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Skippy's Daygame Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Summary of the Week​

This week I pushed for higher quality and higher volume. Overall I was beating myself up for all the blowouts and flaky numbers but actually, it was pretty good. I did about 21 approaches, got 4 numbers, but had 7 girls that hooked and that's on top of the fact that some of my approaches were half-assed, just meant to get my feet wet (like the records store rpo). And, one of the numbers might come out on a date.

If I really want to micro-analyze the transition points between seeing a girl and getting her hooked. It would be

Vicinity: You're in the vicinity to open her
Approach: You open your mouth in some fashion
Buy-In: She's willing to listen to the RPO (aka she doesn't blow me out)
Hook: (self-explanatory but also hard to explain and there are varying degrees of intensity)
This week, of the 32 girls that were in my vicinity, I approached 21 of them, 14 of them didn't blow me out and out of those, 7 hooked.


  • When sending the icebreaker text, don't go too deep immediately. Field test the banter technique first before going into 2nd gen verbals as explained in Skills's posts
  • When you want to approach a moving set, only overtake her just before you're ready to approach. Don't overtake her sooner than that, otherwise, you have to try and hope that she doesn't turn somewhere else while you're walking in front of her and you can't really look back and check to see if she's still behind you, because then it looks too premeditated
  • "Hey I just realized something...but it's a little deep...are you ready for it?" This could be asking for too much compliance upfront during daygame when she's planning to be somewhere. Even though it does build lots of intrigue. @Devilicious suggested "hey I just realized something and I need your perspective on it"
  • In a discussion with Devilicious, we realized that the "asking for help" frame for starting interactions can work really well. e.g. in the bookstore, I open by holding a book and asking her if she's read it, whether it's any good, and doing an rpo about how picking a book to read and finish is a big commitment.
  • Jumping off on this, I would like to read Cialdini's books to see if it is possible to develop other powerful opening lines based on the "Hey I just realized something..." using the other principles as I would like to reduce the number of blowouts.
  • Being pickier in the girls I approach worked out great! Before I used to just approach any girl that was not repulsive, and I was focusing on hitting the numbers. But it turns out you can get the numbers in while still keeping quality high.
  • I need to be slightly more persistent on the opening too and not eject at the first sign of nonreceptiveness, as it helps the social frame a lil.
  • Interrupt the girl while she's grocery shopping, don't wait until she picks out her item. Open her while she's still browsing
  • Baby-stepping it;
    • Go out at a later time, like 11 or 12. Even though arriving early is probably better, at this point whatever can get you outside is good enough
    • Lofty shared a great tip in the chat where you say hi to groups passing by to help you warm up.
    • Start socializing as soon as you can

Action Steps for This Week​

  1. Project your voice and speak from the chest
  2. Instead of "hey I just realized something...it's a little deep though" do "Hey I just realized something and I need your opinion on it"
The goal is to see if I can reduce blowouts by a little bit and get slightly more buy-in. Both of these steps are targeted towards that.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Monday's outing (yesterday)

Girl 1: She stopped but she was in a rush, offered me her insta but I said barely even know you. But she's like she's gotta go somewhere and her phone is at 2percent. So I offered her my number but she's like how about I give you my number instead.

Girl 2: Chinese girl heading to her yoga class. Didn't seem prudent to try and stop her because her class started in 6 min so I walked with her. Talked about travel briefly and she was open to the rpo. I tried to number close but got denied.

Girl 3: Tanned asian girl wearing running shorts and a matching sports bra. She looked like she was supposed to be jogging but she was just walking around and taking pictures so I opened her with a "hey" and she ignored me, so I continued with "i just realized..." And she immediately starts jogging again and crosses the street of course:D she stopped sprinting once she had reached the other side. Congrats...you take the cake for the most extreme negative reaction. At least I helped you get some cardio in...

Girl 4: Opened her at whole foods with a hey but she didn't hear me at first I guess. Then when I finally got her attention I did the buy1 RPO, asked her what she'd indulge in, she said chocolate and I asked her if they have good chocolate here, then she's like ohh actually ice cream. So I told her how I've been eating a lot of ice cream lately because I got a subscription (but I missed an opportunity to add some bait about my workplace) if she took the bait it would've been a good way to transition into "workplace culture" talking about how it's nice that even during covid they try to do things to feel tight-knit, like organizing a steps challenge. Then I could lead into the sot of connection, I guess


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Today was a weird outing. None of the girls really stopped and I felt like I was just running a script and in general feeling very fake and mechanical. The reason is I felt like I was rushing my material since we were walking rather quickly and feeling like the interaction might end any second.

In the chat DarkKnight astutely reminded me to open over my shoulder instead of turning my body towards her to open. So I practiced that. I also reread bacchus's reply to the converting numbers into dates thread and I can see there are some things I'm not doing properly yet. I'm at least happy to say there were no blowouts among the 4 approaches today and 2 girls hooked, I guess. But I didn't ask them for their numbers. I'll explain why a bit later.
I also went and checked out a bookstore to see what the quality was like there. I noticed lots of AIs in general today.

Girl 1:
Older blonde woman standing around. So I walked past her and opened over my shoulder. I realize I didn't really give her time to check me out. I should've slowed down and checked my phone a little longer. I was running my stack and she looking very confused probably like "why is he just randomly asking me all these deep questions" she had the exact same kind of expression as the stationary girl on Saturday.

