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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


1 approach, 1 number
It's beautiful when everything in the approach comes together and the girl is mesmerized. Today I took a nap from 4-6 so I left the house rather late (around 7:40) this turned out to be a blessing in disguise, as I was able to meet a girl around sunset and the vibe was magical.

My Outfit:
Black textured overcoat + the usual stuff

Girl 1: hbRedShorts

Noticed this Mexican chick walk up to the intersection, I waited for the signal to turn, overtook her slightly, and waited a little bit too long before opening because we would've been standing in the way of a parking lot, but once I was in position, I gradually turned to her, slowed my pace and started with some interest bait, her eyes didn't meet mine at first (this is because I waited a bit too long but I know now that 4-5 seconds after passing is enough for her to still be paying attention to you)

I added more intrigue by saying it was a bit of a deep question, then stopped her by the bike racks. I gave her strong sexual eye contact while delivering my mini-adventure rpo, my voice was slow and sensual, and she was just drinking it in, her eyes locked on mine and I could sense her get slightly excited. A switch goes off in her head and she then starts peppering me with questions...have I lived here for a while, etc..

I add more bait by saying that going for a walk around this area gives me that extra bit of creativity that I need for my work, which inspires her to ask me what I do etc...At this point I realized I forgot to rainbow ruse her.

We keep walking a bit, I ask her the golden question, she says music, because it has a way of transporting the mind to a different place, so I relate how saying it can really take you to places you cant describe with words, like for example when you listen to sad music, you wouldn't necessarily say you're sad either because you are enjoying listening to the music too. We stop again when she reaches her grocery store, and stop to talk some more where I try and rainbow ruse her on spontaneity but she's not sure if she should say it's true. we're parting ways and she's gushing about how we just met like that I suggest a coffee...she thinks for a second and says sure..unclear whether she'll respond to my icebreaker, but...wow I just felt like I was in the zone when it came to hooking her.

What I did well:​

  1. Well, I was in the zone and because of that my eye contact and voice were much better.

What I could've done better:​

  1. conversational management for sure. There's a lot of threads to take after you talk about listening to music. And the rainbow ruse could've been better. The convo was missing some meat, for sure.
  2. Also, my goal was to do 3 approaches which I did not follow through with because I left the house late.

Homework for next time:​

Try for 3 approaches again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Uneventful outing today, but at least I got in my target of 3 approaches.

My Outfit: floral bomber etc...

Girl 1
: Hot Korean woman. Her hips swayed as she walked. I should've counted a little bit longer actually before opening her. We were almost side-by-side actually. I started by turning to her saying "hey I just realized something..." but unfortunately, she just ignored me. I didn't bother to persist because there were many people around so I just went in another direction. But a better idea would've been to switch to a deep focus opener "do you know who you look almost exactly like".

I don't know any korean celebrities, so I would have to spin some bullshit but it's okay. It's been literally months since I've gotten a blowout.

Girl 2: Tanned Asian-American girl wearing boyfriend jeans. She had a big butt and her hair was up in a bun.

I made the same mistake when opening, where I was a little next to her (not far enough ahead) so I had to get her attention with a wave, as she didn't look at me when I turned to her. I told her that I just realized something, but that it was a little deep. She was like okay, but did not seem warm. I slowed down and stopped but she kept walking so I just continued with the rpo

Me: Have you noticed that walking along [place] makes you feel more adventurous?
Her: No
Me: [goes into immersive details]
Her: Sure
Me: yea...that's just what I was feeling when walking around
Me: [rainbow ruse on how it looks like she lived here a while based on how she walks with a purpose]
Her: yea

At this point I autorejected, and got fed up with her unfriendly vibe and monosyllabic answers. I also blanked and couldn't think of anymore chick crack that I wanted to use, so I just walked off...without even saying goodbye...

The lesson here is drop the ego and keep plowing. And I could've had a better rainbow ruse. For example, "You know, I get this sense about you that you've lived here for a while and so you've also encountered the unsavory parts of [our district] and as a result of that you tend to put up walls and have a tough exterior but I also get the sense that when you do let people in, you're a really warm and kind person"

Girl 3: Girl at the bus stop. I was positioned a little bit too far and there was a pole in between us. I tried to attention grab by looking in her direction as if looking to see if the bus was going to come. But it didn't work great. What I forgot is that her peripherals were probably able to detect me anyway because as soon as I started glancing towards the bus, she did it too.

Anyway, I nudged closer to her and got her attention. She pauses her music and takes out her earphones. And when I ask her how long it will take the bus to come she just says "3 min" and puts her earphones back in.

I should've positioned myself in the direction in which the bus would come, so that it's natural she'd look in my direction, and then I could make eye contact with her, and have an easier time making convo.

What I did well:​

  1. Did 3 approaches
  2. tried out a bus stop approach

What I could've done better:​

  1. Already mentioned above.

Homework for next time:​

3 more approaches


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I think I figured out why I was getting poor responses yesterday and part of today. Today girls kept asking me to repeat myself. So it looks like I was neglecting vocal projection and tonality. I don't know if that's really the main reason, but I do know that I have been neglecting it so I should be cognizant of that.

Oh and that girl flaked again. on tuesday, we made plans for saturday but then she texted me later that night saying she's got a sleepover with some girlfriends that she forgot about, and she didn't offer an alternative time slot.

My Outfit:
olive green v-neck, black jeans, bracelet, rings, white sneakers

Girl 1:
Opened her with some interest bait by saying I realized something but that it was a little bit deep, "are you ready for it" she was like "nah". I think she was foreign.

Girl 2:
She looked at me but ignored me. I opened her in a crowded spot.

