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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Background 4/1/2022 Friday​

Daygame: I went to the tourist trap today but the volume was not good. I opened 3 girls in total and got one phone number. So far I’ve done 11/25 from that exercise. But I need to be extra focused on eye contact. Because I get so caught up in actually opening her that I forget to think about the eye contact and I don’t remember if I did it correctly.

Nightgame: I went to the big gay district and opened 4 groups. This area takes hyperstimulation to the extreme. It makes all of the other nighttime venues seem tame by comparison. Good training, I suppose. The plan was to do Gun’s weak emergency plan B exercise which is opening with a ‘fun, social’ type opener, and then immediately going for a number close. Basically you say “hey can I tell you something...I have that exact same top at home blah blah blah” The first was a pair of girls. I just approached the one I was interested in and didn’t worry about the friend at all. She declined to give her number. Forgot to monitor eye contact.

Then I approached another pair of girls. One was wearing a tight green dress and one was wearing a tight black dress. I originally opened black dress. And she was like “why didn’t you wear it then!” and I said “Oh I but didn’t want to steal your thunder”. Some more banter ensues with black dress girl and she’s beaming so green dress girl gets more engaged actually and asks me what I said. somehow things got reshuffled and I find myself talking to her. But they go into a club shortly. They were actually in a big group. Didn’t have time to number close. or compliment. Again forgot to monitor eye contact.

Next I see a guy with two girls, but notice that he’s holding hands with one of them. Fortunately the other girl is hotter, so I open her, go for the number close, she’s like “yea why not”. Her friend needs to pee and it turns out they’re visiting her from another state. So they go off after she enters her number. I forgot to check my eye contact there.

Finally I opened another pair of girls and they do the same thing “oooh then why didn’t you wear it” . In these cases, it seems I’m not going for the number close because I get hung up on the banter, then ask them how the night is going and then I don’t do anything after that. But anyway...none of this is the focus. The focus is EYE CONTACT remember. And I actually remembered to do that with this set.

So let’s say 11/25 reps completed for exercise A and 1/30 reps completed for exercise B.


I’ve been to this venue before and while I have opened girls there before, it just hasn’t been as much as this time. Seriously 4 sets in a night is a record. The most I’ve done before is like 1-2. And I bagged my first actual phone number from nightgame. Although this will be a dud. Strongly suspect.

My only actual regret is hesitating too long on these two latinas that were standing around. I guess I didn’t know how to open just one and not the other. Now that I think about it, I guess I could’ve walked by and body-rocked.

I have used i was going to wear does shoes tonight or that tonight(if is a super sexy outfit) sometimes it works it depends at the time of the night were i use it... if you forget what to say just open with "how is your night going" or "do you know where is the after party" or "those are bad ass shoes" (remember sometimes those openers is a form of buying time to gauge reaction to see what she is giving you and calibrate accordingly make sure you have something to follow up with)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Continuing Gun's exercise.

Daygame: Not much to say here. Still working on making the piercing eye contact automatic, but I think it was better today. I did 4 approaches. Got 1 blowout, two girls said they had a bf, and 1 had to take a call but was otherwise receptive. I didn’t try and number close her.

Nightgame: This was decent. I went to a dance-bar. Unlike the Big Gay District where you can approach girls on the street. This is just a bar with a giant dance floor. I guess you could call it a baby club. I arrived around 10:30 and at first I wasn’t sure what to do since there were a few people around and they all seemed like they were there in groups, and it was too early in the night for people to be dancing. So I hung out by the hotel lobby that’s connected to the bar. I only hung out for 15 min before going back inside. And then it started to get much more packed.

I opened one girl who was standing next to me to order drinks, asking her how her night was going and she was friendly. She complimented me on my jacket and she kind of reminded me Irma Gobb (Mr.Bean’s long suffering girlfriend). We just made some chit-chat about the venue and how there's another venue with a similar vibe, etc... Then when her drinks came she went to take them to her friends. I think she must’ve left early because I never saw her after that.

One girl I opened at the dance floor about her shoes. But I wasn’t particularly excited about her.

Then I opened this asian girl in a shimmering top with a variation that @Skills suggested “Oh I was gonna wear that outfit” She nodded and smiled sarcastically. Exchanged names, but didn’t do much else. In hindsight, I probably should’ve continued with this set. But I was happy that I at least opened a girl I was legit excited about, even though I didn’t push it further. Now that I think about it, her body language was pretty closed off, and the only way I was able to approach her was by going to the railing where she was standing. But she never really turned to face me.

And then another girl who was walking by, I just asked her how her night was going.

I can’t say I really got to drill eye contact here because it was hard to hear anyone over the music that I had to just talk in their ears. And sometimes I tried to talk to a girl but she wouldn’t even notice because she couldn’t hear me

Throughout the night I got tons of compliments on my jacket. Also made friends with another dude who was by himself. He lives across the street from me and we’re in a similar industry. He’s a total civilian though but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have someone to go to bars with. Also made friends with this gay dude who introduced me to all of his friends. He thought I looked sharp. I made sure to mention “an ex girlfriend” but he seems really keen on being friends.


This was easily my best nighttime outing at that particular bar. I think I’ve been there maybe 3-4 times in total and this is the first time that I actually talked to so many girls.

Also waiting to approach a girl after the bar is closed is not as great of an idea as it seems because then she’s surrounded by friends and they’re tryna book an uber. Better to figure out how to open her in the bar, even if she’s dancing with her friends.

What I did well:​

  1. Was much more social, much more open with my eye contact, and with trying to make eye contact with girls.
  2. Opened 3 girls at the barclub, much much better than 0, which is what I was previously batting at that venue.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I still need to be better at opening. There were so many girls that I wanted to open at the bar but just couldn’t because they were surrounded by people and it was loud and stuff. I will reread the tips people posted in my journal and see how I can apply them.
  2. I need to figure out how to talk so that people can actually hear me in the loud bar.
  3. I need to stick in interactions longer and not just eject so soon.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
On Sunday I didnt do any approaching because I went to an AYCE buffet with friends to sorta celebrate being finished and all. Came home and passed out for 3 hours (that was more due to low sleep than anything else) and then when I woke up, it was already pretty late so I decided to just work on planning out the rest of the week.

Focus for today:​

  • Do 4 approaches with weak emergency plan A where you win the “eye contact battle”
  • Number close unless it’s a blowout or bf objection (so if she says she has to go do sth just number close anyway)

How’d it Go​

Outfit: Blue blazer, white v-neck, gray skinny jeans, white sneakers, rings, bracelet.

