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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • 3 touch escalation and add a man to woman statement.

How’d it Go​

Went to the tourist trap.

Girl 1: We’re at the stop signal and I opened her asking if she was British. She’s actually German and here on a business trip. I discover one of the cities she’s been to is where I used to live so we compare and contrast the two. But just as the hook was becoming solid, some dude interrupts us and asks me for directions. It was weird. But I sensed the energy died a little bit after that. Anyway, I resume the conversation a bit but I essentially ejected and let her walk onward in the crowd.

Girl 2: Hot tanned french girl with brown colored contacts that looked really fake it was a little disconcerting. I opened her with the deep focus opener and then asked her what her favorite tv shows were. She had to go the other direction to catch the bus she realized. So I had her stop and told her I was intrigued by her and asked her to tell me something interesting about her. Tried a number close but her number doesn’t work and she only has insta for connecting.

Girl 3: Hot blonde. missed a simple opportunity to open with a deep focus opener but decided to go direct + challenge. She was receptive but the conversation was really dry. I think I asked her what she’s up to and she told me she’s from a nearby town and just getting dinner in the city with some friends. I told her she picked the most touristy spot. anyway, the verbals here sucked.

Girl 4: This one was interesting, I was telling the guys about this in the chat. Asian American girl in a nice summer dress. I opened her with the deep focus opener and she was kind of awkward uncomfortable. So I think to myself uh oh she’s not receptive at all. So I use the “you tend to put up walls around strangers” deep focus opener. and she doesn’t say anything! there's just an uncomfortable silence! so I add a tag question “you know what I mean?”. She just uncomfortably says "yeah..." So I’m like okay yea that’s all I wanted to say, enjoy your day and I move to walk off. But then I could literally feel her expression change even though I wasn't looking at her face.

Her: wait…whats your instagram?

Ohhh so it turns out she was just extremely shy all along.

So I tell her my usual “ I don’t have instagram but I could give you my number” and she says she doesn’t give her number out to strangers but after we fluff for a bit she takes her phone out and decides to add my number. She texted me her full name. Then she tells me she has to go in a different direction(which is away from where she said she was originally going lol)

Okay so up until now my interactions were just shoddily done and I hadn’t really mustered up the guts to try out the actual exercises I’m supposed to which is 3 touch escalation and man to woman statements. I remember that for the next one

Girl 5: As I was waiting for the metro I notice an attractive asian girl so I opened her with asking when the last train runs, cold-read her on her ethnicity and we’re off to the races. (and as I write this I just realized how much of an IDIOT I am…I will explain in a second)

On the train, it was a little hard to talk and honestly she wasn’t contributing much to the conversation. I learned she’s here for a year and dropped in the “your boyfriend” line but I think I did it clumsily. She told me she doesn’t have a boyfriend. She’s so surprised that we live in the same district and that we’re in the same neighborhood. She proceeds to walk with me to my apartment because hers is really close by. I just took her number. But I didn’t think to invite her up or to derail her schedule (she said she was going to go home and change and then go out). :facepalm:

To be fair, I don’t think she would’ve come up to see my place but it would’ve been badass to seed something and to try to pull her up.


So I was talking to the folks in the chat and I realized my stopping game needs work. Gun and lofty gave me some pointers on this. This week I will make it a habit to always stop her initially on the open. Also as you notice in the above interactions, lots of ejecting too quickly and lots of premature number closing. So I will make it a point to push the interaction as far as possible first. So no taking phone numbers until you have already tried to get her to join you for a coffee. EVEN if she already told you she’s doing something. just ask anyway and see if you can derail. Also make the page in notion for the journal entry so that you don’t forget to practice the 3 touch escalation and mtw lines.

Reflection on the past 12-week year: Why do you think you got the outcomes that you did?​

  • Well my approaching volume just wasn’t high enough in may and june. I think this was destabilized by my subpar productivity habits. And in April, I was mainly just doing the sect projection exercises so I didn’t have very solid phone numbers.
    • Reinstating the blocks so that you’re going out every outing. And do a minimum of 3 approaches until you can go home. (to deal with cases where the volume is bad or you’re not in the mood).
  • I didn’t always go out. I missed many days because I was sitting at home reading or using the web.
    • Reinstate the block on my phone (for adobe) and reinstate the block on the computer.
    • Go out every planned outing no matter what, even if you don't want to approach.
  • It was hard to find time to write journal entries on friday and saturday. And once you break the chain it’s very easy for this to continue.
    • On friday and saturday when you get on the bus, you have to do all the journaling. and then write up the field reports in the morning when you wake up.
  • My productivity for interview prep was bad. I wasn’t really putting in enough time for that either.
    • This new schedule aims to tackle that. Also I added some new habits such as putting a major block on my phone until 4pm.
  • Going to bed after a night out was challenging because I was so stimulated by the nightclub that it was hard to go to sleep immediately.
    • Maybe when you get home, have a checklist of doing the bedtime routine immediately and putting on the Sleepy cream (by lush). The good thing is that now I take my supps with lunch so I’m not going to be drinking water before bed and all that.
    • I can also prep the diffuser with lavender when I head out.
    • I made a new post-nightgame routine/checklist.
  • Many days I would go to the tourist trap and the volume would suck. Typically this was tuesdays and thursdays. But also on weekends. I need to find a venue with a consistently passable volume of lone sets.
    • In the future, I’ll be able to go to campus once school resumes so that should be one consistent spot
    • Sundays are pretty consistent at the tourist trap
    • Will test out a new "daygame circuit" for the other spots.
    • Go for more "walking towards you" sets
  • All my interactions were probably lacking that man-to-woman kick, and maybe that’s another reason pretty much all of my phone numbers ghosted.
    • Do 3 touch escalation, micro-escalation, dicarlo ladder, and add mtw statements like the one fog gave or the ones skills likes where you mention her boyfriend. That should be your primary focus this upcoming mini-year.
  • Even when it was time to go out, I would still be lethargic and waste an hour or two before actually going out.
    • for fighting lethargy, I gotta make sure to sleep on time
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Tuesday July 5th Daygame Focus:​

  • 3 touch escalation + Man to woman statement on at least two girls
  • Use the stopping techniques if they’re moving sets
  • You’re only allowed to ask for a phone number if you’ve tried to instant date her first.
  • Test out some additions to the daygame circuit here

How’d it Go​

The additions I made to the daygame circuit were utterly useless but the volume was still decent so I might just keep it as is, and stick to this venue for tuesdays. It’s an outdoor mall with many grocery stores nearby. Did 3 approaches at the bookstore, one outside, and one in the whole foods. The nice thing is even the whole foods had good volume but I arrived at the tail end of it, so I just barely missed it.

Girl 1: big-titted Salvadoran. I opened her at the bookstore, asking if she had read a particular book I was holding, and she immediately launched into telling me about the various books she read about self-development. I used a little bit of mirroring and labeling. But the whole time it felt like she was talking AT me rather than talking to me. I think she asked me one question. Some notable bits were her telling me she got into self help books once she started working out and her trainer gave her some suggestions. But eventually, she wished me a good day and continued to scour the book store. The problem here is that it was all too factual and I didn’t know how to move the conversation to more productive areas.

Girl 2: I asked her if she had read the book I was holding or if she was familiar with it and she said she was actually just looking for a gift.

