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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I was a bit sleepy from last night's approaching. I got home at 2:30am, but ended up snacking on some ramen and sleeping at 4am. My mind was racing. Woke up at 10, and was planning to nap but instead had a great time in the sunday chat and came away with a couple ideas to implement with for the next week. I'll write about them in my weekly writeup. I wasn't even feeling sleepy anymore so I went to the usual tourist spot for some daygame. It's still pretty bad and I'm missing out on the lone hot tourists that used to frequent it pre corona. But...ah well.

My Outfit: navy v-neck and gray jeans etc...

Girl 1:
Turkish girl wearing gray yoga pants. A dude tried to approach her but she ignored him and continued walking off. Then I opened her and got her to stop with the "hey :)" so I asked her my rpo "does it sometimes feel like a mini adventure" and she goes "yea" and hesitantly continues walking so I follow up and she listens to me for a second before abruptly cutting me off "—I thought you were asking a question" and walks off. Probably should've gone with a DFO.

I write this down not to reminisce over the blowout, but rather to talk about an idea it gave me. This area that I cold approached is pandhandler central of my city. And if a hot girl walks down these grimy streets, she will be hounded by dudes trying to approach her. I know this for a fact because a girl I approached in the past told me just that.

So...why not just approach with a Lofty style jada gambit? the type of reality pacing should be exactly like that in a crowded nightclub. (do that if she's a hot local) If she's a tourist, proceed as normal. And anyway I've been meaning to test out the jada gambit. I keep talking about it but have yet to actually use it.

Girl 2: vicinity but no approach

Then I went to the grocery store and noticed this girl with nice tanned legs and nice long hair. She moved to the other end of the aisle before I got a chance to open her and then I went to the salsa section in the next aisle. She was also there, but on the other end. Then she walks over to where I'm standing and hovers right next to me, staring at some spices. Then walks off. Yea, I just pissed away a perfectly good AI. On the bright side though, I've gotten much better at spotting them (or just been getting them more often these days) Come to think of it...yeah I've been seeing more of them lately. wonder what's up.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Summary of the Week​

First two days of the week, I didn't do any approaching, next two days of the week, I got one approach in, and then the next two I hit my target of 4 approaches. It's funny I always think my weeks are rather bland but then looking back I realize I did so much shit. It's hard to believe it all happened in one week. This past week for example, I wrapped up an internship, had a big lightbulb moment that I think is arguably the most important seduction-related realization I've had in recent memory. Discovered an actual popping area for night-time street game. It's the gay district in my city. Pushed my comfort zone in night game (no...has nothing to do with the previous sentence)

I realized studying chess pedagogy can be useful towards seduction. There are some similarities between the two areas. For example, having different openings is similar to different openers you might use on a girl, having a plan for the different stages of the game and different stages of a seduction, studying games from grandmasters vs studying lay reports. Analyzing in real time to figure out what your next move will be. Obviously there are also big big differences. The main one being that chess is combative while seduction is cooperative. But since chess theory has been around for a very long time, the pedagogy for that is well-developed. I read an article by chess.com on how some players improved their rating from 800 to 1400 in 90 days (basically going from newbie to being able to destroy anyone who's just a casual player. 1400 is a little better than my rating when I'm on point and I've been playing casually, on and off since I was a kid). What did they do differently from other players in the same bracket? It seemed there were 4 main steps they followed.

  1. They played 10 games a day. (Analogously do x number of approaches a day, which I sort of do but not terribly consistently I must admit)
  2. They analyzed their games (Analogously analyze your approaches, which I'm doing)
  3. They did some tactics drills (This I am not currently doing. But there should be a way to do this with seduction, which I'll talk about below)
  4. They did more lessons on average (This I'm kind of doing by reading articles and such but not in an organized manner)
So if I were to summarize with a very big picture overview, I need to be making drills for myself, which could be taking an audio infield, pausing it and saying something instead. I can also read lay reports and make drills from those. And lessons, yeah it's important to read a little bit each day and make sure you're digest the material. I can also study lay reports and try and predict what I would've done in that situation and compare it with what actually happened. And as for number 4, just having a course to follow and consistently sticking to it will be really important. So in my case that'd be riker and smma, which I've been a little lazy about reviewing lately. So I need to get on that asap.


  • Super casual works great, but don't do it if she's engrossed in something like walking with airpods on.
  • Speaking of airpods, you can motion for her to remove them before opening, but probably best to follow up with a DFO or something meaty
  • Think of your seductions as a big compliance ladder and how you can amp up compliance at each step.
  • For rainbow ruses you need to force them to land and so make sure you keep asking her questions afterwards to get her to look inwards.
  • Eat a snack before going out! Getting hungry fucks up my motivation to approach.
  • Some nice playful openers I used this week: asking a girl whether the fire truck passing by was for a real fire or just someone's cat stuck in a tree. Pointing to some steinways and asking how much do you think they cost. Looking at shelves of pasta sauce and how there are so many options but I always end up going with the same thing.
  • Reread the fake text article
  • It's super key to figure out where on the compliance ladder the girl is, and in most cases, the only way you'll know is if you ask for it. This means stopping and asking to move her to a cafe or exchanging numbers for a later time.
  • remember to speak passionately when you're emotionally stimulating and rpo-ing
  • If you want to approach a stationary chick and you want to buy some time to 'gather yourself' just walk slower (something the rsd wing showed me).

Night Game​

On Saturaday, I went out to the main clubbing district with the rsd wing. First we were in my district by the street outside the nightclub. It was 11am and he went in and approached this set of med school students where one girl was so drunk her friend needed to hold her up. (This approach was just a warm-up). To be honest, I'm not sure why he likes approaching really drunk sets (he's not actually trying to hit on them, I think he just enjoys busting their balls and bantering with them a little). The other girl was nice but eventually wanted us to leave "we're good thanks". I kind of feel bad for her having to hold up her friend, and then we come in and provide even more chaos.

Anyway, then we went to the gay district. while my wing went to take a piss, I opened two blondes. And one of them is too tired but the other is very receptive. I basically opened by asking about the cover and transitioned into reality pacing on the environment. Some stuff about how it just feels very open and liberated. I could've done more with this as there were muscular dudes in underwear dancing on tables at each of the clubs in the vicinity. Definitely lots of opportunity for sexual liberation framing. The receptive girl keeps the convo going during dead spots. Eventually, my wing gets back and I wave him over. The girls were waiting for an uber. So anyway we do a couple more rounds. My wing is feeling pretty in his head since it's a new environment and the caffeine he had earlier was making him too analytical but he does open a girl standing by herself for the social momentum. Then he eggs me on to open these two Latinas and he goes to occupy the fat one.

