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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Some quick updates.
My goals for this quarter:
  1. Have 4 consecutive weeks where I do 40 daygame approaches, spend 20 hours on career prep, and go out friday and saturday for night game.
  2. NoFap 90 days (1/13/2024 expected completion)
  3. Finish up the exercises of Riker (soft goal)
So far the first week I did 22 approaches and last week I did 31. The main challenge I've been having is just being able to do enough approaches in to get the practice. The actual quality of the approaches was pretty bad but it was starting to get better towards the end of the week.

My plan is to go out for daygame Monday to Saturday. On Friday do a short daygame session so that I'm not exhausted for my nightgame outing.
Have a shortened nightgame outing on Friday so that I can still get decent sleep and have maximum energy for saturday's daygame + nightgame. Do random chores and rest on Sunday. (And maybe go out to get an approach or two in)

For the NoFap I already broke my streak (I identified what the trigger was...No more reading articles on Krauser's blog with photos of scantily clad women because apparently, even that is enough to break my streak) So yea that's not going to happen this quarter but I can still complete it a couple weeks later. Not a big deal.

And yeah I also had a couple of dates and instant dates but all my leads are stale or simmering right now.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Some stuff I'm working on. Not all at once, but I want to jot it down to keep them in mind for the near immediate future.
  • Speaking slowly and from the chest
  • Keeping my head still when I talk (and mannerisms in general. I'm recording myself every day). Various eye contact stuff as well.
  • Utilizing high notes when number closing
  • Testing out what happens if I add man-to-woman statements later on in the interaction (3-point escalation, asking her if she's single, and mentioning 'your boyfriend') This bit is for the sake of shaking things up
Also, I've really been enjoying doing some drills once I get home from my daygame outings. I made a list of what I like to do
  1. Start/Stop - Self explanatory enough. I take my audio infield recordings and pause them at random places and start riffing off of what she said. It'll allow me to practice different verbal game tech.
  2. Flash cards or hypnosis cards. Making a deck of language patterns or scenarios I experienced in field that I want to practice maneuvering through verbally (can combine with video recording myself)
  3. Reviewing all the audio
  4. Riffing through topics in general
  5. Acting out scenarios on camera (come up with different situations for mannerism review to see what it looks like to an outside observer's perspective)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Some quick updates.
My goals for this quarter:
  1. Have 4 consecutive weeks where I do 40 daygame approaches, spend 20 hours on career prep, and go out friday and saturday for night game.
  2. NoFap 90 days (1/13/2024 expected completion)
  3. Finish up the exercises of Riker (soft goal)
So far the first week I did 22 approaches and last week I did 31. The main challenge I've been having is just being able to do enough approaches in to get the practice. The actual quality of the approaches was pretty bad but it was starting to get better towards the end of the week.

My plan is to go out for daygame Monday to Saturday. On Friday do a short daygame session so that I'm not exhausted for my nightgame outing.
Have a shortened nightgame outing on Friday so that I can still get decent sleep and have maximum energy for saturday's daygame + nightgame. Do random chores and rest on Sunday. (And maybe go out to get an approach or two in)

For the NoFap I already broke my streak (I identified what the trigger was...No more reading articles on Krauser's blog with photos of scantily clad women because apparently, even that is enough to break my streak) So yea that's not going to happen this quarter but I can still complete it a couple weeks later. Not a big deal.

And yeah I also had a couple of dates and instant dates but all my leads are stale or simmering right now.
Hey bro. Just wanted to chime in on 1 thing. I noticed you are trying to do Nofap. I presume this is because you are addicted to porn?

I was heavily addicted to porn and was trying to get over it while trying to improve at Game at the same time. It was a disaster.

The strong negative emotions that come from learning Game such as anxiety, rejection, checking our phones constantly to see if leads have panned out, ruminating about what we did wrong and what could have been done better, analysing interactions all of these HUGELY INCREASE chances of going back to porn and fapping. I tried this for a year and at the end I had not achieved either goal.

I had done mildly better at Game and marginally better at staying away from porn. So I decided I had to make one of them a priority. Since I was having trouble while in bed with women, logically I had to pick getting out of the addiction first. I concentrated on that for 6 months and now I am way better and am able to not slip up.

Now slowly I trying to get to cold approach with baby steps. My main problem and most guys main problem with cold approach I think is OPENING. We don't approach enough VOLUME. So I am trying to concentrate only on opening from now till the end of the year. Just opening direct (with a compliment). I don't even intend to have full conversations and get numbers or anything till next year. Let us see how it goes. I have started a journal as well to keep track.

I see in your journal as well most of the time you open 2-4 girls in a session. I have the same problem. I have had 2 great pickup guys advise me to first learn to be able to warm up properly. And I do therapy and my therapist has also given me this exercise of giving out compliments. So I am trying to concentrate only on being able to give as many compliments as possible in every session. A coach advised me that I should only concentrate on actual game once I am able to warm up by throwing out at least 10 compliments.

Anyways I just wanted to relate my experiences here, if they resonate with you in anyway. Looking forward to following your journey on this journal. Let's do this! :D
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Hey @AspiringStoic Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences!
Hey bro. Just wanted to chime in on 1 thing. I noticed you are trying to do Nofap. I presume this is because you are addicted to porn?
I would say in these past 12 months, I've watched porn for maybe 10 of those days? All things considered, it isn't horrible, but anything greater than 0 is too much in my books. And I'm paranoid about these things...So if I do watch porn even once, the idea is to do a hard reset just in case

Another reason is that I simply loooove being horny in field. I love that surge in motivation and drive that it gives me. And just approaching while horny improves my hook rate. Overall it's a lot more fun. So I figure I might as well stack everything in my favor towards getting results.

After I reset, I'd probably do something like only jerking off once every 1-2 weeks. I think that's the sweet spot.

I see in your journal as well most of the time you open 2-4 girls in a session. I have the same problem. I have had 2 great pickup guys advise me to first learn to be able to warm up properly.
It's funny you had this observation because I was just thinking about this recently as well. A lot of times when I only do 2-4 approaches, it's hard do anything more than just maintain my current skill set. And it somehow feels like I need to do more to actually ingrain new skills and test out new tactics. I went to new york recently and had no trouble opening (doing 10+ sets on many days and once I did 21). I also went to another city back in May for another daygame jaunt and had a decent approach volume there as well. Meanwhile, I've been a little stumped by the sprawl of my current city. I am starting to realize that a big reason why I had so many weeks with only 10-15 approaches was due to the challenges that crop up in a sprawling car-centered city like mine. But it is what it is...I'm working on some strategies to make it more workable. Both figuring out how to work smarter and also just doubling down and putting in insane hours into it if necessary. I don't mind for now.

