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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • 1 grocery store approach where you do a deepener
  • 1 deep focus opener with base sexuality
  • ask for one phone number

How’d it Go​

I did 4 approaches. Listing out my plan for the outing beforehand was good. I was more focused on the tasks, and even though I didn’t complete them all (I was running on a tight schedule today), I still made progress on them.

Girl 1: Just saw her walking down the street as I got out of my building. Asked about the farmers market

Girl 2: Nothing to say here. I ejected this one too soon. Shouldn’t even count as an approach.

Then I went to the campus trader joes:

Girl 3: Did the buy-one opener. and finally tried a deepener which worked well. So after the buy one opener, I said “I have a theory actually...” and I let her get curious. I said “you know how there’s that study which found that spending just 15 minutes in a person’s room can give you a deep look at a person’s personality?” She didn’t know about that but was very curious about that so I continue “yeah I think that’s the same with grocery habits” I explain to her the idea of “thin-slicing” and she asks me to psycho-analyze her based on her grocery basket. (I think this could be a great gambit. It leads into you giving her a nice rainbow ruse and people love these types of personality games). I just noted that she’s probably health-conscious and the type of person who likes to cook a lot, unlike those who just doordash all the time. And she’s like “yeah although I wish I had the money to doordash all the time. “ So I mention that I know a guy who works for [well-known company] and he just doordashes all the time, even if the restaurant is down the street. She asks me who it is because it turns out her bf is also working for that same company and he might know him. Anyway, this leads to a conversational path of what careers we’re going into and where we want to live. I don’t think there’s anything else I care to mention here. But it was a promising interaction if it wasn’t for the bf mention. She was linking up with a friend so she went off to go find her. But she was really down to stop and chat for a while. I was talking too fast which was a mistake, and that made it harder to project a sexual vibe.

Girl 4: Asian girl with a big juicy ass. Nice smooth legs. I knew I had to approach her but I couldn’t figure out who she looked like. So I just ended up doing the “where’s the farmers market” opener. She stops awkwardly and abruptly to talk when I opened her but it felt weird to be stopped and talking with her while opening so indirectly. There was a certain look in her eyes that I couldn’t quite explain. After she tells me about it, I extended the convo by asking her what her favorite things at the farmers market are, drop some bait and she bites. The convo was just surface level and I didn’t hit on any SOT’s, although she was hooked. We reach the end of the street and she has to go to a different direction. I realized afterwards that she was meeting her bf. That could be why she stopped earlier, to buy more time. Regardless, I didn’t try and number close. Would’ve been extremely awkward because her bf was standing right there at the end of the street waiting for her.


I will test out this deepener some more. I think when it comes to follow-up routines to your opener, it’s preferable to make them about her. That’s kind of the idea I got from reading The Game. Their routines like the “best friend” routine or the “ring finger-index finger” routine all give the girl some insight into herself, which is really good chick crack. Now compare that with my “art in different cities” gambit that I used to use last year. It’s an interesting topic and all, but it’s not chick crack.

I couldn’t have number closed the 3rd and 4th girls (unlikely unless I stopped to talk with the 4th girl and opened with something a little better than the farmers market opener). and the first two girls were too short of an interaction.

What I did well:​

  1. Making the journal entry in advance with the list of things I’m planning to practice and following that as best as I can.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s for every interaction. That means say your opener, use some hooking strategy, and add a conversational deepener. First minute or two is pretty much all canned stuff that you can get through. no excuses for ejecting early. Make a checklist for this if you have to.
  2. Need to memorize more actresses or at least review the ones I already have. Had lots of instances where I couldn’t identify who the girl looked like. Although if I’m being honest, the “do you know anything about a farmers market” opener actually doesn’t suck as much as I thought. the girls almost always bite on the bait that I drop (although next year once I’ve graduated, I’ll have to change up that bait).
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
cool skippy

A hint:
After the farms market opener - make a shift, look at her and smile as if something about her ignited a curiosity or good recognition of something from your past in you, maybe moving back with your upper body and a curious smirk eyes browed - then shoot a read - are you french.. you dress just like girls from southern paris.. or alike. creates a decent transition of something in the moment. And its easy to select a few general girl types to use as reads.
This is how you use situational openers to transfer into curiosity gambits.. then build a plan from there.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Not much to report from daygame these past two days. I think I did one approach a piece. I did get to try out Glow's suggestion with transitioning off of a situational opener. But I want to do more of that.

Thursday Nightgame Focus:​

  • Approach 6 girls inside bars with the weak emergency plan B(or confessions opener), but mainly practicing winning the eye contact battle

How’d it Go​

Today was bizarre. I guess because of Cinco de Mayo. The volume wasn't any better than last Thursday and yet... I was able to do a lot of approaches, and in spite of that, the number of gay dudes that hit on me tonight was more than the number of girls I hit on. Usually, it’s only like 1-2 dudes hitting on me a night. This time, I legit lost count. Maybe it was that I shaved my neck (I normally just do 0 guard trim, maybe it was just from cinco de mayo, maybe it was the cologne I tried out) I think I did around 10 approaches. I’ll mention the highlights.

First I went to the “Christian Clubs” did 3 approaches there. For the 3rd girl, she was sitting on a chair and I asked her if she thought I looked like a drug dealer.(actually a dude asked me for a gram in the bathroom, while we're were taking a leak side by side)

She said “no but you look like... you have some water! I need water! go over there and bring me some water!” She started getting really obnoxious about it I thought she was a psycho so l told her I have to leave. She probably just wanted to get rid of me.

Next, I went to another club (Let’s call it the Disney bar) and noticed this tanned blonde in a sequin dress standing waiting to take a picture. I opened her with the weak emergency plan B and the sexual tension was ON. I was standing really close, to her up in her face and she was holding my hand for a bit, asking me where I'm from and stuff.

But then it was her turn to take a photo at the booth so she was talking to her friends for a bit. Then she reopens me and tells me she and her friends were going out to the patio and I can join her. So I go with. At this point the vibe kinda dies. She's with her cousin (who is even hotter actually). And they're constantly getting bombarded with gay dudes that they know, who are trying to take selfies with them and just, in general, monopolizing their attention.

I felt completely out of my element. This other dude I made friends with recognized me from a previous night and was asking me to come over to the bar next door so I used it as an excuse to eject and grabbed her number. She responded to my ice breaker. (I should start giving girls my number instead of taking them)

So at the other bar, let’s call it Machine, I was passing through the crowd on my way out and I spotted this girl with long black hair and she was very attractive, and we made eye contact...except she wouldn't look away! She was just aggressively gazing at me and holding eye contact. I’m embarrassed to say that I actually looked away first, a couple of times while she was still staring at me. She was with two other gay dudes and she was holding hands with one of them and the other guy starts hitting on me. I excused myself because my friends were heading out the door.

What I should’ve done in that situation is say “hey you can’t look at me like that and not say hello” hindsight is 20/20. :facepalm: And I should’ve held her gaze but I wasn’t expecting it to be this strong.

Back at the Disney bar, I did a few more approaches. One girl turned out to be lesbian, so that went nowhere. Another girl was this really cute mexican that was visiting her friend and is here until Tuesday. I opened her with the 1-10 opener (Which I just winged. I need to actually read up on that gambit now). I made sure to get really close up in her space, which she seemed to like. She was with her friend and another gay dude. They were both engaged with the gay dude so she gradually kept turning back to listen to whatever he was doing.

So I wouldn’t count this as a hook per se. I asked her how she knew her friend and asked her if it was an instant connection when they first met and she was like “OMG yes!” and tells her friend. I also told her that it’s too bad she’s only here until Tuesday because if she got to know me she would want to stay longer. She says “oh I’m sure”, and then resumes paying attention to the gay dude. along with her friend. They get their drinks and leave.


That was an exciting night. Nightgame is fucking addicting! I’m like partially considering going out 4 nights a week now instead of 3. I think just handling the basics and escalating should be enough to get a freebie here and there.