I mean it was a good outing. I just opened sets by asking about the cover and then going into reality paces about the environment. The rest of the verbals will come with more practice in these areas.

Action Steps for Next Week​

  1. Come up with 3 rainbow ruses that you can use and practice them.
  2. Write out a guide on your current process. Imagine you were teaching Skippy from 6 months ago what to do. It's an exercise that Gun suggested in the chat
  3. Stop girls on "hey", if they're walking. Basically, get used to stopping very soon into the attention grab.
  4. When you do a rainbow ruse, really dig into it and force it to land

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Pushed my comfort zone in night game (no...has nothing to do with the previous sentence)
Lmao I didn't realize what you meant until I reread it
Gay bars in general are great, you just gotta make sure it's no sooo gay that's only dude in there (and maybe a few manly lesbian lmao)
Gonna steal some of your lessons for me ;D


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background (Yesterday 8/10)​

I have a going-out routine now.
  • Take a pill of maca root (will this take effect fast enough?)
  • eat a bowl of granola and yogurt
  • meditate for 10 min
I had practiced some rainbow ruses the night before so I had them in my arsenal

My Outfit:
olive green v-neck etc..

Girl 1:
Latina holding a big box. I tried opening casually, then did the mini-adventure rpo, then rainbow rused her. I didn't stop her and it fizzled out as she turned the corner. She was not really invested enough.

Girl 2:
Bus stop approach. fat booty. Mexican. big tits. All black outfit. I opened just asking about the bus schedule and she said she's not from here, I rainbow rused about that and then moved on to talking about how waiting for the bus feels like you're meditating. We're waiting for the bus and she tells me about her traveling stories and how when she was traveling alone in Turkey, the bell boy was really creepy and opened her door without knocking and before he had asked her for her Instagram and she got really uncomfortable. We talk a little on the bus but she gets interrupted by a call, it's her boyfriend. Anyways the convo on the bus is a little dead, but at one point our legs were touching and I could feel the warmth from her leg and I kept my leg there. A little while later she asks me if I have Instagram, and I tell her she can add me on whatsapp instead. We get off at the wrong stop and she's annoyed at the bus driver for not stopping for her (the stop was right for me though) I sent a cocky text (Who's that handsome guy) and she responds well. She has a bf though so I dunno how it'll go.

On sex gambits during daygame: The idea is to talk about travel—> Traveling alone and how you can feel free and stuff —> Baiting the girl to share stories about how she wouldn't travel alone and how she's afraid to do that —>You can then share a modified Jada gambit for travel (how a female friend was traveling and got hit on by lots of uncalibrated guys but then she met a smooth and charming guy etc...). (Worked with Dev to tweak it for travel)

Girl 3:
It was getting dark at this point, but I noticed this tall Chinese girl with long silky hair wearing yoga shorts. She stops to take a picture of the buildings. I was planning to open about how nice the lighting is at night (we were by this bank that had a giant fancy led screen inside and the light was pouring out onto the street. It was a sight to behold) As I open her, I notice her face is not as attractive as I was hoping.

Me: Hey I just realized something....
Her: [she gives a fake smile and ignores me while looking down on her phone]
Me: ...[I try anyway]Have you noticed how certain parts of the city look really nice at night

But she was intent on ignoring me and walked ahead, so I let her go.

Girl 4:
This was more of a warmup set than anything. I opened this girl asking her if she noticed how so many things were misplaced at the grocery store today. It's almost as if someone was playing a prank. She says she's new here and just came from china. I didn't think to rainbow ruse her, but that's what I would've done. She was going on with her shopping. Anyway I wasn't attracted to her, I mainly just wanted to test out this opener.


I'm honestly a little fascinated by these blow-outs. I don't know how often it really happens so maybe it's not an actual issue. But I do find it bizarre to be getting blown out if I'm not going direct. You'd think the girl would wait and find out what I have to say first. Sometimes I get blown out by some of these girls before I can open my mouth. They pretend not to hear or they'll press their lips firmly together and nod as if you were just saying hi and then go back to their phone. And then you think to yourself:

"Does she just think I'm saying just hi? Is it a language barrier? Is it a cultural difference? Is it even worth looking into?"

I'm thinking of preemptively dealing with this by switching to something more juicy like a DFO or using Lobo's idea of adroitly calling it out in a gentle way.

While this is an interesting challenge, it's important to not get too sidetracked by them, however. There are more fruitful endeavors at the moment, such as converting girls that pay attention into girls that hook, and also converting hooks into dates, as I've had a very poor track record of that lately.

What I did well:​

  1. Kept my legs touching the girl. Even though it seems small, I think it made a difference and it reminded me that a little bit of kino can be really great.
  2. Thought of a great way to bait a gambit. And just the thought that you can bait gambits in the first place...this leads to many more possibilities

What I could've done better:​

  1. inserting that gambit as mentioned before.
  2. stopping that first girl. It still gives me anxiety. So it's better than not stopping her at all, but still I think my track record of hooking girls that I don't stop is close to zero and it could be a slight chicken vs egg problem but not too much.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I'm thinking of preemptively dealing with this by switching to something more juicy like a DFO or using Lobo's idea of adroitly calling it out in a gentle way.
Sorry for my ignorance, but what's a DFO? I wanna know this Lobo thing as well hehe


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Hey @Beck Bass by DFO, I meant deep focus opener such as the ones Gun suggests "Do you know who you look exactly like" or "Woah! You look almost exactly like my ex". But I think the first one would be better here to prevent a blowout.

@Lobo and @Lofty were talking about calling it out gently in the chat and one suggestion Lobo had was to say

You know... this city has an ability to force people in their little secluded boxes... but that doesn't mean we all need to be that way

I actually just had some more thoughts on this. If she blows you out, you could first say "hope you're having a good day" maybe not exactly those words, but something that shows kindness. It'll make her wonder if she was too harsh and it'll also make her feel like "oh he's a good person"... Then you could try reopening her a couple seconds later with the above line "you know...this city"

Because it occurred to me, if she's blowing you out, she's not really seeing you as a person. Kind of like when a homeless person asks for money and you say nah and they are like "god bless you" or whatever. Then you think to yourself "oh what a good person, I kinda wish I'd given him some money but nah I don't give money to strangers". Our position is much different from that of a homeless person asking for money so at that point it might open her up for some influence.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Today 8/14​

Today was embarrassing. I basically walked around for 3 hours and did zero approaches. I saw some possible opportunities but by then I had already gotten too tired. I think my problem is I'm hesitating too much and I'm also not flexible enough. Theres two solutions to the flexibility problem
1. Practice DFO's since they're applicable in all situations.
2. Have openers for every scenario possible.

