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That Dude Mist


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Went out for the first time in awhile to cold approach in stores rather than school.

It went alright. Nothing to write home about, but goddamn did I hook good as fuck. The best hooks I’ve ever had actually despite being in the worst mood in a long time haha.

A lady called me “ornery”.

Establishing social frame was harder and I didn’t showcase enough intent on my very last approach despite seeing her from outside and doing something really bold and just going back in.

Sad about that last set, but I won’t be for long haha.

Wasn’t ridiculously hot and I went for it! Fell short due to not pulling the trigger and waiting for a moment.

Came off low value I’m sure.

Good day overall though.

Gained a dead set. More room for another girl.

Pushed through cloudy, cold weather, and rejections plus frustration when I didn’t move fast enough.

I didn’t go for closed with any of the women I really wanted to except for one who was high interest but had a boyfriend.

No concern to me. My job is to be attractive as fuck and learn to communicate to women on an attractive level that few man can and today I got one step closer despite having little going for me in the form of mood or energy.

Good day overall.

I gotta go infield and study more.

( Looks like I got a fake number haha)

consider me humbled and ready to work

So many cuties. I gotta do better. Especially since I’m hooking like a madman despite all that’s going against me. Makes no fucking sense.

If I keep it up even if I get no pussy by the spring I’ll be in a great to. I have a feeling if I keep it up though I won’t have to worry about no pussy until spring.

Cold and cloudy game times.


( Update: They weren't fake numbers :) )
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I think my text game is about to predictably fail and this Friday and Saturday are going to be very regular.

Tough. Got one more day though. Let’s see if I can get some same day or Friday Action. Here’s to hoping and to gaming so I don’t have to hope as hard.

(Edit: not even my mom answering the phone. Guess it’s No Hoes Wednesday)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
" I think my text game is about to predictably fail and this Friday and Saturday are going to be very regular."

So yeah I was sort of right.

The question now is was cart before the horse?

Did I end up with the same result because I believed I would and thus acted in a similar way as usual?

I think that's possible. I threw everything I had at the wall. This week's messages showcase my current text game ability pretty damn well.

I'm going to compile all this week's messages and sets and drop them into a FR since I mostly hit up girls I cold approached. I'll chop it down and try to make it pretty comprehensive because I think seeing my shitty ass texts will add value to the community.

If I do this right I'm hoping it'll be a thread lot's of people are linked to showing them what not to do.

It has been frustrating, but I also did some pretty cool things this week and my mindset has leveled up to a place I no longer recognize.

Developing into a closer is the goal. Close, close, close, and close again.

Once that's settled then enroute to become a cleaner of epic proportions.

( Edit: Mom called me back later... At like 12:20ish AM though. So 10/20/21 is still forever known as No Hoes Wednesday forever haha)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
So yeah I was right.

The question I now have is was cart before the horse?

Did I end up with the same result because I believed I would and thus acted in a similar way as usual?

I think that's possible. I threw everything I had at the wall. This week's messages showcase my current ability via text game pretty damn well.

I'm going to compile all my messages and sets and drop them into a FR since I only hit up girls I cold approached. I'll chop it down and try to make it pretty comprehensive because I think seeing my shitty ass texts will add value to the community.

If I do this right I'm hoping it'll be a thread lot's of people are linked to telling them " What not to do."

It has been frustrating, but I also did some pretty cool things this week and my mindset has leveled up to a place I no longer recognize.

Developing into a closer is the goal. Close, close, close.

Enroute to become a cleaner of epic proportions in a couple years.

( Update: I'm one degree away. I can see it clearly now why my sets fall apart.

I am the cause. It's on me. I am the architect of my own demise.

I'm excited though. I'm excited as fuck because it's on me.

I've seen it so many times at this point. It's in her eyes. One inch away. I make it harder. I give up. I don't fight for it.

I don't ask enough. That's why I don't get anything.

It's on me.

It's on me. :) )


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Long weekend. Lot's to write.

Not sure what to feel overall.

In short for anyone curious I didn't get laid.

Now I'm sketching why that happened that way, what I achieved, and what my halloween infield experience was.

I'm ambivalent currently.

19 years old tomorrow.

Bittersweet ending to 18.

Maybe that's the word. Still choosing a narrative on how I feel about it. About everything.

I was put in many scenarios this week with many different women.

One set in particular is on my mind like crazy right now...I wonder if she's thinking of me.

Not really too worried about it being oneitis. It's a usual thing for me to meet a new woman and the older ones not matter as much at this point.

This is all from the perspective of pre-intimacy though. I'm not sure what will happen when I actually get laid. Could become a helpless puppy and end up neutering myself.

We'll see when we get there. I gotta get there though to see it. I'm going to see it through

Thanks to all who gave me a push to start this journal, commit to seduction more, and pep talk when I was infield feeling like peepeepoopoo.


Mist's Halloween weekend to be posted in parts soon


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
FR + The first field report I ever wrote as a bonus

Here's a small college field report and old FR as a little primer and warmup for myself before I dig into my weekend.

Before Going out
Logistics: I didn’t really think about pull locations. A grave error infield because your where effects your what so fucking much. Take a minute to explore, consider, review.

My looks: Basic white and blue outfit combo with my glasses.

State: My state…. Alright I guess. Not incredible. Not horrible. In the middle and reflective.

Watched a lot of Todd Valentine and sometimes considered the narrative of my birthday.

It was eh.

I can do better to impact state positively. I will. Being high state is nice.

Early Game

I had absolutely no aim. Just talk to girls again. Get some basic chill sets.

I was at the verge of extreme burnout Sunday and Saturday ended with me in such a bad state I couldn’t even look at women by the end of my night and decided to just go home.

Pussy behavior, but not feeling that way anymore. I find it funny, sad, and it’ll be a good story one day. Maybe not now since I’m still so close to it, but when things externally different it’s whatever.

Let’s get to it though.

Set 1



I went to the library did a scan. Saw a lone wolf I liked and made my way over there first approaching my guy friends as a bit of warmup and social proof.

As I’m walking by we make eye contact and she breaks down with a little smile. Fuck yeah baby. Love that shit. Do it again.

Anyway I chat with my boys practicing some verbals and just being cool.

I’m on a time constraint though so I leave them. It’s go time.


I go over to her table. We’re side by side. I have my phone out and I just kind of stop. Give a sigh and say

“ You ever have to go to class and just like…. Not want to go?”

I’m in she bites. The remainder of the set is push pull, dynamics, basic get to know her rapport blah blah, time constraint, and taking a teacher frame. At one point giving her grades on our interaction and asking

“ What grade would you like?”

She’s sucked into the frame and I’m taking the evaluators position. I start to feel like a bit of a dick even, but I’m not crossing the line.

Not consciously aware of how but I’m just not.

I grab her contact info and text myself “ Wassup hottie *hot emoji*” soft close with a disqualified and precede to start walking away, but then say

“ I didn’t get your name.”

We lingering hand shake for a good ass amount of time. Eye contact good. She’s telling me about her name unprompted. The tension must have got to her. I’ve taken a backseat in the interaction as I’m about to leave on a high note

Energy buzzing and then I’m off.

This was a 10 minute set

Where I Am At Now With Her

Here’s our texts rn

HBAverage: wassup hottie *hot face*

Mist: Stop it you’ll make me blush *Heart face*
How did your day go (5:12pm)

HBAverage: just took a fat nap ( 9:21pm)

Mist: Me too. Forgot my name while waking up

HBAverage: lol good one

Mist: I’m serious. Going to be tough tomorrow without it

HBAverage: *Lmao faces*

Mist: I’m about to crash so hard. You?

HBAverage: Yep. Goodnight

My Thoughts, Reflections, Questions

That was a rather late text. Hmm

Perhaps… I am dumb. It happens.

I didn’t give a ton of info so I don’t really have any questions. She blushed the second time I saw her, but I was in a rush. I just gave her a smile and was off.

She’s in softball not the hottest girl on the team I’m after but I love the shit out of softball girls mmmmfffffnnnn.

No other thoughts to report right now.

Brief Pause to report on dead sets bumped into

I bump into some older sets. Not interested in dealing with them. My desire for them as things are now is low. I’d rather meet another women than deal with whatever is going on with them.

Brief synopsis of dead sets bumped into.


She was cold on my open. First time I’ve seen her alone in a long time she’s a hard ass worker. I could easily jump in, but I’ve already number closed her and the precedent is stale.



She was especially cold. Then again she isn’t as socially skilled as me. I carried her.

Still this was such a huge contrast to her basically being enraptured with me and what I was making her feel a couple weeks back. Never number closed her. She had a boyfriend. Precedent isn’t stale and despite her being busy I’m not unconfident I could have derailed her with a callback to our especially strong interaction.

She has a boyfriend though. I don’t want to deal with that unless there is an option to get piggy that day.

I’m accept a unfavorable role to get closer either.



Saw her at the cafeteria.

Looked nice af. Like holy shit I’d still go for it if I had a decent strategy.

She’s noncompliant though. Flaked on a same day date months back. Unresponsive to my last message (it was lame). Our precedent is shit.

Not even on slow game, but if I reentered that race it would be slow again and basically I feel chasey as fuck. Which drains me of energy and makes me feel really fucking small.

Overall I have bad vibes mentally with her.



I wrote about her awhile back.

Saw her again in the library.

I was practicing soft closing, persistence, calibration and light elicitation with her. Went ok.

Nothing to great nothing too bad.

She was not compliant to even my soft closes though which agitated me so I added even more pressure like a moron.

I’m pretty sure we caught eachother, but I don’t say hi and neither does she. We’re back to strangers.

Probably going to stay that way.



We had a decent text exchange and I saw her in person at the cafeteria walking towards friends as I was exiting.

She noticed me hard as fuck, but I didn’t wave at her or anything I turned to the side.

She kept walking towards her friends.

I was worried what she might be thinking so I considered turning around and talking with her and her friends.

I’ve been getting the vibe she’s auto rejecting. Which is dumb as fuck because she is not compliant.

Anywho I ran some longer than usual texting using sex talk, nice guy, conversational approach with her over text then went for a soft close which she responded with by first telling me how she “couldn’t” then agreed after I clarified

Bored. Can meet other nurses.


Mist: What if I wore nurse slacks for Halloween HBNurseFriend?

HBNurseFriend: that would be a great costume

Mist: Where did you go last night I didn’t even get to say wassup

HBNurseFriend: Lol me and darcy left so she could curl my hair

Mist: Let me see

HBNurseFriend: Girl it’s not curled still lol

Mist: We gotta address the elephant in the room

HBNurseFriend: Huh???

Mist: My pronoun is dad not girl
Stop misgendering me

HBNurseFriend: Lmao ur a dad?