Girl 2:
Asian girl wearing gray shorts and a white t-shirt.

I open her over my shoulder and she keeps walking but she's listening so I ask her if walking around here makes her feel like shes going on a mini-adventure. She asks "haha are you high?" I asked her if I look high or something and she says that's something she would think of if she were high. I continue into the rest of the rpo and cold read her about how she seems to have a creative edge. She asks why I think that and I point to her accessories which look a little spicy.

She says that she used to be a fashion major in undergrad but now works in tech. Then a little bit of contrasting between the artwork between our city and the one she lived in before covid, but she likes her old city better and thinks the people here are fake. I wanted to get into the sot of connection but that seemed to make her bitter and unhappy more than anything.

At one point I noticed she was asking me a ton of questions like what I'm studying, where I went to undergrad etc...so I switched the convo back to her by asking the golden question. Then there was a big steep incline, I was like naahh I'm not following her there and so before she asks me where I'm going I tell her I'm heading the other way. Before I could react she's already partly up the incline and I tell her to hold up 2 seconds but shes standing there confused or something...and then walks off.

I didn't want to go up the incline and number close because that felt like it'd be too chasey on my part and I didn't think to motion for her to come back for a second.

Girl 3:
Brunette with light green eyes.

Open her over my shoulder and stop. She gets startled so I say "oops sorry didn't mean to startle you like that" and I walk with her I only finish the beginning part of the rpo when the mall turns up and she calls out as she's going down the escalator "yea it's a thing!"

Girl 4:
This open was good. I opened her over my shoulder and used good tonality. My voice sounded bright, like a Yamaha.

She stops but then asks if we can keep walking. So we walk and talk. During it all I was questioning my attraction towards her. I didn't number close when we parted ways mainly because I felt like I was just running my script. She was asking me questions and stuff but everything just felt rushed and mechanical.


I will keep practicing the open over the shoulder and stop technique and I need to be ready to number close regardless of what I think she will say. Remember if she so much as asks you a single question, it is a SIN to not try and close.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background (Wednesday 7/21)​

I've ventured back into exploring ripped jeans. I bought this pair in gray because I thought the distressing on them was beautifully done. Noticeable but not overboard. I have some minor complaints about their tapering, but they otherwise fit like a glove.

My Outfit:

Gray distressed jeans, dark blue button-down, white sneakers, bracelets, and rings

Girl 1:
This was a blowout. I noticed my voice was really soft though.

Girl 2:
This woman kept walking but listened to my rpo, but she was working on her phone simultaneously and says how she doesn't really notice much around her because she just works on her phone.
Girl 3:
Girl in jean shorts and a tank top walking her dog. She didn't stop but also listened to my rpo. I asked her if walking around downtown felt like a mini-adventure and she says "nope" But it felt like she was trying to break rapport because when I asked her if she had a creative side to her, she's like "nah, I'm really boring" so I said "oh well it seems like you tell it like it is" and she agrees with that but then says "Sorry...I'm a bit tired. You have a good day though"

If a girl says no to the initial part of the rpo (does it feel like a mini-adventure/mini-vacation etc...?) then ask her how she sees it and then do a pace and lead.

Girl 4
supermarket approach, went as usual. I asked her what she'd indulge in she said "iono" and then finally settled on chocolate, white chocolate to be specific. and I didn't have anything else to say to that.

Next time, try to emotionally stimulate her by giving a rich description of whatever she picks. At this point, I kind of just wing the grocery store approaches, and rely on times where the girl herself has automatically hooked.


I went home and iced my feet, and watched a bunch of youtube videos. I was being very harsh on myself today. I need to remember to have a more playful attitude towards this.
But it does raise the question, what is the best kind of self-talk to adopt. Some high-performers are extremely harsh on themselves, for example


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Thursday 7/22)​

I decided to take a break from downtown and its slightly faster pace and went out in my neighborhood instead.

Girl 1: Fast-walking turkish girl with a big round ass. Opened her over my shoulder at the signal, and she was asking me questions, although otherwise walking very fast. I started out with my usual mini-adventure rpo, and then the convo naturally transitioned to how she's been living here for 6 years. Then at Target, I gave her my number and texted "hey who's that handsome guy you were just talking to ;)" she responded well.

Then I went to a korean grocery store and passed up 2-3 approach opportunities because the girls were moving around very fast and I was trying to get them while they stopped. But they never stopped for longer than a couple seconds. I should've used something else in that case.

One thing which works well and which I found very congruent is to ask the girl about some of the korean pickles and how to use them. It gets the convo started naturally and then I can do the buy1 rpo. I can also talk about how I was cooking with my korean roommates where I used to live before I moved to this city. (adds a bait that she can latch on to)


I'm glad I asked the turkish girl for her number even though I didn't think she would be receptive.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Background(Friday 7/23)​

Today I went to the shopping center

My Outfit:
Gray v-neck and black jeans

Girl 1:

She was standing outside a couple shops, I went inside a few stores and then came out, hovered near her and opened over my shoulder with my mini-vacation rpo. She was not very receptive to the perspective. And in the middle she cut me off and said she had to get going

Girl 2: Asian girl wearing a red tank top
Opened her with the buy-one rpo at a fancy grocery store. She stopped to listen, said it's probably because of all the fancy packaging, and then continued going. I didn't get a chance to follow up. My mistake was opening her too soon, and it felt like she was still a bit far from me. She was facing me because she was going to walk into my aisle

Then I went to a nearby whole foods

Girl 3: Tall brunette, did the buy one rpo, followed up by asking her what she'd indulge in and she said chocolate...they all do. Tried to give a rich description of that, but I was not satisfied with how it went. She moved on to the other side of me to get some other stuff and I kind of just left it at that.