My main issue with these kind of high energy environments is I feel like I make the vibe really boring with “getting to know you questions” and the girls are busy getting stimulated by exciting gay guys that are taking selfies with them and being really animated.

I will need to add in the sex talk and add the gambits again. But also I’m still finishing up gun’s exercises. I think if I can consistently keep doing 10 approaches a night like tonight, I should be finished up with Gun’s exercises pretty soon. And reread Lofty's journal again. Lots to study!

What I did well:​

  1. Focusing on the bars and doing approaches there instead of just on the street. Save the street approaches for after 2am when the bars close down.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I will need to do an exercise where I approach as many people as possible within 10 min.
  2. Maintaining eye-contact with that girl and not hesitating too long to approach her.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Not much to report from daygame these past two days. I think I did one approach a piece. I did get to try out Glow's suggestion with transitioning off of a situational opener. But I want to do more of that.

Thursday Nightgame Focus:​

  • Approach 6 girls inside bars with the weak emergency plan B(or confessions opener), but mainly practicing winning the eye contact battle

How’d it Go​

Today was bizarre. I guess because of Cinco de Mayo. The volume wasn't any better than last Thursday and yet... I was able to do a lot of approaches, and in spite of that, the number of gay dudes that hit on me tonight was more than the number of girls I hit on. Usually, it’s only like 1-2 dudes hitting on me a night. This time, I legit lost count. Maybe it was that I shaved my neck (I normally just do 0 guard trim, maybe it was just from cinco de mayo, maybe it was the cologne I tried out) I think I did around 10 approaches. I’ll mention the highlights.

First I went to the “Christian Clubs” did 3 approaches there. For the 3rd girl, she was sitting on a chair and I asked her if she thought I looked like a drug dealer.(actually a dude asked me for a gram in the bathroom, while we're were taking a leak side by side)

She said “no but you look like... you have some water! I need water! go over there and bring me some water!” She started getting really obnoxious about it I thought she was a psycho so l told her I have to leave. She probably just wanted to get rid of me.

Next, I went to another club (Let’s call it the Disney bar) and noticed this tanned blonde in a sequin dress standing waiting to take a picture. I opened her with the weak emergency plan B and the sexual tension was ON. I was standing really close, to her up in her face and she was holding my hand for a bit, asking me where I'm from and stuff.

But then it was her turn to take a photo at the booth so she was talking to her friends for a bit. Then she reopens me and tells me she and her friends were going out to the patio and I can join her. So I go with. At this point the vibe kinda dies. She's with her cousin (who is even hotter actually). And they're constantly getting bombarded with gay dudes that they know, who are trying to take selfies with them and just, in general, monopolizing their attention.

I felt completely out of my element. This other dude I made friends with recognized me from a previous night and was asking me to come over to the bar next door so I used it as an excuse to eject and grabbed her number. She responded to my ice breaker. (I should start giving girls my number instead of taking them)

So at the other bar, let’s call it Machine, I was passing through the crowd on my way out and I spotted this girl with long black hair and she was very attractive, and we made eye contact...except she wouldn't look away! She was just aggressively gazing at me and holding eye contact. I’m embarrassed to say that I actually looked away first, a couple of times while she was still staring at me. She was with two other gay dudes and she was holding hands with one of them and the other guy starts hitting on me. I excused myself because my friends were heading out the door.

What I should’ve done in that situation is say “hey you can’t look at me like that and not say hello” hindsight is 20/20. :facepalm: And I should’ve held her gaze but I wasn’t expecting it to be this strong.

Back at the Disney bar, I did a few more approaches. One girl turned out to be lesbian, so that went nowhere. Another girl was this really cute mexican that was visiting her friend and is here until Tuesday. I opened her with the 1-10 opener (Which I just winged. I need to actually read up on that gambit now). I made sure to get really close up in her space, which she seemed to like. She was with her friend and another gay dude. They were both engaged with the gay dude so she gradually kept turning back to listen to whatever he was doing.

So I wouldn’t count this as a hook per se. I asked her how she knew her friend and asked her if it was an instant connection when they first met and she was like “OMG yes!” and tells her friend. I also told her that it’s too bad she’s only here until Tuesday because if she got to know me she would want to stay longer. She says “oh I’m sure”, and then resumes paying attention to the gay dude. along with her friend. They get their drinks and leave.


That was an exciting night. Nightgame is fucking addicting! I’m like partially considering going out 4 nights a week now instead of 3. I think just handling the basics and escalating should be enough to get a freebie here and there.

My main issue with these kind of high energy environments is I feel like I make the vibe really boring with “getting to know you questions” and the girls are busy getting stimulated by exciting gay guys that are taking selfies with them and being really animated.

I will need to add in the sex talk and add the gambits again. But also I’m still finishing up gun’s exercises. I think if I can consistently keep doing 10 approaches a night like tonight, I should be finished up with Gun’s exercises pretty soon. And reread Lofty's journal again. Lots to study!

What I did well:​

  1. Focusing on the bars and doing approaches there instead of just on the street. Save the street approaches for after 2am when the bars close down.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I will need to do an exercise where I approach as many people as possible within 10 min.
  2. Maintaining eye-contact with that girl and not hesitating too long to approach her.

Since you are new to night game, and used to day game, you need to learn how to mingle with groups, how to interact with the group, instead of getting anxious and eject, hotter girls will be in group most of the time..... "introduce me to your friends" "hey guys i am skippy just met your friend hb name" "how you guys know each other".... etc... Don't eject, or feel awkward like you don't belong... At the start i used to go out 5 - 6 times a week, is better to building momentum, after you will not need to go out that much... i don't understand why to approach as many people as possible within 10 minutes, you don't have aa, what is the point of this?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Since you are new to night game, and used to day game, you need to learn how to mingle with groups, how to interact with the group, instead of getting anxious and eject, hotter girls will be in group most of the time..... "introduce me to your friends" "hey guys i am skippy just met your friend hb name" "how you guys know each other".... etc... Don't eject, or feel awkward like you don't belong... At the start i used to go out 5 - 6 times a week, is better to building momentum, after you will not need to go out that much...
Ohh yea that's a good point! I need to get comfortable with groups now. Did not think of that
i don't understand why to approach as many people as possible within 10 minutes, you don't have aa, what is the point of this?
Now that u mention it, yeah I guess it's true, I don't really have aa anymore. The problem I was facing is hesitating too much before making an approach. Sometimes I lose my chance or I'm hovering for too long.


Friday Nightgame:​

  • Open 10 girls assuming rapport

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: Blonde with a nice face and body. I did the “confessions” opener with her but she was unreceptive when I first approached and made a bit of a face. She just smiled and shrugged. One issue is that I probably waited too long to approach. She goes to whisper something to her friend who then laughs. Maybe I will retire this opener after trying it out more.

Girl 2: Fat married chick. I approached her to get the ball rolling. Nothing to say though.

Girl 3: Asian girls by the bar. Did the 1-10 opener and one of them tells her friend “hey, he says he has an important question” Suddenly I’m talking to the friend (who was actually hotter) She says 9 and I try to reframe it as an adventurousness theme. She agrees or something but nothing comes of it.

Girl 4: Kazakh chick with a double chin. I notice this girl standing by the bar watching everyone dancing. She’s not fat...but she has a double chin if that makes sense. Very ok-looking. So I do the 1-10 opener and she says it’s very loud here. So I say we should go to the hallway outside. She gives some token resistance at first about needing to find her friend but comes along anyway. I lead her by the hand because she seems very receptive.

She asks me if I want her number and I tell her I just met her and I don’t know her yet. So we just make basic chitchat like where she’s from and she asks if I’m straight. I meet her friend too, who is this half russian half kazakh guy. she goes to the bathroom and they both come back and we all go to the dance floor. But she’s not dancing and just standing there watching everyone else dance. Her bisexual friend is tearing it up on the dance floor meanwhile. I dance a little bit. She goes off to a bar on the side just standing around and looking all pouty. So I try to go back over to her and get her out to the patio but she doesn’t want to go so I drop it. Eventually they leave the bar but I didn’t notice it.

