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Smash City


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Jan 1, 2020
Since I got back into the cold approach game in early May, I could already have smashed three broads – the blonde bespectacled Austrian lawyer intern babe who was sticky in that she responded positively to my drive-by opener, which shows considerable compliance, the Polish-Belgian who similarly responded positively to the same opener and who I went on a date with (if it had been a Friday we coulda smashed, but I didn’t know she lives quite far away from the city), and finally the sticky German architecture student arthoe from last Sunday afternoon.

3 broads in 3 weeks and a bit more of game, with minimal expended effort, 2 of which are HBs of the kind I’m happy to consort with/keep around (though with them it would have been impossible as they were on their way out of the city, so ONS most likely), is pretty sweet.

Presently I’m working on getting another hottie out (the gal from Wednesday's approach), and this may be the first smash since early February, let’s see.

Thursday 8 June

Hotties are everywhere. It’s a feast for the eyes.

After work I was looking for a cardboard box for a return of an order I made from the States and went to see if some shops were selling those. Omw to the first shop I passed by a babe with a nose ring (the cow variety) but only noticed her as I had almost already passed by her (wasn’t focused on approaching). A little further up the street, I noticed a tall hydrogenated blonde HB staring at me. Again, she passed by. Finally, inside the third shop I went to, again a tall sexy girl with a lovely dress stopped to let me pass by – she had her large earphones on.

After all this I said to myself that I couldn’t let all these babes pass me by without taking action, especially considering I still didn’t have a girl for the night – yesterday’s number wants to meet up on Sunday evening.

So omw back out of the third store, now that I wasn’t looking for cardboard boxes anymore, I opened a stylish hot girl moving set “You look like you speak English” she said “Yes” I said, “I just wanted to say I like your style” she said “Thanks” and kept on walking.

Then surprisingly this DTF chick who had come to my NYE house party who I had bumped into at a micro-hike last two weeks ago agreed to meet later in the evening, so I didn’t go do the rounds, to conserve energy.

She arrived super late, 30 mins after I arranged for us to meet, sort of tanking my whole plan. Omw to meet her this hot-ass girl passed by me on my street and looked intently in my eyes. Then I stopped her and said: “Do I know you?” and she said, as she took off her earphones: “Yes, we went on a hike together” “You’re German, right?” She said, “Yes, and I live close to you” It dawned on me who she was, and I said: “Oh yeah, hi!” and I kissed her on each cheek. I said: “What are you up to?” she said: “I’m going to X square to meet friends. And you?” I said, “I’m meeting someone.” I said “We should meet up sometime. Do you have a number?” She said “Yes, I do.” And I jotted down her number.

Omw to meet my date I saw a SHB walking in my direction, and I stopped her “You look like you speak English” she took off one of her earphones and I said, “I saw you and wanted to come and say hi” She smiled and said “Thanks” and left. (Gonna change to either “You remind me of my ex-girlfriend only there’s something different about your eyes” OR “Has anyone ever told you that …”)

Went to meet the DTF Swede and she didn’t want to drink at the bar where I had told her for us to meet, because she complained it was too noisy, then I said ok let’s go buy alcohol in the supermarket and walk around with it, when I met her I kissed her on each cheek and she was super physical and available, so I held her waist when we were navigating the interior of the bar which she then rejected out of hand, and when we were walking to the supermarket I held her hand to cross the street to which she commented that she felt like she was 5.

I honestly feel like you gotta be physical right at the start, to set the frame, this is a date, I am a man, I am leading, you are a woman. And then if she doesn’t like it, she can always leave. This saves you time. Anyway, so then I took her to a bar near my place, but I wasn’t holding her hand all the way as we walked, so she was quite distant from me physically, which made it less intimate or intense. So, at the terrace she sat at a distance from me. And this sort of set the platonic vibe for the date, try hard as I might to look her in the eye unblinkingly with desire (which requires a lot of energy, of the kind I didn’t have a lot of).

We sat there for 1 hour and 15 minutes and I seeded the pull and then went for the pull at the end, but she said she had to go home – no shit it was already 11.15 p.m.! If it had been 10 p.m. the chances that she would have said yes would have been much higher.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 12 June (LR-)
I came back from a weekend abroad where they are also experiencing a heat wave and where girls were ambling about the streets basically naked, some of which giving me IOIs or AIs, but that I could do nothing about as I was with family.

I had a date set up for Sunday evening, but she flaked at the last minute, suggesting we go for coffee instead. I responded to her, but she’s since ghosted.

I was too tired to go do any approaching, despite the heat and pent-up desire.

Monday rolls around and I keep seeing sexy baes everywhere, in various states of undress. On one of my short walks (lunchtime) a girl in a two-set stares me down hard, unblinkingly, full-on “I wanna fuck you” style.

After work, I do some exercises, including 1x20 followed by 1x12 push-ups (32 total), and head out to the supermarket for groceries.

On the way there I see this sexy-ass girl wearing a playful skirt and heels, and a short top. I have a new rule now, which is that if she appears hot and is walking in my direction I have to approach her. Lo and behold, the girl ends up walking towards me. I stop her and go “Hey” “Has anyone ever told you, that you have a [stop as I look her up and down] very playful style?”