I went to the tourist trap, and opened 3 girls. and struck up a convo with a 4th girl but she was visiting with a friend and staying with family and I didn’t see how the logistics would work with her so I didn’t bother to number close.

1st girl asked why I thought she was attractive if I can’t even see her whole face(she’s wearing a mask. I just said “at least the top half of your face is attractive”) she had a boyfriend but she said we could exchange numbers in case she broke up with her bf (da fuk??). And then we could talk. I also had her move out of the sun as she was entering in her number.

2nd girl was all smiles but she had a bf.

3rd girl was his hot, tanned, Colombian chick but when I first tried to approach her she got sucked into some street solicitors and was occupied for a while. Eventually she gets out and I walk up to her and notice how she glances at me as I walk past her. I open her soon after but she speaks hardly any english (even the street solicitors were talking to her in spanish). She’s staying in a hostel nearby and leaves tomorrow. Also she says a bunch of things in spanish that I did not understand at all. Went for a whatsapp close anyway but she wasn’t interested.

Bonus: Peruvian chick, see below


I think my initial eye contact is pretty good. I’m ‘winning’ all the “eye contact battles” when I’m approaching walking sets, simply because the girls look back at the street anyway. I do notice that I break eye contact when I don’t know what to say (like when I’m searching for a word)

When I approached the attractive peruvian chick, I just noticed her sitting on the bench while her friend went to use the bathroom. I sat down at the same bench and then opened by asking her if she knew where something was and we continued talking from there but her eye contact was really good. I think I might’ve broken it first when I lost my train of thought and had to think of what I was saying but then I made sure to keep it very strong afterward. And there was a time when neither of us knew what to say and we were just looking into each other's eyes. And I broke eye contact first there.

What I did well:​

  1. Momentum has been good. I’m just in a good mood these days and my ‘verbals’ are flowing smoothly from that. Mainly this is noticeable in social circle. Made friends with some random tourists cause half the group was jaywalking at a crosswalk so I joked to the remaining ones that they’re gonna get arrested and later on when the two groups caught up they were talking with me about that. I ask them where they’re all from. Turns out one of the dudes is from my home state. etc...

What I could've done better:​

  1. Maintaining eye contact in the middle of the conversation is something I need to work on now.
18/25 completed for Guns first exercise


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today(Tuesday):​

  • 4 approaches of ‘winning’ the “eye contact battle”.

How’d it Go​

Outfit: Blue button-down, gray ripped jeans, bracelet, rings.
Unfortunately today was an uninteresting day. I had office hours in the afternoon and then I went to fit in a gym session, finally got downtown around 6:00 (I didn’t want to do spam approaches on campus) Only did one approach before turning home. Asked for her name but she said she had a bf. I think she was telling the truth because a little while later she was like “...thanks tho!”


I legit did not find enough attractive girls out on the streets today. Maybe I’m being too picky. I do remember one mildly attractive girl that I passed up because it was so sudden. That makes no sense though. I must’ve been too picky today.

There was this brunette that was standing around that I maybe could’ve also approached but she was pretty okay too. And one girl that was walking towards the subway station as I was exiting, I guess I could’ve approached her if I really hustled. But it’s like by the time I turn around to catch up to her, she would’ve been through the turnstiles which means I would’ve had to approach her front on.

Also I was less inclined to continue because my feet were killing me, despite only having done daygame from 6-7:30. I think this is because I was doing deadlifts today and I was walking around a lot on campus

Then I got home and I was too exhausted to do anything else. This has been a recurring problem. Maybe after a few weeks this post-daygame session exhaustion will go away. Sleep is important too. But if I look at what I finished today, it was pretty productive in spite of that. It’s just that after 8pm, I felt like I wasted so much time.

What I did well (gonna push myself to come up with 3 things from now on) :​

  1. Scheduled in the Gym session despite having to run around a lot
  2. Opened a girl that had walked past me
  3. After grocery shopping, I was ready to turn in but I noticed this blonde wearing yoga pants and walking an expensive dog and I went after her even though it was getting dark. I didn’t manage that approach because she walked into her apt building rather soon but still the fact that I went for it is good.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Definitely could’ve done one more approach. I don’t know from where but I think it was possible.
  2. Getting proper sleep the night before. Tuesdays are physically strenuous days and I need to be aware of that in advance. But the day of the week where I have gym+daygame+nightgame is probably even more strenuous. This week that will be on a friday.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • 4 weak emergency plan A approaches winning the “eye contact battle”.

How’d it Go​

Daygame: I went to a college campus, and did approaches at the nearby college town. The first girl said she had to go to class when I asked her name, the second girl told me her name but also said she had to get to class. I decided to try and number close anyway but you could tell the micro-expression on her face was of annoyance and then she told me she “had a bf”. The third girl had to go somewhere after she told me her name so I said “oh before you go can I get your number and text you sometime blah blah blah” she was like “no because blah blah blah” idk some excuse about having to go to some building. The 4th girl was this hot latina who was really happy that I approached her and even stopped to talk a bit. Before I approached her I imagined an orange aura emanating from me and passing onto her. It’s a hypnosis exercise with rapport. The orange aura is a symbol for someone that I’m really good chums with. The idea is to get you to “presuppose” rapport basically.

Anyway I ask her what she’s up to right now and then ask her if I can get her number and ask her out sometime. She thinks for a minute and says she already has someone but otherwise she would have and that it was really nice of me to stop her like that. Anyway, I just tell her to take it as a compliment and wish her a good rest of the day.


I was indeed #winning all the eye contact battles today. This is becoming automatic now. I remember before how I used to forget whether I did the eye contact after I finished approaching.

What I did well:​

  1. Really glad that I pushed for a number close with the second and third girl.
  2. Approaching the first attractive girl I saw. Typically I had a habit of passing up on the first set or so.
  3. Trying out the “friendly aura” technique.
  4. Time management was amazing. Got this session finished in under 4 hours, came home with zero foot pain. (the bus ride is long, but I even managed to finish a lot of anki flash cards along the way)

What I could've done better:​

  1. I really could’ve finished off the exercise if I pushed myself to do 6 sets. Now I have two more sets to do and then I’ll have done all 25 approaches with weak emergency plan A.
  2. With the second girl, I hesitated a bit too much, and essentially ended up re-opening her to do the number close. That was fucking awkward.
23/25 complete.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • Open two girls winning the eye contact battle
  • Open two girls as if you’re already chums
  • Fun party-man vibe, ask 3 people how their night is going. Can be guys or girls doesn’t matter.