Girl 3: the same opener as before. she just said no and put her earphones back in. Then walked off a second later -_-

Then I walked outside and finally spotted a lone wolf

Girl 4: Did a deep focus opener on her and planted my feet after I said “oh really? no one’s ever told you who you look like?” but she kept walking while looking back at me. I told her “wait hang on” and motioned for her to come back for a second but she made some long-winded excuse for why she couldn’t stop. I couldn't quite hear what she was saying. Maybe instead I should’ve said “wait hold up for two seconds!” Anyway, will keep practicing the stop

Girl 5: Was at the grocery store. I was missing a good number of opportunities because I hesitated too much. finally got one approach in where I did the usual “buy one” opener. She seemed friendly on the open although not much came out of that. she was basically “ya I end up coming here every day” and “ya I feel ya on that”.

I could have asked her if it happens to her often and then did a rainbow ruse on top of that

“actually now that I’m thinking about it, you strike me as the kind of person who…” and it could be a rainbow ruse about her planning habits or something like that. Other option to follow up with is the “I have a theory” gambit.

Also remember to institute a 3-second rule for approaching in grocery stores. Get in her vicinity and count 3 seconds and then open.


Anyway, I was a little rusty with the bookstore and grocery store approaches so I could do those more. None of these sets really hooked and I also realized I would have some anxiety doing the man-to-woman statements in this venue. I assume that will go away though.

But yeah I could lock this in as a regular tuesday venue. why not. Still need good options for saturday and thursday. One of these should be my neighborhood because probably 80% of my dates have come from there


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Daygame Focus:​

  • Stopping
  • 3 touch escalation
  • MTW statement
  • No phone numbers unless you’ve tried to instant date

How’d it Go​

Nothing too interesting to report today. Tried out my area. It’s been a while. A couple of approaches I missed due to aa. I got in two actual approaches. One was a blowout. I remembered the first part of my anti-blowout response but I ended up just sounding like a bitch and my brain was scrambled so I didn’t think clearly about how it went. I should actually rehearse this.

The second girl, I actually managed to stop even though every fiber of my being was telling me to keep walking. I told her just the first name of the actress and she was like “oh her!! you’re kidding!!” and walked off. Maaan that’s the first time I’ve been called out like that Thing is she didn’t really look like her but I couldn’t think of anyone similar.


  1. The best thing about this outing was actually managing to stop a girl. Normally I rely on them stopping or I walk with.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Friday Nightgame Focus:​

  • With at least one girl, do the 3 touch escalation

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: Brazilian
Told her she looked like ariana grande because of her ponytail and she tells me she’s Brazilian. She gets snatched away by her friend though

Girl 2: Green bikini
Did the 1-10 opener on her. she said her night was a 10 so I asked her of it feels like a nice break from reality, and she says “this is my reality”. I asked her what the highlight of her night was and she like I dunno and walks back to her friends. (with her I did manage to do the 3 touch escalation. I think I gave her a high five for saying her night is a 10 and did some incidental touch)

Girl 3: TD Blonde
This blonde chick shaking her booty and making out with this other chick. She would occasionally twerk in my direction but I didn’t do much with that. I did ask her how her night was going but couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Girl 4: Another big booty blonde

She just saw me as she was walking out and we start dancing together. I put out my hand and she takes it and starts grinding on me for a bit before some dude hustles her along.

I think about it for a few minutes and as I'm dancing I realize…”bro you need to approach her again” I happen to find her and the dude outside with another girl but they tell me they're actually dating. Seems plausible since I saw her again holding hands with him. lol

Girl 5: Black girl
Notice this girl walk out the club during closing time and I ask her how her night is going. guess where she’s from and she tells me the town and that she’s only here with her friends to visit. I say “I gotta warn you, once you get to know me well enough, you’ll not want to leave [this city]” and she says “I doubt it”. Around this time her friend also came in to cockblock

Bonus: Fat latina who was eyeing me as she was talking loudly to friends. I was walking to the bus stop. I go back to open her just cuz I wanted to chat and she was so obviously interested. she says her night’s just getting started. I tell her I’m going to catch the bus

Her: Oooooh and does this bus…lead to my bed?

Me: …

Her friends all pile up on her and start making a conga line and dry humping each other

Her: Just kidding!


So with opening girls even near a dance floor, I want to try just opening them verbally like “hi hows your night going” and then taking their hand and twirling them around or something. Just going into dancing with them

The more advanced verbals can wait for once you’ve isolated her or for a different part of the bar.

Also I want to mention a very specific kind of eye contact where someone might be talking to their friends but they’re looking at you as if they know you already and as if you guys are already buds. This means that person wants to jump your bones. It’s not a super “sexual” type of eye contact but it's the kind of eye contact like “oh we’re already buds”. I’ve noticed time and time again. I don’t know if theres a name for it or if its been described somewhere else.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Friday Nightgame Focus:​

  • With at least one girl, do the 3 touch escalation

How’d it Go​

Girl 1: Brazilian
Told her she looked like ariana grande because of her ponytail and she tells me she’s Brazilian. She gets snatched away by her friend though

Girl 2: Green bikini
Did the 1-10 opener on her. she said her night was a 10 so I asked her of it feels like a nice break from reality, and she says “this is my reality”. I asked her what the highlight of her night was and she like I dunno and walks back to her friends. (with her I did manage to do the 3 touch escalation. I think I gave her a high five for saying her night is a 10 and did some incidental touch)

Girl 3: TD Blonde
This blonde chick shaking her booty and making out with this other chick. She would occasionally twerk in my direction but I didn’t do much with that. I did ask her how her night was going but couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Girl 4: Another big booty blonde

She just saw me as she was walking out and we start dancing together. I put out my hand and she takes it and starts grinding on me for a bit before some dude hustles her along.

I think about it for a few minutes and as I'm dancing I realize…”bro you need to approach her again” I happen to find her and the dude outside with another girl but they tell me they're actually dating. Seems plausible since I saw her again holding hands with him. lol

Girl 5: Black girl
Notice this girl walk out the club during closing time and I ask her how her night is going. guess where she’s from and she tells me the town and that she’s only here with her friends to visit. I say “I gotta warn you, once you get to know me well enough, you’ll not want to leave [this city]” and she says “I doubt it”. Around this time her friend also came in to cockblock

Bonus: Fat latina who was eyeing me as she was talking loudly to friends. I was walking to the bus stop. I go back to open her just cuz I wanted to chat and she was so obviously interested. she says her night’s just getting started. I tell her I’m going to catch the bus

Her: Oooooh and does this bus…lead to my bed?

Me: …

Her friends all pile up on her and start making a conga line and dry humping each other

Her: Just kidding!


So with opening girls even near a dance floor, I want to try just opening them verbally like “hi hows your night going” and then taking their hand and twirling them around or something. Just going into dancing with them

The more advanced verbals can wait for once you’ve isolated her or for a different part of the bar.

Also I want to mention a very specific kind of eye contact where someone might be talking to their friends but they’re looking at you as if they know you already and as if you guys are already buds. This means that person wants to jump your bones. It’s not a super “sexual” type of eye contact but it's the kind of eye contact like “oh we’re already buds”. I’ve noticed time and time again. I don’t know if theres a name for it or if its been described somewhere else.
skippy with:

girl 2: this are the canned answers, if anything less than 10, you see that is because you have not gotten to know me yet, or hung out with me, if you do those things it would be a 10 (just busting balls joke)... If she says 10, no way! that is impossible, because you just met me right now... In a cocky funny tone, then you cont.

girl 3: in this case you make sure she looks, and when you make eye contact you do couple of time with your hands "in the name of the mother, father and soon, catholic sign of the cross" like this this is to get a stronger approach invite, you can do you twice or 3 times one after the other... she will laugh...

Girl 4: she was using you to shit test her date, i talk about this here.