She giggles and says “no” and then says she thought I was looking for something on the floor and then I tell her “Nah, I’m on my way to the supermarket to buy groceries. What about you?” She says she’s working at a bar and that I can come and visit her there if I like. I notice she has a tattoo on her neck, which is a red flag for me.

I go do groceries.

On my way back home, loaded with two bags of groceries, I keep seeing more delicacies everywhere, of the lone wolf variety. None is walking in my direction though, so I’m clear.

On my street, a cute Asian girl in tasteful attire is walking in my direction.

I stop her by going “Hey” (she reels back a little, haha. Booming bass voice to the max) Then I launch into Kvothe’s patented opener, and I ask her what she’s up to, she says she just came from piano class, I ask her if she’s a musician, she says she is, then I say but you look foreign, she says she’s from Japan, I say I’d love to visit but never been because it’s too expensive and far, then she hooks, asking me where I’m from, and I tell her how long I’ve been in the city (she tells me how long she’s been and until when) and that I like it, that it has a “very welcoming vibe” she agrees. Then I say, “Look, I’m going home to cook dinner and eat, but let’s meet later and grab a coffee” she says “ok” so I get her number and tell her I’ll text her and she can respond or not, no worries.

I text her “Hey this is Brattmark, wonderful to have met”, thinking that I may have gone for the number close too fast, but she replies, albeit with just a “Hi !” then I write that I’ve just finished dinner telling her “let’s meet at X bar at 9 o’clock,” she says “Ok” and then I go “see you later 😊

We meet at the place, a rooftop bar. On my way there I espy 3 hot lone wolves but don’t approach. One, in particular, was a beauty. The path to this bar is literally a runway – gonna ply it for poon from now on.

I kiss her on both cheeks when I see her. We get an aperol spritz each. I grab us a seat secluded from everyone else. I don’t kiss her on the mouth though she looks at my lips when I talk to her in a slow, low-bass voice.

I do the golden question and talk about how free I feel in the city. But I don’t go deeper into sex frames (mistake – more on this in a bit). I keep scooting closer to her, ever so slowly, on the bench, then remove her little purse and move my arm across the flat of her back to grasp the bench behind her, so that it also mildly touches her ass. I leave it there.

I make sure to look into her eyes when I talk to her without blinking. At some point, I say “Maybe we can go there later” when I refer to my balcony to watch the sunset. She says “Yes” enthusiastically. I feel like it’s a done deal at this point.

We finish our cocktails and I hold her hand as we walk back to mine.

At mine, we get comfortable, and I pour her some beer.

We sip it on the balcony, where I kiss her moist soft lips.

Then I move back inside, and a little while later I attack her again.

She then starts the resisting script, saying she had decided not to have sex today.

I said “Okay, we don’t have to do anything. We can still fool around though.”

An hour later my t-shirt is off, so is her top and bra, and she’s sucking me off like a pornstar. I cum in her mouth, she goes to spit it out, and I bid her my adieux.

Tuesday 13 June
Opened a beautiful blonde blue-eyed Heidi type girl as I walked back from a short stroll to stretch my legs after lunch today.

She was listening to music on headphones. I stopped in front of her and she took one off, then I said “You look like you speak English” and she said “Yes”

Then I said, “Has anyone ever told you, that you [stopping to look her up and down] have a very playful style?” she said “Thank you so much!” with a wide smile.

I said “Is this the first time you’ve heard that?” and she said “From a man, yes.”

Then I asked her, “What are you up to today?”

She explained she was on her way to prepare a surprise party for a friend and had just sat her last Bachelor’s exam.

I said, “But you’re not from around here, are you? You sound like you're from X.”

She clarified that indeed she wasn’t a local, then hooked, asking me where I was from.

I explained, and then she asked me, “What are you doing here then?”

I said, “Good question, I am here for work, I moved 2 years ago.”

Then she said: “Do you like the city?”

I looked up at the sky and said: “Now I like it” [insinuating that with good weather it was nice].

She said she didn’t like it and was moving in a few months to another country close by.

I said, “That city is nice.”

Then she said, “I’m sorry but I have to go now, lots of things to prepare.”

Then I said “Sweet. Maybe we can continue this conversation another time then, over a coffee.”

She said “Maybe, but I’m not giving you my number” with a smile.

I said, “Why not?”

She said, “Because I have to leave now I’m in a hurry.”

I said, “It’s fast [got the phone out and put it in “add Contact”] you just gotta type the numbers.”

She said, “Because I have my boy at home and I don’t want to do these things” with a smile.

I could have pressed further, insisting that she was leaving overseas in a couple of months soon anyway, so whatever relationship she had now was probably in its death throes anyway, but I let her go.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Wednesday 14 June
During lunch I went for a walk in the park close to the office. I saw a hot jogger sitting on a bench and went and sat next to her.

I said “Hey” and asked her if she’d just been jogging. After saying “yes” she told me where she was from and said that she had a boyfriend and wanted to be alone.