Girl 3:
She hooked and asked me where I lived, so I had her guess. I didn't stop her because I was still in a rut from the previous blow outs so I just wanted some positive energy instead. Anyway she was receptive but had a bf

Girl 4:
Saw this gorgeous girl at the grocery store and she had really nice legs. Thought I'd try the "do you know who you look almost exactly like" opener. It worked like a bomb. My vibe was also very genuine. I was like "oh wow..." and she immediately lit up and then I asked her and she was like "I've gotten some comments" then I added "but what if you don't like her..." And she's like "I promise I wont get mad!" so I tell her...she looks almost exactly like Aunt Becky from full house. She didn't know who that was, surprisingly. I tell her that she has a different vibe behind her eyes though but couldn't think of a great rainbow ruse. I just told her she was more bubbly than her. She thanks me and promises she will look her up. and that ended the conversation.

So one thing to watch out for here is that once she gets the answer it's very easy for her to just close the thread and walk off. I noticed the same problem before actually. So it's probably a good idea after the rainbow ruse to test her on the traits you rainbow ruse her on, as a follow-up question. Also I need to try and delay further telling her immediately who she looks like.

I got home and looked up aunt Becky (Lori Loughlin) on the computer to see how close the resemblance was. Turns out I was spot on.


I only have 3 days left before I go visit family for a couple weeks. So I will restrict myself to the touristy spots. These next 3 days, I'll just go to tourist trap. why not

What I did well:​

  1. Got in 4 approaches, which is wonderful.
  2. Tried out the who you look almost exactly like opener

What I could've done better:​

  1. Project my voice a little better, especially in crowded areas

Homework for next time:​

Just going to focus on getting in the number of approaches. so go for another 3 tomorrow.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I went to the tourist trap today. Nothing too eventful to report. Just consistently doing 3-4 approaches a day will be my main focus when I get back. And my solution for that is basically leave the house at a certain time (usually around 4 is decent) and just don't allow myself back home until I get in the target number of approaches.

Girl 1: She just ignored me and didn't look up from her phone. If she's blatantly ignoring you, don't repeat your opener. She at least vaguely heard you and know's you're trying to talk to her. Try a different opener instead. I forgot to try the "do you know who you look almost exactly like"

Girl 2: I opened her by asking her if she knew of a good cafe nearby but she was a tourist and then she stopped to go on her phone to text her mom or something. She didn't really hook and when I tried to use an rpo, she didn't really pay attention afterward. I later saw her sitting on a bench with her mom.

Girl 3: It took me a while to open her and by the time I did, she was already calling an uber and periodically checking the route on her phone. This interaction was poor on my end. I tried an rpo about how the area puts you in the mood to party. She said she just got off work in the area and was heading home. I uncalibratedly tried to go into the golden question and she was just like "why are you asking me that". Eventually she just told me she wasn't in the mood to talk and so I left.

I realize now I could've done some more reality pacing on what it's like getting off work.

Girl 4: Grocery store approach. She takes off her earphones to listen to me and then puts them back in after I say the buy 1 rpo. She was sort of receptive. I ask her what she would indulge in and she says she's in the process of doing that right now because her thing is getting organic stuff. I told her that sounds like a good way to go about it and just left it at that. what I should've done is said "you know I get the sense about you that you're the type of person who is spontaneous and takes risks...but you're careful to only take safe, calculated risks. It's like you're able to find a balance between exploring and being safe at the same time. does that make sense"


Some mistakes that I think I'm making on these approaches:
  • not speaking loud enough (one elderly blonde ignored me when I said "hey" in the grocery store and I was just trying to ask her if it seems awfully empty today)
  • Forgetting to 'smile' with my eyes.
I'm not going to try and overcorrect too much though because I realize this could just be due to random chance. I'm going to wait and see what happens.

What I did well:​

  1. Did 4 approaches!

What I could've done better:​

  1. Something I want to play around with is projecting an air of ebullience

Homework for next time:​

3 approaches


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


3 approaches, 2 numbers, 1 instant date

Revisited the Tourist trap today because I know it's my best chance at instant dates.

My Outfit: Dark blue blazer, dark gray v-neck, black jeans, white sneakers, bracelet, rings, aviators.

Girl 1: Gorgeous Latina, big round perky boobs, a nice tan, and magenta nail polish. Her hair was done up very nicely. And her ass? well I did say she was a Latina, didn't I?

Unfortunately, the actual interaction was rather anti-climactic. She was standing around...I kind of got the sense that she was 'perceiving' me with her peripherals. I was standing around as well. So I went by her and opened her over my shoulder. She spoke no English :/ and they never told me in my 5th grade spanish class, that girls south of the border would be so finee. So alas, my Spanish was not ready to cook up some 2nd gen verbals.

I managed to figure out that she was standing around waiting for something (couldn't understand what specifically) and that she was from Costa Rica.

The lesson here is that I've got to visit Costa Rica at some point. And also don't hesitate so much!

At this point I remembered I needed to make a tactical change in my opening so I remembered the "smiling with my eyes" trick that I used to use a long time ago. The way it works is you basically notice the girl from the side of your eyes and then do double take and tilt your head to the side away from her as you smile with your eyes. Kind of like how you would react if you walk past an old friend and you just realize. I added this to my current opening technique.

Girl 2: HBAttendant Brunette with a nice booty. She was wearing yoga pants. I didn't try and stop her for some reason. She actually seemed pretty emotionally dead inside. Like if she was a robot or something. I think it's because she never smiled or showed any excitement. ever.

Anyway, I opened her with my mini-adventure rpo and she related to it. Added baits about how I like to come here when I need that extra creativity, which triggered her to ask what I do and I have her guess for a bit. She first guesses music production and then Data analysis. wtf lol...? Anyway I use this to talk about flow and activities which you find engrossing and cause time to fly. All standard fare.

I also learn that she chose this place to live because of her roommate who dragged her here. But...this doesn't really make sense because she's a college student in AZ (we are not in AZ) and her parents also live in AZ. So my guess is that this 'roommate' is really a boyfriend. She also works here as an attendant.