Girl 5: you skip the routing lol, bro you totally skip the whole routine come on... Bro i just wrote the post and you manage to skip the whole sequence... lol

With girls new to town/tourist simple line:

"I will be your tour guide"

follow ups

-" Omg have you been _______________ or _____________________ places to eat or cool places in your city"

- "you have to go there before you leave"

- "I can't believe you have not gone there"

-"you will have an amazing time it will be lots of fun, after you hang out with me, i will ruin it for all other dudes"

^ Calibration depending on the scenario and excitement with charisma super important

If she is leaving local or tourist say this money line of fake exaggerated future projection:

"after you get to know me and you hang out with me i got a warned you, you may cancel your flight or not want to go back to ___________ fill in the black city or country, cause you will fall madly in love with me"(obviously in a sarcastic cocky tone)......



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
girl 3: in this case you make sure she looks, and when you make eye contact you do couple of time with your hands "in the name of the mother, father and soon, catholic sign of the cross" like this this is to get a stronger approach invite, you can do you twice or 3 times one after the other... she will laugh...
Love it

Girl 5: you skip the routing lol, bro you totally skip the whole routine come on... Bro i just wrote the post and you manage to skip the whole sequence... lol
okay yea now I realize how just blurting out that last line was autistic! I'll do it properly next time


Saturday Nightgame Focus:​

  • Do one approach with 3 touch escalation

How’d it Go​

So I decided to skip the two biggest venues at the nightclub district because in one they were charging cover and in the other there was too much cigarette smoke and I wanted a break.

Girl 1: Saw her after I left the bar and her friends just arrived after I opened her and and she got distracted by that so I walked off

Girl 2: She was unresponsive. I just gave her a fist bump and ditched.

Girl 3: European blonde, leather gloves. she was standing behind me on the dance floor and I noticed her and smiled at her which she reciprocated. asked her how her night was going. She asked me back and I said it was a long story. asked her name and guessed she was Colombian. But she wasn't. the energy seemed to die here and it got awkward and she left shortly after. I kept thinking about giving her my hand to twirl her around but never did. darn should've done that much sooner


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Sunday Daygame Focus:​

  • Do the ex-gf opener
  • Stop the girl
  • 3 touch escalation
  • mtw statements

How’d it Go​

Finally tried out the facial hair style skills recommends. I had tried it before but kept running into problems with bumps. Now that my technique has improved, I decided to give it another go.

Girl 1: She was half brazilian half japanese. Now before you get all excited hearing about that combination, I gotta tell you that she was fat and not what I’d consider particularly attractive. Actually, I didn’t even really approach her. She sat next to me on the bench and asked me if the seat was taken. I was trying this thing of starting up new convos every 5 min (a tip I got from chase’s newsletter) so I started chatting her up. she offered me the end of her ice cream cone saying she was full and all and that it was too sweet. Told her some stories about how at the club I went to last night, this dude tried to grab my crotch twice even though he knew I was straight, and then when I blocked his hand, he and his friends(his bf included) started ignoring me.

Then I moved her to this exhibit, just to get in the habit of moving the girls. Afterward she wanted to go shower since she had just landed 2 hours ago. she asked for my instagram and I gave her my whatsapp. will I text her? I dunno

Girl 2: blowout. she stopped to fix her hair just as I walked by and so I knew it’d be incongruent if I didn’t open her then so I started with hey do you know who you look like and she was just like “sorry” and walked off.

Girl 3: Big booty Austrian girl. instant date. I first opened her about how I saw a horse drinking water. after I sensed she was sufficiently hooked, I got her stopped right outside a cafe talking about the drinks in different countries, and then suggested a coffee. She was just hanging out passing time so she was free all evening. but she lives kind of far.

At the cafe,
  • I think we were talking about how once she was in new york and watching a Broadway play and I related by telling her how I watched “Death of a Salesman” there and she asked me what it was like. I said I enjoyed it a lot but it was interesting because during that time I was taking some speech and drama class so after knowing how the sausage was made it’s hard to be fully immersed into it but you appreciate it in its own way.
  • This lead to a discussion about immersion and trance and hypnosis, which I explained to her the basics of. I also did the “magnetic fingers” exercise with her but it took took too long for her fingers to get close. She kept giggling through it and eventually I was like “you get the point”.
  • At one point I asked her how the different guys were from the countries she visited. She told me how the guys in Iran all just stared but never approached, so I used a “jada in Egypt” gambit.
  • Later I did the purity gambit+additions like how guys want to find a girl to fuck but they don’t want a girl who’s had a lot of sex, then eventually bounced to this outdoor mall seating area where I started doing more kino.
  • When I sat down with her, I let our legs touch and she kept her leg there as well and only moved it much later to cross her legs. I examined her tattoos and used it as an excuse to hold her hand. I also did the ‘gambit’ of “you can tell a lot about what sport someone plays based on their hands”, and used it as an excuse to examine her hands. and then lots of incidental touches on her arm.
  • She’s a little bit into zodiacs so we were guessing each others zodiacs. she was supplying all the cold reads for each zodiac and she was the one who remembered all of them.
  • To transition into the 8 orgasms routine, I brought up the topic of marriages. she said she doesn’t even know whether she wants to get married. I said my friend is in an open marriage and wants to divorce her husband because the wasn't sex isn’t fulfilling (so kind of like herd gambit).
  • Then I said how theres a classic joke about the difference between men and women. “How do you turn on a guy vs how do you turn on a woman”. Then said that women have a much richer and complex system than men, and then used that to casually mention that they can have 8 different types of orgasms.
  • But I didn’t actually go into detail about what the 8 orgasms are this time. I dunno, I just felt like it would be forced. She was just agreeing the whole time though and going along with it. But didn’t seem particularly surprised or excited to hear about that. I should’ve been like “Oh wait you knew about this??” and then had her list them.
  • At some point she’s showing me vacation pictures so it’s a good excuse to get closer to her again. I didn’t quite put my arm around her (I didn’t want to because skills has said that’s a bad move) but I just rested it on the bench portion behind her so it’s still invading her space.
  • Eventually we go walk over to check something out, and then she wanted to go watch some movie. I had tried pulling her to my district earlier and she didn’t say no or yes at the time, but now when it came time to making a decision, she decided on the movie instead. I opted not to join her for that because I think after that she would’ve just booked an uber home.
  • We make plans to go bar-hopping later this week. and she gives me a vigorous hug goodbye, which was ok, but I didn’t like that she rubbed my back. at least she didn’t pat my back.


  • I most certainly needed to do more to arouse her.
    • I didn’t go into the full 8 orgasms gambit either
  • I think her hand was floppy when I was holding it to check how athletic she is
  • what I want to do is when examining her hand, start going on a tangent about something while holding it.
  • I didn’t do any “level two touches” from the dicarlo escalation ladder, so I realized I could’ve done those


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Sunday Daygame Focus:​

  • Do the ex-gf opener
  • Stop the girl
  • 3 touch escalation
  • mtw statements

How’d it Go​

Finally tried out the facial hair style skills recommends. I had tried it before but kept running into problems with bumps. Now that my technique has improved, I decided to give it another go.

Girl 1: She was half brazilian half japanese. Now before you get all excited hearing about that combination, I gotta tell you that she was fat and not what I’d consider particularly attractive. Actually, I didn’t even really approach her. She sat next to me on the bench and asked me if the seat was taken. I was trying this thing of starting up new convos every 5 min (a tip I got from chase’s newsletter) so I started chatting her up. she offered me the end of her ice cream cone saying she was full and all and that it was too sweet. Told her some stories about how at the club I went to last night, this dude tried to grab my crotch twice even though he knew I was straight, and then when I blocked his hand, he and his friends(his bf included) started ignoring me.

