12/2/2023 Saturday Nightgame Focus:
- Didn't really make a focus oops
What’d I do before heading out / On the bus
Some meditation and visualization but not much.
How’d it Go
I arrived at the scene around 10. Made it a point to leave my house by 9:20 to catch the bus just in time. This actually helped with settling into the venues. One at the bar started talking with me and then a trans woman joined us. I think they knew each other so I chatted with them for a bit. Then the trans woman left and the dude was nodding off (yeah he was very drunk) So I told him I’d go to the dance floor
Bar 1
Girl 1: I saw her make a face as she took a sip out of her drink so I asked her “how’s your drink” as a joke. and she’s like it’s very strong. I continued walking to the dance floor.
After dancing for a bit and not managing to open any more girls (they all seemed preoccupied with their groups on the dance floor), I decided to hop bars. Especially because I noticed this group where one of the girls was cute but they left.
The next bar/nightclub had this stage jutting out into the dance floor where performers or go-go dancers usually do their thing.
Bar 2
Girl 2: Opened her with a reality pace on the venue saying it feels like a futuristic concert. But I don’t think it landed because she then disappeared somewhere else.
Girl 3: There was this mexican girl who was dancing next to me with her friend group in a circle but periodically she would look over at me and smile but before she could get too friendly, her other friend would put her arm around her to keep her in the circle lol. Then this other dude in the friend group, who looked kind of like Tripp advice, asked me if I wanted to join their group. And I was like sure. So this gave the mexican girl permission to dance with me, I guess. At one point I remember she said it was getting hot in the venue and she’s asking me “aren’t you getting hot?” And I realized this would’ve been a perfect time to bounce her to the patio for a bit but her friend (the one who was trying to cockblock before) had that idea first so the two girls disappeared. And when they came back the mexican was on the other side of the friend (so I couldn’t reach her in the crowd) Also it felt like the vibe between us had died down anyway.
Girl 4: While the two girls had disappeared, I noticed this girl near me with silver eyeliner and a silver outfit. I opened her to test out my reality pace which I modified to “You notice the lights and the music and it feels like you’re at your favorite concert” (sort of alluding to the concert hall layout of the place). And she was like Oh yea totally! But I didn’t go any further with it

Another modification I realized I needed to make was to speak SLOWLY(and deliberately). Especially when it’s a loud venue, I noticed speaking SLOWLY is an easy way to help the girl hear you better without having to raise your voice nearly as much. But also it allows the reality pace opener to land better. It seems kind of obvious to be explaining it but the impact of it was not lost on me in the moment.
Bar 3
Then I went to another bar
Girl 5: I spot this latina in the crowd. And she seems to be vaguely isolated from her friends. But I wasn’t sure how to open her. She seemed so tucked away in the crowd. So I realized that if I wanted to be casual with my opening, I could trace out a path to somewhere that included her position along the way. That way I would be able to open her as if I’m walking off to somewhere. I noticed the lighting in the venue was green which was an unusual choice (most of them on this strip do purple) and there was some jungle theme decoration going on tonight, so I did an RPO about how it feels like you’re partying deep in the jungle. She says “it do be like that” Then I continued with golden question and she didn’t really know so she asked me what I like to do and I said ice skating and she lit up on that so I was describing what it feels like to be on the ice in the evening and noticing the city lights. At some point, her friend comes up to her and says the whole group is going downstairs. So that interaction ended.
Bar 4
(Gym themed bar)
Girl 6: Brunette checkered jacket. Did an RPO about how it feels like you’re having a secret party in your high school gym, and she was like “Oh yea!” BUT THEN I JUST WALKED OFF
Girl 7: Mexican. Opened her with a hi and she immediately gave me her hand and introduced herself. But the RPO didn’t land because she’s mexican and so I guess her gym doesn’t look like that. I did golden question anyway and she said music but was starting to get a little frosty anyway. I continued by asking her if she remembers the last time she listened to a song that she just had to keep playing over and over again. Then she was like “I gotta go follow my friends” and went over to the other side. So maybe the reality pace isn’t so great because it’s not relatable to girls across different lifestyles and upbringings
Girl 8: Brunette - She was listening but wrinkled her nose and disagreed with my RPO. Hmmm
And a couple more that didn’t last longer than a “HI” partially because the girl didn’t hear me probably.
Missed opp: 3 set of Asians post-club
Missed opp: tall Asian girl that I made eye contact with post club
Speaking slowly and deliberately is especially important in loud venues.
SP: Staying in set after the opener
SP: Pulling the trigger on isolation/mini bounce.
SP: Opening girls milling about after the clubs kick everyone out
What I did well:
- Calibrating my delivery of the openers
- Getting out of the house by 9:20. Just getting there early helps me to take a lot more action
- Remembering to push/pull when dancing with that one girl.
What I could've done better:
- Whenever you get that feeling “uhhh I should eject” NOTICE it, and stay in set for just a little longer.
- SECT more. I learned a lot of stuff relating to sect when I was in new york that I’ve gotten a little rusty on since but now it’s starting to come back as I do nightgame more frequently.
- I didn’t talk to the latina at all when I was dancing with her…Maybe I should have made light chitchat…