But in terms of being more efficient with the "see girl, approach girl", I think some sort of warmup routine would be a great idea so I'll mull it over. Because the volume isn't as great as these denser cities you have to be a lot more efficient in approaching. As in, if you see a hot girl, what's the probablity you actually approach her. In denser cities, that probability can be very low and you can still get in a reasonable volume. In less dense cities that probability needs to be fairly tight so you can get the volume in.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Hey @AspiringStoic Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

I would say in these past 12 months, I've watched porn for maybe 10 of those days? All things considered, it isn't horrible, but anything greater than 0 is too much in my books. And I'm paranoid about these things...So if I do watch porn even once, the idea is to do a hard reset just in case

Another reason is that I simply loooove being horny in field. I love that surge in motivation and drive that it gives me. And just approaching while horny improves my hook rate. Overall it's a lot more fun. So I figure I might as well stack everything in my favor towards getting results.

After I reset, I'd probably do something like only jerking off once every 1-2 weeks. I think that's the sweet spot.

It's funny you had this observation because I was just thinking about this recently as well. A lot of times when I only do 2-4 approaches, it's hard do anything more than just maintain my current skill set. And it somehow feels like I need to do more to actually ingrain new skills and test out new tactics. I went to new york recently and had no trouble opening (doing 10+ sets on many days and once I did 21). I also went to another city back in May for another daygame jaunt and had a decent approach volume there as well. Meanwhile, I've been a little stumped by the sprawl of my current city. I am starting to realize that a big reason why I had so many weeks with only 10-15 approaches was due to the challenges that crop up in a sprawling car-centered city like mine. But it is what it is...I'm working on some strategies to make it more workable. Both figuring out how to work smarter and also just doubling down and putting in insane hours into it if necessary. I don't mind for now.

But in terms of being more efficient with the "see girl, approach girl", I think some sort of warmup routine would be a great idea so I'll mull it over. Because the volume isn't as great as these denser cities you have to be a lot more efficient in approaching. As in, if you see a hot girl, what's the probablity you actually approach her. In denser cities, that probability can be very low and you can still get in a reasonable volume. In less dense cities that probability needs to be fairly tight so you can get the volume in.
Ahh I get it. Yours is not a very pedestrian oriented city. Actually I have less of an excuse. My city is the opposite, it's packed with pedestrians so that is not a problem at all. It is only my own resistance that is the problem. I was just talking to my therapist yesterday, he helps me with social anxiety and dating stuff as well. I mean he is not a pickup artist, he is late 40s married but he is aware of the community. He was also shy himself when he was younger and worked on his anxiety and now he is a damn confident guy. He has assigned me a homework of complimenting 5 women a day.

I was telling him I was struggling with it and that it was taking a long time. His analysis was that I am being too picky. He was like these do not have to be done with women in your age group or women that you are attracted to etc. He was like this is just an exercise to overcome your shyness and inhibition. If you walk past 10 women, you should be be able to compliment 10 women you don't have to wait to make it "GENUINE", find the right girl etc.

"Hey I think you look very nice/good/stylish/pretty today. Have a nice day." He has written this line out to me on a sheet of paper and given it to me saying it is my medicine and prescription to my problem and that I should say this at least 5 times per day and then move on to saying it 10 times. That is the minimum dosage according to him haha. He is a funny guy with a sense of humour. So now for the next week I will be trying to make sure I take this medicine. :D


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
It’s been a slow week. But I’m getting back into detailed journaling. I think I only did 7 approaches in total. One was an instant date where I bounced the girl to her hotel lobby/bar but no pull. I tried pulling 3 times and altogether dropped 4hrs which was not very smart in terms of time management but to be fair… If I opened her at 7 I would only really have 2 hours of gameable time since the venue would probably be a ghost town after 9. But still I could do other stuff in those two remaining hours so still not ideal I suppose. She was a bit of a motor mouth and I had to extricate myself from the convo telling her it was late.

11/18/2023 Saturday Daygame Focus:​

  • Go for the stop initially, belly breathing, bedroom eyes. In particular, does this improve isolation?

What’d I do before heading out / On the bus​

First connection: I made this page
Second connection: I did some riffing

How’d it Go​

I got to the venue around 3:00 pm after fiddling around with the trains and stuff. I would’ve stayed longer but it started raining at 4:00 so I called it a day after an hour.

Only did one approach. I had her stopped and told her she seemed very at home with herself and I noticed my face was about to contort into a lopsided smile but I stopped it from doing that. (something which has lately been connected with frosty responses)

She was like “I’ve not heard that before, but thanks” and was on the verge of walking off. I tried to stack forward with “oh but you know what I mean right?” and she’s like “yeah I think so” and goes off into some store. Voice was decent, stopping was good (although in a crowded street) and eye contact…I don’t really remember it, which means it might not have been that good.

Thoughts / Observations​

She was attractive but I wasn’t too keen, to be honest. Mainly I just needed to get an approach in.

SP: Converting hooks to isolation
SP: Going for the stop initially
SP: Consistently using bedroom eyes and winning the initial eye contact battle.
SP: Opening girls that are walking their dogs. Somehow I don’t do this enough

What I did well:​

  1. Vocal tonality was good

What I could've done better:​

  1. It’s mainly the issue of not doing enough approaches today.
  2. With the approach today, I could’ve put myself in a sexual state before opening, but I forgot to do that. Interestingly, I don’t think I felt any nervousness. I think it’s because her ass wasn’t big enough.
  3. Two solo girls walking their dogs that I could’ve opened. But this is actually ridiculous. I don’t really need to do anything different in order to open them…And I’ve opened some in the past…


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

11/19/2023 Daygame Focus:​

  • SP: Consistently using bedroom eyes and winning the initial eye contact battle.
  • Belly breathing, go for the stop, and bedroom eyes.

What’d I do before heading out / On the bus​

Nothing of note. I read a book because I was only a 15-20 min train ride away.

How’d it Go​

I went to the touristy area

Girl 1: Brunette with blue eyes and nice curves. I didn’t manage to stop her but I opened with the cold read on how she seemed observant. And she was a little confused at first but then I followed up on it and she seemed to be settling in a little more. Continued with travel gambit…but she said “idk”. That’s when I realized it was going to be an uphill struggle. I then asked her if she’s lived here all her life and she says yeah and so I do some contrasting about the people in this city vs the people where I grew up. And she’s responding but not really contributing much. Then she has to make a right turn to go home. This is one where I should’ve just gone for a close somehow.

Girl 2: Blown out

Girl 3: Blown out. She was looking away when I passed by her to open. Dont wait for her look ahead again. Just look straight ahead if you notice her doing that and open her later.

Girl 4: Blown out

Girl 5: She was walking very fast in my direction so I pretended not to notice her and caught up to her later. I didn’t manage to stop her and I felt like I had to walk fast to match her pace. I opened her on how she seems like a very dreamy person and she removes her earphones and says she just has a lot of things on her mind right now and she just got off work. So I did some reality pacing by saying how yeah sundays can be like that because you have all these errands to run before the start of the week. Then I asked her golden question and she actually gave a good answer saying she likes to go on drives. Here I could’ve started doing some reality pacing “saying how it’s a nice way to put your mind on hold” but I tried a different direction in reality, something about “I imagine it can be fun to watch the scenery while driving” So she describes a little about what she likes about going on a drive. I didn’t know what to say after that so I just said yeah for me it’s drinking tea (Hoping she’d say something in response to that) but she was like “Thats great” and puts her headphones back in.