Later in the day, I went to do the rounds after dinner.

I approached another girl from the same country as this one, who was sitting by herself watching the sunset writing on her diary, with her bicycle parked next to her, barefoot, with rastas (even though she was white).

I had a good interaction with her (much better than the one at lunchtime) but she wasn’t giving much into it because she was super into writing in her diary, probably emotional stuff. I told her “I was going to introduce myself – you cut a dashing figure, I saw you from further up the road, sprawled over your notebook – but I see you’re really in your own bubble, so I don’t want to interrupt – please go on!” and left.

Thursday 15 June
I had gotten AA with a succulent long dark haired exotic looking bae in the morning on my way to work in the metro, so I decided to kill my fear of approaching in the metro.

I was on my way to have dinner, it must have been 7 p.m. or so, when into the metro walks this tall blonde elegant pretty girl with a bicycle wearing tall heels. As she walks in she looks at me.

I decide to open. I comment something about her cycling in those heels, asking how she does it. She qualifies, admitting that they scrape on the floor due to the size of the heel.

We chat a bit - I ask her if she's on her way to a party or something. She says she's not. I ask her if she was just coming back from work, and she says she couldn't show so much shoulder at work. I respond: "I guess it depends on what kind of work you do"

She's still talking when the metro is arriving at my station. I interrupt her to tell her this, then say: "why don't we continue this conversation another time?" to which she says "ok" then I ask her "Do you have a number?" as I get my phone out and hand it to her. The door opens and I place my hand out so it closes on it and stays open, while she fingers her digits on the screen and hands it to me.

I text her with callback humor about the bicycle and heels and she responds "Just in time for the bedtime story with the kids!" which leaves me sort of speechless. Pelusita recommended I respond "That's cute!" so I do so (but only now, a couple of days after. Not sure this will go anywhere)

Friday 16 June
Went out in Stockholm with the legendary Pelusita. Didn't pull but had a blast in some stylish high-end venues piled to the seams with quality chocha.

Saturday 17 June
Last night out partying in Stock with Pelu and Mr. Suave. Hit three joints, got a makeout, some chick to grab my dick and butt cheek, grabbed a tit and butt cheek, but didn't pull or smash. Again, experienced the cream of the local nightlife thanks to the one and only Pelu. Thanks bro!

Sunday 18 June
Arrived back home completely exhausted. On the plane ride back opened this girl who kept giving me AIs (I was sitting on the seat near the aisle and she was on the chair near the aisle to the left of me) with a situational about whether people from her country understood Swedish, whether the languages were similar. We chatted a bit but I decided, on second thoughts, that I didn't want her number as, though she had nice eyes, she wasn't pretty.

Monday 19 June
Didn't sleep well again (4th night in a row) so was pretty drained. Still did exercises and walked around a fair bit during the day taking care of chores. At one point - probably 10.30 a.m. or so - as I was walking home from one such chore, I espied, in my peripheral vision, some ways away, what looked like a tasty college gal on her way to class. Still, I walked into my building. I noticed that not only had she looked at me as I was walking home, but as she passed by my building's front door (which has glass and is thus see-through) she peeked into the door to look at me again.

This left me with a strong urge to run back after her, which I had to contain since I don't particularly appreciate running after chicks as it signals too much investment immediately.

I decided to go do the rounds but the meditation I did beforehand crashed my state as I've been on 6 hours of sleep per night or less since last Thursday. For this reason, I did only 30 minutes and didn't approach anything.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Tuesday 20 June
On my way to work this morning I saw three delectable baes on my street.

In the metro I couldn’t resist (there were two more), so, when one moved aside from her position so that I could hold onto the pole to stabilize myself, I opened her with “thank you for giving me your place, it can be hard to stand unassisted, as the tramcar rocks from side to side”

She said “with pleasure”

I then asked her if she was a local, to which she said “Yes, I go to school”

I asked, “Now?”

She said, “Yes, I have an exam”

I asked, “Did you study?”

She said, “I am studying now!” while pointing at her smartphone screen.

A little later I asked her, “What exam is it?”

She said, “It’s actually an English exam!”

I said, “I’m sure you’ll be fine”

Then I arrived at my station and said “Good luck!”

And she responded, “Bye!”

Maybe could have pushed for: “We should celebrate your great result over a coffee later today” (ABC, Always Be Closing!!)

Went for a walk at lunchtime.

I passed by an ice cream stand and couldn’t resist. I asked the girl serving it if she could give me 3 flavours for the price of 2 and she said “Ok”

I asked her where she was from, she said “Paris” then asked me back. She asked me what I was doing here, if I was traveling. I told her I was here for work. She asked me if I lived close by. I told her my office was just up the road. She said, “So I guess we will see each other again”. I said “Yeah”.

Unfortunately, I was busy devouring my ice cream (and it was melting so I had to focus on it) but I passed by two lone wolves during this process, one stationary and succulent, the other a moving set. C’est la vie.

