Background(Monday 8/16)
For some reason, I was in the vicinity of at least 10 girls today. And I managed 5 approaches. This doesn't mean I could've done all 10 of those approaches because sometimes I switched girls. I also realized during rush hour that the subway stop is actually really promising. Passed up two hotties there because I didn't know how to start off casual. The subway station is not so good after 8pm or so.
My Outfit:
Fitted green crew-neck, black jeans, black bead bracelet, white sneakers, ring etc..
Girl 1:
Saw this really curvy asian girl wearing a white tank top and gray 'yoga shorts' it was basically panties for her because they only covered the top half of her ass. Her ass was ginormous without looking too fake. I was understandably really turned on by her body. But also a little jittery. Thank god for the mask. Her face was meh though. But I opened her anyway with the mini-adventure rpo. She seemed receptive to the rpo but did not invest into the convo.
- I first asked her if it felt like a mini-adventure, and she said it definitely did,
- then I went into the listing and pacing structure for how it makes you feel more creative, she agreed,
- tried to cold-read her on her being creative type, which she said she was.
- At this point she was turning directions so I continued to walk with her, instead of just going onwards.
- I moved on into the art in different cities gambit to drop some bait about my city, but she didn't bite
- Then we got close to a cvs and I remembered I need to make the rainbow ruse stick harder so I circled back to the creative theme and asked her what she does that's creative
- She says "you're really nice but I'm going to go here so sorry!". That's probably the longest sentence she said.
Girl 2:
Black hair, blue eyes, blue top, black yoga pants. She had a nice ass. I open her while we're still walking.
Me: Hey do you know that feeling...when you're walking downtown and you see something crazy and you're like...that's only the 3rd craziest thing I've seen all day
Her: yeah
Me: I dunno I feel like after a certain time, you kind of just get used to it.
Me: ...It sounds like you're used it as well
Her: yeah I guess so
Me: I actually don't live here
Her: Oh!
Me: I live close though
Me: Yea have a good day.
I did a polite ejection at this point. This whole interaction was really cringe on my part. Even my 'polite ejection' sounded really formal. wtf skippy. I guess the problem was I didn't know how to continue from there. But I guess that's to be expected. I need to build a structure for this opener now. I think I could've hooked this girl with better juice. And a street stop.
Girl 3:
Curly-haired asian girl wearing brown contact lenses. Denim jacket, black yoga pants.
Me: Hey I just realized something really funny
Me: you know that feeling when you're walking downtown...and you see something crazy going on.. Her: yea?
Me: and then you realize [counts on my fingers] that's like only the 3rd craziest thing I've seen today
Her: okay?
Me: And you're just like...this is downtown.
Her: yea haha lot of crazy things downtown
Me: I get that sense about you that you're very comfortable with it though. Like you walk as if you're at peace with your surroundings
Her: Yea I live here
Peels off into a side street...
Then I went to a grocery store
Girl 4:
Spot this asian girl, with really nice legs by the granola bars, struggling to reach the top shelf to get the last box of bars. She is already holding 3 more of the same boxes in her hand
Me: Wow...those must be really good

Her: haha
Me: I just realized something funny. You know that feeling ...[buy one RPO]
Her: Oh I know yea hahaha
Me: "—how did I get here"
Her: Yea it's only 5 boxes for 1 dollar off
Me: Oh I actually did that last week. I got this granola (for my pre daygame snack)
Her: But my friend who is korean wants these biscuits but I don't see them anywhere here... shows me a picture
Me: Oh...oh those. You usually have those with tea.
Her: she used live in Australia.
Me: So you're shopping for your friend?
Her: yea haha
Me: cool...
And then I ejected. I thought she had disappeared actually but when I looked back I realized she was still there where I left her. I kind of lost track of her because there was a large column in that aisle. Legend has it, that she's still there by the granola bars searching for those biscuits
Girl 5:
Tall blonde, nice ass, black tank top and jean shorts. I open her by the yogurts section, asking if the yogurt is any good. (it's the brand OUI. looks fancy).
Me: you know if..[points to the Oui yogurt] this is any good
Her: I don't actually
like yogurt I just get it because I have to.
Her: [cracks up]
Her: [Still dying] To be honest I don't like yogurt looks like nice packaging.
Me: Once at whole foods I tried Ellenos...Anyway it's the best thing I had all month. And when you open it, it says "our family has been working on this for 100 years, this is our passion".
Her: That's nice
Me: So you're like this is going to be really good.
Her: Talk about selling you with the small business. I mean it looks good, the packaging looks good so I would say go for it!
Me: Yea I'm kinda curious
Her: 3 for $4 that's actually not bad.
Her: Good luck.
So the two grocery store approaches were very receptive, in the sense that they were much more friendly in their energy, but they didn't stick around. It was my problem with not knowing how to continue the convo.
What I did well:
- Okay I finally have a way of opening girls when they're looking at glass in the grocery store. I was getting stuck because usually, I like to take an item and examine it before opening her. But it feels odd to do that with items in the frozen section. Am I going to be holding it while I"m talking to her? No. So a better way is to just ask her if she's tried some item you're looking at and then go into the buy 1 RPO.
What I could've done better:
- The way I see it is there's 2 main ways to follow up with an opener. Either a story laced with intrigue or a rainbow ruse where you really force her to look inward. I think the best combo is first a strong rainbow ruse and then a story about yourself to get her to ask you something. I will be outlining my process so it'll be a good idea to get this all written down.
- I could use different rainbow ruses for different scenarios
- Missed out on approaching two girls by the subway station. I opened this fat latina to test stuff out by asking her if the "X train" was still running. She wasn't sure and this other dude chimed in to help out as well. And then when I got on another train he was like " This is the Y-line, bro" I reassured him that I knew where I was going but the point is, opening girls like this will be super conspicuous. Just something to keep in mind.