Then I moved her to this exhibit, just to get in the habit of moving the girls. Afterward she wanted to go shower since she had just landed 2 hours ago. she asked for my instagram and I gave her my whatsapp. will I text her? I dunno

Girl 2: blowout. she stopped to fix her hair just as I walked by and so I knew it’d be incongruent if I didn’t open her then so I started with hey do you know who you look like and she was just like “sorry” and walked off.

Girl 3: Big booty Austrian girl. instant date. I first opened her about how I saw a horse drinking water. after I sensed she was sufficiently hooked, I got her stopped right outside a cafe talking about the drinks in different countries, and then suggested a coffee. She was just hanging out passing time so she was free all evening. but she lives kind of far.

At the cafe,
  • I think we were talking about how once she was in new york and watching a Broadway play and I related by telling her how I watched “Death of a Salesman” there and she asked me what it was like. I said I enjoyed it a lot but it was interesting because during that time I was taking some speech and drama class so after knowing how the sausage was made it’s hard to be fully immersed into it but you appreciate it in its own way.
  • This lead to a discussion about immersion and trance and hypnosis, which I explained to her the basics of. I also did the “magnetic fingers” exercise with her but it took took too long for her fingers to get close. She kept giggling through it and eventually I was like “you get the point”.
  • At one point I asked her how the different guys were from the countries she visited. She told me how the guys in Iran all just stared but never approached, so I used a “jada in Egypt” gambit.
  • Later I did the purity gambit+additions like how guys want to find a girl to fuck but they don’t want a girl who’s had a lot of sex, then eventually bounced to this outdoor mall seating area where I started doing more kino.
  • When I sat down with her, I let our legs touch and she kept her leg there as well and only moved it much later to cross her legs. I examined her tattoos and used it as an excuse to hold her hand. I also did the ‘gambit’ of “you can tell a lot about what sport someone plays based on their hands”, and used it as an excuse to examine her hands. and then lots of incidental touches on her arm.
  • She’s a little bit into zodiacs so we were guessing each others zodiacs. she was supplying all the cold reads for each zodiac and she was the one who remembered all of them.
  • To transition into the 8 orgasms routine, I brought up the topic of marriages. she said she doesn’t even know whether she wants to get married. I said my friend is in an open marriage and wants to divorce her husband because the wasn't sex isn’t fulfilling (so kind of like herd gambit).
  • Then I said how theres a classic joke about the difference between men and women. “How do you turn on a guy vs how do you turn on a woman”. Then said that women have a much richer and complex system than men, and then used that to casually mention that they can have 8 different types of orgasms.
  • But I didn’t actually go into detail about what the 8 orgasms are this time. I dunno, I just felt like it would be forced. She was just agreeing the whole time though and going along with it. But didn’t seem particularly surprised or excited to hear about that. I should’ve been like “Oh wait you knew about this??” and then had her list them.
  • At some point she’s showing me vacation pictures so it’s a good excuse to get closer to her again. I didn’t quite put my arm around her (I didn’t want to because skills has said that’s a bad move) but I just rested it on the bench portion behind her so it’s still invading her space.
  • Eventually we go walk over to check something out, and then she wanted to go watch some movie. I had tried pulling her to my district earlier and she didn’t say no or yes at the time, but now when it came time to making a decision, she decided on the movie instead. I opted not to join her for that because I think after that she would’ve just booked an uber home.
  • We make plans to go bar-hopping later this week. and she gives me a vigorous hug goodbye, which was ok, but I didn’t like that she rubbed my back. at least she didn’t pat my back.


  • I most certainly needed to do more to arouse her.
    • I didn’t go into the full 8 orgasms gambit either
  • I think her hand was floppy when I was holding it to check how athletic she is
  • what I want to do is when examining her hand, start going on a tangent about something while holding it.
  • I didn’t do any “level two touches” from the dicarlo escalation ladder, so I realized I could’ve done those
in girl number 2.- why you did not open talking about the hair just to get a reaction "it looks about right, no really it looks good" or something like that once you gauge reaction you could have follow up accordingly... more situational....

With the 8 orgasms', why you hesitated, that means you are not comfortable doing it...Just lunch it... I don't get why most guys either don't do the whole thing or fractionate, it works doing the whole thing most of the time..(i even get bored now saying it with no enthusiasm and still works)

what i don't like to clarify is the hand in the middle of the back that most nice guys do, is the worst escalation possible... but sitting down neck trap and neck massage bringing up omg you are so tense... or kneew leg massage also work based on calibration and her reactions...

You kind of miss a escalation window... That is why instead of kiss on the chick you got the hug..


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
With the 8 orgasms', why you hesitated, that means you are not comfortable doing it...Just lunch it... I don't get why most guys either don't do the whole thing or fractionate, it works doing the whole thing most of the time..(i even get bored now saying it with no enthusiasm and still works)
yeah I was being paranoid about not forcing it because I introduced it uncalibratedly with that Chinese girl. I think this girl brought up some other topic as well so I went with that. But I'll keep in mind to just launch into it once I get to the subject. I think my transition to the subject was reasonable at least.

what i don't like to clarify is the hand in the middle of the back that most nice guys do, is the worst escalation possible... but sitting down neck trap and neck massage bringing up omg you are so tense... or kneew leg massage also work based on calibration and her reactions...
Okay thanks for the clarification. and yea I didn't think to do a massage but it would've been soo easy because we were talking about sports and I could talk about muscle soreness blah blah blah.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I've still been going out as usual, but I realized I have too much theory bouncing around in my head and I need to hold off on all the analysis and just make what I know locked in. This past instant date made me realize, that I know plenty of theory already. Studying more theory is probably not what I need right now. I'm going to put a pause on journaling for about a month or two and just focus on cranking out the volume and making everything smooth.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Can't believe it's only been two months since my last journal entry. And yet, so much has changed. But I'll just add some brief updates.
  • I visited new york for a daygame jaunt and met some amazing seducers! Made tremendous progress. It's really a wonderful city for game, and I almost kind of fell in love with its vibe. Hell, I'm still dreaming of all the pizza I ate there. Problem is, I love my current city as well but I would not be opposed to moving either. Now I'm just really conflicted :ROFLMAO: If I make the move it even opens up some lucrative career options that I hadn't seriously considered before.
  • I finally started my first real job! It's fully remote too which gives me the option of sampling different cities. But I will not be taking advantage of that for some time and heres why...
  • I got hit by a car last week. Mostly just cuts and scrapes, but it did run over my foot and I fractured a bone. The doctor says it's really minor and I'll heal fine but I'm not allowed to put any weight on that foot for the next 7 weeks. And then I imagine it'll be another 4 weeks of physical therapy. So I'm out of the field for about two months at least.
So here's how I plan to spend all this extra time:
  • I want to really work on my vocal fundamentals and improve my voice. I mean, this is literally the perfect opportunity for that! Earlier Kvothe shared a great article with me on voice (by Bacchus), so I will go through that and do the exercises there. Open to any other suggestions as well.
  • I'm still able to do some workouts every day because I have a hands-free crutch and so I do some upper body exercises with resistance bands. It's actually forced me to make a decent workout routine with them. This is something that will come in really handy since if you're traveling a lot, it's difficult to work out in a gym consistently. but it's so easy to pack some resistance bands. Chase's calisthenics article is great too, although I can't use that right now.
  • I can do a full 8-week experiment with these resistance bands to see if I make any gains with them. If I hadn't been stuck in the house, I probably never would've had the patience to try them out for so long! So this is great and I can see if I actually get bigger from those alone.
  • I actually really want to grind at work and do well. If I was trying to balance this with game, I'd probably end up neglecting work. This gives me the chance to immerse myself into the project, put in crazy hours, get really comfortable with the tools and techniques, and then I can ease up again once I'm healed and I'm familiar with everything.
  • Hypnosis: I'm starting off with a self-hypnosis course since that's easy to practice on myself and then I will probably work through a conversational hypnosis course, although I'm not sure how I will practice that. I need some way of organizing regular convos with people, ideally one-on-one. I'm thinking of using helloTalk and practicing on random Chinese girls across the globe looking to practice their English. Then when I'm back on my feet I will ghost them all 😈
  • Texting: Figure this shit out once and for all. My sticking points now are making the texts man-to-woman. That's the broader issue. The more technical issues are I don't know what to text when I'm opening a new thread. I also agonize a lot about the icebreaker. And the reason I agonize about them is that I know I need to be making it man to woman but I'm not sure how to do that. So that will be my goal to learn.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I got hit by a car last week. Mostly just cuts and scrapes, but it did run over my foot and I fractured a bone. The doctor says it's really minor and I'll heal fine but I'm not allowed to put any weight on that foot for the next 7 weeks. And then I imagine it'll be another 4 weeks of physical therapy. So I'm out of the field for about two months at least.
Holy moly man, hope you're getting better fast, glad it didn't get too serious.
Cool to see you improving so much in so little time as well!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Absolutely hate to hear about what happened - sending you my best wishes in your recovery!

