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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today:​

  • SECT

How’d it Go​

I did two approaches.

Girl 1: Was this blonde ukranian with a big ass and she was wearing pink pants. She was walking briskly so I caught up to her and opened with the rj direct opener. She was a little reserved at first. My gut told me to bombard her with positive vibes to crack her reservedness so when I asked her what she was up to I started gushing about how I was going for a walk and how amazing this area is with the new mall that’s being renovated and how I love the energy of this place. A load of bullshit because this is probably the kitschiest place in my city but it worked and she started asking about me. But she turned to go in a different direction and when I tried to number close she told me she had a boyfriend but that she really admired that I came up to her like that because it required so much confidence and that she wouldn’t have the courage to do that.

Girl 2: Noticed this tanned brunette wearing a tank top, a pink short skirt and pink heels (these details will be a bit important later on) walking past me. I catch up to her and also did the rj direct opener except she was extremely receptive the second I opened her. I felt like the sexual tension was through the roof though and it was simply because I was walking very close to her, to the point where our shoulders were almost touching and my eye contact was strong. I was doing a good job with the sect. She tells me she’s an actress and a businesswoman. So I have her stop and look her over, she spins around as well and say that yeah she could be a businesswoman. I qualify her on being ambitious and find out that she has nothing else planned for today except to go out later, so I suggest grabbing a coffee. We stop by at a zara along the way because she needs to buy a jacket. There I’m looking for excuses to examine her rings and her nails and holding her hands. I’m surprised at how easy it all is with her. I thought it a bit strange that she just bought a jacket without trying it on. She pays with a 100-dollar bill and then asks them to cut the tag and puts on the jacket immediately. This is all very strange to me. I think to myself “and you know, she’s low-key dressed like a hooker actually.”

As we’re walking out of the zara and towards the coffee shop, she delicately mentions that she had to cancel work tonight and I can tell she wants to say something more so I say that I’m not the judgemental type. She admits she’s actually an escort and she’s out of commission for a few days because she had a piercing on her vagina that ripped and so she needs to wait for it to heal. facepalm. She’s doing the escort stuff to save up enough money so that she can start her own business making jewelery.

Long story short, we did still get coffee and I learn that she’s a complete psycho even aside from the fact that she’s working as an escort. But to summarize
  • She believes in Jesus
  • She thinks she fucked a demon once
  • She has two kids with different dads
  • Both of her ex’s were abusive
  • She believes she sometimes becomes a reptile and her eyes become reptilian.
    • She proved this by showing me blurry zoomed in images of her eyes where her pupils appeared to be “taking on different shapes”. Um... no it was just the lighting and granularity of the photos.
  • She was once a guest on a well-known talk show that you are all familiar with
  • She’s into hypnosis
  • She wanted my number
Total nutjob, but at least I got some good intel with walking close to a girl to build up sexual tension because when you’re walking and talking with a set it’s harder to use other things like eye contact. During coffee, I also got to practice touch and some half-assed patterning from ross jeffries but it started to get cold I was just shivering too much. Also, she would not stop talking. gave me some chances to practice the “laser eyes”.

The cold was a good excuse to feel each other's hands and I held her hand while explaining to her how the people who radiate heat are the ones that get cold more often and the ones that have cold hands are the ones that actually feel warm.


Main lessons for today are really important
  • If you’re walking with her, walk really close to her. It’s the best way to build sexual tension. At least it turns me on the most. Touching a girl while walking doesn’t seem strong enough
  • Positivity bombing. When the girl seems reserved. I will try this a bit more actually. It’s just that you then have to wait to dial up the sect.
7/10 reps done


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Focus for today's Daygame:​

  • 4 approaches using sect
  • Speak from the chest

How’d it Go​

First girl I opened with the RJ style opener. She said she “wasn’t looking for anything”

Second girl I opened with a push-pull “I liked your outfit and I had to find out if you had the personality to match”. She chuckles but said she had a bf though.

Third girl. I originally noticed her as I was walking towards a Target and we made eye contact as we passed by each other. I let her go because I didn’t want her to think I was “following” her. Latina with a big juicy ass and long straight hair. and she was wearing yoga pants. However, I noticed her again as I was walking around so I caught up to her.

did the push-pull opener again and she was receptive. Found out she was going to go chipotle post-workout, so I did a “positivity bomb” and I think she started to hook then, asking me where I live. She guesses that I’m a lawyer and she jokes that I can represent her. So I ask her “if you were to get arrested for something, what would it be?” (just your typical social frame gambit, ya know)

She says it’d be for fighting and I tell her she must be the passionate type. I could’ve made it more man to woman by saying “if you and I were to date, I’d have to keep the identities of my ex girlfriends secret then”. Her Chiptole comes up so I tell her we should exchange numbers and grab a boba sometime. She says she’s down. She responded to my ice breaker with more banter but hasn’t responded since...so we’ll see. But I have a nice roll-playing thing going on that I can soft-close with...if this continues.

I did touch her shoulder once but I missed an opportunity to really dial up sect, I guess.

fourth girl was a grocery store approach, but nothing to say here.

5th girl was a passive situational opener about how there was a power outage at the street we were going to cross so I realized that all of the walk signs were actually dead. But I didn’t follow up with any juice.


Let’s say 8/10 reps completed. I’ll use some visualizations tonight to redo how I think this should’ve gone. They're actually great for practicing sect and eye contact.

I only realized in hindsight that the third girl was giving me ioi’s when we first crossed paths. At first I didn’t think so because I was foolishly looking in her direction and I thought she was just responding to that. But no she was receptive which makes me think it was ioi’s to begin with. She thought I was dressed like a lawyer.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Quick update: Yesterday I went to a new mall, that was 1 hr away. The volume wasn't great but typically there's a decent number of pawgs there. I didn't manage any approaches and I got fucked on the way back with trying to coordinate buses. I'm not sure if it's worth it. But in hindsight I'm kicking myself because it doesn't really matter what happens in a venue like that.

Today I did two approaches in my neighborhood. Volume was not good there either. One girl stopped to talk and I reminded myself to slow the fuck down and got into it. But she didn't want to exchange numbers. The conversation was fricking awkward. I realize I need to rebuild the juice, since I've been used to just approaching and number closing. So an intermediate challenge could be to just try and see how long you can make these interactions. Actually it's part of Gun's exercise. But I've been neglecting that portion.

Another girl, I just did the deep focus opener but not much after that.

EDIT: I didn't go out Thursday night because I had to wake up early. But I ended up sleeping at 3am anyway. So the moral is, even if I have a reason for not going out. If it's not already part of my weekly routine, just go out anyway because I'm not going to change my sleeping habits over one night.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Friday Daygame Focus:​

  • Project SECT

How’d it Go​

First girl: I opened her with a situational (Did you see the dude walking around with a sleeping bag as his cape) Transition to a “positivity” bomb and she’s receptive but she turns to go into a Target shortly. Bugger. I learned that she’s a Colombian tourist

Second Girl: I ask her if she’s looking for clues (she’s taking pictures of the floor. Typical touristy behavior. Doesn’t make much sense but if you knew this location you’d know why). I think I also did a positivity bomb here. And I somehow find out that she’s Canadian. I tell her that’s not what I would’ve guessed based off of her vibe. I would’ve guessed she’s a southerner. She thanks me for the compliment. I walked off and she said nice talking to you. IDK it just felt like she wasn’t fully invested in the convo and it felt awkward.

