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Smash City


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
This year's been a rollercoaster on so many levels.

Opened my own company only to have to suspend its operations. Lost my job of several years. Lost all means of sustenance due to the forced confinement.

Due to momentum-hijacking health-related issues such as recurrent dick pain - which I eventually fixed with a circumcision - not to mention low back and leg pain, am going through a 6-month-long dry spell, the longest I've had since 2013.

Did some deep introspection during quarantine and realized I could benefit from body-oriented therapy and other alternative healing methods. Confronted my father, realized I have some narc/codependent/histrionic/etc. tendencies, and that the guy I considered my best friend since 2015 was never a friend to begin with.

My brother suggested I try my hand at JBP's Past and Future Authoring Program, and I gave it a shot to organize myself with goals. Started making plays. Big changes on the horizon. I may end up moving overseas for an internship if I'm selected - there's a 1-4% chance.

I had been living the high life since 2014. Hot girls would come up to put money in my hand after 2.5 hours spent walking around my hometown with me, only to give me their pussy that same night after two or three drinks.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been mostly positive for me, as the challenges it has entailed have forced me to take on the next chapters of my life in a resourceful, flexible way.

One of my main goals, considering I live in the historic center of my city - the tourist area - next to an endless stream of sexy girls, is to become fully self-reliant with regards to girls, sex, and relationships:

1. Able to walk out the door during the day and pull a SDL with a gorgeous lone wolf (so far I've executed a few one-shot kills but always with cute girls, not the cream of the crop)
2. Able to go out at night, with or without wings, and pull a SNL with a gorgeous girl (I had written night game off in 2015, but now I am down for going out from ten/eleven in the evening to about one or two in the morning if need be, as the concentration of sexually desirable young girls is positively overwhelming! And...I live in the bar district...)
3. Able to get threesomes and foursomes with gorgeous girls (I’ve passed up too many chances of getting these...need to grab my balls and step it up!)
4. Able to enter into a long-term relationship with a cool, gorgeous girl (I haven’t been exclusive with a girl since 2009, and am not sure I want that for the time being, but my point here is to have a "main" and still pull strange on the side, while maintaining a couple of FB's)
5. Able to easily replace said cool, gorgeous girl with another as "main" (this is what Chase calls "absolute abundance")

Saturday 26 September 2020

Started a course where am part of a class of sixteen - lots of girls, which is great, as I love being surrounded by women, it just makes me feel good - and had classes all day.

At the end I walked out with one of the girls, a pale-skinned black-haired 26-year-old with a banging body. She was a tennis teacher until she got injured recently. The girl looked like a bombshell until she removed her mask and I realized she's actually not pretty. Nevertheless, the sexual tension between us was palpable.

First I had sat on the opposite side of the lecture hall to her. Then, during morning class, I hadn't looked at her once. During break, I had opened her and over inane babble had started giving her strong EC. Back in lecture hall we had started exchanging EC glances every so often.

As we walked out of college I was asking her what she liked about playing tennis, to get her to focus on the positive emotions associated with it, and giving her my History and Book-reading Gambits.

I asked her where she was headed, to which she said: "Home," (she lives quite far away it turns out) and hindsight twenty-twenty I'm almost certain I could have led her to "Come see the old town while walking around" with me (pull her home) and potentially smash - at least try to and get LMR - but I am suffering from diarrhoeia and really wanted to take a shit.

Plus, she had a zit on her chin and she wasn't pretty. So we part ways at the metro station after double cheek kiss.

But the high I got from interacting with her and feeling the sexual tension made me decide to buy some of that strong green tea I used to drink as part of my pre-hunting routine (which also involved meditating near the verandah, focusing on the bird chirps) to then head out and go looking for pussy.

On my way to the organic goods store to buy the tea I run into a buddy who asks me if I'm "hunting" and then goes - Him: "Bro, your eyes are all glazed over, your skin looks sallow, you have huge eye bags; you look like shit." And this kind of tanks my drive to hit the streets for some late afternoon game. TBH I was pretty exhausted as I haven't been sleeping very well due to back pain.

So instead I buy the green tea, flirt with the girl who's doing the check-out (she is FINE) miss a few more lone wolf delicacies on my way home, flatten the dough I had prepared from Friday with a rolling pin, make some fresh pasta, pop the Bolognese sauce I'd made the day before in the microwave, and eat me an absolutely delicious Spaghetti Bolognese.

I feel so invigorated from that meal - I ate a LOT - that I pour a little of my Bulleit bourbon and sip it while listening to my favorite electronic music playlist on YouTube and decide to keep my state pumped for hitting the streets later and doing a bit of night game. I hit up my bros - they tell me they'll be out - and then head out to meet them at eleven.

Now keep in mind I haven't done night game since 2015. I know these guys from the local community and had bumped into them on my way home one night recently.

My plan for the night was to try my hand at the Grandmaster style (Cocky/funny) with hot young girls.


1. Opening a cute short French girl - wearing a shirt with top buttons undone revealing her delectable rack - on the street. I was with my bros. I called out to her in French: "You! Come here." She complied. I held her on the mid-upper back. One of my bros went (in English): "Be nice. Now tell me, would you rather .... or .... (I forget what he said, something canned)" She goes: blablabla (again, memory failure). I tell her (in French): "I have a big baguette." She makes as if to leave and so I tell her: "Hey, I'm just joshing you. Come back." And she stays put!

2. Later I opened this two-set of delicious belles. One was a blonde blue-eyed German. She was fit. Was wearing a short light green dress and white FILA sneakers. I said I liked her light green dress. She thanked me and said she'd dyed it herself. I asked her how she did it. She explained. I still thought she was joking but when I realized it was for real I told her it was impressive. She thanked me again.

Then I went: "I read in a magazine that when people wear light green that means they're horny," to which she said Hottie (in a joking tone): "I guess your magazine is absolutely correct! No I just blablabla (qualifying herself to me)." I then said "I was just kidding." (In retrospect I may not even have had to).

