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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Today seemed like it would be a disaster but it was quite the opposite. I took an almost blowout and turned it into a golden hook. I'm still high thinking about that.

My Outfit: white v-neck, black jeans, two rings, ox pendant necklace, bead bracelet.

Around 4pm I decided that I needed to take a nap and so I finally woke up around 5:30. I thought it would be a complete wash of an outing but also I didn't want to leave the house really early anyway because it's been hot AF lately. Today was even hotter than yesterday. Anyway, I get out of the house and finally hit the streets downtown. I have a couple of missed approaches and the main mistake I made in all of those was in overtaking the girl before I was ready to approach. I have to be extremely extremely diligent with preventing that from happening otherwise she will just go in a different direction.

Girl 1:

So after that, I noticed this girl in black and her hair was kind of edgy as well. Since I'm noticing I miss a lot of options by the stop signal, I'm getting myself to baby step them by doing some standard "where's a good coffee shop nearby" exercises if I can't think of a good opener. I'm feeling too much approach anxiety using my standard mini-adventure RPO, I don't know why. So I approached this girl and asked her for the nearest coffee shop that's actually good. She told me something but I couldn't quite make it out. whatever.

Girl 2: Then I notice this really attractive Asian girl wearing a lavender top and black yoga pants. She's walking a little bit ahead of me and she has a nice ass. Her hair is long and brown. I think to myself "okay skippy, just do the dfo and then chat a little bit and ask the golden question. that's all you need to do". And as I overtook her to approach her and as I started to say hey, she suddenly sped up as if to avoid talking to me. I continued speaking as she rushed past me "do you know who you remind me of?" instantly she slows down and asks me and she's all of a sudden very bubbly. I told her she reminds me of Jessica Alba but that she has a slightly different energy behind her eyes and rainbow ruse her on how she has a slightly guarded look and that people might almost think that she doesn't like them at first but when she feels comfortable with someone she's really warm and friendly with them.

She agrees and she's also very happy that I compared her to an actress, even though she doesn't know who she is. She asks me what I do and I have her guess and she thinks I'm a therapist of some sort but then I tell her that I teach, sort of, and (since I TA classes) and that in order to help my students learn I need to be able to help them manage their emotions etc...so that's probably why she thinks that. Turns out we're at the same school and so she asks me the usual "oh what's your program" etc... At this point she tells me shes going in another direction and so I use this as an opportunity to stop and talk at the curb. I notice that she's playing with her hair a lot. And she's very emotionally reactive, and following my lead. The more I talked to her the more I realized I really liked the elegance of her outfit and presentation. Her nails were painted to match her top and she had a classy bangle on her wrist.

She talks a little bit about graduation and how she has one year left but she's not worried because she has a job lined up, and so I ask her about visa stuff just to bait her into telling me she's Chinese (otherwise this is a delicate topic so make sure you know what you are doing here). I speak to her a little in chinese to spike her emotions and from there we transition into the topic of travel and where we would go. We both like the idea of being digital nomads and living in a different country for a few months. I did end up asking her the golden question but she didn't really have an answer for that she just said she's not a party girl. I qualify her on being adventurous and spontaneous. She asks me about the area I live in and asks me if it's safe. I say oh yea no problems and shes like yeah but for me as a single girl it's probably different. Here I could've gone into the travel jada gambit but instead, I opted to just go to a connection sot by saying "yeah it really sucks to get accosted by homeless people. They just don't understand the importance of a proper connection. And that's why when you meet someone who you click with it feels so much better"

She asks me if I talk to people on the street a lot and I said "well you know when I saw you I thought you were a kindred spirit so I had to find out." Around this point, I think I exchange WeChat with her and we ended up talking a lot more after that. Finally, I told her I have to go finish grocery shopping. It was really nice talking to her while it was daylight and then the lighting transitioned. So by the time we parted ways, it was already dark. And you have the glittering city lights as a backdrop.

If I was feeling more ballsy and abundant I really should've gone for an instant date. This girl had nothing going on.

So I actually tried something new with her. When she added me on wechat I texted her in the add request "Hey who's that handsome guy you're talking to!" but she didn't comment on that. I texted her this while I was actually talking with her instead of texting it to her after. Maybe she didn't notice, idk.


Yeah DFO's are strong. And all of these negative feelings I had towards blowouts have been melted away now, knowing that mostly it's just the girl being on autopilot and paranoid. Has very little to do with me as a person.

And I was also wondering what would my reaction be to a girl if I finally switched her from blowout mode to compliant. Would I still be bitter towards her? But it turns out I forgive easily ;)
  • Another way to stop people. Instead of immediately stopping her (which is still daunting to me on busy streets), you could just figure out where she's headed when you guys reach a junction and then simply stop and say "so as I was saying..." I'll test that out
  • Another thing about blowouts is you probably want to react quickly before the "I'm ignoring/avoiding you" frame cements.

What I did well:​

  1. Telling myself just open, chat a little, and then GQ her was a really good mindset to have.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Remember to really focus on only overtaking the girl when you're absolutely ready to open her. DO NOT overtake her and hope she'll catch up to you.
  2. Some habits will take a while to shake off but remember to approach the girl if you guys are stopped by the signal. So stand next to her.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(8/31 Monday's Journal Entry)​

Yesterday(Sunday) was a rough outing, I took a 1hr bus ride to check out a college town, against my better judgement. School isn't in session yet for those guys, and as expected, I didn't see much volume. I was underdressed for the weather there. I also foolishly left the house without eating a snack and so I was hungry as well. I didn't see any viable approaches at the time. So I got back home frustrated with myself. Fixed up dinner and planned out the rest of the week.

Now that I'm in a better headspace and knowing what I know now, I could've gotten two approaches in. In both cases just using the DFO would've been fine. I still need practice transitioning into a conversation from the DFO, but it would've gotten things off to a good start.

Today I left after 5:30, after meditating and eating a bowl of yogurt with granola. I read teevster's article on macro and micro momentum and the part how when you're hitting periods of low macro momentum, that's when you're developing skill. That hit me right in the core and now I'm more motivated than ever. And it's certainly true. I have learned so much just in these past few weeks. I'm feeling all this sexual energy from the maca and supplements and no fap I've been doing and college campuses are opening up again. I'm just fucking motivated to train every part of my game and fundamentals that I can. I will be designing a proper workout plan as well to tone up my body.

And I'm currently high from approaching this really hot girl and she softly hooked and I made her day. I didn't number close(stupid stupid stupid, I know) but just the energy from the interaction was so good I didn't even do any more approaches the rest of the day(Also dumb). I just politely ejected when I ran out of things to say and didn't add any bait. Again, I still need to learn how to steer this DFO into a solid convo. But I did a lot of things well, I first noticed her, and I didn't just give up on approaching, I went after her into the whole foods and did the approach. So that's one good thing. The other is that instead of just delivering the opener and bouncing, I stuck it out and transitioned into asking her the golden question. And finally, it occurred to me afterward that I might've been putting her in trance. Because she was completely focused on me and I was feeling the effects of tuning out everything and being laser focused on her.