Girl 4: Brunette, with jean shorts. She was next to me, so I asked her about the 'ugly fruit'(some random package) if she's tried that. She seemed talkative, so I asked her how if she's familiar with imperfect produce (it's a company that sells you ugly produce that doesn't make it to grocery stores bc it's 'ugly') and from there I transition to my rpo, ask her what she would buy if she could indulge in one thing...she said chip and dip. So I tell her about this fancy greek yogurt I had once and she says she's vegan so we talk a little about that, I ask her how she got into it and she says how she was talking to someone and they were vegan. So I tell her how with my ex she would eat meat but after dating me she found that she hardly cooks with meat anymore.

To be honest, she never asked me any questions, but I noticed her body language shift to be more receptive and to actively face me. After a while, she said she had to get going and said it was great talking with me so I said

Me: Yea, you seem cool actually, um—
Her: —I don't...sorry haha
Me: It's cool, no worries.

So yea... that was a little weird.


I reread in Lofty's journal about hooking and realized that with stationary sets I should try opening with something casual. And just thinking back on my past interactions, that pattern does hold up. Don't do an rpo right off the bat. But do it soon after. And with moving sets, that's when you start off with the curiosity baits first.

Also, I learned from Gunwitch in the chat that you can adapt the deep focus opener to "do you know who you remind me of" for asian girls. THen you could pick a celebrity who's vibe or style matches her maybe. Basically, I'm going to seriously start diving into this deep focus opener, probably do that next week.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Quick update. As I mentioned before, I was feeling too mechanical lately so mixed things up these past two days. And also after reading chase's latest article on how to incorporate daygame into your daily life, I decided to try opening very casual and situational. Then mixing in my verbal routines as I see fit. The result was a taste of what it feels like to be 'in state'. My mind was quicker, almost quick enough to give rpos on the fly. if not soon after.

I think opening casually works great, the only downside is that on moving sets, downtown, you still need a way to stop them. That's why I would still opt for a curiosity gambit first. Or follow up with a rainbow ruse soon and stop them while doing that. But...it's nice to feel high on state every once in a while. The other thing is, only one of the 3 girls I tried this with was actually attractive.

eg. black-haired girl with big boobs and a big ass, wearing sweatpants and a cropped tanktop, carrying a box of white-claws
Me: I can tell you've been watching a lot of Olympics commercials lately
she's receptive and says that she just likes them, I talk about a drink similar to them that I had in china and she asks me about that and I describe it to her but then say I'm more of a wine kind of guy and she qualifies saying she's the same. I add some bait about where I used to live and how it's much more fun to drink wine there because it's cold and snowy. Her apartment building arrives at this point.

Another girl I opened with asking "is it just me or are there a lot of sirens going off today". Her: "oh no that's just downtown" etc... mini-adventure rpo...she talked about how she had to go for an appointment once without a phone and it felt like an adventure etc...

Another girl I opened with a situational comment about how it suddenly became cool and pleasant.

Freestyling verbals was fun, basically.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I finally left the house at a respectable hour and I was able to get in the 4 approaches in good time, despite also spending some time in between just hanging out and searching for art galleries.

My Outfit:
Blue v-neck, ripped gray jeans, bracelets, white sneakers

Girl 1: Hot-ass Russian brunette. Tanned. Stylish. We were standing by the cross-walk and she was on her phone. I open casually saying how it's really nice that downtown has such tall buildings so that we can enjoy sun while everything is under the shade and it's cool and breezy. transition to the mini-adventure rpo. She hooks hard...basically starts peppering me with questions. And she even tries to pick the route that's best aligned with where I'm headed. At one point she talks about the Apple building and we collaboratively make a rich verbal description of it.

We stop at the corner and she asks me what I do, so I tell her I study math and go into the usual "oh do you know how when you're trying to solve a mystery..." gambit to explain the emotional reasons behind why I enjoy my research etc.. She's totally not a math person, so I cold read her how she's the creative artist type (although to be clear, math itself is very creative but I digress...) She asks for my Instagram, but I give her my number and then she calls me so I text her "hey who's that handsome guy you're talking to" she responds well and suggests we should go to an art gallery sometime since she could use the company. (that's what I told her I was out doing today)

Girl 2: boobilicious brunette, wearing all black. I tried to open her with something casual but she had her earphones in and didn't hear me the first time. So she basically was like "yea...have a nice day!' Yea that was awkward on my part. I should've just done my usual rpo instead.

I actually ran into her 2 hours later when I was waiting for the train back. So I said hey did you do anything fun today. She just said she was tired from work and asked me how my day was. At this point the train arrived and drowned out what I was saying. She asked me if I was getting on the last cabin, which I was. She didn't follow me so I assumed she was taking a different line. but then I saw her running to another cabin before the train left.