Some more convo where I cold read they were from London and they asked me where I was from I said I was from here they said my English was really good I said theirs was too then I said I liked British accents as they were stylish (they spoke with British accents as they'd studied in London) and that I could speak with a British accent when I was drunk and blondie said Hottie: "Well, what are you waiting for then? Get drunk, and prove it!" (If I went back I'd say "British accents turn me on!")

Anyway, at this point my right leg hurt (varicose veins) so I couldn't stand still (slashing my fundamentals and killing my state) meanwhile my wing for this set, a 48-year-old, was slightly uncalibrated as well.

I could see the chicks were going to bolt so I moved my body language away from them and lo and behold they said they wanted to get another drink but blondie made a point to give me sexy eyes and ask

Hottie: "Maybe we meet later?" (She also stopped near me when she said this, perhaps expecting me to exchange contacts with her. She had said she was a tourist only here for the weekend (these tend to be the easiest to smash)) but I was feeling like shit with back and leg pain and wanted to make my exit as one hour had already elapsed and that was the time I'd set myself to come out and talk to some babes (one hour, from eleven to twelve).

The girls moved close by, then a little bit further down the street, then they disappeared. (They may have been trying to separate me from my older wing. The third of their group of friends came to get them when they started leaving us, and she almost insta-made out with my bro - the one who earlier had been telling the Frenchie to be nice - on their way down the street, to which he told her: “You’re dangerous,” to which she replied: “Yes, I am”).

These girls were clearly looking for a good dicking-down.

For next time: my plan is to prepare some country-specific neg-type jibes (about Germans, French, Polish, Italian, Spanish, English, American, etc. girls) and more sexualizing lines from the Grandmaster repertoire ("I have to have surgery tomorrow," "Why?" "My pi-pi is too big," etc.) and try them out with the "Just kidding!" + kino combo.

This for night game. For day game I already have a fully functioning indirect process.

Will also be endeavoring to go do some one-hour day game bouts during the week, time permitting. As long as I keep up with my responsibilities, sky's the limit. (Having chronic pain means state prep takes longer but isn't insurmountable: just need to not feel pain as I walk out of my apartment to be able to not be in a shitty state).
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Smashing after 6 months of dryness
On 30 September I went to do some late afternoon day game. Walked to a viewpoint to watch the sunset. Had drunk strong green tea and attempted to do some meditation before leaving my apartment. I didn't open any moving sets on the way there even though I crossed paths with a couple of hot foreign-exchange-college-student-looking gals.

Once there I approached nobody as all girls were accompanied. I was looking for lone wolves.

On the way back home I stumbled into a lost tourist girl, who asked me for the directions to her hotel, and this girl I would eventually take to her hotel after going to buy her some pizza and a lighter and skins to roll a spliff back at her hotel room, drink some vodka with juice, and then smash. I also fucked her ass, which was nice and tight. She was 31, American, recently divorced with a 5-year-old son. She had to catch a flight to Ireland in the morning.

Taking action
Since then I started opening fit girls in the gym indirectly using situational openers. I also opened one outside the bus stop right next to the gym and number-closed her and "insta-dated" her in the bus, agreeing to meet her for a drink at a rooftop bar. She then had an accident at work and so we still haven't met, though she seemed quite down.

Getting sidetracked
I went traveling overseas in early October right before restrictions were put in place in Poland, but since I was with a buddy who doesn't approach and who thinks approaching is "weird" I kind of got thrown off-kilter a little bit (I didn't know this about him, but he is a member of the dating app SeekingArrangement...) I've since tried to limit the amount of facetime I give him, for obvious reasons.

Getting opened
I was opened by a hot girl at this co-work space where I work days. When I walked into the room which had a big table in the centre and chairs, she held pretty lengthy eye-contact with me, and then moved her things from beside her so that I could sit next to her. She sneezed and I said "bless you" and she said "thanks" with a slight smile.

Then when the place was closing everybody else left this room and as I came back from taking my chair to the other room (we were now alone back in the original big table room) she said "didn't you study at X college?" to which I said "yes" and then she said she remembered me but I told her I didn't remember her, asking her to tell me who were the people in her year so I could try to piece things together.

She told me some names and I still said "nah". We chatted a bit about what we've been up to then a fat girl came to talk to her and so I didn't number-close her for us to "continue catching up" over a drink, which, in retrospect, was a mistake, as she was clearly interested/invested if she opened me when I had never spoken to her before in my life, despite us having studied in the same college/faculty.

Going on date with HB7.5 from class
I had a date with a girl from this online class I've been taking. I found her on Facebook, added her, opened her situational with something related to our class, bantered with her a bit (emotional spikes/flirting) then suggested we meet for her to teach me (things she was teasing me for not knowing for this class we're both taking) and she bit! Initially, she was a bit hesitant, but when I pushed instead of pulling she bit the bait and asked me which day suited me better.

We did the date but I tried a new strategy of interacting with a new girl where you ask her lots of questions about herself and hold her accountable for not following her dreams/desires/passions in career terms by not simply saying "nice" and "awesome" to everything she says, however, this meant that we stayed in boring job interview-conversation for the entire date as I have very little experience with this still, and I made the mistake of talking too much about myself when she turned the question back to me. So even though I invited her home and persisted with that at least once she said "another time" (but that time has not materialized) and I went home to nothing.

Social circle game project
Finally I met a buddy from the local community and we've been trying to do some social circle game by befriending these girls - they're local and one is a HB7 (fit body, ugly face), 22, while the other is a HB5 (cuteish face, overweight body), 25 - to see if we can meet some of their hot girlfriends (the HB7 has HB8/HB9+ hotness girlfriends). So far it's been interesting to interact socially with them.