Background(Yesterday 8/13)​

I'll set my app to automatically shut off my computer around the time I need to get out of the house for daygame. I, unfortunately, got hooked on Black Sails and it's been destabilizing my productivity. I did two sets downtown trying Glow's opening structure and it's showing a lot of potential

My Outfit:
Ripped gray jeans, navy v-neck, gray sneakers, ring, bracelets.

Girl 1:
Curvy latina. On closer inspection her face was meh. I noticed a guy getting arrested as we passed by so I open

Me: hey
Her: [Very confidently, almost want to say authoritatively]Hey
Me: You ever get that feeling when you're walking downtown, it's like you see something going on and you're like "i want to know what the backstory is but then it's like ah just another thing"
Her: yeah...honestly you see a lotta shit here in [city]
Me: oh yea?
Her: a lot a lot...that's not even the worst
Her: [looks at the bouncer nearby..she was going to the bar where she works, probably] Hi hon, how are you, happy Thursday, goes inside
After that I realized how I could make that opener flow a little better so I opened the next girl with

Girl 2:
Me; Hey...do you know that feeling...when you're walking downtown..and you see something crazy but then you realize, it was only the 3rd craziest thing you saw that day

Her: hua hahaha yes
Me: So many little stories going on...you kinda want to know what the story is
Her: I think about that when I'm driving (says this really fast) like oh this car next to me, like I wonder where they're going (This would've been a great opportunity to talk about road trips and travel)

I talk about how driving by yourself is like meditation and also when you're going for a walk. Then she asks me where I live and what I'm up to. She has to go pick up her cat from the hospital (a bit awkward here) and then we talk about pets a little bit before she turns the corner.


There were 3 girls that I could've approached but didn't because I hesitated for too long. One was this really hot girl but I didn't know how to open her because she was facing the street and letting her dog just lounge around by a tree. (So her back was turned to any pedestrian on the sidewalk) I'm getting horny just thinking about this. This is why I was stuck trying to figure out how to open.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Saturday 8/14)​

I went to sleep past 5am 'friday' night so I was just in a daze for much of the day although I managed to wake up around 10, and finally got out of the house around 5pm. Typical. Anyway I decided to hit up the shopping mall since I’d been spending all my time downtown lately.

My Outfit:
Bought a pack of magnetic earrings. One black stud earring, to match the black jeans and black bead bracelet. A ring, a rope bracelet and a green crew neck. Simple white sneakers.

Girl 1:
First I went to the bookstore and hovered near this Italian girl with brown hair that went down to her shoulders. She was wearing a gray top and white jean shorts, and she had a very strong tan. She was at the astrology section and I was next to her by the tarrot cards. I first opened by asking her if she knows anything about tarrot cards and whether the book I was holding was any good for that. She is trying to be very helpful and suggests another author instead but she can’t quite remember the name. I chat a little bit with her, she’s struggling to speak English with me and apologizes for her english, so I learn that she’s Italian and is a student in a nearby city but she’s visiting my city for the weekend with her friend(who was somewhere else in the bookstore). I cold-read her and guess that she must be the type who is really good at trusting her instincts because she likes tarrot cards. (Disclaimer, I don’t know jack shit about tarrot cards) At some point the convo dies out. It was clunky and I definitely felt like I was forcing it, although she was receptive(But still hung up on the tarrot cards). I think I dropped a little bit of bait saying that I’m a student but that’s all.

So I ‘politely ejected’ and resumed reading tarrt card books. She was hovering next to me for a while with her phone and I had a hunch she was still sensing me even though she was staring at her phone. Sure enough she re-engages me and shows me the book she found on her phone that she recommends for tarrot cards. I took that as a sign and opened the conversation again, I tried to emotionally stimulate her a bit by talking about how bookstores in different countries each take on subtle characteristics of the country and it’s a nice feeling. She doesn’t know what the fuck I’m talking about at first but then kind of understands and tells me that bookstores in Italy are crap lul. She wishes me a good day. I’d periodically see her around the bookstore and we’d catch each other looking.

Girl 2: Then I went to the nearby whole foods and noticed this Korean-looking chick walk in with a nice fat ass. Turns out she’s actually Thai. She was dressed like a hip-hop dancer. She’s taking a long time by shampoo section but eventually, meanders to the supplements and I go in. I grab a packet of Golden Milk Powder and ask her if it’s any good. She tries to be helpful, She’s looking for some supplements for her knees (they’ve been bothering her since she’s a dancer) So I tell her about okra. I cold read her as being the type that likes to stay active and the type to always keep moving to stay engaged in life. She agrees and asks me if I also like to stay active so I tell her that I used to go to the gym but now I use these elastic bands because I want to build a lifestyle that’s conducive to traveling around a lot. She says that “yea, I think everyone wants to do that”

I transition into asking her where she would go if she could go anywhere in the world. She says Hawaii and Maldives, so I describe the beach a little first. Then she throws the question back to me and I say brazil, the festivals etc… I also went into the golden question but I should’ve just asked her more on dancing. There are so many routes to go with that, such as how it feels to dance, partner dancing, connection with a partner, non-verbal connection, being in sync.

We exchange names at some point, she has a hard time pronouncing my name but she says “it’s a beautiful name”. I offer her my number but she hesitates for a second and say sure and then looks expectantly at me as if waiting for me to give her my phone but I give her my hand as if waiting for her to pass me her phone and then she says “…oh but I’m actually moving to another city tomorrow…”I ask her what the occasion is, and she tells me she’s “ going to [city]” to visit her bf and then to another city and then back to Thailand. Sounds a bit far-fetched but also highly specific so I dunno. But maybe she was bullshitting me.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background (Sunday 8/15)​

A rather uneventful outing. But I did witness a guy being persistent and it sort of helped. The girl wasn't giving him more than one-word answers but somehow he kept plowing for a minute or two walking alongside her and she warmed up to him and stopped to give him her insta, presumably. I doubt anything will come of it, but when he had her stopped he should've kept talking a bit.