On my way back from the walk in the park, having finished the ice cream, and passing by the ice cream stand again, I told the ice cream girl “It was delicious”. I noticed she was watching something on her smartphone, so I asked her what it was. She said, “The Office”. I asked her if it was the American or the British version. She said it was the American. I said, “I love that show.” She said it was the third time she was watching it. She asked me which one I loved, I said “the American”.

Then I noticed a colleague waiting behind me in the queue for the ice cream. I greeted her and told her to go ahead and recommended to her the flavours I’d selected. I said “Ciao” to the ice cream girl. She responded in kind.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Wednesday 21 June
Saw a 10 in the morning on my way to work but didn't approach. That gave me the itch. During lunchtime stroll, the ice cream girl wasn't there (a landwhale was doing her shift) so I couldn't number close her.

On my way home from work, I opened a hottie in the metro station with Kvothe's patented opener but there were two bums sleeping nearby so it wasn't exactly a conducive vibe. She thanked me and went on her way. I also didn't pause for the theatre effect of checking her up and down before saying "playful style" to make it seem spontaneous.

On the street parallel to mine, as I walked into my building, I passed by 4 hot lone wolves.

I went to do the rounds at 8.15 p.m. and opened a hottie standing outside the train station this time delivering the opener properly and she crossed her legs, saying "no" that she hadn't ever heard that. I asked her "What are you up to?" and she responded that she was waiting for friends (and they then arrived).

I went home at 9.00 p.m. Before that time (and before and after approaching the babe outside the train station) I must have let a handful of babes pass me by.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thursday 22 June
I went to a book club event, mistakenly thinking an author was going to be there. With that mistaken idea in mind, I went to a bookstore close to mine (a girl I day game street cold approached last July 2022 and ended up having as a fuck friend for a few months was carrying a tote bag from this bookshop, as the approach occurred close to it) to purchase his novel. It was a rainy day. On my way to this bookstore at 5 p.m. I saw a hot blonde lone wolf under an umbrella pass me by but I was focused on my task so didn't pay her much mind. Inside the bookstore, there was a smoking hot lone wolf girl.

At the book club event, there was a smart sexy curly black haired girl who sounded like she was from New York. I left the event early though without securing her digitos, and ended up smashing Jap.

Friday 23 June
I was kinda dead since I only slept 5 hours the night before. I still went back to the bookstore to have the book packaged in colorful packaging to give it as a gift. There was another hot lone wolf at the bookstore.

Will be plying it for puantang thenceforward.

Saturday 24 June
I went to meet a dude at 5 p.m. but quite frankly I game better without him. I will become less available from now on to him. Anyway, I took him to a secret rooftop bar at 6 p.m. with the intention of seeing if there would be babes there. And there were. I started talking to a few hotties.

Before that, I had opened a hot local but the approach was botched because she was walking fast with her earphones on and I tapped her on the upper arm and she jolted backward in fear - this spoiled the whole thing. She also didn't understand that I was complimenting her when I said she had a "very understated style". Anyway, she said she had a boyfriend, which is a little infuriating, but I guess she wanted me to feel good about her not agreeing to come and have a drink with me.

Right afterward I approached a hot stylish girl from Quebec and she also gave the boyfriend malarkey.

At the rooftop bar, it was a hot Dutch chick (in a 3-set but I approached her when she was by herself), a hot Moroccan chick in a 2-set, and a hot stylish local chick (also in a couple but I approached her when she was by herself). The rooftop bar is cool, but there is a 10 bucks cover charge.

Sunday 25 June
After doing a tour in the early afternoon, I went out to see if anything would stick, but I could feel that I didn't have enough energy (even after a first dinner at home) so I went to a restaurant to order some pasta to go and a lemonade. Back out another dude came to meet me and I approached a 2-set of hot Czech chicks socially, then I espied a curvy lone wolf with a short purple skirt showing her pink brassiere from under her black top with a sexy face and shoulder-length dark brown or black hair.

It was on from the first second. She was window shopping and I showed up beside her, saying "This shop looks pretty cool," to which she said, "They're closing unfortunately, as I wanted to buy something from them". I asked her "What are you up to?" she said she was meeting some friends in 40 minutes, and after each of us ascertaining where we were from and her telling me she had been here for 6 months and was leaving in a week, she suggested we walk a bit then I took her to sit on a bench close by. I went for her hand to hold but she let my hand go.

At the bench, we were pretty close and she was staring at my lips from the first second. There was a strong sexual vibe in the air. Turns out she's 21. She said I was too old, at 34, so she wouldn't agree to meet me again tomorrow for a drink to watch the sunset, something I was arranging for us right at the start. There was a bit of deep diving and some flirtation. She asked me what I had been doing when we met and I said "I was looking for you" to which she reacted super feminine-like, saying "Stop it" with a sexy smile. I was quite excited at this point. I couldn't stop thinking about fucking her while I spoke to her and looked into her eyes.

She said "So you were looking for the chicks" and I said "I was walking around without any plan" after laughing a bit. Not gonna recount the whole interaction as it would take too long, ended up spending way too much time with her (the full 40 minutes) which was a mistake.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 26 June
Did the rounds after work from 7 to about 7.30 but got AA and didn't approach, despite having seen a sexy stylish Asian girl by herself at the main historic square.