Girl 6: Dog walker. I saw her walking her dog and since I had been having issues opening girls walking their dogs in the past I decided to just open for the hell of it. She was mildly attractive but I wasn’t too excited. I told her she seemed like she was in a very wholesome headspace right now. The thing is she didn’t stop but I don’t remember if it was because I hadn’t tried to. She says “yeah I guess I am” and I pace a little about “yeah the weather is so nice and theres a pleasant breeze blah blah blah” and she agrees and then I said “yeah I’m just on my way to buy groceries” But here I just eject because it didn’t feel on.

Thoughts / Observations​

SP: Stopping the girls: Test out going further out before turning back to stop them. Test out speaking with ‘conviction’ when I say has anybody ever told you, Test out different facial expressions…

SP: Remembering to do eye contact stuff: Drill this while visualizing

SP: Hooking: I should follow up my cold reads with travel gambit first. I sometimes do golden question first but for some reason, it doesn’t hook as well right off of the opener. I’m not sure if it’s because I need to improve how I work with it or whether the travel gambit is just a more stimulating question to follow up with.

I’m noticing that even though she seems frosty, as in, not talking much, it’s because the stuff I said was not helpful for her to follow up on. Especially if she’s not a naturally chatty person. And this is a situation for her that she’s not at all familiar with. So If this is the case, then do some reality pacing and just stack forward! It does not mean she isn’t interested per se.

What I did well:​

  1. Well I didn’t even expect to do any approaches today but I just went out planning to buy some groceries and did 6 no problem. Partly this is because the area I chose is good on sundays but theres also some randomness to deal with.
  2. When I was passing through a loud area with girl 1, I remembered to use my diaphragm to project my voice extra loud.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I sometimes forget to use components like bedroom eyes or stopping or even voice. This is something I think is best drilled while going under.
  2. Focus on travel gambit at the front of the stack for now.
  3. If a girl is looking away to the side when you’re passing by her. DO NOT APPROACH. Wait until she looks ahead again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

11/28/2023 Tuesday Daygame Focus:​

  • Does smiling with nose crinkle improve the number of warm reactions (reducing blowouts)
I was getting a slew of blowouts these past few days so I came up with some troubleshooting tips. I think I wasn’t smiling as much so I added that back in.

What’d I do before heading out / On the bus​

  • Did a quick self-hypnosis session where I visualized myself implementing the focus
Also of note, I decided to wear my glasses today. I’ve gamed a couple times with them on, so curious to see what impact it has, if any. And as far as I can tell, it hasn’t been horrible actually…

How’d it Go​

So I just pictured the face of one of my friends as she’s being playful and how I would be reacting to that if I was busting her chops.

Girl 1: she responded well. but I forgot to follow up on my cold read so I went into the travel gambit and it felt clunky. She didn’t know what to pick so I interrupted her train of thought by asking her if she’s from this city, hoping to unearth where she’s actually from. She had to go into a different direction after.

Girl 2: She agrees with the cold read and then goes into how it’s probably because she’s very anxious. So I go into golden question and she says she likes going to the beach. I continue talking about beaches in different countries and how they’re unique blah blah blah. And she tells me she’s from Japan but was born in Russia (she looks russian) she’s just visiting for the week (workation). I do a clumsy version of connection gambit after I talk about how people in different cities have different ways of expressing chemistry. Talking about how in japan people are very subtle and aren’t very expressive at some point we’re stopped and talking outside her hotel (she said she had a work call to take so going for anything right there was sounding dubious) And she asks me where I would consider moving next so I wax some poetic about where I would move and continuing what we were talking about before about how people meet and connect very differently in different cities (talking about mental connection, and primal connection etc…) but honestly, I don’t think I did it very smoothly and I didn’t really milk it by turning it into a proper disucssion, which I feel like she might’ve been up for. Anyway I added her on whatsapp

Girl 3: hot latina with hip sway. I cold read her on being thoughtful and she said how she tries to shut her brain down. I also added something like “idk I don’t think you’re crazy although I could be wrong”. She said she likes weed when answering the golden question. Then when we reached the crosswalk. she had to turn right. So I let her go off. ONE DAY I SWEAR…I WILL COME AFTER THIS SP.

Girl 4: Latin Milf standing at the intersection. She notices me as I walk over and I flash her a smile which she reciprocates. I decide to open with an RPO about the area and she leans in to hear me better, and is agreeing and stuff. Also noticed how she was walking really close to me. But alas after we continue walking the restaurant she was going to comes up. I was also about to freeze up on continuing after the RPO. (I’m a little rusty on this) So I just walked off 🤦‍♂️

Missed Opp: Asian girl with wingtip eye liner. We both stopped at the intersection but I somehow didn’t pull the trigger to open. I hesitated way too much.

Missed Opp: Noticed another asian girl walking down the street and I even passed by her but didn’t open. I think AA was tripping me up. One time we were both stopped at the crosswalk but the light changed suddenly.

Missed Opp: Another asian girl with short hair and a mini skirt. Same thing by the crosswalk.

Thoughts / Observations​

I realized after all of those interactions that I totally forgot the considerations with voice and eye contact that I wanted to include. I guess I was too focused on solving my recent pattern of blowouts and focusing on all of these different things felt like juggling a hot potato. Anyway once I’m satisfied that I’ve busted this SP, I’ll move all that other stuff to my conscious awareness again.

And yeah I realize a lot of these sticking points I should’ve fixed by now but low approach volume has made me rusty I guess.

What I did well:​

  1. Smiling, and feeling playful before the approach. I’m cautiously optimistic this made a big difference.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Especially in the region I was approaching in, getting the girl stopped and talking consistently is extremely important. I will tackle this. I sort of already have a plan for how to do this. Just need to get in the habit of implementing it.
  2. Still need to get comfortable dealing with answers to Golden Question. I have tended to clam up in the past when the girl says something.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

11/29/2023 Wednesday Daygame Focus:​

  • Smile with that nose wrinkle to improve hook rate

What’d I do before heading out / On the bus​

Not much to do on the bus, even though I had a decenly long bus ride.

How’d it Go​

I went to an outdoor mall. Only did one approach.

Girl 1: She looked at me before I opened her actually and I just went into the cold read. (Thoughtful) she was like “I’ve never heard that before” Then I did golden question and she said working out so I remembered to ask her when’s the last time she had a workout that she really enjoyed and she said two weeks ago and mentioned a personal trainer. I was haphazard in this because I realized halfway that I wanted to see if I could get a covert revivification going but also didn’t want to feel like I was going into interview mode. So I just continued by saying how I like to go ice skating and how relaxing it is to glide on the ice and feel the cool breeze on your face.