Girl 3: Indian girl looking for parking. I opened asking her "is it just me or are there a lot of sirens going on today". she was visiting form out of town and trying to figure out where she parked her car. I didn't know how to help her so I just peaced out.

Girl 4: Hot latina. We both stopped at the intersection and I say loudly to her(since we're a little far apart)

Me: I always feel like I'm getting a good workout whenever I take this street
Her: I knowww!
Me: At least it's not as hilly as [city-known-for-being-hilly] though
Her: it's still a little hilly
Me: where I used to live it was completely flat, the city.
Her: Ohh I think only parts of downtown are like that
Me: [mini adventure rpo]
Her: yea
Me: I always like to compare the artwork. here you've got [art] but where I used to live it was cold and snowy you'd have tulip lightin—
Her: —where are you from?
Me: [city] (I would've made her guess but I thought I had overdone it with the baits)
Me: Have you always lived in [here] (OKAY here is where the convo was just boring fluff talk. At this point I should ve just given an emotional description about what motivates people to move cities and then just shifted the conversation to her in the form of asking her what she was up to today and then going into a rainbow ruse or something. )
Her: yea different parts
Me: what inspired you to move here then?
Her: Work I guess
Me: Yea I live in [district] but what I really like about here and downtown is how busy it is. I was in [other city] and it was also very stimulating
Her: well I bet [old city] must've been like that too
Me: yea
Her: Oh I gotta turn this way, seeya

In the middle I realized she was walking faster than me and it felt like I was chasing her so I picked up the pace a bit. I kind of lost track of where to take the conversation and it descended into boring fluff.

She was walking very fast in general and just disappeared. That's not a good enough excuse for not asking for her number. but I also didn't feel like this would be the right time in the convo to ask for her number, ya know? but at the same time it doesn't hurt to just say "Oh hold up, two seconds, [come here]. You seem pleasant, I'd like to get to know you better, how about I give you my number". You lose nothing by doing that!

I think I was spooked by that girl at whole foods and now I've been gaslit into thinking any friendly girl is suddenly going to get weird if I ask her for her number. So it would probably be a good idea to do some self-hypnosis, or TRE exercises on that.

What I did well:​

  1. Accidentally stacking baits worked really well.
  2. I had great casual openers. (but remember to speak up a little bit)

What I could've done better:​

  1. Stacking baits for the same thing works well! Seems obvious but the first time you bait it might be too soon because she might not be socially warmed up yet, but the second or third time can inspire her to invest. I will keep this at the back of my mind. One exercise would be to bait the same thing in different ways 2-3 times until she asks you about it.
  2. Now it would be good if you can actually stop these girls a bit. or just go for the close when they turn.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014

Summary of the Week​

This week saw distractions with texting, scouting date venues, and lower morale. My approach volume was not satisfactory and the sets I did do were half-assed mostly. The overlying reason behind this is that I'm simply not managing my time properly. I'm going to bed later and then taking naps in the middle of the day and then leaving the house later for daygame while still having unfinished work, which is causing a vicious cycle.

After doing a deeper analysis into the week, I realized actually I did quite well. The hook rate was decent, I just didn't plow as much as I should have, and I also had the surprising experience of running into yet another youtuber. This time a well-known fashion and grooming guru. He was also really friendly and down-to-earth.

Saturday night, while out on the streets I met an rsd student who was solidly intermediate and I learned a lot from him.

I didn't get any blowouts and my hook-rate was pretty consistently around 1/3 - 1/4 still. I had a lot of lukewarm interactions that I could now learn to push forward with.


  • Have conviction on your approaches and don't politely eject. If you have conviction she will feel it too and fall into your frame that this is normal and wonderful
  • The rsd student told me that with technical game, you start out as a beginner and zoom straight to advanced, once you manage to get all the pieces working in harmony.
  • It took him 2 years of grinding with very few results before he felt he was getting some semblance of abundance (meaning he'd date a girl for a few months and then would have no trouble replacing her a month later when things fizzle out). He's a little older than me, been in the game for about 4 years.
  • He was kind of intense, and he'd pick up on shit immediately like if two girls were standing near us or if a girl asked us where we lived his "that's window" radar would go crazy. Meanwhile I was just thinking "well sure I guess that happened and...I know of this in theory but it's still impressive he's picking up these things". I was still overwhelmed by the environment.
  • If you want to make rounds outside a nightclub, go down and way past the end of the nightclub instead of walking back and forth 'end to end'. It helps you be out of sight for a bit as you wait for another batch of people to populate.
  • Flirt a little indirectly during texting, as pointed out by @Skills.

Night Game​

Yeah so as I mentioned in the lessons I went out around midnight to see what the streets looked like and as I was waiting outside, busying myself on my phone a dude suddenly started talking to me. I was just humoring him thinking he was just trying to get social or something. But then he wanted to approach girls so I was like arrite. So he opens a set with a girl nursing her drunk friend who is on the floor and she's chatty but needs to take care of her friend.

Then I open a set of two girls asking about the cover and he jumps in to help, telling the girls they're smart for wearing a sweater tonight. They're not receptive but he fist bumps me anyway as encouragement.