Mist: Yeah it’s pretty cool. Not many guys are dads without children

HBNurseFriend: Lol that is a gift

Mist: It’s a gift there’s a reason. Being a daddy without kids is earned
Not a*

HBNurseFriend: Oh I see

Mist: No you don’t only some people can
Guys are lame. That’s why I’m a dad

HBNurseFriend: Guys are so lame

Mist: Yeah it’s sad haha. My friend once was talking to a dude and on their first meetup he decided to whip out his dick behind a trash can. Dumb

HBNurseFriend: Dude literally wth

Mist: Do you want to know why he did that

HBNurseFriend: Why

Mist: Because dudes don’t understand sexual openness. Dudes have a very rudimentary view of what sex and female sexuality
Either she’s an angel who never feels anything/had anything or she’s a whore and doesn’t get respect. It’s really stupid and incredibly damaging

HBNurseFriend: Yeah men don’t understand anything. They try and push to get something then if you don’t give it to them they get mad and call you names but if you do give it to them you still are a “whore”

Mist: It sucks for both parties. Sexuality is something to be championed. It’s connection on a level that few other things reach.
It’s all twisted now. Dudes want something but shame the other side and women want something but don’t feel like they are able to actually express or be free without dumbasses like dick dumpster dude
I can’t even see the appeal. Why push for something that isn’t even going to be fulfilling and hurt both parties

HBNurseFriend: I know. Today’s world is so wack. I don’t get it

Mist: Yeah I just focus on myself pretty much. That’s all silly stuff. Once you are aware you become free and you find what you truly want and can laugh at the idiots
Like hey I have another friend that has actually had sex behind a dumpster haha. The difference is it wasn’t forced, rushed, or out of disrespect. It was mutual fun, connection, and chemistry and besides me no one knows and I don’t care

HBNurseFriend: That’s good

Mist: Have you ever had that

HBNurseFriend: yeah, I don’t wanna be with anyone that just wants a fling

Mist: Flings are McDonald’s variety sex haha. For me to have sex, there needs to be mutual vibe, we have to get along etc… and good interactions. if we go out and we have no sex great. If we do great. Like McDonald’s is nice but a meal is better.

HBNurseFriend: Very true

Mist: That’s why I’m daddy
Time for me to crush this weekend though. Maybe after you have your hair curled and I get back we could meet

HBNurseFriend: Oh gotcha, well I’m down in maryville for tonight

Mist: Have fun

HBNurseFriend: I will, you too

This is the end of my dead set portion

Comments, thoughts, considerations...shoot :)

Here’s 2 different sets I want to reengage any tips are appreciated both are nurses. The first one is an older set previously considered dead, but her ass is making me reconsider and the second one is a new one.

Here’s our text. Both ended Friday.

Mist: *Party meme*
This will be half of the people there yesterday even though they said don’t get lit the whole party

HBTrackNurse: What are you talking about?
Ohhhh I get it lol sorry took me a minute

Mist: I’m still laughing at that dude
The whole time he’s like “ Yeah I got seriously fucked up. It was so much fun and awesome, but don’t do it. It’s really fun though”

HBTrackNurse: I know lol he was like encouraging it but then was diminishing it too
Also, did you go to [Blank] High School today?

Mist: Yeah! They really enjoyed it. Love this music stuff. Not much compares when it comes to showcasing honesty, humanity, and the things people don’t really get to talk about due to stigma, shame, or something else dumb
It’s so cathartic and freeing

HBTrackNurse: Good lol that’s were I graduated from

Mist: It’s nice. I kind of get a naughty vibe from the place though haha

HBTrackNurse: Lol there is definitely a lot of naughty people

Mist: What it says about me recognizing that on first visit is up to you haha
Although it sucks how some people aren’t discrete or even worse try to shame the fun away. Like damn loosen up or go away

HBTrackNurse: Yeah went all through high school with stupid people who ruined a lot of things for people.

Mist: Annoying dealing with people who try to mind other people’s business. Sadly one of my friends was telling me some dudes are doing that with her. Basically the usual “ She’s fucking XYZ”
Stupid. Guys can be lame.

HBTrackNurse: Yup but I’ve gotten use to it over the years

Mist: I don’t want to get used to it. Do you want to know part of the reason guys are stupid like that

HBTrackNurse: Why

Mist: Because dudes don’t understand sexual openness. Dudes have a very rudimentary view of what sex and female sexuality is.

So in the case of my friend and many women their sexuality is distilled to either she’s an angel who never feels anything/had anything or she’s a whore and doesn’t get respect. It’s really stupid and incredibly damaging

HBTrackNurse: Yup it’s really annoying how guys don’t get us but it’s whatever.

--------------------------------- End

Mist: Mist (Tuesday)

[Did something awesome and got social capital so I pinged her late wednesday]

Wassup HBPetiteNurse. I’m about to start that show you recommended You

HBPetiteNurse: It’s really good!

Mist: His little narrations are funny
He should narrate our life

Mist: Thinking of being you Halloween. Gotta get some nurse slacks ( Friday)

End of this section. Back to today’s approaches.

Set 2

Moving set with a nice build. Walking fast but towards me.


Instinct so I was already sort of straight on her. Just chilling. I slowed my walking then stopped as she reached the next door. And said


“ Wow”

She’s instantly focused on me and stops walking

I enter some dumbs banter about the door and she invests in trying to figure it out, but she’s in a rush so she’s like “ I’m sorry” with a smile continues to walk then stops before continuing on and looks back as I’m looking at her ass

I say “ I guess it’s ok, but like wow.”

She gives a giggle and is on her way.

Where I Am At Now With Her

She gone. Don’t even remember her face lmao. Her ass had my attention although I remember her being cute.


My Thoughts, Reflections, Questions

Got a moving set to stop and invest. Even stop again when walking away.

Drop the indirect attention grab, acknowledge her rush lightly and give strong intent. Moving sets are where you go direct like no ones business or go home. If I learned that anwhere that’d be Saturday night street gaming in the brutal ass cold.

Moving set = Attention grab + Stop her + Time Crunch + Get a Name + Direct Statement Of Intent + Number Grab if they are truly in a hurry.

Well eh. We both left pretty positive. But I want fucky sucky cummy nutty so yeah. This didn’t end in that and most likely won’t. Aim better, calibrate quicker.

Set 3



I’m in the library printing. Plus there are bitches. Good deal.

Anyway I spot a lone wolf I had my eye on mighty fucking hard but during her season she had friends with her a lot.

Well tbh I had my eyes on her ass after seeing it in those shorts. MMMFFNN.

I’m coming directly since she’s against the wall and hover at a nearby window obviously as fuck take a deep breath then.



I point at the outlet next to her. I am not saying anything for a good minute. I wait for the earphones to come off. And just point at the outlet and look at her.

I pur out

“ Can I use your outlet”

She’s all like yeah and she goes to unplug it haha. It’s really cute she’s like doing a lot of shit and then she’s about to hand it over and I’m like

“ There isn’t one over here.”

With a little smile.

She gives a bit of an embarrassed look then plugs it back in.

Headphones aren’t going back in. We’re in set now.

About a 30 minute set

Not going to try to remember each and everything that was said, but I managed Social Frame really well. Took authority in the interaction, through disqualifies and time crunches in, and even looked to be leaving but then she invested massively and I stuck around. Got her qualifying to things.

Garnered compliance like a motherfucker and had a really heated lingering handshake with her with pretty deep eye contact.

As we were both exiting I had massive ptsd hit me and said

“ Wait before you go. Give me your phone. Let me put my contact in.”

Her face showed relief, excitement, but she didn’t just comply like earlier. She threw a shit test.

She gave a quizzical look during her shit test.

Her: Let me do it.

Me: …….

Her: What if you run off with my phone

Me: ….We’re in a library and I have a heavy ass bag

Her: ……(Some bullshit)

Me: *Hand out*

Her: ( Something about trust)

Me: *Hand Still Out* Girls are better at this stuff than guys anyway. ( Talking about sensing dudes.

Her: *hands me the phone on her snap*

Me: Huh. I’m old I don’t use this. ( I’m not actually old I just don’t want socials like at all.) Motion to give it back and have her go to her contact page.

Her: ….(She’s feisty) You do it.

Me: …… Woah. I’m going to remember that

Her: *She softens* and starts complying more helpfully and dropping her newly activated shield

I make some logistical small talk and put in a number and text myself “ Wassup hottie *hot face emoji*”

Makes her giggle and soften up even more.

I go for a soft close bringing up ice cream or dole whip. She’s very receptive to the idea. So strange after the 180 of resistance I received to see her even more invested and even alluding to our next meetup collaboratively haha.

We end on a high note with both of us not really wanting to peel away.

My Thoughts, Reflections, Questions

First of all. After that handshake I should have moved her or gone for some sort of isolation.

30 minutes too long in my opinion

Not going to remember and post the full body of everything we talked about, but I need to take note of the fact that

I didn’t convey sexual secret society verbally much, just in eye contact, and definitely when we were holding hands.

I was getting dangerously close to threads that were dead or not relevant to her or the seduction. I think this only is clear to me now because I am learning elicitation, calibration, and really tailoring myself to the interaction in general while presenting the best me.

She qualified and participated, but I must remember that in spite of my standards, plans, and preferences, this is another person in an interaction with me. It’s foolish to drag them into a thread they can’t fully invest in or truly qualify and feel understood with.

The benefit of that is that I can. Weave around their qualification a narrative that makes what we are doing collaborative, morally required, and intensely meaningful.

Where I Am At Now With Her

I appreciate her excitement, but I messed up my number it seems while multi tasking I must’ve hit the and texted some stranger lmao.

So I’m absolutely no where with her unless I see her. Not going to add her on social media.

Even with the shit test it was super fucking chill and I had a confused wtf face, “she’s so cute” attitude, and something new in the face of objection

If she said no. I was ok. Like I was persisting, but it wasn’t as stupid fucking ultra hardcore energy as last week or before. It was casual, light, and smooth as fuck. She’d almost look fucking retarded if she stuck to her objection in our interaction.

Ran into a similar situation last week and it played out completely differently. I was coming from different energy though.


Well not happy to have made that silly mistake, but eh I did well and learned. Until next time HBvolleyballhistorian. I’m sure a call back and same day date is all that is needed if there is a next time.

For my final section

This is an old FR from August. My first one actually. I thought I’d never post since I didn’t fully edit and finish it, but fuck it. It has a lot of information in there and while reading it I’m actually surprised at the shit I did sometimes haha.

It’s unedited though so be warned.

If you have any thoughts, commentary, and or critiques about any of this shoot :)

Peace and thank you for your time and attention.

FR: Closing time?

Before Going out

I watched a lot of porn, stressed about money, and procrastinated planning out some key things. I wasn’t having a bad day though. I read a lot of Tony D’s blog and was connecting things I’d read with my experiences. Stared at the calendar a lot as well which caused me to get my balls back. I watched some salesman shit and to increase my momentum I did a couple things off my list and set a timer to go out in 2 hours near the end of the day. I figured my problems won’t solve themselves in a day and one of my problems is with getting laid. Like ever……..Virgin alert. Let’s go get better.

My goals were to maintain a sexual vibe, get 5 numbers, continue making touch a natural part of my game, and study the music scene around me ( I’m a musician who wants to make money from this passion).

I got myself groomed put on a beach themed button up ( unbuttoned the top buttons), rip jeans, and grey vans. Grabbed my ID’s, money, and three condoms and off I went towards downtown.