I briefly stopped to say hi to this youtuber that I met at a bar a few months ago before finally leaving that club. Then I walk down the street to find another bar to go to (but it’s getting late now). I run into her and her friend and they’re going the opposite direction and now she’s holding hands with some other dude (this guy looks completely average in every single way). But I think he spoke russian so maybe that helped. I dunno. Anyway that was a sting to the ego, not that I was particularly into her.

Girl 5: Asian girl outside. After chatting with those 3, I notice this asian girl in a group outside. Do the 1-10 opener and she says 9 and then IMMEDIATELY starts barraging me with questions. What do you rate your night, when does your night end, where are you from, what do you study, Oh tell me more about your research. Can you explain what these objects are.

Like calm down woman, I don’t want to be going on a technical lecture at fucking 2am and let me at least breathe before firing another question at me. I guessed this was one of those “trying to control the frame and leading the conversation” girls rather than a high-interest girl. So I called her out jokingly on all the questions she was barraging me with. I did get to set some sexually liberal frames though by talking about how I like this area and the sexually nonjudgmental vibes I get here. And sometimes I'd touch her upper arm while talking to her.

At one point this dude from her friend group whispers in her ear something, I think about their friend drama or I think about their plans. I don’t know what the deal is between them. So I tried to number close here, and I could sense she seemed a little hesitant so I added how it’s cool that she tried to understand my research because most people wouldn’t try that. She tries for instagram but I tell her I’m unplugged and she finally gave in when I told her I’ll give her my number. Needless to say, nothing came out of the phone number.

Bonus: Ultra Drunk Asian girl who fell over when I was talking to her. I realized she was hella drunk once she fell over.

Missed opportunity: There was this gorgeous tanned asian girl who I briefly made eye contact with and she was in a group of 4 people so I didn't know how to get in there and approach her. But while I was waiting so long, some other dude did and started chatting her up. Then her friends went off to the dance floor.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Need to memorize more actresses or at least review the ones I already have. Had lots of instances where I couldn’t identify who the girl looked like.
skippy i would strongly recommend that you dont close up the "who you look like" loop and provide the first name, but say you forget the last name. then transition out.

this has some benefits. later in the interaction, you can recall the fact that you wish you knew who she looked like. a natural time to do this is when another stimulator lands. Recalling it at this time will cause her to have an increased emotional spike and it will cement her intrigue. she'll exclaim, "im so curious!!!!" You can also keep it in your back pocket and bring it out if you notice the vibe dying.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
On Saturday I decided to do just a social night so I went out the intention of just making friends. First, in line this guy was straightening his hair and his friend was holding up the phone for him to check. I just flashed him a thumbs up and told him it looked fine. made some small talk with him and his friend (black girl). Then went inside and I told some other guy that the bling he was wearing looked cool. But he kinda latched on to me and asked me if I was here alone and if I wanted to hangout with him and his friend (this bisexual chick. not attractive though)

So I spent the night hopping around different clubs and dancing with them. I discovered one of the bars actually has an upper level that's kind of a rooftop for dancing. They were really nice, but the dude was clearly into me but he wasn't making any moves, thankfully. Maybe giving any compliments at a gay bar is a bad idea. If it's a typical club or bar you could just tell a dude “cool jacket” and they'd be chill about it and chat and you'd make an automatic friend. But here many times they get real interested off of just a casual compliment. What I'll do next time is mention an ex girlfriend in passing.

Nightgame Focus:​

  • 5 approaches with the method acting exercise

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: Spanish chick with fake tits and a fake ass. She mostly only spoke Spanish and when she found out I was straight, tried to get me to buy her a drink. I didn’t know how to handle that test in spanish. I told her “maybe later if you’re good” , but she didn’t understand. To be honest, I haven’t really practiced how to handle that test in general.

Girl 2: Greek woman. She was a bit older up close. She asked me what I had in my ears because she thought they were earrings ( they're these earplugs that are designed to look like earrings but in the center of your ear, not the lobe). This one didn't go very far either. Then two other girls that she knew arrived at the table and one of them asked her if she liked me and she was like “ehh”. So she tries to tell me she probably has a bf or something.

Girl 3: Asian girl, she smiled, shook her head, and pointed out her bf in the crowd when I approached her.

Then I left the club around 1:40 but didn't realize that none of the clubs were letting people in anymore. So I tried the streets with people milling about ordering Ubers.

Girl 4: asked her to rate her night. Slightly older looking woman, with fake tits and a fake butt. She starts going off on a rant about how her live-in boyfriend went to a concert without her that was supposed to end at 11 and it's 2am and he's not back yet and not answering any calls. I didn't know how to leverage this into some revenge sex. but it was certainly going on in my mind. she lives in my district actually.

But then I got interrupted by some dude I met on Thursday. He recognized me and this was a connection I wanted to grow because I think he frequents this place to pickup girls just like me. and I saw he was pretty good with dance floor game on Thursday. He was drunk outta his mind though. The girl wandered off by then and got her Uber.

Girl 5: some blonde. did the 1-10 opener but I forgot the follow-up for a 7. She went to get some pizza afterwards. and asked me if I knew of any good food places open nearby.I didn't. I think I just asked where she was from before that.

And then my night ended with some fat tranny that was too drunk to even stand, asking me to help him cross the street. Turns out his “daddy” was going to call him an Uber home. But his phone was missing and he was trying to get to his car in the parking lot. I managed to offload him onto a police officer on a bike, but not before he decided to stick my finger in his mouth :mad:

Took the bus home and chatted with the bus driver, who was really chatty because no one usually takes the 2am bus and he gets bored af.


So on sunday nights, some of the venues are completely dead but about half of them have some mild volume going on. I’m really glad I stayed the whole night because if I had left early thinking it was dead, I would’ve missed out on seeing all the possibilities.

At the “christian club” there's a bunch of tables surrounding the main dance floor. This night there were these two stunners by one table. Both had fake titties and fake butts and they were really well done. You could tell it was a high-end job. But I don’t know what their deal was. The brunette was with this mexican dude that was just sitting at the table but she was dancing alone most of the time. She smiled at me once while on the dance floor but I didn’t do anything about it. Then a little while later some dude walked up to her while she was dancing next to her table and opened her, took her hand, and danced with her for a bit. she started grinding on him immediately. But eventually, the guy ejected because she was with the original dude who was in dgaf mode. At one point she even lifted up her dress and flashed her panties to the mexican dude. I almost want to say she was ‘hired’. There was also some older dude (60ish) who was buying them drinks as if he knew them but he disappeared half-way into the night. And the other girl wasn’t dancing but she got approached by some dude and danced with him a bit and then he went back to dancing with his friends but then he reapproached her again and this time the 4 of them left the club.

so note to self: absolutely try approaching girls by the tables at the edge of the dance floor. And don’t be afraid to re-engage.

And another Asian girl dancing off to the side by herself (not in the dancing area) which I regret not approaching because when guys approached her she just started grinding on them. But they eventually ejected and she rejoined her group at a table.

But anyway, the main thing is that I finished gun’s exercise for “method acting as if you know the girl”.

What I did well:​

  1. Stayed the whole night despite thinking it’d be dead. The scene changes so much as the night goes on.
  2. I think it’s absolutely vital to be going out 4x a week for the next couple of months because I don’t think I’ll be able to do that once I start working. It really does fuck up my sleep schedule though

What I could've done better:​

  1. I need to practice the rate your night gambit a bit more because I kind of mess it up after they answer. and maybe read how it looks in action from Lofty’s journal.
  2. Learn to re-engage girls
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • The focus today was to just gun for an sdl because I’m gone for two weeks

How’d it Go​

I did two approaches trying out fog’s suggestion to not close the open loop. It worked quite well. One other variation I thought of is “her name starts with an ‘M’ but I can’t remember what it actually is. I’m sure it’ll come to me.”

The first girl turned out to be 17 so I switched to giving her some unsolicited life advice based on our conversation and left it at that.