My Outfit:
navy v-neck, gray ripped jeans

Girl 1:
Me: Oh! hey! Do you know who you kind of remind me of?
Her: who Me: So the thing with celebrities is that you don't know if you love them or you hate them
Her: yea. I hope it's not someone you hate
Me: I don't know...maybe you hate her ;)
Her: who?
Me: Do you know...[Actress]
Her: I look like [Actress]??
Me: You kind of resemble her
Her: Oh my gosh that is a great compliment! Woooooow!
Me: You have a slightly different energy behind your eyes though.
Me: I want to say you have a more 'curious' type of look. I don't know how to describe it. I want to say you get curious every now and then.
Her: Yeah. That's a great compliment! Thanks!
Me: What do you get curious about? out of curiousity? ;)
Her: Just liiifffeee, always try to be better, try to learn more, yea.
Me: Are you the type that's really self improvement oriented?
Her: Yeah. definitely.
Her: I'm so happy! haha
Me: I know right, have you ever considered going into acting...not saying that you necessarily should
Her: I have but I'm not sure if I can, I don't know. It's somthing I've wanted to do. Should I go for it?
Me: Well you know how you have things that are hobbies vs things that you do for work. But sometimes you have a hobby and you try to turn it into work and it doesn't quite work out well.
Her: I'm trying to look for that yeah
Me: yea , cause like, when you have a hobby it's really pure, something you do for the sake of enjoyment. but when you turn it into work it becomes tainted. (easy place to add bait here)
Her: yeah I could see that

I eventually asked her the golden question and emotionally stimulated her about having a pet dog, because she said she likes to take her dog for a walk. I missed an opportunity to actually ask her what she likes about it because that would've made for a good RPO in the future.

She never really asked me anything about myself and I attribute that to not baiting her at all, but I would still consider this a hook because she actively stopped to talk unlike most grocery store approaches that fizzle out.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Yesterday 8/31)​

Approached 4 girls, roughly speaking around campus, hooked 3 of them, and probably could've hooked the 4th one if I wasn't treating it as an open and bounce warmup. Only gave out two numbers though and foolishly didn't send a text through one girls phone so I'm just hoping she'll text me, but I kind of doubt it since she never asked my name until I gave her my number. But that interaction was pretty long and nice. fuck. Main thing I want to note is that a nice follow up to the who you look like opener is a social frame gambit, specifically guns "if you could be famous for one thing what would it be" and if she doesn't know what to say you can tell her "oh okay what if someone from the future came to you and said in 100 years you'll have a wikipedia page...and you think to yourself 'oh okay, it's probably because I do xyz', what would it be?" and then you can even drop some bait, like "oh for me it would be my work"

I have a slightly different flavor of approach anxiety approaching at the campus grocery store, which is the feeling that everyone is listening in, since it's swarming with students. I don't feel this too much with approaching a girl on campus, just when I'm

My Outfit:
olive green v-neck, black jeans, two rings, and a black bead bracelet. I trimmed my arms and shaved my head again (but accidentally cut myself and peeled off a small patch of skin) I haven't shaved in at least 5 years so I made all the rookie mistakes.

Girl 1:
Asian girl with a big ass, wearing doc martens. Opened her as we're walking by asking about a campus event, and if she knows anything about it, she gives me directions and name drops buildings. I add bait saying how I've been here for 5 years yet and I don't even know any of these names. So that prompts her to ask me about my program and I have her guess. She's an undergrad. She asks me if I know an old ta of her's and indeed I do. Then I add bacchus's rpo on campus about how the different personalities of a professor lead to different experiences with the class. She stops outside her building to talk a little more about that and then tells me she has a meeting to go to, asks me my name and goes off, adds a final comment about the campus event I asked her about saying how it'll be nice if it's still going on.

Girl 2:
just an open and bounce at the grocery store. asked her about some burgers and if she's tried them she says no. but then a second later adds "but it looks good". means she was receptive.

Girl 3:
This korean girl at the bus stop, I just opened her asking about the campus rides program, turns out she's a phd student in a different department. so I have her guess my department, and we find out that we're living in the same area (literally she lives across the street). She's a first year, and in the beginning the convo was a little too platonic and formal with us talking about our departments and stuff. I started to derail it by asking her whether being a TA or an RA would be more fun for her, she says she's an introvert so she would still prefer to be an RA. So I mention how I've TAed a lot and thinking back in undergrad, some ta's are really standoffish and weird while other ta's are really warm and friendly and they really feel like an older sibling, so I compared that to myself ad how I feel like I'm really taking care of my students when I teach them.

The topic of where we'd live comes up too and she or I mention how when you visit a place for a few days it's not the same as living in it for a while, so I say I find living in a place for a year lets you see the imperfections of it as well, but that still makes you like the place even more. I compare that to how it's like a hobby vs a job. When you do something for a hobby it's really pure but things can change if you have to do it for a job. I use this to transition to the golden question.

When we got off the bus, I was getting a little turned on walking next to her, and we stop outside her apt and I give her my number, but I didn't add the bantery text. I did ask her first if she has kakao talk, and say how I used to have korean roommates when I lived in my previous city. This is something I'm testing out with korean girls, to see if adding that extra piece of "cultural awareness and social proof" will help with them. Basically I'm field testing a way to improve the social frame.

And when she was giving me her phone, our hands touched a little, which got me turned on too because he has nice dainty fingers.

Girl 4:
Stopped off at home and threw on a lousy jacket, and slipped into my comfortable shoes, and then went to a different grocery store(I legitimately needed to just buy something). I noticed this attractive asian girl with long silky hair, a nice figure wearing a black denim jacket, and white jeans. She had that wing-tip eyeliner look. actually this is way off campus, but the girl turns out to go to my school as well. Did the dfo, she's really happy about the comparison, rainbow ruse her on how she seems like the curious type (I need to hammer this down) and then did the gun's social frame gambit that I mentioned earlier. I added bait about school because she said she just started school (as in the school year just started for her).

She brought up how beauty standards are different in our city vs another big city, so I tried to emotionally stimulate her on this concept...it's like this: imagine you're walking down the street and you see someone wearing a hodgepodge of colors and if they don't do it correctly, it'll look like a mess. But sometimes you see someone wearing all sorts of colors but somehow...it all blends together harmoniously.

I also talked about my passion for yt and teaching, since I have a teaching channel.

This is the one where I fucked up the number exchange and she didn't text me from her phone, and I didn't send the text either. But she also never asked my name until I typed it in.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
What's a DFO?
That would be Deep Focus Opener, created by Gunwitch. These can be "Do you know who you look almost exactly like?...wait I'm not gonna tell you, what if you don't like her...okay fine you look like [Marilyn Monroe--insert celebrity name]" or "Woah! you look just like my ex"

Follow each of these up with "but you have a different energy behind your eyes". For more details I suggest Gunwitch's SMMA or his articles on gc.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


It's been a week since I've done any approaches. I descended into a dopamine binge, but the bright side is that I'm back and I've killed off an entire TV show that was destabilizing my productivity. Got some new developments as well: The internship that I did this summer wants me to work part-time with another company. This will help beef up my resume for when I apply to jobs this fall.

I told them I could do a few hours each week. But looking at the weekly schedules made me realize that things are going to be really tight. So I will need to be ultra-focused in terms of my time management.

I bought some more jeans and t-shirts because I want a little more variety in my outfits. And I don't want my current jeans to get worn out

And finally, I will make a list of things to work on from the most recent date.

I went to a nearby community college, and ran into a slight problem. There were lots of tables and girls sitting around the tables but everything just felt so distant and exposed. Trying to approach a girl working at a table there felt like swimming over to an island just to ask the locals where the nearest Starbucks is.

