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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2022
Things have reached a point where I am now confident that I will have paid work at least until early next year, and probably for longer, provided I do my absolute best. Additionally, I have procured decent accommodations splat bang in the middle of all the action.

The back issue is still largely unresolved, however. Nevertheless, I can reduce the pain to manageable levels, albeit having limited mobility. (This may be problematic for sex technique, but it means that adapted missionary or standing doggy style will be positions of choice, and gives me further incentive to penetrate her mind with verbals before unclothing her).

Right now I have 3 girls I'm "plate-spinning," and my objective is to practice game (big picture) and work on improving my date/close game (my opener/number-close/texting game is already spick and span) as opposed to only seeking the "get the lay" outcome (small picture).

I will shoot to arrange dates starting tomorrow but also throughout next week with these girls, and in the meantime will read the following gambits:

1. 8 Orgasms
2. Good Sex/Bad Sex
3. Purity
4. Mental G-spot

And prepare anti-ASD frames (about society punishing women for expressing their sensual side, women lying to themselves and attempting to control their arousal so that they don't slut-shame themselves, etc.)

Basically, the important thing is to incorporate versions of this crack into my verbals that suit my style and life experience. "I used to just have sex for sex, for the physical aspect, and that was enjoyable for a time, but soon got old, as you run into feelings of meaninglessness...I don't just want sex for sex anymore, but instead am seeking connection and intimacy. Pleasure is great, but nothing beats allowing someone to truly express who they are without fear of judgment so that they no longer feel they have to bow to societal pressures that only serve to constrict them and make them feel miserable."

Something like that. Also, fractionation, and SOTs, so that I don't START talking about sex out of nowhere, but it just organically flows into the conversation. Travel is a good starting point.
Hey I noticed you mentioned your text game is spic and span any advice you could offer would be great …I get numbers try to use girls chase info as much as I can but still get dead ends…now that could be cuz the connections aren’t always there with a quick number close but either way any tips and tricks would be appreciated


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey miker,

Sure dude - why don't you make a journal where you document your game adventure giving specific examples of the sorts of texts you send and I'll be happy to take a look and troubleshoot.

BTW @miker I just made a thread with a quick tip for texting you may want to take a note of.
Last edited:
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Wednesday 28 December
Last night in my hometown (Christmas hols) and I meet up with a bro I hadn't seen since September. Guy's quite successful with the (hot) local girls. We hit up a bar at 11 and stayed there until closing time (2.00 a.m.)

At the bar, we initially sat at a small table isolated from the rest in a room that was quickly filling up, mostly with hot young local chicks in the 17-22 age range. Bro went to get a drink and I walked up to tell two cute slightly older foreign chicks (28 age range) who were sitting at another small table in the same row that we were gonna sit next to them and introduce myself. I moved all our shit to the table right next to theirs.

With this, we now had social proof for the 20 or so other hotter younger chicks who were there. At one point bro asked the hot locals at one of the tables for a cigarette, offering some money in return. Then I went up to them and did the same. Finally when he went once again this delicious 17-year-old in her last year of high school at a conservative Catholic local lyceum said "you don't need to pay, you're so nice" as she blushed slightly. I went up to them to inquire about what was going down later in the night and they said they would be hitting x club. I relayed the info to bro and we decided on hitting it too.

We left the bar at closing time and made our way to the club, where we arrived at 3. The place was stacked with luscious belles.

We went to grab some vodka red bulls, and then we were next to the main dance floor. I saw this really hot girl (tall, slim, long dark brown hair, pretty) wearing sunglasses. Bro made his way to the front near the DJ and I was supposed to follow along, but I couldn't resist opening this bombshell. I tapped her on the shoulder from behind (she was in a circle with two other hot chicks and a dude) and said to her: "why are you wearing sunglasses in here?" not sure what she said. I stacked with "are you on ecstasy or something?" again, don't remember what she said. Then I said, "yeah but you don't have the vibe [of someone who is on "e"]" again don't remember what she said. Then I said "are you trying to look special?" she said "...and it worked, right? you came here to talk to me" to which I said, "Nah, I was on my way to the front and just happened to notice you." I was holding her waist as I spoke loudly in her ear.

Anyway, at this point, her girlfriends and the guy friend had abandoned her (giving us isolation) and she became worried because she didn't want to be alone. I told her not to worry, that they wouldn't have abandoned her (and the club) and that they'd be around somewhere. She wouldn't have any of it though (I think she was quite drunk) and so went to go look for them. I stayed where I was. Bro was back and we were reconning. Then she came back and asked me if I could help her. Here I had my first inkling that she was into me. I said, "sure." I took her hand and went to look for her friends with her.

We eventually found them. I chatted with her girlfriends for the first time, and with the dude, introducing myself and befriending them. At the same time, I was gradually kino'ing my bombshell more and more. She was getting more receptive to my touch. We chatted a bit, and I discovered she's 22 and studying where I did my master's. She's also studying what I now do for work. Her two other hot girlfriends too. She's also from a small town right next to the village where my father's mother was from (so a fair bit of similarity/social frame right there). Then she went to the WC to have "the talk" with one of her girlfriends.

She came back and I was by myself trying to act non-needy and considering opening other sets, when bro started working on the third hottie (the one who'd stayed behind when the other two went to the WC) and came up to me to say the others approved me and that I should go get her and invite her to come and dance with me elsewhere on the DF, effectively isolating her. I went up to the friend she'd gone to the WC with and asked her if I could "borrow" bombshell to go dance for 1 minute. She said, "please do!" But bombshell didn't want to be separated from her. I persisted several times with no success.