How’d it Go​

Daygame: Outfit: navy blue v-neck, gray jeans, rings, bracelet.

First girl I approached was this ukranian who was very happy that I approached her but she said she had a boyfriend. She stopped to talk a little bit and then I let her go.

Second girl I decided to open casually as if we were buddies but she ignored me.

Third girl had long curly hair and a nice ass. She was wearing green yoga pants. She was receptive on the approach and I talked with her a little bit more. I told her I was trying out this new restaurant and blah blah blah (this will be important later on). She was heading to the dispensary. She’s down to exchange numbers although first she asked for insta.

I finally completed 25 approaches with the weak emergency plan A approach.

Next was to continue opening girls assuming you guys were buddies.

I doubled back and spotted this asian girl with a decent ass. As I went to open her casually about the cool and pleasant atmosphere of downtown. She stops startled. I’m thinking to myself “fuckin hell, this is NOT an opener which you stop a girl with” So I just say I didn’t mean to startle you and we can keep walking. She’s investing in the convo. While we were walking I notice Third Girl pass by me again. FUCK I’ve been exposed lmao! Anyway Fourth girl has to meet her friend at a restaurant nearby so I tell her “hey before you go, you have a really great energy and I’d like too invite you out for a coffee sometime” She says “Sure we can be friends!”(eww) She takes my number and sends me a text.

So yeah, not too happy with the Fourth girl trying to friend frame this shit although to be fair, that’s exactly what Gun’s exercise was supposed to do. So I guess it’s a ‘win’. Also not sure if I should even bother texting girl number 3. She already saw me walking in the same direction with another girl, so I’m sure she can put 2 and 2 together and infer that I was lying through my teeth about what I was doing when I opened her.

Nightgame: The goal was just to socialize and have fun because Gun recommends taking a break every few outings to just meet people and not to necessarily hit on chicks, to prevent a burnout. Since I'm going out 3 times a week, I will set every 4th outing as just a "fun night out". Tonight, I planned to go to this 18+ nightclub but I realized there was cover charge. They normally don't charge cover on fridays and saturdays (actually not sure but I think there is. It would make sense since they're not making as much money from drinks. I will clarify what the deal is. I was excited about this because I heard from the civilian last week, who heard from another source, that thursday nights are good there).

Anyway instead I went to a a 4-floor bar downtown but surprisingly it was DEAD. I talked with a bouncer, and that was mostly it. Then I roamed the city at night to see if there were any places that were popping, but it was all dead. Mainly just got harassed by meth'd up homeless dudes. nbd. Then there were these two british girls that rode up next to me in their electric scooters, so I chatted with them for a bit to see if they knew of any places that were popping. They had just arrived though. Asked me where I was from, etc... they were just looking to buy some "wot-uhh" (no idea what that is). In hindsight, they were awfully well-dressed to just be looking to buy water.

Anyway kind of surprised at how dead it was for a Thurday. Last week I went to Black n' Yellow (not the actual name but you can probably infer why I'm calling it that) and it was good. So it's a solid option for Thursdays. The only reason I didn't go there today is I'm planning to go there either tomorrow or saturday. But I'll want to look into more places that are viable for Thursdays


So some overall stats now that I’ve completed Gun’s first homework from SMMA. It was to do 25 approaches of weak emergency plan A. Just open, say hey I thought you were attractive, and can I get your number and text you sometime.

So out of 25 approaches, I got 5 numbers, and two other girls that were otherwise receptive where I probably could’ve gotten somewhere if it weren’t for the abrupt number closing.

Of those 5 numbers, almost all of them were duds. The only one that wasn’t was the Honduran chick, and she didn’t speak much english. She stopped responding soon enough as well. And one of those numbers I’m likely not going to follow up with because it’ll be awkward if she calls me out for hitting on another girl.

10 girls said they had a bf

2 were blowouts

and I guess the remaining 8 were some variation of “gotta go somewhere” or “not interested” (somehow this seems a bit high. Maybe I counted something wrong).


Well it’s been a long time since I’ve done direct approaches like this and it was fun, I must say. There’s something satisfying about knowing that even if your material sucks, you can still get decent reactions and some girls will auto-hook. Like the ones that automatically stop to talk to you when you open them. It’s kind of addicting actually. Also blowout rates are pretty low. In the future I might consider adding those “half-assed” direct openers in order to keep openers fresh. And there’s more elegant ways to make it man to woman instead of a direct opener, like what skills suggests with mentioning “what does your bf say about xyz”. I can’t wait to try those out as well

What I did well:​

  1. Approaching the third girl after she had already walked past and probably seen me going in a different direction. (Spoiler: It had NO effect)
  2. Number closing the 4th girl with a “before you go, you have a great energy...” this is pretty easy to implement in all the sets. And it might mean I get a lot of shitty numbers, but I guess it’s important to close if you can.
  3. Opened the first set that I could.

What I could've done better:​

  1. MAIN Thing: I don’t really understand Gun’s next exercise. After you do weak emergency plan A, it says to "do 10 sets where you pretend that she’s someone you already know, how would you interact with her internally." Do you still open with “hey I thought you were attractive” or do you instead open with something like “Oh heeey, how’s it going?” I tested out the latter. I’ll ask him in the sunday chat, but if anyone has an opinion on this feel free to share.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • Do 4 approaches with the method acting exercise
  • Do 4 approaches with the fun social opener.
  • Remember to win the eye contact battle

How’d it Go​

Daygame: Only did one approach. Today I went to a shopping mall but most people were in groups since it's a Friday night. I went over to a grocery store and opened one girl but she was average looking and first I asked her if the store brand was any good for Mexican food and then followed it up with the “buy one opener” also added Skills’s twist to it “...and then when you get home you realize you forgot [sth]...and thats why I come here everyday”.

Nightgame: Went a bit off plan here. I met up with the civilian from last week (I should probably stop calling him that. Let’s call him C from now on. To clarify, C does NOT stand for civilian).

I did learn that the 18+ venue I wanted to go to on thursdays has $20 cover so I will probably ditch that place for now. Today we were in line at Black n Yellow. We were waiting for around an hour and a half before we got in. I’ll go to Black n Yellow on thursdays. I think that’s the best time for it. It’s still popping without nearly as insane of a wait.

When we get in some girl opens me by saying we look lost. make some small talk with her. Then we go to order some drinks (I just get a water). There was a girl that came up next to us to order a drink and I should’ve made a comment to her but didnt.