The second girl was this brunette with long curly hair. She wasn’t quite matching my pace, but she seemed receptive otherwise. And I think actually she was glancing at me earlier. So I tell her I think her name is Maria but I forget her full name and she says she’s never been compared to an actress before. I rainbow ruse her on how she seems laidback but has an undercurrent of something that she’s passionate about.

BTW I think zodiacs are a good source of rainbow ruses. On saturday when I was hanging out with my new friends we discovered that we were all Sagittariuses (shh don’t tell anyone) and I asked the girl what it meant and she said it means we’re chill but also hate being forced to do something and really value our freedom. And I was like :O

She agrees but this remains another open loop because as we reach the signal she’s going to her hotel and she asks me where I’m heading. I say the cafe. I find out that she just arrived in my city and is visiting for two weeks. She’s originally from a city in Canada and when she finds out my home state she’s like “oh that’s pretty close by!” I tell her it’s not that close (just to see what would happen if I broke rapport a little) she doubles down and so I ask her if she’s ever visited my state.

I tell her I’m leaving in two days and she floats the idea of hanging out. I’m not sure how that happened exactly but somehow she must’ve suggested it because I don’t remember suggesting it. But she said she didn’t want to do anything tonight because she’s too tired. She also offers to exchange instas but I say as usual that I’m “unplugged” and she tells me that she doesn’t text much (translation: I’m gonna ignore your texts) She’s still curious who the actress is but when I texted her later, she predictably did not respond.


When a girl mentions adding her on instagram, I need to do something else other than just saying “I don’t use instagram”. I don’t think a single phone number where the girl originally suggested instagrams has ever gone anywhere.

Also there was no qualifying in that interaction. It was promising but I blew it. A better idea would’ve been to just persist and take her for an instant date then and there.

Oh and as mentioned before, I will be out of the game for two weeks so I’ll make use of visualizations to maintain my progress.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Friday Nightgame Focus:​

  • fun party-man vibe

How’d it Go​

It's been about two and a half weeks. I've been out of town for a bit and then when I got back I had a job interview to cram for so I wasn't so keen about going ham with approaching.

I went out tonight and my plan was to just socialize with people and have fun. Gun explained to me in the chat a few weeks ago about why it's important to have some non-pickup social days so I'll take it more seriously now. Also I overslept on my nap, left my apartment a mess, arrived late, and forgot to bring a condom. So this is a good day to pick as the social one.

As soon as I walked into the club this dude started talking to me asking me my name, what will I be drinking, etc… I don't think he was gay though. He introduced me to his sister as well. Chatted with them a bit, just basics like what do you do where did you grow up. Turns out it was the sisters birthday. She asked me if I thought they looked alike. After a bit he wished me a good rest of the night and the sister leaned in and told me I looked amazing.

Talked to some dude who was too drunk to function.

Then I made a couple laps around the bar, mainly to say hi to the dancer and security guard I know, but I didn't see them.

Bounced around a few bars, had some uneventful convos and then went home a little early because I was famished (didn't eat dinner because I overslept).

Saturday Daygame Focus:​

  • 5 approaches, just get the ball rolling again

How’d it Go​

I’m changing up my outing frequency. I think going out to do daygame everyday is cutting into my job search and I’m honestly not sure if it’s the most effective setup either. Kind of like with the gym where I got more out of going 3x a week instead of 6x. I do remember I was getting decent results with 4 outings a week where I did 5 approaches each, so I’ll try that again. The new weekly schedule is 4 days a week daygame, 3 days a week gym ( the days I’m not going out for daygame) and 3 nights a week night game.

Today I did the 5 approaches. The first one was a blowout, the next two died pretty soon. My fault because I closed the open-loop too soon. The 4th one I opened her asking her if she saw the dude walking around with a sleeping bag as his cape. She hooked strongly. But she was distracted by the side-walk art(it’s a tourist attraction) but eventually she gave me her full focus. I think the way it went was I told her she looked like a tourist, and guessed that she was from Hawaii but actually she was from NH and so I mentioned some things I knew about NH and she was surprised and that’s when she was immersed . Her logistics suck though. Basically she’s leaving tomorrow. we were mostly talking about what it was like applying to grad school and stuff. she asks for my number, teases me for having an android. I remember she had mentioned cheer a couple times, I should’ve steered the conversation to that instead and more stimulating topics. Also need to practice the ‘escalator’ that fog gave. She responded to the ice breaker, but like I said before, her logistics are not conducive.

Oh and I also did a 5th approach with the same opener as the previous one. the girl was confused though.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
That last one you approached Sat seems to have hooked - if she was leaving the next day I think you should have pushed for a SDL, either by going for an insta date or suggesting a drink that night.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
That last one you approached Sat seems to have hooked - if she was leaving the next day I think you should have pushed for a SDL, either by going for an insta date or suggesting a drink that night.
Good point, I could've suggested a drink that night. I was being lazy because I had plans that night. But in hindsight, I should've just shuffled things around. I considered an instant date but she was waiting for a friend to pick her up and had to leave in 10 min.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Let's see had a bunch of outings with little lessons and a coffee date that went nowhere, but it was an unexpected surprise she even came out, to begin with...
Saturday Night
I wanted to go out, but one of my friends texted me asking me what my plans were tonight and since I had skipped out on his house party the last time, in favor of going out, I decided to hang out with him this time. We went to a local bar where the pool players are intense and then went to a hotel bar downtown but it was all dead. He is also a civilian but open to meeting girls now. In fact, he recently got a date from a girl he met at the bar last week so he's doing some things right. Main thing I realized from hanging out with him is that when you're telling stories, you are reliving the moment yourself. Obvious stuff but a good thing to remember for social circle. Get people to tell you stories!

Sunday Daygame
I went to the tourist trap. Due to the long weekend the tourists were out in full force. The crowds rivaled places like 5th Avenue on a weekday evening (I don't actually know what 5th avenue is like on a weekday at 5pm but I assume it's crowded) However it was tooo much. Too many families. too many groups. And just a hot mess. I only did one crummy approach with some german chick and she didn't stay long to chat(more on this later).

Sunday Nightgame
I met up with C and we went to a nightclub on our block. It was closing down and Sunday was going to be its last night. It totally sucked. The bar was nonexistent. It was just one tiny table. The ac was weak and it all started to get hot and sweaty around midnight. C frequents this place but I don't. Surprisingly C decided to ditch after midnight. His rule is that by midnight, if he's not talking to a chick, he's gonna go home and get some proper sleep. (fuckin' civilians lmao) To be fair, he's been doing really well this month regardless. One thing I learned from him is if you're making eye contact with a girl and you don't approach her for whatever reason at the club (maybe she's busy dancing) then approach her when they kick everyone out at the end of the night. He got a quick lay doing that a couple weeks ago.

Anyway I did two approaches but they went nowhere. One was a girl wearing sunglasses and I asked her if that means she's the coolest person in the club. And she says definitely not. I didn't know how to banter from there. Another girl I tried to do the 1-10 opener and she said something I couldn't hear and then moved to a different part a few minutes later. What's funny is then the other girls from her group each gave me a quick glance.

One girl complimented me on my jacket while she was walking by. I didn't know how to leverage that.

Another girl asked me for the time when she noticed I was checking my phone. I missed a chance to ask her to tell me a joke first before I give her the time.

Went to a rooftop with some new people I met. I'm making it a point to socialize more with people because I think it's important for my nightgame group handling skills. It's a completely different social group from the usual "chill sociable stem phd students" that I'm used to hanging out with. These are older guys in their mid-30s. They know how to dress, they're established in their careers, and they seem to have a decent amount of dating experience in my city as well. They just exude coolness. Only one of them is single and straight, though. But yeah seeing what your mid 30's can look like in the flesh if you continue your current trajectory is eye-opening. Makes me realize that when Krauser and BodiPUA started their daygame journey at 34 and 36...they weren't that old.