That's the thing lately. If I see any 'daygamers', it's the ones who go for an Instagram close almost immediately.

But it was interesting to see how persistence looks, even though I have no idea what he said. And he likely went direct.

My Outfit:
Diamond stud earring, blue v-neck, ripped gray jeans, bracelet, ring etc...

I did approach the same girl a little while later just to ask her if she knew what was going on today (they had a bunch of stuff set up) and she didn't know so I asked her if she was from the area and she said no. And I ejected after that. I wasn't that inspired to persist with her but yeah I would try just running my usual stack.

Then I approached this blonde girl at a Trader Joe's using the "buy one" RPO and she responded saying "yea you buy a bunch of stuff you don't need" and I think I replied with something like "but it turns out to be good nevertheless" or something like that. Her boyfriend arrived a couple of seconds later, and that's all I remember before everything went black. Just kidding. I tried to open a few more girls but didn't manage it.


I'm thinking I might start going to the grocery stores by campus now.

What I did well:​

  1. Opened the blonde chick with very little hesitation.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I still struggle with approaching women at the produce section, I think that's because you generally don't spend much time there. IE there's no 'nutrition label' to be reading. So I try and wait until they are somewhere else. As a result, I missed out on those approaches


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Monday 8/16)​

For some reason, I was in the vicinity of at least 10 girls today. And I managed 5 approaches. This doesn't mean I could've done all 10 of those approaches because sometimes I switched girls. I also realized during rush hour that the subway stop is actually really promising. Passed up two hotties there because I didn't know how to start off casual. The subway station is not so good after 8pm or so.
My Outfit:
Fitted green crew-neck, black jeans, black bead bracelet, white sneakers, ring etc..
Girl 1:
Saw this really curvy asian girl wearing a white tank top and gray 'yoga shorts' it was basically panties for her because they only covered the top half of her ass. Her ass was ginormous without looking too fake. I was understandably really turned on by her body. But also a little jittery. Thank god for the mask. Her face was meh though. But I opened her anyway with the mini-adventure rpo. She seemed receptive to the rpo but did not invest into the convo.
  • I first asked her if it felt like a mini-adventure, and she said it definitely did,
  • then I went into the listing and pacing structure for how it makes you feel more creative, she agreed,
  • tried to cold-read her on her being creative type, which she said she was.
  • At this point she was turning directions so I continued to walk with her, instead of just going onwards.
  • I moved on into the art in different cities gambit to drop some bait about my city, but she didn't bite
  • Then we got close to a cvs and I remembered I need to make the rainbow ruse stick harder so I circled back to the creative theme and asked her what she does that's creative
  • She says "you're really nice but I'm going to go here so sorry!". That's probably the longest sentence she said.
Girl 2:

Black hair, blue eyes, blue top, black yoga pants. She had a nice ass. I open her while we're still walking.

Me: Hey do you know that feeling...when you're walking downtown and you see something crazy and you're like...that's only the 3rd craziest thing I've seen all day
Her: yeah
Me: I dunno I feel like after a certain time, you kind of just get used to it.
Me: ...It sounds like you're used it as well
Her: yeah I guess so
Me: I actually don't live here
Her: Oh!
Me: I live close though
Me: Yea have a good day.

I did a polite ejection at this point. This whole interaction was really cringe on my part. Even my 'polite ejection' sounded really formal. wtf skippy. I guess the problem was I didn't know how to continue from there. But I guess that's to be expected. I need to build a structure for this opener now. I think I could've hooked this girl with better juice. And a street stop.

Girl 3:
Curly-haired asian girl wearing brown contact lenses. Denim jacket, black yoga pants.

Me: Hey I just realized something really funny
Me: you know that feeling when you're walking downtown...and you see something crazy going on.. Her: yea?
Me: and then you realize [counts on my fingers] that's like only the 3rd craziest thing I've seen today
Her: okay?
Me: And you're just like...this is downtown.
Her: yea haha lot of crazy things downtown
Me: I get that sense about you that you're very comfortable with it though. Like you walk as if you're at peace with your surroundings
Her: Yea I live here

Peels off into a side street...

Then I went to a grocery store
Girl 4:
Spot this asian girl, with really nice legs by the granola bars, struggling to reach the top shelf to get the last box of bars. She is already holding 3 more of the same boxes in her hand

Me: Wow...those must be really good :)
Her: haha
Me: I just realized something funny. You know that feeling ...[buy one RPO]
Her: Oh I know yea hahaha
Me: "—how did I get here"
Her: Yea it's only 5 boxes for 1 dollar off
Me: Oh I actually did that last week. I got this granola (for my pre daygame snack)
Her: But my friend who is korean wants these biscuits but I don't see them anywhere here... shows me a picture
Me: Oh...oh those. You usually have those with tea.
Her: she used live in Australia.
Me: So you're shopping for your friend?
Her: yea haha
Me: cool...

And then I ejected. I thought she had disappeared actually but when I looked back I realized she was still there where I left her. I kind of lost track of her because there was a large column in that aisle. Legend has it, that she's still there by the granola bars searching for those biscuits

Girl 5:

Tall blonde, nice ass, black tank top and jean shorts. I open her by the yogurts section, asking if the yogurt is any good. (it's the brand OUI. looks fancy).

Me: hey...do you know if..[points to the Oui yogurt] this is any good
Her: I don't actually like yogurt I just get it because I have to.
Her: [cracks up]
Her: [Still dying] To be honest I don't like yogurt but...it looks like nice packaging.
Me: Once at whole foods I tried Ellenos...Anyway it's the best thing I had all month. And when you open it, it says "our family has been working on this for 100 years, this is our passion".
Her: That's nice
Me: So you're like this is going to be really good.
Her: Talk about selling you with the small business. I mean it looks good, the packaging looks good so I would say go for it!
Me: Yea I'm kinda curious
Her: 3 for $4 that's actually not bad.
Her: Good luck.


So the two grocery store approaches were very receptive, in the sense that they were much more friendly in their energy, but they didn't stick around. It was my problem with not knowing how to continue the convo.