Then I suggest we get a coffee and she's down. she was trying to help me find a cafe that's good but we couldn't find anything in the vicinity so we go to a shake shack instead. She doesn't actually want anything and is just fine accompanying me. Still I feel like the convo is mostly on me and she hardly talks but she was pretty compliant. Topics were nostalgia, what causes nostalgia (which caused her to perk up), slight travel topics, where we'd live, a little bit about tv shows. I didn't do ANY sex talk.

After we get out of the shake shack, she asks me what my plan is for the rest of the day, and I say it's pretty open and she doesn't have much going on the rest of the day, except to buy some toilet paper and then go for work tomorrow. At this point I felt like I needed to DO something...both of our schedules were open after all. but I dunno it just seemed premature to pull. But we were just walking around aimlessly. After a while she says she's going to go to the cvs to buy some tp and she turns the corner. I get her number and tell her we will hangout after I get back from visiting the fam. I sent her an icebreaker and she responds within a second.

Girl 3: HBRiviera Notice this girl with long curly blonde hair and a big ass. I open her as we both get up the steps of the mall, using the same "smiling with my eyes" Use similar baits about creativity. The eye contact is very good and there was some light sexual tension I think, she was holding my eye contact at times and I would triangle gaze her too. Her thing is singing, and she feels that time flies and that she gets involved when she sings. So I talk about dancing as well because she likes that so I relate that I used to do swing dance in undergrad, so I talk about electro swing and the kind of music she likes, she likes Latin music, because she is Colombian. She like Reggaeton. I ask her if it's the kind that gets her heart pumping. and she tries to describe it. Then I continue the travel thread and ask her what made her want to come here...she wanted a cultural exchange experience before her career takes off in Colombia. So we talk about how nice it is to really travel and how be yourself and leave behind all those judgemental people at home.

I suss out her logistics since she is an Au Paire, and in my experience they're super far away. In her case, she has a car and lives 5 min away so it's not a big deal.

I tell her I'm actually curious explore the area some more and find a place to drink but she says she just came here to see the area.
I ask her if she's ever been to my district and sell it a little bit.

Then ask her about some cultural difference between colombia and usa, She says it's much more trashy than the pictures made it seem (hundred percent agree)

I transition to the SOT of connection of how when youre traveleing somewhere and you have that anticipation of what it will be like and how it's like when you're about to meet someone. How meeting someone is like when you first connect with the place. And how sometimes you settle into the place after a while just like how when you meet someone and it takes a while for the connection to develop. She's very immersed in this part by this way. She gets a text and has to leave. So I tell her

Me: you seem like an interesting person
Her: Yea you too
Me: I'm actually going to be gone for two weeks but when I get back I'd like to get to know you a little better
Her: yea sure

And I take down her number, she puts in her full name which is a good sign. I make some more chit chat with her about her host family and where she lives. And then wish her goodbye.

I wait a bit for her to leave before heading out. But I actually pass by her again on my way to the subway. and this time she's in an intense conversation in spanish on her phone and I don't know if she even noticed me because she just looked straight ahead and was shouting at her phone.


Today the key was smiling with my eyes and I also really liked my outfit today. It just felt badass, with my low guard buzz cut and aviators, balanced out by the blazer. I also remember girls saying how they don't normally talk to strangers but they felt comfortable talking to me because I seemed really nice (one of those girls was Lemon) I think what they actually meant was warmth. So it's something to keep in mind during the open, especially in sketch areas like the one I was in today.

In general, I've been too shy to pull the trigger when it comes to inviting the girl back to my place. A good exercise for when I get back would be to try and invite one girl back each time I go out.

The conversation with HBRiviera started to stall out, but she wasn't down to move around and sample some drinks. I could've at least moved her to the bench to sit down! I also could've taken one more step closer to her. I was already pretty close, but I could've milked it further.

What I did well:​

  1. Leading
  2. smiling on the open and conveying warmth

What I could've done better:​

  1. Maybe I should've invited HBAttendant to watch some tv shows just for the hell of it, to see what happens.

Homework for next time:​

3 more approaches


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I'm finally finally back after being gone for a month visiting family and hosting a friend. I'll be able to hit the field without any distractions for the next 5 months. I went downtown today to get the ball rolling but it was dead, due to the long weekend. I managed one approach but I ejected pretty quickly. Mainly just forcing myself to do something. I couldn't stay out long, because I was busy with work, which I kind of neglected while I was away.

I'm trying a new way of journaling based off of this video

But with slightly different questions in the matrix, basically, questions involving immersion strategies, figuring out her archetype (OCP, PPP, Sub), compliance, and handling of the 3 keys. I'm not so sure how I'll be able to transfer the matrix entries into here so I'll need to reconsider how I post in this journal now.

Another idea I want to implement from reading Bacchus's post in Lofty's journal is on relentless pragmatism. I like his suggestion of making a list of 1 to 3 strategies to tackle your biggest sticking point. So what I will do is aim for 20-28 approaches each week, and then at the end of the week, review the results and figure out what transition phase was the roughest, make a list of 1-3 tweaks targeting that for next week and rinse and repeat.

Review of Goals:
I recall back in April, I made a 3-month goal of having a 50% meet-to-hook ratio. While I didn't reach that goal, I made good progress, going from 1/8 (just starting out with indirect) to 1/4. And also keeping in mind that my timeline was cut short by a month, I think it's not too shabby. The odd thing is that I had a pretty consistent ratio those two months (so not much improvement after). But I do think I made improvements in the last few weeks that wouldn't show up in the numbers. For the next three months, my goal is more focusing on volume, and making tweaks based on the systems I'm setting up. So it will be more flexible with which transition points I target.