Hope that it's going well and you're finding great progress in your areas of focus as you get back to full health!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Recovery Updates​

Thanks for all the support, guys! The recovery has been going well. I got my cast removed about two weeks ago. The doctor said I didn’t have to use a CAM walker boot and I could gradually resume normal activities with the caveat of no running, jumping, or dancing for another 3 months. However, when I tried to walk unassisted, it was extremely painful. Almost as bad as the night of the injury, in fact. So I’ve still been spending the past two weeks walking around assisted with crutches, and gradually lengthening my stride back to normal, as the pain reduces each day.

The first week I just walked back and forth along the hallway, but each day it got noticeably better. And this past week, I’ve actually been walking a little bit outside on the block where I live. And now when I walk around with the crutches, it's pretty much pain-free (If I stand on one foot, theres still some pain but it’s really minor). I’ve progressed to only having to use one crutch now. I’ll do that for another 2 weeks and then I should be good to walk unassisted.

My ankle is still adjusting to the weight it has to handle and my leg muscles have noticeably atrophied. But in two weeks they should be significantly better as well.

Now that I can reasonably leave the house, I’ve been testing the waters by approaching again but with crutches! The plan was to do a lap around the block and approach any stationary sets or walking-towards-me sets. And to ease into it, I decided to ask girls if they would film me walking “so I could see the progression as time goes on”. And to add another wrinkle, because the crutches are rubbing against my armpits, I’m not risking messing up the sleeves of any of my good clothes on this, so my first outfit was a gray California hoodie, with baggy green track pants and maroon slides 😂

How’d approaching go this week?​

The first day, I left the house around 4:30, made a loop but didn’t see any girls so I just posted up around the corner of the intersection. Didn’t trust myself to cross any streets fast enough. First approach…got blown out. The bleedin’ cheek of these daygame gods 😂. Saw two really cute girls that passed by a couple of meters ahead of me. It’s a shame, because I’m not pursuing walking sets these days, so I couldn’t do anything about that.

Then walked down the street and smiled and said hey to this overweight chick coming my way who seemed like she would be friendly. Got her to film my walk for a little bit. I didn’t think to push it any further though. But yeah first actual approach was that.

Next day, I went out and posted up by the main street. Got bored waiting around so much. Honestly wasn’t much volume but managed to stop this overweight latina as she walked by. she was friendly. Got her to film me and then added some bait about how I just got my cast removed a week ago and that I’m going to look at these videos and watch my progress. But she didn’t take the bait and went on her way. Stopped this middle-aged Asian woman and she filmed me as well but was otherwise not talkative.

Rummaged through my closet and switched my outfit to these black skinny-fit jeans and a dark green north face half-zip pullover that I used to wear freshman year. And underneath it, a black crew neck to match the jeans. Some dark gray detailing on the sleeve of the pullover. Everything well-fitted. Finally…an outfit where I’m not completely shooting myself in the foot. No pun intended.

Did a couple more approaches with the filming compliance opener, but they weren’t with girls I was really into. And none stuck around to chat either. I guess because that opener is similar to the “asking for directions” where once she’s done the thing you ask her to, it closes the loop and she has this inclination to leave. I also didn’t really transition into making the conversation about her.

Then on Friday, I got approached by this bisexual dude. Eventually, I did tell him I was straight but we were just chatting anyway and it did eat up into my outing and I didn’t do any approaches. My outings currently don’t last more than an hour before my foot gets tired.

And finally today I went out using only one crutch but it was legit dead. Probably because of Thanksgiving.

Anyway, I’m going to scrap that opener and just go back to my usual stack. Now I have a free hand to gesture for the girl to stop. There's a little bit of AA I need to shake off but honestly, I don’t think it’s that bad. The main issue is the volume where I’m walking around. I might actually just sit by the ledge and wait for a girl to walk by. I could probably be out for two hours that way.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 24, 2022

Recovery Updates​

Thanks for all the support, guys! The recovery has been going well. I got my cast removed about two weeks ago. The doctor said I didn’t have to use a CAM walker boot and I could gradually resume normal activities with the caveat of no running, jumping, or dancing for another 3 months. However, when I tried to walk unassisted, it was extremely painful. Almost as bad as the night of the injury, in fact. So I’ve still been spending the past two weeks walking around assisted with crutches, and gradually lengthening my stride back to normal, as the pain reduces each day.

The first week I just walked back and forth along the hallway, but each day it got noticeably better. And this past week, I’ve actually been walking a little bit outside on the block where I live. And now when I walk around with the crutches, it's pretty much pain-free (If I stand on one foot, theres still some pain but it’s really minor). I’ve progressed to only having to use one crutch now. I’ll do that for another 2 weeks and then I should be good to walk unassisted.

My ankle is still adjusting to the weight it has to handle and my leg muscles have noticeably atrophied. But in two weeks they should be significantly better as well.

Now that I can reasonably leave the house, I’ve been testing the waters by approaching again but with crutches! The plan was to do a lap around the block and approach any stationary sets or walking-towards-me sets. And to ease into it, I decided to ask girls if they would film me walking “so I could see the progression as time goes on”. And to add another wrinkle, because the crutches are rubbing against my armpits, I’m not risking messing up the sleeves of any of my good clothes on this, so my first outfit was a gray California hoodie, with baggy green track pants and maroon slides 😂

How’d approaching go this week?​

The first day, I left the house around 4:30, made a loop but didn’t see any girls so I just posted up around the corner of the intersection. Didn’t trust myself to cross any streets fast enough. First approach…got blown out. The bleedin’ cheek of these daygame gods 😂. Saw two really cute girls that passed by a couple of meters ahead of me. It’s a shame, because I’m not pursuing walking sets these days, so I couldn’t do anything about that.

Then walked down the street and smiled and said hey to this overweight chick coming my way who seemed like she would be friendly. Got her to film my walk for a little bit. I didn’t think to push it any further though. But yeah first actual approach was that.

Next day, I went out and posted up by the main street. Got bored waiting around so much. Honestly wasn’t much volume but managed to stop this overweight latina as she walked by. she was friendly. Got her to film me and then added some bait about how I just got my cast removed a week ago and that I’m going to look at these videos and watch my progress. But she didn’t take the bait and went on her way. Stopped this middle-aged Asian woman and she filmed me as well but was otherwise not talkative.