Other places to approach a girl are while she's walking out of class (only a window of about 10 min every hour when a horde of girls leave class) or when she's leaving the campus (there's a stretch of pavement where girls walk down to catch the buses) but I will add that this stretch of pavement is boiling hot, and the sun is beating down on it. So it begs the question: how does one approach stationery sets there. And where does one even find stationery sets. I have opened a few girls there in the past, when I used to do direct openers. I remember two instances where they stopped to talk for a bit.

One casual pre-opener could be "is it just me or does walking down this path in the heat make you really sleepy"-->you going off to class? -->cool here's an rpo about that
My Outfit:
v-neck and jeans combo.

Girl 1:
Noticed this girl with a gorgeous tan skin tone, and I knew I had to open her. So I waited for her to leave the library and then I went after her, and probably waited too long to open, because I thought people would overhear

Me: Oh hey...do you know who you kind of remind me of?
Her: who? [giggles]
Me: hmm...cuz the thing with celebrities is people have mixed feelings about them.
Her: okay
Me: You never know if someone loves a celebrity or whether they hate them.
Her: hahah just say it haha
Me: have you ever watched [show]
Her: uhh a long time ago
Me: you know the actress
Her: is that the wife?
Me: yes. you kind of remind me of her...
Her: that's nice hahaha
Me: except you have a different energy behind your eyes, now that I think about it. llike you seem more mellow
Me: You're probably overall a very mellow person but then you probably have something that gets you really excited.
Her: okay haha
Me: Is that true or am I way off?
Her: I think the mellow part is true. probably not the last part though
Me: So you're just a totally laid back person
Me; If you were to be famous for something what would it be?

Says how she'd go into politics because that's her major. After I get her to elaborate a little I add some bait about how for me it'd probably be my work and she doesn't ask anything about that but a second later she asks if I'm taking the bus— This was kind of a nonsensical question because we were taking the exit that people take for the bus. Like there's nothing else there. Her verbal game is probably not very good. We'll count that as a weak hook. Her bus stop arrives sooner than I anticipate and I tell her I'm taking a different bus so I go on.

Here I realized I should've changed my bait to "I think what I would be famous for is completely different from what I'm studying in school because I'm going into a different industry" This is like taking my previous bait and highlighting it and making it more blatant. and it also ties it in with what she is saying.

And before asking her the social frame gambit, it would have been smoother to first ask her "do you see yourself acting ever? because I know when I was little I wanted to be an actor but only because they made a lot of money"

Also my voice sounded faint.

Then I took the bus and went downtown and got in another approach

Girl 2: Brunette with long brown silky hair. She was walking ahead of me and then turns around, so I instantly stop her with the DFO, but getting her immersed didn't work so well. Probably because I stopped her so abruptly

"oh hey, blah blah blah..."

Me: you kind of remind me of [singer]
Her: Oh that's interesting, I've never gotten that before
Me: yeah I will say you have a different energy behind your eyes. You strike me as someone who's very down to earth. More very practical very down to earth
Her: Maybe maybe...that is true...
Me: If you had to be famous for one thing, what would it be?
Her; um i dunno I'm going to law school so probably something related to law.
Me: so probably a famous attourney or something.
Her: yea probably why?
Me: Just curious

and I bounced. I got thrown off by her asking why


So far I notice when the girls hook in the past, it's because I really dug deeper into the rainbow ruse. So that's something to test out as well.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Haven't updated this in a while, sorry about that!


Tried out an old mall that I used to go to that originally went downhill due to covid, but now it's back and running. And then went to the usual mall area.

My Outfit:
Wore a new shirt, with the gray jeans and usual jewlery.

Girl 1: Tried out an old mall. Did the dfo on this gorgeous latina with an amazing ass and smooth tanned legs, but she didn't seem particularly hooked. I tried to get her to stop by saying I was going in another direction and she's like "Oh okay, and keeps walking on". Should've told her to hold on a bit.

Girl 2+3: Asked two separate girls at the bookstore whether a random book was any good, but I didn't go into the rest of the sauce and so they didn't hook either. Not much to say here, I dropped the ball by waiting too long to open one, while she was already walking off and with both of these girls, I didn't follow up with my rpo (you know how sometimes when you pick up a book and at first it starts off slow but then the more you read it, the more you realize...that you just can't put it down?...that's why choosing the right book can be so important, because it's a big commitment)

Girl 4: Busty salvadoran woman a Biiiig ass.

I was looking over at the essential oils and asked this woman if she had seen the vanilla, but she didn't know where it was. She reopened me later asking me if I found it and we got into a conversation. She asked for my insta. I gave her my number and she texts me "nice to meet you " as I was on the bus home. I text her back with some banter about what she might be doing right now, and she actually calls me, since she's driving.

This woman is solidly in the milf territory and she started giving me shit for being "a baby" and then she also jokes that "I could be her son" but then... later on she said how when she was walking with her son and some dude thought they were dating and her son was grossed out by that but she was like "dating a younger guy makes me feel young again".

My sect was decent with her at least.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Tuesday college campus frustrated by my inaction)​

I went to a nearby community college. It was just a frustrating outing today. I felt paralyzed with the setup. Lots of girls but they're far away, if that makes any sense (it doesn't). Basically, they were walking far away and it was hard to catch up to any of them and it was in the heat too which was unpleasant)

There was one girl I legit could've approached when she finished texting on her phone, but I didn't. (it was early and I guess I was feeling the anxiety)

Another girl with amazing legs, but she walked towards the parking area and I didn't know how I could follow her there.

Another girl also walked to the parking area.

One girl, I tried to catch up to but she was walking so fast towards class that I missed out on it.

And another girl that went into the parking area

That's at least 5 girls, 2 of which were too fast to catch up to, and two of which seemed to be in situations too unnatural to approach.

To make matters worse it was really fucking hot outside, I was burning in the sun. I was sweating by the time I walked up all the stairs and got to campus.

I'm glad I'm writing about this though, first of all the, 5 flights of steps to get to campus weren't that bad, at least it gives me exercise and it'll toughen me up mentally to know that I can deal with draining environments. It is weird though because college campuses are not supposed to be difficult places to approach in. But every time I have trouble with a new environment, I always manage to adapt to it. This will be no exception. The rewards are worth it.

The thing about this campus is that it's actually very small. Approaching girls sitting at tables feels too high effort because even the tables are well spaced, so if you were to approach, it wouldn't be sprezzatura at all. I mean... I guess you could...

The next thing to consider is the library. You don't know what's on the upper floors, And you don't know what's down below.

There's a mad dash to go to classes. Figure out what times that takes place specifically.

Homework for next time:​

  1. Scout the parking areas see if there's a way to get away to somewhere else after going in that direction.
  2. Scout the library fully
  3. Ask one girl seated at a table where the cafe is.
  4. Do one dfo

Why did I post this if it just seems like I was going to complain? Well, the good news is that I went back today(Wednesday 9/15) and this time after going over my list of things to improve, I got in 5 approaches, all with girls that were legitimately attractive. Some I just did a simple "where's the nearest starbucks" but some I also tried out an RPO about how the campus is very quiet and peaceful in between classes. Soo I'm glad I pushed myself to go back. The approaches fizzled out but that's okay; the girls were still sweet and receptive. I can now work on adding baits, rainbow ruses, and social frame gambits to create stacks.

I realize I have been making a big mistake lately by just journaling my outings but not thinking critically about how to make baby steps in a direction towards improvement. So that is something I will fix in the future.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Thursday: Only did one approach on my campus. And that too, it fizzled out. The important thing to note, is that I need to take warmup sets more seriously.