Normally I would’ve stuck around and done approaches by the bar but we decided to go to the dance area and it definitely felt harder to do approaches here. One girl I tried to open but I don’t think she heard me. And one girl I did open, with a comment about the music being on point today. and she was like “yeah a little”. It was easy to open her because even though it was the dance floor, she was just standing off to the side by the tables. But even that approach made me feel shaky and jittery.

Then around 1:30, C wanted to head home since he was waking up early. I decided to go with him, but that was a dumb decision. I should’ve just stayed to game a little more.

Then there were some girls I wanted to open but I wasn’t sure how because they were busy grinding on each other every other song. I reread Fluxcapacitor’s suggestions on my journal after I got home. I think it’s just a matter of practicing. It’s more like I have higher approach anxiety opening girls verbally on the dance floor because it’s unlike any environment that I’m used to. He mentioned in that post that you can time it between songs, which I forgot about.

I did notice this dude make a comment to a girl and she smiled and responded but they were separated by the crowd so what he did was gave her his hand to get her to come dance with him. I thought that was a nice move, even though she declined.


I was feeling slightly more approach anxiety being out with a wing, but that’s probably just an excuse.

What I did well:​

  1. Approached that girl standing by the side of the dance floor. She was legit attractive and it made me jittery when I opened her.
  2. At least attempted to approach another hot girl on the dance floor
  3. Got to the venue before 10:30

What I could've done better:​

  1. I need to do vocal drills to practice projecting my voice. What I did is I downloaded this app on my phone which measures the noise level, and I will practice projecting my voice while reading a wikipedia article and try to get the average decibel up to a certain level. That and I can also get in the girls space a little bit more.
  2. Going to the mall today on a friday night was a bit of a mistake because most people were in groups. I also only got there around 6pm to avoid the heat but that’s like prime hangout time for groups.
  3. If you don’t finish your focus for the night, you’re not allowed to leave the club. No fucking excuses.
  4. Gonna start doing separate entries for nightgame and daygame so that it's easier to track stuff in my notion database. And I think it's time I change the title of this journal
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today (Saturday Daytime):​

  • 4 approaches with the method acting exercise like you already know them.

How’d it Go​

I missed out on the first few opportunities and I wasnt in a great mood and I was anticipating today would be a slog, but then I remembered that article by Krauser, how going out for a daygame session should be like a puppy going out to frolic in the grass. So I did a reframe and thought about how fun it would be to try out this method acting exercise, how fun it is to play with things like your walk and eye contact and to interact with her energy. I opted to go with the direct openers while doing the method acting exercise. Enjoy vibing with people and the chill beach-town environment.

The first girl stopped and was very happy, I also told her that she reminded me of my friend ( to help supercharge the method acting), just asked her what she was up to and then tried a quick number close, but she had a boyfriend.

Second girl was smokin' hot. Long straight black hair, big tits and an amazing hip to waist ratio. Busted on her a little for having to work on a saturday. found out she was engaged though.

Third girl I didn’t go direct here because when I got closer, I realized I might not actually find her that attractive. And the more I looked at her the more I got put off. She had perceptible facial hair. But I opened with “can I tell you something...I just thought you really strongly resembled my friend” asked her background. She is transferring from the local community college and potentially going to be a student at a rival school so she was giving me shit for that.

Fourth girl: She was very orange, which I like in girls. I told her she looks nice and that she kind of reminds me of my friend, not in appearance, but in “energy”. She liked that, but overall her demeanor was very sassy. I also find out she’s going back to work in an hour (on a saturday) so I commiserate with her and find out that she’s just trying to make as much money as she can in the city and then bounce. I told her it’d be more efficient to just rob a bank. blah blah blah some more banter and then she tells me it was nice to meet me. I try to number close but she cuts me off and says “I’m not gonna give you my number and I’m not gonna take your number!” before I had a chance to say anything. That was a little bit socially uncalibrated on her part, but it probably means my social frame was severely lacking

Then on my way home, I spotted this girl with big juicy tits and a big ass. She had long curly hair and was wearing a tank top and jean shorts. I said f*ck it, might as well do another approach. I complimented her on her “energy” (see this is the kind of shit I can get away with when I’m on high social momentum. otherwise how the fuck do you know about someone’s “energy” when you’ve just met them. “yea I really like your... ( . ) ( . ) ....energy”) And yea it went well. I decided to game her a bit more because it turns out we were both headed to the same grocery store. At the grocery store we split up and did our own thing. I managed to see her just as she was heading out and I invited her to a coffee right in front of the security guard. She said yeah and offered her number. Made some more small talk about her plans for the weekend but she sounded busy.


I realized it’s NOT good to view daygame as a grind because I strongly suspect that’s how your approach volume tapers off. In the beginning it’s so easy to do a lot of approaches the first week but then I noticed how the numbers would slowly dwindle. Even though in general it might be fun to think about something as a grind (like you’re out there “fighting the good fight” and grinding out action), for daygame at least, it can backfire.

I also realize that I’ve totally forgotten what to talk about with a girl beyond the opener :facepalm: But it’s okay I’m still doing Gun’s exercises and working the structure so that’s more important right now.

What I did well:​

  1. The mental reframe I mentioned earlier.
  2. Going after that 5th girl was very very good.
  3. My vibe was good from the method acting exercise

What I could've done better:​

  1. I think I forgot about eye contact again.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for the Outing (Saturday Nighttime):​

  • Open 4 girls with the fun opener and number close. Focus on eye contact

How’d it Go​

It's remarkable how much the mood can fluctuate. I was planning to go to a Latin dance club but I missed the cutoff for cheap cover so I decided to go to the gay district. I noticed this hot blonde in booty shorts and opened her with the fun opener. She bantered. I told her she looked great and asked how she knew everyone ( she was with a guy and a girl). She deferred the question to the other girl. The guy was the other girls husband and the girl was her friend. Then she wished me a good rest of the night. I didn't number close. My mood was low after that point but I was still happy with myself for doing that approach so I found some benches and did a self Hypnosis exercise, imagining myself 6 months in the future. Then I got up and did another round. This time I noticed a group of 3 women. One of them in particular was extremely hot. She looked just like Jessica Alba but with blonde highlights. She was wearing white short shorts. I used the same opener, made some small talk and learned that she was here with her mom and her friend. She gave me her number.