After checking out the area a bit we decide to bounce to another district with more nightclubs. He opens this Korean chick who is by herself and I talk to this dude in the meantime. But...in hindsight I think the dude was gay and thought I was hitting on him. He gave me the lenny face and said "you must've come over here for a reason ;)" yea... the reason is I needed to occupy myself and build social momentum while my wing is chatting up a girl. But anyway I was stuck in convo with that dude and the wing decided to approach another two set. So I was thinking...I need to get over there and help him out. So I waffled around a little bit talking with the gay dude and finally told him it was nice meeting him exchanged facebook and went over to help out my wing.

The girl who wasn't getting hit on was happy to see me and she introduced herself immediately. From here I was in familiar territory, just running the same verbals I had practiced for so many months during daygame. Nothing much to note other than the fact that it felt good and easy.

The girls are waiting for an uber so we walk over where we think the uber might be but turns out the driver came to the girls house instead. So we had to wait for them to call another one. The hotter of the two is very flirty and we ended up switching girls so I was talking to the hotter one, rather she was talking to me and my wing was talking to the other one. I wasn't sure why that happened but I learned afterwards that the wing picked up on a bunch of red flags and thought she was a psycho and he was really spooked that he gave her her phone number and he legit wanted to get it from her phone and delete it. He kept worrying about it the rest of the night.

My initial impressions are that looks-wise, the quality of the girls we talked to was a little lower than what I usually do for daygame but the volume was higher. Nothing groundbreaking here.

Action Steps for Next Week​

  1. Open with conviction and keep plowing while being upbeat and a little positive. Don't politely eject
  2. Ask every girl who doesn't blow you out for her number. (practice this beforehand so you don't get caught off guard)
  3. Bait twice if she doesn't ask you anything. (Need to make a list of baits)
I might not have time to go out today since I have to give a presentation tomorrow, but maybe I can walk around my area for an hour.
But tomorrow onwards I should be back in business.
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Bait twice if she doesn't ask you anything -> in order to follow up with dhv's?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
I've been blind, but now I see
I can't believe it took me so long to really see what was going on. I've been learning all of these techniques lately such as the soft-close, and rpos, and rainbow ruses, etc... but I realize I've been missing the forest for the trees. This week I realized it when I was implementing Skill's texting advice. The standard texting advice is that you start with an icebreaker text and then follow up with a text about her schedule.

And sure you include other things in your second text, but the idea is still "hey it's nice to meet you" followed by "hey what's your schedule like this week". And if you have a solid interaction with her, you'll still convert a decent amount of numbers, I guess. I mean it does work for some people...But...

With Skill's method, it's more like you give her your number, so that it's a pattern interrupt(good for compliance if it's a strong interaction), start with a little bit of banter(again good for compliance, since you're not asking for much), and then your choice of emotional stimulation and then you find a smooth way to soft-close.

And instead of immediately hard closing after that, you tease her a little bit by having her wait with an "I'll let you know" and then you would text her something like "I have some good news and some bad news" (suggested by skills and velasco here to again up her emotional investment). This process takes the standard process and baby-steps all the compliance from icebreaker to hard close into a collection of smooth, bite-sized pieces.

Essentially it's a highly sophisticated compliance ladder. And it doesn't just stop there. After you hard close, you are only proposing a "quick meet and greet at Starbucks to see if the vibe is there" you see how it continues to baby-step the compliance ladder? You might even throw in an exaggerated future projection to make the initial coffee meet sound sweet. ("and after coffee I'll show you this really amazing place you're gonna love it!)

Then when you meet up with her, you might opt to do a strategy such as the 3-bounce date process. Again... you're baby-stepping compliance...Now of course I knew that compliance is important and everything is compliacne but it's kind of something you assume is chugging along in the background with good game. Not something that's so blatantly in your face

I could go on about this but let me also say a little bit about the opening stages, by talking about what I've observed in Gunwitch, Bacchus, etc.., You start out the interaction with the meet-cute (baby-stepping compliance) since before you open her, it'll be less of an ask to get her to listen to you if she's already noticed you first and looked at you first.

So then you set up the meet-cute and then since you have heightened social frame from that, you also have slightly higher compliance so when you deliver your opener it's less of a compliance "jump" to listen and respond to it. Now as an example, your opener is going to be something that either inspires curiosity about you or tugs on her vanity which does not require too much compliance, if anything they build compliance.

Then you will build her immersion further and start working the 3 keys to get her compliance levels sufficiently high.(I'm glossing over a lot of details here) At which point, you might exchange numbers or go for an instant-date right there. And there are micro techniques to make all of this go down smoother, for example suggesting coffee could be "so that you can tell me more about the thing you said in your answer to the golden question".

She'll want to talk about herself and her passions so it's an easy yes. Again the compliance ladder aspect of it is becoming much much more apparent now. You're basically boosting her compliance and investment with all of these techniques that you're doing. So that she is ready for the next step. And when you get her to the next baby-step you've increased compliance even further.