One part that I still need to figure out is how I am going to make the time to drill attractive traits and fundamentals

I'm working on that more, but still my consistency in setting it up as a habit is lacking. There's no excuse for that, I know how to do it. What's interesting though is your ability to visualize is also something you can improve, and it seems that this part is crucial for getting the full benefits of it.

Night Game:
I will slowly explore it...there are a bunch of bars and nightclubs just down the street lol.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


1 approach

I also decided to count the number of girls that I'm in the vicinity of but don't manage to approach. This also motivated me to go out today. Instead of pressuring myself to get x number of approaches in, I just told myself I need to get in the vicinity of a few girls and that's it. By vicinity, I loosely mean, close enough for about 5 seconds that you two could reasonably interact.

Matrix Questions: 1. Observations 2. Why didn't you approach? 3. Meet cute strategies 4. Immersion strategies 5. Why was/wasn't Immersion successful? 6. What would you do differently to hook? 7. Archetype? 8. How did you utilize Archetype? 9. Wdyd to build Social Frame? 10. Wdyd to build emotional stimulation? 11. Wdyd to build sexual arousal? 12. Which key was lagging and how would you fix it? 13. Did you encounter any positive compliance? 14. Did you encounter any negative compliance and what caused it? 15. How do you think it could've been reverted? 16. What were some important frames and how were they treated? 17. When did the interaction end? 18. How did the interaction end?

Girl 1:
1. From the back she had amazing legs and long silky hair. She walked out of the mall and stopped for a second to glance at the uniqlo. and then looked through the window again as she rounded the corner. I would estimate her vibe as slightly leisurely
2. an
3. I walked a couple steps ahead of her and then slowed down and turned to her.
4. I started with the mini adventure RPO, added some bait about how when I need some extra creativity for work, I like to go on walks and then rainbow rused her on how she seems comfortable but not super jaded by this area
5. She didn't take the bait about my work. she was going in another direction. The rainbow ruse about her actually got her emotionally engaged enough to dive deep into how she's a little spontaneous.
6. Downtown, it's crucial to stop the girls, and I didn't do that b/c I just wanted to make it as easy as possible for me to get my approach in
11. only mild eye contact when we stopped for a few seconds
13. She stopped with me while I was waiting for the intersection, even though she was going the other direction to say her piece. Means she was following my lead slightly.
14. The thing is, I didn't push for any major compliance and so didn't get negative compliance. As she was walking off I decided on a hail marry to get her number but she didn't hear me. (airpods)
16. She says that "it's fun to walk around a little bit, go where you don't usually go and you'd be surprised at what you'll find"
17. After she said her piece about how it's fun to walk around a bit and go where you don't usually go, etc...
18. She was actually going the other direction so she turned and resumed walking after she finished talking.

I'm trying to transcribe what I have in the matrix. Hopefully it's not completely incoherent.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I was busy with work and didn't even want to go out of the house, but lil Skippy was pushing for it, so...out of the house I went. I was working hard all day so I felt just fine justifying a 2hr outing. I've thought about it and realized it's a hassle to post my matrix entries every time. So I think I'll post a brief synopsis of my outing each day and then do a deeper analysis once a week.

Matrix Questions: 1. Observations 2. Why didn't you approach? 3. Meet cute strategies 4. Immersion strategies 5. Why was/wasn't Immersion successful? 6. What would you do differently to hook? 7. Archetype? 8. How did you utilize Archetype? 9. Wdyd to build Social Frame? 10. Wdyd to build emotional stimulation? 11. Wdyd to build sexual arousal? 12.Which key was lagging and would you fix it? 13. Did you encounter any positive compliance? 14. Did you encounter any negative compliance and what caused it? 15. How do you think it could've been reverted? 16. What were some important frames and how were they treated? 17. When did the interaction end? 18. How did the interaction end?

My Outfit:
gray v-neck and black jeans, rings, and a silver bead bracelet.

Today I approached 3 girls, 2 hooked, and 1 blew me out. Of the 2 that hooked one gave me her phone number and with the other one...we got interrupted by her friends and she said "next time" :| In my matrix, I notice I consistently stumble when it comes to figuring out her archetype. I need to get to the golden question more often for that.


If I want to have a high approach volume, a simple way to do that is to just force myself to remain outside of the house for a certain number of hours. I typically approach 1 girl an hour (including commute) in the worst-case scenario. So if I just force myself to stay out for 4 hours, I should be able to manage it. The problem is that nowadays my deadlines are more urgent(but they're easier to hit). So it's very easy to justify not going out. I need to be ultra diligent about doing 8 hours worth of pomodoros so I can leave the house guilt-free.

Also it's getting so hot these days that I have no choice but to forego the extra layer. This means all of my outfits are basically well-fitted v-necks and skinny jeans, with jewelry. The occasional button-downs, but even those are proving to be too uncomfortable. Maybe this is all the more reason to do night-game so I have an excuse for wearing nice jackets again.

Texting: I'm going to work to improve my texting now. The loose framework I'll follow is open—>continue the convo with 2nd gen verbals —>high point —>bait the soft close —>close
My problem with texting was that I was jumping for the close too quickly.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


My sleep schedule has been messed up so I took a nap around 3 and left the house at 5 to go to a shopping mall area. I only did two approaches, both at the bookstore, and they were both very easy to do actually. No approach anxiety
My Outfit:
Gray/white v-neck, black jeans, bracelets and a ring.


I just needed to bait the hook a little with these bookstore chicks. During the night, I decided to scope out some bars and clubs to see what the fuss was all about. I didn't put any pressure on myself to approach, just check out the venue and that's it. I went to one speakeasy type bar but all the cubicles taken by groups. In hindsight, I should've just sat at the bar and ordered a drink, to get a better feel for the vibe. Then I checked out another cafe/bar connected to a hotel which was quite empty except for a few couples. Maybe there was one lone chick, I dunno. But the main thing is there were lots of empty booths where people were just hanging out and working. It's actually a promising date spot and I'm thinking I could make use of that in the future.