I was exhausted from the gym and from going to sleep late last night. Probably why I was not so active at night today. In total, I think I noticed about 5 or 6 hot girls but they went off into a nightclub. I guess I should entertain the thought of actually going inside the nightclubs at the gay district rather than just running nighttime street game. IDK. I’ll think about that later. I need one day where I’m just spam approaching though otherwise I won’t be able to finish Gun’s exercise of 30 sets with Weak emergency plan B opener. So far I can say I’ve done 3/30

What I did well:​

  1. Self-hypnosis exercise to regroup my thoughts.
  2. My vibe was nice with the first girl. It was kind of flirty. Hard to describe.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I will think of a way to handle flakey numbers in terms of how they affect my mood. I think they’re probably the biggest mood drain.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • 4 approaches with the method acting, as if she is someone you know.

How’d it Go​

I went to the tourist trap today and got 2 blowouts (one straight-up walked on and the other was this timid japanese girl that had a walk signal and decided to walk on instead of waiting to hear my spiel.) The third girl was Chilean and didn’t speak any english and she walked off after I tried my opener in spanish. One girl I approached was from New Zealand. Initally she seemed very receptive and she had just arrived and had nothing to do really. She was following my lead and I was showing her stuff but I was slowly getting the feeling that this was a very one-sided interaction, and it was missing some kind of “glue”. Like yes, she was compliant...but when we were walking it sometimes felt like she wasn’t matching my pace and she did not ask a single question about me. literally nothing. even when I baited with what career path I wanted to choose.

First I took her to get a sim card, but it wasn’t a good option. then I took her to an exhibit but by the time we came there, it was closed. I tried to ask her what her dinner plans were but she said she was just going to do something with the hostel. So we walk out of the mall area and she’s going to go back to the hostel. I ask her if she wants to grab a drink some other time and she’s like “no I don’t, sorry”.

I should add I briefly mentioned the topic of travel and talked about how taboos in one culture are considered perfectly normal in other cultures (sharing the examples about being able to buy beers at vending machines in china.) She strongly agreed with that sentiment. She’s traveled a lot in fact.

I forget how I transitioned to sexual topics last time I was in this situation(it’s somewhere in my field reports, and I know the girl helped it along too back then), but I thought of another way to do that, which is to talk about partying and how chinese girls are about four years younger in “dating maturity” than their western counterparts.

Slight issues with eye contact here too.


Ultimately, the main focus is to do the method acting exercise where you imagine the girl is someone you already know. So I’m not gonna bother analyzing the rest of that interaction just yet.

But it looks like solo tourist season is finally back, post covid. All four girls I approached fit that mold.

Also you're not her fucking tour guide. If she's a tourist, just try to get her somewhere seated for an instant date rather than taking her to see stuff and take pictures. I'll try that out next time.

What I did well:​

  1. Realized I needed to lead decisively with the New Zealand tourist.
  2. Went for a close of some sort

What I could've done better:​

  1. Instead of trying to get dinner with her, (which I know is a terrible idea but couldn’t think of anything better at the moment, I should’ve just proposed a snack or ice cream)
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
oh before you go can I get your number and text you sometime blah blah

oh before you go can I get your number and text you sometime blah bl

oh before you go can I get your number and text you sometime blah
Words have power and how we use words in a particular setting determines the results we get..

How about: "oh before you go let's exchange numbers so we can chat some other time".

"Exchange" seems mutually beneficial to both you and her while "get" sounds like something beneficial to only you. Humans would do anything that benefits them not the other way around.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Words have power and how we use words in a particular setting determines the results we get..

How about: "oh before you go let's exchange numbers so we can chat some other time".

"Exchange" seems mutually beneficial to both you and her while "get" sounds like something beneficial to only you. Humans would do anything that benefits them not the other way around.
Totally agree here! I don't actually use the word 'get' when I'm number closing under normal circumstances, it's just for this exercise.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • Approach 4 girls with old gunwitch-style method (do a method acting exercise as if they’re your lovers and run SECT on them)

How’d it Go​

“as if they’re already your lovers”... Well when interacting with girls I’ve banged...I think my usage of sect is hard to gauge. Obviously, I’m touching her lots. I don’t actually speak slowly and sexually (unless it’s in bed). Closeness is just from the touch, and eye contact...I don’t know.

I think the main feature is this level of comfort I feel where I can just fully relax around her and yet things are still exciting. And by fully relaxing it also means I can fully and comfortably get in her personal space. That’s how I’d characterize being with a lover.

Now a method acting would probably be picturing the tamer aspects of this. Like, let’s say we’re out grocery shopping and I’d be leading her around and doing some mild incidental touch just to get her hot and bothered. Now this is how it’s been in practice. The two pieces of sect that are missing from this are Intense Eye contact, and slow+sexual speech.

First girl I opened with the RPO she was a cute but nerdy-looking brunette with a nice ass. In fact she looked kind of young so I chose the RPO as something neutral. Thankfully she was a student at a nearby college. But she’s wallking to a parking lot and her car comes up. I didn’t number close here. I think I forgot to do the method acting here.

Next I noticed this orange latina with wavy blonde highlights (I love girls with this aesthetic. Just need some white nail polish and they’re set. It’s a popular look in my city). She was standing by the bus stop. So I stood around the intersection for a bit and then approached her by asking her if the bus is coming anytime soon. I

switch to an RPO about how waiting for the bus is like a meditation. Talking about meditation was good because it reminded me to be in a chill, zen state. She’s chatty and I do a cold read on how she gives off student vibes.

She tells me she’s a preschool teacher actually. Talk a little bit about that with her, dropping baits about how I also teach and she bites on them and then I add a little man-to-woman spice, by asking her how many of her students have crushes on her. I could’ve played with this a little more.

The first bus comes and she asks me if that’s the one I’m taking. I could tell that this wasn’t the one she was taking so I say no I’m waiting for the other one. We get on the bus and She takes a seat first in the back row. I sit at one of the “Perpendicular” seats to the back row.

Built some social frame with her by asking her where she would live if she could choose anywhere (it came up organically from our conversation). At many points in the conversation I’d drop it and look over to the front and she would actively pick up the conversation again.

It just so happened that she started noticing the upcoming stops so I thought to myself “close things up, Skippy!”. So I asked her if her stop was coming up soon, and then said “ you know, you have a really good vibe, can I invite you to a coffee sometime” She gives me her number and tells me to text her.

I try to make some last chit-chat before she leaves although I didn’t think of anything too great.


I did an okay job with speaking slowly and sexually. I forgot to check eye contact again but I think it could've been better. But sometimes we did make eye contact in the bus. I got reasonably close to her while at the bus stop but I could’ve done this better by showing her my phone transit app. I didn’t touch her at all. I guess I could’ve given her a high five wrt being a teacher like me.