Tuesday Daygame
After realizing the AA monkey was probably getting a hold of me these past couple of days. I decided to just do a couple of direct openers to jump into the deep end, so to speak. I went to the tourist trap. First woman cut me off and went to the train station. The second woman was on the phone, the third woman pretty much ignored me.

The 4th girl definitely looked like a tourist. She was a brunette with an amazing ass. But... it turned out she was the german girl I approached previously. I didn't actually recognize her but she was like "You talked to me before!" this time she actually stopped to talk but the conversation felt like I was pulling teeth trying to get her to hook. She would answer my boring interview-y questions but she wouldn't do much more. I tried to get her to join me for a coffee or something but she claimed she had plans and then suggested another time but she doesnt have a US phone number and no whatsapp apparently. I gave up

The 5th girl was this Ukrainian model. I did a direct opener and tried to guess where she was from based on her accent. So I told her okay let me hear you say a few sentences so that I can identify your accent more. And I ask her the golden question. She says travel and I use a social frame gambit based on that. Then transition smoothly into the fantasy vs desire gambit (at least adapted to travel and how you fantasize about the trip before) it worked really well.

She was going in a different way so I told her she seems cool and she said "yea you seem cool too! I never expected to have such a deep conversation here because it's a crazy area" She's down for a coffee and I ask her what days are good generally and she said shes usually busy but the weekend could work. No response to my ice breaker so we'll see.

Tuesday's Coffee Date
Anyway, while I was number closing her, I also got a text from the Romanian chick with the big juicy butt who looked like Mila Kunis. She wanted to know if I was down to grab coffee later. I'd approached her back in January and she only came out on a date 5 months later, nbd.
What happened was I had re-engaged her with a "happy memorial day" ping and I also sent her some pictures of myself from the vacation.

So I make plans and she wants to meet in an hour. I met her at a Starbucks within walking distance of my house and try to play it stoic and neutral at first. Then we walk over to the outdoor benches. I was trying harder to be smoother about my sex talk and gambits but the result was I didn't do any major sex talk because it ended so soon. I also forgot to record the date and was generally unprepared. Here are some notes from that
  • When we sat at the benches she asked me how my tea was and I said it was good and offered her a sip and she was like "ehh no". Then she's like "omg I said it as if I was saying 'ewww cooties'! "
  • I learned over text that she has a son and still lives with the dad in the same apartment.
  • She's gushing over my jacket
  • Then she talks about how she doesn't like outfits where the guys are wearing solid colors and then proceeds to describe my shirt and pants, but she's just fucking with me.
  • She thinks the bald look I've been rocking these days really suits me.
  • Around 45min she realizes her phone is dead and needs to go eat dinner. I suggest we grab dinner but she says she was just planning a quick coffee but that we can do dinner at a different day. I didn't persist on this but in terms of timing, it makes no sense since she has the time. Either it means I missed an escalation window or she needed to give her baby daddy/roommate a longer excuse for why she's not at home.
  • She thinks she was talking too much about herself this time and next time hopes to "learn more about me"
  • One problem I had with escalation was when we were sitting together on the bench, she was moving away from me by simultaneously turning to face me (which causes us to sit further apart if you think about it).
  • She still wanted to walk and talk more while she was going to the grocery store.
  • I was planning to examine her rings and the stuff on her hands but never got the chance. I should've done it when I was commenting on her outfit. The most I did was mild incidental touches of her arm and thighs.
  • I have her tell me a story of when she did something spontaneous and she was happy with the outcome. She tells me about a trip to costa rica she booked on a whim. also tells me about the time she was traveling in miami and went on a date with a guy. I set some travel frames like how when you're traveling you can be whoever you want to be.
  • The problem I ran into is she'd ADD out of many topics and she was also talking a lot so that made transitioning into something juicy a little challenging.
  • I sent her a text afterward but got no response "that was fun :) lets do it again sometime". I think I fucked this one up too. I think it should've been "thanks for coming out, I learned a lot about you, Text me when you get home"
Regarding the sex talk, these past two instant dates and this date, I've run into the problem of not doing it at all because I'm waiting for it to be natural. The way I was doing it before was fine, I just needed to fine-tune what I was doing and making sure to listen to what she was saying at key points vs changing how I'm actually introducing them. At least introducing purity gambit the way I usually do is fine. I just need more finesse with the 8 orgasms routine. And the touch is a big thing. I think my SECT was better than previous dates but I always tend to fall bck on the same slow habits. I think once I get dates more frequently I'll be able to fix the touch problems. Will make it a point to go for more instant dates so I can get practice with this.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • 5 approaches

How’d it Go​

I went to the tourist trap but the volume wasn’t great, and I was frustrated by the lack of attractive lone wolves. There’s really only one girl that I regret not opening. That was when I had to choose between her and a girl with even shorter shorts and an even more bubbly butt. Both were walking in opposite directions. I chose the badder girl but when I got close realized she looked worn out and gross. I doubled back to find the original girl but she was nowhere to be found. Otherwise today it was mostly all groups. I could’ve also done an approach in my area but I didn’t realize I’d face such bad volume over here. All that being said, if I had taken every possible opportunity today I could've hit my target, I bet.

I only did one approach by sitting down and waiting for a hot girl to walk by instead of walking around. I opened direct because I was still in the removing approach anxiety phase. She was really receptive, and her eye contact was strong. I had forgotten to focus on eye contact at first but I realized I was doing it automatically. which is good. The conversation was awkward, but when she asked me where I’m from, I learned that she was kind of a local and hadn’t ever left her state so I asked her where she’d travel if she had the chance. we got talking a little bit about Hawaii and the black sand beaches there. She stops outside the cafe I told her I was going to and asked for my Instagram and I gave her my number. Responded to my icebreaker immediately so that’s nice. But I don’t know how attracted to her I actually am. I could've tried inviting her on an instant date but again I was feeling pretty blase about this one. The cafe I wanted to go to turned out to be closed.


A big mistake was not getting enough sleep the night before. I was still exhausted from my workout yesterday (I mildly sprained something too) and just walking around to approach girls or change direction to chase after some broad was tiring. It also made me lounge about and leave the house an hour later than I should have. And while the weather was best later in the day anyway, the point is I probably missed out on an extra hour that I could have put in. Anyway, it’s not good to be doing such low volume like this.

I also want to get back on track with Gunwitch’s exercises.

Saturday’s nightgame outing was alright. I went to a nightclub in my area and did 3-4 approaches but only one of them was significant. This was better than all of my previous outings at that nightclub where I suffered from major approach anxiety. I opted not to go to the gay district this past weekend because everything was in utter chaos from the pride parade.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • 5 approaches practicing rainbow ruses

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: Mexican tourist who wasn’t giving me much to go off of. I rainbow rused her on how she seems reserved to the point where when she meets new people it’s almost like she doesn’t like them but that once she warms up to them she’s really friendly and like the best friend. It got a slight reaction but not much. Then I tried a positivity bomb, but it didn’t land

Girl 2: Hot black girl, kept walking. A lot of dudes were hollering at her.

Girl 3: Roided Lithuanian standing around (she doesn’t actually look roided but she told me she takes steroids). I opened her with a deep focus opener and she immediately starts asking about me. Somehow the topic goes to her ex who is really clingy (because I asked her what she’s up to today and she has to deal with some drama caused by her ex) The whole time she was talking really quietly because she had earphones in but didn’t move to take them off, even though I mentioned how she’s talking a little quietly because of them.

She asked me where I’m from and how long I’ve lived in the city, so I talked about how I liked this city and compared it to other cities. She asked me if I think the people in our city are superficial and that sometimes she gets that feeling. I need a good way to answer that because lots of people would say that about my city.