Third Girl: Wavy dyed blonde hair, big fat butt. I opened her situationally as well. Did a positivity bomb. And she’s walking into a convenience store. She said something about “are you hanging out with me?” as she walks in. I don’t know what she meant by that but she’s like “sorry I’m from [location], I can be a bit of a dick sometimes” (not exactly what she said but sort of). I tell her then we really won’t get along because I’m from [location]. She says she’s really from Delaware. So she kind of gets that.

I don’t want to follow her around the entire fucking convenience store but I’m also not sure what to do about this. So I also pretend to shop for stuff and periodically make comments. I think I asked her what she does and her plans for the rest of the day. She sees me getting water and gets some for herself too. she pays for her shit and says goodbye while I’m in line. Probably a more ballsy move would’ve been to tell her to hold up for a second.

Still I felt this was going nowhere. Like probably she’d give me her number if I asked for it, but I’m skeptical that anything would’ve come out of it. Been getting a lot of dead numbers from interactions like this lately.

Fourth girl: Turns out she was an Ecuadoran tourist. She didn’t understand me much so I spoke to her with my google translate. She stopped to talk for a bit. I find out she’s only in town for two days so I used Skill’s line (oh if you had gotten to know me better, you’d want to stay even longer). I let her go eventually and she was smiling while texting her friend.

5th girl: Argentinian Brunette with green eyes and a BIG booty. I noticed how she blew off a couple of street solicitors. I went in with a Deep Focus opener. Made her pinky promise not to get mad. She agreed but never actually pinky promised. It was odd. Rainbow ruse on how she seems guarded with new people but then is really sweet when she gets to know them. She’s a pilot so I ask her if she likes roller coasters and try to do the Discovery Channel Pattern (yes, I’m serious, lol). Except I don’t remember much so I just half-assed it. I will commit it to memory since I want to try it out.

I always make it a point to find out where the girl is traveling from if she’s hot so that I can make a mental note to visit that country. Basically what I’ve concluded is...any south american country is promising. Thanks captain obvious. I think I made some obligatory and cliched comment about soccer and she was like “nooo I don’t follow that” so I used it as an excuse to playfully touch her shoulder.

One problem with her body language was her legs weren’t turned to me while her torso was. It was disconcerting.

She was meeting some friends later. And she got a phone call so she said bye and took the call.


I didn’t go for any number closes here, but I did try and suss out most of the girls’ logistics to see if I could instant date, but it seemed that they were doing stuff. All my openers were indirect and they were freestyled, which meant I didn’t properly follow up. As a result, it felt like my interactions were weirdly passive.

Also, I set these frames of the girl being adventurous, spontaneous, and going along with the flow, but I’m not doing anything else with them. I guess once I set those frames I should actually test them out and get the girl to go along with something.

What I did well:​

  1. My nonverbals are a little better, but not where I want them to be just yet. But I’m noticing these subtleties that I didn’t notice before. Specifically, when a woman walks really close to me. And I'm finding little ways to touch a girl, like when there's a high note. This is happening automatically now.

What I could've done better:​

  1. My verbals are dogshit these days. And I need to rebuild them I guess. But I don’t.
  2. I still don’t know if I did the sect exercise correctly but lets say that’s 10/10 reps for now.
  3. I think I need to tune up eye contact again.
  4. commit some patterns to memory
  5. Get better proximity right on the open. The interaction with the second girl fizzled out partly because of the proximity issue, I think .

Friday Nightgame Focus:​

  • Weak emergency plan B.

How’d it Go​

Went to the gay district in hopes of doing some spam approach(only did 3 approaches though). But it was cold today and while there were certainly girls out, most of the hot ones were with a dude or in a big group of mostly dudes.

Girl 1: I walked around for a bit and didn’t find any sets I could approach. I chilled by a bench for a couple of minutes doing a self-hypnosis exercise and decided to just go inside one of the clubs. I did the fun direct opener(I nearly wore the same outfit as you). She was like “you did me a solid!” Then she checks me out and says I’m rocking it too. Give her friend a smile too so she doesn’t feel left out and then eject, giving her a fist bump.

Girl 2: This latina wearing all orange. I open her with “Is it international Britney Spears day?” (for some reason all the clubs on the street were playing Britney Spears) She mostly speaks spanish, unfortunately. She was walking really close to me though. I could’ve tested this by trying to escalate further. Maybe putting my arm around her to see how she reacts. But it was hard to communicate with her.

Girl 3: Did the emergency plan b opener on her. She was friendly but she was also on the phone.


I arrived late and also left early. I think I was only out for 2 hours. So I’m glad I at least did some approaches. But I really need to be doing something like 10 approaches here. It’s one street with like 6-7 clubs. in a row.

I think I’ve done like 5/30 reps by now.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Unfortunately I didn’t do ANY approaching on saturday. I woke up late because I was binge reading BodiPUA’s book, and then I went to the gym where I was doing deadlifts, and then had dinner plans with friends. We walked around a lot after. By the time I was done with it all, I was just too exhausted to go out (especially from the deadlifting). I went home and chilled while finishing up the book (Death by a thousand sluts part 2)

Focus for today’s Daygame:​

  • Induce AI’s and that’s it.
  • Focus on speaking from the chest.

How’d it Go​

Today got a bit derailed with an unplanned instant date.

Girl 1: She was only wearing a bikini and booty shorts. Nice ass. Mexican. I obviously had to approach her, and I also knew it couldn’t be direct at all. So I did a deep focus opener. She’s a doordash delivery driver and currently working. We talk a little bit. I tell her I’m going to meet some friends and she asks me what we’re gonna do. Her car comes up so she says bye but before she leaves, she introduces herself and tells me her name. I take that as a sign to exchange contact info. She first suggests insta but I don’t have that so she gives me her number instead. I tell her my name and she shakes my hand again and likes my bracelet, asking me if it’s loki beads (I don’t know what that is). She says something about how she had a recent spiritual experience and tells me her family is roman-catholic but I forget what she was going on about. I think I seeded something about hanging out in the area. And she says how she doesn’t know many people from this area.

Girl 2: As I was turning the corner. I noticed another girl zipping in my direction on an e-bike. She was saying something to acknowledge me. I say “oh man, I feel so bad for you right now :D” She stops to talk, and I tell her it’s because she’s biking with the sun directly in her face. I find out she has no clue what the fuck she’s doing or where she’s going. Typical tourist. She mentions how she wants to find the metro station. I tell her I know where it is and it’s in my direction. She’s like “cool I’m gonna follow the random stranger to the metro station, yolo!”