What I did well:​

  1. Approached a stationary set
  2. Extended the interaction with a cold read. This was just a gangster move. I did an rpo, and I could’ve just let it drop after that but nope, I was in high social momentum so I was on fire. I think I talked about which metro app she uses and then did a cold read.
  3. Going for a number close on a bus. Another gangster move. having to time it right before her stop and risking looking like a dunce in front of the other passengers.
  4. Making it man to woman with asking how many of her students have a crush on her

What I could've done better:​

  1. All the sect could’ve been better
  2. Also I need to flesh out more strategies to pre-emptively avoid burnout. Burnout mainly manifests itself in dwindling approach volume, which then legit harms the learning process and harms chances of getting results. For example I need to get on TRE again. and as mentioned before figure out a way to mentally handle flakey phone numbers.
But I’ll count this as a rep so 1/10 completed so far with this exercise.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Next I noticed this orange latina with wavy blonde highlights (I love girls with this aesthetic. Just need some white nail polish and they’re set. It’s a popular look in my city). She was standing by the bus stop. So I stood around the intersection for a bit and then approached her by asking her if the bus is coming anytime soon. I

switch to an RPO about how waiting for the bus is like a meditation. Talking about meditation was good because it reminded me to be in a chill, zen state. She’s chatty and I do a cold read on how she gives off student vibes.

She tells me she’s a preschool teacher actually. Talk a little bit about that with her, dropping baits about how I also teach and she bites on them and then I add a little man-to-woman spice, by asking her how many of her students have crushes on her. I could’ve played with this a little more.

The first bus comes and she asks me if that’s the one I’m taking. I could tell that this wasn’t the one she was taking so I say no I’m waiting for the other one. We get on the bus and She takes a seat first in the back row. I sit at one of the “Perpendicular” seats to the back row.

Built some social frame with her by asking her where she would live if she could choose anywhere (it came up organically from our conversation). At many points in the conversation I’d drop it and look over to the front and she would actively pick up the conversation again.

It just so happened that she started noticing the upcoming stops so I thought to myself “close things up, Skippy!”. So I asked her if her stop was coming up soon, and then said “ you know, you have a really good vibe, can I invite you to a coffee sometime” She gives me her number and tells me to text her.
Nice approach!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I had a busy day. Went to the gym, had office hours, did an hour of cold approach, then got dinner with some friends. Did a total of 4 approaches but they were more like "asking for directions" asking minor things. I did drop some baits but nothing much came out of it. A girl from social circle did ask me for my contact info, but I don't really care to push things.

Oh yea and that girl from the bus stop never responded to any texts.


  • 4 approaches with the lovers method acting.

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: Brunette at a bookstore, slightly ratchet. I opened her with asking her if she was familiar with this book I picked up off the shelf, then transitioned to asking her what kind of books she comes here for. She was in the “personal growth” section. She said she didn’t really read much but needed something to distract herself since it was Ramadan. That took me a bit by surprise. So I was like “Cool!” and didn’t do anything with that.

What I should’ve done is, I should’ve said “oh you know that’s a really good idea, because d’you know that feeling when you’re reading a book, and it’s kind of slow at first, but then the more you read it the more you realize...you just can’t put it down?” (my bookstore RPO)

I forgot to do SECT or Lovers method acting.

Girl 2: Opened with a deep focus opener, had her pinky promise not to get mad, told her she looked like jennifer lopez. made her lower her sun glasses to confirm, did a rainbow ruse, asked her if she could ever see herself in hollywood. She was a fashion designer, so I used that as an excuse to look her up and down. Tried to number close before she went but was given the bf gambit.

Girl 3: Big booty white girl. Opened this girl by the bookstore if she was familiar with this artist (we’re in the art section). I say how his artwork kind of reminds me of Murakami. She says it looks like cartoon artwork. She’s foreign and doesn’t actually know who Murakami. She asks me which Kanye album cover he did (that’s the extent of my knowledge)I asked her where she’s from since she asked me if I could speak a little slower. Ukraine. Soon she wishes me a good day and walks off.

Next I went to a whole foods. I actually got approached by some dude over my outfit. He was straight though, but kept buttering me up with compliments, asking me where I learned to be so sociable. I think he was trying to get me to join his pyramid scheme because he mentioned how now he is an “entrepreneur” and out of nowhere started talking about that. But he didn’t push it on me. Probably because I didn’t encourage him. I guess the Amway corp is teaching their entrepreneurs to rely on baiting now.

Then I did my 4th approach.

Girl 4: Blonde. Yoga pants whole foods. We’re at the coffee and yerba matte section. I ask her if this coffee can is any good. She goes into a long spiel about how it’s okay and nothing to write home about and offers a bunch of suggestions. I somehow transition to how I’m just walking by and “I saw this and you know that feeling when you come to whole food for one thing...” and she helps me finish that rpo. I forget what she said about that. Then she asks me if I know where the Celcius is (no fucking clue what that is) and I think I also said something about another market that’s even fancier than whole foods and she’s all like “IKR, that place is naaasty”. Then she continues the shopping and tells me to enjoy the “impulse shopping”


I need to start recording my sets again. Now that they’re becoming more substantial and I kind of forget what’s going on in each of them.

In terms of the method acting exercise. Many times, I don’t know if I’m doing it correctly. Like I think I did it with the 2nd girl. I forgot to do it with the 1st girl. I was subconsciously aware of it with the 3rd and 4th girls, but I don’t think I was doing it at overtly as I should be. Also it's much harder to do that if theres a bit of a distance between you and the girl. I think Ill look for any excuse I can to show her my phone so that I can get closer to her.

What I did well:​

  1. Opened 4 girls
  2. Went for the number close with the second girl
  3. Didn’t completely eject with the first girl. It took me a while to realize she was more receptive than I originally thought. And I pushed it forward a bit by asking her what kind of books she’s looking for.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Main thing I mentioned with the first girl.
  2. I’m not going to analyze this just yet, but the thing with grocery store and bookstore approaches is it just feels harder to actually number close in them unless there’s a really compelling reason to do that. Like if the conversation is really long. I will need to do an exercise at some point where I go for the number close at these places, even if I think it’s too sudden. At the moment, I’m kind of just relying on them to be very receptive, like the quintuple texter from last May.
We'll say 2/10 reps completed. Will also start doing Riker exercises since I want to complete one cd a month.

EDIT: Actually I did 5 approaches. The one I forgot to mention was another bookstore approach which went nowhere.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • 4 approaches with the method acting exercise

How’d it Go​

I actually did 6 approaches in two hours although one doesn’t really count because it’s a girl I had approached before (I remembered her but she didn’t remember until I jogged her memory a little). That one was just a social approach though. She told me she had a bf last time I met her.