I made up excuses such as that my back discomfort meant that girls would be able to spot my physical discomfort in my eyes and so there was no point in approaching. This is total gobbledegook, and you will understand why below, dear reader.

Tuesday 27 June
On my way home - around 5.15 p.m. - I spotted a stunner walking in my direction (albeit to the side, on a wide street). I started walking diagonally toward her and then said "Hey" and she initially made as if to keep walking but then I stacked with "Wanted to meet you real quick"

English not being her first language, she didn't really understand what I meant. This girl was super stylish, with matching colors in her smart casual clothes. I don't remember exactly how we got over that lost-in-translation moment but the cliff notes are that I complimented her style then made her qualify on it, and then asked her a series of questions, investing more and more in the interaction (and making her qualify more) without her ever hooking.

During a short gap in the conversation, when I was asking her "So the day isn't over yet?" (she had said she was on her way back to her hotel to do some work) she ejected.

In retrospect, this was the warm-up, as I was coming back from the office, aka being in front of two screens all day, worse for wear due to the back discomfort that has crept in since 15 June when I went from 12 to 50 squats all of a sudden, which always expands when I'm standing up and sitting down often and overall not moving very much and sitting for hours on end, even if using a sit-stand workstation.

I was a bit expressionless during the interaction. At two moments she gave me a sort of inquisitive intense stare, and if at any of those I had smiled with my eyes, or smirked, things could have taken a different turn. It was all too serious and matter-of-fact.

I went home, did exercises for 30-odd minutes, which made me feel great (42 push-ups, plus some Stuart McGill stuff), cooked dinner, and ate it. Then, buoyed by my recent diversion from the routine world of 7s and 8s, and the occasional 9, I decided to hit the streets again.

It was 7.30 p.m. I saw a couple of girls over the next hour that were lone wolves and that were clearly ambling about waiting to be approached, two of which gave me protracted looks. Nevertheless, with the exception of the second one (a tall Asian) who was smashable (slim, if not exactly beautiful) who I got AA with (the time window was also small, as she was a moving set), regarding the first one (MS too) I simply concluded she wasn't hot enough (she had a good body but her face), and a third one again had a good body but her face.

I wanted the creme de la creme. I went after long flowing dirty blonde hair atop a luscious slim waist and curvy derriere up a hill and engineered my approach so that she never saw me walk after her but I merely "appeared" out of the ether in her world.

I went "Hey" she was listening to music on her earphones. She took one out. I said, "I have to meet someone soon but I wanted to ask you a question real quick."

Then I stacked it with "Has anyone ever told you" leaving the open loop.

Then I said "Actually, you remind me of my ex-girlfriend, only there's something different about your eyes" (I gestured my or her eyes with two fingers). At this point, I smiled slightly, and she caught the energy from me, as she smiled slightly too.

Then I fractionated away and asked her if she was a local. She said she came from a small island and we chatted a bit about it. She said she was here on holiday. She asked me where I was from, hooking.

I asked her if she knew the park that was right ahead of us. She said she did. I told her it had a nice café, and invited her to come and have a drink with me. She said she had to be somewhere and left.

I was excited that my use of verbal crack had occurred without incident. I wanted to approach more girls. (Once I saw her face I realized it wasn't all that, despite her long blonde hair and delicious body).

But the best was yet to come.

As I was making my way down the hill, I approached a hot girl outside the train station. I could see the thong underneath her tight creamy pants. She was putting a waffle away in the trash. I asked her where she'd bought it and discovered she was taking the train and leaving soon.

I then approached a hot girl sitting by herself on a bench with a cap and headphones on. I asked her if she minded my sitting next to her (will not do this again, and instead go straight into cold read "Hey - you look so calm like you are in your own world...") and she gesticulated to the other benches around saying "There are other benches" to which I said "Yeah, but I wanna talk to you" to which she said "I'm not interested" to which I said, "You're not interested in talking?" ... you can see where this is going. I still managed to stick around a bit but the negative compliance/momentum already lay there in the background like a specter, inching closer to ruin the interaction, so I bid her my adieux.

I walked further down the hill and missed a stylish cute girl in spectacles clutching what looked like some sort of A3 art folder.

A minute or so later I was walking down a busy pedestrian street and I noticed a super hot girl walking in my direction. She was young, short, and stylish. I think her tummy was visible.

I walked towards her and said "Hey" and she took her earphone off. Then quite a few seconds elapsed, as I had a blank on what to say. Still, she stood there waiting (IOI). Then I said, "I have to leave soon but I have a question to ask you". Then another pregnant pause. She waited expectantly. Then I said, "Has anyone ever told you..." and kept the open loop. At this point, I was staring deep into her eyes, and she started blushing slightly. She said "What?" Then I smiled slightly, and said, "Actually, you remind me of my ex-girlfriend" and she blushed crimson and politely excused herself.

When she turned away she was smiling, as was I, from ear to ear. I felt amazing. It felt amazing. This was an approach she will not easily forget.