Here’s the thing: if you say “yeah everyone here is superficial” then you’re projecting that you don’t attract quality people and quality connections, but if you say “No? I’ve never experienced that” then you’re basically killing relatability and for all she knows you’re a part of the “superficial crowd”. (Also a little funny coming from her because on the surface, she looks like the ‘russian gold digger’ type although her personality was not like that)

I want to come up with a response that builds connection in the process. So what I tried was using this as a way to talk about connection as an SOT, something like “yea you know, I’m not so sure because what I really like is a connection where you meet someone and it feels like the two of you are on the same wavelength and the more you talk the more you two vibe” she asked me if I’ve met people like that. After a bit I break out the golden question because she was answering but then it felt more polite. She says she goes to the gym and that’s what she enjoys. I say how I need to take a break from the gym for a couple days to recover from an injury and then she asks me if I take steroids (I have some muscle but not at that level). Turns out she does. Anyway, I suggest a coffee ,and give her my number and tell her to text me but she’s already started chatting with someone on messenger, and I suspect she’s not gonna text me.

Girl 4: I noticed this hot latina wearing tall boots and jean shorts. She had a really nice ass and from what little I could see, nice legs. I open her with a deep focus opener and tell her the first name of the actress, then rainbow ruse her on how she seems bubbly and how I bet she makes friends easily but has very few friends. fluff a little by asking her what she’s up to and actually she’s visiting from dallas and came to do a little filming. I’m not quite sure what she does exactly. She’s half afghani half black. She guesses my background as well. We’re parting ways and she stops. I confirm with her that she’s only here for a week and she says yea but she’s actually going somewhere else in my city so really only two days. I say oh that’s unfortunate because I like your vibe and I was gonna invite you for a coffee. She says “aww that’s so sweet” (Me: vomit emoji) She says she’s actually free tomorrow morning for a coffee, so I’m thinking okay she’s interested. Then she asks me what cologne I’m wearing and how she thinks I’m really cool and that she was actually wondering what I was wearing when I walked by. Then she says that she thinks I must be really well-traveled (that came out of nowhere) but we talked about fragrances for a bit because she’s really into that. She also started gushing about my name. So she suggests exchanging instagram first but since I don’t use that I suggest numbers, she says she doesn’t give out her number because she’s constantly changing her number (what????) so I suggest whatsapp and somehow that’s okay with her. Anyway I text her and she doesn’t respond to my icebreaker. gg.


I need to actually start recording my sets again. I will also make a conversational map for daygame and nightgame and work the structure that gun gives out in the immersion module.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Some updates are in order since I haven’t journaled in a while.
  • My approach volume has been pretty bad partly because I keep going to the same tourist trap and the volume always is disappointing. There’s lots of variance with that place. But yeah approachable volume there has been crap lately
  • I also suddenly have a handful of active leads. But a lot of it is long game and unclear if they’ll come back to the city. But they seem keen. And I’ve seen firsthand how you might initially approach a girl but not meet up with her until many many months later. So you should absolutely hit up old leads. Deleting numbers is a bad idea. Skills was right about this. And meeting up with a lead from many months ago that you thought was going nowhere is also good for your soul. (Since typing that out, I decided to text a bunch of old leads from the Fall, my plan is a “happy juneteenth” ping, with some pictures including a selfie. If it’s been a while I think a selfie is a good idea too)
  • I’m testing out a couple more texts. If she ghosts the initial ice breaker, then eyes emoji, then “we are SO getting a divorce, call your lawyer, you can keep the cat!” I got that from Tom Torerro’s book, but idk who originally used it.
  • On the ice breaker, I’m going to try something like “Hey it’s skippy. unexpected but fun talking to you today. Are you always this friendly with strangers or just with the charming ones?” It’s my modification of the typical ldm icebreakers. I don't love it to be honest, but I want to field test to see what kind of responses it gets. In particular, I don’t love the fact that you call yourself out as a stranger.
  • Currently prepping for a job interview, and had some social obligations that basically wiped out my nightgame outings this past weekend. The job is really cool and would be amazing for my resume but it would probably torpedo my macro-logistics. So I’m feeling conflicted.
  • I’ve also been studying swinggcat’s material and find that it complements smma nicely. I might've mentioned that already.
  • Broke my nofap streak in a horrible way about a week ago so I’m still rebuilding from that. That’s probably the single biggest reason why I didn’t approach as much as I should have.
  • I’ve been making a conversational map based on all the material I’m consuming and consolidating.
So yeah in short there’s lots and lots to work on.

Daygame Focus:​

  • Practice mirroring and listing

How’d it Go​

Only did two approaches. I only went out for two hours and they were both very indirect but using the cold reading transition that Glow posted on my journal, I was able to easily get into a more substantial conversation.

One was this shy korean girl who was really receptive, but extremely shy (she spoke so quietly that I could barely hear her) she stopped to talk to me even though she was going in a different direction, and basically was following my lead completely in the conversation. She had just recently moved to the city. I wasn’t too attracted to her face, if I’m being honest, but her butt looked amazing, so I had to go for it. and I’ve passed up on so many approaches with that excuse so it was time to take some action. I added her on kakaotalk. Unfortunately the cafe I seeded sucks for date logistics but we'll see. I'm going to escalate a little over text because I was just running comfort game in person.

Another was this bleached blonde who kind of looked like Mary from Sherlock. She had a nice round butt and she was wearing yoga pants. I just opened extremely indirect again. And this one I didn’t feel was going anywhere so I didn’t number close. She was on her way to a gym class. I think because it was lacking intent I also felt incongruent if I just tried for a number close. What I should’ve done after saying “she looked like she did something artistic” is to then go into how her choice of socks is what really stood out to me (she actually does accounting).


I didn’t practice the mirroring and labeling that I set out to do (unless if you count cold reading as labeling).

Some things I want to work on for the future:
  • Engineering a high note as described in smma (I really need to work on this)* and actively practice what Gun talks about. Immerse—>high note —> instant date (or get her stopped somewhere)
  • Adding more man to woman stuff to the interaction. This is a persistent problem I notice and I need to tackle this at some point. Otherwise it’s hard to flirt** as much over texts. I want to add some of the swinggcat material here.
  • Actively stopping the girls. Figure this shit out for good. It’s easy to slip into bad habits and to keep walking alongside them. But I want to make it a point to have an exercise where I focus solely on that. (Actually this probably works in conjunction with the first point) And also remember this is probabilistic. Having a method for stopping a walking girl just a fraction of the time would still be considered really good.
  • stationery sets. My main struggle with this is finding a place with consistently good stationary sets. grocery stores are the best bet so far, but I have only found one grocery store that gets a high volume of hot girls. I definitely need more practice here. Bookstores are okay but again, I only found one that occasionally gets good volume.

What I did well:​

  1. Transitioning to more substantive conversations through cold reading
  2. Trying a new venue.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Leave the house at the appropriate time. I left two hours later than I should have
  2. Have a better plan for how you plan to use mirroring and labeling. You can start by fluffing a little bit and then go into the golden question, then ask her how she got into it and then start the mirroring and labeling.
  3. Adding more man to woman stuff in the conversation.

*How many times have I said I really need to work on sth :)
**I don't literally mean flirt but rather, occasionally spiking the vibe to something nonplatonic over text.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Okay I have a handful of approaches since my last post, but I didn't really write about them. Here's some. I'm still practicing mirroring and labeling.

I wasn't planning to go out wednesday but I couldn't go to the gym because my arm was especially fucked up. so I decided to just walk around my neighborhood and approach some girls that way. My arm was fine the next day, except for some light shoulder area soreness. Hopefully I can resume my workouts next week. I really miss them. I think the key is to just be okay with going at a snail's pace to avoid injury. Be slow but consistent. If I just did two years consistently, I would be satisfied with my gains for lifetime...And then I would drop it to maybe twice a week.

Wednesday's outing
Girl 1: One approach with the direct+challenge opener. She stopped to talk and I did some mild labeling but nothing much. I think the conversation was really awkward in general and I got stuck on an unproductive topic. She was a writer who used to be a math teacher.

Girl 2: Got blown out, but I wasn't expecting it so I was unprepared and didn't think to test out my new idea.

Girl 3: Korean girl with a bubbly vibe. Went direct but forgot to add the challenge because her vibe was really good and she started chatting immediately. I rainbow rused her on being new to the area and she was shocked that I got it right. Her ride came to pick her up and she didn't want to exchange numbers or anything.