Girl 1: Asian girl with wingtip eyeliner wearing yoga shorts. Really nice, big, ass. I did the deep focus opener, made her pinky swear not to get mad. When I told her who she looked like, she giggled so I used that as an excuse to touch her shoulder. I guess my touch and proximity were decent. Didn’t quite follow it up with a rainbow ruse but just said “you seem more laidback than her”. Alas her apartment building came up so I just let her go. I fucked up here. I should’ve at least said “Before you know, you have a really great energy about you. Let me give you my number and I’ll give you a call sometime”. Then after I exchange numbers, I would talk with her a little and then see if she’s down to hangout now. Anyway it’s probably because it was the first set of the day.

Girl 2: Spotted this alternative-looking Korean girl. I tried a new opener that I found by Ross Jeffries which is “Can I tell you something? It’s just that I really like girls with [x attribute] and so I had to meet you” it’s like an indirect twist on the typical direct opener. She is happy and actually stops to talk. I look deep into her eyes and try to make convo by guessing what she does and stuff. And the convo was awkward. It felt like I had no idea what to say. But eventually she tells me she has a bf.

Girl 3: This big booty blonde. She looked like in her 30s though. Actually, this set got destabilized by her golden retriever who was friendly but kept licking my hands. She kept apologizing and eventually just wished me a good day. Cockblock with kindness.

Girl 4: Was a blowout

Girl 5: Tried the RJ opener again, and it was this latina with big tits and a big ass but she was wearing a black suit and all black. She was just about to stop by at the restaurant next door to get some food. So I tried a number close but she said she had a bf.


Let’s say 2 decent reps with using sect. so total of 4/10 completed.

What I did well (will add more later tonight):​

  1. Kino-ing the first girl was good, and it was gradual which is nice.
  2. Going for the number close even as a last ditch.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for the Nightgame Outing:​

  • 4 approaches with weak emergency plan B (Hey can I tell you something, I almost wore the same outfit)

How’d it Go​

Went to Black n Yellow. This night was crazy active. First I went by the bar to get some water and these two black girls came up to order drinks and one of them started chatting with me. Just making some observations about what we’re getting and stuff. (She would go on to talk to a different dude every 5 min. that moment you realize you were just the warmup set :D ). Then her friend went to get a water and the bartender gave her a complimentary cucumber slice, so I sarcastically asked her if it was her birthday.

Next I went to the dance floor, and made some comments to a couple of girls there but they weren’t that attractive. The weird thing is nobody was really dancing yet. They were just standing around and chatting. I noticed this brunette look over at me a couple times but she was in a group with her friends and I got blocked out by so many people. I wasn’t sure what I would’ve opened her with either tbh.

I went back to the bar area and opened some sets. The first girl I opened was this attractive Filipina, just did the “i almost wore the same outfit but I didn’t want to steal your thunder” told her she looked great and asked her how her night was going. She asks me as well but then it fizzles out.

Second girl I opened also bantered a little bit. I asked her if she’d stab me if she saw me with the same outfit and she was like “nah I’d shoot you”. So I told her she was trouble. I tried to number close but then she told me she can’t while she’s working. I look closer and realize oh shit she’s actually one of the bottle service waitresses.

Third girl I did the same opener and tried to banter with her about how she’d probably stab me if she saw me in the same outfit. That one fizzled out.

Then some dude approached me and asked me if I was out by myself. Asked me if I like girls or guys and I said girls. He tells me he’s attracted to me and gives me his number. I told him we can only be friends though. Not gonna text him. Too many gay dudes from bars who want to be friends, these days. I don’t have the bandwidth anymore.

Then I was waiting by the bar to get another water and this hot asian girl (4th girl) with her wide but still attractive friend walks up to order a drink. I do the same opener on her (the hot one) and tell her I’m just kidding. Shes like “I KNOW you’re kidding”. Didn’t do much with that. Not really sure how to recover from that mishap anyway

This dude who was out with a girl started talking with me. The girl was native american and they asked me where I was from. What happened was, the girl smiled at me and then a couple minutes later the dude opened me.

Made another comment to some girl on the way to the dance floor about how crowded it got suddenly

Oh yea and at some point I was back on the dance floor and I saw those other two girls again. So I said to one of them “hey how’ve you been! long time no see!” and then I added “ I missed you sooo much” just fucking with her at this point.

Ohhh and the best part is I got to try out Cajun’s drug dealer gambit. Although I only did the first part of it, and I only did it on some androgynous-looking girl. It goes like this you walk up to her and say “do you think I look like a drug dealer?” The less you look like a drug dealer the better it is. Then she’ll say no and then you say “well these 3 girls came up to me and asked me if I had any weed (all sexual like. good excuse to put your hand on the girl as well and demonstrate) and then I said no and the just went ‘ugh’ and walked off...But what my real question is, have you ever had those experiences at a bar where a guy comes up to you and obviously wants something from you?” she would say yes and then you say “see you totally get me, high five”

I decided to leave a little early, tbh.


Easily my best outing yet, at Black n Yellow. And probably just at any bar. I don’t think I’ve opened so many people before during night game.

What I did well:​

  1. Well I was extremely active
  2. Made lots of comments to people aside from the actual approaches
  3. Went for a number close

What I could've done better:​

  1. Could’ve number closed the first girl. I’m really annoyed I didn’t do that actually
  2. Probably should’ve tried to number close the other girls too just for the hell of it.
  3. I’ll need to do more approaches if I want to finish the nightgame exercises at a reasonable pace. Maybe I need to do like 6 approaches a night.
  4. Oh and Eye contact is hard to do with a loud bar since you're leaning in to talk to their ears. I'll be extra focused on that next time.
This means I’ve finished 5/30 from Gun’s exercise


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today’s Daygame:​

  • 4 approaches with sect

How’d it Go​

I suddenly found myself making eye contact with this attractive latina-looking girl as she walked out of the restaurant. She passed by me and I didn’t think much of it but then noticed her ass and it was fricking amazing. Oh, and she was also quite tall. Anyway, I double back and she sees me coming to her stoplight. I decide to go direct and she’s receptive. But the signal turns and she’s confused about whether to go on or stop and talk so I walk with her. She’s going for a doctor’s appointment. The interaction didn’t last long but I felt she was interested. Her name was interesting so I found out she’s actually Afghani. I gave her my fake name and she tried to guess my background. The doctor’s office shows up really soon so I tell her I’d like to get to know her better. She’s down. She offers her insta but since I’m not on insta she gives me her number. I realize that eye contact we made earlier was actually an ioi since it means she must’ve noticed me first. It was so sudden otherwise. But she didn’t respond to my icebreaker.

