Well, guess people have lost interest in this thread, cause they perceive your attitude to be negative. I don't think you're TOO negative though. I can see you're sincere and want to actually change something. You're not the typical red pill guy who just wants to complain and not even try possible solutions. I know some of those guys and basically they'd rather just give up than even work on this area at all at this point.
Also, you bring up some very interesting points that I haven't seen discussed in a very, very long time. And, I'm waiting for a doctor's appointment regarding my insomnia so this is kinda fun.
You did well without getting approach invitiations!? You're one in a million. Many of the articles here are centred around it and many of the field reports feature them. I thought that the presence or lack of approach invitations were a perfect predictor of how well the approach would go and that no invitation = no hope. This is new information to me.
It's new information to me that game is now focused only on approach invitations. Is that true? I do see a bunch of lay reports where the girl basically does the work and I don't really rate those to be honest. If she initiates the conversation with blatant nonverbals or even opens, it's like... come on man. She wants it... you'd have to run actual anti-game and proactively fuck it up to not get her. SHE should write the LR!
Nah man, at least back in my day, one of the main rules was "don't rely on approach invitations". I guess good looking guys didn't find the dating community back then because it wasn't mainstream. So you'd have to get on the internet to proactively seek out information about "how to get dates" or you would never even stumble upon this information in the first place. We only had a handful good looking guys on the boards.
I'm in Latin America on business at the moment and even here I go through the world invisible. Nobody cares. But it can be overcome, and here's how: women value all kinds of traits in men, not only looks. Atrocious looks can disqualify you, but average looks won't. And so long as she doesn't disqualify you totally off the get, you can convey all the other traits women like.
I'm sure you've seen those all over the blog, but at the top of the list is social proof, there's humor, confidence, charisma, passion (yes this is attractive to women), social intelligence, leadership qualities, successful risk taking, healthy emotional wiring (this includes positivity and optimism btw, maybe one reason why you strike out?), creativity, wit, talents, the list goes on. Women like the ugliest musicians in the world for example.
So if you can (1) start a conversation without triggering an auto pilot rejection based on "he's not my type", and then (2) convey traits she does find attractive (other than looks), her interest in you can grow substantially. Have you heard that men are like light switches and women are like light dimmers? This applies to arousal but it also applies to attraction, interest and love. It can all be gradually dialed up.
This is obviously where indirect game comes into play. I've had girl-friends actually tell me I'm not their usual type. They wouldn't have given me approach invitations, or opened me, or responded well to a direct opener. My mentor CJ even went so far as to say it's an advantage, because if she thinks "he's not my type yet I'm still drawn to him", she will feel like it's somehow "more real".
I want to discount and discredit your passion for life thing when you were 22. In my experience, attraction really is there or not in the first minute or two.
Do you know Marie Forleo? She was a female dating coach (for women) before she started teaching business. She was asked about that in an interview once, and her response was very interesting. She said a woman will not decide in the first minute or two whether she likes you or not. The only thing that may happen this quickly is the decision "I will NOT sleep with him DEFINITELY".
In other words, relying on approach invitations, and on girls liking you from the get go, is playing
green-light girls. This isn't game in my book. It's freebies. It's like going to Asia, or gaming ugly girls, a downhill battle. There's not much skill required. Just handle logistics, be cool and gradually escalate and, done. You can do this too if you lower your standards.
Girls disqualifying you immediately cause they definitely don't like you, is
red-light girls. This can happen based on looks, but only if you're actually really ugly. Even that can be overcome, just like even a hot guy can still fuck it up for himself, but now we're talking an uphill battle obviously. If I was really ugly I'd definitely shoot for fame I think. Need something big to compensate.
For 90% of guys and with 90% of girls we meet, we're dealing with
yellow lights. That's where the GAME is actually played. Man if she likes you from the open, it's easy. If she hates you from the open, move on to the next one. But most girls in most situations ARE yellow lights for most guys. That's where we do all our work. Fitness, fashion, bodylanguage, confidence, verbal game, etc.