This is what I want to do from now on. Not approach for the sake of approaching, blabbering away. I want to have emotional energy exchanges like the last two I had today. Essentially, the last girl sensed my MESMER EYES (a term coined by krauserPUA), or "Sexual Eye Contact" (Gunwitch), and became embarrassed, because I was already smashing her in her mind.

Fuck I love cold approach! Also, as if by magic, my "back discomfort" disappeared once I started having these pleasurable exchanges...


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Wednesday 28 June
Saw a couple of hotties this morning but I was in a rush doing something.

Earlier in the morning, at 9.30 a.m. or so, I was on the tram when I spotted a girl in a black leather jacket reading a hardback while she listened to music on these stylish retro headphones. I went up to her and asked her what book she was reading. She took her headphones off and we basically chatted the rest of the way. At one point I asked her if she wanted to get a coffee and she gave me her number. She was on her way to an exam (her last exam).


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thursday 29 June
As I went to purchase a birthday present for a friend who just turned 24, I saw 3 babes walking in my direction. It was 11.30 a.m. or so. One of three I stopped – a dirty blonde with blue eyes wearing a colorful jacket.

I said to her: “Hey, has anyone ever told you that you have a … very colorful style?”
She said: “I guess they have now” with a smile.
I said: “Oh really, they haven’t? But your jacket, it’s so colorful”
She said: “Oh this is a jacket I’ve used since I was 15”
I said: “You sound like you’re from … xxx”
She said: “You’re the first person to guess correctly”
I said: “Do you live here?”
She said: “No, I’m just visiting”
I said: “Is it your first time?”
She said: “Yeah”
I said: “It’s always an experience to explore a new place for the first time…”
She said: “Yeah, getting my bearings”
Then I said: “I’ve just come from a chocolate shop where I went to buy a birthday present for a friend, the party is later”
She said: “Well happy birthday to your friend”
I said: “That’s very nice of you. Listen, I must get going as I need to get back to work, but why don’t we continue this conversation some other time? You’re gonna be around over the next couple of days?”
She said: “Actually, I won’t be here as I came for a music festival outside (the city where we were talking)”
I said: “I’ll tell you what: you can give me your number, and I’ll text you. If it suits, we get a coffee, if not that’s ok as well”
And we exchanged contacts.

I knew as soon as she gave me her number that it was a consolation prize, since I hadn’t established similarity, or properly immersed her (emotional stimulation) or even done a particularly good job of pacing her reality. I knew I had attraction (she kept staring at my lips, and there was the spark of desire in her eyes), but it was insufficient as it seemed impersonal on my part due to lacking the aforementioned items.

Later in the day, I was on my way to the birthday drinks when as I arrived at the metro station I spotted a girl with long hair and skimpy shorts displaying her long legs checking me out. When the metro arrived, she went and sat in the bench closest to where I was standing. I was busy writing birthday greetings on the card and coordinating with my bros for the giving of the present so paid her no mind, though those were clearly AIs.

Friday 30 June
On my way to work in the metro at 11.00 a.m. I noticed in my peripherals and in the reflection from the tramcar windows a short blonde haired stylish girl checking me out. She made a big show of pretending she wasn’t once she realised I spotted her. The seat next to her wasn’t taken, and I was standing a little distance away, but I didn’t go to sit next to her.

When her station arrived (one before mine) she walked in front of me and exited from the door closest to me.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
June 2023 stats

1-19 June - feeling amazing, albeit bad sleep from 15 to 19 June
19-30 June - back pain during sleep and bleeding into the day

Day Game - ~36
Night Game - ~5
Numbers - 3
Dates - 4 (SC 1, DG 3)
Lays - 1 (new FB)

I could have fucked sure things, girls I could tell wanted to be approached, but repeatedly didn’t approach them because I didn’t consider them hot enough. Consciously going for quality over quantity. Nothing less than cute/hot, in other words, no ugly/almost passable chicks.

Recent dry spells

2020 - Late March to late October: 7 months or so (circumcision in between, as well as COVID lockdown galore)
2021 - February to November: 8 months or so (changing country and career) [got blowjob in early September]
2022 - 2 2-month dry spells
2023 - Early February to mid-June: 3.5 months


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 3 July 2023

Was on the metro this morning when I saw this super stylish tall and pretty blonde chick get in. She was poring over some notes she’d written by hand in a little book.

We got off at the same station and I couldn’t resist, so I told her “You have quite a nice style”

She said “Thanks”

I said, “Do you always dress like this?”

She said she was dressing especially nicely because she had an interview today.

We chatted a bit more and as we were entering the office building, I asked her if she’d maybe like to get a coffee sometime. She said she would with a smile.

Then I think I made a mistake by asking her name to find her on Teams and then get her number – she even asked, “Wouldn’t it be better if I just gave you my number?”

I had made this decision because I wanted to be discreet and not be grabbing her number inside the office building (for her sake).

Anyway, I shot her a message on Teams, but she hasn’t replied.