Rummaged through my closet and switched my outfit to these black skinny-fit jeans and a dark green north face half-zip pullover that I used to wear freshman year. And underneath it, a black crew neck to match the jeans. Some dark gray detailing on the sleeve of the pullover. Everything well-fitted. Finally…an outfit where I’m not completely shooting myself in the foot. No pun intended.

Did a couple more approaches with the filming compliance opener, but they weren’t with girls I was really into. And none stuck around to chat either. I guess because that opener is similar to the “asking for directions” where once she’s done the thing you ask her to, it closes the loop and she has this inclination to leave. I also didn’t really transition into making the conversation about her.

Then on Friday, I got approached by this bisexual dude. Eventually, I did tell him I was straight but we were just chatting anyway and it did eat up into my outing and I didn’t do any approaches. My outings currently don’t last more than an hour before my foot gets tired.

And finally today I went out using only one crutch but it was legit dead. Probably because of Thanksgiving.

Anyway, I’m going to scrap that opener and just go back to my usual stack. Now I have a free hand to gesture for the girl to stop. There's a little bit of AA I need to shake off but honestly, I don’t think it’s that bad. The main issue is the volume where I’m walking around. I might actually just sit by the ledge and wait for a girl to walk by. I could probably be out for two hours that way.

Dude! I admire your dedication to continue approaching even with a cast. Really shows there's no excuse with not putting in the action :ROFLMAO:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I haven’t posted in a month, so how’s it all been going? Well last time I was still walking around with crutches. Now I’ve mostly retired them. I can walk around the house on my own with no issues. I tried going for a longer walk outside the house, taking 4k steps but my foot was really painful and swollen for a couple of days after. After it all subsided I made some stringent step-count cutoffs (eg no more than 1000 steps an outing) and gradually worked back up to a reasonable level of activity. Now I still take one crutch with me when I go out, to minimize the exhaustion on my foot but it’s more of an insurance policy rather than a necessity.

I also realized that just relying on approaching girls around my block was not working for me. While I do live in a densely populated area, I’m realizing it’s mostly grannies and elderly folks. But now that I’m comfortable going out and about, I can take public transit so I’ve been hitting up a couple of streets further away from my apartment, and also starting to visit some of my old hunting grounds.

I can’t typically walk fast enough to catch up to walking sets just yet, but if she’s walking slow enough I can. Otherwise, I rely on girls that are walking towards me, and bookstores for stationary chicks.

There’s a lot of exercises I’ve been doing to get back to my usual activity level. Firstly there are a myriad of leg exercises such as calf raises and ankle mobility (inversion and eversion with resistance bands). I’m also tapping into the power of the unconscious mind to aid in my recovery with things like body scans and self-hypnosis sessions. I’m not allowed to run until mid Feb.

I’m also really grateful that my schedule is so chill and regular these days. I just work from 9-4 from home. Then around 4, I can go out for an hour or two to get in 3-4 approaches, get home, eat dinner and then do some more exercises such as the magnetic man exercises and then I turn on a camera and record myself, as I recount the outing while drilling mannerisms and exploring verbals out loud.

Most of my approaches this week have just been approach anxiety exercises, simple stuff like just doing the opener and allowing myself to bounce. I did finally have my first number close in 3 months. She didn't talk much and was insecure about her English. But she literally stood there and stared into my eyes and wouldn't stop twirling her hair.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Let's say you and three other buddies are planning to rob a bank. Your gang has 4 bags. The largest bag can hold 40 objects, the second largest bag can hold 30 objects, the third holds at most 20, and the smallest, 10. You also know that the bank has 4 special vaults. In the first vault are diamonds valued at 4 million a piece, and in the second one are rubies valued at 3 million a piece. In the third one are ingots of gold valued at 2 million a piece, and finally, in the last, there are silver medallions worth 1 million a piece. Because of the security system in place, it is only feasible for one person to be in one vault at a time, and because you need to make a quick getaway, each person needs to choose a separate vault to rob so that you guys can work simultaneously and then bounce.

Which bag do you allocate to which vault to maximize the value of goods you guys break away with? Intuitively you probably want to pair the largest bag with the most valuable vault, the second largest bag with the second most valuable vault and so on, and so the value of the goods would be

4 * 40 + 3 * 30 + 2 * 20 + 1 * 10 = 300 mil.​

Any other pairing of weights (size of the bag) to values (values of the objects) would be suboptimal. And in general, this strategy of pairing the highest values with the highest weights always gives you the optimal value.

“Thanks for the math lesson Skippy, but why are you writing about it in your journal and what does this have to do with seduction?”

Well, the new year has gotten me thinking about an understanding I’ve made with myself. I’m in my late 20s now and will eventually hit that magical triple-O (not anytime soon but still). And many people say that his 30s are a mans best decade for dating. Thats not to say that other decades are shabby either and that’s also not to say that different people can’t have different life experiences where they get different results than this but at the very least, it seems the general consensus is you have a lot of good things going your way in your 30s. Even if you don’t agree that it’s the best decade per se, you’d still agree it’s pretty damn good. And that is exactly why I OWE IT to myself to make the most of my 30s by being in the best shape possible. Adopting the best mindsets I know of, having peak productivity, the best diet, the best fitness…everything. But it also means making sacrifices and quitting things cold turkey that don’t bring me closer to my seduction goals, with the understanding that these things aren’t actually going anywhere and I can always enjoy them in my 70s or something. For example, it would be absolutely MENTAL to be spending the bulk of one’s free time during one’s best years mindlessly browsing reddit or jerking off to porn. What's more, I can’t justify spending even one minute on them anymore. Opportunity cost. Opportunity cost. Opportunity cost. To hammer it in even further, if you had to choose between having good habits in your teens or having good habits in your 30s and you could only pick one, what would you choose? Depends on several factors but if you haven’t rattled enough birds yet, you’d probably choose the latter.

And why wait till my 30s? I’m close enough to it and I might as well start sooner rather than later. So before I give my list of guidelines, I will add that there are two exceptions to this mindset. One is if I’m with a girl, then yeah I will indulge in whatever it is we’re doing. TV Shows, Ice cream, pizza, greasy food truck burritos, whatever… The second is if I’m traveling then sure it’s fine to try new food and drinks every now and then even if they're not fully aligned with your diet goals. So all things considered this is basically the same thing I do already but just a little bit more intense. I already eat pretty healthy, am reasonably fit, and have decent productivity. But it’s time to take everything I’ve learned these years and tighten it up to the max. The guidelines behind this mindset:
  • Consistently attack your frog each day. Plan out the next day and have a frog and daily schedule mapped out.
  • Actively research diets for optimizing energy, performance, and longevity, and strictly adhere to them. Continue your intermittent fasting as well but be stricter about it.
  • Get regular blood tests and adjust the diet accordingly (I already know what I need to work on here)
  • Spend each quarter tightening one active and one passive fundamental.
  • Identify your ideal body weight and then work towards that, by following your workout plan.
  • Web browsing should have a clear and valid purpose. “I’m bored and want to browse the web” does not count as a valid purpose. Or “Oh let me check what’s going on at this website and if there are any new updates” will get curbed greatly.
  • When I want to relax, I can spend my time meditating, doing yoga, reading, learning a new skill, or hanging out with friends.
I could give a list of specific things I want to quit cold turkey, but somehow I feel that would be counterproductive since “as the mind goes, the energy goes” and focusing on what you want to strive towards is more powerful than focusing on what you want to avoid.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Girl 2: Noticed this tanned brunette wearing a tank top, a pink short skirt and pink heels (these details will be a bit important later on) walking past me. I catch up to her and also did the rj direct opener except she was extremely receptive the second I opened her. I felt like the sexual tension was through the roof though and it was simply because I was walking very close to her, to the point where our shoulders were almost touching and my eye contact was strong. I was doing a good job with the sect. She tells me she’s an actress and a businesswoman. So I have her stop and look her over, she spins around as well and say that yeah she could be a businesswoman. I qualify her on being ambitious and find out that she has nothing else planned for today except to go out later, so I suggest grabbing a coffee. We stop by at a zara along the way because she needs to buy a jacket. There I’m looking for excuses to examine her rings and her nails and holding her hands. I’m surprised at how easy it all is with her. I thought it a bit strange that she just bought a jacket without trying it on. She pays with a 100-dollar bill and then asks them to cut the tag and puts on the jacket immediately. This is all very strange to me. I think to myself “and you know, she’s low-key dressed like a hooker actually.”