Then it got awkward because she wasn’t asking me anything and I didn’t know what to say. Well ofc I could always go into travel gambit, but I somehow felt like stepping away from asking her too many questions. So instead I just made some chit chat about what she’s up to and whatever. She finally returned the question to me. Eventually she makes a left to go into some store and I keep walking onwards. Didn’t feel like number closing tbh because she was mid and the only reason I approached her was that I wanted to test my opening.

Missed Opp: This girl with a great ass, I was pretending to study a restaurant menu when she walked by but then she went into a lululemon. When she left I went after her again and caught up to her but she walked into another store by the parking lot. Then she disappeared when I returned to the store.

Missed Opp: Chinese brunette walking out of a nordstrom. I passed her and even looked over but didn’t open my mouth to let an opener out. This was definitely AA

Missed Opp: Asian girl that walked into a zara. Similar thing I walked past her looked over but didn’t open my mouth to say something. Crikey what’s going on…

Thoughts / Observations​

I guess I was a little surprised the girl was so willing to open up to share the experience she had with working out. I should delve into this a little more and be more emboldened about uncovering the details of her experience.

What I did well:​

  1. Opening that one girl decisively. And she turned out to have a more attractive face than I expected. Her body was mid though

What I could've done better:​

  1. Stay out until 8:30. You need a little more time to do the approaches
  2. Remember to have THREE things you’re working on at all times. Having only one means you’re stuck waffling around if you get past the sticking point on that particular interaction. My 3 things will be (smile, be present, and ask targeted questions to revivify on the golden question and in general challenge yourself to get it into a longer discussion)
  3. Remember to stop.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

12/2/2023 Saturday Nightgame Focus:​

  • Didn't really make a focus oops

What’d I do before heading out / On the bus​

Some meditation and visualization but not much.

How’d it Go​

I arrived at the scene around 10. Made it a point to leave my house by 9:20 to catch the bus just in time. This actually helped with settling into the venues. One at the bar started talking with me and then a trans woman joined us. I think they knew each other so I chatted with them for a bit. Then the trans woman left and the dude was nodding off (yeah he was very drunk) So I told him I’d go to the dance floor

Bar 1

Girl 1: I saw her make a face as she took a sip out of her drink so I asked her “how’s your drink” as a joke. and she’s like it’s very strong. I continued walking to the dance floor.

After dancing for a bit and not managing to open any more girls (they all seemed preoccupied with their groups on the dance floor), I decided to hop bars. Especially because I noticed this group where one of the girls was cute but they left.

The next bar/nightclub had this stage jutting out into the dance floor where performers or go-go dancers usually do their thing.

Bar 2

Girl 2: Opened her with a reality pace on the venue saying it feels like a futuristic concert. But I don’t think it landed because she then disappeared somewhere else.

Girl 3: There was this mexican girl who was dancing next to me with her friend group in a circle but periodically she would look over at me and smile but before she could get too friendly, her other friend would put her arm around her to keep her in the circle lol. Then this other dude in the friend group, who looked kind of like Tripp advice, asked me if I wanted to join their group. And I was like sure. So this gave the mexican girl permission to dance with me, I guess. At one point I remember she said it was getting hot in the venue and she’s asking me “aren’t you getting hot?” And I realized this would’ve been a perfect time to bounce her to the patio for a bit but her friend (the one who was trying to cockblock before) had that idea first so the two girls disappeared. And when they came back the mexican was on the other side of the friend (so I couldn’t reach her in the crowd) Also it felt like the vibe between us had died down anyway.

Girl 4: While the two girls had disappeared, I noticed this girl near me with silver eyeliner and a silver outfit. I opened her to test out my reality pace which I modified to “You notice the lights and the music and it feels like you’re at your favorite concert” (sort of alluding to the concert hall layout of the place). And she was like Oh yea totally! But I didn’t go any further with it 🤦‍♂️ Another modification I realized I needed to make was to speak SLOWLY(and deliberately). Especially when it’s a loud venue, I noticed speaking SLOWLY is an easy way to help the girl hear you better without having to raise your voice nearly as much. But also it allows the reality pace opener to land better. It seems kind of obvious to be explaining it but the impact of it was not lost on me in the moment.

Bar 3

Then I went to another bar

Girl 5: I spot this latina in the crowd. And she seems to be vaguely isolated from her friends. But I wasn’t sure how to open her. She seemed so tucked away in the crowd. So I realized that if I wanted to be casual with my opening, I could trace out a path to somewhere that included her position along the way. That way I would be able to open her as if I’m walking off to somewhere. I noticed the lighting in the venue was green which was an unusual choice (most of them on this strip do purple) and there was some jungle theme decoration going on tonight, so I did an RPO about how it feels like you’re partying deep in the jungle. She says “it do be like that” Then I continued with golden question and she didn’t really know so she asked me what I like to do and I said ice skating and she lit up on that so I was describing what it feels like to be on the ice in the evening and noticing the city lights. At some point, her friend comes up to her and says the whole group is going downstairs. So that interaction ended.

Bar 4

(Gym themed bar)
Girl 6: Brunette checkered jacket. Did an RPO about how it feels like you’re having a secret party in your high school gym, and she was like “Oh yea!” BUT THEN I JUST WALKED OFF 🤦‍♂️

Girl 7: Mexican. Opened her with a hi and she immediately gave me her hand and introduced herself. But the RPO didn’t land because she’s mexican and so I guess her gym doesn’t look like that. I did golden question anyway and she said music but was starting to get a little frosty anyway. I continued by asking her if she remembers the last time she listened to a song that she just had to keep playing over and over again. Then she was like “I gotta go follow my friends” and went over to the other side. So maybe the reality pace isn’t so great because it’s not relatable to girls across different lifestyles and upbringings

Girl 8: Brunette - She was listening but wrinkled her nose and disagreed with my RPO. Hmmm

And a couple more that didn’t last longer than a “HI” partially because the girl didn’t hear me probably.

Missed opp: 3 set of Asians post-club
Missed opp: tall Asian girl that I made eye contact with post club


Speaking slowly and deliberately is especially important in loud venues.

SP: Staying in set after the opener
SP: Pulling the trigger on isolation/mini bounce.
SP: Opening girls milling about after the clubs kick everyone out

What I did well:​

  1. Calibrating my delivery of the openers
  2. Getting out of the house by 9:20. Just getting there early helps me to take a lot more action
  3. Remembering to push/pull when dancing with that one girl.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Whenever you get that feeling “uhhh I should eject” NOTICE it, and stay in set for just a little longer.
  2. SECT more. I learned a lot of stuff relating to sect when I was in new york that I’ve gotten a little rusty on since but now it’s starting to come back as I do nightgame more frequently.
  3. I didn’t talk to the latina at all when I was dancing with her…Maybe I should have made light chitchat…


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Was out of the field for a couple weeks cause I got sick and had an ear blockage. Still have the blocked ear but it should clear up in a week or so. In the meantime I've been focusing on daygame.