What I did well:​

  1. Okay I finally have a way of opening girls when they're looking at glass in the grocery store. I was getting stuck because usually, I like to take an item and examine it before opening her. But it feels odd to do that with items in the frozen section. Am I going to be holding it while I"m talking to her? No. So a better way is to just ask her if she's tried some item you're looking at and then go into the buy 1 RPO.

What I could've done better:​

  1. The way I see it is there's 2 main ways to follow up with an opener. Either a story laced with intrigue or a rainbow ruse where you really force her to look inward. I think the best combo is first a strong rainbow ruse and then a story about yourself to get her to ask you something. I will be outlining my process so it'll be a good idea to get this all written down.
  2. I could use different rainbow ruses for different scenarios
  3. Missed out on approaching two girls by the subway station. I opened this fat latina to test stuff out by asking her if the "X train" was still running. She wasn't sure and this other dude chimed in to help out as well. And then when I got on another train he was like " This is the Y-line, bro" I reassured him that I knew where I was going but the point is, opening girls like this will be super conspicuous. Just something to keep in mind.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Summary of the Week(8/9-8/15)​

I only did 9 approaches and got about 3-4 hooks, which is pretty decent. Only one phone number though, which went nowhere. I needed to up the volume of course.


  • Idea to talk about sex during daygame: You do travel—> traveling alone—> (baits the girl to share a story) or share how she is afraid to travel alone—>perfect setup for a Jada gambit adapted to travel
  • pre-daygame snack to stave off hunger. If you're hungry during the outing, buy a granola bar or something at the nearest convenience store.
  • Do a morning workout with the workout bands
  • Don't worry about reducing blowouts for now. Focus more on converting attention into hooks
  • Girl facing the road with her back towards the street— Really the only way to open is with something like a DFO. Since it's a high effort approach. Dev suggested going for the "you look like my ex"
  • Having some way to warm up is important. Say hi to random people standing around and get into tiny convos if possible. You never know...the first set of the day could be some stunningly beautiful woman and you'd like to be socially lubricated by then.
  • Reward rejections. In habitica the habit building app, I check off everytime I approach a girl that I don't number close. Eventually you can collect enough points and then reward yourself with whatever you decide.

Night Game​

Went to the bar district with my wing. We missed out on one set with an asian girl and a latina. They were walking away from the bars and probably just going home. I don't know how I would've approached them. I still haven't properly reviewed lofty's RPOs and I haven't yet made my own RPO's so I need to stop being a lazy bum and get on that before next Friday.

We opened one set of girls mainly as a warm-up. They weren't attractive but we each isolated our girl and so couldn't really communicate to the other that it was time to bounce. We ended up talking to them until their uber arrived.

He first just went in asking them how they all knew each other and I chimed in afterward. Then the girls asked us if we were together or something and he somehow started some roleplay about how we're getting married and he excludes one of the girls and brings the other one in for a group hug with the 3 of us.

Somehow the other girl keeps shit testing with the marriage and I start talking to her, telling her I wish I was bi because that would be so sexually free(keep in mind we're in the gay district). She starts talking to me and I was initially in bantery mode because of the shit tests and how my wing opened but I soon shifted gears and started framing her as adventurous, open-minded, and spontaneous.

She flashed me her titties at some point but I don't remember why. I just kept looking into her eyes.

Then she starts talking about her bf and how she wants to propose to him and how they had taken a break for a year during college.

She looked like she was about to cry and then she started telling me how she kissed a girl today and she felt guilty and that she felt like she had to tell her bf, so I calmed her down and told her it's no big deal and she doesn't need to tell him. He wouldn't care if she was just holding hands with a girl so a kiss is innocent because she didn't even like girls.

During their break she tried a threesome with a girl and a guy and ever since the bf has been trying to set one up.

She asked me for my insta before she had to leave and her bf came to pick her up. I told her my name is Jared but since I don't use insta, I gave her my number but the text was not going through. Fuckin' Lycamobile. So she added my Facebook which has my real name. well she's probably too drunk to give a shit. She wanted to set me up with one of her friends.

I think at some point she asked me if I thought she was attractive. Unrelated to that point she mentioned how I never once stared at her cleavage and that I was really cool and nice and weird but not in a bad way. Ah... drunk girls...

Fuck it, I'll send her a good morning ping. why not.

I ended up getting home at 5:30am and went to sleep, but I was groggy the next day.

Action Steps for Next Week​

  • Say hi to 25 girls. Really focus on hitting that number.
  • Write out your process
  • Write and practice more rainbow ruses
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I took the bus to a college town today. I tried doing work on the bus ride there, but it was a little too bumpy. Maybe next time I should try a self-hypnosis exercise. The only problem was that classes haven't started so it was pretty dead. That's not to say there weren't enough options to approach. There absolutely were. Oh shit...this means I need to get back there.

My Outfit: gray henley, black jeans etc...
I decided to hit up all of the grocery stores in the area. Theres actually 5 of them. But out of that, only the Target and [Supermarket](massive) are big enough to do multiple sets. It's feasible to do some approaching at the other ones though. But maybe only 1 approach each.

Girl 1:
I was at a Whole Foods, and opened a girl by asking her if she's tried these chips (Italian sub flavored) She talks to me as she's walking away saying how she's not allowed to eat potato chips. So I ask her if browsing this section must've been torture. She says a little as she's walking off

Girl 2:
Next I went to Target and I noticed this girl squatting by the lowest shelf. In fact all I noticed was her long black silky hair which made me do a double take so I hovered near her section for a bit before opening with

Me: Is it just me, or does it seem awfully empty in here.

At first she is confused as to what I'm asking, so I repeat and clarify myself. She doesn't say much to that so then I add, I guess it must be because it's still summer. and this causes her to open up a little bit about how there's many programs but her program has already started (Law) I add some bait how my school is starting next week so the campus is already busy there. And she bites and inquires where I go. I should've made her guess but I just tell her anyway because she assumed wrong. And she's wondering why I'm all the way here (to pick up girls To meet a friend, obviously). I sell it a little bit by telling her that I live in [district] which is not so completely far away from her school. It's a little closer than my school but it's still not that close to her school. Still about 45-50 min by public transport.

I add a little bit how her college town has even more shops than mine and she tells me about other grocery stores in the area.

Then she adds that most students Iive in this region that's about a 5-10 minute walk from here so maybe at this time of the day it's unsafe for girls. (Bruh...this is a gentrified part of the city and it's broad daylight even though its evening. What are you talking about) It did make things a little awkward though. In fact it was worse, she was about to mention a specific incident but stopped herself. In hindsight then it's understandable, her concerns.