Friday: Had a particularly nasty encounter with a fat crazy homeless woman on the bus. I wasted time filing a police report and stuff. By the time I got to (a different) campus, I'd wasted 3 hours. Anyway, I opened this japanese girl and she hooks instantly, smiling when I say hi. She follows me to the coffee shop, but has to be back in her dorm by 6 to watch some performances or some shit. I didn't try to derail her plans. Also, I opened her indirectly by asking her about a nice coffee shop, so that was not the best way to go off of it. But it was intended to be a warmup set.

I added her on Line anyway. So we'll see if anything comes of it, but I'm doubtful. She never asked my name or really much about me. But she did follow my lead.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I didn't do many approaches this past week because I was recovering from a cold (not covid).

Reflecting on these past 12 weeks, the Mini Year
I ultimately only did 123 approaches, even though my goal was to hit more like 300 approaches. I think what stopped me from achieving this goal is I let myself get affected by rejections and blowouts. So when I got blowouts, it would dampen my 'conviction' in my openers and it would cause approach anxiety to become higher the next few outings. This would lead to fewer and fewer approaches.

What I learned is that it's important to always warm up when you're going out, so have a list of bland unoffensive questions to ask people such as "where's the nearest xyz" and then go from there.

In terms of actual results, there were some positives and some negatives. The positive is that I had a 1/3 hook rate, up from 1/4 before. This remained largely consistent throughout the 12 week year and it was only near the end when it seemed to tick upwards a bit. My process, however, changed from doing RPO's to doing DFO's and the occasional super casual approach followed by baiting. The stats show that this actually didn't make a big difference and it was only my perceived hostility at the blowouts that affected my opinion. I also had two weeks where I didn't go out much at all. One was after the date and one was this past week where I was recovering from a cold. I'm holding off on drawing any conclusions off of this because I'm still new to Deep Focus Openers and I could certainly improve many things when it comes to RPO's as well. Each has its own set of advantages as well.

  • Before outings make sure to eat a snack so that you don't get hungry later
  • I only did 10 approaches on average each week.
  • Preferably don't drink green tea in the mornings and avoid caffeine because it makes me have to pee which does not put me in the mood to approach. (Or just take a piss in field)
  • During outings, make it your goal to first warm-up. Have a list of warm-up openers you can use on anyone, such as when does the latest train come, where is the best coffee shop.
  • Sunday outings are typically a wash. I've averaged 0.8 approaches there. Looks like I need to rethink my strategy for those. I was going to the tourist trap in hopes of snagging some instant dates but maybe it's a better idea to go to the malls.
  • 1/3 hook rate has been pretty consistent, but hook to isolation has been abysmal. Out of the 39 girls that hooked, only one came out on a date or instant date and only 16 gave their numbers. So even though hook rate could always be better, The Second and Third transition points should be my focus...which leads me to my next point...
  • Texting: I'm now at the level of "conscious incompetence". There's a lot I learned about that, but some basic stuff for now
    • Give her your number and text something like "hey who's that handsome guy you're talking to!" or just "hey who's that guy you're talking to ;)" the second one is more subtle and maybe it could be better for campus approaches or where the vibe isn't overtly flirty. "talking to" has a double meaning so it's subtle that way. I'm going to field test the latter and see how it does.
    • Continue the convo a little that day. Follow up with gm pings if the convo has died out. use second-gen verbals, flirt indirectly, and ON A HIGH NOTE do a soft close
    • Related to that, if she responds but is not particularly high investment, do an emotional spike as your text before going for the soft close
    • then when hard closing ask her which days are good and then say "ok lemme get back to you on that" and pin down the actual time. "I've got good news/bad news"
    • then after the date, if it didn't end in sex but otherwise went well, text "hey thanks for coming out, I learned a lot about you. You're different from most girls I meet. We should do it again sometime"
  • On conversational management, it's time to go through Riker methodically.
  • I have been neglecting eye contact and sexual subcomms this past mini-year, and also half-assing rainbow ruses. I need to do Gun's exercises to really drill those parts.
  • Make progressively more challenging exercises for yourself on what to do each week or each outing.
How to schedule pickup in my week
I'm extremely busy these days. I got a part-time job, I have to work on my dissertation, I have teaching responsibilities, and I need to apply for jobs. So I'm realizing I need to rethink how to accomplish everything. Dev reminded me of an old setup I used to have many years ago where I would spend 4 days focused intensely on work and 3 days focused intensely on pickup. That ultimately didn't work out due to many reasons but I'm thinking I could revisit that and see if it's possible, now that I'm older and wiser. But the general idea is to rethink my outings and I will shoot for 14-16 approaches a week. Last mini year, my avg was 10 a week, so even though 14-16 is less than ideal, it's still pretty good from a weekly perspective. I'm considering 3 possible setups
  1. 3/4 setup: 3 Days focused solely on dissertation and some part-time work, 1 day half-and-half, and 3 days focus on pickup and other chores, grading, etc...That'll be Monday-Wednesday do 12 hours of work each day. Thursday, do a little bit of work in the morning, teach in the afternoon, and do some approaches in the evening. Friday, Saturday do some work in the morning before lunch and then go out for a big daygame session, come home for a bit and then go out again for nightgame. Sunday go hit up the mall areas or try out night game again at the gay district
  2. 4 daygame 2 nightgame setup: Pick 4 days to do daygame, and Friday+Saturday where I only do night game and I work the entire day from 2-10 those days .
  3. 2-a-day setup: Find two hours in the day to do two approaches and then bugger off. And if you don't manage 2 that day, you have to do enough the next day to make up for that.
I can try the first setup for 4 weeks to see how that goes and if it doesn't work then I'll try another one.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Today was the first major test of the 3/4 split. I'm happy to say that it has been successful so far. To jog your memory, my setup is 3 days focused on my dissertation and 4 days focused on pickup and teaching. And the part-time job is a couple of hours each weekday. For the first time in AGES I actually made some progress on the dissertation. So this 3/4 setup is already working well.

I easily managed 5 approaches today and I got them done relatively quickly (4 approaches within an hour and a half) and the 5th one was because I was feeling horny and in the mood for more. I forgot to mention that I took a cold shower today after reading about Lobo and Nicko's positive testimonials, so maybe that helped too.

I'm reminding myself to lean into the 'horniness' more. Look girls in their eyes and speak more slowly etc... I still forgot to do that for most of the sets, but the one time I did it today, the girl mirrored my eye contact.

Today I was on campus, and I just forced myself to ask for directions. So... actually all my interactions were lame AF

My Outfit:
Olive green v-neck and stuff.

Girl 1:
She was warm on the open
Me: Hey um do you know anything about a farmers market?
Her: I dooon't so...
Me: have you ever heard of it
Her: blah blah blah
Me: beep bob bibbity booo
Her: yea sorry about that, I wish I could help you more, I wish I knew more about it. Good luck!

Girl 2:
Me: Hey I was just wondering um, do you know anything about a farmers market
Her: Yea they used to have a farmers market around here but because of covid they stopped
Me: ah that's unfortunate...it's my 5th year here but I just discovered all these interesting things on campus
Her: Oh I'm a freshman so I kinda dont know anything
Me: How'd you know about the farmers market then.
Her: I read about it, I wanted to do it hah
Me: Ah ok ok yea...[And I just fucking walked onwards]

what the FUCK dude. Here I should've rainbow rused her with "Oh I actually couldn't tell, because you carry yourself with a kind of calm energy etc..." Or I could've asked her what other things did she read about and talked about how the summer of anticipation before college is really exciting because you're looking forward to starting a new chapter and you're also done with high school so you're in this space of complete freedom.