Girl 2: did a deep focus opener. she kept walking and only stopped when she was half-way into the doorway of a store. (She literally made a quarter-circle arc around me as I was talking to her). That’s when the full weight of the intrigue hit her and she needed to now who it was she looked like. But then she just walked in the store after finding out.

Girl 3: big tits and big butt. straight black hair. but a little older. her apt building came up soon. But I also did a deep focus opener on her. I think she was a bit skeptical of my approach to begin with. She wouldn’t pinky promise not to get mad and wanted me to “just say it”.

Girl 4: This Asian girl carrying two large bags of take-out. I tell her “you know..for someone so tiny, that sure is a lot of food” (something along those lines. I forget my exact wording”. This opener is inspired by something in midwesterndaygame’s guide on indoor game.

She says “Oh! um...” and then just walks into a restaurant. I was going to follow up with something like “it’s alright, I like ambitious girls anyway”. but never mind.


I think I did sect with girls 1 and 3.

What I did well:​

  1. Capitalizing on the ioi (although I realized much later that it was actually an ioi). Let’s be honest, I wouldn’t have made the approach if I hadn’t noticed her amazing ass.
  2. Coming up with something creative as an opener for girl number 4
  3. Decent venue selection for a friday night

What I could've done better:​

  1. It’s time to take this exercise more seriously and to stop forgetting to do it with some of the sets.
No nightgame today because I had some social obligations but I’ll go out on saturday. Today was supposed to be the off day anyway. I did go to a bar with some friends and made some small talk with another dude there but mostly just hung out with my friends.

6/10 completed in Gun’s exercise.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • 4 approaches using sect, method acting.

How’d it Go​

First two girls were straight blowouts. The third girl wouldn’t pinky swear not to get mad because “touching strangers” or some bs

Did Deep focus opener on the 4th girl as well. She was this tanned brunette with green eyes. Really hot. but she didn’t hook. The actress I compared her to was actually legit because she said she’s gotten that before. I did the rainbow ruse on her saying that I bet she makes friends easily but has very few close friends. She’s like “that’s an interesting guess” and then she says she’s in a rush and has to go and turns to go into the parking lot.


Yeah today was an uneventful day. I guess I could’ve tried to number close the brunette. but hardly any of my numbers have responded these days. And she seemed that she was blowing me off. But sitting here typing this. I kind of wish I did. I always feel that way. Rejection is better than regret.

What I did well:​

  1. Got my approaches done in 2 hours.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I think I needed to check my vibe today. I might’ve been going in too serious. Maybe forgetting to smile and be playful. Because I remember seeing a girl afterwards legit reminded me of someone I knew (wasn’t attracted though) and I remember how I lit up. And I remember thinking w8...when I was approaching those other girls, I didn’t have that reaction.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Saturday Nightgame:​

  • Open 6 girls with the weak emergency plan b opener.

How’d it Go​

I went with C and he suggested a new bar which looked interesting. We go in and it’s all 80s style but it kind of feels like a house party. The girls here weren’t dressed that flashy. I honestly didn’t feel like using the “hey I almost wore the same outfit as you”. I opened one set saying something about how this takes you back to high school house parties. But the girls didn’t know what I was talking about. I think it’s because they didn’t grow up in the suburbs. Then I noticed this really hot latina (with blonde hair).

She had a fantastic ass and she was wearing booty shorts. I pointed her out to C and he encouraged me to go in there and talk to her. She was in a big group and I opened with a half-assed reality pace about how this bar takes you back to the 80s. She seemed receptive but didn’t really ask any questions back. I learn that she’s celebrating a friend’s birthday and related to how I was doing that yesterday. She says something about Aries.

I kind of ran out of what to say so I told her I’m going to get back to my friends. Then I saw her again standing by the dance floor so I reopened her. And she recognized me and was like “hey :)” I asked her to rate her night on a scale of 1 to 10, and did some framing about how it’s good to just live in the moment and go along with what feels right. and she’s telling me how “yeah I’m the kind of person who goes along with the adventure and always says yes”(seems like an obvious escalation window). Talk about travel. Then I make some boring fluff talk about our work and stuff where she finally starts asking questions. She was asking me if I came here alone because it seemed like I was wandering around but I told her my friend went out to the patio (which is true).

She was curious about the patio and I try to get her to come with me there but she’s like “Idk, is it good.” so I sarcastically say that its wonderful and she gets the humor I’m going for but is not sold on the idea. Then she goes and sits by the couch for a second talking with her friends. And the next time she looks over at me, I motion for her to come over and take down her number (at first she wanted Instagram because she claims ‘she’s not a good texter’ so that’s not looking like a good sign at all).

Then I saw her later on when she was standing in line at the bathroom and she waves at me. But she goes into the bathroom. I texted her to invite her to a rooftop bar later on but that one’s actually closed. C and I left shortly afterward.


First time I hooked a nighttime set(barring the prior times when I used to go to the gay district with the rsd wing). It wasn’t pretty at all but my decreased AA is helping with that.

I’m wondering if the girls at this bar are more DTF. Nobody was dressed that flashy, which is much different from the bars I usually go to where the girls are decked out. I was initially a little bit intimidated because one girl in line in front of us was talking about how she hooked up with a tiktok influencer. They weren’t even allowed in the bar though, due to some id issues.

Also I wasn’t particularly attracted to very many of the girls there. Maybe like 2 and one of them was the latina.

What I did well:​

  1. Opened 3 sets. (I didn’t mention the third set but she was just grey rocking me)
  2. Reopened the girl. Rejection is better than regret. I can happily say that I feel like I took a decent bit of action tonight. Always could’ve been better but it’s a far cry from what I used to be like where I would be kicking myself for not approaching the hot girl that caught my eye.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I need to fix the “wandering” issue.
  2. My verbals need to be rebuilt, but that’s okay I was supposed to be focusing on other things anyway.
  3. C tends to want to leave venues earlier, I’ve noticed. It’s tempting to want to leave at 1:30 but I should stick it out in the future. I certainly will if I’m not ubering with him.
  4. Skippy 2.0 would’ve been able to escalate properly with this girl. I definitely touched her a couple of times because I was horny and it was easy to get proximity but I think Skippy 2.0 could’ve done so much more.
  5. Skippy 2.0 would've known how to introduce sex talk into nighttime interactions
Nightgame is addicting
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