So here a really great segue would've been to say "Oh yea this is a distinctly American problem. You know I did a study abroad once where it was a language program so we'd take classes at the university campus and over there. It was just really safe at night and you felt like you could walk around comfortably at night, try the street food" I would've been able to bait her into asking about studying abroad in China. She's Chinese so it would've been an instant golden hook then.

I didn't know what to say here so I changed the topic to looking for coffee and then ran out of stuff and ejected. She sort of looked in my direction as I went to the end of the aisle.


There were at least two other girls I could've approached but didn't because I didn't feel like I had the right opener. One was a girl in the supplements aisle. She would bounce back and forth to the employee working there. Another was a girl at target. I just saw her as I was passing by. And I kind of didn't want the first girl to see me talking with her. But I guess if I'm not number closing or exchanging names with the previous girl who cares if she sees me talking to another girl.

Then there was this really hot girl walking in my direction. Here the best move would've been to just stop her head on instead of turning around because it's a really quiet street. That or give it some more time before turning around. And if you're stopping her head on, you probably have to use a dfo. But I wasn't sure who she looked like. And I also haven't used the ex-gf opener much. I should.

Also logistics with this location are going to be questionable since I do not live that close by. But I'll deal with that problem later.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Thursday 8/19)​

I did 4 approaches today, but I'm realizing my process right now has no teeth. None of the girls hooked and I have no proper way to actually progress to a number close or something further. I think it's been over a week since I've actually instigated exchanging numbers or I think I've only done it once in two weeks. It feels like I'm just making casual chit-chat with strangers, rather than approaching girls with the intention of fucking them. And it takes me back to when I was first starting out and I'd just ask people for the time to get rid of approach anxiety. It feels like I've regressed in some ways. I'm hoping this is one of those 2 steps forward 1 step backward type of things.

I'm working on writing down my process in detail, but it will take some time. I think having it written down thoroughly will also help me with field testing because I can look at what I do and then tweak some parts of it precisely. The only downside is this could turn into a long project if I try to account for every micro-detail. And I'm prone to going down analysis rabbit holes.

Another thing I learned today is if you start casual it needs to really be fluff. If you ask them for advice such as "should I buy this can of beans" then it gets awkward since you have no intention of actually buying the beans so if they say yeah they're amazing and you don't, you come across as an askhole and if you do...well I mean you can put it in your bag but you're going to have to take it out later.

Also if your casual opener involves asking them for help of some sort, is it less than ideal when they get really invested in giving you help? I think not necessarily, but you have to get them off of that headspace quickly.

Girl 1:

Got this first approach in pretty quickly, attractive latina standing by the bus. I was going to ask something about whether the buses are usually on time at this stop. But then the bus just arrived so I switched plans.

Me: Hey excuse me are these buses going north or south (get rid of the excuse me, it sounded way too formal)
Her: I have no idea, I'm so dumb. where are you trying to go?

I purposely told her something so I wouldn't have to take the incoming bus. She spends a long time trying to help me find the right bus stop. I basically set myself up to eject here :( I wasn't sure how to justify sitting next to her if we were to get on the bus because I didn't have enough time to build rapport. Don't you think it would've been a better learning experience if you had? :facepalm: Her vibe was otherwise bubbly and receptive. And she was setting it up to be playful when she said "I'm so dumb"

Then I went to a Target

Girl 2:
Older korean woman by the coffee section. She was spending a looong time. So I asked her if the target brand was any good. She thinks about it carefully. She was very soft-spoken. Then she recommended some brand to me. I tried to extend the convo a bit by saying how I normally just try instant coffee and normally I drink tea, but she didn't have anything to say to that. She was still standing around picking out coffees. So I took her recommendation and then said goodbye.

Here I should've just taken her recommendation and qualified her on it and just continued the convo.

Girl 3:
I noticed this hot asian girl walking, wearing neon green sweatpants and a white tank top. We walked down a block and I pretended to be really engrossed in my phone to let her overtake me. So I could approach later. But then we crossed the street and she turned left so I turned left as well. At this point she was on her phone chatting on kakao talk so I was thinking "oh great...the chances of a blowout just skyrocketed" (terrible terrible terrible mindset, dude). And I opened her but fumbled on my words a little and...yea she ignored me. I tried to continue with the rpo but she still was intent on ignoring me.

A couple more thoughts:
  • Could be I was signaling my approach too clearly
  • I was unprepared for this so I was not ready to switch gears with a "do you know who you look almost exactly like" and if she looks like she was born somewhere else then find an actress that has the same background. She might get curious how you know that show or actress
  • Another thing could be to play it off like "ahh you're breaking my heart...I'm gonna go home and cry and tell my dog how the nice korean girl won't talk to me...but seriously I'm not trying to be annoying [+something to show compassion like is everything going alright etc...]"
I do actually empathize though. Just recently, some crazy homeless woman tried to pick a fight with me on the subway station. She just singled me out from the entire crowd and got up in my grill and started yelling at me telling me to turn around and walk away. She threatened to cut me up and kill me. I was just ignoring her and pretending to be on my phone and when she got too close I'd look her in the eyes with a skeptical look. Making eye contact with her seemed to enrage her even more. I'd occasionally look over at her to see if she tries anything. Wonder why she tried to bother me though.

I'm not sure if I handled it correctly. I mean there's no point in fighting her because it'd just ruin my shirt. Unless she has a weapon, she just would get overpowered(she's smaller than me). But what would be the best way to respond if a girl was with me?

So it's like do you just ignore her and stare at your phone? Do you make eye contact with her and stare her down, knowing that if she tries shit you'd just have to handle it?

Girl 4:
Opened this older asian woman at the grocery store with the "buy 1" RPO but she had no idea what I was talking about. That's a first. I tried to ask her if she's from around the area but she didn't respond.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2020
Hey Skippy. I have been off the forums for a while. I had to leave out any personal details while writing FRs here which made the task tedious. So I have been journalling all my approaches in a private Word doc.

I went down this route too if you remember of ditching the compliment/intentful opener and trying indirect during the day. My personal experience has been that during the day at least till you reach the stage where you are pulling regularly from daygame and sexuality oozes out of your very pores its always better to make your intention clear as to why you are talking to her..

If not in the opener, very shortly after that. Like:

Me: "Hey,excuse me are you German by any chance?"