Having a passion for life is moving towards relationship game and away from straight pick up.
What you are talking about was known as "game dynamics" - conveying to a girl whether you are looking for a short-term fun thing or a more serious long-term relationship. Having a passion for life doesn't flip this dynamic one way or the other. It's universally attractive because it's primal too: it displays a healthy emotional immune system and is a huge advantage to survive and thrive in this world.
I can not get a date to save my life. If I make an approach, the person "has to get going" within 2 minutes of the open.
Are these all direct approaches?
I can reduce screen time but I only got this way because I was fed up.
Yeah I get that. Was the same for me. Screen time is an escape from reality. It's a signal that something's wrong in real life and needs to be changed. It's fine to withdraw into these worlds from time to time by the way, while you're working on real life too. Life can beat you up, rejections from practicing game can beat you up. Sometimes need to curl up in a ball and rest and recover.
Man everyone wants to put on a tough face like "I'm the alpha everything's easy in my life". Guess what, that doesn't exist in this world. Planet Earth is TOUGH. It's a difficult realm we're in. You may see a guy who actually does have it easy with women, well but then he has other problems. Maybe his shoulder got fucked up lifting or he can't pay the mortgage or he got some club slut pregnant.
You seem to be under the impression that everyone is winning and you are losing... Looks to me like you have a job, and a nice body, so you already won in 2 out of 3 areas, at least on a basic level. Delete instagram and also take the forums with a grain of salt. This is all still screen time, meaning a fake reality where everyone projects whatever they want to project. The truth is, reality a mixed bag for everyone.
I took up more hobbies such as sports, arts, music etc. I enjoyed them but really I just wanted to appear to be a broad person with varied interests. No success at all with women like this so I gradually cut back and decided that I prefer my video games and screens.
I would pick one of them that you really enjoy, and focus on that, and make it your "girl-getting identity". For me that was music. I went pro and became quite successful, even internationally. And you know what? Girls didn't give a shit. I never got groupies or girls coming up to me after gigs. You have to be actually handsome for that.
But, I now enjoyed my job and I was excited about life in general because I didn't have to grind in some shit office I hated. It gave me a much more positive outlook in general, this "passion for life" I mentioned. Goal pursuit. Success just
because I was into what I was doing. All of these are attractive. And they're attractive to girls when conveyed in conversation. Not enough on their own but nice bonus points you can score.
And if I ever did get a girl into a room with a piano in it, it was game over every time. So it wasn't enough to get them to approach me or even send strong signals like you say you're seeing all over the site these days, but it was enough to take it from 70% there to 100% if you will, and I can guarantee it helped during mid-game because yes... girls like guys who are talented. I'm gonna give my age away with this but:
Christina Aguilera said:
If you wanna be with me
Baby, there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle (In a bottle, baby)
You gotta rub me the right way (Yeah)
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
You gotta make a big impression (Oh yeah)
Gotta like what you do
That last line. So true. Many girls have told me that. One girl said "this is the secret of why you shine". Charisma, in other words. I do all my work with charisma since I can't do it with my purty face. If you don't have the face, focus on the yellow lights and learn real game to flip them green!
The gym doesn't require the same mindset as becoming social or getting good at pickup. 20kg feels like 20kg every day. It's just you who change every time. In pickup, each person is different and so is each approach.
You have more studying to do.

There's a seduction community concept called a "gameplan", ever heard about it? Let's say you run the same opener on 20 sets in a row. There will only be 3 or 4 different responses, maybe 5. You can practice all of them, and after a while it's like groundhog day and the sets are all the same. You start to see where conversations are going before they unfold. It's like seeing the matrix.
Don't buy into the "natural game" thing. It's an oxymoron. If you want consistent output, you need a consistent process and consistent input. [NOTE: I know some guys have a different philosophy... no need to debate it... because the debate has been going since 2008 and has become boring and stale. I'm just sharing my view].