I started off the day without doing my morning routine and all I can remember at this point is I was watching porn and consuming more self development. I had no plans to go out tonight but I was drawn to the idea. Most of that day was spent stressing, consuming porn, organizing for may move, and consuming Tony’s Absolute ability and Youtube. I kept thinking about a girl I cold approached and another girl who just was not answering my text messages. I’m getting frustrated, but I realize it’s hopeless so I moved on. If they aren’t giving me anything then I have more room to experiment and do and or say things that I want to incorporate into my style.

( Note from future me. I did not iron out logistics super concretely. I knew that my place was not an option though since I’m 18 living with my parents until next week. So it’d have to be hers, my car, or her car, or “spontaneous”.)

I watched porn today, read tony’s blogs absolute ability, listened to music, stressed about money, and more porn.

Early Game

  1. I used a sensual playlist to create a very sexual state on the way to the bar.
  2. I did vocal warmups since I spent a lot of the day not talking. I haven’t been saying much since I got laid off from my job. Just thinking and writing.
  3. Stopped at the gas station for gum to release tension and engage in some human interaction before going into the night. The two women in there really liked my appearance based off their vibe and one outright giggling. An asian buying 21 marlboro cigarrettes. Kinda cute and I make her shy. I assume it’s because I’m so fresh, because I don’t think a 5’6 black kid is all that scary haha. The other is a overweight alternative girl who is eyeing me pretty hard. I engage in small chit chat then I’m off.
  4. I take a cold shower and practice imaginary cold approaching, introducing myself, pacing, and breathing while hyperventilating haha! I sounded like shit and my voice was shaking, but it was great since I imagined I did that with a hot girl who was decently receptive despite my low tone, stutters, and hyperventilation. Eventually I was able to stabilize my breathing and I said “ I’m nervous. You’re just quite beautiful is all and I had to get your name.” Then boom the cold water wasn’t as bad. I felt like I wasn’t fighting anymore and using my state. Very great for my mindset since I’ve been struggling with just doing the approach in novel situations.

These were some notable things I did to prepare my early seduction mode.


I’ve arrived. I know this bar is 21 and older. I’m nervous I’ll get kicked out, but a couple weeks back I explored the area and they didn’t ID me so I asked myself what would George Clooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Tony D do and got out that car with my shoulders held high and defiantly right to the back door ( just to be careful haha). Made a beeline for the back of the bar away from the barkeep since I didn’t want to get ID’d and I don’t drink anyway. I was just here for music and women thank you very much. Composed myself and got my head back straight.

Positioned myself next to this curly hair black dude with a chubby white girl and it was SHOWTIME BABY.

Blues Announcer: Tonight’s your night folks. Thank you for coming out to support live music [ Break for applause]! This music is great for when your happy, sad, in love, about to murder someone! Anything! [Bar laughs]

I turn to the black guy and he does the same to me and say

Mist: I hope not!

Curly Black guy: Right man!

Mist: I can’t be getting any more charges man!

A pregnant pause to let that settle in and then we both start laughing and patting eachothers backs. Very pleasant opener.

After we finished our jovial vibe I took a look at his confused chubby girl to see if she was cute. She was alright.

I started looking around the bar. For anything fuckable and or useful for preselection when the fuckable does show itself. Spotted 2 great acquaintances from my last music bar sweep in town.

2 preselection and social proof leads

Super cool blues musician who is very cool.

Older woman who is a wonderful dance partner and a lot of fun.

Both have their benefits with regards to preselection and social proof but I choose super cool musician who is cool since he outright has more value in this room as a performer, can warm me up a bit more, I’m networking with him so I can perform onstage oneday, and did I mention he is cool.

I approached him with a smile taking ample care to look confident while passing the busy bar ( never know who’s watching and I gotta look like I fit so I don’t get ID’D haha).

He smiles back and we shake hands and kick shit for a minute. He has another guy around him that will be playing and I introduce myself to him. He asks me if I’ll be playing tonight

Mist: No I’m just here to study. I’m not experienced with blues yet.

Cool Musician: This is how you do it.

His friend: What do you play.

Mist: Drums, piano, bass guitar, but I’m a singer.

His friend: :eek:

Cool Musician: Well alright man. [ takes a look back and turns back to me smiling] I’m studying too!

There’s a very well shaped and tanned milf over there. Nice ass and having a good time at the outskirts of the little dance area.

We laugh!

Then briefly act like middle schoolers seeing a hot teacher go by lmao

I look at the cool guy and say with a mischievous smile

Mist: You don’t have to study that.

He gives me a blank, intruiged look and then we are interrupted by another guy who wants his attention. He’s the man of the night in my eyes so I’m surprised I even was able to say hi.

Next up I tune into the music and give the Blonde milf with a great ass a look and notice there’s another woman with her that I can’t clearly see but looks potentially pretty attractive.

They are next to my second preselection tool (Older lady great at dancing) at the dance floor. I decide that now I want to the attention. Tune into the music and dance up to my favorite preselection tool!

We have a great time dancing to the music and she remembers me from a couple weeks back because I’m a great dancer. We finish and were laughing and hugging. I give her a handclasp while reintroducing myself and I feel the energy in the bar on me. Was super fun. Making goofy faces and just partying. I took a look at the young blonde behind the milf and she’s pretty hot and smiling at me. Beautiful blue eyes, white teeth, tight tanned body, with toned legs showed off by her black shorts. She’s sitting so I can’t see the ass, but her breast look really nice in her shirt.

( Message from future me. This is pretty dumb. I wasn’t supposed to be there since I am underage for the venue and laying low should’ve been more of a priority haha. I got kicked out of the club a day after for pulling another attention grabber. It always works, but I have to be cautious where I use them because sadly there aren’t many places for me as an 18 year old to do nightgame in my state. Don’t tell anyone but I’m considering a Fake ID haha since I keep seeing hot 20 somethings dtf in these bars and clubs. RIP brunette sending me choosing signals before I got kicked out for being 18. Use your tools wisely next time Mist.)


Target selected, preselection, social proof, and momentum established. I take a minute to let the energy seep into me and then walk up to her from the side towards an empty seat right next to her and did my best impression of George Clooney.

Mist: May I? [ As more of a statement than a questioning tone.]

I didn’t smirk at her or do eye contact like George Clooney so I’ll give myself a D for effort, but she was enthusiastic and the result was me sitting next to her so high-five me!

I gave her some eye contact as I sat down and I’m guessing I asked for her name here. ( Disclaimer that this all happened, but the order may be off slightly in this Approach section. Because I was more interested in the dynamics, sub communications, cold reading her and deep diving past the pleasantries quickly into her values, feelings, and beliefs.)

I gave her a lingering handclasp said some things I can’t remember and watched her eyes light up with how long I held. She broke contact which I’m not sure is good or not, but was super warm. I was worried because she shook my hand at first during my hand clasp but she stopped. Not sure how to avoid girls shaking my handclasp.

[Loungey music starts] interaction cut short.

I focus in. I’m here to get a better grasp of our music scene, get better with women, and get over the disappointment of my last cold approach number close.

Pink dress kept touching me and calling me incredibly cute. Insinuating that she wants to eat me up and involving her tongue into the maneuver. It was like I was a celebrity with how hard she was chasing my attention.

Mid Game

I cut through asking her what she did by saying that I got fired from my job after stating I’m a musician. Then stating that’s my pressure to succeed because I keep getting fired. She’s like I get by I’m like I don’t.

I got her number, our conversations flowed naturally. I said a lot of inappropriate things and so did she. She kept saying I’m not looking for anything. Then her back on top of her ass.

pulled her into me at one point. I was super physical. We had a lot of blabber mouth people around us. She kept reengaging with me. I cold read her and deep dived her.

I got her number through some dude that thought I was cool and she was hot giving her his guitar and having me take the photo which gave me an Incredibly smooth way to send it to her. She asked for my snapchat I said I don’t and asked her for her number. but her body was really nice and she’s in a talking stage and has an ex in Colorado who abandoned her.

She had to watch me get physically molested by this older woman lol. This lady in her 50s who was pretty attractive herself was throwing herself on me pretty hard. She bent down with both hands on my knees and HBBlondeTATA saw it and her eyes bulged at the audacity of what she was insinuating.

She kept calling me amazing and told HBBlondeTA to fuck me multiple times. She said “ Take his virginity.” He’s so fucking cute. Then she got in a Frame battle with me while asking my age where she was searching for ID feeling up my dick and ass. Put her hand in my pants all in front of my girl and I ‘m just like “ You won’t find my ID there haha! That’s my dick. She then stared me in the eyes and said “ I’d fuck the shit out of you. I’d destroy you.” She kept calling me cocky because of my attitude. It was honestly pretty hot so I gave HBBlondeTA and her mom a look and said oh yeah. I bet. She then broke frame and said you’re so cocky. Isn’t he cocky HBBlondeTA “ She was like he’s cute.” Her attraction went through the roof after that frame battle.

After the older lady tossed the frame battle and I never told her my age she decided she was going to hook my girl up with one of her boys. She was like they have businesses and money. HBBlondeTA was entertaining her, but she told me “ She’s trying so hard. We were whispering to each other a lot. She places her hand on my thigh while the lady kept blabbing on and on about this and that girl and everyone of them were in Texas!

HBBlondeTA just touched my thigh at that point I was flirting with the idea of touching her back which I did with zero protest. It took me a minute to warmup to the idea of touching her thigh, but she kept having this really horny demeanor to her.

I didn’t want to go for a kiss or anything because I didn’t want to stop her from seeing me again. After I touched her thigh our energy was incredibly different and it became clearly man to woman.

I ignored her saying that she wasn’t looking for anything earlier. I just said “ what is there to look for?” As a statement of nonchalance.

Called herself tipsy

Flirted with touching her thigh and inner thigh then went for it

I’m 18 so she’s the young 23 year old teacher that you dream of fucking in class.

This muscle bound boring guy came in clutch as my wingman against the mom, but honestly her mom stayed out of the way anyway.

It was the drunk lady who wanted to fuck and the veterinarian who were obstacles. Not really though. One made the vibe ultra sexual and the other gave me room to showcase how intelligent and deep I am.

She made a blonde joke! I said me too! She said your hair is black and I was like eh are you ok. You must’ve been drinking and very playfully just started touching her face checking for her temperature and such. I’m not a touchy guy, but I didn’t look at my hands for all that I was doing and I touch her in very natural ways that she was into. Not many guys touch her I assume since she was pretty goddamn hot.

She then laughed and broke frame and I cemented I am blonde haha.

I asked her if her mom had the keys in which she said she loved her jeep the boring guy with muscles who was talking up the mom was asked what car he had and then my set ruthlessly shit tested him by calling him lame after he said he got rid of his jeep. He had no comeback and it cemented. I was like bro say anything.

I felt very bad for him so I decided to give him a lift. “ I said what cars do you have?” He stated a motorcycle and truck I said “ that’s a cool car.” My girl corrected me by saying that’s a motorcycle and truck. I said still cool though, but it died and he lost frame big time. My girl was superior than him because of her jeep and I lowered him more by him accepting my attempt to raise him and just flatly losing.

He continued to talk to the mom, but eventually he left.

When my friend was performing I was very excited. I said I hope you’ll still have room for me in your heart after you hear him play. It’s ok though if you don’t love me anymore, I’m in love with his playing myself.