Daygame Focus:​

  • Visualize before opening
  • smile, project warm energy
  • get her stopped either by going for it initially or telling her to stop before you go into an imaginative question.

How’d it Go 1/2/2023​

Girl 1: Opened her telling her she seemed ceremonial but then said “or maybe it’s just the long robe(that she was wearing)”. This is something I have done occasionally. I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not but it definitely makes the vibe very playful when it does land. Eg I will do a cold read and then say “or maybe it’s just because of [some article of clothing she’s wearing]” but the point is to be playful about it so for example “Has anyone told you that you seem like a very observant person?…or maybe it’s just the glasses you're wearing ;)”. She says she’s anything but ceremonial and she’s more of the shoot from the hip” type person. She was a good bit older than I expected and because of her long flowing robe, I couldn’t get a proper view of her ass. I asked her golden question and at first she was confused but I clarified it for her a bit and she was like “hiking…idk what about you?” So I tell her how I enjoy drinking tea and I like the ceremonial aspect of it. And she says “well I’m not much of a tea ceremony master if that’s what you’re looking for” so then I ask “how good is your ice skating?” and I talk a little about how it’s not like riding a bike where you can pick it back up after not doing it for ages. Somehow I go into travel talk but didn’t set any sexual frames. She was the type who would always return the question but somehow I didn’t sense the vibe was there. Stupid, I know. She asks me if I was just roaming the streets so I make up some excuse how I was planning to try a food truck (that I know is coming up) I keep walking with her a little bit past the food truck but then tell her goodbye. She’s meeting a friend somewhere.

Girl 2: She was stopped at an intersection. Made sure to visualize instant sexual gratification from opening her to help reduce chances of hesitation. Opened her with a reality pace on how walking around the area feels like a mini adventure. And she agrees and then I do a cold read “oh you seem totally used to it though” and she says yeah she was born and grew up here. So I ask her where she would travel and she says she doesn’t know. Things kind of die here but we’re stuck walking together. She asked me why I started talking to her and asks me where I’m heading. agh this was akward but it reminded me how important it was to be sub communicating a nonplatonic vibe. I think I just told her bc I thought she seemed interesting. Anyway I was not that attracted to her face.

-First two girls I was barely making any eye contact, mumbling because I felt stifled

Girl 3: Asian girl. I first confused her for another girl I thought I had opened before. but when I looked over and realized it wasn’t her, I waited until we were both at the intersection and then I opened with the same reality pace as above and she was getting really into it. She was saying how it’s the perfect time of day before it’s scary and right after all the chaos. Then I did a ‘proper’ cold read how she seems like the type who can daydream while walking and she says that was an insightful observation and that it takes a daygamer daydreamer to recognize that. She’s trying to be a 2.0 version of that so I get her to explain. I tell her it sounds like the type where you tell your unconscious mind what you want and it creates the setting for you. She says “you remind me of my friend Blake because he’s very cerebral and in tune with his mind where as I’m a lot more based on how things feel but it’s cool to meet different people like that” So I tell her I’m curious about something but lets stop over there bc I don’t know where you’re heading. She says she’s going all over the place. I ask her golden question and she says she likes to do things that put her in the state of flow (son of a bitch!! this girl is stealing my verbals!!)

Girl 4: Chinese butterface. She had an amazing body and was dressed like a yoga instructor. Long black silky hair, and she was wearing a choker :0 But she had the face of a 50yo. It was such a strange contrast… But I was so strongly compelled by her body that I had to approach. We first made eye contact in a different aisle but I didn’t do anything because I had just entered and wasn’t expecting to run into her. Then I noticed she was checking a large selection of peanut butter so I went over there and pretended to study the shelves as well and then I said “Hi I just realized something” She looks over and gets in really close to hear me. Then I said “You know, I feel like theres so many options to consider but at the end of the day I end up picking the same one” And she’s like “okay” and goes back to examining the shelves. So I ask her if she knows what I mean and she says “No I actually just like to try everything” 😐 So I walked off and caught another glance of her ass as she was walking around the store and was kicking myself.

Missed Opp: Brunette jigglybutt. I first crossed paths with her as she was trying to maneuver her cart to let me pass. I turned around as I walked by and noticed her ass. I didn’t really make eye contact or look at her otherwise. Then I noticed her standing before entering the aisles, just checking something on her phone, and then she was stopped at the aisle with the cooking pots and pans. I mean I guess I could’ve gone over there and used the standard opener for grocery stores that I like to do even though it’s not food items…but then I guess doing the preopener of picking up an item and asking if it’s any good wouldn’t work so well because its not food… or actually on second thought it’s probably not horrible. Fuck…that’s one approach I really was kicking myself for not doing.

Two other missed opps on the street where I couldn’t think of an opener fast enough and passed the girl and then felt lik

Girl 5: Russian exchange student. She was at the subway and I opened her asking about train schedules but I could tell her energy was automatically really soft and submissive and the eye contact was really strong between us. I say how waiting for the train feels like a mini meditation because were usually so busy running around and that when we’re waiting for the train it’s one of those rare moments where we get to stop and be present with what’s going on around. I ask her what she likes to do and she says she usually listens to music but forgot her earphones. She tells me she’s from a small town in Russia and so I say some stuff about how visiting a big city is so different because you can be whoever you want to be blah blah blah. I remember to leave some space for silences and she suddenly says “You have really beautiful eyes!” So I say thanks and start asking her a little about what brings her to LA at this point, whether she’s a student or stm… When the train arrives I feel like the vibe died a bit. Idk… she wasn’t really contributing but I knew I should keep moving it forward a little so I sat next to her on the train and seeded visiting a park (she said she likes parks). No reply to the icebreaker though…


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
From reading just the last post, it looks to me that you are really good at opening and getting a conversation going, but not closing. Is that accurate?

For example, girl 3 seemed like you really could have got something going with her if you had given her a sincere compliment and tried to flirt with her more. You didnt say how the interaction ended, did you try to get her phone number or something or did you just eject?

Or girl 5, she gave you a direct compliment but you just went back to small talk asking her what brings her to LA. You should have complimented her on something you found attractive about her at that moment to escalate the vibe.

I have the same sticking point at the moment. The last girl I opened seemed quite attracted and even a bit nervous initially, but I kept talking about boring topics (her work mainly) instead of getting a flirty vibe going or complimenting her about something.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
From reading just the last post, it looks to me that you are really good at opening and getting a conversation going, but not closing. Is that accurate?
Opening goes alright, although I've seen some people who are really good at hooking. So could be better but not horrible I think. The transition phases after open to hook are where the ratios especially need to improve.
For example, girl 3 seemed like you really could have got something going with her if you had given her a sincere compliment and tried to flirt with her more. You didnt say how the interaction ended, did you try to get her phone number or something or did you just eject?
Oh yea I forgot to finish writing about that. Basically she asked me what I like to do and after I described tea and stuff. And then she was like cool, and left. I tried to go for a number but she gave some excuse

Or girl 5, she gave you a direct compliment but you just went back to small talk asking her what brings her to LA. You should have complimented her on something you found attractive about her at that moment to escalate the vibe.