Let me back up and describe what she looks like. Blonde, hot body, smooth flawless skin below the neck, nice legs, mild tan. Occasional tattoos. She’s wearing a hot pink miniskirt and a tank top where you can see the outline of her nipples. And pink nail polish on her hands and feet. Her face is not that attractive, in the sense that it looks aged. She’s actually only 21 but her face looks like she could be mid to late 30s. This is why you don’t do drugs, kids. No joke, she actually had a narcotics addiction and in high school had some drug-related issues with the police.

She’s complaining about how so many dudes in this city are hollering at her. One dude, in particular, was so creepy he followed her into a metro station and then followed her when she got back out. (Honestly, she’s not that hot compared to some of the girls here. I think it’s the hooker miniskirt that’s causing it. Or maybe everyone in my city only knows how to catcall. She estimated she’s been hit on about 40 times over 2 days here. It’s catcalling or people driving up to her to ask her number)

Anyway we get to metro station and she jokes how she’s going to end up getting abducted. I turn it on her saying maybe she’s the one who’s going to abduct me and that I’ll wake up in a barn being surrounded by pigs. (she’s from the south). She tells me that I don’t have a creepy vibe.

After the metro station, I take her to a cafe. (She just wanted to see fares and see if it was possible to go to the beach from there. It’s not really possible)

I get some seats outside and we talk about life and stuff. I did some mild touching, like inspecting her rings. And a couple times when she was showing me pictures on her phone, I had my arm adjacent to her’s, touching.

Once when I was guiding her to the metro station, I tapped her arm and she made a face. It turns out she noticed everyone in my state, both guys and girls, have a habit of touching people on the arm.

About her:
  • She’s from the deep south, visiting her cousin (who is asleep at the moment)
  • Her dad was 25 years older than her mom. He was an alcoholic
  • She’s 21, has a 3-year-old son, single mom
  • She believes in God
  • Most of her family is gay
  • Her mom is toxic, but she wants to live with her anyway
  • She was in a horrible car crash and had to get 8 stitches on her head and so for the next year she is still going to be recovering from the brain trauma
Convo dies down at the cafe. Part of the issue is that I didn’t do any deeply stimulating sex talk. I was trying to transition to it smoothly by talking about dating and sex first. But I didn’t do a good job with that. I think what I need to do is have some of these relationship gambits ready, like the jada gambit or the herd gambit, in order to kickstart the process. Hell, even the purity gambit could do that but I usually talk about religion and transition into it but for some reason, I didn’t this time.

Eventually, I suggest we take the train to my district because there’s a bar that’s got some nice vibes. She’s down. On the train ride, we were somehow talking about dating and she says how she doesn’t do hookups, I can’t remember if she said she “used to have a ho phase”. Terrible frame. I KNOW I should be ready to handle a frame like this, but I was unprepared. I will reread the pacing and leading examples that people have given on this matter. But also this means I need to frame myself as more of a lover. So the way I tried to handle this frame was to ask her what she defines as a hookup, to try and pace and lead it into something else. But the convo changes topics.

Her cousin finally wakes up and she needs to go back and hang out with him, but she still wanted to try some soju. So we change plans and buy some drinks at the grocery store instead of going to the bar.

When we’re walking out of the grocery store, she asks where we can drink them, and I suggest my place, but she’s like “I just met you”. So I play it off saying we’re not going to do anything and that “I’m not that easy”. She thinks that’s funny but she’s still not down and I say besides I also need to take a leak. So she can just wait by the steps in that case. We walk some more and she asks for my number (rather pointless because her flight is tomorrow). She decides to go back to the metro station since her cousin is waiting for her. We just try the bottles along the way and I give her a bottle of yogurt soju, to take with her.


Well my goal was to just practice inducing AI’s because that was the next exercise in SMMA, but it got rerouted. Also it makes much more sense to induce an AI if it’s a stationary set. My guess for moving sets is that you can walk past her while walking a little closer than usual so that she’s forced to look over for a second.

Honestly this was a weird one. I was attracted to her body, and she would look amazing in doggystyle. But I cannot imagine snogging her. I’m just not attracted to her face at all. In fact at one point I was trying to figure out how to get rid of her, because I saw a hotter girl.

What I did well:​

  1. Examining her jewlery, and using that as an excuse. But I don’t think I did enough with that. It didn’t feel like it noticeably increased sexual tension.
  2. Number closing the first girl.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Touching her arm while guiding her around. Either it’s a horrible move or it’s an okay move. Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 girls where it didn’t seem to help. But with my ex it was basically why she decided to fuck me in the first place.
  2. Need to figure out how to deal with the “I don’t hookup” frame. I definitely should know how to deal with this. But I think I forgot.
  3. For the first girl, before number closing, I should’ve tried to see if she was available to hangout now or whether she had to do more doordash deliveries.
  4. I didn’t do any sex talk. Was way too passive here.
  5. At times the interaction was really dull. I could have done the cube game
  6. With the hand holding, next instant date, I want to do more with that. Like some palm reading bullshit after I inspect her rings and jewelry.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • Induce AI’s
  • Chest Voice

How’d it Go​

I decided to focus on stationary sets for the inducing AI’s exercise.

Interesting tidbit: so I was reading BodiPUA’s book and there was this section where him, steve jabba, and krauser (I think?) saw David Gandy, so they followed him into a store and counted to see who could get more ioi’s. Steve Jabba actually got more ioi’s than David Gandy. So there’s something to be said about generating approach invitations. Unfortunately I think I have a lot of work to do in this area

First I went to a Target and it was mostly empty. There was one asian girl I wanted to approach but she was never stationary. Then I noticed this other tanned filipina-looking girl who was kinda hot but she was stopped in the medicine section. Anyway I ditched that venue and trawled the streets for a bit and noticed this Korean-American girl with a big round bum.

So I did a push-pull opener, but kind of garbled it. Ask her name and she asks me mine. But the conversation is insipid. I think I just asked what she does and stuff. She actually goes to my school. I try to go for a number close but predictably she says no. I tried to induce an AI by walking close to her and pretending to text on my phone, to see if she’d glance over. I’m pretty sure she saw me first though.

Then I went to another grocery store, and opened this hot, ‘trashy-classy’ latina with the “buy-one” opener. Before opening, I tried to induce an AI, by examining some mixed nuts in next to her. And she was selecting some produce.

She was receptive in the sense that she was building on my opener and her eye contact was really good. But I didn’t stack after that. This is a common problem that I run into and by the end of the week I will test out some solutions to that.


Here’s a bunch of stuff I need to do. Will probably take the whole week or longer:
  • Review all of the SMMA audio.
  • Take detailed notes on the Attention audio
  • Read the paimai post by formhandle (it’s long af)
  • Come up with 4 follow-ups to the Buy-one grocery store opener and map out a plan to field test each of them. I need to get this figured out once and for all.
  • Read Bacchus’s article on following up on your openers.
  • Read Bacchus’s post on approaching girls at parks and see if you can adapt it to grocery stores.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • Induce AI’s

How’d it Go​

I did some approaches on campus. Nothing too wild, just asking for directions and then stacking with a comment. and one grocery store approach but no stacking.