Then there was the big nightclub by my house, which already had two long lines at 10:00. I'll check it out next time. Oh and I thought I'd be able to wear a jacket, but nope, I was uncomfortable and sweaty.

What I did well:​

  1. Went out after dinner to check out the nightlife, even though I wasn't feeling it

What I could've done better:​

  1. Both girls were receptive, and they would elaborate but neither asked me any questions back. so I just let the convo die out. The mistake is I kept the convo mostly surface level and didn't rainbow ruse or ask any deeper questions that could actually facilitate the convo
  2. If I had extended the interaction a bit with the second girl, I'm sure I would've been able to exchange numbers.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background (Saturday)​

Got 4 approaches in today, my strategy was basically leaving the house at 4 and refusing to let myself come back home until I did the approaches. I'll fuckin force myself to stay out until 11 if I have to. and no dinner either unless I do it. So I did it. Girls these days are walking around in booty shorts and it's making me very driven.

1 hooked, stopped to talk, and asked me questions back, and wanted my insta(which she doesn't even post much on) but "doesn't give out her number"

1 was friendly and talked a lot but wouldn't ask me any questions in return so it's hard to say if she counts as a hook.

1 shook her head when I tried to open

1 I kind of dropped the ball with and had no proper follow-up, so that interaction awkwardly fizzled out. And I didn't stop her, even though she was slowing down and would've probably stopped to chat a bit.

My Outfit:
Blue v-neck, gray jeans, jewelry

Then I got home around 8pm and quickly ate dinner and went to check out some nightclubs. I got in early and didn't have to pay any cover, but I was just standing around, just drinking in the environment. It was one big dance floor and VIP tables surrounding it. Nowhere else to go besides the dance floor, tbh. Some dude was glancing at me, so I struck up a convo with him, since it was both of our first times here. There were lots of ABG's in booty shorts. I didn't stay long though, but the good thing is this venue closes at 2am. I don't want to be out super late at night, so I'll definitely come again. I bounced to check out another club.

I took the train and went downtown and got in line behind this guy and two other girls wearing sailor outfits or something. Made eye-contact with one of them, a brunette with big boobs, she smiled and I asked her if this place charged cover and she was like "yea its $100 dollars ;) " so I just said "oh really" with a smirk and she's like "jk it's only 10". I was being a cheap-ass so I decided to bounce. Actually, I don't mind a $10 cover, but I've spent a lot of money on jeans this month so I'll need to be a little careful with spending. Then I went to a lounge but it was pretty empty and there were people at the bar but that was about it. So I left asap. The security guard was like "back so soon?" he was friendly though and pointed out a bunch of spots along the street to check out. It just occurred to me that the reason that lounge was probably empty was that it was still only 10:30 :facepalm: So I should check it out a little later too. I've actually been there before and it's chill.


Overall, it was a fun time exploring the nightlife and slowly getting accustomed to the hyperstimulating environment. I remember there was one girl posted up by a column and she was just on her phone. I probably could've approached her but I didn't.

Went out for a couple hours, but was busy and had to get home soon to plan the rest of the week. I went to the tourist trap and it was mostly people in groups. Honestly can't say there were any great opportunities. Maybe one set of curvy blonde girls carrying marshall's bags. And one asian girl, but she took a side street and was walking too fast. I didn't bother to try and catch up to her after that. There was this other blonde obviously tourist chick but she got hounded by guys asking for her snapchat. I probably could've been more persistent about following her and approaching. She also turned the corner as soon as I was about to.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Summary of the Week 7/5-7/11​

I did about 11 approaches this week out of a total of 19 approach opportunities. This is much less than the volume I wanted to get in, so I will be discussing strategies for that later. Part of the reason I wasn't able to hit my volume target is that I was busy with work and I had it hanging over my head so I would go home early to finish the work when I could've instead just stayed out longer. Before I focus on improving any technique, I will focus on just upping the volume to acceptable levels.


  1. For hooking, this is the general framework I have, loosely in that order. Once I get the right amount of volume in, I'll dive deeper into tweaking and refining this. I can field test variations for each of these steps separately if I want to:
    1. Smile with your eyes,
    2. "hey I just realized something..."(and variants)
    3. Stop the girl if she's moving, with some challenging intrigue('but it's a little X...are you sure you can handle it')
    4. RPO
    5. Rainbow ruse her
    6. Add in bait to get her to ask you questions about yourself.
    7. Ask an interesting question.
  2. Don't prematurely write off the day as a 'bad day for approaches' because it then when you get opportunities you want to still be primed to go for them, rather than checking out.
  3. I need to revise my texting style to be more calibrated: Open—>2nd gen textuals —>high point —>soft close —>hard close.
  4. On hitting approach targets: the feet to the fire method works for me. Basically, I'm not allowed back home before 11 until I get in the required number of approaches. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. No dinner until then. This method only works, assuming I've finished all my work for the day.
  5. It's quite hot out this month, so don't even think about a second layer

Notable Approaches​

Yea there were some, but I'm focused on hitting the volume targets first so I will not be posting any dialog and analysis as I usually do.

Action Steps for Next Week​

  1. Aim to wake up at 7 (roughly sleep at 11). Do 7 hours worth of focused pomodoros, and gtfo by 4:30. Feet to the fire, don't come home to eat until you've finished the approaches.
  2. Try to stop any moving sets
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


4 approaches, 2 numbers

As mentioned before, My focus for this week is hitting the baseline level of 'quantity', before moving on to work on technique. On days where I have to do more work, I can force myself to be out by 9pm if necessary. I was stopping the girls I approached downtown, and as predicted it led to better interactions since they didn't just fizzle out in 5 seconds. The problem is that today the numbers did not reply to my first message, which was just a continuation of the convo.