Anyway, I held her waist and spun her into me so that we were now dancing inches away from each other's faces. As if by magic, her girlfriends isolated her again, and, once again, she was worried. Then she saw her WC friend making out with their guy friend, and I told her that her other girlfriend had said we made a cute couple. Her other girlfriend had actually said that. Soon we were spooning and thrice she initiated makeouts that I cut short and told her something along the lines of "stop doing that, you're turning me on too much" with a smirk. I then tried to positively affect her state by describing how the 80s tunes they were blasting made me feel.

Long story short: she then went to find her WC girlfriend and tell her she wanted to go home. They both left with the guy friend but the third one wanted to stay with bro. He also didn't manage to smash in the end.

tl;dr - the girl was too drunk and seemed to not be very disinhibited. Her girlfriends approved of me and were trying to get her to let loose but she seemed to have hangups. I also had zero logistics and was entirely dependent on bro (he said he could drive us to one of several flats his family owns and rents out) for that. Didn't have control over the situation and was also completely exhausted, having woken up around 6 am and it being past 3 am (this is why I don't enjoy night game - I really appreciate the concentration of high-end young tail you find, but it's just such a Herculean effort to stay up all night...overkill for me).


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Wednesday 18 January 2022

Cute/Hot Long Light Brown-haired Green-eyed Brunette captured my carnal imagination with her forward demeanor and luscious ways. The girl is the epitome of the twenty-first century's feminism-fuelled hedonistic generation. Even though I strongly suspected that doing away with rubbers had made me catch something from her on 22 December 2022 night, I still felt strangely drawn to her moist twat, plump pink nipples, round firm breasts, pretty face, slim waist, spankable ass-cheeks, and long legs. She also allured me with her testiness, which is simply the language of the sexually experienced girl.

We had arranged to meet yesterday. I sent her a WhatsApp at 11.30 a.m. suggesting we do so at 9.30 p.m., and giving her my address. She responded by stating that she "wanted to go to a bar together but didn't really feel like something else. Okay?". After conferring with some acquaintances, I decided to accept, take her to a bar, and still endeavor to bring her home afterward for dessert. When she arrived at the bar and was fidgeting with the chairs in front of me at the table I was sitting at on a wall-mounted sofa, I tapped the space next to me while looking at her and she came to sit down next to me.

During the date, I basically had to "re-seduce" her. Ran some light game on her once more, setting frames, etc. Also a bit of kino. Then I suggested we have a second drink back at mine, with the cheeky afterthought that she could always crash on my new guest foldable mattress. At that point she was mine. Brought her home and fornicated for almost 2 hours. Got the whip out, blindfolded her, restrained her, whipped her, licked lemon juice off her tits, she gave me an amazing blowjob, and I came inside her again. We also tried multiple different positions, including doggy standing in the WC.

Conclusion: had to postpone the STD clinic appointment since you need to wait two weeks before being tested to ensure accurate results. Still intend to verify and if necessary cure whatever I have (and then tell her about it).


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
What's new from the grapevine:

I can't believe it's been almost 2 months already, fuck. Time really flies when all is dark around you and you have to work for 8-plus hours per day. I am sitting here in my studio, freshly cleaned by a maid I will probably never call over again as she made me wait 1.5 hours yesterday to come clean, and in general, she doesn't clean to the highest standards, even though she's cheap.

Presently I'm juggling three main goals:

  1. HEALTH Heal my spine - read Back Mechanic, do the self-assessment, go visit the specialized coach once more overseas next month, and practice spine health every single day (correct posture, sitting for 30 minutes to 1-hour batches and then standing up for 5-10 mins, working standing a bit, then sitting back down again, watching how I stand up and sit down, squat with good form to go low but don't pick anything up off the floor, watch posture for putting socks on and off, clothes on and off, etc., etc.) walk at least 3x per day for 10-15 mins
  2. WORK Get a different (slightly better paid) job - basically, my work isn't making me feel very challenged or realized, and, on top of that, my team leader is bonkers, so the chances that she will give me a hard time if I stay under her for much longer are high, even if I do an excellent job. Looking for another job means lots of applications, cover letters, CVs, etc.
    1. Study for the competition later in the year - this could be my "in", but chances are low considering the number of candidates versus spots available. Still, it will require a lot of studying and preparing for the different phases of the process and will be a good learning experience
  3. LOVE Continue spinning plates - continue milking house parties and extended social circle for good-looking low-hanging fruit (7.5s) while keeping an eye out for the chance to develop a more meaningful relationship with a girl who is cute/pretty and has a good body but I can also hang out with, so who is chill and fun to be with.

There is a bonus goal which is to leverage my passion to develop a hobby that I can manage digitally. I've found that I have a gift for reading but also for memorizing facts and for understanding history, and I want to share the fruits of these pursuits with the internet at large. Who knows, maybe it could eventually be monetized somehow.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
20 March 2023

So over the past couple of weeks, I've been on a few dates:

  • 28 February 2023 - went on a date with a tall fit blonde Polish girl whom I met at a house party back in 2022 and who recently came to a house party I organized at another Polish girl's place on 25 February. At the latter party, I groped her delicious ass cheek, and was rubbing her hands all up in her face, but resisted outright making out with her as there was other talent around that I wanted to also number close and pursue. The date went well but she cut it short (maybe after she heard me say I was considering leaving the city, I get the impression she is looking for a boyfriend. She's in her early 30s) and then she declined the opportunity to meet again