First Encounter
We met them at this bar which is popular with high status, if slightly alternative, young college students as well as older intellectuals and political radicals. We were on the prowl for HB9s and there were a couple of at least HB8s in the first room as well as some HB9 blondes in the backroom. However, at that point, the bar was quite full (it must have been 22:00/22:30 or so). So we went back out to see if we could find some dames auf der strasse while we waited to be let in.

Back in the bar, there was a small table available in the backroom for us but the blonde HB9s were now nowhere in sight. Nevertheless, we wanted to make our way to the first/front room to open the HB8s, despite the fact that they were accompanied by guys in a social-circle-like arrangement.

While we were sitting waiting for our beverages at the back we opened these two girls who were sitting at a small table with safe COVID distance from ours. I was yelling cocky-funny nonsense at them (and they started eating it up) and my buddy was doing comfort-building. We ended up extracting them to my apartment at closing time for a quick game of mini ping-pong before they were taken by some other guys from their circle elsewhere (these guys were not at the bar where we met these two girls).

Second Encounter
We stayed in touch with them and last week invited them out to dinner. We went to dine with them Saturday night at this cheap college student place. Here the conversation I had with HB7 was interesting. She was saying that it was a shame society had the double standard where girls were seen as weird for approaching guys and it was expected that guys approach them. We had been talking about Tinder.

I had said that on Tinder I might not have given her a second glance as when you get into the roll of swiping you start being careless sometimes, but also because I wouldn't have been privy to her fun personality which is what captivated me about her at first. I was saying Tinder was awkward and superficial whereas out in the real world it felt much better to meet girls (which I was saying I did - on the street, at bus stops, inside public transportation, etc.)

I seized the opportunity to tell her it was unfair there was a double standard with regard to being promiscuous, but I placed it squarely on the side of women shaming other women for decreasing the price of access to their vaginas, which she had to agree with. Then we looked at eachother's Tinder profiles and made comments about them.

I told her she had a nice body (from one of her Tinder photos) but criticized the fact she was far away in the photo. She was saying I looked better than my photos. I asked if my placing a photo of me topless would make it better (she wanted to see it - I showed her a selfie I took in 2014 when I was an intermediate-level powerlifter, and she said I had a good body but the photo would make her think I was full of myself as it was just me looking at myself in the bathroom mirror).

We went back to mine (not before the plausible deniability of pretending we were going back to the bar we'd met them at the week before, which we already knew would be closed due to new COVID rules where bars have to close at 22:30) and played Piccolo (a truth-or-dare-style app where you play a game which involves kissing others/groping them, and can lead things to orgies) and drank white wine from 23:00-05:00.

I kept up the sexual framing and even tried my hand at some sexual prizing and HB7 began admitting to masturbating regularly to big black cocks and buttsex. At one point she was rubbing herself lightly on my buddy and me, and even asked if she could take her clothes off because she was very turned on. We were open to that, but she didn't do it. She admitted to only cumming from buttsex. She admitted to having slept with a black guy. We didn't fuck, because my buddy and I had already pre-agreed we were cool with simply befriending these girls since HB7 has some hot-ass girlfriends.

Third and Fourth Encounters
We went to work/study in this big college student studying center where my buddy and I had been going since mid-October or so which is great to meet hot young local college girls (and I met one such girl (an HB8) that I could have number-closed, in retrospect, because we both verbally agreed to meet at a nearby bar with our friends but then I didn't see her there when we went there, though we ended up chatting up some other girls. Incidentally, that was the night we ended up meeting HB7 and HB5).

Only these two times we went once with HB7 and the other with HB7 and HB5. The first time after spending the afternoon at the college student study center with HB7 we ended up dining out with her and HB5 at an Italian restaurant. The second time we ended up going for drinks near the study place and having some tapas after spending the afternoon with both at the college student study center. The second time we noticed that hot girls (HB8s/HB9s) were giving us more IOIs than usual because we were with other girls (HB7 and HB5).

Fifth Encounter
We agreed to go to this beautiful town with castles and have lunch by the beach which we did with HB7 and HB5. Then we had dinner at mine to top off the day. Now that HB7 had ascertained that we weren't romantically interested in either of them and since my buddy had said when they asked what we looked for in girls (and I had revealed, this was during Second Encounter back at my place during Piccolo, that I was very open-minded) that he was looking for a girlfriend who would be loyal and so on she started pretending to be a prude, to only have sex with guys in a boyfriend/girlfriend arrangement, etc.

It was interesting to note her chameleon-like adaptation to what she thought we liked. It was as if she forgot what she had said during Second Encounter. She has been constantly saying she's not sexually depraved, etc. ever since Third Encounter. I've kept up a certain depraved side, talking about this or that between me and girls (low-key) whenever it fits the conversation, but never bragging directly.

Buddy and I decided not to approach those HB8s and HB9s giving us IOIs on Fourth Encounter in order not to make HB7 and HB5 feel used by us (and rejected), but we've discussed that chatting them up in moments when HB7 and HB5 were not around (which were, in retrospect, very few) would have been good form.

This has so far been a refreshing experiment and we are still seeing if we can meet HB7's hotter friends. I was motivated to embark on it since I want to go for hot local girls instead of foreigners for a change. And while I want to continue doing cold approach and meeting hot young girls for sex, I am also open to the idea of a "main" girlfriend-type girl for emotional intimacy.
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
NYE 2020
I went for a poker match with some buddies. Didn't end up playing so I could leave whenever I wanted. Was at their flat which is about a 40-minute walk from mine. On the way back home at 12:40am a barricade of police wielding long batons blocked my way telling me I wasn't allowed to be on the street at that hour (lockdown was at 23:00).

I told them I was doing my "hygienic walk" (it's a loophole in the law - you can do your hygienic walk at any hour of the day, even during lockdown) and they eventually left me alone.