At lunch, I went for a walk then on my way back into the building I spotted this total dime (blonde beautiful etc.) sitting on a bench. Opened her with the “Has anyone ever told you you have quite a nice style” opener then asked her where she was from, she hooked asking me where I was from.

After a bit of chit-chat turns out she was going to a job interview in the same area in which I work and lives outside the city in this small city where only rich people live. I asked her if she’d maybe like to get a coffee sometime and she said no.

After work, as I was heading to go buy groceries I saw this total dime walking in my direction on the street. I said "Hey" and she jumped back in fear/shock, then I noticed where she was from due to her accent and spoke in her language and she then asked me if I was from that country and I said yes and she just kept walking awkwardly.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
After a bit of chit-chat turns out she was going to a job interview in the same area in which I work and lives outside the city in this small city where only rich people live. I asked her if she’d maybe like to get a coffee sometime and she said no.
what the hell why'd she say no?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I think it has to do with her being one of these girls.

Apart from that, my approach wasn't perfect as despite being less fearful/anxious due to "training" my approach muscle over the last two months, my state isn't great anymore as I've been waking up during the night due to back pain and getting up in the morning with it since 19 June.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I think it has to do with her being one of these girls.

Apart from that, my approach wasn't perfect as despite being less fearful/anxious due to "training" my approach muscle over the last two months, my state isn't great anymore as I've been waking up during the night due to back pain and getting up in the morning with it since 19 June.
ah local girl tied to her small bubble and the status that comes with it. I do the worse with these women and we usually run out of things to talk about...if we accidentally fall into rapport the discussion is limited. probably tied to her circle or city... the whole time. everyday

Teevster has written a tons about low momentum and horrid state. I think he has written somewhere that he basically is never in state, something feels off, and or rarely gets momentum but despite that he seems to work it out so there's hope even in what is less than ideal

wishing you well


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Teevster has written a tons about low momentum and horrid state. I think he has written somewhere that he basically is never in state, something feels off, and or rarely gets momentum but despite that he seems to work it out so there's hope even in what is less than ideal

About that. I figured out the cause. It was the PreP!!! Right after I took it I felt like shit - as in tired, moody, slghtly depressed. I cut it out fully these last 4 week ends and despite sleep deprivation on the last week end, my state was on on a whole different level. I will update my PreP thread with this info.

But yea I wasted a year being in a shitty state at night, because during the daytime and during week days, my state was always ok, and it was weird that suddenly, on thursday eve, friday eve, or saturday eve my state would crash the moment I headed out.

Yeah I wasted a year on this, but on the bright side I truly pushed myself into running pu in bad state.



Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Weekend 7-9 July
Was with family so no game. But noticed lots of hot girls on Friday afternoon at a shopping street (around 5/6) and about a dozen lone wolf 10s on Sunday between 9.00 and 11.00 a.m.

Monday 10 July
Around 11.00 a.m. I was walking somewhere when I saw 2 10s - one was about to cross the zebra as the light had gone green, and then crossed it (so we walked towards each other but in the middle of a wide street with cars waiting to rush past us as soon as the light went red).

The second (about 20 minutes later) was at a pedestrian crossing and she was wearing a one-piece black skirt with some piercings on her ear and nose. This one I approached - "Has anyone ever told you" but I didn't pause and check her out before saying "that you have a very playful style" to which she responded "thanks! that's so kind of you" and left (she had already been making noises to the tune of "I have to go" as she pulled off her earbud when I stopped in front of her and said "Hey".

Later, after lunch, ice-cream girl was finally there again. I got her number. We're texting.

Tuesday 11 July
During after lunch stroll (around 1.20 p.m.) saw a 10 (or close) snapping away on her analogue camera but didn't approach. She had her tummy visible and was wearing red, which I've read somewhere means the girl wants to get fucked. Her eyes were blue. She was pretty and hot. I checked her out then she looked at me, and I kept walking.

Same thing coming back from supermarket with groceries at around 6 p.m. - another pretty and seemingly hot (harder to tell as she was in a loose black tee and shorts) chick sipping a vitamin water that I didn't approach.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Monday 3 July 2023

Was on the metro this morning when I saw this super stylish tall and pretty blonde chick get in. She was poring over some notes she’d written by hand in a little book.

We got off at the same station and I couldn’t resist, so I told her “You have quite a nice style”

She said “Thanks”

I said, “Do you always dress like this?”

She said she was dressing especially nicely because she had an interview today.

We chatted a bit more and as we were entering the office building, I asked her if she’d maybe like to get a coffee sometime. She said she would with a smile.

Then I think I made a mistake by asking her name to find her on Teams and then get her number – she even asked, “Wouldn’t it be better if I just gave you my number?”

I had made this decision because I wanted to be discreet and not be grabbing her number inside the office building (for her sake).

Anyway, I shot her a message on Teams, but she hasn’t replied.
She eventually got back to me on Teams but I kept it short on there, gave her my number, and asked her to msg me on WhatsApp (making a compliance request), to which she acceded with "Yes sir".

Then on WhatsApp I complimented her display pic by saying "Nice photo" (it's a photo of her with her lush long blonde hair flowing, her blue eyes, with a slightly timid but happy smile, wearing this figure-hugging red dress...yum) and she joked that she couldn't see me in mine since there were too many people in it.