Her: Yes/No/....

Me: "Oh really haha anyways, I just wanted to say hi cause I was just buying some groceries/going to meet a friend and I saw you and thought this girl looks quite cute/pretty/interesting" and then continue the convo..

The key is to just make the compliment or statement of intent light and casual and just carry on with the conversation...

Just my experience from having tried both. I feel this works far better in the daytime at least until you are really advanced.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Hey Skippy. I have been off the forums for a while. I had to leave out any personal details while writing FRs here which made the task tedious. So I have been journalling all my approaches in a private Word doc.
Oh great to hear you're back in the field!
I went down this route too if you remember of ditching the compliment/intentful opener and trying indirect during the day. My personal experience has been that during the day at least till you reach the stage where you are pulling regularly from daygame and sexuality oozes out of your very pores its always better to make your intention clear as to why you are talking to her..

If not in the opener, very shortly after that. Like:

Me: "Hey,excuse me are you German by any chance?"

Her: Yes/No/....

Me: "Oh really haha anyways, I just wanted to say hi cause I was just buying some groceries/going to meet a friend and I saw you and thought this girl looks quite cute/pretty/interesting" and then continue the convo..
Yea it's a good observation. Before when I went direct it was too much. And now I have a tendency to show too little. I'm trying to learn gunwitch's method and the opening structure for that sets it up indirectly and my application of it is a work in progress.

But this is something to think about. for example after my RPO I could go into a rainbow ruse that is then laced with a light compliment/qualifier. Or try to get to the golden question asap and then compliment her about that.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 9, 2020
If you are gaming in an English speaking country, yup sure you can play around a bit more. But still make sure she knows why you are talking to her otherwise there is no context in daygame.. Whereas at social venues, its implied.

Eager to see how you tweak your method and how it impacts your infield results.. Keep posting mate :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background (Monday 8/23)​

I've been keeping my hair buzzed short but today I decided to go further and do a zero guard. Tomorrow I'll shave it completely to see what it looks like.

I was struggling today and only did two approaches, but it seems that Mondays are really good downtown for some reason. Lots of girls walking around. I missed so many possible sets because I was in my head and also because I couldn't be bothered to open girls while we're stopped at an intersection and they would walk too fast and then disappear somewhere.

So the lesson here is if you can't overtake her, then open her as soon as the two of you are waiting for the signal. It's one of those counter-intuitive things, but I'm pretty sure if I crunch the numbers, I've missed out on every single approach where I was standing with the girl at the crosswalk and waited to approach her when we were moving.

To drive the point in further, I remember noticing a curvy blonde with long wavy hair, fake tits, and a fake ass, and we were waiting at the intersection along with a few other people. I was thinking I'll approach her when we get to the other side. But what happened was some dude just approached her while we were standing and walked with her a bit and they stopped at the other end, while he took down her insta. They chatted a little bit more before she went into a grocery store. If she hadn't been approached by him and I had waited, she would've just walked off into the grocery store before I even got a chance to open.

His game didn't sound very good, overly fast insta-close, just bland fluff from what I could make out, but he had the courage and ultimately that's all that mattered.

My Outfit:
navy button-down, gray jeans, jewlery

Girl 1:
She was pretending to talk on her phone when I opened. She also had way too much acne when I saw her face.

Girl 2:
Saw this Japanese girl with long brown hair and brown eyes and I thought this would be the perfect time to do the "do you know who you remind me of opener", I told her she reminded me of jessica alba. She was really happy, but kept doing the nervous laughter. This girl was pretty interesting-looking though. She was wearing a purple jacket and a black yoga outfit. She had roman numerals tattooed on her fingers, like she was in a gang or something. She had those long "witch" fingernails. Piercings.

She was still making that nervous laughter at first so I could tell she wasn't properly hooked. I just continued to talk a little bit about hollywood and how it's interesting how actors from different countries look alike, and showed her some photos. She stops at an intersection to wait for her uber. Since I wasn't really sure how to continue with this opener, I just asked her the golden question and she talks about dancing but then gets into how she liked it a lot but when she had to do it as a job, she didn't like it because it became more about your connections and politics.

The topic shifted to hobbies, and gave me a chance to add some bait. She guesses that my hobbies are acting, but then changes to guessing music (it's funny, a decent number of girls guess that) So I told her that's correct since it's not completely false (I used to play instruments, growing up. I will probably resume the piano once I get a job). Then we go into how just having a hobby that you don't turn into a job is purer in some sense. I cold-read her on being an intrinsically motivated person, which gets her really opening up(this is a good topic for a rainbow ruse)

What was weird about all this is that she wasn't actually facing me. She was talking a lot but her eye contact was scattered and looking more to the side.

At some point I take off my mask to help her guess where I'm from and she says she likes my eyebrows (my face is basically just a pair of bushy eyebrows right now haha)

I ask her when her uber is coming, and it says 6 minutes. I try to invite her to a coffee and number close but she's hesitant and keeps saying "I don't know". I should've emphasized that I'll give her my number. But I decided to drop it.

Social frame was decent since she asked me stuff like where I live and my name and hobbies.


So lately I've been in a funk, BUT in spite of that, I've still been generating so many ideas on how to get out of it. I'm actually really proud of myself for that. There are some slight tweaks that I need to make that will get me back on track. First I need to diligently record the number of girls that were in my vicinity, the number of girls that listened, the number of girls that hooked, and so on...

And just continue to do the transition points exercise while using my brainstorming and idea-generating prowess. But in order to do the transition point exercise, I need proper record keeping. And the next thing is to have certain benchmarks for all of those numbers. EG you'd like at least 35 in your vicinity, 28 that you open, 21 that don't blow you out, and of those 14 that hook

There is also this blend of having "practical tactics" and "theoretical tactics" for example number 3 on my list of what I could've done better. It's not the ideal time frame to use the golden question but even if you just spam the gq it'll lead to not terrible interactions because the question itself is very powerful. So it's an example of being practical and making the best of the moment instead of having an ideal tactic to use (You can think of that later when you're journaling).