I was at home (lockdown was at 1:00pm) and afraid to go out because it was after 1:00pm and the cops the night before had left a mark on my psyche. One of the poker buddies, let's call him wing bro, told me it all depended on how I interpreted things. I thought fuck it and left the house, walked over to meet him and the other poker pal, we were at a spontaneous protest on one of the historic center's main squares, and nobody was bothering me (it must have been 4:00pm).

Walked over to the riverside and approached one girl, an Austrian, who was sitting staring off into the distance. Approached her indirect, something about her posture or something. Here are my notes:

Left house at 4:00pm, arrived back around 5:15pm. 1 approach: Austrian blonde. Safe polite conversation (are you catching sunlight, where are you from, my cousin and my sister studied there, did you do anything last night, are you single – yes, but she said she was not looking to date anyone (you answered “why” falling into her frame – the correct answer(s) would have been something to the effect of: “Who said anything about dating?” “We’re just talking. I don’t even know your name: I haven’t even seen your eyes – what gives you the idea I would want to date you already? One thing at a time”) [she was wearing shades]

Girl has been living here for 1.5 years, comes from a small town in Austria. 7ish.

Anyway, I felt amazing that I had left the house despite the police the night before, and that I was back approaching girls after a protracted hiatus attempting social circle which went nowhere.

Left house at 4:00pm returned at 6:00pm. Total 8 approaches. Had an instadate with a Czech art teacher in a Swedish high school and got her number but never heard from her again. Also stopped this SK milf artist and got her Instagram. We arranged a date for the next day.

Went to do some approaches with bros at 11:00am. One girl who was waiting to get into a clothes shop went inside despite not being allowed to (max. # of pax. restrictions), to complain to the security guard that I was talking to her telling her she looked kinda cute.

Then at midday went to meet the SK girl from the day before. Lockdown was at 1:00pm, so I picked her up from the coffeeshop, walked her to a café on the ground floor of the building where my apartment is located, then once it closed at 1:00pm up to my apartment "to finish our teas". Set some bohemian frames, meeting random strangers, etc. Lisbon free city can go on adventure.

At home she resisted though, said she was seeing a guy (we kissed but just lips, I groped her buttocks, and danced a bit with her to the jazz that was playing, feeling her firm breashts as I held her close). She was in my house for about 1.5 hours.

(Lockdown was at 1:00pm) 3:30pm went to meet wing for approaches. Approached 1 Polish girl, then we did a 2-set he approached them I joined in afterward, French girls, the hotter one was single and ready to mingle, got her Instagram, still waiting to hear back from her.

1:00pm went out (was supposed to be lockdown but still people about). Met wing bro. Approached 1 girl and she said thanks then left. Then saw this cute girl sitting down writing with the sun shining on her face and went in.

Asked her if she was writing in her diary. Sat down next to her. After about 10 minutes of chit-chat (maybe slightly more, maybe slightly less) asked her if she wanted to walk a little, she said yes, then basically led her back to my apartment, telling her there was a place where we could buy some beer.

Then walked kept up chatting getting to know each other after buying the small beer bottles told her I have a verandah patio type deal where we could watch the river, and just brought her upstairs. The girl was here for about 1.5/2 hours, we made out a bit, I unclipped her bra at one point and groped her supple breashts, but I could tell she didn't want to smash imediato, so I didn't insist.

We arranged a date for Tuesday, and she has replied to text, things seem to be going good (which is great because next week, from Wednesday perhaps, perhaps from Friday, there will again be a full lockdown).
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Left the house at 16:30ish to go meet some dames. As of the day before, my hometown is under full lockdown, meaning you're not meant to be out on the streets. Down by the riverside, I walked around and opened one girl, but don't remember what I told her, except that she replied "happy new year" and left.

There were quite a few delectable-looking moving sets, but I didn't approach any. I saw my wings getting stopped by the police, and it turns out the argument was about the fact that they weren't wearing masks. The same policemen bothered me about the same thing.

I don't recall exactly but I don't think I did any more approaches, as I had drunk coffee in the morning and my state crashed due to the police.

Was back home at 18:00.

Left the house at 13:30ish thinking that if I went earlier down riverside there would be fewer cops. And I was right. There were much fewer, but they'd cordoned off the area where people tend to sit and relax catching the sun since the day before (where I met the Spanish girl from last week), so in that area now one's gotta make do with moving sets.

Approached a Spanish girl wearing a UCLA cap, we chatted briefly (I opened her indirect: "I couldn't help but notice your cap - did you study there? I was in LA recently...") and I got her number, as she was on her way home. I told her we could get a beer another time.

Then saw this long-haired blonde svelte Slavic-looking belle and had to move in. It was a moving set. I told her (cr. Gunwitch): "Hey! I was walking, saw you, and you remind me of my ex-girlfriend, so I wanted to come and say hi". She was all giggles.

She was on the phone. I told her to call the person back. She did. Turns out she was talking to her parents. She had green eyes and was from Poland, from a small town/village-like place.

Shortly into the interaction, I suggested we go get a drink and enjoy a nice view. She said she had a boyfriend. I said I had a boyfriend too. Then I told her I was happy she had a boyfriend, but that I wasn't applying for that position. Anyway, I told her "let's walk" and she walked, asking "where to?" then as we walked I eventually started leading her up towards the 7-11 near my place. Once there, I bought us some small sweet wine bottles (1 each) and I had told her about a viewpoint (which is close to mine) so I took her there, thinking I'd then extract her to mine to "see the river."

Ended up spending about 30 minutes at the viewpoint (not sure if it was this long, or longer, or shorter) and then she walked with me back but gave resistance at the door because of her boyfriend. I had tried to dismantle the boyfriend by using bf-destroyer frames, but to no avail.

The last girl I approached was also Polish, down riverside, but she didn't give out her number. Used Gun's "you look like my ex-gf" opener again.