Girl 1: Walked up using the fake text. Asked her about the farmers market but nothing much came of it.

Girl 2: Walked up to her using the fake text. We were both walking. Asked her about the farmer market, and she took the bait when I stacked about graduating soon. She was mildly investing in the convo, asking me questions about myself. Like what my study abroad experience was like, what program I’m in, etc... I learn she’s from venezuela, but goes to school in london and she’s here for an exchange program. I challenge her a little bit when she mentions she’s not passionate about her program and I ask her why she’s doing it then. But I guess in the uk you can’t change your major.

only one semester. We part ways and I don’t try to number close.

Girl 3: Walking set. I overtake her a little bit but pretend to be so engrossed in my texting. And then pretend to notice her like “oh hey!” she’s EXTREMELY bubbly like “OHH hey!” as if she knew me. I ask her about the farmers market and for a split second, I can almost detect a micro-expression of disappointment (like she hoped I was going to hit on her blatantly...idk). This girls is clearly very extroverted, she’s asking me a lot of questions and at some points almost deep diving me, asking me what I want to do with my degree. She’s a bio major and somehow we both connect on being interested in longevity and anti-aging. (it’s because we were talking about groceries). We’re both headed to the trader joes. She even asks me my name. Thing is near the end of the interaction, I couldn’t tell if her talkativeness was due to her investing into the conversation or whether it was her leading the frame of the conversation.

We get to the trader joes and she’s the one who ends it saying “well I’m gonna go pick up the oranges over here. It was nice talking to you and congrats with the graduation and all!”.

I opted not to do anything. Idk, I just didn’t feel like I did any Man-to-woman stuff. and I was thinking her motivation was more latter (leading the frame rather than investing per se). I also wasn’t sure when I would have taken her number to be smooth.

Girl 4: Grocery store approach. I didn’t stack with anything but I had an idea of something like a cold read on grocery habits. I’ll think about that more.


On campus, I had an idea for a good attention grab which is the “fake wave”. You pretend to wave to some “imaginary friends” in a way that’s kind of in her direction but not quite so that she looks but then realizes you’re waving to someone else. There’s only a narrow range of scenarios where this works though because she has to be facing you sort of.

What I did well:​

  1. Always stacking off of the ultra passive indirect opener.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I’m conflicted about my decisions with girls 2 and 3. Thing is, all of my numbers have been dead leads lately. It just feels like if they give their numbers, they’d end up flaking anyway because I don’t think I did anything particularly special. I was bantering around with girl 3 but like I mentioned, it didn’t feel man to woman and I didn’t do any gangster nlp patterns either. I was just bouncing off of her energy and vibing.
  2. On the other hand....I’ve had many interactions like that where I talk to some girl on campus and she seems really chatty, asking me questions etc... but then she has to go off somewhere, and I cant get a read whether she’s just being social or whether she’s actually interested. And I never took down her number except in one case where the girl closed me (but then proceeded to ghost).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019

Daygame Focus:​

  • Induce AI’s

How’d it Go​

I did some approaches on campus. Nothing too wild, just asking for directions and then stacking with a comment. and one grocery store approach but no stacking.

Girl 1: Walked up using the fake text. Asked her about the farmers market but nothing much came of it.

Girl 2: Walked up to her using the fake text. We were both walking. Asked her about the farmer market, and she took the bait when I stacked about graduating soon. She was mildly investing in the convo, asking me questions about myself. Like what my study abroad experience was like, what program I’m in, etc... I learn she’s from venezuela, but goes to school in london and she’s here for an exchange program. I challenge her a little bit when she mentions she’s not passionate about her program and I ask her why she’s doing it then. But I guess in the uk you can’t change your major.

only one semester. We part ways and I don’t try to number close.

Girl 3: Walking set. I overtake her a little bit but pretend to be so engrossed in my texting. And then pretend to notice her like “oh hey!” she’s EXTREMELY bubbly like “OHH hey!” as if she knew me. I ask her about the farmers market and for a split second, I can almost detect a micro-expression of disappointment (like she hoped I was going to hit on her blatantly...idk). This girls is clearly very extroverted, she’s asking me a lot of questions and at some points almost deep diving me, asking me what I want to do with my degree. She’s a bio major and somehow we both connect on being interested in longevity and anti-aging. (it’s because we were talking about groceries). We’re both headed to the trader joes. She even asks me my name. Thing is near the end of the interaction, I couldn’t tell if her talkativeness was due to her investing into the conversation or whether it was her leading the frame of the conversation.

We get to the trader joes and she’s the one who ends it saying “well I’m gonna go pick up the oranges over here. It was nice talking to you and congrats with the graduation and all!”.

I opted not to do anything. Idk, I just didn’t feel like I did any Man-to-woman stuff. and I was thinking her motivation was more latter (leading the frame rather than investing per se). I also wasn’t sure when I would have taken her number to be smooth.

Girl 4: Grocery store approach. I didn’t stack with anything but I had an idea of something like a cold read on grocery habits. I’ll think about that more.


On campus, I had an idea for a good attention grab which is the “fake wave”. You pretend to wave to some “imaginary friends” in a way that’s kind of in her direction but not quite so that she looks but then realizes you’re waving to someone else. There’s only a narrow range of scenarios where this works though because she has to be facing you sort of.

What I did well:​

  1. Always stacking off of the ultra passive indirect opener.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I’m conflicted about my decisions with girls 2 and 3. Thing is, all of my numbers have been dead leads lately. It just feels like if they give their numbers, they’d end up flaking anyway because I don’t think I did anything particularly special. I was bantering around with girl 3 but like I mentioned, it didn’t feel man to woman and I didn’t do any gangster nlp patterns either. I was just bouncing off of her energy and vibing.
  2. On the other hand....I’ve had many interactions like that where I talk to some girl on campus and she seems really chatty, asking me questions etc... but then she has to go off somewhere, and I cant get a read whether she’s just being social or whether she’s actually interested. And I never took down her number except in one case where the girl closed me (but then proceeded to ghost).
C'mon Man.. This is a sport, an adventurous one where uncertainty is what makes up every moment of it.

I play soccer alot. Now, imagine Ronaldo dribbling his away through several opponents to get to the 18yard box and not shooting. Hell no! I got really angry with myself when I did that in the past because what is the essence of the game(to close I assume, to score goals).

Now, let me tell you what happened when I adopted the mindset of ABC(always be closing). I will get to the 18yard box with lots of opponents guarding the goal post: I take a shot at the opportunity given to me because it's hard to create and the windows of escalation are closing at every second.
1. Sometimes, the shot is good but the goalkeeper saves it,

2. sometimes the short is weak,

3. other times I hit really hard and goalkeeper doesn't see it because of all his teammates blocking the view,

4. sometimes a deflection helps me to score

5. sometimes it passes through the legs of the opponents making it's way to the back of the net.