Then I invited her to meet in the evening and she responded: "So we're not having coffee anymore?" to which I replied "We can meet earlier if you prefer" to which she responded "Haha just joking" and then made two date suggestions. I picked one, and she said "Great, it's decided then" all enthusiastic with a smiley.

Then I suggested we meet at x bar and y time and she said "Ok looking forward" and I responded, "Me too".

Tuesday 11 July
She showed up in the same figure-hugging red dress at 9 in the designated rooftop bar place. This girl is tall, like my height, or maybe even slightly taller than me. She's slim and succulent. I kissed her on both cheeks and led her in to order drinks. She wanted juice. I rolled with it and ordered one for me as well.

We sat at a table with a great view but a certain distance from each other because water was falling closer to me. In the first 1.5 hours, interspersed in fluff and comfort I tried to spike by talking about sex (like, suggesting that she may have met some cute guys when she was studying abroad or slept with someone from the country where she was doing her exchange, but she said she had a boyfriend at the time) and in one or two other instances, but she wasn't biting.

Still, she was super pliable, like receptive to kino. When I suggested we bounce (I didn't seed the pull) she said something like "I need to leave soon" but then she simply stayed where she was and continued talking. At the time I didn't think to persist. My thought was that this meant she didn't want to be pulled, so I opted for a plan b.

I asked her "Do you often get approached by handsome men on the metro?" to which she responded "No, only weirdos" (so she thought that I was handsome).
Later, I said at one point "It wouldn't work out between us" and she said "Why?" (passed the compliance test)
At another moment I said "We can just be friends"

My plan b was to move her chair right next to mine, put my arm around her just as it was getting breezier and she was getting the goosebumps and it started raining, so that when she protested I could explain I wanted to keep her warm, and then to grab her chin towards me and start making out for a brief moment, then pulling away. She was immediately totally into it. God this girl is delicious...

We chatted some more and I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in again. Before all this, I had told her I wanted to see her again and could we meet next week and she'd said yes. Then I walked holding her waist with her hand locked on mine (I had started holding her hand as we sat together) until we passed by the metro station where she was to take the metro and I brought her in for a quick final makeout as I groped her perfect buttock.

Still texting so I think this is still on. I went against my usual protocol for dates, but honestly, if I have to spend a bit more time with her (another date, hopefully only one more) I don't mind, as I would enjoy it.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
lol it's because we both work for the same corporation and all employees have a first and last name (which is also their email address) via which they can be found on Teams.

Anyway that girl is now ignoring my ping so lost the WoO as POB accurately analysed due to being too direct/blunt with the texting after the first date. But she was instrumental (and @topcat) in helping me understand proper second date scheduling procedure.

Weekend 22-23 July
Went to a friend's wedding overseas and had my sights set on this svelte, tall, lithe, big-eyed, busty brunette. I invited her to dance and we were inches apart. She turned me the F on...and I know she's attracted to me too.

Nevertheless, she was hosting this other chick, a Polish ogre with a nose ring, at hers, and I found it impossible to isolate her.

Monday 24 July
Returned to my home base and the weather is shitty as usual. Still, as I strolled home I saw this hot-ass Asian chick holding an umbrella, dressed sort of formally but tastefully, and she primed all my buttons. I was still holding my rucksack on my way home to make lunch straight out of the airport (it was 1.15 p.m.) though so she sort of caught me off guard.

I know I have to go back to the military approaching routine though so as I went grocery shopping just now (after lunch, so between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.) I ended up behind this elegant jeans-clad stylish big blue-eyed brunette and I opened her situational with "do you always eat this healthy?" as I pointed at her assorted groceries, which elicited a smirk from her and a "yes, actually - in fact, I usually eat more healthy" then she went "I would ask you the same thing".

The banter was good and I was 100% down but she wouldn't accept the number close. I got her smiling from ear to ear though. She left the supermarket happier than she arrived, even if she said she had a cold.

Later in the day, at 8.00 p.m., I went to do the rounds. Did 30 mins. Saw 3 hot (pretty, and physically fit) girls but didn't approach. Still getting my motor back into gear for MS S DG. Important thing was to lick my lips and confirm to myself that such walks can yield what I want. (As I was walking home from the gym, close to 5.00 p.m., I saw another dime (stationary) in the distance but cut to the right down a street so lost her). In total, then, 5 quality lone wolves since arriving from the airport.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Friday 28 July 2023
Was walking home from attempting to buy raw milk (they have none at the moment) when I saw a 10 walking in my direction. I stopped her by saying "hi" she was listening to headphones she got one off then I said "has anyone ever told you..." and left the open loop. Then I forgot what I had to stack with that, and as I got my two fingers up to my eyes to say something about hers she took a step to the side or something, scared that I intended to slap her (?)

I then did the rest of my opener bit, "You remind me of my ex-girlfriend," and she said "am I supposed to say thank you?" then I said "only there's something different about your eyes" but at this point she was already walking away.