  • 16 March 2023 - I went on a date with a fit short brunette that I also invited to the 25 February party. However, she doesn't seem to have understood that it was a date, even though I'd said "we should get a drink and not talk about work" (the first two times I'd met her had been (1) to give her tips to help her along with her internship over hot chocolate in the afternoon for 45 minutes and (2) a beer in the evening where I was again in help her mode since she'd asked to see me sometime before where the advice part was dealt with in the first 10 minutes but then I didn't switch the frame or escalate the vibe, perhaps losing my WoO) so the thing flopped

  • 17 March 2023 - I went on a date with a cute short brunette that I met at the 25 February party. She was conservatively dressed and I told her to sit next to me on the bench but then she went to sit super far away which was awkward. It was hard to do any sort of SOT since she doesn't do anything outside of work and in general, seemed rather boring. I may have missed an opportunity to connect by not having asked about traveling. 27-year-old who earns a couple of hundred dollars more per month than me but our employer is not known for being meritocratic.

  • 20 March 2023 - Just came from a short date that lasted about 1 hour with this fit stylish strawberry blonde I met at an event on Tuesday 14 March and literally chatted to for 5 or 10 minutes before number closing (but it was quite man-to-woman, and I could see her looking at my lips). She was super compliant and we agreed to meet again. Have a good feeling about this one. I also find her much more interesting than the 17 March gal.

All that said, I will be going back to cold approach, as SC just doesn't deliver the goods pronto. It's more time-consuming and a bit hit or miss. This weekend will be visiting the one and only Devilicious, and that should be a good opportunity to practice.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Quick update -

Went to another house party yesterday, 1 April, night. There was some talent around - a pretty Colombian dirty blonde with a bubble butt, a tall svelte Cypriot brunette, a short slim Hungarian cutie, and a tall dark-haired Bosnian-Swedish femme fatale.

Since I had spent the day by myself in my studio working on various things, I had more of a socializing itch to scratch than anything else. Also, since I am still healing my chronic back pain (and things haven't been stupendous on that front lately), haven't smashed since early Feb, and there has been no sun here since October 2022, my T levels aren't exactly shooting through the roof.

All this to say that despite social frame principles for such small gatherings in house party format, once the lights were out and loud music was blasting from the large speaker, it was love o'clock and, though I like to err more on the conservative side in these shindigs, in order to avoid the vulture/predator reputation among social circles I want to continue plying for booty, one opportunity indeed presented itself that I didn't seize.

As I chatted with someone, I spotted the femme fatale loitering in my immediate vicinity, by herself. I asked her how she was doing and introduced myself, giving her a handshake. And she kept her hand on mine, which, from reading BodiPUA's Death by 1,000 Sluts, I knew to mean she was DTF.

Additionally, we were literally all up in each other's faces, lips inches apart, as we chatted. Still, I didn't number close or make out with her (I don't like to make out as it gives the girl free validation, but OTOH I can also come off a bit too strong and not validate girls enough, as Devilicious has accurately pointed out) and may have made her auto-reject.

Next thing I know she's kissing a recent acquaintance of mine, and some 30 minutes later she's all over a tall Spaniard, and then they disappear into the night. Haha God bless him. And her.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Warming up and hitting the honey pot (5 May 2023)

What's been up
If you scroll up to my 5 March post here in the journal, I've been focusing on the HEALTH side. I feel like I'm progressing in battling being a "pained individual" as Stu McGill calls us chronic back pain sufferers, though it is a daily struggle.

Since my free time is limited, I've demoted in importance a busy social agenda in favor of simply approaching military style 30 mins to 1 hour per day. The reason for this is that socializing sessions take longer than 30 mins to 1 hour and that their results do not tend to include top-shelf twat.

Crazy (unexpected) results
So I went to approach for 30 mins on Thursday 4 May (my first approaches of 2023!) and hit up a couple of gals, opening them with the patented Torero "I saw you and I thought you look nice". One was a two-set where they were both baes, and they reacted really well. But my Indian wing told me to ditch the compliment and I decided to roll with the punches.

Friday 5 May I went for a 1-hour sesh at 8.00 p.m. again (it's still daytime here, night arrives at like 9). This time we had another PUA in tow (so there were three of us). I'd pair off whenever I saw something that caught my eye. I ended up doing 2 sets.

A word on my get-up: dark brown shaved hair crew cut, I'm 1.80m tall (5"9) Caucasian, lost 15 kg (33 lbs) of muscle mass since my powerlifting days but getting a bit more definition (even if still very subdued/practically non-existent muscles compared with my beast days) due to strict daily back rehabilitation exercises, I was dressed in dark grey Levis, a plain tight-fitting white cotton tee, my bling Swiss watch, a silver necklace with the cross of Christ, my black Asics gel sneaks, and a shiny black Descente ski down.

My (warm-up) opener was: "Hey, look I'm in a rush right now but if you give me your number I'll take you out for a drink later"

She was a local and she said: "Tonight I already have plans, but tomorrow night, sure." And I got my phone out, she put her number in, and I left. In total, it was a 1-minute interaction. As I left I texted "Hey this is Bratmark, nice to meet ya." No response. I could text her now for tonight but I'm too exhausted.

We circle around some more and suddenly we're inside this covered arcade. It must have been 8.50 p.m. or so. As we're strolling I spot this short young (finished uni during COVID) hot-ass bae, with suit black pants showing the contour of a delicious derriere, dressed tastefully with a black jacket and underneath it a revealing white top under light blue/purple cardigan. She had short dirty blonde hair and green eyes and was wearing spectacles.