I applied the same mindset to picking up girls and I was astonished. These days, I shoot my shot whether the circumstances are certain or not. In fact, the sting of not shooting my shot is greater than getting rejected or missing the goals. The third target would be angry with you, you even established a commonality between you two and you didn't ask for her number?

Even in sales, I close everytime, anytime, often, later. I have even paused nice interactions just to close. I've had a 45seconds to one minute number close. Even in soccer games, the game started just one minute and I can see 1-0 on the scoreboard. That happened because one out of the 22players on the field decided to pull the trigger irrelevant of how early it is. Sometimes, fuck calibration and just close the deal especially if the target is about to exit or leave.

These memories haunt me alot but nice one Bro you're very consistent. Keep up the good work! It's not easy, KUDOS!!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Girl 3: Walking set. I overtake her a little bit but pretend to be so engrossed in my texting. And then pretend to notice her like “oh hey!” she’s EXTREMELY bubbly like “OHH hey!” as if she knew me. I ask her about the farmers market and for a split second, I can almost detect a micro-expression of disappointment (like she hoped I was going to hit on her blatantly...idk). This girls is clearly very extroverted, she’s asking me a lot of questions and at some points almost deep diving me, asking me what I want to do with my degree. She’s a bio major and somehow we both connect on being interested in longevity and anti-aging. (it’s because we were talking about groceries). We’re both headed to the trader joes. She even asks me my name. Thing is near the end of the interaction, I couldn’t tell if her talkativeness was due to her investing into the conversation or whether it was her leading the frame of the conversation.

We get to the trader joes and she’s the one who ends it saying “well I’m gonna go pick up the oranges over here. It was nice talking to you and congrats with the graduation and all!”.

I opted not to do anything. Idk, I just didn’t feel like I did any Man-to-woman stuff. and I was thinking her motivation was more latter (leading the frame rather than investing per se). I also wasn’t sure when I would have taken her number to be smooth.
I cant get a read whether she’s just being social or whether she’s actually interested.

Hey Skippy,

Problem here is that you de-escalated when she was escalating. She escalated the vibe by assuming rapport. You de-escalated by asking for directions and possibly giving off a "we're strangers" vibe.

You didn’t necessarily have to escalate by blatantly hitting on her.

One thing you do here is assume rapport back to match her escalation. Mirror her higher energy and vocal tones. This will lead to a quick high point and good social frame between you two.

Then once youre at this high point you can lightly escalate a little further in different ways like:
  • Stop her and lock in
  • Use flirty vocal tones
  • Articulate the vibe [Pace what's going on between you two with an SOT like connection or attraction]
  • Qualify her
The more you get an understanding of how girls react when you escalate the vibe from a [social] high point, the more you'll know whether she's just being social or she's actually interested. She moves forward with you? Good, she's interested. She moves things backward? She's not interested (or you escalated too quick).
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
@Mr STIF good analogy, man! yea I should've gone for the close even if I didn't think I did enough because there's always the occasional freebie, rejection is better than regret after all, and I shouldn't be allowing other girls' disinterest to affect my behavior with this girl.

@fog This helps a lot, thanks!
I think once I got a sense of her bubbly demeanor, I rolled with it. I missed a chance to do any of the escalations you mentioned. Especially qualifying her about the anti-aging thing would've been a great idea.

Articulate the vibe [Pace what's going on between you two with an SOT like connection or attraction]
Could you give an example of how this might go? I kind of get the idea of SOT's in general but I don't think I do a great job with it most of the timie. I'm not sure how I'd do something like pacing what's going on between us in a convo.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Could you give an example of how this might go? I kind of get the idea of SOT's in general but I don't think I do a great job with it most of the timie. I'm not sure how I'd do something like pacing what's going on between us in a convo.

OK, here's an example of a connection SOT to pace the feelings in the convo.

Let's say you meet a girl and you're vibing with her. Everything is flowing. You can start to feel a connection forming yourself. Or you might not be, but you're certain she is. You can describe that connection to her and how it feels at that moment, to escalate things a bit.

It can be done indirectly or directly, depending on the level of subtlety and implication you want to use. I prefer to do it indirectly.


This is indirect because you're implying it.

SKIPPY: connecting
HB: connecting
SKIPPY: hey, isnt it interesting how the experience of meeting new people can go in so many different ways? sometimes you meet someone and you suddenly find yourself on the same wavelength as them. It's like as you talk, you get the sense they understand you on a deeper level
HB: :) o_O

SKIPPY: connecting
HB1: connecting
HB2: connecting
SKIPPY: by the way, how do you two know each other?
HB1: we became friends in college!
SKIPPY: oh ya? was it instant friendship?
HB2: yes!
SKIPPY: oh, interesting. you know, sometimes you meet someone and you suddenly find yourself on the same wavelength as them. it's like as you talk, you get the sense they understand you on a deeper level. its great.
HB1: :)
HB2: o_O


This is direct because you're stating it explicitly.

SKIPPY: connecting
HB: connecting
SKIPPY: you know the feeling when you suddenly find yourself on the same wavelength as someone?
HB: yes!
SKIPPY: i feel that way right now, like we understand each other on a deeper level, you know?
HB: yeah! that doesnt happen often! :)o_O
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

This is indirect because you're implying it.

SKIPPY: connecting
HB: connecting
SKIPPY: hey, isnt it interesting how the experience of meeting new people can go in so many different ways? sometimes you meet someone and you suddenly find yourself on the same wavelength as them. It's like as you talk, you get the sense they understand you on a deeper level
HB: :) o_O

Can confirm this is gold


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Thanks @fog that really clears it up!

Daygame Focus:​

  • Practice getting attention/ inducing AI’s
  • Chest Voice

How’d it Go​

I wanted to try out the cc I used to hit up before covid. It’s probably the best daygame venue in the city, if I’m being totally honest. Lots of cute girls and they’re just super receptive. Unfortunately I got there too late. But no matter, there’s still a string of grocery stores that I can try. First I went to a nearby whole foods.

Girl 1: She was in the supplements section. I made the mistake of going too far past her (and then there was the shopping cart in the way) I picked up a bottle of Goli and asked her if they were any good. She goes into a long spiel about how she tried their Ashwagantha one but it didn’t do anything but she takes Apple cider vinegar and it’s supposed to be legit. She says that tj max has a sale on those. I wasn’t sure where to take the conversation after here so I let things die down, but she was chatty and wishes me “good luck”.

(My eye contact here was bad because she was holding really strong eye contact and I had a couple times where I looked away first).