What I did well:​

  1. Tried the DFO adaptation to asian girls.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Have a plan for opening girls at the intersection and then stopping them afterward.
  2. Intrinsic-extrinsic rainbow ruse
  3. Spam the golden question if you run out of things to say. Just preface it with a casual question first.
  4. The second you start feeling like "oh my opener won't work, it's lame, etc..." you need to do some warmup sets to remind yourself that the girls can be receptive.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I took a 3-hour nap, broke my nofap streak, and left the house at 5:30. In spite of that, there were still plenty of chances to approach. But I only did one and it was basically a blowout, where the woman said no English. I asked if she spoke Turkish and she said no, and then I let her walk on ahead. She glanced back a couple of times. Maybe she was spanish.

Anyway, I'm making more detailed records of how many I get in the vicinity of, how many approaches, how many blow-outs and so on. and I'm making a list of strategies for each transition point. I'm also going to add one new rainbow ruse and opener each day to my list. Because I think that will help me get over the AA and make more approaches.

I've also been making a list of actresses to use for my DFO.

Today I made the following rainbow ruse: feel free to share your thoughts on it

I get this sense about you that you're the type of person who's really intrinsically motivated. I mean you definitely have moments where you want to show others your achievements and you like to collect shiny things from time to time but what really makes you happy achieving something that you really care about for the sake of the achievement itself and it's personal to you.


A lot of girls that were in my vicinity that I didn't approach were stopped at signals. For now, I can practice opening them just by asking for the time or if they know any good coffee shops in the area. Just to baby-step the approach anxiety. Oh but tomorrow I think I'll do some approaches on my own campus. For the very first time :0


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Eat a snack before going out! Getting hungry fucks up my motivation to approach -> aint this the truth. Your libido literally drops after a streak of non eating.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Today I went to campus and decided to try some approaches there but I realized that I didn't have much prepared in terms of openers so I decided to just fuck it and approach with a casual but slightly random question. Finally broke my phone numbers drought. At first, I was in my head because it was so fck'n hot on campus and all the babes were walking around very quickly, in their booty shorts. But then I realized, "dude this is so ridiculously easy...you just need to walk up to a lone chick and ask her a basic question...and just carry the convo a little bit. it's college... she'll at least stop to chat"

My Outfit:
gray henley, rings, black skinny jeans, white sneaks, bead bracelet.

Girl 1:
Also thanks to Dev's encouragement I walked by some girl who looked like she was walking slowly and asked her if she knew anything about a farmer's market, she was confused at first but she stopped to talk. I find out she's in a program that's in the same industry that I'm going into so I spend a couple of minutes giving her internship advice and then she starts asking me more questions about what I'm studying. At one point we stop at an intersection and so I ask her where she's headed. She's going to a Starbucks so I lead her to it since I know where it is. She tells me she's moved in only 3 weeks ago and is still busy unpacking etc... so I rainbow ruse her mildly on how she still looks at the surroundings in wonder etc... Actually, this makes me realize it's a good way to rainbow ruse on campus as well. (instead of saying are you from around the area? Oh I thought so because...) You could just say "are you a first-year? Oh, I thought so because. And you can then go into the exact same kind of rainbow ruse. There are some more things you can tap into though such as how sophomore year is different where all the novelty of the place has worn off, and junior year and senior year you feel more independent because by then you've moved off campus etc... Anyway, in her case, she was a first-year master's student.

I didn't really use any game as far as I can tell, just building rapport on how when I moved here it didn't feel like I was fully settled in until I got my bed set up because then I actually had a place to sit. She tells me about the area she lives in and tells me how she spent a week in my district (probably when she first moved in) and it seemed like she didn't have a great opinion of it. I could've stayed to get coffee with her, but I guess I didn't feel like it. I probably should have, in hindsight. damn it.

I realize I completely missed a chance to ask her the golden question or go into SOT's like for example what makes a place feel like home. In hindsight, there were a million different ways to take this in spite of having a completely random opener that didn't even set up into anything substantial. IN the future, I'm definitely going to use Bacchus's RPO for campus or maybe tweak it slightly to something that is similar. I also realized that it's a nice structure to format my other RPO's so I can use it to think about how to restructure the mini-Adventure RPO into something that's more of a truism. Social frame was decent with her since she was asking me a lot of questions, and I was leading her. I feel like I didn't do much for emotional stimulation and my sexual subcomms could've been better.

Then we stopped outside the Starbucks to chat some more and I ask her what she has going on the rest of the day and she says maybe just work on her resume. It honestly didn't seem like it was much. So I tell her I'm off to the grocery store so that I can buy some pineapple for the tacos I made and she notices that I really like cooking. At one point she also tries to guess my age and where I'm from. Anyway I take down her number and she's asking me if I have whatsapp and stuff. She calls me and then adds my number and then sends me a message on whatsapp and then texts me her full name. But when I sent her the icebreaker "Hey who's that handsome guy you were talking to outside Starbucks!" she doesn't reply but left me on read. We shall see...

Girl 2:
Next, I went to the bus stop and since I was feeling positive social momentum from before I just opened the girl asking her about the bus and when it would arrive. Then after standing around for a few minutes I say to her "You know even for [city] it's really hot out today" and before I knew it we were conversing about many things. I think it started by me saying how "oh I was on campus today and it was boiling hot" and she asks me my major and stuff and I talk about how I want to go into the industry and I give her an interesting story about why I first got curious about that industry. I think this really resonated with her and I'll explain later why. But then I ask her what she does and she reads tarot cards professionally. So she asks me if I would like to try and she has me shuffle the deck and pull out cards and then she talks about my past, present, and future.

I remember the last time I talked to that Italian girl who was interested in tarot cards and after thinking about that interaction I realized the Cube game would be really fun to play. So I asked her if she was familiar with the Cube routine (yes I accidentally called it a routine, but she didn't notice)

Anyway I play it with her and afterward, she said how she finds me really intriguing and doesn't feel this way normally and she feels mentally stimulated by me. She asks if I want to play more Tarot cards. I would say the Cube routine deserves some credit but so does the passionate description of why I got interested in the industry that I would like to go into. Anyway, I wasn't terribly attracted to her so I didn't care what happened next, but we got on the bus and it was jam-packed and we ended up getting separated and ended up in different seats. She got off one stop before me but I guess if I had wanted to I could've gotten off at the same stop since that's where I actually live.


Not much to say other than the fact that the first girl is more like a warmup set. And I know I missed out on so many opportunities in that interaction to blow her mind conversationally but oh well. It's already pretty good that I just got an approach in, in the first place.
  1. Rainbow ruse to follow up can be after you find out if she's a freshman or something. These rainbow ruses can be similar to the follow-ups to "are you from around here".