Girl 3:
She didn't know anything about no farmers market and she said she was a freshman.

Girl 4:
I remembered half-way to give her solid eye contact, and she was staring into my eyes while we were walking. I think I might've been the person to break ec first though.

Me: Oh I was wondering something...Do you know anything about a campus farmers market?
Her: [says some stuff in the audio but it got drowned out by the band playing]
Me: Is it still going on?
Her: I have no idea, I would want to go to that one too though
Her: yea sorry
Me: I've been on campus for 5 years and I'm always hearing about these new events going on
Her: ohh the farmers market thing?
Me: Yeah or something else. I don't know if you're aware of this, but they grow avocados on campus—
Her:—On campus?
Me: yea students can go pick out a few
Her: I don't know about avocados but I know theres a tomato garden. like the garden club
Me: the garden club...
Her: yea the [school] garden club. I went to one meeting...I don't know much about it hahaha
Me: I used to go to [other club] meetings back when I was a first year
Her: Oh did you graduate? Me: I'm in grad school
Me: you're probably an undergrad then?
Her; Yea I'm a sophomore
Me: So this is probably your first year on campus then.

I go into asking her a little bit how it feels etc...Tell her I have to turn in a different direction hoping she would stop. She stops to listen to what I have to say and then goes on

Girl 5: This was downtown, used the "who you look exactly like" opener.
Me: Oh excuse me
Her: Huh?
Me: Do you know who you look almost...exactly like?
Her: who?
Me: Okay well the thing with celebrities is you never know if someone hates a celebrity or if they love a celebrity
Her: That's fair
Me: It's kind of polarizing. Would you say you have strong opinions?
Her: Yea I would say that, but I don't mind I get that I look like someone a lot.
Her: yea like random people...I have like a familiar face. to people who know somebody
Me: I would say you kind of look like a young Eva Longoria
Her: ....oh I dont...get that. I usually get Eva Mendes. A young eva Mendes.
Me; I will say you have a different energy behind
Her: that's nice.
Me: It's hard to describe it, these things are really vague. I'm heading that way... but um..
Her: bye!
Me: cya.

The thing is, she was not matching my pace at all. In fact when I first stopped her, she was talking to me as she kept walking which I found incredibly strange. Like I listen to the audio it sounds like a warm bubbly receptive girl but her body language was completely just "I'm on my own mission to keep walking" kind of a thing. It made me feel rushed actually. And I didn't rainbow ruse her properly.


Yeah these interactions were lame. I should make a proper stack for campus with a reality pace and then practice rainbow rusing girls. I've also started going through the riker exercises. Today what I did was I thought about where my voice was coming from after each interaction. I guess it was mostly from my mouth and maybe sometimes from my nose. Tomorrow I will really focus on having it come from my

What I did well:​

  1. 5 approaches in about 2 hours is wonderful.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I started to lean into the sexuality a bit more. But it's harder to do if the girl is not stopped.And I many times forget to do it. And even if the girl stops she usually keeps walking after my opener(not like to get away from me, but just like "oh it makes sense for us to continue walking)
  2. Rainbow ruse the girls soon after the opener. The farmers market opener isn't horrible in the sense that I can follow it up with "Me: yeah I can't believe I'm in my 5th year already and I'm still discovering all these interesting things about campus. Her: [Oh you're in grad school? or Oh I'm a sophomore myself] Then rainbow ruse her.

Homework for next time:​

  1. Make a reality pace about the campus area and then a rainbow ruse about the different scenarios (one for each class)
  2. Speak from the chest (Riker assignment)
  3. Look her in the eye and imagine yourself fucking her

Do 2+3 with at least 3 girls tomorrow.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Okay after doing the riker exercises where you practice speaking from your nose, your mouth, and your chest, I realized that my default voice is actually from my mouth(back of my throat). So I have to shift it to my chest. I did that with two approaches and forgot to do that with the other two. I can't say I necessarily noticed any difference. Eye contact was tough because I didn't stop any of these girls. Big mistake. But I will try that tonight.

I didn't have any follow-up baits today because I was going to a different college campus. so I couldn't be like "It's my 5th year here and..."

My Outfit:
Tried out a purple v-neck which I bought but wanted to return because I didn't love it. But they gave me a refund without requiring me to return it so I figured might as well wear it once. I feel bad about throwing it away. But it's really not up to par.

Girl 1: Black-haired girl, just asked her if she knew about the farmers market.
The problem is I opened her while she was texting on her phone. I tried to follow up with "Every time I come on campus I always hear about something new" but that interaction fizzled out. She was just like "Oh yea totally! It's on that street"

Girl 2:
Blonde wearing a short dress. I started by doing the dfo, said
Me: oh you never know whether someone loves a celebrity or hates them
Her: yea
Me: You're not the super opinionated type are you?
Her: No

At this point it seemed like the interaction was losing steam. I tell her she looks like kate upton. I don't quite remember her reaction but then I went into a rainbow ruse about how she seems more open and how she carries herself with a kind of calm energy blah blah blah. It was not a great rainbow ruse and I was just making up bullshit and wasn't doing a good job of it. I asked her if it made sense and she's like "yea". Then I asked her if she could ever see herself going to hollywood and she said "no". So this was a wash. Also, I forgot to mime for her to take out her earphones.

Girl 3:
Finally caught up to her after walking along the same route for a bit. Asked her if she knew anything about the farmers market and she says "yea it's on tuesdays" she doesn't stick around.

Girl 4:
Did the dfo but followed up with

Me: Hey...
Her: Sorry? (takes off earphones)
Me: Has anyone told you who you sort of resemble?
Her: What? I resemble who?
Me: "but what if you don't like her?"
Her: chuckles [ says it's okay or something I don't remember]
Me: describe the actress
Her: uhhh [her]—I like her, I like her

Right at that moment she turns to go into a restaurant but it's closed, and so her attention is taken up by that. She's about to walk off back in the direction she came from but I try and extend the interaction a bit asking her if she knows of a good cafe, she's stumped so I ask her if she's a freshman, she's a grad student. But that's about it, she's in the "going off somewhere mode" and I didn't try to rainbow ruse.


So yeah the main problem with all of these interactions is not stopping the girl

What I did well:​

  1. On a couple girls I remembered to speak from the chest, but I also forgot many times.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Stop the girls so that you can also use your eye contact

Homework for next time:​

Tomorrow's Homework: 4 approaches, with 3 girls, try and stop them and speak to them with your chest voice

Tonight's Homework: Open one set asking them how their night's going. That's all no pressure.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019


Today I went to campus and decided to try some approaches there but I realized that I didn't have much prepared in terms of openers so I decided to just fuck it and approach with a casual but slightly random question. Finally broke my phone numbers drought. At first, I was in my head because it was so fck'n hot on campus and all the babes were walking around very quickly, in their booty shorts. But then I realized, "dude this is so ridiculously easy...you just need to walk up to a lone chick and ask her a basic question...and just carry the convo a little bit. it's college... she'll at least stop to chat"

My Outfit:
gray henley, rings, black skinny jeans, white sneaks, bead bracelet.