I rolled up and spouted my warm-up shtick, and she went "What do you mean by "later"?" to which I said, "Like, tonight". She said, "Ok, but you give me your number then". So she hands me her phone literally 10 seconds after I approached her and I finger my digits into it then call myself. In the meantime I ask if she lives here, to which she says "No, I am here for work, leaving tomorrow" She asked me my name I say "Bratmark" and she told me hers and said she was from Austria. She said maybe tonight wouldn't work, I said ok maybe tomorrow before you leave then. But at the end I made sure to say, "What are you doing now? I can meet you in like 1 hour" She said "Text me" and I left. No physical touch whatsoever.

I sent her an ice-breaker text like "Hey this is Bratmark nice to meet you just now." then I wrote: "So, I'm free at 9.30 (it was 9 when I wrote this), and we could go for a drink at xxx bar"

I assumed nothing would come of it ofc, but, lo and behold, she read the SMS and texted me back!!! She wrote "Hey," then "Ok let me check the location of the place :)" and finally "Ok see you there at the entrance"


The bar is literally attached to my building. I did a mini 5-minute meditation right before going to see her. Anyway, long story short 45 mins first bar then tried to pull her home she said she'd rather go to another bar then by 11.30 p.m. we'd finished the second drink at the second bar. Held her hand on the way to the second bar but she pulled it away. Held her waist on the way when walking her back to her hotel room. Kissed her on the cheeks, nothing else, when saying goodbye.

The girl was from a moneyed family, garnished in tasteful jewelry, and really interesting. I need to spike convo to play her emotions like a harmonica and keep strong sex eyes throughout (hard to do when you're exhausted due to chronic sleep fatigue). So yeah didn't do Golden Question. Did a bit of future projection though and it worked really well. She wanted to flirt lol. But yeah I wasn't even expecting to get this date TBH lol. Sorta caught me by surprise. I feel like I could have pulled her in for a makeout in the second bar. We were standing outside together. 'Nyways, I know the latent "frustration" at not having secured her flower will propel me to ever greater heights.

Here's to a wet 2023 pussy season!!!


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 8 May 2023
Left around 8.10 p.m. and walked around. Saw a couple baes, but they were walking briskly and had earpods on, some on the phone others listening to music. I passed 3 that I liked, one who even kind of stared at me (IOI/AI).

I was circling back omw back home at 8.45 p.m. or so when I saw a stunner walking in my direction. I said "hey" as I approached, then delivered my drive-by opener (see post above) and she said "That's okay, thanks, tonight is my last night" (lol, that means she would be a perfect candidate for a drink).

'Nyways, job done.

Meanwhile, the first 1-minute approach from Friday 5 May 2023 texted back and we're going on a date on Thursday. LMAO

Onwards and upwards


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Wednesday 10 May 2023
Not sure what time I left but I know it was between 8 and 9 p.m. I saw about a handful of delectable baes, maybe half a dozen. I approached 1 and got her number, a stylish Asian-local who makes her own clothes.

We agreed to meet on Sunday but I’ve been too busy, and now an acquaintance is staying with me for three nights so no cigar.

Thursday 11 May 2023
Went on a date with the first girl I got a number from on Friday 5 May. Took her to a different bar with a hookup vibe and did a little banter then pulled her home after 45 or so mins but she had to leave to catch the train. We arranged to meet again.

Saturday 13 May 2023
This time went to meet the boys and did 2 hours. One of us got a SDL with a Finnish 6 (he smashed her in the park). I approached quite a few sets with the other wing (for a double date arrangement) and noticed a marked improvement in reactions ever since I stopped complimenting chicks. Still, we got no date and I called it quits at 10 p.m.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Unfortunately had a little break due to going traveling with a sibling and not being able to approach only made me become hungrier.

Tuesday 23 May
Left the crib around 8 and did the usual stroll. Approached a short Asian-American with "I'm kind of in a hurry but if you give me your number I'll take you out for a drink later" to which she said "I'm good, thanks" (but I stopped her as she was walking towards me, a scenario with which I haven't been successful so far).

Later, at the train station, I saw this cute blonde local lugging some large legal tomes. I strolled past her and caught her looking at me. I went back and told her "I like your style" (after saying "you look like you speak English" and "I'm not trying to sell you anything") and she said "oh, really? It's nothing special" then after a bit of chit-chat (she said she’d had a tax law exam that day, and that her train was delayed, etc.) I said "maybe you can give me your number and I can take you out for a drink some other time" and she said "Sorry but no thanks, I think it's weird" and I said "all good" and left.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Have you tried getting a few exchanges of small talk and banter between the direct opener and the close? IME it's usually a good idea to spend a few minutes with them before closing.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey Karea !

Yeah I'm working on that :)

Wednesday 24 May 2023
Left the crib a little after 8 and did the rounds. Was with wing. A bit of AA with a SHB outside the train station wearing a skimpy top with her tummy area visible, because there was another lone wolf literally 1 meter away from her sitting on another pilon. And with a hottie in short jogging shorts towards the end of the session. Still, about 2/3s of the way through opened a 2-set of HB Italians outside a restaurant and got quite positive reactions (social approach, with wing). Got one of their numbers since shortly thereafter (it must have been less than 5 minutes) their third friend showed up and she was a grenade.

Thursday 25 May 2023
Left the crib about 15 minutes before 8 and met two wings in central square. Approached a SHB outside the train station wearing a light blue blazer (college girl) tall and slim, elegant, pretty, don't remember if brunette or blonde.