Was back home at 16:00.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I'm assuming you are somewhere in Europe. I guess I should consider myself lucky the police here in the USA don't give a fuck if I'm wearing a mask outside or talking to girls.

You've inspired me to try this "you look like my ex-girlfriend" opener. I think it'll fit it nicely with my normal routine, but provide a little more ambiguity to the girl. I will give it a go for a while and see how it does compared to my normal direct process.

Keep up the good work.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks Bacc and Cientifico for your replies!

Yeah Bacc one definitely retains more social frame when going indirect. This became even clearer to me today (more on that in a bit).

Cientifico yeah Gun's material is solid.

Since my last entry...
So I switched up my diet and my low back rehabilitation routine starting Tuesday 26.1 went full carni (100% meat (except eggs, garlic, onion, olive oil, raw butter, sauerkraut, kefir, and today an orange (will add carrots, spinach, broccoli, almonds, avocados, blueberries, strawberries, kale, Swiss chard, sweet potato, and walnuts as of next week)))

Because of this and the fact I can no longer sit or stand or kneel down to pick shit up with bad posture (gotta keep a straight back, or firm core to squat or do golfer's lift, which is better, to pick stuff up) I gave myself the excuse to not have to approach girls because I can't fuck them.

And this lasted for a few days but soon I started missing approaching dames, especially now with the full lockdown situation. Guys might have missed it but IME it has never been easier to fuck girls from day game cold approach than the present time, because nobody else is doing it.

Was walking outside and bumped into this Polish chick who's my neighbor and used to date an acquaintance of mine and saw she was all ecstatic to see me so I invited her to come and "have a drink" (it was 8 or 9pm) but the 7-11 near mine was closed. So I invited her upstairs.

She came up, and I thought I'd just put a movie on and then escalate and get the l.

Not applying any frames or verbal game didn't work out too well. Got to grab her big tit, kiss her, grab her ass, and even PMCO to show her the results of the recent surgery, and fingered her over her sports leggings/tights, but no shex.

Girl wasn't all that though so not too fussed (6?)

I had approached 1 girl this week half-assedly in the big thoroughfare downtown and hadn't hooked due to sort of giving up early into the project.

Today I was at the grocery store in the morning and I saw this girl with a luscious ass in sports leggings. She had jet-black hair. I wanted her. At the same time, I had never approached a girl in a grocery store in my life.

I saw her come close to me near an aisle of whatever a few times and after I'd bought all my stuff I was like "I'm just gonna go indirect"

So I saw her at the end of a corridor, walked up and said "Do you know where they keep the brown pasta?" And she said "No" and I said "Yeah, I didn't care about the pasta, just thought you looked cute so wanted to come and say hi"

We then briefly chatted (must have been 2-4 mins) where she hooked (asked me where I was from) and I shook her hand, asked her a few questions, then got her number saying I had to continue my shopping but was happy to continue chatting - "we can go for a walk," I said, then after getting her number and dialling her I said "do you like tea?" she said "yeah" I said "we can drink some, and go for a walk. What are your plans later today?" "Uhm...I have no plans" "Around 3 then?" "Yeah" "Cool, I'll send you a message"

Girl was Chinese. Tight bod. Round, hard buttocks.

Anyway, I was expecting the set to flounder considering the indirect-direct, but she answered texts and showed up at 3:35pm.

Now keep in mind everything is closed due to full lockdown. But I know a small viewpoint close to mine far away from the tourist center where police aren't harassing people. So after picking her up from the square I walked her there. I didn't hold her hands as we walked, but when we had to cross any street (cars) I'd hold the small of her back. I kissed her on the cheek when I met her. She had makeup on.

During the outside portion of this mini-date she never took her mask off.

Walked her to viewpoint and told her she reminded me of a girl I knew, who I was seeing for a while, and then I said I liked Chinese girls, she said why, I said because they're open, she was like, really? I was like, yeah. Like they do what they want and don't care what other people think. I asked her : do you care what other people think? She was like, yeah..I was like, "Not a lot though, right?" "Do you care what your parents think?) she asked me, I said "no", "do you?" she's like: "a little"

I told her my parents were very conservative/religious, so I didn't think like them.

I asked her what brought her to my city, and she gave a half-assed response. I didn't probe further.

I described to her what the city was like before lockdown, and she asked me if I missed it, I told her I was happy now regardless.

I didn't use the opportunity to get into some sort of shtick about her being here all alone, if she was travelling for the first time, how she felt, and then framing her as an adventurous girl for doing so, and for meeting me, and again going for the Chinese girls are awesome because they go after what they want frame, which wasn't exactly set from the previous thread.

Anyway after some more talk (I forget what) I invited her up to my apartment to "drink some tea" (I actually didn't say it was my apartment, I merely said "Do you wanna drink some tea?" she said "Where?" I said "There's a type of tea we drink here, called xxx, which is nice, have you tried it?" "No" "There's also a balcony with a view. Do you wanna go there?" "Yes"

So I walked her home, brought her up the stairs, and I could sense how excited she was as her breathing quickened when we were at mine.

Here I let her settle, made the tea, she was shit-testy, saying the tea tasted like water.

Soon I pounced like a hungry cheetah, before having set any frames. Kissed her lips (oh how soft they were!) then her neck and when I moved to unzip her little jogging jumper, she resisted.

Then basically LMR for the next (she left here at 5, we must have gotten back here from the walk at 4:15/4:20?) 40 odd minutes. I read something by Ricardus about the Cali pimp style where the guy would shove his thumb in the girl's mouth, and simulate a cock, I tried it with Chinese, and she was licking my finger like a naughty hentai character, so then I got hard, unzipped my trousers, and PMCO, but she wouldn't touch it (maybe if I had said: "Suck it" she would have complied, but best of all would have been to get her to not resist any escalation on my end to begin with.