She was like “ I haven’t even heard him play yet.” I liked this response. After he finished I asked how many of your students have crushes on you

She misheard me and said “ how many guitarist do I have a crush on?”

I was like no haha, but that’s interesting what’s your answer. She said “ Zero.” I liked that answer.

People kept walking up to us asking if we were friends and she kept saying “ no we just met!” I was so relaxed and casual with my touching and banter people thought I was old friends with this hot midwestern blonde.

While dancing I pulled her into my side by the waist without looking at her and I kept lingering my hand around her breast while whispering into her ear. We were very close.

She was fake shocked about the lady with the broken neck fucking in the bathroom and I was not dismayed I was even encouraging and amplifying it. ( Thank you milf with the pink dress who wanted to fuck me like there was no tomorrow.) If I hadn’t already decided my target I might have.

She came to the club with her mom. I made a joke that she had to monitor her because she was naughty and we laughed about it. Then when her mom returned she said what I said to her haha.

The entire bar selected for me. I was like a mini star to them.

The older lady never finished her story so my set was intrigued and excited. She said it be like one of those shitty porn intros where they are like wassup stepbrother. I love porn so I’ll have my women write with me. I tell them they are the director and I ask them to write the porno.

When the older lady bent down for me I looked at my girl and said do something a little freaky for the cash it was a bit of a stumble because I’ve only had a few women be this forward and honestly I’d fuck them both. She was in awe. She looked at me with extreme reverence and fun. After her mom and her saw my frame battle with horny milf #2 I was in.

I ended the night dancing with that lady. I decided to go full power before returning to my girl.

She kept saying she couldn’t dance. I kept saying yes you can and preventing her from sitting down until one time and at that point I was just having fun and getting tired of her I can’t dance vibe. I decided to.

Our sexual banter. I gave her the floor to think of things sexually. I and the dress lady accused her of having a mind in the gutter. It was very fun to frame her as the sexual one and engage in her innuendos. I turned a question about her being afraid to be in front of people into a innuendo by saying I learned the worm for the role. By this point she assumed I had been in college and high school. I was not going to correct that assumption. I didn’t correct many assumptions. But anyway I said I got bruised knees from learning that move. I really wanted her to get the image of bruised knees from sucking dick and as if I had thought it and then planted that into her mind she said something along the lines in a joking manner that “ People get paid for bruised knees.” I really liked that. She brought up blowjobs. Lovely can we fuck. I laughed with her and said “ Shit with how things are nowadays you could put on a bikini and someone in here would buy it. No bruised knees needed. I wouldn’t, but I motioned to the room someone in here would.” She was like yeah haha. I stated I wouldn’t because I consider people who buy shit cucks, but I watch a lot of porn and that’s pretty puckish too. At least it’s free though motherfucker.

I saw a dude with a hat and insinuated she was into older men. Then cucked him by saying he’d be the guy who’d buy it from her. I covertly started using this frame to call everyone else in the venue lame except for us. I got her to get up and dance with me and pulled her into me and said I very happy I’m not surrounded by lame people. I was worried I come out and be with lame people tonight. While pulled into me she said “ We’re lame.” This isn’t including me” I was like no. We’re awesome they are lame. We are the ones having the fun. She was looking around I was just focused on dancing. I could tell she was conscious so I focused on short circuiting that and getting her to live. I took a teacher frame and taught her some basic dances in which she incorporated which was very fun and cute to see.

She addressed this dude and was like you’re looking at me. He was like no I’m not! She was like “ Do you know this guy?” I was like yeah “ He’s the homie!” Dapped him up and gave him a fist bump. I really wanted control of my state!

She showed me a lewd thirst trap photo and said sorry then covered it with a finger while I was asking about her room. I moved her finger playfully and she was like I got a haircut so I had to show it. I was like yeah it was a nice haircut in the most sexual way I could with my Hardon. She started giggling.

Frame battle with older lady boosted me. She flat out stated her desire to fuck me and motioned for my companion to feel that horniness and thirst as well. People kept asking if we were a thing. Then saying we should be. I was quiet she was like no we just met but she loved the attention from having me around. People were very invested in my actions. She was the hottest girl in there. Saw another nice one, but I couldn’t see how I’d approach her. She sent me signs later in the night but I was committed to my blonde as my set.

So the frame battle. She gives me a beer. I’m like thank you. Then she’s like are you old enough to drink that. I’m silent. She asks me my age. I’m like guess. Can I only choose one. She’s like don’t get cocky kid you’re so cocky. I’m ignoring it. She’s like let me get some ID feels my ass and dick while looking for ID and I’m like it’s definitely not there haha. My girl is very turned on. She stares me in the eyes and says don’t fuck with me. I’ll fuck you. Destroy you in the bed look me in the eyes and she stands me up. I keep a smirk slash smile as she says all these lewd horny things to me and stare her in the eyes. She wants me to fuck her. This attitude is her horniness for me. She loses. I’m enjoying her saying how much she wants to fuck me. She breaks and tells blondes that I’m so cocky can you believe this kid. She’s like it’s very cute. She agreed I was cocky but loved it. The women around me couldn’t get enough of my energy. I think that intense stare down is what really melted my girl.

When the lady was trying to hook my girl up with one of her five sons I asked if she would get the choice between the 5 or if Tristan was the one she had to choose. My girl giggled at this. I was like what if she wants the grandfather. Hmm. My girl really liked this. I was having fun!

Just because there’s a goal Keeper doesn’t mean you can’t get a goal

Pink dress starts blabbering about something and attempts to showcase me her daughter now. I told her to put a good word in for me since her daughter is supermodel hot haha. She asked me how to get to photos. I was tempted to give her my fb but I’m going for anonymity and mystery tonight. Plus she may kill my set and create resistance with my girl if she sees my age.

I coldread that these music events were like her escape!

I said why not? You wanted to hear the rest didn’t you? She was like yeah. I wanted her to go away, but she was super entertaining and I’m not sure I’ve heard someone breaking their neck to fuck.”

“ That’s dedication and I respect her for that.” We laugh.

“ We have to finish it for ourselves.”

We write a horrible porn that results in a orgy between the mother and her family at a wedding. I ask what positions? We’re at a church so I say missionary? She says there’s tables, the pew, floor, all sorts of places. I admire her creativity. I love this. I’ve used this since highschool. Have a girl write a porn with me they love it and it excites them. What I found especially funny is she was hesitant to say we fucked, but when I asked who’s fucking though this porno doesn’t have enough broken necks and or fucking. She skips all the dialogue and is like everyone and looks at me pretty submissively.

My girl was super into serving others so while animal lady blabbed and blabbed I cut through and asked if they had each others numbers. I basically made them exchange numbers and connected them.

The lady was like she’ll fuck with you for the night, but my boys she’d marry haha. Ok I kept an amused what the fuck face with this lady. My girl put her hand on my thigh at this point. She had on shorts so I could see her space out and get excited by my discrete touch. I wanted to kiss her at some point, but there’s no need until I can close. This isn’t social circle. I don’t have time for that. No kissing just feeling her legs and her back on top of her shorts right before her ass. I wanted to feel her up, but let’s just keep the tension. Don’t give it away.

I reframed her as cocky instead of me. Older lady. I was like I haven’t stated my dick is as big as the Eiffel Tower. You said you’d destroy me in bed. How am I cocky? While maintaining eye contact.

Late Midgame

Quarter black with daddy issues ( father absent) 9 tattoos, into cats, bouncing between jobs lives with her mom, has nice tits.

At one point I think I had her almost hypnotized with my words and she got really turned on and started saying she was tipsy and pointing at the wall saying it says dick everywhere.

I really wanted to get physical since she was hot so I touched her hand and let it linger. Then her back on top of her ass.

She started flipping through her photos and progressively showed me photos of her posing in pretty lewd poses. (I’ve had this happen before) She didn’t seem to have one, but her body was really nice

Called herself tipsy said she was done drinking and kept stirring her glass

but her body was really nice and she’s in a talking stage and has an ex in Colorado who abandoned her.

She kept reengaging with me.

She asked me if I came alone and I said yes. She was like how do you do that.

Quarter black with daddy issues ( father absent) 9 tattoos, into cats, bouncing between jobs lives with her mom, has nice tits.

She kept giving me signs she was ready to go.

I never will or did tell my age

We stayed very close. At one point she eye fucked me like crazy while I was telling her my frame of the world.

I asked her about hers and kept pumping up why mines was the best. She said I’m really shy so how does that work for me.

Dumbass shit but her attraction went up and up and up. I was flirting with logistic questions about her room, cat, and where she stayed and who with.

My girl commented on when he left. I was like your mom needs to get dicked down like that last mom. She laughed and we had a banter about the older lady. The older lady broke her neck while fucking in a bathroom haha.

My girl has had all the fetish jobs army, flight attendant, teacher and here I am a laid off amazon worker, freshman 18 year old musician with his hand on her thigh. We were sitting side by side. Zero resistance with my touches. I wanted to touch her hand and see if she squeezed, but I preferred my hand on her thigh.

I asked her a deep question and then interrupted her and said you should invite me over. I had conviction, but I was not dedicated to closing. I really just wanted to practice using this line. It was charring, but had I thought of a reason she most likely would of taken the plausible deniability and said yes. I couldn’t think of anything though without saying because we should fuck tonight.

My hand was on her thigh and she got up to dance about dolly parton she was like little body with huge tits ( jeez horny much). What about her music haha? Nonetheless I did not like this and wondered if I was doing something wrong since she opened her legs then got up and started dancing and singing. I was seriously wondering if I was wasting my time

I think she noticed my introspection and asked me if I didn’t want to dance. To which I decided to keep up my character and got up and started dancing with these two ladies again. I didn’t like the dynamic though.

She’s travelled a ton, and done a lot of jobs, never went to college though. Just on the grind and exploring herself

She gave me some of the deepest most primal eye contact I’ve ever received while asking my life philosophy. It was like she was hypnotized. We really connected. She got very horny by my words and presence.

While we were talking about how the lady was throwing herself onto me she said she literally bent down between your legs. I was like ok you can’t assume anything haha. She was like she was in between your legs talking about I’m trying to get my purse. I said stop projecting and we had a pretty sexual moment with our eyes then moved onto something anything. I was cooling.

She kept moving her hair out of the way. Our eye contact got very deep I minded my tone and looked her deeply in her eyes. I could’ve kissed the fuck out of her.

He was 15 years younger than her he is boring guy. That was cited as a reason it fell through. I just said it didn’t look like he was doing much anyway though. HBBlondeTA agreed. Sorry but my hands on her thigh and I have to throw you under the bus to Get all the value you lost. I topped it off by saying “ He seemed nice though.” In the same way you’d talk about a puppy. Sorry bro. Everyman for himself thank you for distracting the mom so I could run my deepest game on HBBlondeTA.


She said she was talking to someone. I asked how’s that going she said I don’t want to talk about it. I gave her a knowing look. At one point we were essentially eye fucking each other and she admitted that everything I said is what she had been thinking about for a year.

She asked me if I came alone and I said yes. She was like how do you do that. She started flipping through her photos and progressively showed me photos of her posing in pretty lewd poses.

Her mom left for the bathroom again and I warned her not to bump into the veterinarian because I can only do a suave exit one time.