First girl hooked but had to catch a bus, and was a little uneasy about giving me her number but I persisted a bit and she gave it.

Second girl walked into a chick-fil-A right after my rpo because the sun was in her eyes and I wanted her to move a little to be more comfortable

Third girl was studying some papers and just shook her head

fourth girl stopped solidly and chatted about 10 min but she didn't ask me any questions. She was just following my lead, which makes me think I should've tried to push for as much compliance as possible to see what would happen. I ended it by continuing to walk with her and exchanging numbers. But I really should've gone for an instant date. This is an important interaction to write up in full detail at some point.

Also, I'm trying out Skill's method of exchanging numbers, which is to give the girl your phone number and text or call yourself. It serves as a pattern interrupt in case she's like "oh take my insta". I'm also trying to be a little bit more selective in the girls I approach, because otherwise I tend to shy away from approaching the really attractive girls and only approach girls that are "easy to approach".

My Outfit:
Gray 'marl' v-neck, black jeans, rope bracelet, black bead bracelet, gray sneakers.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019


4 approaches, 2 numbers

As mentioned before, My focus for this week is hitting the baseline level of 'quantity', before moving on to work on technique. On days where I have to do more work, I can force myself to be out by 9pm if necessary. I was stopping the girls I approached downtown, and as predicted it led to better interactions since they didn't just fizzle out in 5 seconds. The problem is that today the numbers did not reply to my first message, which was just a continuation of the convo.

First girl hooked but had to catch a bus, and was a little uneasy about giving me her number but I persisted a bit and she gave it.

Second girl walked into a chick-fil-A right after my rpo because the sun was in her eyes and I wanted her to move a little to be more comfortable

Third girl was studying some papers and just shook her head

fourth girl stopped solidly and chatted about 10 min but she didn't ask me any questions. She was just following my lead, which makes me think I should've tried to push for as much compliance as possible to see what would happen. I ended it by continuing to walk with her and exchanging numbers. But I really should've gone for an instant date. This is an important interaction to write up in full detail at some point.

Also, I'm trying out Skill's method of exchanging numbers, which is to give the girl your phone number and text or call yourself. It serves as a pattern interrupt in case she's like "oh take my insta". I'm also trying to be a little bit more selective in the girls I approach, because otherwise I tend to shy away from approaching the really attractive girls and only approach girls that are "easy to approach".

My Outfit:
Gray 'marl' v-neck, black jeans, rope bracelet, black bead bracelet, gray sneakers.
Skippy, I think you misunderstood, what I do is say "give me your phone so I can give you my number" she gives me her phone and I put my contact info in it... then I call myself from her number and I have it as a miss call.... then since the reason I don't carry my phone is due to distraction and I do dance floor stuff, but this is not your case, text her right away from your phone "who is that sexy or handsome or good looking guy you're talking to". So yes what happens is she lower the guard, she comply, an element of different and you don't risk the Instagram, snapchat, tiktok, Facebook crap that it kills seduction imho


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I was feeling sleepy today, but I powered through it and went out. I forgot to meditate before going out and I would like to visualize a little bit before going to bed. Today I went downtown again and had a rough outing with 4 approaches, 3 of them being blowouts more or less and for the non blowout, the girl didn't even stop, in fact, it was really clunky. Maybe I'm doing something really off with my pre-approach.

My Outfit:

Navy blue button-down, gray skinny jeans, white sneakers, bracelets

Girl 2: Writing this one down because her blowout technique was seriously impressive. Korean girl with long straight brown hair, a dark blue top, and white shorts. (Very attractive) First, she was walking in my direction, so I pretended to be on my phone and ignored her as she walked past. Then I turned around and walked after her. As I passed her I looked over to her: she was looking down on her phone and she must've noticed me from her peripherals because she looked away to the side immediately. I said "hey I just realized something...[she shook her head, still not looking]... about you". I meant to switch to the deep focus opener but messed up, and I ended up sounding robotic probably.

Anyway, if they're about to blow me out, I need to remember to switch to a deep focus opener, as that is probably the most potent curiosity gambit I know of as of now. I had a couple of chances to try that but kept forgetting to do it. I'll practice that during my visualization session today.

Another thought I had was "presupposing you already know the girl and that she's an old friend". With one of the blowouts, I should've been a little bit persistent, I just ejected the second she looked like she was going to ignore me.

What I did well:​

  1. Hit 4 approaches. It was challenging today because there weren't many good options for some reason. But still, looking back, there were a decent number of chances.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Right now I'm just focusing on volume, but later on I do need to figure out how to avoid blow-outs or at least minimize them. I should at least be able to deliver my RPO in full
  2. If the girl is wearing a facemask, wear a facemask as well to match her.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


4 approaches, 2 numbers
Just 3 days into my increased volume plan and it already feels like I'm drinking from a firehose, in a good way. I visualized last night what I would do in situations where a girl is about to ignore me or walk on and it helped because I was much more fluid in reacting. I'll talk more about that down below.

My Outfit:
Green crew neck, black jeans, silver bead bracelet, gray bracelet, gray sneakers

Girl 1: Stylish korean woman with a tight ass. As I was approaching her, I opened with "hey I just realized something" she listened and then was walking on when I followed up with "...do you know who you look almost exactly like" this got her attention and got her to stop. I had no idea how to follow up, so the plan is to just say some obscure tv-show that she wouldn't have heard of so it's not like she'll ever really confirm.