Girl 1:
Also thanks to Dev's encouragement I walked by some girl who looked like she was walking slowly and asked her if she knew anything about a farmer's market, she was confused at first but she stopped to talk. I find out she's in a program that's in the same industry that I'm going into so I spend a couple of minutes giving her internship advice and then she starts asking me more questions about what I'm studying. At one point we stop at an intersection and so I ask her where she's headed. She's going to a Starbucks so I lead her to it since I know where it is. She tells me she's moved in only 3 weeks ago and is still busy unpacking etc... so I rainbow ruse her mildly on how she still looks at the surroundings in wonder etc... Actually, this makes me realize it's a good way to rainbow ruse on campus as well. (instead of saying are you from around the area? Oh I thought so because...) You could just say "are you a first-year? Oh, I thought so because. And you can then go into the exact same kind of rainbow ruse. There are some more things you can tap into though such as how sophomore year is different where all the novelty of the place has worn off, and junior year and senior year you feel more independent because by then you've moved off campus etc... Anyway, in her case, she was a first-year master's student.

I didn't really use any game as far as I can tell, just building rapport on how when I moved here it didn't feel like I was fully settled in until I got my bed set up because then I actually had a place to sit. She tells me about the area she lives in and tells me how she spent a week in my district (probably when she first moved in) and it seemed like she didn't have a great opinion of it. I could've stayed to get coffee with her, but I guess I didn't feel like it. I probably should have, in hindsight. damn it.

I realize I completely missed a chance to ask her the golden question or go into SOT's like for example what makes a place feel like home. In hindsight, there were a million different ways to take this in spite of having a completely random opener that didn't even set up into anything substantial. IN the future, I'm definitely going to use Bacchus's RPO for campus or maybe tweak it slightly to something that is similar. I also realized that it's a nice structure to format my other RPO's so I can use it to think about how to restructure the mini-Adventure RPO into something that's more of a truism. Social frame was decent with her since she was asking me a lot of questions, and I was leading her. I feel like I didn't do much for emotional stimulation and my sexual subcomms could've been better.

Then we stopped outside the Starbucks to chat some more and I ask her what she has going on the rest of the day and she says maybe just work on her resume. It honestly didn't seem like it was much. So I tell her I'm off to the grocery store so that I can buy some pineapple for the tacos I made and she notices that I really like cooking. At one point she also tries to guess my age and where I'm from. Anyway I take down her number and she's asking me if I have whatsapp and stuff. She calls me and then adds my number and then sends me a message on whatsapp and then texts me her full name. But when I sent her the icebreaker "Hey who's that handsome guy you were talking to outside Starbucks!" she doesn't reply but left me on read. We shall see...

Girl 2:
Next, I went to the bus stop and since I was feeling positive social momentum from before I just opened the girl asking her about the bus and when it would arrive. Then after standing around for a few minutes I say to her "You know even for [city] it's really hot out today" and before I knew it we were conversing about many things. I think it started by me saying how "oh I was on campus today and it was boiling hot" and she asks me my major and stuff and I talk about how I want to go into the industry and I give her an interesting story about why I first got curious about that industry. I think this really resonated with her and I'll explain later why. But then I ask her what she does and she reads tarot cards professionally. So she asks me if I would like to try and she has me shuffle the deck and pull out cards and then she talks about my past, present, and future.

I remember the last time I talked to that Italian girl who was interested in tarot cards and after thinking about that interaction I realized the Cube game would be really fun to play. So I asked her if she was familiar with the Cube routine (yes I accidentally called it a routine, but she didn't notice)

Anyway I play it with her and afterward, she said how she finds me really intriguing and doesn't feel this way normally and she feels mentally stimulated by me. She asks if I want to play more Tarot cards. I would say the Cube routine deserves some credit but so does the passionate description of why I got interested in the industry that I would like to go into. Anyway, I wasn't terribly attracted to her so I didn't care what happened next, but we got on the bus and it was jam-packed and we ended up getting separated and ended up in different seats. She got off one stop before me but I guess if I had wanted to I could've gotten off at the same stop since that's where I actually live.


Not much to say other than the fact that the first girl is more like a warmup set. And I know I missed out on so many opportunities in that interaction to blow her mind conversationally but oh well. It's already pretty good that I just got an approach in, in the first place.
  1. Rainbow ruse to follow up can be after you find out if she's a freshman or something. These rainbow ruses can be similar to the follow-ups to "are you from around here".
what is rainbow ruse?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Friday Nightgame

My goal was to get comfortable with the venue and get into a convo with one girl. Went to the usual bar district and I was just a little overwhelmed by the atmosphere. Loud flashy music blaring from the clubs. Lots and Lots and Lots of people milling about. I caught a couple of girls glancing at me as I walked by but it was too sudden and I didn't approach them and they were with a big group so I wasn't sure how. I found a lone wolf who was just standing around as if she was looking to catch an uber, and just asked her about the cover for a club nearby, she was talkative so I tried to continue the convo asking about how it is inside (it was open layout) so she's like "well you can also see how it is from the outside! it's really nice everyone's really friendly you should check it out :)" I think she was giving me good eye contact, but I didn't remember to focus on it.

Some guy pranced up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder and told me he liked my jacket. As I passed him later on, he smiled gaily at me. Another pair of girls complimented me on my jacket. I think they were a couple though.

After a while, I decided to call it a night and so I waited by the bus stop and there was this blonde chick nearby so I asked her if she was waiting for the bus and we made the usual small talk about public transit at this hour. The convo didn't really take off and the bus was not going to arrive for a while so I decided to go for another round. Got more compliments from strangers about how handsome I am. Validation tank full, I decided to try reopening her again. She was still seated by the bus stop so I go in with "still waiting, huh" this time we talk longer, and I learn that she's visiting a friend and they're celebrating his bday, but she's leaving early because she's tired. She actually lives in my district, but she had already called a lyft at this point. I get on the bus eventually.

Saturday Daygame​

Finally tried approaching without a mask. I was in a different touristy spot from my usual. This one is quite good, the only downside is it's a little far. I only asked people for directions again, didn't do the dfo today.

Girl 1:
The first girl was much more receptive than I was expecting for a warmup set, but I didn't know how to continue the convo (which is a dumb fucking excuse) Basically I asked her about whether there's a nice bookstore in the area and then she said she's not from the area, but she was really warm and receptive and eventually we stopped in the middle of the walkway to chat a little bit about where we're each from since she lived close to my hometown. I was a little playful in my vibe with her. She had time to kill but was meeting her roommates later on. But the convo stalled out and she asked for my name before going off to do something. Remember just number close these girls it doesn't always have to be elegant! Just add on "ok before you jet, you seem like you have a really pleasant energy about you, I'd like to get to know you better. Would it be a horrible idea if I gave you my number and we keep in touch" at some point(maybe next week, I'll make it my goal to do that) I suspect I'll get a lot more numbers, but chances are they'll all flake. who knows

Girl 2:
Asked her for directions, and then her boyfriend showed up. lol
Girl 3:
hot blonde, but on closer inspection, she was beginning to be washed out. Still hot though. But She smiles when I open her but she's not from the area, shes from a nearby city, so I tried a rainbow ruse about that. It doesn't not land. But that interaction didn't go anywhere. She said she had to go meet her friend at Nordstrom or some bs.

Girl 4:
She was some european chick and didn't speak english. I realized later that she was actually walking with a group of 4 other dudes. Don't know how I missed that.


After asking for directions, you can go into a rainbow ruse on whether she's from the area. The problem is I was trying to focus on different things. Such as my voice and I forgot to do any of it.