And if it's too big of a jump to get her from one step to another, then you figure out ways to baby-step it further (as in the texting example).
Some other thoughts about compliance:
  1. first of all, it's possible to build too much intrigue and then release it too quickly. For example in Gun's "do you know who you look like" opener, the girl might just leave as soon as she finds out who she looks like. But if you stack a rainbow ruse on top of that like he suggests "but you have a different energy behind your eyes" this could alleviate that. (I still need to work on keeping her around after that)
  2. How you get her through previous steps in the compliance ladder still affects your chances of getting her through later steps. For example, if your approach comes across as choppy and premeditated, it could cause her to not show up for a date even if she gives you her number. (This is just a guess. I'm still working out the nuances of it and also everything else on this list)
  3. You need to make sure your compliance ladder is headed in the direction you actually want(sex). For example if you are trying to sell someone an encyclopedia and you only talk about how delicious domino's pizza is, you might have built up their compliance high enough in the sense that they're down to get some pizza with you but they're not going to want to buy an encyclopedia from you. This is why for example, Gun says to balance the 3 keys and how each one is crucial (nothing groundbreaking here).
  4. Frame control plays a big role in smoothing along the compliance. But this is a deep topic
So how do I make use of this immediately?
My Takeaways:
  • Have a specific reason for your RPO. If you ask her whether it feels like a mini-adventure and she says no, you've just lost compliance there or it was indicative of already lower compliance going in. And now, what are you going to do about that? This is why Bacchus starts off with a truism, I think.
  • Find as many ways as possible to baby-step compliance if you're stuck somewhere. You can do this by trying out ways to pump social frame (initially), or the 3 keys if it's later on in the interaction.
  • You can get really really creative with baby-stepping compliance. For example Skill's pattern interrupt with the "give me your phone and I"ll put down my number". You can also get really creative with how you build social frame, for example opening over your shoulder, nonverbally.
  • ALL OF THIS TECH is meant to fit into a larger compliance ladder in some form or fashion. You need to think critically about what it's trying to accomplish in the larger frame of the ladder.
  • Think in terms of compliance ladders instead of just general compliance.

Opened this really hot (korean?) girl. She was probably the hottest girl I had seen in the past 6 months, let alone opened. Waterfall hair down to her waist, nice tanned skin, and a gorgeous booty. Yum Yum Yum. I learned a painful lesson, unfortunately. She was wearing her airpods and I tried to open casual with something about the buildings. She didn't quite hear me at first and took out her air pods. Then I tried to follow up with the mini-adventure rpo, but she didn't really relate to it and said "not really lol" when I asked her if it felt like a mini-adventure. So I let her go and let her keep walking as I fell back. She kind of wasn't matching my pace either. She glanced at me again when we stopped at the intersection.


My approaching has been shit this week. I need to manage my time better. I'm working on it.
My Outfit:
Ripped gray jeans, blue v-neck, bracelets and a ring.
Girl 1:
Notice this girl walking slightly behind me, her pace is a little slower. As we're walking a loud firetruck goes by so I look over to her and say

Me: do you think there is actually a fire—
Her:—[takes out airpods] whats up?
Me: do you think there's actually a fire or more like a cat stuck in a tree? (great line, but is it a little too bantery?)

she giggles and guesses the latter. I go into the mini-adventure RPO and then drop a little bit of bait about how when I need that extra bit of creativity for work I like to go on walks around the area. She doesn't bite on the bait so I continue with a rainbow ruse (actually it's more like a cold read)

Me: Actually I get the sense about you that you're very comfortable with the area blah blah blah

anyway my voice wasn't great in the audio, but I think it's also because my phone was in my pocket or maybe it's bc my ear has been a little congested this past week

She says that she's visiting and she's from Toronto. I say that my family likes to take vacations there

One thing I noticed is after I opened her with the firetruck line, she kind of quickened her pace and overtook me and I sped up to overtake her again so that she would feel like she's chasing me. The problem is that I turned to the left while she was going straight.


I realized that if I'm walking a little bit faster than the girl as I talk to her, it's great for building social frame because it makes her feel like she's chasing. The only downside to this is, it's hard to predict where she will be going.

It's probably not something you should do throughout the entire interaction but maybe a little bit earlier in the interaction, walk juuust a little bit in front of her, if you don't manage to stop her for whatever reason. And if it happens that she is about to go in another direction, tell her to stop for two seconds and ask her the golden question. Say something about her response and then say well I'd love to hear more about this. we should continue this conversation over a coffee sometime. Then ask her "actually what are you up to right now?" (the way that Bacchus goes about getting instant dates, )

Otherwise, if you do manage to stop her, then just carry on as usual.

Overall, I need to figure out how to get in enough volume. I'm still struggling to hit 4 approaches a day. Today, for example, I left the house around 5:30 pm, and left for home about 7:30. And the thing is, I started to get really hungry around 7, that I lost the mood to approach. I mean I could just eat lunch at 1, and

There was one Latina at the intersection, we kept stopping at the intersection for about 5 seconds. I was thinking of doing the opener "oh isn't this the best time of day to be walking outside? You have the sun going down so it's pleasant and cool but still very bright." but the time window was too short until she kept walking again. And when I finally had a decent chance, There was another dude nearby and I didn't end up approaching. She might've been giving me approach invites too, because I think she glanced at me when I arrived at her intersection and she glanced behind her a couple of times too when the light changed. I've been noticing this week that I pass up many opportunities where we're standing at the intersection because I see someone else there as well. Maybe I should actively target these.