As we’re walking out of the zara and towards the coffee shop, she delicately mentions that she had to cancel work tonight and I can tell she wants to say something more so I say that I’m not the judgemental type. She admits she’s actually an escort and she’s out of commission for a few days because she had a piercing on her vagina that ripped and so she needs to wait for it to heal. facepalm. She’s doing the escort stuff to save up enough money so that she can start her own business making jewelery.

Long story short, we did still get coffee and I learn that she’s a complete psycho even aside from the fact that she’s working as an escort. But to summarize
  • She believes in Jesus
  • She thinks she fucked a demon once
  • She has two kids with different dads
  • Both of her ex’s were abusive
  • She believes she sometimes becomes a reptile and her eyes become reptilian.
    • She proved this by showing me blurry zoomed in images of her eyes where her pupils appeared to be “taking on different shapes”. Um... no it was just the lighting and granularity of the photos.
  • She was once a guest on a well-known talk show that you are all familiar with
  • She’s into hypnosis
  • She wanted my number
Total nutjob, but at least I got some good intel with walking close to a girl to build up sexual tension because when you’re walking and talking with a set it’s harder to use other things like eye contact. During coffee, I also got to practice touch and some half-assed patterning from ross jeffries but it started to get cold I was just shivering too much. Also, she would not stop talking. gave me some chances to practice the “laser eyes”.

The cold was a good excuse to feel each other's hands and I held her hand while explaining to her how the people who radiate heat are the ones that get cold more often and the ones that have cold hands are the ones that actually feel warm.
Lmao I ran into that actress again. She had dyed her hair blonde this time and was wearing makeup so I didn’t recognize her at first. Asked her the golden question and she said she likes to go to the bar(this is important for a later lesson) but then I was getting familiar vibes from her so I told her I feel like we’ve met and she was like yah I remember your face.

Me: Of course…my face is unforgettable :)
Her: Yeaa you have an attractive face!

So anyway we walked a little bit and then went to a bar. She ordered a lot of food and drinks and I just had one drink. Some dude was texting her and trying to smash but she mentioned she wasn’t planning on fucking tonight because she was on her period. Her frame was that period sex is too intimate and has higher std’s risk. So trying to crack that frame from the “Period sex is primal and hot” didn’t work, unfortunately. After we left the bar, she was asking me what I was doing the rest of the night and I invited her to join me for some mango wine but she passed on that and was planning to smoke some weed later.

Kino-wise, I was testing her compliance levels first by having our knees touching at the bar booth to see how she would react and she didn’t keep them touching for very long but then the second time she did. I took her hand to inspect her rings and jewelry and her hand wasn’t floppy. And then later on I rested my hand on her’s while I was talking about some mundane stuff and she kept her hand there for a while. She did move it eventually but the tension had already passed.

Another focus of mine has been on KEEPING MY HEAD STILL when I talk and listen. I don’t know if other people have mentioned this and I don’t know if it’s generally a good idea. I vaguely remember Bacchus writing about stillness but I don’t recall exactly what it was about. I just noticed that while recording myself talking, that my head and torso fidgeted around a lot and that when I kept my head still, it felt really unnatural but in the video recording it kinda looked good and impactful actually.
EDIT: Seems people have been talking about this quite a bit actually: (link) (link) (link)

So to summarize the main lessons
  • Even if the girl says something mundane to the golden question, humor it a little bit first before moving on to something juicier. In this case, the girl said Bar. Which sounds pretty lame at first but when we went to the bar she was planning to go to, I realized she had a special bar in mind that she really enjoyed going to and felt at home. It also reminds me of how when I had opened Lemon and told her I was on my way to shop for groceries and she asked me where I like to go. Sounds really mundane, but to me, grocery shopping is a hobby. not a chore. so when she asked me more about it, it made me feel like she was a good conversationalist.
  • Cold reading on “you’re still searching for something” is powerful stuff. and in general, after having a well-executed rainbow ruse done on me, I can finally see the true extent of how it can really make you look internally.
  • Now know of a great bar with those u-shaped booths for instant dates. I could make that a second bounce.
  • Kind of disappointed by this instant date. To be honest, I’m not that attracted to this girl and there was another girl that was glancing at me twice that I didn't know how to approach smoothly. She was sitting on the bench. I should've just asked her to take a photo of me

Other News:
  • I’ve been doing more bookstore and grocery store approaches after following some advice from Bacc on how to follow up with RPO’s and how to do RPO’s correctly basically. But I still need more practice because I realized I was getting too stuck on the pre-opener. And I had some ‘anxiety’ about just launching into a stimulating question after the RPO but the handful of times I did do it, it went well. So I just need to put in more reps and keep the conversation going.
  • You might’ve heard rumors that I’m doing a 90 day nofap. It’s true…I’m currently on day 12.
  • My foot is doing pretty well. During my day-to-day activities, everything is back to normal and I've basically forgotten that it was ever injured in the first place. I’m still not allowed to run until mid feb but I probably could if I wanted to. It does start to ache a little if I overdo it with the walking but even that is becoming rarer these days.
  • I’m testing out a warm-up method for each outing by asking for directions with the first approach, and doing the “are you single” opener for the second approach. Then the remaining approaches will be my standard indirect openers. I think this was previously written about in this post.
  • Going to do campus approaches more often. AA is higher at the moment, but getting comfortable there is going to be soooooo helpful.
Also got a bit of traveling planned these next two weekends. In general I've been pretty slammed with work but I'm strategizing on how to avoid that because I have way too much pent-up energy to be sitting at home all day.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Quick updates​