What I did well:​

  1. Got approaches in quickly. I arrived around 4:00 due to a bus mishap, but finished approaching in about 2 hours.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Pick one focus for now and plan out the other stuff in advance, but don't worry about getting the other stuff really good. For example, I have eye contact, voice, touch, stopping girls, and also the verbals. I will focus on eye contact first and foremost. But I also want to do riker

Homework for tomorrow:​

  • Do two approaches focusing on eye contact
  • Do two approaches focusing on voice
Homework for tonight:
  • Ask 3 girls about the cover, and focus on holding eye contact until they break it. Try to keep running your mouth until they break eye contact. Then you're free to eject, if you'd like.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Saturday Night game​

I was tired and wasn't in the mood to go out, but I pushed myself anyways. At the bus stop some dude started talking to me, asking me if I liked men, and kept telling me to go on some website to see some "freaky...kinky...triple x" shit. he was like "I'm not into men, but maaaan that site is good". Ya no thanks. Then while we were on the bus he tried to get me to stop and get beers by a 7-11. But he eventually gave up and got off the bus. I finally get to the nightlife district, but couldn't really find many girls I wanted to approach and the hot ones were in mixed groups. I was waaay too in my head and didn't do a single approach until I got to the bus stop and asked this woman about bus information.

Anyway I took the bus back home and saw a bar nearby that had tons of people milling around outside. I got closer and somehow managed to approach a group of girls to ask them whether they were clearing people out already. And that was it.

Background Sunday​

I went to the mall area this time instead of where I usually go which is the tourist trap(Sundays). The first mall I went to was disappointing, mainly all groups. I couldn't think of a simple question to open with, and I was probably feeling too much aa to go in with the dfo. Then I went to the cousin mall, and its accompanying bookstore. Similar issue as before, I tried to break the ice at the bookstore, but the girls would be walking off before I could open. Finally opened some girl walking with the dfo, then I noticed another girl that looked a lot like Lemon, so I opened her as we were waiting at the intersection...and the funny thing is her personality was also just like Lemon's. I told her she looked like that girl from the george lopez show. Then transitioned to asking her what she was up to today. She was trying to get a donut from the market. And it closes in 15 min. I didn't think to number close. oops! The other problem is I was blanking on where I could've taken the convo. I could've taken this in so many ways...such as asking her what other kinds of tv shows she watched as a kid (eg she used to watch that one).

Anyway my main focus was eye contact in that interaction and I only remembered half-way into it.

Also did an approach at the grocery store, but botched the opener a bit, and also was not persistent in getting her to continue the convo.

This week I've been focused on my main fundamentals so I haven't been pushing the interactions as far as I could be. I also haven't even been going for phone numbers, and just prematurely ejecting in many cases. This is dreadfully uneventful, but also the eye contact issue needs to be addressed because I don't have it on lock ye. And I do need to remember that many times...I have number closed a girl where it seemed like she was just walking off, where it didn't seem 'natural'.


This week I've been focused on my main fundamentals so I haven't been pushing the interactions as far as I could be. I also haven't even been going for phone numbers, and just prematurely ejecting in many cases. This is dreadfully uneventful, but also the eye contact issue needs to be addressed because I don't have it on lock ye. And I do need to remember that many times...I have number closed a girl where it seemed like she was just walking off, where it didn't seem 'natural'. And my conversations lately have been boring...many times I'm finding myself thinking "how do I continue it".. Which should not be happening at this stage.

And of course, those "asking for direction" openers aren't typically going to lead to much.

What I did well:​

  1. Overall this week is going swimmingly. The 3/4 split has been a success. It wasn't perfect, but as a proof of concept, it showed that it's indeed possible to do deep work, while getting in a reasonable amount of approaching in.
  2. I also went out both days for night game.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Focusing on everything means you focus on nothing. Time to break out of bad habits in my voice and my eye contact. That will take some time.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


My sleep schedule was quite bad so there was low motivation to go out and do approaches for some reason. And AA was high today. Which I guess is to be expected because I'd been jerking off earlier in the week as well. And coupled with the fact that I haven't actually gone out at all Monday-Wednesday, and I had stuff planned for the evening, it all just made me less in the mood to approach.

The weather has finally cooled down, which allows me to actually wear a second layer.
I've been focusing on stopping the girl when I open her and looking her in the eye. Maybe not as intensely

My Outfit:
Black skinny jeans, gray v-neck, blue racer jacket. The usual accessories.

Girl 1:
Opened one girl asking her about the farmers market. Wasn't attracted to her which, is why I picked her as a warm-up set.

Girl 2:
This was interesting. I noticed this latina with a fat fat fat booty and nice wavy brown hair. She was walking in the other direction, on the other walkway. So I doubled back and opened her with asking her about the farmers market. She was standing really close to me, giving me really good eye contact. In a sense it was on. And the convo topics were gardening club, her major, how she was really stressed in her major classes. So I asked her what are the moments where she thinks to herself "yes I'm happy that I majored in this". And she says when she remembers that only 70 people got selected for this program and that the professors said they saw something special in each and every applicant they admitted.

Then she tells me about her TA and Professor and so I tried to reality pace her with the "have you noticed how the personality of the professor makes the learning experience completely different?"

She was talkative but only focused on the negative aspects.

Her: Oh I have to go btw, because somebody's waiting for me. do you have instagram?
Me: I don't do instagram. Do you have whatsapp?
Her: I can get your numberrrr so we can talk laterrrr it's nice meeting you.

I enter in my number into her phone, and have her text me because the phone call wasn't going through. She makes a contacts page on her phone for me. And then runs off to meet her friend

Girl 3:
Asked another girl for directions, but she didn't know anything about the place so it was whatever...


If the girl is not talkative, she won't really have much to say for the "where's the farmers market question". I mean in general, these asking for directions openers just suck and it's not wise to rely on them too much other than as warm-ups. Otherwise they just become a crutch.

What I did well:​

  1. Stopped all the girls
  2. Eye contact was decent
  3. Focusing on chest projection was pretty good too

What I could've done better:​

  1. More approaches, of course. There was one girl that was on her phone while walking and I should've approached her before she turned to go into the food court. But I didn't.
  2. And I didn't do the dfo on anyone. My opener didn't have any teeth.


My sleep schedule was quite bad so there was low motivation to go out and do approaches for some reason. And AA was high today. Which I guess is to be expected because I'd been jerking off earlier in the week as well. And coupled with the fact that I haven't actually gone out at all Monday-Wednesday, and I had stuff planned for the evening, it all just made me less in the mood to approach.

The weather has finally cooled down, which allows me to actually wear a second layer.

I've been focusing on stopping the girl when I open her and looking her in the eye. Maybe not as intensely

My Outfit:
Black skinny jeans, gray v-neck, blue racer jacket. The usual accessories.

Girl 1:
Opened one girl asking her about the farmers market. Wasn't attracted to her which, is why I picked her as a warm-up set.

Girl 2:
This was interesting. I noticed this latina with a fat fat fat booty and nice wavy brown hair. She was walking in the other direction, on the other walkway. So I doubled back and opened her with asking her about the farmers market. She was standing really close to me, giving me really good eye contact. In a sense it was on. And the convo topics were gardening club, her major, how she was really stressed in her major classes. So I asked her what are the moments where she thinks to herself "yes I'm happy that I majored in this". And she says when she remembers that only 70 people got selected for this program and that the professors said they saw something special in each and every applicant they admitted.

Then she tells me about her TA and Professor and so I tried to reality pace her with the "have you noticed how the personality of the professor makes the learning experience completely different?"

She was talkative but only focused on the negative aspects.