I got to showcase a ton of social suaveness by getting her veterinarian to stop blabbing and allow these two women to leave.

While I was leaving she asked me if I had friends, what my age was, and some other things I wanted to keep the spell so I kept bullshitting like. I don’t know if you guys are into older men though. So I don’t want to scare you guys off. I’ve experienced it numerous of times with women asking my age. It’s not that good. They kept guessing I was 23 22 haha! I def look way younger in my opinion and I’m 18

I shattered the blonde milf’s frame. She was like what’s your age. I was like “ I’m Mist.” She was like you’re acting like me with my age haha. Not getting that information though.

With a ton of projection playfulness and fun. Both her and her daughter broke frame and gave up. Her daughter really wanted to know at that point too, but I was not interested in her logical brain appearing.

Gave her a compliment about how beautiful she was in the moonlight. She really was so it was from the heart and the first appearance compliment.

She kept saying I’m not looking for anything. I don’t want to get confused while talking to this guy. I asked her how was it going? She said I don’t even want to talk about it and we dropped the topic for a new one. Many ioi and horniness were present.

After the mom left our energy was very different. She kept using humor to defuse it, but I just like sitting with it. She was very horny at this point so things I said were having emotional impact on her big time. I could’ve fucked I feel.

I remained playful.

While the mom was pressing me about my age I had her phone in my hand because I asked for it. I was flirting with the idea of a same night lay. So she gave me her phone and I was going to message myself her address. She was so compliant I knew she’d give it to me.

She said I like the karaoke place because like 4 people are there! I said make that 5

She’s talking to someone she said it was confusing I asked her how was that. Being confused? She was like eh not fun. Then I said I fuck with you. I gave her a really nice compliment about her looking great in the moonlight and this prompted her to bring up who she was talking to. She just didn’t want to get mixed up.

I brought up a vulnerable trait. I wanted to get to know her and for her to know me. I wanted to know her more though. I spoke of fear. She said how could you go out alone. I asked her what do you mean? I’m so shy nervous how do you go out alone and dance over there. I said fear. I fear never doing what I want and going for it more than social anxiety. She spoke of her little wild steps then comfortable then another and comfortable. I said being comfortable is important as well as pushing, but the problem lies in being comfortably unhappy. Not going for what you’d do for no money to be comfortable, not going out, and this and that. You know it’s only a few steps towards anything. All you have to do is get up and get out the door. ( I literally forced myself out tonight and to attempt seducing someone and or get 5 numbers from cold approach and hanging out at the bar.) She deeply resonated with this. I touched her brain as y hand was on her thigh.

I told her to invite me over. Then asked for her to hand me her phone. She didn’t but seemed to be looking for me to give her a reason why.

Current State Of My Game since I got no endgame?

I asked him if he got the number and he was like “ I wasn’t going for the number.” Fuck were you going for anything man. She was hot, you lost frame twice, couldn’t deal with someone jumping in your set, and got nothing.

We had a lot of sexual tension and she was getting pretty emotional. She kept saying I’m not looking for anything. A green light for quick sex which meant nothing. I watched porn today, read tony’s blogs absolute ability, listened to music, stressed about money, and more porn.

I was sexual subtly as soon as I could be but as her horniness went up I got more flagrant.

The entire bar selected for me. I was like a mini star to them.

I was very focused on having a good time, upping my experienceThat she was a lot of fun. That I was super cool and that she was too. After me though ;). My frame was that I was the shit.

My dude [Successful Man] respected me a ton when I approached that younger blonde. I never attempted to move her or get her out of there though

During our group convo I backhanded her thigh. It excited her. I put my fingers on her inner thigh for a moment then fully palmed it. I wanted to bump her pussy, but that might scare her off and despite her state I’m not a full fledged closer. I kept getting in my own way. Shit kept happening that was like gods message for me to tell her to fuck me. She whispered to me a ton.

sub communicating sex was regular to me and I’m high value ( I’m a virgin). She got hornier than me which is awesome. I like the control.

At one point she admitted that everything I said to her that night was things she had been thinking about for a year.

She kept drinking out of her empty ass cup, tapping her fingers, saying she was ready to go, reengaging me and my attention. She was chasing and I really liked that. I haven’t used it in awhile so I didn’t maximize it. She kept saying the stepbrother porn line. I watched a lot of porn today so that was lit. I should’ve escalated and used that frame to show what I knew. Talk about g spots, my favorite position and why, choke play, and money shots.

I kept touching to a minimum with other women, but kept escalating really hard with my set. When I stood she’d stand when I was sitting she’d sit as well. I made her admit to liking older men which is stereotypical. Non judgmental with the other ladies sexual openness and subtly encouraging towards my girl to be this way as well.

I was focused on connection and finding logistics.

“ While sitting close, run your fingers toward her inner thigh under the table. Continue talking casually. Getting more intimate while keeping your cool will drive her wild.” (Quote from an article)

I love how the vibe changed whenever we were alone and it was just us.

I engaged in my asshole tendencies for that night

I started off the day without doing my morning routine and all I can remember at this point is I was watching porn and consuming more self development. I had no plans to go out tonight but I was drawn to the idea. Most of that day was spent stressing, consuming porn, organizing for my move, and consuming Tony’s Absolute ability and Youtube. I kept thinking about a girl I cold approached and another girl who just was not answering my text messages. I’m getting frustrated, but I realize it’s hopeless so I moved on. If they aren’t giving me anything then I have more room to experiment and do and or say things that I want to incorporate into my style.

She smiled a really hot smile at me and then I walked up to her and asked may I in an assumed yes way.

I eventually got to the final countdown and decided to commit to number close slower game.

I experimented with one method of getting back to her place clumsily but she was just a bit shocked by my method.

Where I Am At Now With Her

Here are my text messages


12:25 AM

Mist: This is Mist.

TA: Hi



[The picture of her with the guitar.]

Mist: Hi TA ! Hope you got some good rest after rocking out last night. let me know where you're doing karaoke tonight :D

2:38 pm

TA: Im going to thirsty sports man, with my friend and probably my mom again tonight! Let me know if you happen to stop by! It starts at 9pm!

5:18 pm

TA: Hey, I'm not sure if I am going out tonight. I don't think I've fully recovered from staying up so late and drinking last night lol. We'll have to try again another night!

6:51 pm

Mist: I feel you. I was not too sure if I was going to conjure up the energy either haha

Do you have any plans tonight?


Blonde Legs: I just dyed my friends hair. Just a girl night I guessq

Mist: Cool. Don't get too wild though

TA: no promises lol

Mist: No broken necks atleast haha

TA: I'd have to be original and break something else. I still can't believe that lady told us that

Mist: Your reactions to her were so cute to me

Your jaw touched the floor so many times

TA: I just wanted to see how much she would tell us, I have never heard someone tell a story that wild!

Mist: That's just the surface to me. I think it's my vibe or something but people will tell me everything. I should write a book one day

Change the names of course though because as you can see people are wild lol

TA: You are very sociable. And do it. I'd read it.

Mist: I'll hold you to it! Have a fun night blonde legs :)

TA: You too!


7:04 PM

Mist: [Cat picture]

TA: Awe!

Mist: Have you had the chance to go out today? It’s really nice

End of messages

My Thoughts, Reflections, Questions


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Still writing out the Halloween field report. Had a very reflective day today reviewing and analyzing interactions.

I fucked up yet again today. Worthwhile to write about so after my halloween FR I'll dig into it.

I'm so disappointed in myself. What the fuck am I doing?

On the other hand my sex talk, thread navigation, fractionation, and persistence has grown exponentially. Did a lot of incredibly lame and awesome things. Worthwhile to write about.

My process.

Man the fucking mood swings and random horrible and wonderful odds. This shit is crazy.

I almost lucked into a textbook seduction on a social circle girl. I'm pretty sure I missed every damn window and when I finally decided to take one I did it from a boyfriend frame.

I have issues concerning my sexuality and identity as a man. Came face to face with my inner game demons on a random Monday and fucking lost.


Worthwhile to write about. I'll be sure to.

I hope I disappear in the process.

I'm not sure when I'll have that luck again. I'm not a lucky guy.

Troubleshooting time.

What an honor to have all of my demons pour to the surface today. Now that we're acquainted I can strategize on how I'm going to maneuver next time around.

Lost yet another lay. I'll give myself props though I pushed farther and harder than I've done.

Areas that were previously huge issues are minuscule.

Now I'm up against one of my final bosses for this stage

Troubleshoot time ;)

This happened on a random ass Monday. One of my least try hard days gaming and this happens.

What the fuck haha.

Next post will be Halloween FR and a FU from today.

I'm disappointed but excited by what I did and am doing.

Keep gaming my friends. Only look back for the lesson.

Press forward and go for what you want even when your whole body is screaming at you.

I know I'm stronger in the face of this sadness, disappointment, and grief.

I'm pretty sure what comes next regarding this social circle set isn't a lay ever again. I failed a textbook seduction in the luckiest scenario ever. Has dead set written all over it.

It feels like shit right now, but goddamn did I put up a fight for myself and my desires. Plus I've had larger and even more plentiful failures. Y'boy been taking L's so fucking much.

But today I win and I made it to another breathe. As long as I'm breathing I win.

You win too when you engage in the process earnestly.

To all my winners out there

Peace. :D
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Hi, it's been awhile. :)

I've been trying to process halloween weekend ontop of my approaches since then and a rather eye opening FU during what should've been another layup and a very good night. I just Froze.

Been writing and reading a lot. Trying to make it make sense. I will be posting infields and wassup with my approaching and what's going on with my sets no worries.

Probably will be even more helpful since you'll actually see what's happening or atleast I'll attempt to write in a way you'll see Just needed to seriously reboot and see what the hell is happening and what am I about to start make happening

Had an interesting Convo with @Train about my current situation and sticking point. Rehashed 11 clearest of my lay windows and how they affected me. Train really locked in with me so that'll be the body of this

Talked to @Warped Mindless and @REG720 about my year cold approaching in chat and what game looks like to them like since they are old heads in the community from mpuaforum ( It was super awesome watching them geek out and catch up with @Teevster ... So much history in this community)


1. Distant Social circle girl isolated with me ( Failed escalation)

2. Hispanic tourist ( She was waiting for a pull. No pull)

3. Halloween Cheerleader (Didn't pull when the window opened)

4. German Foreign Exchange Student ( Waited for me to pull. Ejected with a number grab.)

5. New Social Circle girl ( Isolated with me in my car a block away from my house. I ejected.)

6. Stripper ( Isolated in my car. Escalation and tension. Escalation anxiety ejected and tried to set a next day date.)

7. Party College Girl ( Isolated and hooked by my sex talk. Escalation anxiety. She auto rejected).

8. Party Nurse Girl ( Entranced and giving heavy eyes. Police busted party and I didn't take the lead to isolate with her while running.)

9. Petite shapely social circle girl ( Heavy kino, isolated, plenty of pull windows. I got escalation anxiety).

10. Taken Nurse ( Heavy vibe and tension. Got cold feet when she said boyfriend, and tried to set a date instead of simply saying " I have to pee" since we were right in front of her door and escalate)

@ Train:
Oh wow, quite a few opportunities within the last year

Mist22: I've had so many sets at this point. I'm pretty sure as my creativity, calibration, and the balls to ask for instant dates and inviting girls back to my place on autopilot my numbers will go up. I especially need to confront the final stretch of escalation anxiety.