First I ask her what other people tell her she looks like before I tell her, and she's like "you mean some actress from a k-drama?" I give her some obscure Chinese tv show instead, and anyway I forgot to follow up with "oh but you have a different energy behind your eyes"

Anyway, this interaction fizzled out as soon as I told her because I was like "what are you up to today(to reality pace with the mini-adventure)

So I have an idea for a reality pace based on this scenario when the girl is in "fast-walking blowout mode"

Do the deep focus opener—> Say "well I was walking down that way and you know how there's always crazy people downtown so you learn to tune it out and then it's really surprising when you see someone and you're like why does it feel like I know this person"

I will field test this, but the idea is that it paces her reality of wanting to avoid all the crazies that walk around downtown, without really answering her question of who she looks like, to keep her hooked.

Girl 2:
An actual blowout and she didn't even bite when I used the DFO

Girl 3: Tan brunette
This girl hooked hard and we stopped on the side walk to have a 20min convo but when I suggested a meet up, she told me she had a boyfriend, but I gave her my number because she was suggesting I come out with her and her coworkers when they go out to bars. I'll probably pass on that but I gave her my number anyway.

Girl 4: HbSwiss. Another tanned brunette with big boobs, wearing a red tank top and black shorts. Swiss.

I met her at the bus stop and she was receptive immediately. I got on the bus with her but my mind was occupied with trying to figure out logistics so I forgot to give her my number and out of habit just took down her WhatsApp. She said she's here until august so that's a good sign that I could get her out but I might've botched the texting.

What I did well:​

  1. Visualizing helped me with the first approach. I will keep doing it.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Speak louder and clearer. I think it was an issue today
  2. Don't hold your phone awkwardly in front of your body, Jesus


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I went out at 6pm because I took a long nap. I finally got to the mall at around 6:45 and did two approaches. One was this korean girl wearing a baggy shirt and yoga shorts. I started by saying "hey I just realized something[she pays attention]...but it's a little meta, can you handle it?" and then she's like "oh... nah" and that was that.

The second approach was at a whole foods nearby where this gorgeous tanned Filipina chick was in the vegan section, so I stood next to her to examine some vegan cheese, and as I was about to open, she comes up to where I am and says she needs to squeeze in there to grab something real quick, so I'm like sure and then do the buy 1 rpo. She's like "oh yea" and goes into how "sometimes she comes here expecting to only spend $10 and instead spends $60" but while she's vibing and resonating with the rpo, her body is turned to leave and so she wishes me a good day after she finishes talking. I dunno if I could've quickly gotten in my follow-up question, The main mistake would probably have been opening her after she had already picked out her food. Also, I will absolutely need to get good at grocery store pickups because so many of the kinds of girls I like personality-wise go there.

And when she 'opened' me to grab some food, I should've made a comment about it, instead of going into my rpo directly. Something like "oh, is it vegan burger night tonight?" (because she was grabbing vegan cheese)


Seriously need to get my sleep schedule in order.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Drink some tea in the middle of the day so that you're not sleepy when you're going out.
  2. Stick to the mall area only on Saturday or Sunday afternoons, (Actually give it another go but come earlier, but it's probably best suited to Saturday after lunch)
  3. Think of another place to cold approach on weekdays besides downtown, to prevent overfishing. (honestly just another part of downtown would probably suffice)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I made the same mistake as yesterday and did not drink caffeine thinking I'd be fine, but again around 2pm I got sleepy and took a long-ass nap. So I ended up leaving the house late. I decided to switch it up and went to the tourist trap on a weekday, just to see how it'd be. It was crap, tourists in groups everywhere. But also not too much volume, as to be expected. and I went to one of the souvenir shops to see if I could pick out a lone tourist and make up some rpo on the spot. But I hesitated too long.

My strategy for when there is poor volume, is to go down the street to an almost equally populated area but now with mostly locals, there's a grocery store there as well. So I went and found a records store first that I checked out,

My Outfit:
Gray v-neck, black jeans, etc...

Girl 1:
I made up some RPO and used it on one girl about how this record store takes you back in time, not just to the 80s or 70s but back to your childhood, because they had lots of CD's and DVD's. I didn't really think of a follow-up but just asked her if she actually listens to records and she says that she's buying a gift for her friend. I just left it at that.

My description of the rpo is much better than how it came out in real time. So I'm mainly writing this down for refinement purposes.

Next I went to the grocery store which was also pretty empty and out of the window I noticed this really hot girl walking down the street, long straight hair, tanned, heels, and a black and green skirt. So I ditched the basket and caught up to her. (which was easy)

Girl 2:
Stopped her and did the mini-adventure RPO and from the moment I opened her I could tell she was the loud, outspoken type (hmm any thoughts on archetype?) She at first doesn't really vibe with the RPO but then she takes to the line "and you feel like anything could happen" and shares a story about how some homeless dude with his pants off yelled after her "Ching chong ling long!" (She's asian) so I related with a story from my hometown, and transitioned to asking her where she's from as in her hometown. Given the context of the story, she joked about "oh but where are you from from" Anyway after chatting with her a bit she says

Her: What's your name? you're really cute! and this is a fun conversation! actually I'm in a rush so I gotta go
Me: oh we should finish(meant to say continue, but I was a little nervous) this convo over a coffee sometime
Her: Ahh I'm actually on my way to a date with my boyfriend but you're really nice and I really really enjoyed this conversation

Ah well


Had an unexpected night, even though I didn't really approach any girls.

I wore a blue blazer and an ox pendant necklace along with the gray v-neck and black jeans.

This time, my goal was to go to more nightclubs and lounges and actually stay a while instead of just bouncing before 11pm like last time. I forgot that it was going to be intimidating going out solo, and when I arrived at the first nightclub, I basically avoided eye contact with anyone and didn't talk to anyone and I was waaaay too in my head. Also because I arrived early (10pm) people were in groups and I felt really exposed as that one dude who is by himself. I should've chatted with people in line at least, but also couldn't think of what to say.

Then the club started to get crowded so I finally struck up a convo with some dude but it kind of fizzled out since we could hardly hear each other. Anyway, then I danced a bit until midnight when I decided it was time to bounce and check out another lounge I had passed along the way, that was down the street from my house.

