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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
In a week or two, once I’ve sorted out a couple things, I’m gonna start actively searching for a place to rent. I figure if I can pay 6 months or more up front (which I now can), improving my income situation will be far easier than now.

Beyond that, it’s mostly the same old stuff of a little bit here and a little bit there. I get by. Over time progress happens.

The main thing is to just keep going.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I had a brainwave.
Much of my current slowness in everything is probably due to not being artificially held up by drugs.


What if I start taking caffeine more frequently?
I don’t want to get addicted like many people I know, but I think it’s definitely worth exploring. Generally it has very positive effects on me, but I don’t like taking it when sleep deprived.

Let’s see.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
My parents started piling on the pressure because they believe I’m just sitting in front of my desktop all day. This is demonstrably untrue, of course. I spend a lot of time on my phone as well.

Obviously, they are missing the main point which is that I’ve temporarily given up on anything else. I need to be away from them and my siblings in order to relieve the constant stress.

A paradigm shift is definitely called for, but I’m a bit afraid of the unknown. Not yet. Soon.

Actually a key issue is that for months I haven’t had a working laptop. Desktop for games, phone for comms, business, socials, and intellectual stuff. Real work is easier on a laptop. So by next week I want to change that. Easy enough.

In general, after Monday I expect the environment will be more conducive to certain things and then I want to make some major moves I’ve been planning.

Given, however, today’s exchange with my mom, sooner is better than later and instead of being out by the holidays I may need to move the timetable up.

Anyway, my life over the past few months has been comparatively devoid of meaning. Just keeping a minimal flame lit in order that I might someday do great things.
However, at 22 I now feel like it’s time to catch up with the (very few but still) guys my age who are already doing significant things after a glorious path thru college. I have a fairly strong drive to prove myself better than them. So I’d better get in gear, and damn the torpedoes.

Also, this is the ideal time of year for me to do major disruptive stressful things.

At the same time, I’m not really feeling it. Probably because “it” is not within view of my existence under my progenitors’ eyes.

I also don’t feel the deeper fire that used to be there when I started this journal.

I think it’ll be good. But I need to become more comfortable with risks and with actively managing them. The thought of jumping into the “adult world” with much more money in my pocket than most people my age are worth (given the credit cards and student loans haha) daunts me a little.

But I’m going to do it. I hate this current phase, necessary though it has been.

From this whatever-the-hell-it-is into a world full of discovery, achievement, travel, comfort, serenity, pussy, and freedom. That’s how it has to be.

But I do think that I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself. Partly because the feedback I get from most people is very positive and laced with high expectations. Some people, including a few figures with their own Wikipedia articles, even seem to think I’m more awesome than I have ever seen myself as. So squaring that with the gaps is frustrating.

Anyway, the future belongs to those who dare to make it. Not to the numberless who sit on their acknowledged talents, or worse, take them to do quotidian things.

In the long run, I will never be happy if I’m not prosperous in every way. And while I passionately want everyone to have that kind of prosperity, if it comes to the kind of inequality that seems to be creeping on California, well, you know which side I’m gonna make sure to be on.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I had a pretty epic discussion with my best bro about various things. The upshot is that my decision-making is governed mostly by fear.

Also, I realized that the kind of self-talk much in evidence above isn’t working. So I’m gonna try something different.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I just got wind of a short-term gig elsewhere in the state that could be quite lucrative. Following up as I write this.

Later today I expect to go to a non-party event for the first time in a while.

In other areas, progress is accelerating – finally!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I am now being fleeced by the group trip guys who want me to pay about 2.5x their initial estimates.

This time I’m gonna fork it over without protest without, because I failed to specify things sufficiently begorehandand because it was still worth it.

But I don’t forget this sort of thing. And since I myself am quite honest with money I don’t deal with people who aren’t.

So bye bye to those bastards. I did enjoy myself, but I’m not interested in further dealings.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
About that…

This trip brought into stark relief that, being a grown man, I need to find a tribe that I feel like I belong to. And if I can’t find one, then I need to found one.