@ Train:
Seems the common thread in the majority is escalation anxiety and/or ejecting too early
But it's good you're thinking back and pinpointing where the issue is versus just shooting from the hip blindly

Mist22: Yes
With the exclusion of New Social Girl these 10 women are 7's-9's
New Social girl is like 5Oh I just remembered 11

11. Blonde Teacher Assistant ( Bar set who I ran intrigue, indirect game, and kino near the end when it was pull time. Didn't go for the final pull and attempted to try to meet her next day at another bar. Escalation anxiety and weak frame during pull despite plenty of seeds

@ Train:TRE helped me with approach anxiety. Maybe it can help with your escalation anxiety

Mist22: She was an 8 and was femininely fit due to military service That's the aim. I'm going to be CBT on a ton of my hangups with the final pull. Had a really unfortunate start. It was my fault but it's created a Freeze response at the final destination

@ Train:I think that captures my response with AAI would freeze
My mind wanted to do the approaches but my body resisted

Mist22: My first response was Fight and then I lost that after getting heavy LMR and brutal Backwards Rationalization. From then on the pull stage in my seductions gets a " Freeze. And hope you live." attitude

@ Train:If you try TRE out, what helped me was doing TRE while reliving the trauma or bad experience in my head
Ah so was it like a really negative experience?

Mist22: Yeah I have a post incoming about it
I just finished up with it today will be working a lot on it! Super excited

@ Train:But yeah, I don't experience a freeze anymore. Maybe some jitters and overthinking but that's conscious and no longer subconscious or deeper
Check out his body-oriented therapy thread too.He writes under the name Halvor Jannike on GC too

Mist22: I've checked out the whole shebang :D Going to Implement it specifically in that section of my game

Mist22: Man 9. Petite shapely social circle girl hurt really really bad

@ Train:Nice, I'm sure you'll find your way through and feel great. When I broke through my roadblocks, I felt amazing

@ Train: I know that pain bro, hahaha

Mist22: Like everything in me was trying to get it going
I was trying to ease myself I tried so much
I just literally was frozen. Not even because of her. She was lovely. One of the most jarring days

@ Train: That's unfortunate but it happens. I've found trying to relax or ease in the moment can be fruitless at times

Mist22: Was literally pleading with myself. I created so many fucking windows. I could only get myself to give her a peck on the forehead haha
Literally was so jarring as the first escalation I did that went horribly was way more stressful and the window was basically closed then I entered Fight mode and turned her on like crazy

@ Train: That's still progress in a way. But yeah, I think Carousel's stuff will really help

Mist22: But this time I was frozen. Petrified... Embarrassing to think about

@ Train: Nah, don't worry, we've all done embarrassing stuff
It all fades away with time

Mist22: Lot of time writing reflecting, and infield though, but that's sticking me to me. Not for long though ;)

@ Train:What comforts me is thinking how people probably forgot or I will never see the people who saw me do some cringe thing. Especially when people got their own stuff going

Mist22: Have you pinpointed any recurring themes @Train

@ Train: Gonna head to sleep but catch you later!
Oh just saw your message @Mist22, You mean in my progress

Mist22: Yeah but you're good bro haha rest up

@ Train: Yeah, opening is no longer a problem. Would love to drill it more but it was a huge hurdle before. Now not so much
Issue is I don't have enough volume in daygame to progress as fast as I want
Finding 10 sets a week is hard

Mist22: I open. a lot so I could potential tell you about my journey if you like. I also have volume issues I definitely could share my tips with you there

@ Train: For sure, that would be great! Gotta head out but I'll message you later to hear more

Mist22: I appreciate you listening to my sticking point and plan. Rest tight and let me know if you'd like any info on my journey opening

@ Train: Always helpful to bounce ideas
For sure, thanks, will do!

Peace and you'll be seeing more from me soon :)

( Also if you have any tips for dudes in low volume circumstances/communities that'd be awesome. I have some stuff, but if any more experienced guys have something key besides just "Move away." that'd be awesome.)

Ok peace fr this time


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Yo Mist it's inspiring to see you fighting past the struggle. It's so easy to listen to the little bitch inside our minds and give up and start thinking "maybe this isn't right for me" or "I don't think I'll be able to do this," but falling prey to that nonsense is the same type of shit that leads to an unfulfilled life.

and for me, there's no fucking way in hell I'll live a life listening to my little bitch and ultimately wasting the one opportunity I have. And I can sense that you are the same, otherwise you wouldn't be here, writing all these failures over the past 3 months. You'd have given up like 99% of the guys out there listening to their little bitch otherwise.

The true testament, really, is building the resolve to overcome that self-limiting voice in our heads. Results will come naturally.

I'm curious however, how are you working on your escalation anxiety?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
My man :D!

@Lobo I hope your time of reflection and figuring out ways to round out your life as well as seduction is going well.
I'm curious however, how are you working on your escalation anxiety?
I'm about to take a 15 day break due to a project coming up.

I wrote a couple different answers to you and have tons of writing and reflecting on the matter. Of course I'm still approaching and gaming as well so I can get more windows to confront this as well, but because this is a huge issue for me I might not have a definitive post on the matter for awhile if ever.

I figure for the next few months I'll be working on it. Aggressively so. It'll be something that pops up and I'll take extra care to highlight moments I feel it swayed the interaction for the worse.

When I my head isn't in 1 billion places I will be back and will discuss roadblocks, options available to me, and progress regarding my escalation anxiety and FR's once my car works again and this project is finished.

I have had a lot of fun infield recently though. Tons of growth and grace has been found in my time of immense frustration and failure. Feeling bad but in a good way.

I'm open to the discomfort, humiliation, fear, pain. Open to the suffering. Unless it kills you there's a way to adapt.

You choose whether you adapt or not. Life goes on.

Like you said

there's no fucking way in hell I'll live a life listening to my little bitch and ultimately wasting the one opportunity I have.

Peace and thank you for all of your attention.

I'll be back to answer how I'm working on this for real later.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Happy New Years.

Not really going to make this long, just rebuilding my journal habit as it'd be a shame if I let this die before it's taken off.

I'm not weeded out just yet and I'm still confronting my problems escalating (Physical escalation, and Isolation-Extraction-Escalation stage). Been chilling in the chat room with some seducers and scaling back my scope and material to work on.

Fundamentals and basic socialization is so so so so so important. I laugh at the older me looking into managing a rotation, getting threesomes, and SDL when he wasn't even getting dates, going out, or following up on numbers. It's basic shit and it really does account for something.

Anyway not going to write too much for now. Been thinking a lot about concepts like mental masturbation, keyboard jockeying, internet seducers.

This weekend planning a Hail Mary effort to get laid before going to school. Maybe it happens or maybe it doesn't but my focus is squarely there. Daygame, Nightgame, Ping Remaining leads. It's on man.

In closing I'm finding validation, approval, ego, fear, insecurity, perfectionism, posturing....None of these things spell out pussy.

And a wise man once said

"Give me pussy or give me death."


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Been talking about my sticking point and reflecting about sets with homies in chat.

We nailed it down to a few things principally

1. Isolation-Extraction-Close transitions

2. Physical escalation (platonic-suggestive-sexual-intimate) transition to sexual to intimate is not consistent and or missing in sets

3. Emotional aversion to physical intimacy

4. Freeze response in "Pull The Trigger Scenarios" or close opportunities

5. Poor inner framing of escalation, sexuality, and LMR

6. Reluctance to be in situations I feel no control in. Intimacy and sex feel like that.

7. Putting the cart before the horse in my seduction journey

8. lack of FR and Journal entries on interactions

9. Not going out enough for my growth

10. Sexual Presence as well as masculinity

Now I am considering dumpster diving religiously for 100 hours to address these sticking points with greater quantity and finally breakthrough. Read about that here

Bring On The Fugly Bitches

I'm dead serious.

and I can't believe it



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
1/15/22 Entry

I Almost Flaked Her (DR/Date Report)


Ok we'll call her HBWoMan. She's not actually a man (felt no hardon from her crotch, no Adams apple, felt no red flags), but I considered her pretty manly looking before and even somewhat now plus she towers over me. Which is funny and af. Tall women fuck with me in general though, which is counterintuitive af to LMS and blackball but whatever haha. I followed some advice on operating with women low on your attraction and connection gradient and found I actually quite liked her voice.

I wouldn't call her before, because my pride was very disturbed I even considered her an option (very conceited and shallow haha).

This turned out to be very fucking special and oddly my favorite date of the bunch despite those women being vastly more desirable and one of them even creating a real fondness between us two.

This was still special despite not having a particular connection/attraction with or for her because of 5 things for now. (I'll talk more on my final post on this set and my realizations after this more mechanical post)

1. I proved I can get hard with a woman who is unnattractive or I'm not particularly connected with provided I'm stimulated. This allows me to truly screen all pussy in for the experience. Or in short

Bring On The Fugly Bitches

Exciting! :)

2. I can maintain form and experiment with women low on my attraction and connection gradient.

Game is still game.

3. I'm not feeling as nauseous, anxious, frozen when it's time to start making moves for intimacy.

Have hangups there so I'm not nearly as aggressive there as I should be.

4. I know I can really do this shit.

Like the last times weren't a fluke. I'm really doing it. It's not fun initially, but I can as @J Wick said "Train the mind to be able to face discomfort and follow through with intentions."

5. I've made women happy.

I'm carrying baggage. Not as much as some of the older dudes, but it's been a struggle. Partially self-inflicted due to creating problems for myself and taking myself too seriously when I should've been focused on meeting leads and the process. (I still do not understand some of the guys telling me not to include getting laid heavily in my process. That's apart of the transitions and currently I have a hole there that makes it an issue.)

Overall I learned a lot and eventually settled down to have a good time despite my ego, pride, and self esteem really being protestant about the whole affair.

Initial Approach

So this was a cold approach sometime after Skills awesome
milking the intro.

I fell absolutely head over heals for the tech and got to immediately field-testing it and attempting to build my comfort with sexual tension and touch.

Try as I might I can't find anything that mentions this set in my logs. I do remember my mindset.

1. I was sad af. Very scrambled by some disappointments.

2. I wanted to improve my kino and number closing at high points.

3. I was "attempting" to persevere despite feeling it was futile to try nearing cuffing season, flakey girls, and was approaching sporadically or not at all for periods. I think there was a nightgame upset then, but I can't remember anymore. I've had plenty bad nights at this point haha. They merge together after awhile.

4. I'd approach sets out of boredom and to maintain some form of ego while I was going through issues in other areas in my life

5. Fundamentals were inconsistent and my inner game was wacked.

Now onto what I remember about this cold approach.

1. I was leading the interactions and threads trying to deepen the rapport.

2. I was didn't give her my full attention despite approaching her until she invested and said some interesting things.

3. Self Amusing energy

4. I did not find her attractive after getting a good look at her. Our conversation didn't inspire my soul in any meaningful way either. She is the least attractive women I've ever approached-hooked-number closed.