Her: Oh I have to go btw, because somebody's waiting for me. do you have instagram?
Me: I don't do instagram. Do you have whatsapp?
Her: I can get your numberrrr so we can talk laterrrr it's nice meeting you.

I enter in my number into her phone, and have her text me because the phone call wasn't going through. She makes a contacts page on her phone for me. And then runs off to meet her friend

Girl 3:
Asked another girl for directions, but she didn't know anything about the place so it was whatever...


If the girl is not talkative, she won't really have much to say for the "farmers market opener".

What I did well:​

  1. Stopped all the girls
  2. Eye contact was decent
  3. Focusing on chest projection was pretty good too

What I could've done better:​

  1. More approaches, of course. There was one girl that was on her phone while walking and I should've approached her before she turned to go into the food court. But I didn't.
  2. And I didn't do the dfo on anyone. My opener didn't have any teeth.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Went to another college campus. I was trying to do approaches at the college town, but the sets were sparse and hard to catch up to so I went to the actual campus, and it was much better.

First two girls I asked for directions to some nice cafes nearby and then just asked them if they were going off to class. One was just as warmup, one was when I was starting to get horny.

Girl 2: Notice this girl that has the same oufit that I've seen a celebrity style so I opened her with the dfo, and this time, I used my phone to show her the picture as an excuse to get close to her. Then we walked a bit more. From this point the convo was boring chit chat about her major and stuff. And chinese grannies. She was contributing to the convo though. I asked her what part of china she was from and she's vague "oh northeast" and so I guessed the correct province and she's shocked and very curious. Added her on wechat and seeded a coffee by saying " I don't come to campus too often, but maybe next time I'm around we can grab a coffee" . Let's see

Girl 3: Then I went to a Target nearby and approached this tanned asian girl. I was legitimately excited about this set. I do the dfo, make sure to have really good eye contact. Rainbow ruse her on being a curious person and she says she's curious about people and to figure out what makes them tick. I should've added some bait here with "oh yeah for me it's my work". I find out she's the same major as me, and I have her guess what I major in. She's like film? psychology? no... maybe music? Hah not even close. Asked her the golden question but didn't really delve into the emotions as much as I should have. I think I'm a little rusty in this part of it. But I bet riker will sort that out.

Anyway long story short. I make sure to number close her. She's on her way to buy "biscuits" for her friend. She puts down her full name, which is promising.


On texting, I can either text the girl soon after the meet or I can text her the next moring with the gm ping. In these cases I opted to text them tomorrow morning because if I text them later this evening it'll be friday evening and they'll be wondering what I'm doing. But otherwise, I don't prefer that method.

And the girl from yesterday only replied to my initial text and has not responded so far. I should have seeded a coffee or something.

What I did well:​

  1. Number closed these girls. Last week I didn't get any numbers because I didn't ask any girls for their numbers. Which meant no possible leads to shag.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Still the issue after this is conversational management. I feel like I'm just asking boring questions to tread water sometime, and I found it tricky to sprinkle in some "technique".

Homework for next time:​

Tonight, I'm feeling really tired, so I'll just go out and scope out some venues. No pressure to do anything and I'll allow myself to get home early and catch up on sleep.

Tomorrow: Do 5 approaches if you can, to make up for the lower numbers today.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019


Went to another college campus. I was trying to do approaches at the college town, but the sets were sparse and hard to catch up to so I went to the actual campus, and it was much better.

First two girls I asked for directions to some nice cafes nearby and then just asked them if they were going off to class. One was just as warmup, one was when I was starting to get horny.

Girl 2: Notice this girl that has the same oufit that I've seen a celebrity style so I opened her with the dfo, and this time, I used my phone to show her the picture as an excuse to get close to her. Then we walked a bit more. From this point the convo was boring chit chat about her major and stuff. And chinese grannies. She was contributing to the convo though. I asked her what part of china she was from and she's vague "oh northeast" and so I guessed the correct province and she's shocked and very curious. Added her on wechat and seeded a coffee by saying " I don't come to campus too often, but maybe next time I'm around we can grab a coffee" . Let's see

Girl 3: Then I went to a Target nearby and approached this tanned asian girl. I was legitimately excited about this set. I do the dfo, make sure to have really good eye contact. Rainbow ruse her on being a curious person and she says she's curious about people and to figure out what makes them tick. I should've added some bait here with "oh yeah for me it's my work". I find out she's the same major as me, and I have her guess what I major in. She's like film? psychology? no... maybe music? Hah not even close. Asked her the golden question but didn't really delve into the emotions as much as I should have. I think I'm a little rusty in this part of it. But I bet riker will sort that out.

Anyway long story short. I make sure to number close her. She's on her way to buy "biscuits" for her friend. She puts down her full name, which is promising.


On texting, I can either text the girl soon after the meet or I can text her the next moring with the gm ping. In these cases I opted to text them tomorrow morning because if I text them later this evening it'll be friday evening and they'll be wondering what I'm doing. But otherwise, I don't prefer that method.

And the girl from yesterday only replied to my initial text and has not responded so far. I should have seeded a coffee or something.

What I did well:​

  1. Number closed these girls. Last week I didn't get any numbers because I didn't ask any girls for their numbers. Which meant no possible leads to shag.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Still the issue after this is conversational management. I feel like I'm just asking boring questions to tread water sometime, and I found it tricky to sprinkle in some "technique".

Homework for next time:​

Tonight, I'm feeling really tired, so I'll just go out and scope out some venues. No pressure to do anything and I'll allow myself to get home early and catch up on sleep.

Tomorrow: Do 5 approaches if you can, to make up for the lower numbers today.
it is always better texting right away vs after....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Went to the nicer tourist trap.

My Outfit:
White Oxford, black jeans, necklace, bracelet, rings, and a 'diamond' stud earring.

Girl 1:
she counts more as a warmup but she was a tourist from Cincinnati.

Girl 2:
Hot Asian girl standing by a pole. Asked about a bookstores in the vicinity. She looked up the bookstore for me, I replied "sounds like you're very familiar with the area" but the convo didn't last much longer than that. When you notice she's receptive, you can still switch to the deep focus opener. I'll see if that works.

Girl 3:
College student. Turns out she was headed to the grocery store too. A little bit of chit chat on her major. She's excited when she hears my major but imo it wasn't that similar to hers. We reach the bookstore and each do our own thing. I reopen her asking her if she had any luck with finding a gift for her friend. And then I tell her I gotta bounce.

Girl 4:
Finally did the dfo on this hot Asian chick. We're standing by the intersection. She doesn't think she looks like the celeb but thinks she looks a bit like another actress in the same show. I'm continuing with the social frame gambits but I realize she's actually taking the diagonal crosswalk and I'm walking straight ahead. fuck. I didn't realize it was an all directions crosswalk.

Saturday Nightgame​

I arrived around 12:40 I wore the white racer jacket which got lots of compliments. I was too in my head again too do much approaching but I definitely had so many chances this time.

One girl in a leopard print top. With a really nice ass

Two girls walking behind me

One girl in a group of 4. They kind of spread themselves out and at one point she positioned herself to make it easy for me to open. Skippy...what the fuck, dude!

Two girls standing around separately.

One really hot girl in a mixed group. I think she mightve glanced at me as I was walking by. I got the sense that she wasn't really engaged in her groups convo(not fully locked in). But then they moved somewhere else.

And there's about 2-3 more girls I could've opened now that I think about it.

I did at least open two girls. One only spoke Spanish though. And one was pretending to be spacing out, I think.

I think I need to actually start going 3-4 times a week at that area to get acclimated to it.