It was very curious because she would resist, but she wouldn't leave. I tried some sex talk (after she was already resisting...) but it wasn't successful, and I don't think I'd addressed ASD, because she was saying she hadn't slept with a lot of Chinese guys.

This is a highly condensed summary as I don't have more time, but she admitted she'd slept with a guy from my country, and also said he wasn't that great, and she called me a lizard, an "animal" (I said "we're all animals, Chinese girl, you included...")

At 5:00pm I had something to do so I simply led her out.

Oh yeah I also got to smack her ass and grope it (and I sat her on my lap at one point) but no shex. Girl was a solid 7.5 (oh, and college student-age). Meh.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Maybe a combination of comfort building and relentless escalation?

My one and only straight pull and lay was also asian (Taiwanese) with a cute little body, she sort of resisted every time I tried to get physical, even with kissing, but, like your situation, did not leave. In fact I could feel she was 'ready' somehow, as soon as I stopped she wouldn't make any move like she wanted to go.

I ended up asking her to lie face down while I gave her a massage. I spent a few minutes, one by one her clothes came off and by the time I got to her pussy she was absolutely drenched (literally), and I took her from behind like that.

I could tell what the problem was when I got her to turn over at one point and she got all shy again, turning her head away. I think a lot of asian girls, growing up typically in a much more stringent culture, have a very strong embarrassment associated with specific things. In this case I think it was almost a case of 'if I can't see it I can enjoy it'.

Seems like in your case it was milder, but giving her that back massage be an idea if you didn't try already. I have had good success with it on multiple occasions, it's a great way to calm her down, offer her something that feels good, let her get into her body and find out that you really know how to touch her and give her pleasure.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Appreciate the input Will_V! Yeah man I felt like she wanted me to fuck her. Even when I had to go she was like "why? what do you have to do?"

I feel like the shit-testing was her simply taunting me. I didn't build a connection (deep diving) so didn't stimulate her emotions, and didn't arouse her enough (I mean, she was aroused, just not enough straightaway, like she had a slower escalation).

This girl came to meet me on a rainy day after a 2-minute indirect-direct approach in the grocery store, it was massive compliance.

Walking home from a short walk just now (3:00pm) (of the kind I do to help heal my low back as I can't sit for too long otherwise it hurts) I saw this young babe walking in my direction on my street.

Bismarck: Hey, do you speak [my language?]
HB: Yes, I do?
Bismarck: Ah ok. It's 'cause you remind me of my ex-girlfriend
HB: Why?
Bismarck: The face. Except your eyes look different...Are you from around here?
HB: Yes..
Bismarck: How come I've never seen you around here then?
HB: Because I come from [x neighborhood close by] and now I'm living in [y square]
Bismarck runs out of "crack," looks at her, and says "bye then"

I was surprised with how compliant she was giving me all this information about the square where she lives, etc. right away. Also, she was a local, which is my main target, and she was young (like late teens) and sexy.

Gotta think up things to say to not run out of things to say. With her I suppose something like introducing myself, vibing a bit with her, maybe after saying her eyes look different at the start I could say straightaway "yeah we broke up...she wanted commitment and I couldn't give it to her" to signal I'm just looking for sex. Or maybe not. Will try out and calibrate as I learn.

But yeah with her like I said vibing, qualifying, then shooting for the number and delayed same-day date would probably have been good form.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Appreciate the input Will_V! Yeah man I felt like she wanted me to fuck her. Even when I had to go she was like "why? what do you have to do?"

I feel like the shit-testing was her simply taunting me. I didn't build a connection (deep diving) so didn't stimulate her emotions, and didn't arouse her enough (I mean, she was aroused, just not enough straightaway, like she had a slower escalation).

This girl came to meet me on a rainy day after a 2-minute indirect-direct approach in the grocery store, it was massive compliance.

Walking home from a short walk just now (3:00pm) (of the kind I do to help heal my low back as I can't sit for too long otherwise it hurts) I saw this young babe walking in my direction on my street.

Bismarck: Hey, do you speak [my language?]
HB: Yes, I do?
Bismarck: Ah ok. It's 'cause you remind me of my ex-girlfriend
HB: Why?
Bismarck: The face. Except your eyes look different...Are you from around here?
HB: Yes..
Bismarck: How come I've never seen you around here then?
HB: Because I come from [x neighborhood close by] and now I'm living in [y square]
Bismarck runs out of "crack," looks at her, and says "bye then"

I was surprised with how compliant she was giving me all this information about the square where she lives, etc. right away. Also, she was a local, which is my main target, and she was young (like late teens) and sexy.

Gotta think up things to say to not run out of things to say. With her I suppose something like introducing myself, vibing a bit with her, maybe after saying her eyes look different at the start I could say straightaway "yeah we broke up...she wanted commitment and I couldn't give it to her" to signal I'm just looking for sex. Or maybe not. Will try out and calibrate as I learn.

But yeah with her like I said vibing, qualifying, then shooting for the number and delayed same-day date would probably have been good form.
Haha reminds me of the other day, I was talking to an Iranian girl and as soon as she said where she was from, like an idiot the only thoughts that came up were things like "Wow, that's like Persia, exotic...!" etc

Fortunately these thoughts didn't reach my mouth, but a solid 2 seconds went by before I managed to think up and say something acceptable.

My rule for if I have nothing to say is to comment on anything I can see or ask what she's up to. Saved me a few times.

Reading your stuff it seems like you have a very natural way of giving a good first impression and smoothly initiating contact, so it's not surprising that going direct and playful worked out. I'd say push it even more, tease her etc.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
This entry won't provide any action but will instead consist of some loose thoughts I want to put into writing.

1. Regarding inaction - if you live by yourself (if you still live with your parents I'd try to move out to your own place, preferably not close to where your parents live) even if you suffer from a chronic injury/disease (so long as it isn't contagious) you should approach at least 1 girl you desire per day.