Approached with "You look like you speak English"
She said "Yes,"
I said "but you're French?"
She said "Yes, do you speak French (she asked this in French)?"
I said "Yes, but not well enough (I said this in English)"
She said "Okay, what's up?" (She had been listening to music on earphones when I approached her)
I said "I noticed you and wanted to say I like your style"
She said "Thanks"
I said "Do you work in fashion?"
She said "Not at all, I study Marketing"
I said "Do you always dress stylish like this or did you wake up particularly inspired this morning?"
She said "I wanted to put on some colour today since it it sunny"
I said "So what are you doing? You're listening to music - what music?"
She checked it and said "It's called "Do it like a girl""
I said "what kind of music is that?"
She said "You have to listen to it"
I said "Is it pop?"
She said "Yeah"
I said "Is it like Adelle?"
She said "No, you have to listen to it"
I said "What did you say the title was, "Do It Like A Girl"?"
She said "Yeah"
I said "Yeah, that sounds like something that applies to me" while pointing at myself
Here she giggled but then she said "I have to catch the train, but thanks for the compliment"
I said "Maybe give me your number and we can go for a drink some time"
She said "Sorry but I have a boyfriend" and left.

To improve:

The number close - adapt it to Skills' advice "Hey give me your number and we can go for a quick meet and greet - a coffee or a drink, just to see if the vibe is there" or simply to "Let's continue this conversation another time over a drink to see if the vibe is there"


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Friday 26 May
Went out at 8.15 p.m. after doing an amazing meditation super relaxed. Strolled over to the closest park, and saw a cute Asian girl sketching something on a bench. I initially approached her standing and asked her if she was sketching the bench, after asking if she spoke English. After a bit of chit-chat I sat next to her on the bench and without any tension or nervousness chatted about the park, drawing, inquired a bit about her, etc.

Then it was 8.50 p.m. or so (we must have been chatting for 5 minutes, 10 max) and she said she had to leave. I asked her if she would like to meet again she said yes but then invented some excuse in order not to give me her number asked for Instagram but then couldn't find herself and jotted my Instagram down. I think she was still in high school.

I walked out of the park and made my way to the central train station. There I saw a stunner in the middle of the station and got AA. I circled around but then decided to go back in anyway. I had a mind to tell her that she had a great pair of legs, but as I was sauntering over to where he was, I noticed she kept doing ballet moves. Lol no need to come with a canned opener the openers present themselves.

I said "Hey" she took off her earphones, then I said "Are you a ballet dancer?" She said she was but an amateur, turns out she's from a neighbouring country. Delicious girl, slim, tall, pretty. She was waiting for her parents they were going to spend the weekend here then she would go back to her country. I then said it seemed like I wouldn't be able to whisk her away for a drink in that case, she said unlikely, and I also ascertained that where she lives is too far for a train ride from here. So I said, "Pity" and she giggled, then I said "Keep doing your ballet moves, they're nice" and she giggled again.

Finally I was walking home from the station and I saw another stunner walking alone and I approached her.
I said "Hey"
She said "What"
I said "You look like you speak English"
She said "Yes"
I said "I like your jacket"
She said "Thanks"
I said "Do you work in fashion"
She said "No"
I said do you study fashion"
She said "No" then she said "Do you know where xy square is?"
I said "Sure"
She said "Can you take me there? because I have to meet my parents there and I don't know how to get there"
I said "Ah, you're not from here?"
She said "No"
I said "Do you see that tower?"
She said "Yes"
I said "Walk to that tower and you will arrive at the square you seek"
She said "Thanks"
I said "Bye".

Felt great from these three interactions and still managed to catch some live jazz very close to my flat stayed there listened to that for a little while then came back home.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Saturday 27 May 2023
I went for my usual stroll a little after 8 (8.15 p.m. or so) after a meditation. Was feeling nice and chill.

On my way up to the park I opened this girl who looked ok from afar but upon closer inspection wasn't all that. I said "You look like you speak English" and she responded "I'm busy right now" as she typed on her smartphone. No harm no foul. The girl was subpar anyway.

At the park, as I made my way through a kiosk playing techno full of social groups drinking and some smoking reefer and doing other things, I noticed this hot blonde girl sitting by herself on a bench scrolling her smartphone. I had AA and kept walking.

It was now around 8.50 p.m. I made my way back around and I told myself that I should go there, even if it is to get rejected. I rolled up and said "Hey, how's it going?" as I sat next to her on the bench. She said "I'm good" and hooked very soon, telling me her name and asking me where I was from.

Turns out it was her last weekend in town and she was married (albeit 24 years old), but I thought this didn't necessarily mean she wouldn't be down for some fun. I took her to get a drink at a bar with a view. Built a bit of compliance. As we walked there, I was holding her waist because she had said she felt afraid in the city sometimes due to the weird people around. I agreed that there were strange people and started acting as her protector. There was no resistance.

At the bar, I told her to stand waiting in one queue while I waited in the other, in order for us to get served faster. We ordered Aperol spritzes and I found us a table in prime real estate outside with a swell view of the city and the sunset. Over the next hour, I set non-judgemental and secret society frames and started seeding the pull but perhaps too subtly. When our drinks finished and I suggested we go to my balcony to sip a beer as it would be cheaper and we would still be able to see the sunset (listing) she said she couldn't because of her "principles."

After this, I started holding her hand, and she was holding it back, caressing it even. For this reason, I didn't leave. She revealed it had been a long time since she had had "butterflies in her stomach" for her husband, and I told her I had met a girl from her land back home who had told me she had never had an orgasm before. Eventually, I had my arm around her and I could feel her heart beat faster. I pulled her chin in for the makeout but she resisted. She said she had felt lonely today (after I told her I had as well).