  • Hooking and stopping girls is pretty easy now on campus but I think my conversational management needs work. Often times I’ll ask them the golden question and then not really do much with their answers… For example a girl I approached yesterday. got her stopped used the “you look like my ex” and had her slightly immersed with some rainbow ruse that I made off the top of my head about how she seems introverted (she made a face when I said that ) asked her the golden question: She said she likes to read. And then I was like cool -_- Asked her what the last book she remembers reading…she said some title and I didn’t know what to say about that. So I just said I usually just go to the personal development section 🤮 Why did I say that…I’m cringing as I recount this….Anyway my heart was pounding in my chest when I was talking to her.
  • Another girl today, stopped her and said she has a very peaceful walk. And she laughs and says yeah people tell her she walks slowly. I did a rainbow ruse on how she seems bubbly though and that she probably makes friends really easily but has very few close friends and she was like “wtf haha that’s so specific” So I think I fucked up there. Then I asked her the golden question and she said she likes to workout and listen to music, and likes to do her own nails. But I think she was subtly trying to end the convo because she said she was on her way to the gym just now. I asked her more about what it feels like when she’s working out and she was just low-key like “why’s he asking me this lmao” even though she was good natured about it. We walk a little bit towards the direction of the gym and she starts asking about me a bit but when I tried to close she was like “I’m not looking for anything G”
  • Had a nice interaction today at the grocery store. Opened her with the pre-opener and RPO and then hit her with a cold read about how she seems like someone who lives in the moment. Then transitioned into a stimulating question of “where would you go if you won the lotto and could travel” She was like “idunno where would you go?” at first so I described Brazil but I think my “description” didn’t hit. I’m not sure. I was making shit up on the spot. Then she says japan or something. And actually she’s from maynmar. Transition to LA gambit from there and ask her what her two best traits are that have nothing to do with her appearance. Again she’s like “you ask so many questions!” and she doesn’t know what to answer so I soften it by “what would other people say about you?” and she has some ideas now. I think she answered with “easygoing” and then she asks me about mine so I say “grit” and how when shit gets difficult, I just get really motivated. And she’s like “ooh thats a good one”. Then we play a little guessing game about what we each majored in. I have her guess what I majored in and she turns it around to me and has me guess hers as well. The vibe here is playful (actually it always was) and she’s standing really close to me. Eventually I tell her I’m gonna go in line to pay(I didn’t try to push things further with her because she was going to meet up with friends any moment) So I tell her it was cool meeting her. Ask her name, she asks me mine, tell her we should grab a coffee sometime (I felt my cheek tremble a little here). She’s like sure :) So I take out my phone and she’s like “oh you’re going for it, huh”. She puts down her full name and number but then tells me she has a bf. No reply to my icebreaker ping (which admittedly might not be ideal)


  • Gotta remember to take things in perspective here. I just realized I’m actually VERY CLOSE to reliably hooking girls in grocery stores. As long as she’s by herself and hovering by a grocery aisle long enough. Before, I would just wing it and pray for the best. Or worse, I would just not do anything because I was like “I dunno how to follow up to the RPO!!”. It was really nerve-wracking. But now I have a decent stack. I feel like if she responds well to me saying hi she'll probably hook.
  • Because these girls on campus stop and open really easily, it’s stress-testing my actual conversational management skills more. College campuses may or may not be easier overall idk. But opening is certainly easier which means you get more practice with post hook. So it’s good for my learning, I feel. Besides there’s unholy amounts of 🍑
  • Nerves and shaking in field are a thing still but it’s getting better…

What I did well:​

  1. Last week my problem was stopping girls on campus and having a more meaningful conversation. Now I’m getting pretty regular hooks and some better convos but it does feel rather mechanical and repetitive with the convo. Both a good and a bad thing.

What I could've done better:​

  1. I want to improve my conversations, make better use of her answers to the stimulating questions, hit upon SOT’s and share stories. And smooth out my process for opening walking sets so she’s not like “lmao why are you asking me this all of a sudden” or “omg that’s such a deep question!” Not to mention the phone numbers have all been duds lately but I’m not drawing any conclusions until I start hitting SOT’s properly. I found they tend to make the girl more receptive over text.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

How’d it Go Today​

Went to campus today:

First approach did a “peaceful walk” opener. Then moved into some really boring small talk by accident. Still number closed after I asked her the golden question and asked her a little more about what books she liked. I was not a fan of my verbals there. There was one moment where I was doing parts of the “professor’s personalities” RPO where I gave her really good eye contact and kept my head still as I said it and she was just really intently focused.

Second approach today was more…”curious”. I noticed this moderately cute asian girl with a nice ass walking my way so I pretended not to notice her as she passed(she was on the other side of the crosswalk anyway) and opened her with “has anyone ever told you…that you have a very serene way of walking” she’s like oh hahaha. Then I continue with yea I bet you enjoy living in the moment just drinking in your surroundings or allowing your thoughts to run as you take a walk. She vibes on this a bit and then I ask her about where she would travel if she won the lottery.

She says europe and throws it back to me. I talk about how I’ve been watching a lot of Anthony Bourdain episodes and so I would want to go to brazil. She’s like “I’m not that cultured so I don’t know who he is” Anyway I continue by asking her whether she’s ever thought about doing a study abroad and what she would do once she gets off the plane in europe. (Okay I did try and get her to specify where first of all… but she said since she won the lottery she would do a full-on europe trip) Better would’ve been to add some specifics…like Okay lets say your first stop is paris… you get off the plane, arrive at the hotel etc… what do you do.. At this point we were at the crosswalk.

And I do tourist gambit, how you can be anyone you want when you’re traveling. She agrees. Then I asked her whether she’s from the area and what it was like first moving to this city (the point was to segue into LA Gambit) She asks me as well what moving to this city was like first and so I said how one thing you notice is how everyone is much more attractive. She giggles nervously at this…(I think this was a miscalibration on my part) But she buys into this a little bit.

As we’re crossing the street I let the conversation die a little bit to see what she would do (I thought she was high interest at this point) And she’s like “I like your outfit btw” So I’m thinking to myself okay this girl is super interested. It’s on… And I have her qualify herself by asking her what her two best traits are that have nothing to do with her appearance. She says she’s a good listener and doesn’t know what to say for the second trait. I ask “what would your friends say?” and she’s like “I feel they wouldn’t really be open about that” then she asks me as well and I tell her grit and always striving to be my best self and she qualifies me like “ooh I feel like those are the best ones”. She was going off to the dining halls and I had told her I was going to the grocery store so around this time is where we part ways.

Before that I mentioned something about visiting a friend and us being very direct with each other for the first time…I don’t know why I mentioned this…well it was kind of to relate to what she said earlier but it was really randomly placed even though it didn’t seem like it in real time. Anyway I tell her we should grab a coffee sometime and I say it with a “knowing look” in my eyes and a slight half smile. Basically I say it a little sensually. Something that I’ve been practicing a lot lately. And she’s like “sure!”….and then just walks off!!! So I’m like hold up, and she has an awkward sheepish look on her face. “Let’s exchange numbers so we can make it happen” and she thinks for a second and says “I could give you my instagram” and I’m like “ohh I don’t do social media…it’s too distracting” and she says “Oh well I’m not comfortable giving my number :( ” I tell her well I guess that means I can trust you at least because there's a lot of crazy people out there and I’ve been getting lots of scam calls lately. So at least you’re not crazy. And shes like “yep! maybe we’ll run into each other again” 🤮🤮🤮

I should point out there was one other bad sign in this interaction. While we were crossing the intersection, she asks which way I’m heading and says “Oh don’t let me drag you off of your original route”. I don’t like this because she’s essentially saying “Oh you don’t have to walk with me” which is a polite sign of low compliance....


I need to figure out what to do about this “girls not feeling comfortable doing x” because it happened twice so far.

What I did well:​

  1. Opening off of a cold read like that and coming up with something sort of on the fly was good.
  2. Both girls hooked...eh not bad.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Come to think of it, I don’t think I projected enough or any sexuality with the second girl. Or not much for most of the conversation. I bet my vibe was probably social if I had to think about it…Still don’t see that fixing the comfort issues but I do think it was a problem.
  2. Did I hit any SOT’s? NOPE! another error.
  3. As I write this, it really feels like “Oh then I said this gambit and then I followed it up with this gambit and she said this to which I used this gambit”. I wonder if it's coming across too mechanical or scripted in field.
  4. Also fucked up both the stops today. Maybe I was being sloppy with the second girl.
In other news, I'm on day 24 of nofap. Yes, I've still kept it going. Plan is to get to 90.