I have the same sticking point at the moment. The last girl I opened seemed quite attracted and even a bit nervous initially, but I kept talking about boring topics (her work mainly) instead of getting a flirty vibe going or complimenting her about something.
Agreed. Man to woman has been a constant sticking point that I need to work on too. I thought I was displaying some interest in her by asking her about her without complimenting her right after she just complimented me...but it seemed to kill the vibe and I think your read makes sense overall since it was a boring topic to go into


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Summary of How 2023 Went​

I started the year off unable to even walk but ended up taking the most action I ever have. The first two months after I was able to walk I made it a point to hit the streets hard. In April I tested out adding a mild qualifier before taking a phone number. It sort of helped but not really. but it didn’t not help either.

In May I had my first full month daygame jaunt in a city where I had lived in previously. It was the first time I became fully aware of the idea of “going for it” and “killer instinct” for lack of a better term. This was also the month where it felt like I had really hit a wall with open to isolation.

Then in June, after I got back from the jaunt, I struggled to get much in the way of results because I wasn’t sure what to change in my ‘stack’. It was good at getting regular hooks and phone numbers (although the ratios were so so) but the phone numbers were also consistently unrepsonsive.

End of July and the New York jaunt rolled in. Was still struggling with getting phone numbers to respond. Worked on sexual vibe at the advice of several people. Did more nighttime street game, which was a lot of fun. Then I got back from new york and had a couple of promising dates/instant dates from all the learnings. But also had a month of hardly any approaches.

October was a slow month but I did go out on Halloween and it was filled with peach…And that’s when nightgame Skippy got activated…In November I finally had a consistent routine of going out for nightgame.

No more laziness of staying inside the house to be warm and cozy. In December I got sick and spent the second half of the month working on some more advanced self-hypnosis content which is teaching me to have a better relationship with my unconscious mind.

Overall, I had two jaunts and spent time in 6 different cities and 3 different countries. Gamed in 4 of them. I wasn’t even planning to have this much travel exp but it just happened. Now I would like to be more deliberate about it. The most influential parts of the year were easily the two months when I was on a daygame jaunt.

And of course, all of these experiences would not have been possible if it were not for the countless conversations I’ve had and advice I’ve received from people both on and off the boards.


Outings 2023ApproachesNumbersiDatesDatesPullsLays

For comparison here’s what it looked like in 2022 and 2021

Outings 2022ApproachesNumbersiDatesDatesPullsLays

Outings 2021ApproachesNumbersiDatesDatesPullsLays

This only includes daygame. For nightgame, I didn’t really keep track and I also didn’t do it that much in the past.
  • First, let me address the elephant in the room…yeah, it’s been a long dry spell. Basically, it means I gotta work harder and smarter - more on that later.
  • 2022 The numbers are a bit sparse because I took 2-3 months off at the beginning of the year to finish my dissertation, and then had the foot injury the last 3 months. And in between all of that I also was busy applying for jobs. And I did do an okay amount of nightgame, although not enough to drastically change those numbers
  • It’s still shocking how little I’ve gone out, all things considered… There's 365 days in a year after all…
  • While it may seem that 2021 was much more successful with the 3 pulls, the truth is that the difference in quality between 2023 and 2021 was massive. Probably all of the girls I went on dates with in 2023 were significantly more attractive than the ones in 2021, and two of them were probably the hottest overall.
  • Approach to Isolation in 2023 was 1/50 when in previous years it was more like 1/25. Interesting…

Progress, Learnings, and Mindset Breakthroughs​

  • One of the biggest (and scariest) realizations I had this year is that I actually have the know-how to open and hook in pretty much any daytime situation that I find myself in. Now this doesn’t mean that I do end up opening and hooking every girl I see (I’ll explain why in the obstacles) but it’s more like if I see a hot girl out somewhere, I know that I have opened and hooked girls in similar situations before, and more importantly: I actually do know exactly what I could say in that specific moment if I really had to. This was a huge change from 2018-2022 where I would oftentimes be too in my head and be stressing about how I would continue the conversation after the opener (or even be thinking in my head “I literally don’t know what to open her with”). In 2023 I finally had the realization that “nope I actually do know what to say”. It still surprises me though. I did spend this year incorporating a lot of Bacchus’s hooking tech.
  • If I just talk to enough girls I can eventually find one that I like who’s also attracted and with whom the vibe is amazing. Doesn’t mean I necessarily have the skills to bang her just yet but the attraction is there.
  • I can get dates with attractive girls if I take enough action.
  • My verbals improved tremendously. I would even be getting comments about them on dates or interactions. “You have a way of talking that's very eloquent!", "You're able to express these thoughts I've had in words. I didn't know that was possible” etc... This is the first year where I actually felt like my conversations were a solid notch above average. I'd listen to civilians talking to girls and find myself a little shocked at how basic they were.
  • That being said... There's a lot of stuff I DO still need to iron out in my verbals. I wish I riffed more. I wish I was more thorough in going through Riker. And I still need to figure out how to get that sexual key in place with this style of game that I'm using.
  • And while my verbals are stimulating overall, they are not precise enough yet to really move the needle. A crucial aspect I need to work on, and this was pointed out to me by a few people in different ways, is helping the girl feel allowed to act upon her desires. And this requires being really present and attuned to what she's saying and not being so hung up on what I'm planning to say, or just trying to say something for the sake of being stimulating. This I think is what was missing in those interactions where I thought I stimulated the fuck out of her but still got shut down when it came to going for the pull.
  • And let's not forget two things that are much more important than the verbals: The nonverbals and the killer instinct (are you moving things forward). Because while civilians may not be spending their evenings riffing about “the intoxicating freedom of travel” they are at least still getting laid... And they could be doing that with just good sub comms and moving things forward. Imagine the kind of progress I could make in a year if I worked on those two components the same way I worked on my verbals. To be clear I definitely did work on them a little but it's not like they were my singular focus. And not really outside of the jaunts.
  • This is hard to describe in words, but I did get to see some skilled physical game in action. So this gave me a better idea of how to go about it in nightgame.
  • This was a fairly recent development within the last month, but the potential that you can use self-hypnosis for state control (and so much more).
  • This was the first year where I realized I actually could enjoy nightgame. In fact, before my ear blocked up and I got sick, I even became a full-time nightgamer?! And lots of people from around the world are writing me passionate letters telling me I need to change the name of this journal to better reflect that smh


  • While I do know what to say in order to plausibly open and hook, this does not always register consciously. The real culprits are AA and hesitation during the opening phase and premature ejection + ‘playing it too safe’ for the hooking phase. By playing it too safe, I mean engaging in stuff that makes me feel more comfortable but doesn’t actually move the interaction forward. Some examples are continuing into social chitchat small talk after getting a reality pace that hits, instead of going into something more potent like a strong cold read or imaginative question. Or not going into an SOT of some sorts when you have the chance, and just playing it too safe conversationally.
  • While this was the year I took the most action, it's still not enough. I would need to do more like 1000-2000 approaches a year to feel like I was taking enough action. I have some strategies to implement for this.
  • Phone numbers have not really panned out, to the extent that I almost feel it’s easier to bang a girl off of an instant date than it is to get a phone number that texts back.
  • It still feels like there's a missing component in my dates and idates since I only pulled once. And even throughout the years, it’s always felt like some key aspect is missing. Could be what I mentioned above, or it could be something else. Stay tuned to find out!