Girl 2: Blonde, dark green yoga pants, tank top, big tits, and a big round butt. Okay face. Eventually I get some proximity and open her with the buy one rpo. I tell her she’s smart though for not carrying a basket and just juggling everything in her arms. Somehow the conversation goes to wanting to try everything at some point. I ask her if she’s just meal prepping and she says she mostly got all her groceries but just needs to get some main things. She also says theres a ton of snacks here so I ask her which ones she likes the best and she mentions the overnight oats called “Mush”. She asks me what my favorite snack is. I just bs with some “keto cookies” I had placed in my basket, and the coconut water for when I get home late and want some hydration. Around this point I also don’t know what to say next so I let the convo die down and then she wishes me a good day.

My eye contact was good here.

Two approaches were good enough for that whole foods. I surreptitiously put away my stuff and then decided to try out a japanese supermarket.

Girl 3: I picked up some exotic jelly and asked her if she’d tried it before and she immediately says “No.” I honestly don’t even know if she looked at the jelly I was holding.

Went to another asian supermarket closer to my house.

Girl 4: Cute Filipina, nice face, and a nice tush. I felt a strong pull of attraction toward her. She was walking around really slowly so I was waiting for her to get out of the produce section. Finally, I found her in an aisle where she was hovering nearby. I picked up a bottle of yuzu juice and asked her if she had tried it or knew what it was for. She smiles and pauses her music and takes out her earphones and says she has no idea what it’s for and that she just was here to get one thing but she’s unable to find it...

Perfect segue into my buy one rpo. She responds saying basically “story of my life!” then she asks me what I came here to get, so I show her a bottle of Lao Gan Ma that I have in my basket. She doesn’t know what it is, so I start talking about John Cena and the video he made in Chinese about how much he loves Lao Gan Ma, to explain it, I asked her if she had taken a second language in school. And while I was explaining this meme to her I noticed something interesting. She was just staring at me really intently with an awkward-innocent smile on her face. I got the eerie feeling that even if I were to stop talking, she would’ve still been looking at me like that. (It later occurred to me when I got home, that this was probably the doggy dinner bowl look) She says she’ll have to check it out when she gets home (another peculiar thing to say, but a good thing)

I ask her what she’s making and she tells me she was going around gathering ingredients for Kimchi fried rice. I ask her if it’s because she’s been watching a lot of uncle roger videos lately. She’s like “you’re just throwing all these references at me that I don’t get haha. I guess I’ll have to check it out too”

She asks me again what I was looking for and I remember it was the Yuzu bottle and shes like “If you don’t know what it is, then don’t mess with it, duh”. She’s got a slightly sarcastic personality (I forget her exact wording though).

At this point neither of us knew how to continue the convo. I was thinking of a way to re-open her but was scratching my head. She was still standing there looking at the shelf (I pretended to as well). And sadly it fizzled out.


With girl 4 when she mentioned the kimchi fried rice, I should’ve just asked her if she was planning it for a romantic date night with her boyfriend. I got caught up in the energy and went the “Uncle Roger” route. Also when she said she didn’t understand my references, I could’ve gone all golden question on her.

What I did well:​

  1. Especially with girls 2 and 4 I was looking for ways to extend the convo. Although with girl 4, it was pure mezma that was doing the work for me.

What I could've done better:​

  2. These grocery store conversations need serious work to get them to the point where I’m going to be satisfied. On the other hand, midwest daygame says it’s okay to have shorter interactions at the grocery store.
  3. When it comes to proximity, it’s extremely important to watch out for that when opening in grocery stores because if you fuck it up, you can’t easily correct it without making a big move.
  4. I think I was the one who broke eye contact first with girls 1 and 4.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • generate AIs
  • chest voice

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: Unfortunately I realized I wasn't that attracted to her. I was at the bookstore and picked up a book on mindfulness and asked her if she had read it. Pretended to be vaguely familiar with it and asked her if she had read it. She said no but that the cover looks good, so I do my rpo about how when you read a book it starts slow but then the more you read it the more you realize you just can't put it down. And if the cover hadn't caught your eye, you would've never picked it up in the first place.

I ask her if she believes in fate and she's hooked. I learn she grew up in a law office and so she's been surrounded by books her whole life and grew up being an avid reader.

She also says how she uses books to connect with people. There were a lot of threads here. I didn't take her number or push things further because I wasn't that attracted to her.

Girl 2: Did a dfo. but up close she looked older and less attractive than I thought. Still attractive but wasn't feeling it. Also couldn't think of a rainbow ruse and the sun was in her eyes

Went to the nearby whole foods. Opened one woman about the taco seasoning but realized she was also older than I liked and wasn't too into her

Girl 4: Asked her if she had tried the risotto

Me: Hey
Her: Hey :) Me: Have you ever tried these?
Her: nooo I have not. I’m not a big risotto person.
Me: oh ok do you know this brand though. I was just passing by...because do you know that feeling [buy one rpoo]
Her: Yea what’s the one thing you had to get today?
Me: today I’m making burgers,
Her: Nice
Me: Well I have to finish off some patties that I have so I just needed one tomato
Her: Nice nice, you have everything else except for one tomato. You’ve got a whole basket full of stuff that you can fill it up with.
Me: A lot of possibilities..
Her: yea yea yea
Me; What about you what's on your menu?
Her: hmmm I just want this seaweed because I have this salmon roll at home(describes a do-it-yourself salmon roll) but I’m looking for other stuff to fill it up with.
Her: But for that thing...it looks good!
Me: Cause actually it’s not rice.[shows her the packaging as an excuse to get closer to her]
Me: It looks like one of those “high tech meals” you know like soylent. [starts talking about this ramen 2.0 that’s similar to those high tech meals]
Her: the tech companies are bringing out new versions of the ramen?
Me: no no they’re trying to be like the tech companies.
Her: ohh I see I see


Today I did a lot more freestyling, but I’m starting to get an idea for how to make these conversations work. The plan is to drop a cold read about something she said and then follow it up with a social frame gambit. A good example of this structure is in Glow’s log where he outlined the approach with the Asian store clerk. After she talked about the salmon roll. I noticed myself clamming up (as in not knowing what to say). But what I should’ve done is drop a cold read related to that. I don’t know exactly what just yet.

Also I seem too averse to pulling the trigger and number closing, even though I know logically I should. Although today none of the girls were all that exciting. But also the convo with girl 4 was still too shallow and was missing deeper rapport and the vibe still needed to be escalated.

What I did well:​

  1. Asking the first girl if she believed in fate.
  2. My eye contact was pretty good with girls 1 and 4. (those are the only significant sets today anyway).

What I could've done better:​

  1. Use cold reads and conversational deepeners to get out of shallow conversation.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

4/28/2022 Thursday nightgame​

Nightgame Focus:
  • Open 6 girls with weak emergency plan B, number close
  • Hold eye contact until she breaks it first.

How’d it Go​

I did 5 approaches. Went to the gay district. I actually sampled most of the bars/clubs on the street this time and got a feel for which ones are good for approaching and which ones are a more “social circle” vibe. But it’s a Thursday night and friday+saturday are much more packed. Last week I only went out once and I noticed my approach anxiety was much higher.
Girl 1: I saw this girl with big fake tits sitting by herself so I did the weak emergency plan b opener. Her face wasn’t that attractive. I didn’t quite hear what she said but it sounded like “go to hell” :O I passed by her later and to be honest, I’m not sure if it was actually a girl. (Although if it was a tranny, you’d probably expect a better reaction wouldn’t you?)