She told me she better go home. We parted ways at 10.00 p.m.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Sunday 28 May
I was on my way to meet some girls for a micro-hike when I found myself waiting outside this big park. I thought I'd use my time productively and approach. It was 3.45 p.m. or so. I spotted this hot petite young girl snapping away at a statue. I approached her from the side, "Hey!" she recoiled in shock.

Then I said "I have a bit of time to kill so wanted to come and say hi"
She responded "I don't, I have exams and need to go"
And she left. lmao

To the micro-hike came a faggolo and half a dozen chicks. There was another guy there who seemed hetero but he was no competish. There were three hot chicks. Two were young and delish. One is a bit older and not exactly pretty (though with nice eyes) but body good to go and totally DTF. She had been at my NYE house party.

The two other hotties were texting me after the hike inviting me out (I swapped contacts with them telling them I may be down to meet up later) but then I flaked due to being too tired, ensconsed in my studio watching the breathtaking sunset as I read Jackie Chan's biography.

Monday 29 May
I went on another hike this time to a castle. There was exactly 1 smashable broad on the hike. 1 6 I flirted a bit with but I don't crush those. The smashable broad I wanted. I sexualized the convo once or twice with her and she reacted well.

I didn't go approach when I came back as I was beat.

Tuesday 30 May
Stayed at work until late and so didn't go out to do the rounds.

Wednesday 31 May
Saw 7 HBs on my way to work this morning. I was feeling the itch. Returning from an appointment at around 3.45 p.m. or so I saw a 10 walking my way on the tube station. I stopped her and said: "Hey, I'm kinda in a rush rn but if you give me your number I'll take you out for a drink later" and she said "No, I'm good, thanks" or something.

Went to do the rounds 8.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. and saw about half a dozen babes but got AA on all sets (including 2 stationary) and didn't approach any. My theory here (aside from the usual "I'm tired" excuses - yes, I underslept last night due to dining too late) is that platonic socializing with chicks reduces a guy's killer instinct or seduction edge.

Anyway, onwards and upwards.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thursday 1 June
Exactly 1 year ago I was out at night and got the interest of a SHB 19 or 20-year-old Slovakian. She probably required some form of simple physical game with vibing, a style of game that is adapted to today's hyper-sexualized youth.

Today I approached a French 10 at around 3 p.m. on the street with my drive-by opener. She asked me to repeat myself after I said "I'm kind of in a rush rn" after saying "Hi!" and her stopping dead in her tracks. I did so, speaking slowly and from the groin, looking her straight in the eyes without blinking. Then I said the rest of the shpiel and she giggled, then said "No, thanks, sorry". Before that, at around 1 p.m., I'd already approached another babe who was eating a waffle outside my studio and simply said "Hey, how's it going?" and managed to chat a bit but she quickly excused herself (she was Australian).

From 8-9 p.m. I went to do the rounds. This time I was a little more liberal with my approaching. Before arriving at the park I swerved back around to go talk to this long blonde-haired Scandinavian with a blue flowery dress. I said to her "Hey" then "You have a nice dress" and she said thanks and kept on walking.

Next, I approached a couple of girls in the park. The first was wearing a long flowing red dress. I told her her dress was lovely. Another one was dressed all in black. I said I liked her style. Then this SHB was jogging and I said "Hey" and smiled. She said "Hey" and smiled back and then kept on jogging - I had a mind to tell her "You're hot enough, you don't need to jog anymore" but the second of hesitation was enough for her to disappear into the ether.

Still in the park, I did "Hey" on another chick but it came to naught. Outside the park, after passing by the girl dressed in all black again sitting on a park bench by herself, and the Scandi also walking around aimlessly, this other not-so-pretty but still smashable girl stared at me as I passed by but I didn't approach.

A couple of chicks (one of the two babes from the Sunday micro-hike that I flaked on, and another chick who I know wants my sausage but who, again, is about a 6/6.5) invited me out to that same place where last year I flirted with the SHB, and I'm beat but may venture out there for a drink if I manage to rally.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Friday 2 June
Didn't go do the rounds as I had little time what with groceries and my healing protocols, but can't deny that I got AA on this delicious ginger bae with a nose ring outside a Communication college omw to the supermarket (she was still there omw back and I still didn't approach) and, shortly thereafter, in another area, as I went for further groceries, a girl in all black window shopping outside of a second-hand bookstore near my place.

Saturday 3 June
Went to a pre-party at a friend of a friend of a friend's place. It started at 1.00 p.m. but I got there at 3.00 p.m. It was on a terrace and there was a private DJ. It was sick. We were getting psyched up for a famous DJ who was coming to play at an open-air venue in the city later in the day. I was dressed in a classic stylish outfit, with a light blue button down, my titanium ring and stainless steel wristwatch, a silver cross of Christ on my neck, light fabric beige chinos, and my black Asics sneaks.

At that pre-party, I got mild interest from a sexy Italian bae but the other HB there took the cake - a cute blue-eyed svelte petite brunette local. She was stylishly accoutred in a long T-shirt and black sneaks. She had a few small tasteful tats. She sat on the floor next to me when she arrived on the terrace but when I made to greet her she instantly shot up and kissed me on the cheek. Soon into the interaction, she was staring at my lips.

Everything was going well until we arrived at the venue. Since I had purchased VIP tix because the regular kind had sold out, I entered through a different entrance to everyone else who I arrived there with from the pre-party, so then I lost them and was unable to find them amongst the hordes of people who went to watch this epic DJ set.