The PUAs I studied under did 15-16 lays per month from cold approach and without being handsome. I do not believe this is possible without a gameplan... chatting up girls saying random shit, whatever comes to mind, throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall... some of it will stick. Extremely high success ratios require doing a lot of things right. Pickup is a lot like sales that way. The best sales people all plan their presentation.
There's a creative part to pickup that isn't there with gym. Also, with gym you can actually work hard and get better results. I haven't seen that much in pickup. Like I said, my experience of seeing this is guys doing their 2-4 hours per week of street approaching and getting no results, which made me think that the same result could be achieved by putting those 2-4 hours into watching TV!
Yeah but go back to previous posts. This is direct street stops, which I've explained why it's not for beginners.
You need to learn indirect game. I have seen total transformations. Guys who start out and get nothing for 6 months but keep going out 4 nights a week anyway, practicing their opening game, their body language, their social skills.
After 6 months, suddenly boom... first lay. Confidence grows. Motivation is renewed. 2-3 years later they get laid consistently, a few times a month. Many such cases. This was the norm, 10-15 years ago. Lots of journals like this on the boards. I think mine will look like that again too since I'm starting over after 10 years of doing no cold approach at all. I'm not worried about any failures, they all teach and calibrate you.
Also I think that I could make male friends by cold or warm approach, but I will never get a female friend. I wanted female friends so every time one of those online date women suggested "let's be friends" I tried to take them up on it. But I never got a friendship out of it.
Yeah when a woman says after a date "let's just be friends", she's not saying "let's be friends"... she's really saying "I'm not feeling it, sorry". I would suggest you go join a bunch of groups where people are into similar interests as you and just talk to everyone there, and you will naturally click with some of the people, and some of them will be women. They can be old ladies at first or ugly girls or whatever. Just get some feminine energy into your eco system.
I don't think that limiting beliefs are holding me back. That's the problem. I saw a therapist for depression and they clearly told me that they can help with my depressive thoughts but can't get me dates and that I can't expect that to change as a result of therapy.
Yeah, a therapist can't get you dates. It's not part of what they learn or teach. If you are suffering from depression though, this will be a roadblock to getting dates because again, health is extremely important to attraction since it's all primal and about survival and making babies. And emotional and mental health are very important aspects of that.
Not sure if you read my X-Factor articles in my signature but I basically discovered a long time ago that my consistency in game was down to how I came across that day. One day I was out with mASF elder chur and was in such a good mood chatting all day that I approached 7 girls and laid 3 of them. My best day ever. I went out one day a month later and I think I approached 10 girls and got zip. Nothing.
Went home defeated and was like WTF? I feel like such a loser. But when I wrote the third lay report in a single week, I felt like I was untouchable. What's going on? Same guy! Dressed the same. Doing the same things even, because I do use gameplans. Answer is in how I came across one day vs. the other day. And how you come across is down to how you FEEL. Women pick up on that.
So, yeah, fixing your depression will help you get more dates. Your therapist can't help you get dates, but feeling better will reduce a big obstacle. You'll come across differently, have a different vibe, and that will be more attractive. Read the X-Factor articles if you want more on this. By the way, in my experience Ayahuasca can be a great tool to deal with depression, BUT you need a very good facilitator. PM me for details if interested.
I should do these things and come back in the future and report back, and ask for more help. Or I can go away and return to the screens. But I shouldn't post here for weeks crying about it.
I hope you won't give up on yourself man. I know you had a dream once of what life could be. And it seems out of reach now. But trust me, it's not. Saying that as someone who has seen both sides of the picture. I've been in that frustrated lonely place where it seemed pretty much hopeless and I just fled into fantasy realms on the screens. And I've been on the very top of the dating game too.
Don't give up on yourself, you can do this. You can! I see the qualities in you that are required to win. Just take it one step at a time. It's hard work, but in the long run it's less difficult than not doing the work. "Life is hard if you live it the easy way, and easy if you live it the hard way"... I think Joe Polish said that. If you're willing to put in the work, there are tools available to solve the problems.
You're right, you have a choice to make now. After that, it's up to you.
-Karea Ricardus.