Girl 2: This Asian girl with two other friends. I think she might’ve been glancing at me a couple of times. The 3 of them were standing and watching the go-go dancers. (To give you some context for what’s about to happen next, the venue was this gay club with a “Church-like” theme. ) So after much much hesitation there was a moment of time where I was standing next to her friends watching the dancers and then we both looked at each other and made “not-eye contact” where we looked at each other and didn’t make eye contact. Anyway I finally thought of something creative to open with I said
Me: Hey I just realized something about this venue...I see the stained glass windows, and the cross...but where do I go to make my confessions?
Her: hahaha you came to the wrong place!
We banter around with this a little bit (like how we were just hoping to come here for some bible study)
I ask her how her night is going and how she knows all her friends here. She hooks and points out her friends and tries to guess what I study. First, she guesses acting and then business and then I tell her the actual answer and she’s surprised. Her friends are smiling at me at this point so I wave to them as well. I learn she’s visiting my city for the weekend to help her friend move in (coworker) she’s actually from another state. Then her friends walk off somewhere else so she goes with them. I was thinking of at least number closing her, but I was like “whatever, she’s gone in two days anyway”. Instead, I should’ve just re-opened her later on because I think they came back. I noticed her as she walked off and I was kicking myself because I think she had a nice ass but it was hard to see from her outfit. She was re pretty.

Girl 3: Doesn’t really count but it was a situational comment to some fat chick, because we noticed a dude getting really touchy with the go-go dancer (this one was a muscular dude wearing only underwear...I told you it was a gay club!). The go-go dancer was going along with it and the dude was escalating on him. (reminds me of the game “are you nervous” that people played in elementary school). So I asked the fat chick(because she also noticed that) at what point do you think he’s gonna get nervous. Her friend smiled at me but then shortly after dragged her to a different part of the club.

Girl 4: This girl was bomb af. But I couldn’t understand what the fuck she was saying!! I think she was speaking in a different language. It went nowhere

Girl 5: Black girl with a fake afro at the bus stop. lmao. Just got talking with her as I asked her when the bus was coming. I learn that she was actually a go-go dancer at the bar too and she said she saw me there (but I didn’t remember her) I sit next to her on the bus and we talk about mundane shit, like where we’re from and what kind of food we like to eat when we get home from a night out.
She asks for my insta, but I tell her we can trade numbers and she tells me her number while the bus is dropping her off at her stop. I try to remember it but give up and she’s like “u could’ve remembered it!” as the door shuts in her face lmao. I’m not too worried because I guarantee I’ll see her again. She was kind of cute—her phone screen had an artistic nude of her—but I’m not particularly distraught if nothing comes of it.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • meh didn’t really have a focus, unfortunately. I think it’s time to do the next exercise by Gun.

How’d it Go​

I went to the tourist trap

Girl 1: At a distance I thought she was this hot filipina. When I got closer and approached her I still thought she had a hot body but her face was less so. I did the deep focus opener and before telling her, I asked her what people usually tell her. She said “I hope not because you can only see half of my face” (she had a mask on) I made her pinky swear not to get mad. At this point, she still wasn’t matching my pace. I asked her if she had watched the X factor and she said she doesn’t watch tv...and then she never even asked who she looked like! Instead she just started peppering me with questions. Like what am I doing here, what do I study, etc... I thought that was a good sign but then I realized she was just using that to dominate the frame of the conversation. Because she would just lead the convo and not really answer anything about herself.

The worst part of it was when she had to turn to go in a different direction so she was like “oh that’s me, bye!” I told her to hold up for a second and said

Me: You have a really great energy—-
Her: —Get to the point, what is it!
Me: I’d like to get to know you better. we should exchange numbers—
Her: —nah I’m good lol

I was feeling quite defiant after being rudely shot down like that so I couldn’t wait to find another set to approach. But yeah I’m noticing a pattern of how some girls will start asking questions but it’s not in a “oh I’m so interested in you” way it’s more of a “oh I’m leading the conversation and controlling the frame because I’m more extroverted than you” I don’t know how to respond to that just yet.

The second thing is when she said “get to the point, what is it!” that just left a horrible taste in my mouth. It was another big frame control instance where I got walloped. And with that one line and my subsequent reaction to it, she just set a bunch of toxic and counterproductive frames. I don’t know what the right response would’ve been but I should’ve addressed that first instead of just trying to plow ahead with a number close. Something like “oooh are you running late for a tinder date or something?” I dunno.

Girl 2: Tried a deep focus opener, but she ignored me.
Then I went to trader joes and had a short interaction. The quality was not that good today. I found one girl that was passable

Girl 3: Some brunette wearing yoga pants idk.
Me: Hey I just noticed something.
Her: yea? looking a little confused
Me: buy one
Her: [bursts out laughing] but is still continuing to shop
Me: it’s smart what you did though to not bring a basket
Her: Actually I live right above the trader joes
Me: Oh that’s even worse then!
Her: [agrees]

She was already facing away from me and continuing her shopping so I think this was just a low-interest girl even though the opener landed. I also made the mistake of not starting off playful. I think my mood was low from the lack of viable opportunities and the rest of the day.

I didn’t go out for nightgame because some friends wanted to get food and go bowling. At the restaurant, I noticed these two spanish MILFS and with one of them we kinda smiled at each other across the room. I didn’t think much of it. But then when we got back one of my friends was like “oh dude, those two women were checking you out”. I had actually considered approaching one of them but I had no idea how to do it at a restaurant where the tables are distant. But there was also live music playing and a dance floor but not many people were using it.


I was thinking also, that instead of trying to open girls in a variety of situations maybe I should double down on grocery stores for daygame. For the next 10 or so days. Kind of like how when you’re working out and you do “exercise rotation” to break through plateaus like switching between normal bench press and dumbbell bench press.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Nothing to report for daygame. I woke up late and only had half an hour to do daygame at a whole foods, during which I didn't do any approaches.

Nightgame Focus:​

  • Open 6 women with the emergency plan B opener
  • Try the “narrow eyes” gaze on each of the 6

How’d it Go​

Will be focusing on the gay district btw so unless I specify otherwise, you can assume that’s where I went.

Girl 1: Did the confessions opener but I couldn't hear what she said and I wasn't too interested in her. I approached her because I hadn't made any approaches and the club was jam packed. Just getting jostled around.

oh then I had a dumb moment where this Asian girl was dancing next to me but I waited too long to approach and some other dude tried to talk to her but she ignored him and he saw me and started profusely apologizing thinking we were together (this means she was giving me an approach invite). The girl went elsewhere and started dancing with some other dude. I think he was gay though. not sure.