At the concert, nothing bit so no point going into too much detail. I got a handhold with a 18-y-o 10, but she was in SC, like all the top-shelf chicks there, and I gave a piggy-back dance to another HB - proving there is nothing wrong with my back - and chatted with a couple more, but no cigar.

I zipped home in an electric scooter and was in bed asleep 2 minutes before midnight.

Sunday 4 June
I did a tour this morning despite my wearable HRM fitness app telling me I should rest today and got some nice tips at the end. The main advantage of guiding is you subconsciously become super dominant and adept at opening on the street for the hours that follow, since you've basically been commanding a group of people around for almost 3 hours beforehand.

Knowing this, despite my wearable app thingy telling me I'd done 170% more physical effort than I was supposed to considering the quality of the sleep I'd gotten last night after 4 beers and 2 cigarettes, and a Crispy McBacon at 11.30 p.m., after having a replenishing lunch at home I decided to venture out because we've had a record 1 week of good weather here, the sun is out, and because I believe that right now there are hot girls out there during the day waiting to be approached to smash.

Experience tells me as much (of course Skjoldr's recent reports sort of rekindled this belief of mine, but it was already there to begin with). Additionally, I also believe I am an attractive male, on a number of metrics, and that hot girls want to fuck me (another advantage of guiding is you get girls drooling over you on your tours, this morning's being no exception, but also the fact that during your tour, if you see lone wolves walking around, you know what they want).

So, in my dark grey jeans, black sneaks (destroyed from yesterday's shenanigans), plain white tee (fits well), stainless steel wristwatch and titanium ring ("bling"), I walked out - it was 3.30 p.m. or so - and espied a lone wolf right next to my studio. Upon closer inspection, she was below what I wanna smash looks-wise.

I walked a little further up the street and saw another lone wolf who seemed hot. I opened her with "Hey, that bag - is it from a souvenir shop?" pointing at a little bag she was carrying. She said it was. I asked her where it was located. She said it was a chain. I said "Oh, so they sell chocolates?" she said "Yes, and waffles too". Then I segued into a cold read. I said "So you're from xy," she said "Yes" I said "Is this your first time here?" She said "Yes" I then inquired if she'd trained it over, and she said "Yes," Then she said she'd come from the capital city of xy and I told her I loved the city. Then I asked her: "When is your train back?" She said "5," I said "Ok, enjoy your shopping." At this point she had taken her shades off. I was asking for her logistics because realistically I wouldn't be able to smash her if her train was 1.5 hours away. In fact, I would have already been omw to the train station in her situation.

A little further up, I stopped a HB but she was with a guy I soon realized. So I said "Ok" and left.

Next, about 5/10 minutes later, I saw a smoking arthoe type chick, with tats on both her arms, short hair, a white top, jeans, and white sneaks walking past. I went after her (without ever running, simply quickening my pace ever so slightly) and approached her from the side, saying "Hey, you look like you speak English."

She said she did and came right up to me, standing quite close, saying "I'm not from here, I've only been here a week, but maybe I can help. What do you need?"

I told her, "I just saw you and wanted to come and say hi", followed by "I'm Brattmark" with a handshake. She told me her name and then asked me where I was from, hooking straightaway.

I told her then she told me where she was from. Then I said "So you're staying here for a week?" and she corrected me "I've been here for a week, today is my last day." To which I asked, "So you leave tomorrow?" She said "Yes." She said she was here with a group from an architecture college to draw buildings and things. "Ah, so you're an architect?" I asked. She said "Yes." I asked: "You study Architecture." She said "Yes." I said, "You were really lucky because this has been the best week weather-wise here so far this year." I told her April had been a disaster but now "it's awesome" and she agreed.

Then she said, "So what are you doing?"

I said, "Well, I was about to ask you the same thing. Do you wanna get a drink?"

She said, "I have to check into my hotel, but later yes."

I then asked for her number, which she typed in. As she did so, she crossed over her legs. I was excited at this point, like not full hard-on but turned on, and I suspect she was too. I told her there was a great bar to watch the sunset. I pointed out more or less where it was from where we were standing. She said, "I've already been there all day." Then she said "See you later. Have a wonderful day."

Looking back, I should have endeavored to nail down a specific time, as girls are like butterflies - once you let them slip away, they can be hard to catch later, unless they're super on. Another thing I could have done was set a ONS frame by saying something like "When the weather is like this it makes you feel good to be alive. It makes you want to seize the day, seize the moment, go after what you want." (Building a yes ladder with it).

I intended to continue my trail, but feeling a bit tired I decided to nip home to do laundry and take care of other things to prepare for later, but now it's been a little more than 1 hour since I texted her "Hey this is Brattmark. Nice to meet you just now" and she hasn't said anything, so it looks like this will not happen after all... (too good to be true vibes - which would explain the "have a wonderful day" comment which seemed a bit out of place otherwise. Also, why would she need to check into her hotel when it's her last night in town? She could also flake because she may assume that I'm not dominant enough to woo her successfully since I broke EC while I was talking about the weather when we were standing close together talking earlier).

Still, I may go out this afternoon in search of something else regardless.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Just real quick man, but shouldn't have let the artsy girl go.

All the body language, communication, etc., sounds like she was ready to go there.

What killed it wasn't the EC break... it was that she was ready to go but you let her go.

Every time you take a number instead of trying to pull the same day with a girl who's already very hooked with open, clear logistics it's a bit like catching a fish, then deciding to take it off the hook and catch the same fish again later. If she's on the hook, don't take her off the hook; just reel her in.

You had a nice little yes-ladder there with her just saying yes to everything you said, with a girl who's telling you it's her last day in town (now or never!), and then you asked her out, again she said yes, but said she had to check into her hotel first.