5. I held a very sexually charged lingering hold after telling her to get up and do something near me. I then ejected as I still tend to do when things get heated (This is a habit. Not about how hot she is. I can touch and talk to 9's and 10's. Sexual Hangups, anxiety, fear of making a move and the ramifications...nowadays I've pushed past flight response and now I have a freeze response.)

6. She was super into it. I was ambivalent and soon after getting her number I basically acted like it didn't happen as my self esteem, pride, ego would not accept her as a lead. Especially since I'd had yet to truly confront Dunning Kruger in some truly humiliating moments.

Keys in this approach
TLDR; Nonchalance, compliance, very long lingering handshake turned to hand holding, deep diving like a motherfucker, self amusement, pacing using our mutual art. Was neutral on her. Keys in this approach.

Everything After

I then basically didn't interact with this girl.
I mean she was unattractive and I felt absolutely no spark besides when I did that sexual move. ( Speaking of which there's another red head I'm dying to see. It's been a minute and my game has leveled up. Would be interesting seeing her as she mirrors this set, but is hot af. Not sure if I'd say we have a connection... I'm quite fond of her though. I've talked to fog about her when I was looking into elicitation, labeling, mirroring and improv gambits...Biology hottie...oops back to this set haha)

If I saw her I didn't interact with her for 3 reasons.

1. She felt way more than me. I had no interest. Didn't want to waste time in the set.

2. Not sure how interacting with unattractive affects your social value and reputation. Already was struggling at this point with the women I wanted, so I figure better to have the mystery than be seen going down my weightclass.

3. Gaming her made me feel insecure as she was low on my attraction and connection gradient. I didn't want to do good with her. If I did good with her what would that mean about me? Is this what I can achieve? I don't want her in a relationship.

Those were the drives in my mindset about 90% of the time.

Bumped into her a couple times

1. Once she gave me a scotcharoo and I called her another girls name I'd gamed.

2. She was in a social circle at the cafeteria with another set I considered average, but feel connection with oddly enough. I mostly interacted with the average other girl.

3. I tried a bunch of different angles while texting her to try to get laid over holiday with any other lead so I could ghost her or slow fade friend zone. I failed.

That's it.

How This Date Came About

1. Her lack of options

2. I'm somewhat charming

3. Texting after I decided to hit up every girl in my phone just to see what happened

4. More texting

5. Making a move after I decided to screen in all women for the time being to really attack my sticking point with intimacy and propel my progress in general. (Bring On The Fuglies is actually inspired by this set prominently. The other sets were extremely hot nightgame sets I messed up with left and right. One of those sets being a 10 visually and things fell apart before I even got it launched. I don't want to miss opportunities needlessly and I want the women I want ASAP, so this is the "fugly" behind Bring On The Fuglies)

Here are my text logs and phone game for those curious

December 21
Mist: *Holiday Picture Ping*
POV it's Tuesday night

HBWoMan: That looks like an absolutely lovely Tuesday night

Mist: Haha! I've thought of sending you that creative writer ladies information like every week but kept forgetting haha
Her name's J, but never mind that how's everything on your side?

HBWoMan: I mean, I honestly can't blame you for forgetting with everything they put you through. But I've been okay! To be honest I am kind of missing [college] because I don't hang out with anybody now that I'm home but I'm getting more used to it now. What about you?

Mist: I'm chilling :)
How far are you from [college]? Are you out of state?

HBWoMan: Chilling is good :) and no, I literally live like 30 minutes away from [college] but I also live in the middle of endless cropland, so it definitely feels pretty sheltered

December 22nd
Mist: No wonder you got into writing haha! Wasn't much else besides nature I'm guessing. Your town always quiet?

HBWoMan: Yeah, you spend enough time alone and you get pretty introspective. And you would actually be surprised, we've had our fair share of scandals and random excitement and also a meth problem

Mist: I stand corrected haha. What are you writing about rn? it's me isn't it ;)

HBWoMan: I mean, I'm currently working on some letters but I can start writing about you if you so desire

Mist: I'll be your muse. Just don't go too fifty shades of grey on me haha

HBWoMan: Dude, I don't think I could do anything 50 shades related even if I tried

HBWoMan: Also, random question but it's mildly related, are you much into songwriting/composing or is most of your work just performing?

Mist: I am very much into songwriting and writing in general. I need to finish my stuff is the problem haha!

HBWoMan: Perfect perfect, I'll include that in the story. So how long have you been writing songs?

Mist: How about you interview me over coffee when I get back to Gavey :)

HBWoMan: Coffee is low-key kind of gross in my opinion but I would very much be down for those sparkler refresher things from Lava Ts (gave her a thumbs up)

Okay, first draft is done but I shall send it to you later when I edit and make it at least somewhat comprehensible

Mist: Hell yeah! Don't send it! I want to read it at Lava Ts

HBWoMan: Oh goodness, it's a little intimidating seeing a real-time reaction okay though, I'm down. I think I have to be back in the dorms on the 7th so just let me know when you're not busy

Mist: Bet

HBWoMan: Literally bet. I will now be sorely disappointed if it doesn't happen

Mist: It's predestined

I get back next week

December 23
HBWoMan: Perfect! Where do you live again?

Mist: [Home] haha. I'm just visiting [City] for holidays

HBWoMan: Well have fun!! And for sure just let me know when you get back and we can plan something. But the rule is if I show you something I wrote then you have to play me a song

December 25th
HBWoMan: Merry Christmas!! Hope you've had an absolutely wonderful day!!

Mist: You too! How's your family?!

HBWoMan: My family is just about as good as ever what about yours?

December 29th
HBWoMan: So are you doing anything fun for New Year's Eve?

Mist: HBWoMan! :) hey

I’m not sure yet! I’m tired as fuck

HBWoMan: Oof yeah, why are you so tired?

January 3rd
Mist: Happy New Years

HBWoMan: Happy New Years! Did you have any pretty girls to kiss at midnight?

(That question pissed me the fuck off. The answer is no. No I did not. Didn’t reply until the next day. Because I was so salty haha. Also wanted to manage attainability and mystery as wtf is this question. Like shit I’m still salty haha)

January 4th
Mist: I was an angel by midnight... before that though... haha no comment
What was New Years like over on your side?

HBWoMan: Sounds like a lovely time and as I'm sure you can tell I am very much not into parties so I spent most of the night writing

Mist: That sounds so awesome!
What was the vibe?

HBWoMan: It was a wholesome vibe, with just a hint of forced acceptance. Like when you're hanging out with your old friends and you see a group of new acquaintances that you kind of want to join but you stay with your old friends because you know deep down you'll have a much better time with them
What about you, what was your vibe?

(The answer was “Disappointing”. I didn’t answer as I didn’t tell want to discuss it anymore.)

January 5th
HBWoMan: So when are we going to go on this Lava T's date?

Mist: Sunday?

HBWoMan: Boy, I gotta work on Sunday. I could do Saturday though. Or also next weekend

Mist: Next weekend sounds like a plan :)

HBWoMan: And then we can talk about how our first week back was

Mist: Saturday?
And my story
Stop Playing :D

HBWoMan: Yeah, Saturday would work. What time were you thinking?
And you will get to read your story only if you sing and/or play a song for me

Mist: fair :)

HBWoMan: I'm honestly very excited

Mist: Make sure to focus in your classes ;)
I probably won't haha

HBWoMan: Because you'll be so excited to hang out with me, right?

Mist: Yes. Always down for a cool ass time. It'll be a nice unwind from the grind
Will track be busy out the gate?

HBWoMan: I'm not in track, praise the Lord

Mist: Haha guess I was mistaken
It's an intense sport

Jan 6
HBWoMan: I mean I did definitely run in high school but there was absolutely no way that I was going to keep running in college

Jan 9th

HBWoMan: Are you ready for classes tomorrow??

Mist: I'm excited! What classes do you have first?

HBWoMan: Well, tomorrow I have Psych, Animation, and English, and then on Tuesday I have another Psych and English class so I'm pretty excited. What about you, what kind of fun music classes are you taking?

Mist: I'm most excited for my piano lesson!
Gotta get back in town and tidy up my place though

HBWoMan: Ooo piano is pretty cool
You should have lived on campus though, then I could have been your RA and bossed you around

Mist: Haha there's still time to boss me around I promise

HBWoMan: Am I allowed to show up at your place of residence and write you a fine for not taking out the trash?

Mist: What if you show up to my place and don't fine me.... what if I fine you

HBWoMan: And what exactly would you fine me for, being too nice and generous and good at writing?

Mist: Sorry but it's already settled you're being fined. If you want it reverse you'll have to talk to my higher ups ‍
Also not telling you why because you already know

HBWoMan: And who exactly are your higher ups?
And also I still do not know

Mist: I'll have to tell you at Lava T's then
How are room checks going?

HBWoMan: I actually don't have to do room checks because I feel like my higher ups don't really trust RAs to be impartial, but I did have to spend my entire weekend sitting in my room unlocking people's rooms for them. And I rescued two golf boys that were stuck at walmart for five hours

Mist: Haha you're a dorm mom

HBWoMan: I literally am the dorm mom. And actually my theory for why I've never been able to get a boyfriend is because I act too much like a mom

Mist: Everyone knows grandma's are where it's at HBWoMan

HBWoMan: But I'm not a grandma, I'm a mom

Mist: haha maybe after tomorrow you will be

HBWoMan: ...what's that supposed to mean? I'm scared

Mist: Muhahahaha good night

HBWoMan: That's a terrible way to end a conversation. Better your communication skills, Mist

Mist: You'll just have to teach me when we meet up ig

HBWoMan: This might end up being kind of a lengthy excursion...

Well anyway, goodnight! And good luck tomorrow in your classes!

January 12th
HBWoMan: Okay, so I'm finally filling out my schedule for this week and I need to know like what time of day you want to meet at Lava T's on Saturday just so I can put it on my calendar. I'm fine with morning but I'm also super flexible

Mist: Hi HBWoMan. 4:00pm work?

HBWoMan: Yeah, that works with me!

January 14th
HBWoMan: You excited for tomorrow?

Mist: Yeah it'll be cool!

Literally do you see the snow haha

HBWoMan: I absolutely love snow, this weather makes me so happy

Mist: I like it as well. We were very acquainted for the 40 minutes I was digging my car out of it haha
*pic of library*

HBWoMan: Ooo I love libraries!! Are you just like working on homework?

Mist: It's a library
So if I told you the truth I'd have to off you

HBWoMan: ...bruh, how rude. And what could you possibly be doing in a library that would require offing me if I knew?

Mist: Lying
What else do you do in the library haha
I just had to haha I woke up early as hell

HBWoMan: Well why did you wake up early?

Mist: I'll tell you at Lava T's lady :D

HBWoMan: Boy, you've got like 7 things you've promised to tell me at Lava T's

Mist: That means there's more to look for to

HBWoMan: For sure, for sure
You still got a song ready for me?

Mist: It's a surprise
for Lava T's haha

HBWoMan: Also, you know they close at 5, right?

A few hours later (I take a nap and oversleep)

HBWoMan: Where are you at right now?

Mist: Had an errand pop up there in about 10. Booking it

HBWoMan: I don't think they're open

Mist: (I then call her. Shoot shit for one minute and realize I like her voice and it was nothing like I imagined. Her laugh is derpy af though. Anyway I managed attainability and moved the date to her place.)