Why I didn't hit my approach target today:
  • I left the house an hour later than ideal (because I was busy browsing amazon and finishing up the laundry)
  • I didn't give myself 4 hours outside. (because I was late and got hungry)
  • I got hungry (had some junk food for lunch and didn't eat a snack before going out)

What I did well:​

  1. Came up with a nice playful opener on the spot

What I could've done better:​

  1. Don't politely eject. You know this. Why didn't you stay in set? Probably because I thought she wasn't hooking. And she didn't get a chance to hook because you didn't stay in set.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Thank you for writing this Skippy, it all made a lot of sense.
Then ask her "actually what are you up to right now?" (the way that Bacchus goes about getting instant dates, )
This just shows the compliance ladder in action. You have one step at the bottom and one step at the top... you bridge the gap by getting her to say yes to a future date so you can reach the top of the ladder and get her out now. And all of this is one part of the ladder you're climbing to fuck her at the top.
Can't wait to try it myself, I've been meaning to get some insta dates going
She was wearing her airpods.

Fuck airpods. The only thing thats worked for me assuming they will hear and pretending they are not there and waving to grab their attention(higher effort however).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Fuck airpods. The only thing thats worked for me assuming they will hear and pretending they are not there and waving to grab their attention(higher effort however).

have you ever tested after waving and getting her attention acting like you have invisible headphones/airpods then taking them off so she can mirror your behavior pre-opening, then opening...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
have you ever tested after waving and getting her attention acting like you have invisible headphones/airpods then taking them off so she can mirror your behavior pre-opening, then opening...
Thank you for the idea, will try it it out... it seems promising. I also have my own wireless headphones I could bring and use as a prop


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Fuck airpods. The only thing thats worked for me assuming they will hear and pretending they are not there and waving to grab their attention(higher effort however).
Yea a moving set and wearing airpods, seems like it'll need more juice on the opener. Sometimes they're clumsy when they take them out and they drop them :p

have you ever tested after waving and getting her attention acting like you have invisible headphones/airpods then taking them off so she can mirror your behavior pre-opening, then opening...
will need to try this out too!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I left the house around 5:30, even though I finished work eaerly because I was busy chatting with another intern. She messaged me in the afternoon telling me to keep in touch and so I added her on wechat. Predictably she was surprised and so I had promised her we'd chat in Chinese. All the same, I managed my 4 approaches for the first time in ages, hooked 1.5 sets (the second one I'm not sure counts)

My Outfit:

Green crew neck, black skinny jeans, the usual accessories.

Girl 1: HBFedora I turn towards her and she immediately takes off her airpods and turns towards me. This girl is receptive right off the bat. Ooops where are my manners? I forgot to describe her. From the back, she was this slim tanned brunette wearing a top hat and a crop top. All black. Her butt looked nice and as I neared, I realized she looked more Japanese. (I would later find out that she is Kazak).

I open casually about how it's nice to walk around downtown and she buys into it immediately. Compliance was high with this girl, as she stopped at the intersection to talk with me. I ran the usual art around different cities gambit, social frame was also really good as she was asking me my name and taking the bait I laid out about where I used to live. I don't quite rainbow ruse her until after we talk about what we're doing the rest of the day. She says she was just hanging out (more by herself though) and I also said I was going for a walk to celebrate finishing up my internship. I also did the golden question on her but she said she's so busy hustling that her hustle is what she enjoys. Come to think of it, I missed this opportunity to ask her what her hustle actually is. I just switched it to asking her what she'd do if she won the lottery and could do anything in the world. She said she would buy a house by the beach in Thailand. Around this point, I can tell she's getting antsy and is about to leave so I suggest we continue this over a coffee some other time but she tells me she has a bf. I forgot the line chase had about this but she also mentions that their relationship is not going so well right now...interesting that she mentioned that...I end up giving her my number (she tried to get my insta first) but I couldn't figure out how to text myself so I let her just call and sent her a text shortly after. In hindsight, I should've just asked her how do I send myself a text bc/ sometimes my phone doesn't get calls.

Girl 2:

Blonde, decent ass, fake eyebrows. Moderately cute but in hindsight not that attractive. I first motioned for her to remove her airpods before going into the mini-adventure RPO. I learn that this girl's favorite word is "uhuh" and her favorite sentence is anything that is only "one word long" While I was talking to her, HBFedora walks by and sees me with her. So we just smile at each other and I say hey as if nothing is wrong. Shortly after this though, it became painfully obvious that this girl was just Gray-Rocking me and trying to dry me out in terms of content. I decided to eject because I was a bit turned off by this. But I should've at least asked her the golden question before ejecting.

Now that I had my epiphany, let me think about this in terms of compliance. So it's good that I got the original compliance where she removed her airpods. I realize I was not playing on her vanity enough. I was just dropping bait about myself but she wouldn't contribute anything to the convo. The most she probably talked about was when I asked her about her hometown. She gave me a 3 word sentence then.

Girl 3:
brunette walking up the stairs. I messed up the open though and opened her after we got up the stairs while she was on her phone. I opened with something like "oh it always feels like a workout walking up these stairs" and she said "oh is that so?" still sort of engrossed in her phone. I was just like "yea idk" and I walked off. (BTW here my mini adventure rpo wouldn't have made sense and also we were heading towards a parking structure very soon so my window of time would've been limited) I really do need to start doing the "who you look like opener" more.