What you say in that case is, "Great, when do we check into your hotel?" then you just go with her to check into the hotel, then whisk her right on out to the drink.

You know what's great about checking into a girl's hotel with her? She already feels comfortable having taken you to her room; you also get to find out if she's staying there alone or not. If she is, you've got a clear playing field. Just take her back down to the hotel bar, have a drink there, then when the vibe's right continue it upstairs in her room with the mini bar or a bottle you grab from a nearby shop.

She basically laid it all out for you: "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes; yes let's get drinks but I have to check into my hotel first."

If you just said "Great" and went along with that, and went with her to check in, you stand a pretty good chance of this one having turned into an LR.

The running strategy here is, "If she's hooked, and it's going well, rather than let her go, instead just keep spending time with her."



Staff member
Jan 1, 2020

Wanna thank you for chiming in here with your experience which is greatly appreciated. You've certainly helped me view the situation differently and with this new insight, I've realized the potential there is in situations like this.

So far in my life, that I can recall, I've encountered "sticky" girls like this a handful of times (25 December 2014, a Dutch 10 I approached after a tour in my hometown at around 1.30 p.m. (I also got her number and bolted to have Christmas lunch with parentals instead of staying with her (result: nada)); a Danish 10 in September 2017; a tasty 20-year-old German actress in September 2021; a sexy 18 or 19-year-old French girl in October 2021).

But without a doubt arthoe from Sunday afternoon was the horniest - or at least the most aggressively horny - of the lot. She ended up texting me at 8.30 p.m. saying she was too tired (I had triple texted her, texting her "Let's meet at x bar at 9 to catch the sunset" after the first two texts referred to in my previous entry).

Sunday 4 June afternoon
I did go back out to game after arthoe apocalypse, this time with a wing. We walked around and did a few sets. Don't recall what approaches I made but we eventually sat with two American gals at a bar shooting the shit and then it tanked because he never spoke to one of the two girls so she kept giving him increasingly bad vibes (feeling rejected) and he went straight into emotional stimulation of the Tom Torero variety on his girl while I have a different brand of game (slower, less hot/cold, with ever so subtle teasing).

Monday 5 June
I didn't approach as I was focusing on my healing protocols.

Tuesday 6 June
Saw lots of hotties omw to work in the morning. At lunchtime approached a sexy Scottish ginger as I went for a quick walk to the local park. "I like your style" (cred. Proper) a bit of chit-chat then "Maybe we can continue this conversation another time over a coffee or a drink" "No thanks".

After work, I went to do the rounds. I had invited a chubby Polish chick over to have a snack thinking I could maybe get her to suck me off so I could empty my balls a bit. But when she showed up I lost my nerve. I hadn't seen her scantily clad since I'd only ever met her during the winter bedecked in an oversized coat. Turns out she's a land whale. I walked around with her while she ate the dessert and then unceremoniously dumped her at the metro station once an hour had elapsed (in the meantime I'd been desperate to get rid of her as we walked around and I espied all the tasty toosh out on the promenade).

After that, I went to join the boys to do the rounds. Approached a couple of sets then at a bar (same bar as the 'merkins on Sunday evening), opened a hot-ass German two set. The one I was standing next to was a blonde blue-eyed Heidi. I hung around a while because it was a jam session and some stylish freestyle rapper was giving a great show but at 10 p.m. I headed home.

Wednesday 7 June
I'd decided not to do the rounds despite in the morning getting hard for a delicious bae omw to work (and espying plenty of other talent) (I live near 3 or so colleges) since I need to focus on my healing protocols but I nipped out to grab some Vietnamese takeaway when, omw back home I passed by this pretty tall simple yet tastefully attired girl. She had earphones on and was listening to music, and was smiling. She had smiled at me but I think unconsciously.

I went in with "You look like you speak English"
She said "Yes, like everyone else here"
I said "I saw you and noticed you have a happy energy, smiling..."
She said "Yes, because I just left work"
I said "Relaxation time"
She said "Yes, and now I'm going to meet some friends for a drink in a terrace"
I said, "What music are you listening to?"
She fiddled with her smartphone while she said "Oh it's my playlist, so different things - right now it's xx song"
I said "Ah nice, this way you keep it fresh"
She said "Yes"
I said "Also, at least for me, when I listen to a song too many times..."
She said "You get bored of it fast"
I said "Yes, but also then I get it stuck in my head and can't stop replaying it mentally"
She said "Yes"
Then she finally hooked, asking me what I was up to (actually in the form of a cold read, something like "You also finished work and...?")
I explained to her I had finished work and had been recommended a Vietnamese place on that street (pointing it out to her since she had asked "Which one?" (I made sure to walk a little in its direction so she would comply physically, following me a bit)) so I had just been there to buy some dinner and was omw home (she said: "Oh, first time?" I said "Yeah" she said "Well good luck")
So then I said: "So now you're going to have a drink with your friends"
She said "Yes, they are already waiting for me in a terrace reading a book"
I said "And after that?"
She said "After that, I'm going home as it's been a long day, and I've already worked two jobs"
I said "Ok, well maybe we can continue this conversation another time over a coffee or a drink"
She said "Yes, I find this weather is great for iced coffees"
I said "A quick meet and greet, to see if the vibe is there"
And I pulled out my phone and wrote down her digits. (Oh and somewhere in that conversation I introduced myself telling her "I'm Brattmark" and she told me her name "HBNoseRing" Then I guessed her to be a local and she asked me where I was from, then I made her guess, then she finally got it).