Overall (Broad strokes) Changes to Make​

  • 3 hours boots to the ground every day. This means that once I step off the bus, set a timer and stay out at least 3 hours before deciding to head back. The only thing is that this makes it somewhat difficult to do errands but I'll see how I can make it work. I tested it this past week and it was quite promising. I felt like I was making progress. Pair with nofap.
  • Field reports using the updated structure. Have 3 things you're working on in field. Prioritize getting practice on sticking points and set intentions for your outings. Have a purpose for your outings.
  • Use self-hypnosis for overall goal setting and use mental practice rooms to train skills. There should be no excuses of rustiness or low momentum since I can use these internal mental tools.
  • Utilize the boost in drive and desire that comes from nofap. It improves my hook rate and probably supercharges any learnings.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Long overdue post because I was busy with something massive—more on that later. But earlier this month, as you know, I went on a Spain jaunt with @Devilicious and @Kvothe. We were also joined by @Bismarck in Barcelona! First time gaming in Europe, aside from the 4hr layover I had in Istanbul last year.

How’d it go?​

  • Opened about 140 girls, 16 phone numbers, 2 dates, no instant dates, no pulls
  • The phone numbers were actually responsive…which was a pleasant surprise. I actually think my number to date ratio was not bad but the area where I really struggled this time was in hooks.
  • One day in Barcelona I did a total of 27 approaches but did not get a single number or instant date. That was odd because if I approach that much usually theres several promising interactions that come out of it. But that day it was blowouts or friendly girls who all ended up having a bf.
  • On one hand, the results were pretty alright all things considered, in the sense that I achieved my Tier 1 goal which was to have one date in each of the cities we went to. And there were about 4 or so girls that I could’ve potentially gotten out if I was here longer. Although the ratios are probably nothing to write home about. But what it means is if I actually lived in those cities I could probably get a couple girls out on dates every week which is not too shabby at all.
  • A new date a week somehow feels like the tipping point where suddenly daygame results are objectively impacting your lifestyle in a positive way, and you have the first sense of abundance as in “yeah I can go out and hustle this week and there will be a couple of new attractive girls that I will genuinely vibe with and get to know” (Whether I can replicate it immediately in the US remains to be seen, however)


  • Opening with the right level of direct vibe but going indirect with the verbals is a potent combination. This trip my verbals were dog shit but I was focusing on my energy and my nonverbal fundamentals so I ended up gaming without any verbal structure. A big part of that was that it was harder to focus on both the nonverbals and verbals at the same time so I mostly winged it with the verbals to free up focus on the other parts of my game.
  • I could've probably polished the verbals a bit but I also didn't want to use them as a crutch. But the times where my verbals didn't suck and I had good energy were the times where I had the best results. I finally see how having both in place is 10x better than just having one of those in place. And how having the right vibe, energy, state can exponentially magnify the effect of good verbals.
  • Open while smiling warmly before you even get in her peripherals. She will notice it subconsciously and immediately mirror a good reaction.
  • Don’t think about what you’re going to say! The approaches come out so much better this way and more authentic. The emotional impact is so much different. It has to do with the pausing I think. Well partly. Still, do the riffing exercises when you're at home but don't try to emulate them with you when you're in field.
  • When you open, don’t just put your hands in your pocket and act like a rock. Use hand gestures! Be passionate!
  • Getting close enough on the open makes her more likely to stop. Especially if it’s a busy street, you need to be closer and in front of her. Can also tap her on the elbow but do so after you get in front just slightly.
  • Get as creative as you need to with logistics for instant dates. For example, with the HK girl from the pub crawl, you ran into her at the Sagrada Familia the next day and you could simply just have asked her if she wanted company while checking out the beach. ie Go with her. When Kvothe was talking with the Chilean girl who was going off to the tinder date we realized he could have possibly told her to flake on it.
  • If she says “no English” then just whip out the google translate. It's worked better than I expected. But seriously, you should learn Spanish so that you can make the most of latin america as well.
  • When you open, it’s incredibly important to not give her your full attention in terms of body language. Match how much she’s giving you and gradually adjust as she gives you more and more.
  • Can remember to use a slight underlook while talking to her
  • INVITE AT LEAST ONE GIRL HOME EVERY TIME YOU GO OUT! It can even be a simple invite right off the open. We did this exercise once and realized how easy it was and how so many pulls you're just leaving off the table because you think you didn't build enough with the girls.
  • Instead of thinking about what to say, think about what kind of vibe and state you want to project. You're actually very good at state projection when you're not filtering yourself. It's just that you don't always do it in field or the emotions you telegraph are not always conducive to getting laid. Ie when I'm anxious in a social situation I tend to get a bit bug-eyed. When I'm around people that I feel fully comfortable around my nonverbal and emotional expressiveness are good.
  • In pub crawls just focus on being social and friendly for now (and even in general)
  • In pub crawls don't put any pressure on yourself if you don't feel like you've been very social in the beginning. People's moods can change and if you're quiet at the beginning it's not a big deal. Because it's not any different from say joining later and socializing with them then. If anything it's a little better still.
  • The metronome induction - Imagine a metronome going off in your head while you say something and then imagine the metronome slowing down as you keep talking. Notice how it puts your listener into a state of trance.
  • On pulling: Make it super casual if she is hesitant. So you can be like “yeah it’s just 10 min”. I mean that part is well known but you could also amp it up by giving her the impression that she’s the one who’s crazy for overthinking it. Not sure how to explain that but just have it in your subcommunication like “don’t be ridiculous we’re just going to be spending 10 min, idk what you were thinking. obviously we’re not gonna do anything we don’t want to, we’re not even staying that long”
  • On pulling: If she’s not leaving then you need to be extra persistent to the point of not worrying if you burn the set down (especially if you know you’re not going to see her again like in the case of a jaunt)
  • On pulling: The instant you notice her giving some kind of sign where the vibe is on, just go for the pull, timing be damned. Even if it’s very soon into it. Because if she says no earlier on, you can just chill and keep hanging out with her. (the persistence that I mentioned earlier is more for the pull attempts later on). But this is a reason why you shouldn’t be afraid of going for the pull too soon. You can just keep spending time with her if she says no.
  • Controlled jog up to the girl when you approach. It leaves a more impactful impression on your vibe when you open.
  • All riffing exercises should be paired with a state projection exercise. You cannot just be riffing like some robot
  • Test your approaches on each other at the start of the jaunt to fix any issues with fundamentals
  • For short jaunts ≤1 week, follow a basic texting stack (and also test the stack out on each other first). The point is you have very little time since you’re approaching so much that you don’t have too much time to sit and think about what texts to send. Also, you don’t have the luxury of texting in a highly tailored way where you can wait until her investment levels are just right for a soft close. You need to get her out on a date within a couple of days realistically. As skills says, it should be text to meet.
  • Socratic questioning method: What are your biggest ‘flaws’? What are the benefits to having these “flaws”(it was probably an adaptive response to something)? What would happen if you didn’t have those flaws, would everything necessarily be better?
Note in hindsight, Skills pointed out to me that some of these lessons might not apply in general since I was on a jaunt in Spain and things are going to be different when you're back at home so fair enough.