If you don't, you start using up the time you'd have free for insta-/dates and training yourself in the arts of bedding girls either:
  • Watching Netflix/movies
  • Playing videogames
These are examples of attempts to ESCAPE reality because your reality isn't compelling enough.

2. What if you're afraid that your lack of game knowledge/skills means you run the risk of harassing girls?

Approaching girls in a calibrated fashion does not constitute harassment of any kind. Quite the opposite, in fact. Approaching (here seen as the beginning of mating/courtship between men and women) is necessary for your health as a man. It has been scientifically proven that testosterone increases when you engage in mating/courtship with sexually desirable females.

3. Hot girls yearn for a real man (not the online variety) to approach them in a calibrated way and lead them off on a tryst.

4. Of course, if you're already hitting the recommended 3 bang sessions per week for optimal testosterone levels, you can play videogames or watch Netflix/movies provided the rest of your life is under control and you're not wasting precious time in the process but instead need to unwind from your busy schedule every once in a while.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Things have reached a point where I am now confident that I will have paid work at least until early next year, and probably for longer, provided I do my absolute best. Additionally, I have procured decent accommodations splat bang in the middle of all the action.

The back issue is still largely unresolved, however. Nevertheless, I can reduce the pain to manageable levels, albeit having limited mobility. (This may be problematic for sex technique, but it means that adapted missionary or standing doggy style will be positions of choice, and gives me further incentive to penetrate her mind with verbals before unclothing her).

Right now I have 3 girls I'm "plate-spinning," and my objective is to practice game (big picture) and work on improving my date/close game (my opener/number-close/texting game is already spick and span) as opposed to only seeking the "get the lay" outcome (small picture).

I will shoot to arrange dates starting tomorrow but also throughout next week with these girls, and in the meantime will read the following gambits:

1. 8 Orgasms
2. Good Sex/Bad Sex
3. Purity
4. Mental G-spot

And prepare anti-ASD frames (about society punishing women for expressing their sensual side, women lying to themselves and attempting to control their arousal so that they don't slut-shame themselves, etc.)

Basically, the important thing is to incorporate versions of this crack into my verbals that suit my style and life experience. "I used to just have sex for sex, for the physical aspect, and that was enjoyable for a time, but soon got old, as you run into feelings of meaninglessness...I don't just want sex for sex anymore, but instead am seeking connection and intimacy. Pleasure is great, but nothing beats allowing someone to truly express who they are without fear of judgment so that they no longer feel they have to bow to societal pressures that only serve to constrict them and make them feel miserable."

Something like that. Also, fractionation, and SOTs, so that I don't START talking about sex out of nowhere, but it just organically flows into the conversation. Travel is a good starting point.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Things have reached a point where I am now confident that I will have paid work at least until early next year, and probably for longer, provided I do my absolute best. Additionally, I have procured decent accommodations splat bang in the middle of all the action.

The back issue is still largely unresolved, however. Nevertheless, I can reduce the pain to manageable levels, albeit having limited mobility. (This may be problematic for sex technique, but it means that adapted missionary or standing doggy style will be positions of choice, and gives me further incentive to penetrate her mind with verbals before unclothing her).

Right now I have 3 girls I'm "plate-spinning," and my objective is to practice game (big picture) and work on improving my date/close game (my opener/number-close/texting game is already spick and span) as opposed to only seeking the "get the lay" outcome (small picture).

I will shoot to arrange dates starting tomorrow but also throughout next week with these girls, and in the meantime will read the following gambits:

1. 8 Orgasms
2. Good Sex/Bad Sex
3. Purity
4. Mental G-spot

And prepare anti-ASD frames (about society punishing women for expressing their sensual side, women lying to themselves and attempting to control their arousal so that they don't slut-shame themselves, etc.)

Basically, the important thing is to incorporate versions of this crack into my verbals that suit my style and life experience. "I used to just have sex for sex, for the physical aspect, and that was enjoyable for a time, but soon got old, as you run into feelings of meaninglessness...I don't just want sex for sex anymore, but instead am seeking connection and intimacy. Pleasure is great, but nothing beats allowing someone to truly express who they are without fear of judgment so that they no longer feel they have to bow to societal pressures that only serve to constrict them and make them feel miserable."

Something like that. Also, fractionation, and SOTs, so that I don't START talking about sex out of nowhere, but it just organically flows into the conversation. Travel is a
Bismarck that is what I am talking, that intimacy stuff on point is that yours?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Yeah just made it up on the spot yesterday Skills. Of course it could have elements borrowed from other seducers, such as Lofty, who gave me some solid advice about 10 days ago.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah just made it up on the spot yesterday Skills. Of course it could have elements borrowed from other seducers, such as Lofty, who gave me some solid advice about 10 days ago.
Yeah, I do something similar, not as good as that one, I can't believe I left out the word intimacy on mine, Facepalm...you will see if you combine with the other stuff addresses the fuck and dump objection, that a lot of women have pre sex, but don't bring up.. and also that causes asd... Yeah key is your own twist and flavor to it... Yeah I am glad you finally going to incorporate, that the last 2 reports this would have made such huge difference combine with the other stuff.. after you try it eventually deserves own post as technique or gambit. Totally love it...just be careful don't use it, if freaky type, but is such small % of women that it really won't really matter..


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
9 August 2021

Officially went back to approaching today. Met wingman in main historic center square at 14:30. Did 2 solo approaches that went really well (one was an Irish milf who suggested to give me her number; the other was a blonde (dyed) German girl standing outside a convenience store whom I did the Ricardus gambit on: "You look like you speak English," "Yes, I do," "Are you single?" "Yes...(shyly), why?" then her dad walked out of the store lmao. He asked who I was, she told him, and then she said, "Sorry, but now is not a good time."), then 2 double sets that tanked, and then 1 double set that resulted in an insta-date with wingman, in which I gave him the hottest (single) girl.