Girl 4:
I was at the train station waiting, when I notice this woman walking down the stairs and she stops diagonally in front of me and digs in her purse. I was admiring her glittery shiny ring before it hit me that this was a blatant approach invitation. she then moves closer to the platform to wait for the train. I'm thinking she looked alright. Had a great ass and was wearing a leopard print yoga outfit and a purple jacket.

I first walked around to pretend to look at train schedules and then opened with some bullshit question asking her if the "blue line" still goes to that last stop "because there was construction there for a few weeks and it wasn't going there in the past. She's talkative even though she has no clue. launches into telling me how she rarely takes metro and how it's her second time in two years. So I ask her if she's noticed anything different about it. I try to get off the topic and so I transition into how you always remember the public transport when you're traveling, and how it's sometimes fun to just walk around and take the metro instead of taking the car all the time, and being stuck in traffic. Anyway, my train arrives and I didn't take down her number or anything. I also think the convo didn't quite get off the surface-level topics just yet. For example I didn't gq her.


Analyzing this through the lense of compliance is going to take more time. At the moment I'm just rushing to get everything down. Super glad I got in my 4 approaches. I also remembered I missed out on an approach opportunity with this stationary chick because I didn't know how to open her since she was standing in an area where it'd feel strange to also stand next to her. So I realized I should've done the "fake text" metapace opener in Bacchus's gc article. That should be the standard for when you have girls standing in odd locations where you can't casually 'hover'.

What I did well:​

  1. Got in the 4 approaches.

What I could've done better:​

  1. Crisper rainbow ruses
  2. Tug on her vanity more
  3. Sharper baits.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


I went to the beach area today. I don't often go there because it's far from where I live but I was in the area and there's always decent volume there. I wrote down 4 approaches, but I only count the first two as real approaches since I wasn't terribly attracted to the other two girls.

And there were a fair number of sets that I passed up because I didn't know what to say. I guess my mini adventure rpo can be adapted to them but...I'm getting really bored of it. I feel like if the girl is not hooked and I'm trying to cycle through the same stack of (mini-adventure —>art in different cities gambit —>where I'm from /travel —> rainbow ruse about her and how she seems comfortable with the surrounding) it just seems really robotic. If the girl hooks, then it's a different story. Then it actually feels like we've got a good vibe going on.

Girl 1:
Did the do you know who you look like opener. She didn't recognize the game of thrones actress (she didn't know the tv show that much either). She also didn't seem like she cared all that much. I tried to rainbow ruse her as well on seeming more reserved than her even though she probably has close friends. At this point she was like yea and wished me a good day.

Girl 2:
I opened her by asking her about a bookstore nearby and then reality pacing how you always find these interesting bookstores and cafes but only when you're not looking for them.

I transition into a mini adventure rpo and then transition into talking about art. At some point I also rainbow rused her about how she seems still new to the area and still finds it fresh. She asked me where I'm from and I had her try and guess and gave her a hint. I observed that the area had gotten pretty residential and she said yeah most of the interesting stuff is behind us so she wished me a good day. I didnt try and number close because I didn't think she would go for it. Which is kind of dumb in hindsight because you lose nothing my trying except maybe a little bit of ego. but what I should've done is told her to hold up for two seconds and GQ her.

Girl 3:
Not really an approach, but this woman asked to sit next to me on the bus, and she was mostly on her phone watching a tv show but then I pointed out some colorful-looking steinway pianos and asked her how much she thinks they cost she guesses 15-20k and she immediately starts chatting with me about how you can get cheap pianos for $100 at the goodwill and then she mentions how I should learn piano because chicks dig it and you'll have a ton of girls in your bed. She tells me how this one guy brought her home and sang to her and the next thing she knew she woke up in his room in the morning. Then she tells me her relationship story so I share a little bit about mine as well. I was not trying to bang, her I just thought I'd test out my situational opener.

Girl 4:

Girl at the pasta aisle. We're both staring at pasta sauces so I turn to her and say "you know...I see all of these options...but I always end up going for the same one each time" she laughs and says that's so true. Again I wasn't particularly attracted to her I just wanted to test out this opener.


So when you have a street interaction, there's 3-4 main compliance points in my opinion.
  1. her agreeing to listen to you in the first place
  2. her matching your pace to talk to you(questionable)
  3. her stopping to talk to you
  4. her giving your her number or going somewhere with you like to a cafe or a bench.
Of course, you can skip steps but I would say this is the rough framework.

I noticed in these interactions, I didn't push for any compliance whatsoever except for the basic "her agreeing to listen to you". So I will keep that in mind when I write my weekly analysis. Since I need to now mull over all of these ideas of compliance and figure out how to make use of them. But yeah it's key to find out where on the compliance ladder she was and the only way you will know for sure where you stand on steps 3 and 4 is if you ask.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
@Skippy about the airpods.. I actually use what Skills suggested.. mimicking taking out headphones... until today it has worked well for me. Usually the other person gets the signal that you have something important to say.

Perhaps it even acts as an intrigue bait with proper pausing...