by approaching her.

Next time- she looks in your direction, smile at her so that she notices that you understand and see her too. That way when you walk up to her it doesn't look like you're chasing her as you both have communicated some seconds, ago.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Great mindset to remember @Mr STIF!
I hadn't done any approaches for nearly a week. Something that I consistently notice is that my approach volume peters off when I get strong leads in the funnel. And these past 7 days have indeed been good. I don't know why that happens...

So today I finally went to the downtown area to run some errands, and see what the scene is like after not going there for a year. Managed one approach with this busty fast-walking blonde. She stops and I ask her if walking downtown feels like a mini-adventure. She says "kind of! but I'm not down here that often". I just say "oh okay" and then she continues walking. I felt weird walking after her and she looked back a couple of times. Better would've been just to continue on with "well here's why I was thinking that..." Got to make a mental note to get to the juice of this rpo asap with fast walkers. Or hit them with something even more speaker-centered.

Anyways, glad I got the ball rolling again. Maybe I'll go downtown again tomorrow. In other news, I bought some rings and a blazer.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


This is the write-up on yesterday's outing.
My Outfit:
White racer jacket, gray jeans, rings and bracelets.

Girl 1:
Me: I just realized something...You look almost exactly like my ex....except you have a different energy behind your eyes...
Her: Oh
Me: I want to say you're probably like...a little bit more spontaneous...sometimes you have these times where you're a little spontaneous but most of the time you like to follow a schedule. Do you know what I mean?
Her: Yea I guess it depends.
Me; it depends—
Her: —yea, have a good day

Girl 2: Korean girl, didn't talk much, but she walked really close to me, almost bumping into me at times. But it felt like I was talking to a brick wall. I started with my mini adventure rpo, but when I asked her if it felt like an adventure she said "no", so I went into the juice of it and then transitioned to "it's interesting how the people of different cities express their creative sides in different ways" but she didn't say much to that. I asked her if she used to live somewhere else before and she said Korea, and then I asked her what they did to make their cities look beautiful there, but she said "I gotta go, this is my house" (points to the apartment up ahead after the crosswalk)

Girl 3: Opened this Mexican girl and she spoke no english, but she stopped to open up google translate, and we chatted for a while through that. I again used the mini-adventure RPO. It was still hard to communicate but eventually, I found out that she likes acting and theatre, so I just typed into my google translate how I enjoy acting too because it lets you feel free and you can express yourself. She lit up when she read that and agreed. Unfortunately...I learned 10 min into the 'convo' that she was still in high school, so a few min later, I made some excuse that I had to catch a bus and dipped out.

What I did well:​

  1. Did 3 approaches (but at the cost of staying out a bit later). But I think I found a spot that has a high concentration of lone wolves so I'll see how it goes now.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Could've worked on more sexual eye contact with the first two girls.
  2. My rainbow ruse on girl 1 didn't make any sense. I told her maybe she's more spontaneous and then proceeded to make that the smaller part of the ruse. But ah well, more important is the sexual eye contact. I was speaking fast with her as well. But it's not a big deal b/c it was my first time trying the new opener. I do wonder how to follow up with this kind of opener though. Maybe I could just ask her what she's doing and then hit her with the mini-adventure rpo and we're off to the races.

Homework for next time:​

Listen to Gun's audio, take some notes, 3 approaches. Focus is on SECT mainly, and attention grabs.