Hottest girl was saying (about me) to wing that I’m “nice but not too nice”. I asked her the golden question "what do you do besides eat, drink, sleep, party, or work/study?" and then asked her what she liked about dancing. I also said I didn't care if the girl I slept with had a boyfriend, so long as I had no idea who he was.

Though the conversation between us was mostly spontaneous and unprepared on my part, there was a whole non-verbal dialogue running in the background, where we were exchanging intense af EC. She had a sip of my zero sugar Coke (a habit I've started forming as they were handing them out for free around here recently) and in general was quite compliant, and easily accepting my frames.

Still, I gave her to wingman (best girl) and attempted to seduce the (other) girl (who had a boyfriend), despite being less physically attractive, and perhaps less interesting, but who was nevertheless still bangable, in order to simply be a good wing. If I want the baes I need to go out solo hunting for lone wolves.

10 August 2021

Went gaming again with wing (this time two wings) around 14:30. One of the wings left and I approached a 2-set and it turns out one of the girls was a FB of my brother's until very recently lmao.

Finally I approached a lone wolf and she was 16, from Vietnam, born in Germany, and we instadated, I tried to pull her straight home but she resisted, then I took her to near a fountain with a little lake and made out with her. Tried to bring her home again but she resisted second time so abandoned ship. We spent 1 hour together. Girl was sexy.

11 August 2021

Spent day with a girl friend from the internship. We'd flirted in the past. An acquaintance of mine smashed her. Tall, slender, but-her-face Hungarian (still, beautiful big blue/green eyes). Held her hand and waste, asked her, over drinks, to tell me "something you've never told anyone before," as the beginning of a conversation about sex. I told her, when she initially reacted reticently, "look, we can continue having superficial conversations, or we can try to build a connection and make this more intense," she was saying: "I don't want to continue having superficial conversations, you're right.."

12 August 2021

Today I re-inflamed my lumbar (low back) in the morning due to carrying 4kg on my right arm (suitcase carry) for 1 hour walking, which was way too much for the first loaded carry. The inflamed back kinda hijacked my vibe.

Still, pushed myself to meet wing (then the 2nd wing showed up) and in the beginning (13:00) we were approaching some sets without any real success. When 2nd wing showed up around 15:00 we had our first set that went a little better. Girls were sexy with round derrieres and thongs. And slim wastes. Locals. One had a few tats. Still, it tanked because my girl wasn't compliant enough to go have a drink with us at a bar nearby.

Final set was 2 Danish girls. Both nice. My wing went too sexual with the Torero spikes and creeped out the hottest of the two that I was letting him have (to be fair while he was working on the other one I also wasn't really engaging her much, so I gave him control of the interaction. Again, the inflamed back makes it hard because the pain is discernible in my eyes).

Set eventually tanked even though both girls were "inter-railing" (traveling around Europe) and clearly down for some fun times.
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
24 August 2021
So I went through a hiatus since my last batch of approaches. Been having major AA issues, where I kind of make up excuses not to approach sexy lone wolf baes. Anyway, I was quite busy with some essay writing work the last 12 days.

I bought a Stetson cap (the firm used to make the cowboy hats way back, like 19th century US) and noticed I started getting lots of AIs/IOIs from hottays. I feel like it offsets (dominance-wise) my lack of boots/button-up shirt (wearing black sneaks and plain white tee).

I'd like to buy a shirt or two and try that out but am kinda tight on dough.

I met wingman at 3:00pm (not doing dg alone yet, or while going about my life which would be ideal) and then we did some approaches. Eventually got a number from a Moldovan babe (looks Indian). She was doing yoga in the park. Sexy as fuck. Not sure it'll go anywhere.

Gonna read The Mystery Method cover to cover and Street Hustle. Have read a bit of The Alabaster Girl but it's just a load of horseshit.

My plan is to abandon sugar, go back to a healthy diet (zero carbs), continue moving forward with low back healing program, go GP and sign up for physio massages once a week, get some CBD for when inflammation flares up, and try to start approaching more regularly while I'm by myself and a handful or so, either quick numbers for plate-spinning or insta-dates.

Only have 6 days of summer hols left lmao. Lots to do. Plus gotta keep up to date with GC duties. Also, watching OneDate.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey Phoenix! Thanks for reading my journal and commenting.

Like you said, I disliked his Blackdragon-style PU bashing and general pseudo-intellectual/literary hogswash.

Sure, his tome is worth a gander for a distracting few hours, but you won't get ANY ACTIONABLE ADVICE on ANYTHING concerning how to whet your willy with hot dames, whereas MM has the benefit of explaining the entire breadth of M-F dynamics and Street Hustle is chock-full of actionable usable crack.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Yes most of it is philosophical and i like his philosophy alot and i did find some actionable advice in there like the lines he tell women. Anyways, he's become a real moralist now, if you read his old forum post archive (which i did) you can tell that he was more of a player back then (funny enough also when he actually was killing it). Like the story where he sticks by the fatty's side the whole night because he felt sorry for her. Yeah, he forgot to say in his book what he wrote in his forum post which is that she sucked his dick later that night. Small detail left out eh ;)

Tom Torero's Street Hustle? Have you read this? https://daysofgame.com/theory/tom-torero-thief-street-hustle-book-review/
Idk if the book is good then i might take a look, but reading above sort of discouraged me. I have a hard time deciding if Tom Torero is good or not...
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Exactly, it's marketing maneuvers like the one you mention where it's obvious he's just trying to make his tome saleable to women of a feminist bent, that make me consider him a cynical charlatan. Also, getting BJs from fatties is hardly prizeworthy.

Of course, most PUA "gurus" are morally bankrupt - apart from Chase I don't think I've yet heard of another upstanding gamer, except perhaps for Steve Jabba and KrauserPUA. Sure, Torero didn't give credit for some of his lines - so what, THEY WORK!