I’m gonna see what I can do about that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’ve adopted a simple yet revolutionary (for me) system of organizing my stuff. Most non-basic activities are now treated as projects and given a number. It’s early yet, but I feel like I’ve started to manage my time marginally better.
One of the things that’s been frustrating me is that I have so much uncommitted time, yet haven’t done as much as I’d have liked.

I have, however, made a lot of internal progress.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Well, it appears I’ll have to move out sooner rather than later.

I fled to my best bro for two nights and got shit done but then I had to come back to parents and it’s hard not to fall back into the same spiral.

After the new year I might just get an airbnb for a couple weeks to stage to a normal apartment. I considered just doing it while I was away but a bit of browsing confirmed that virtually all the affordable ones within 100mi are booked rn.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
My parents dialed up the pressure on me to move out. However, they aren’t going to force a specific date.

In any case, I am already feeling a bit anxious about my plans to move. I am essentially taking a leap of faith that I can reach 2k/month by the time I’ve gone through my ~12k of cash reserves.

I figure that I’ll be much more productive and able to hold down regular hours once I’m free, and that in the medium-long term I’ll realize massive benefits from being free and healing.
But the uncertainty is getting to me.
Funny how for example I told my stock-picking-pilled bro that “uncetainty ≠ risk” yday about potentially putting a couple hundred on Intel and holding, but with my actual life I can’t intellectualize such stuff.

Meanwhile I feel more and more rebellious and can’t efficiently channel my frustration into productive efforts towards escape.

My family brings out the worst in me, and that makes me feel bad about myself. They dig up things from as far back as a decade ago, and then make claims about my present self based on them. Then they turn around and expect me to do normal family things with them for the holidays, and day to day.

Someday I will have a bunch of happy, healthy kids who wonder why they hang out often with mommy’s parents, but daddy never talks about his parents. Someday I’ll sit at the head of a long table, surrounded by intelligent and interesting people who value my company. Someday all this suffering will be wiped away amid achievements and happiness.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
My father suggested a viable job idea for me. It’s conveniently located (for now), socially very prestigious as minimum wage ones go, and they are hiring en masse rn.
I’m gonna apply, hopefully today. We’ll see how it goes.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Actually, I did a bit of research, and I doubt I want to work for them lol. My father is an idiot.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Following my best bro’s advice, starting sometime this week I’m gonna see if I can live completely on my own dime besides for housing. Hopefully this will help the situation.

I’m frustrated enough that I’m just gonna do whatever I decide to do. No fears, no anxieties, no inhibitions. Just be.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
So I’m setting ^^ as a fairly near-term goal but I’m still planning out what it would entail.
In the meantime, I’m flush with cash and have finally gotten my sleep rhythm under control again.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Can’t believe I haven’t been on for two months. Hopefully I’ll soon be mostly writing in my other journal but basically, I had a very quiet winter. Which is for the best, it may have been frustrating at times but this is the most stable/low drama winter I can remember since puberty so it’s all good.

I continue to face the same old challenges, but over the last two weeks have started making progress again and am optimistic it will accelerate over the spring until I complete my plans so that I can begin the next era of my life.

Once I’ve finished rebuilding my capacity to work at full throttle, I came up with a PHENOMENAL business idea. I’ve run it past all my trusted bros and they universally thought it was awesome, practical, and glorious. It does require getting significant capital, but I’m not concerned.
But obviously I can’t do that sort of thing without having a firm personal base to work with. So that’s my focus.

I’ve made tremendous internal progress making sense of myself, my life, my environment, and things in general. I feel like I’ve grown more in the past twelve months than in the preceding twelve years. Maybe in a few areas I actually have.
One thing that’s been pushing up from inside is a need to burst out of my bubble. It’s not really about law vs. chaos anymore either, both of which I have too much of. But both of those drives head towards tearing down the fake and ugly walls other people (mainly parents) built for me so that, if I choose, I can build my own structure.

And the funny thing is, I feel like it’s inevitable now. Once I believed that my ultimate success was inevitable the way leftist college chicks think revolution is inevitable. Now I think that at least positive change is inevitable within a short time because that’s just how it works in the near-medium term.