Unfortunately I didn’t do ANY approaching on saturday. I woke up late because I was binge reading BodiPUA’s book, and then I went to the gym where I was doing deadlifts, and then had dinner plans with friends. We walked around a lot after. By the time I was done with it all, I was just too exhausted to go out (especially from the deadlifting). I went home and chilled while finishing up the book (Death by a thousand sluts part 2)
Focus for today’s Daygame:
- Induce AI’s and that’s it.
- Focus on speaking from the chest.
How’d it Go
Today got a bit derailed with an unplanned instant date.
Girl 1: She was only wearing a bikini and booty shorts. Nice ass. Mexican. I obviously had to approach her, and I also knew it couldn’t be direct at all. So I did a deep focus opener. She’s a doordash delivery driver and currently working. We talk a little bit. I tell her I’m going to meet some friends and she asks me what we’re gonna do. Her car comes up so she says bye but before she leaves, she introduces herself and tells me her name. I take that as a sign to exchange contact info. She first suggests insta but I don’t have that so she gives me her number instead. I tell her my name and she shakes my hand again and likes my bracelet, asking me if it’s loki beads (I don’t know what that is). She says something about how she had a recent spiritual experience and tells me her family is roman-catholic but I forget what she was going on about. I think I seeded something about hanging out in the area. And she says how she doesn’t know many people from this area.
Girl 2: As I was turning the corner. I noticed another girl zipping in my direction on an e-bike. She was saying something to acknowledge me. I say “oh man, I feel so bad for you right now

” She stops to talk, and I tell her it’s because she’s biking with the sun directly in her face. I find out she has no clue what the fuck she’s doing or where she’s going. Typical tourist. She mentions how she wants to find the metro station. I tell her I know where it is and it’s in my direction. She’s like “cool I’m gonna follow the random stranger to the metro station, yolo!”
Let me back up and describe what she looks like. Blonde, hot body, smooth flawless skin below the neck, nice legs, mild tan. Occasional tattoos. She’s wearing a hot pink miniskirt and a tank top where you can see the outline of her nipples. And pink nail polish on her hands and feet. Her face is not that attractive, in the sense that it looks aged. She’s actually only 21 but her face looks like she could be mid to late 30s. This is why you don’t do drugs, kids. No joke, she actually had a narcotics addiction and in high school had some drug-related issues with the police.
She’s complaining about how so many dudes in this city are hollering at her. One dude, in particular, was so creepy he followed her into a metro station and then followed her when she got back out. (Honestly, she’s not that hot compared to some of the girls here. I think it’s the hooker miniskirt that’s causing it. Or maybe everyone in my city only knows how to catcall. She estimated she’s been hit on about 40 times over 2 days here. It’s catcalling or people driving up to her to ask her number)
Anyway we get to metro station and she jokes how she’s going to end up getting abducted. I turn it on her saying maybe she’s the one who’s going to abduct me and that I’ll wake up in a barn being surrounded by pigs. (she’s from the south). She tells me that I don’t have a creepy vibe.
After the metro station, I take her to a cafe. (She just wanted to see fares and see if it was possible to go to the beach from there. It’s not really possible)
I get some seats outside and we talk about life and stuff. I did some mild touching, like inspecting her rings. And a couple times when she was showing me pictures on her phone, I had my arm adjacent to her’s, touching.
Once when I was guiding her to the metro station, I tapped her arm and she made a face. It turns out she noticed everyone in my state, both guys and girls, have a habit of touching people on the arm.
About her:
- She’s from the deep south, visiting her cousin (who is asleep at the moment)
- Her dad was 25 years older than her mom. He was an alcoholic
- She’s 21, has a 3-year-old son, single mom
- She believes in God
- Most of her family is gay
- Her mom is toxic, but she wants to live with her anyway
- She was in a horrible car crash and had to get 8 stitches on her head and so for the next year she is still going to be recovering from the brain trauma
Convo dies down at the cafe. Part of the issue is that I didn’t do any deeply stimulating sex talk. I was trying to transition to it smoothly by talking about dating and sex first. But I didn’t do a good job with that. I think what I need to do is have some of these relationship gambits ready, like the jada gambit or the herd gambit, in order to kickstart the process. Hell, even the purity gambit could do that but I usually talk about religion and transition into it but for some reason, I didn’t this time.
Eventually, I suggest we take the train to my district because there’s a bar that’s got some nice vibes. She’s down. On the train ride, we were somehow talking about dating and she says how she doesn’t do hookups, I can’t remember if she said she “used to have a ho phase”. Terrible frame. I KNOW I should be ready to handle a frame like this, but I was unprepared. I will reread the pacing and leading examples that people have given on this matter. But also this means I need to frame myself as more of a lover. So the way I tried to handle this frame was to ask her what she defines as a hookup, to try and pace and lead it into something else. But the convo changes topics.
Her cousin finally wakes up and she needs to go back and hang out with him, but she still wanted to try some soju. So we change plans and buy some drinks at the grocery store instead of going to the bar.
When we’re walking out of the grocery store, she asks where we can drink them, and I suggest my place, but she’s like “I just met you”. So I play it off saying we’re not going to do anything and that “I’m not that easy”. She thinks that’s funny but she’s still not down and I say besides I also need to take a leak. So she can just wait by the steps in that case. We walk some more and she asks for my number (rather pointless because her flight is tomorrow). She decides to go back to the metro station since her cousin is waiting for her. We just try the bottles along the way and I give her a bottle of yogurt soju, to take with her.
Well my goal was to just practice inducing AI’s because that was the next exercise in SMMA, but it got rerouted. Also it makes much more sense to induce an AI if it’s a stationary set. My guess for moving sets is that you can walk past her while walking a little closer than usual so that she’s forced to look over for a second.
Honestly this was a weird one. I was attracted to her body, and she would look amazing in doggystyle. But I cannot imagine snogging her. I’m just not attracted to her face at all. In fact at one point I was trying to figure out how to get rid of her, because I saw a hotter girl.
What I did well:
- Examining her jewlery, and using that as an excuse. But I don’t think I did enough with that. It didn’t feel like it noticeably increased sexual tension.
- Number closing the first girl.
What I could've done better:
- Touching her arm while guiding her around. Either it’s a horrible move or it’s an okay move. Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 girls where it didn’t seem to help. But with my ex it was basically why she decided to fuck me in the first place.
- Need to figure out how to deal with the “I don’t hookup” frame. I definitely should know how to deal with this. But I think I forgot.
- For the first girl, before number closing, I should’ve tried to see if she was available to hangout now or whether she had to do more doordash deliveries.
- I didn’t do any sex talk. Was way too passive here.
- At times the interaction was really dull. I could have done the cube game
- With the hand holding, next instant date, I want to do more with that. Like some palm reading bullshit after I inspect her rings and jewelry.