This lounge was quite nice, with two floors. The VIP tables were on the first floor but there was still an S-shaped bench that people could sit at and chat. and there was a second smaller bar on the upper floor. I checked out the place and then went in line to go to the bathroom. Then some dude got in line behind me. I recognized him! It was actually this youtube celebrity that I used to watch in high school.

Un-fucking-believable :D. So I chatted with him a bit, and it turns out the people from that yt channel frequent this lounge a lot since some of them own it. It was weird talking to him, like he was just some normal dude (honestly, this is the first time I actually noticed cold approach skills blatantly seeping into real life because I was more nervous earlier in the day talking to that hot girl. With him it was just chill). He was also really down-to-earth and friendly. Anyway I used the bathroom and then hung out a bit and then bounced because I couldn't figure out how to make any approaches.

It's remarkable to think that all this shit was right under my nose these past two years.


Well I'll have to do the 'progressive desensitization' for nightgame so that I can get comfortable with it. Reminds me of when I first went to the tourist trap and was feeling too in my head and now I love going to that place.

What I did well:​

  1. Well even though it was an uneventful night in terms of talking to women, I'm glad I pushed myself to stomach the discomfort and stay out while going alone.

What I could've done better:​

  1. For nightgame, the next goal could be to just be more social with people and talk to more groups. I don't really know where to get started so I'll probably want to find some extreme newbie-targeted gc articles for that.
  2. For daygame, I shouldn't have left the house so late. I should've left about an hour earlier.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Hey skippy seems like you have the same insecurity as me. We mainly daygame so nightgame feels like a whole nother animal. One of my worries is feeling weird being in a bar or club by myself when everyone else is in groups whereas it doesn't matter in daygame.
Does AA feel different for you personally in a noisy environment? Cuz one advantage of nightlife is less people paying attention to you than approaching on the street.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Hey starboy! cool to see that you're also venturing into night game.
One of my worries is feeling weird being in a bar or club by myself when everyone else is in groups whereas it doesn't matter in daygame.
I definitely felt that last night. The challenge is with daygame I can just tell myself "oh I'll just go out for a walk and that's all" but with night game if I go out and I'm the only one there alone, then I'll feel self-conscious. So just getting myself out there is tougher but this has gotten me thinking about strategies to baby-step it similar to how you'd "just go out for a walk" during daygame.

It was much worse at the beginning of the night when there are only a few people inside and so you really stick out as a lone wolf. After about 11, you can kind of just stick to the dance floor and 'feel' anonymous.
Does AA feel different for you personally in a noisy environment? Cuz one advantage of nightlife is less people paying attention to you than approaching on the street.
Since for daygame, I only go for lone wolves, I'm realizing I don't have that luxury at all in nightgame where even groups of two girls are a little uncommon. Nightgame feels like all group sets.

But...watching some youtube videos about reframing going out solo kind of helped. Most guys would be terrified, most girls respect you have the balls to go out solo, most pros like going out solo (probably) and @Tr1cky had some good points in the chat on how going out solo is an amplifier of 'coolness'.

I also have this assumption that people will be baseline unreceptive (which is bullshit)

I think it's just like those things when you're new to daygame and you try a new venue and all of a sudden you're feeling lots of AA. So I think some gradual exposure, baby-stepping, etc... should sort it out.

The main reasons I'm trying out night game are
  1. For the sake of deliberate practice, to hone skills that wouldn't get sharpened as effectively during daygame
  2. There are a ton of bars, lounges and nightclubs nearby, so logistics are insanely good as you saw above.
But to be honest, I don't really care for drinking or staying up ultra late.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Saturday 7/17/2021​

Girl 1:

She was wearing heels, a lavender topcoat, and trousers. She hooked hard, but then I found out she was 16... :( so I transformed into Skippy-the-mentor and just gave her some advice about choosing colleges and stuff.

Girl 2:

Hot Korean girl with dyed blonde hair, tanned skin, and showing nice cleavage. She was wearing a peach-colored tank top and tan trousers. She was slightly receptive on the open, but the sun was in our eyes and so I tried to get her to stop in the shade a bit but she said "she's heading that way" so I walked with her a bit and got her to stop in the market. She started to hook around the time I brought up travel and got her slightly immersed. But she mentioned the B-word in passing, since he was also trying to transfer to my school and when there was a lull she said she had to get going. I tried to number close but she said her boyfriend probably wouldn't be okay with it.

Girl 3:

Hot brunette, with long straight hair and a big ass, standing around outside a store. She basically said "i dunno" to my questions and she found them too deep(golden question, and asking about where she would travel . I used the "mini-vacation" rpo on her and how the shopping mall looks like Disney. Important note, is that I should add how because it feels like you can suspend reality, it makes it easier to indulge. And this gives a way of going into the SOT of indulgence

Girl 4: Redhead with a big ass and slim legs. Wondeful :) I opened her by saying I realized something...but it's a little deep. But unfortunately, she said she was trying to catch an uber...she ended up going into a candy shop.


Thanks to @Lobo and @Lofty 's encouragement in the chat, I went out again, and went to a random bar that I noticed on my way to the original bar I was going to. This was a very dark and loud venue with the 'dancefloor' interspersed with the bar. This time, I finally opened some girls and asked them how their night was, but it was loud and hard for them to hear me, so I didn't go into the full 1-10 opener. I also need to work on projection. The style was '80s and the type of girls it attracted was completely different from the other bars I checked out before.

Maybe it helped that I arrived at 11, I didn't feel any anxiety about being out by myself, and the place was very dark and anonymous. It was hard to have proper conversations but I'll get better at that later. Now I need to figure out how to manage a reasonable sleep schedule with this.

Hopefully I will post the weekly analysis later today. I think I will post my nightgame reviews in the weekly updates.
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