Thursday Nightgame:
Only managed one approach and it was some girl who was waiting for her uber, but was otherwise receptive. I felt the conversation was a little awkward, but that's because I forced myself to stick it out. I was thrown off by how dead it was in my area today. Not a good enough excuse, I know. But I think it's partly to do with the fact that I've barely been going out. I only went out for nightgame once last week and that was mainly just a social outing since a bunch of my friends wanted to hang out. I did one approach before I met up with them and that was just to open her.

Main Takeaways
I'm noticing my issue with the awkward conversations is because I don't have a good stack or anything prepared for those openers. 1-10 opener I haven't prepared anything after that gambit (but I have some ideas now) and the direct-ish openers, I also haven't gotten anything great prepared. For now, I have some very barebones stuff:

Direct opener + Challenge: I will then ask her what she's up to today and fluff and then drop a cold read / rainbow ruse. Go to golden question as soon as possible, ask her how she got into it, and then what it feels like. Then mirror and label her on what she says. NOTE: This is by no means a great structure but it'll allow me to practice mirroring and labeling quickly. The problem I had before was too many surface-level conversations where it didn't make sense to do any elicitation just yet. Ultimately I want to incorporate some material from swinggcat. I

Deep Focus Opener: Do the usual structure but don't worry about high-noting just yet, go for golden question and then mirror and label

1-10 opener: do the pacing stuff in the article, and then ask her what the highlight of her night was so far. Theres lots of places to go with this such as jada gambits and all but I'll add it on my todo list to make a proper stack/framework for this by the end of this week. For now, just do those basics and stick it out for 2 min or unless she ditches. With nightgame especially, I want to practice the dicarlo escalation ladder, but thats for later.

Overall though the big issue these past two weeks has been too much theory, and not enough actual approaching


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Friday Nightgame Focus:​

  • Open 3 girls, do the 1-10 opener. Thats it! (Regaining momentum here)

How’d it Go​

First girl I opened was this chinese girl with nice tits, okay ass. She looked a little older (Like early 30s late 20s) but still attractive. She said she actually prefers raves so she rated her night a 2. She hooked and was actually holding the convo but the problem was it was a really boring convo like where are you from, etc… We were saying phrases to each other in different languages at one point and she was saying “love is rare” which I could’ve probably taken somehwre. She would come in close and talk in my ear. But then out of nowhere I got amogged by some dude who comes up to her and starts hugging her and holding her hands. I think she knew him already? It was awkward so she was like “we’ll talk later” :/ I dunno how you deal with those amogs where the dude just comes in and makes a physically exciting move for her. But I was making many mistakes myself. First was I should’ve locked in. I think it’s harder to amog if the dude is locked in. Second I didn’t touch her at all because I was worried my hands were too cold from the drink I was holding. Third, I should’ve tried to move her. Thing is, I was trying to have a convo with her using verbals but she was lightly dancing to the music and would’ve probably responded better to physical escalation. (We weren’t in a dancing area but still)

Second set was these two girls who were incredibly receptive. When I opened I was focusing on the asian girl first but I noticed the mexican one was giving me more attention so I focused on her a little more with my opener. and then the asian girl got more interested. They said their night was a 7 and we talk for a bit. one topic was about clubs in my area that they like to go to. I did a watered down version of the “which one is which gambit” and they both agreed the mexican was the one who called the shots even though she was younger. She just turned 21 so I high-fived her. I asked them how they met and it was because they got their nipples pierced at the same time (and they’re former coworkers). We get distracted by an impromptu show that was going on and I disappeared. I saw them later on the dance floor but they didn’t see me or ignored me. I didn’t think to reopen them afterwards but I should have. With this set I should have done something with the mild sexual frame they were tossing at me (how they saw each other's boobs) also I’m not sure if they were lesbians actually. I’m like 30/70 on that. I could’ve moved them to the dancefloor myself. and a slight problem is I wasn’t locked in. The mexican girl was since she was already standing with her back leaning on the bar.

Third was this girl who rated her night an 11, asked me how mine was going, but then her gay friend came in and ‘saved’ her. And then she told me to “enjoy the rest of your night”.

4th Bonus. These two drunk Korean girls by the bus stop. We were sitting on the same bench and one of them goes by the tree as if to puke(she didn't she was just squatting). So I chat up the one remaining, whether she enjoyed her night. She’s also incredibly receptive. I find out she lives in the city that I will be visiting later in the summer and she tells me that if I’m around I should hit her up and she’ll take me out. So I added her number she was extremely surprised I’m not on instagram. I just told her I’m unplugged. she actually responded to my text in the morning.

What I did well:​

  1. Setting a low goal for myself was incredibly helpful tonight (Props to Don Giovanni for suggesting that)
  2. Approaching the two girls and noticing their body language was open.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Add more things to the 1-10 stack
  2. Move these girls if you feel the convo is stalling out
  3. Touch! I will practice the dicarlo escalation ladder eventually


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Friday Daygame Focus:​

  • Approach 5 girls
  • For two girls practice mirroring and labeling

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: This girl was walking in my neighborhood. I just ejected after giving her a deep focus opener. I wasn’t that interested in her up close

Girl 2: Girl two noticed this Thai girl standing. Opened her with a direct opener + challenge and then peppered her with cold reads and somehow the topic came to her being an introvert and enjoying traveling on her own. So this was a perfect segue into travel gambits. I said how it's interesting how in different societies different things are considered taboo. She asked me for an example so I used listing to bring the topic to dating (1. some societies not letting you drink in public 2. women in saudi arabia having to cover up 3. girls in china trying to stay virgins before marriage) She relates that in Thailand people wait a long time before having sex. So I also used Phoenix’s gambit on chemistry and time being unrelated. I was just winging it though. It would be good to properly commit that to memory at some point.

I try to suss out her logistics and they suck, I took down her number but I don’t think she was actually keen. It was funny because while I was talking, she would always do that polite head nod that you see people in Japan do (even though she’s Thai) (Mike Mehlman calls it the “rejection head nod”) I’d throw out some possible plans for what we could do and she was not really helping me out with making it work.

Girl 3: Blonde with some green highlights, but a nice figure. I did a deep focus opener on her and then rainbow rused her with the “i bet you make friends easily but have very few close friends” it always hits with the bubbly girls. By this point she had already stopped to talk with me. For some reason I didn’t get to the golden question with her but instead used the social frame gambit of “what would you do if money wasn’t an issue” and she said she would do music and art so I mirrored her answer and I think it sort of worked but she was still being really vague. I suggested we get coffee right then and she was down but then remembered that the museum closes soon so we made plans for another time. She asked me what my schedule is like this week and thanked me for stopping her. Texted her but then she didn't respond after like one text. I've gotten so many dead phone numbers like that these past 3 months. My guess is that I must've mildly pissed off some Egyptian Pharaoh and now he's exacting his revenge in the form of a non-lethal curse.

Girl 4: Big-titted-Puerto-Rican-looking honey. I totally messed this one up. I noticed her walking in my direction and front stopped her but I mistakenly thought she was unreceptive. So I thought I'd just tell her who she looks like and bounce. Told her she looked like Selena Gomez and she kind of melted a little bit. I think she wanted me to keep talking to her but I was already in the process of my exit ops :facepalm:

Girl 5: Blowout. At least I thought about my anti-blowout line but I totally blanked on how it was supposed to go.


Well the problem with girls 2 and 3 is it probably wasn't man to woman enough. My next goal after I get good practice with mirroring and labeling will be something involving arousal. Either the escalation ladder or finding instances verbally escalate it.

Also I had some trouble getting the mirroring to work. The girls don't often expand upon what I mirror. I'm thinking it has to do with WHAT I'm actually mirroring and maybe I'm not holding tension long enough or maybe I'm not using the right questioning tonality.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Nightgame Focus:​

  • 3 approaches with the 1-10 opener and stay until the bars actually close. Don’t leave early.

How’d it Go​

I did this and more, but the main interaction that left me a bit puzzled is this.