Notable Approaches​

  1. Accidentally approaching a family of 4
  2. Getting ‘molested’ in broad daylight by a stylish milf.
And in other news, when I got back from Spain, instead of hitting the field intensely and taking advantage of how coming back from a jaunt can make you feel so refreshed, relaxed, and alert…simply fantastic… I ended up not doing a single approach for two weeks straight! Because what I did not tell people was that before the trip, I had already signed a lease on an apartment in NY and when I got back, it was time for me to frantically pack up all my shit and fly out. Moving was my goal for the quarter and I’ve completed it a month ahead of schedule. The process for finding a place was difficult and I had my apprehensions because the quality of apartments takes a drastic nosedive compared to any other big city in the country, even more so than SF. I also remembered how a lot of times we hold off on change just for the sake of being comfortable. I would be giving up a lot of ‘luxuries’ that I took for granted. But I realized that was just my brain wanting to be comfortable and not shake things up. Logically I realized this and so I knew the right play was to move. And after seeing an example of how a bland and minuscule apartment could be transformed into an oasis with some solid interior decoration skills, I suddenly became excited about the idea of getting a cheap place and making it shine. A tiny space teaches you to be creative with how you use it, and I realized a lot of mental barriers that I thought I had about what I needed to be comfortable in my home didn’t actually hold. And often there are alternative routes if you just look hard enough on Amazon.

And yeah it goes without saying, my new logistics are phenomenal, and when the weather is good, the volume is top notch too. I looked above me and saw that my last post had a list of general changes I wanted to make. I sort of paused on them because I was so busy with the move but now that I have access to nearly unlimited practice opportunities, sticking to those changes would make much more sense. So I'm sure that the remaining posts blow me will showcase those 4 points again.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I must confess it was hard to get into the groove of the gay jokes at first.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

3/13/2024 Wednesday​

Daygame Focus:​

  • Didn’t really have a focus unfortunately.

What’d I do before heading out​

Nothing. Just tidied up the place and finished up with work. Did not have any rituals

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: blowout

Girl 2: Asian white jacket, black yoga pants was absolutely smash, but got blown out as well

Girl 3: Asian with blonde highlights, brown jacket, black pants and stuff, she was walking in my direction so I doubled back and opened her when she passed. Responded well to the open but seemed a little hesitant to give me her name while taking my hand and then she was about to walk off bc she told me she was going to a class but she was fine with walking and talking. she seemed to get a little stimulated when I talked about traveling and how traveling with friends can lead to you guys having a deeper connection. I think here I should’ve just used it to dive deeper on her trips with friends. I should’ve just asked her if she has some friends who she loves traveling with or would love to visit. Fuck this would’ve been an easy transition into talking about the connections you make while traveling, can easily go into sexual topics here fuuuck. Instead, like a robot, I contrasted it with talking about how traveling by yourself is a vibe as well because you have the freedom to do whatever you want blah blah blah. Could’ve taken either of these topics in a more sexual direction but the rust is steadily coming off. long story short, I eventually felt like I was walking with her for too long and suggested we get a coffee some other time but she said she was in a relationship (odd phrasing there but ok)

Girl 4: Technically I forget whether she was the 4th or the 5th but who cares. Brunette. I noticed her give an ioi and while her booty wasn’t quite up to my taste I went for it anyway. She stopped, responded well but then said she was meeting friends and didnt want to walk with.

Girl 5: Asian girl, white nail polish, stopped her but Kvothe noted that I was a little too slow on the stop which made it come across as more premeditated. Opened her with a cold read and she removes her headphones and gives me her full attention it hit very well I realized in hindsight. Another thing Kvothe reminded me was to move her since she wasn’t super invested. I asked her what she likes to do for fun when she wants to unwind and she said drink coffee and I didn’t do enough with it I think. I asked her if she enjoys more the environment surrounding the coffee or the different varieties of coffee itself. I related a little bit about how I like tea but it wasn’t really sticking. Also talking a little about myself to see if she would use any of it as bait to start asking me questions. But no. She also seemed to have the logistics available for an instant date but I felt she wouldn’t be down if I asked for it so I just took a number and was surprised she said yes. dumb. The number didn’t respond and it was a pretty mild interaction all things considered.

Girl 6: Stopped and had a locked n’ loaded cold read for her which wasn’t very on point all things considered. I felt like I could’ve come up with a better, more authentic one if I had just trusted my self in the moment. She was like “hmm not really” and a little bit puzzled but not in a bad way per se. Her energy was not unreceptive but I was in “lemme eject” mode instead of “let me push this to the very end”. not good at all so I just let her go off instead of continuing with a reality pace or a stack forward to something else like a question.

Thoughts / Observations​

Okay so I’m starting to get back into the swing of things, kind of like my new york jaunt in the summer. BIG difference here being I’m actually stopping girls instead of getting stuck in the “walking and talking” which I always hated because it’s so hard to build much of a vibe with.

Sticking Point: Stopping them (still a work in progress but at least it isn't horrible anymore) Test out: Projecting the energy of “shes a lover who is in town for a surprise visit”

Sticking Point: Getting the girl to stay after I open and have her stopped. Test out: Lots of things to test here (leaning back, body positioning, the vibe I project) but I will focus on just mirroring her body language and projecting passion

Sticking Point: Having the conversations be more substantive. Test out: When you start running your mouth and you can tell she lights up at a particular thing, make sure to ask her about it and delve into it further.

What I did well:​

  1. If it was a girl I was very much into, I went after her, zero hesitation.
  2. Besides the first two girls, I stopped all the sets
  3. Hook rate wasn’t bad

What I could've done better:​

  1. Still need to undo some conversational rust but it should be very doable within a few days if I focus on it. (ie riffing and stuff)
  2. Could be more expressive with my gestures
  3. Once I’m sure the stopping has been taken care of, the next order of business will be on getting girls to stay there and having consistent hooks