Girl 2: I honestly don't remember. I feel like I did an approach before the next girl.

Then I noticed this dude with a shirt that had a similar pattern as my jacket so I say to him nice shirt. Turns out he's drunk AF and he's gay. He's also walking with a cute Filipina chick with nice boobs but an ok face. I originally thought they were together but obviously not. He stops to keep talking with me and asks for my insta. but I don't have one and the girl is like “he's unplugged!” Eventually he asks if I'm gay or straight and I have him guess. He was like “are you hitting on me or are you hitting on her”, and the girl was super embarrassed.

I was trying to figure out how I could game her in the meantime.

I tell them I'm straight “but that I wish I was bi”. The girl was like “omg that's such a straight thing to say. deadass”

They were surprised I was there because they said it's all gay dudes here. “Why are you here then?”

I just evaded that by saying “oh wow! would you look at the time! I need to go walk my...T-Rex” pretending to walk away.

He was trying to ship me and the girl. and the girl was getting embarrassed. I took that to mean she wasn't interested but I guess I can't be too sure because when I first started talking to them I was ignoring the girl and just talking to the dude and she kept chiming in(and she thought my jacket was cool).

I guess I just didn't know how to hit on her after talking with him and exchanging numbers with him.

Then he was like well if you want to make out, let me know, otherwise we're gonna keep walking. so I said bye to them.

Girl 3: did Guns plan B opener. She was receptive when I opened, and bantered back with “why didn't you!” but the cross light changed and she and her friends (a girl and a guy) walked off. I didn't push it further. Damn it, she was hot.

Girl 4: This was a longer conversation. Started out with gun’s plan b opener. Chat about how her night is going and all that and then I did a modified version of the Jada gambit with her (instead of Jada, the story is it's my friend who just broke up with his bf and I brought him out to the gay district to help him get over it. he eventually met a dude which is why I'm by myself now) I don't know if it's as effective since I've never done the original Jada gambit.

We also did the other standard chitchat. did some social frame gambit.

Anyway, her situation was that her friends had called her an Uber to her house because her cat escaped. None of this made any sense. Why were her friends home before her and why are they calling her an Uber when she could call herself an Uber. I tell her let me give you my number but instead she puts it in my phone. I tried texting this lead and I got an error message

Free Msg: Receiver [number] unable to receive message - Message Blocking is active.

How the hell did that happen. She didn't have my number at that point so it's not like she could've blocked me. The area code looked correct so maybe she put down her real number and then changed one of the digits to get a fake number. idk what to do about that. maybe I should try calling tomorrow to get a more definitive resolution. she was able to text just fine when I was with her.


Girl 4 lived in my area. I should've just asked her if I could hop in the Uber with her.

I think it's really important to be going out multiple times a week. I only went out once last week and I almost feel like I regressed a little.

What I did well:​

  1. eye contact was good for girls 3 and 4.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Even though there were so many girls about it was really hard for me to approach
  2. Also got screwed over by the bus and missed one bus and had to wait an extra hour.
  3. If I could just approach 10-15 girls a night in this area, it would be amazing for my progress. I think it’s doable but I have to stop hesitating so much and I need to go at better times.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • Doing deep focus opener with base sexual subcommunication

How’d it Go​

I have a bunch of competing things I’m focusing on. It’s making everything haphazard. On one hand, I’m trying to focus on grocery store sets, and trying to make the Buy-one opener work. But on the other hand I’m also doing the deep focus opener

Girl 1: This was a street approach because I thought she was really hot. Did the deep focus opener. I asked her to pinky promise not to get mad and she’s like I promise but I’m not touching you (ouch). So I tell her who she looks like and she’s like “omg she’s beautiful!” I rainbow ruse her on how she seems the type who is more laidback but that she has things that she gets really passionate about. And she’s like “OMG! So true!!” so I ask her what are the things that get her excited...and at first she says “everything” and then narrows it down to design and weed (because she loves the smell of weed). So since she mentioned that, I took out some fragrance testers out of my back pocket (I had just gone to macy’s to sample them) and told her how I used to date this girl who was able to identify all sorts of scents blind. I could just show her an unidentified tester and she’d be like “oh yea thats xyz!” (true story).

She says she’s not that familiar with the fragrances but she wishes she could do that. I have her try them out, and she liked dior sauvage and 1 million the best.

Then she had to go and she thanks me and walks into a parking lot. and I didn’t bother number closing because at the beginning when she said she didn’t want to pinky swear. It also didn’t feel like a strong interaction. But again I should have but I hesitated too long.

Girl 2: I thought she was hot but when I got closer I realized she was a bit on the older side. Still had a nice figure, but her age was showing.

she was wearing a mask so she gave me some sass about how I could possibly know who she looks like if she’s wearing a mask. I said it’s all in the eyes and besides you can pretty much tell what the person looks like underneath the mask unless you have a beard and are missing 4 teeth. She says “what if I am!” and I say “I’ll take my chances”. This interaction didn’t go anywhere after that. After I tell her who she looks like she says she’ll look her up and walks off. I don’t get a chance to continue my rainbow ruse.

Girl 3: Went inside a whole foods and approached this girl that was squatting by the oatmeal. She tells me she likes to get the oatmeal in a cup because it’s a nice on-the-go thing. I make a comment about how it’s like instant noodles. I do the buy one rpo and she’s like ohh yea I totally know that. I still gotta get one more thing, enjoy your day!

Girl 4: Was this hot mexican milf at the vegan section. I started by asking her if she ever tried the vegan mayo and she’s like naw but I’d go with the smaller bottle first. I told her that I knew a girl that worked at [popular vegan burger joint] and she told me that for their secret sauce they use this brand of vegan mayo. She’s actually familiar with the burger joint. I do the buy one rpo and she says something about needing to get some vegan sour cream and points out the Kite Hill vegan sour cream that I told her about. She was looking for some beer for cinco de mayo.

I didn’t use any conversational deepeners here. But maybe what I could’ve done is I could’ve asked her what she’s planning to do for cinco de mayo and then go into what her favorite holidays are.

I got approached by the exact same dude who approached me at another whole foods. I’m pretty sure he’s an Amway corp guy although he described himself as being trained by “elite entreprenures” REALLY eye-opening being on the other side of the approach. And you start to see why qualifying is so so so important. It’s easy to exchange contact info with some person who’s got a good friendly vibe but it can feel incredibly hollow if there’s no investment on your end. If there’s no compliance or qualifying on your end. It can feel fake and wooden.

On the other hand, it’s a little easier when it’s an interaction between a man and a woman because there’s that underlying sexual dynamic.


Today’s daygame practice was haphazardly done and I didn’t really do any deliberate practice.

I have 3 things I’m basically working on
  • Doing the deep focus openers with base sexuality
  • Starting off innocuously at a grocery store and then getting into a topic that is not about food or fuckin’ groceries.
  • Asking at least one girl for her number per outing.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Make the “what to work on list” before you go out. and refer to it
  2. Record these interactions