I noticed this two-set of latinas. we’ll call them Noname and Colombian. I open them with the rate your night opener, no name says her night is a 9, and Colombian asked me why I wanted to know(not in a testing way, just an innocent way). They both are enjoying their night and then Noname starts giving me tests and says “that’s a really good pickup line!” (I didn’t know what to say to that so I said something like “ehh my jacket is a better pickup line” but I don’t know if they really heard me in the din)

I ask them their names and Noname says she doesn’t have a name so I tell her I’ll call her Noname and she says “I’ll answer to that!” I notice Colombian is giving a good bit of interest (she was okay-looking to be honest, a bit old actually) but she’s touching me and asking me questions. They find out I came here by myself and they’re impressed, especially Colombian.

Then the rest of their friends show up (they all know each other from dance class). It’s 2-3 guys, and a bunch of fat chicks. I introduce myself to some of them, and briefly chat with one of fat chicks and Noname whispers something spanish in their ear when I introduce myself. I think she just told her “oh he came here by himself” Then I disappear for a bit. I forget why. I think it’s because they dispersed into little mini groups. Anyway I find them again at a table and this time Colombian is happy to see me. She chats a little bit with me, including asking me where I live (good sign). So far with her the conversation was just fluff talk. She wants to use the bathroom but doesn’t know where it is so I tell her I’ll show her because I thought I’d use it as an excuse to isolate her. And she wanted me to wait for her after she was done.

Then when she gets back she was surprised I waited for her and we walk back to the group. At this point she sits at the table and I’m standing around and I make it a point to chat with the guys. They seem to like me at least. Although I don’t really feel part of the whole group just yet. But one of them really includes me in convo, asking me if I thought the person by the dancer was a tranny. We start talking a little about girls and he tells me he thinks the Colombian girl is interested in me, and suggests I try isolating. I go back and talk to the Colombian but she’s in “debbie downer mood” and her feet are killing her and she’s not having any more drinks. She also stopped contributing to the convo much, never asking me anything again and just answer my questions. I also tried chatting with the other fat chicks but they do the same thing. Polite answers but don’t ask anything. I bounce again and and come back and try to isolate the Colombian girl this time as a “hail marry” but she doesn’t want to.

I just ditch the group at this point because I was in active social mood and I wanted to find other girls to approach. Not much to say about the other interactions though.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • Add a Man-to-woman statement and touch her hand, upper arm, and forearm
  • Test out guns suggestions for icebreaker texts
(credits to Dev for suggesting these as the next challenges)

How’d it Go​

I got fucked over by the bus last night and got home at 4am. Finally fell asleep at 5am. So on Sunday I took another nap midday and woke up around 6pm. Not great, but I’ll go to the tourist trap and do daygame for an hour at least. Only did one approach but had a lot of fun due to the challenge and also due to being horny.

Girl: Big booty Brazilian. Brunette. Her hair went down to her butt. yum.

Me: Hey!… did you just see that dude walk by with the cape?
Her: Really?
Me: There was some guy walking around with a sleeping bag as a cape. And I’m just like…I don’t know what’s going on but I’m kinda curious.
Her: No haha I don’t know anything
Me: I feel like this whole area is like…so many exciting things are going on and you’re just wondering…what happened…what’s the story behind that and it’s like you’re going on a mini adventure. Although… you seem like a tourist
Her: A tourist? No I live here
Me: I was getting a slight accent so I thought tourist
Her: Oh yea I’m from Brazil.
Me; But I want to say you’re still very new to this area. You know how when you’re walking and looking around and you have this sense of openness to what’s going on?
Her: uh huh
Me; I still get the sense that you’re new to the area.
Her: Really?
Me: Yea how long have you been here
Her; Only 6 months.
Me; So you’re a student?
Her; Yeah.
Me: I want to say you study psychology
Her: Exactly!
Me; How’d you choose psychology
Her; Because I like to study people
Me: Oh nice you’re a people person [give her a high five]
Me; and does your boyfriend also study Psychology
Her: My boyfriend? He studies music
Me: Oh okay and how do you like it in [City]
Her: I like it but I don’t like the people.
Me: Oh then you and I are not gonna get along—
Random Street Hustler: —Hey guys do you want a tour?—
Me: —No we’re good. [turns to her] See he thinks you’re a tourist
Her: haha nooo. Do you live here?
Me: Yea I live in [district] actually. I was just here meeting some friends and then I like to go to the [Grocery store]
Her: yea I don’t go there.
Me: Do you cook a lot?
Her: oh yea oh yea

this cooking thread goes on for a bit and then she asks me where I’m from originally. I have her play the guessing game. and she says she always wanted to travel there. We talk a little bit about travel. Then she asks me what I do. I use this to transition into the topic of flow. then I ask her what puts her in the state of flow. She says learning about people and how they think and why they do what they do.

Me: Do you also consider yourself someone who likes to help others and is very altruistic?
Her: yea
Her: That’s why I do it. Psychology. Like I do Therapy. I think it’s very important for everyone.
Me: Yeab because my sister who also majored in Psychology was saying that a lot of people do therapy for the wrong reasons. And a lot of therapists only do it because they want to learn about themselves. But some therapists are really good and do it because they genuinely want to help people.
Her: Yeah because you can learn about people “blah blah blah”
Me: So you said you wanted to go to [place] what other places do you want to go?
Her: I also want to go to [some place in portugal]
Me: So will the people there look at you like you’re a tourist? :)
Her: noooo hahaha
Me: the thing I find fascinating about traveling is every different society has its own taboos. And what’s considered unacceptable in one country is totally acceptable in another country so it makes you wonder. is it all just a bunch of arbitrary rules??
Her: [agrees]
Me: for example I was in china once…
Her: You went to china? How was it?
Me: Really nice actually. but you have to go to big city.
Her: Are the people friendly…?
[Me gushing about how friendly the people were there]
Her: Thats good…my experience was different with them here [lol]
Eventually the topic goes to tv-shows, and she doesn't watch too many tv shows but prefers music, dancing, and going for walks. I ask her if she likes hiking and she does but I tell her I don't like it that much actually. I ask her what she's up to today and she was supposed to with her bf but she's still waiting for him to text her or something. I let the convo die down to see what she'd do. She says she was heading home but decided she'll go to his hostel or something. Asks my name

Me: Actually you seem like a cool person, let me give you my number.
Her: Oh of course!
Me: have you tried any of the ice cream places around here?
Her: No
Me: Well I have to tell you something…
Her: what?
Me: I have a rule…
Her: A rule?
Me: I never eat ice cream by myself. I don't eat sweets by myself otherwise I'd just eat too many of them
Her: Ohh hahaha
Her: Well I really like ice cream so I'll text you!

At first I just texted her my name as a “pre icebreaker” and she responded “hello”


So I made it a little man-to-woman by saying the “ your bf” statement. but was thrown off by the fact that she actually had a bf. I did touch her mostly according to the challenge by giving her a high and then incidental touches on her upper arm. But reviewing the convo and I realize it's still too friendly. I could've easily gone into some lite sex talk gambits.

Oh but the good thing is I think I finally got mirroring to work (it's not in the transcript) but basically you mirror them with questioning/curious tonality and then when they say "mhm" don't break the tension. dont say anything, just hold that expression. They'll eventually expand upon it. Now what I'm not sure about is what is the benefit of mirroring vs asking a question about the same thing.

Her: I love dancing and music
Me: dancing and music?
Her: mhm
Me: ...
Her: Yea I just really like simple things like that


Her: I love dancing and music
Me: what do you like about dancing and music?

I wasn't sure what to follow-up after sending guns suggested text so I chickened out and just scheduled a gm ping for the next morning and she immediately responded but I was asleep. Was seriously blanking on what to text so just texted “what do Brazilian girls named [name] who also study psychology like to do on their Mondays? :)

I considered doing the “what are you up to right now besides thinking of me and smiling” but lately I've been scarred from a bunch of ghosts so I'm experimenting with different texts and calibrating to the vibe of the initial meet while still following the general principals.
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