Mist: Walmart at 6:50

HBWoMan: Okay, what are we going to do after that?

Mist: Chillax. I've been dying to read your story haha

HBWoMan: Oh goodness, well now I'm worried that it's going to suck
But do you maybe want to go get dinner? Or we could chill at my dorm, whatever works

Mist: Chill at your dorm. It'll be awesome haha
I gotta hear the music you listen to

HBWoMan: Oof I'm not sure you'll enjoy the music I listen to
Ready for me to start driving to Walmart?

Mist: Yes don't go fast and don't go up the hill
You know the one at Walmart right. Meet me at the food doors :
HBWoMan: Okay, I'll start making my way there


Keys to this text

1. She was persistent and invested.

2. I was trying to maintain attainability.

3. The lack of competition due to her lack of options. In the gaps we weren't interacting I was gaming another lead or doing something more interesting.

4. SO MANY OPEN LOOPS. This is the most I've ever had and it wasn't intentional. I just was done talking past a certain point since I suck at texting and don't want to be in Penpal frames. Definitely will experiment with them, but the caveat is it must be tied to something she's interested in I'd think. Can't spam open loops on an low investment and especially a low interest set I'd think. Not sure yet.

5. Self amusement and other options/leads. Saying some retarded shit or laughing at the irony of how "nice guy" I was acting. In some of my other text threads I come off differently. Interesting seeing me shapeshift based off the context. Partyman, mysterious new guy, social butterfly, great value philosopher, dumb edgy boy, worldly suave guy etc. Fun to trade roles and attempt the identity. Not to mention my other leads kept me at bay from investing too much as well as her being lower gradient and attraction. I have reference of this now.

Actual Date Logistics And Concerns

Massive snowstorm closed a lot of things down, paired with me oversleeping and purposely scheduling things earlier so I could leave her for another hotter lead logistically further away (never happened), and absolutely hating the idea of a "dinner date" after that mistake for two reason

1. Unattractive woman with me on a date? How does that effect my social value? I can tell you when I'm seen with cute or hot women it boosts me quite a bit. I can speculate the opposite is true as well.

2. Extremely boyfriend frame. People may claim I'm leading her on, but I'm really just not bursting her inexperienced bubble. She may frame me as such but I'm hoping to deter that, I'm not going to in any meaningful way actually be a boyfriend. That's too far and I can do that without seduction. Men do it all the time. Less efficient, more hearts broken, doesn't improve the types of dates I want with my sets. Just bad practice.

With all that we end up with a "party for two" at her dorm with a bounce from Walmart first for comfort. Might've been unnecessary. I already was pretty self conscious about being seen with her, so my kino past the first hug was light. I've been on dates before though so some of that initial awkwardness is natural. Definitely the most awkward beginning I've had so far though.


I picked up mints and water while just having comfort based friendly conversation with her which she was meh and she got nothing. We were in as quickly as we were out to her place.

Kino: a brief hug and eye contact

Vibe: Awkward, light, strained

Lesson: Pretty useless on a purely frame level since my phone call did what I was after in 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Her Place

We arrived at like 7:20.

Rough transition. We don't have anything going just yet and usually by the point I get into these pull situations there is a sexual vibe already present and many threads to work with.

I'm at a loss as we have time, but there are only three things holding us there from my view her story, my music, and the potential of sex. If sex happens I'm out and with the vibe as it is I have no clue how to get there as I've never been so cold in a woman's bedroom, my music will not be a thread I'll close as it might come in handy if I don't get the lay for later, her story is all I think of.

I'm shooting more comfort shit trying to both ease myself and compensate for her vibe. Close the door casually as after I ask her about her roommates she tells me 2 are there. Walls are hollow, so it's an illusion, but whatever.

She goes to sit on the bed and just sort of looks at me while I'm internally trying to get my P's and Q's together. As absolutely nothing is set and I'm not sure going for sex upfront is the best move, but I also know staying without sex and in this platonic/platonic not zone is retarded and bad practice since I'm literally looking to improve on intimacy.

I ask to see her story so I can build off that and she responds rightly so "So soon?" this is one of her loops that'll keep me here. Smart girl. Only issue is we both have bumfuck tools to get us to Z of this interaction and a=our aims are vastly different despite being in this room. I respond something like "You're right" and resign myself to a long night.

( Probably a bad early move. Does a high value man have a ton of time on Saturday night of all nights? Not really, but I wasn't at ease to make risky moves. Nor am I honestly a through and through high value man yet. I'm developing nicely into the role, but I am not that. Kept me in set though.)

7:30-8:00 I was building threads, doing banter, and get to know you shizzle

8:00 - 8:30 Closing distance on her bed, still bantering building more comfort with touch and ease in the vibe as it was pretty strained earlier and not in the "So are we having sex" way which I've experienced and failed before. Alarm goes off and I decide to ramp things up.

8:30 - 9:30 Progressively more physical. Physically pull her into a straddle and only interact with her like that for the rest of the night. Light cheek kiss after reading the story

9:30 - 10:00 I'm still bantering. Too much banter. I tell her turn on music then physically pull her crotch to crotch. Banter is ongoing, but dying out which is great because I was only talking due to fear of making a move anyway and comfort. I even wondered at one point "If I shut the fuck up at this point would the tension take care of things". Clothed crotch to crotch she pulls back with very dilated pupils and I'm assuming from this point forward sexual arousal was very prominent in our mirror neurons.

10:00 - 10:30 Banter is pretty dead and I've pulled her back in. She doesn't move this time for the remainder of time. Little call backs to humor while light dancing and innocuous dry humping. Hand on ass pushing her into my crotch occasionally and we're clothed body to body. Little moves like breathing on her neck, pulling her in, hand on ass etc. I could see her pupils were still dilated and my contact was fine, but she would not make eye contact at this point (ASD? FSC?) regardless we're aroused and very close. If we make eye contact I pretty sure it'll be over. Her lips look dry af and her breath was unappealing initially, but as I got aroused from my own actions I just wanted to fuck fuck fuck or some form of release.

I get to the kiss and she gives me the cheek. At that point she said "Not Yet." She's a hardcore virgin and inexperienced due to reasons I've states. I say the most retarded thing "Why?" then somehow the thread is cut because I know how needy and horrible that is. Partially why I'm committed to screening all pussy is so I eradicate that. It's a macro issue regardless of my attraction or connection to her. Also when I kissed her cheek it was on acne which felt either flakey or hairy which was not so arousing haha. We stay like that anyway even a bit tighter and I know what she's looking for is comfort if I want the box. I've experienced this LMR.

I'm a lot more chill now, but we remain close I banter with future projection after she says something about seeing a proposal video that was sweet and I claimed public proposals fucking suck. Which she qualified to and then I NLP bantered much to my regret and under the influence of arousal about the perfect proposal. God I was cringing while doing it, but I couldn't stop and I hated that thread so fucking much. I have experience as an actor and or having to deaden my reactions and form new ones in my personal life so it never came out, but I was worried about the frames that was setting.

Music stops and she gets a phone call from another dorm RA. We remain crotch to crotch during the whole phone conversation which was hot af admittedly. He needs help getting in his dorm. I remove myself from the contact and despite the bubble burst it's not awkward anymore. We're chilling.

I want to leave and start doing things that'll make leaving my choice since it's late already, so I offer to walk out with her. The plan being to abandon her before meeting the guy and go home. She says

HBWoMan: It's getting late.

Which came off two ways, but one was blaring in my head.

"You should head home."

"It's late. It's snowy, icy, and dark. You can spend the night"

I took the logical one despite my instincts screaming this is not what she meant and I could easily have sent her to do that and then when she returned closed my "music" loop.

Mist: I know silly. That's why I'm walking out with you. ( Playful delivery.)

The vibe after I said this was not "Oh, he gets it." Which further backed my emotional instincts of what she was saying, but

I wanted to go home.

We get in the hallway with no issues (No small talk with roommates. I'm in and out. I like that.) I ask if the parking lot is that way with tons of distance going the opposite way. No hug, handshake, was just going to wave goodbye and leave, but she says she'll take me which is the right thing by the way.

As we're going down I'm thinking how I should end this off as we didn't fuck or kiss and even though I got her touching me as well as comfortable straddling me and "dancing to our own music" we didn't fuck. We're not lovers.

We reach the bottom and walk to my car with some banter I bump into some guys I know and worry if they'll realize I was with her, but then calm down due to knowing my reputation as a social guy...also they are high as shit...

I go for a handclasp as the date ender and some banter. We are not lovers. I notice her immediate displeasure and panic and then keep her hand, but pull her into this noncommittal hug. Some light banter and I'm in my car. I want her to leave. I need alone time. She continues bantering with me and asks if I live far? this felt like a window to say "Actually yeah. Do you mind if I stay?" The night already was building up to me getting intimate and I kept having that feeling strongly despite wanting to leave that she wanted me to stay.

What was the point though? I'm not connected, nor attracted, nor do I have to manage buyers remorse since we did nothing. We're not lovers.

Still some banter and then I make a joke and close the door on something she was saying. It wasn't rude though because the thread was over. She was overcompensating to keep me there. We wave goodbye through the window and I get on my phone for a bit.

Planning to promptly leave as my own paranoia/buyer's remorse is rising quietly but steadily...on the other end my pride, self esteem, ego, and motivation are raised like a motherfucker as well.

Overall a good experience despite a couple of dramatic internal moments. I have one more entry concerning this and my realizations with my first dive into Bring On The Fugly Bitches mentality as well as a question.

I can break down this date further another time if asked as I realize this is barebones.


peace and more to come after my homework lmao
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
God fucking dammit just got a message from HBWoMan after not messaging her all of today.

HBWoMan: Hey, So what happened last night?

Bro I swear this shit is annoying af sometimes.

I sort of have an idea why she's messaging me, but I also don't as things ended cordially. It's 12:30 AM here so I don't have to answer her until tomorrow...fuck it. I'll do it now.

Update with pt. 2 later.

Like broooooooo...

Smh I might just get the booster vaccine shot and turn gay.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
A lot of feedback on this report but what stuck out to me most and what I think turned this night for the worse happened here.
I get to the kiss and she gives me the cheek. At that point she said "Not Yet."
and then you fell into her frame with the "why" but that's not why I write to you.

The girl is rubbing her (wet)pussy on your crotch and has ASD over a kiss? This is confusing and odd behavior, which makes me think it can be two things.

1) Her inexperience makes her think kiss=sex, and once the kiss is done all the clothes come flying off
2) She is in her head, HEAVY

They both make sense but I think it's 2 in this case, mainly because she couldn't give you eye contact which always means something internal is going on(nervous/aroused and shy because of it/submissive to you/many other things). IE, not present and in the moment. Making eye contact is natural when your present, tough when your not.

So, I think the problem here leading into the kiss was a lack of liminality, which is odd because you mentioned the bubble being there, but hear me out. You're with the virgin girl, rubbing genitals to some music and she's obviously very aroused, but since this is such a big deal for her, she is going to think a fuck ton about what is happening. Your verbals at this point are mainly sporadic call-back humor, but it's not what she needs, she needs a consistent distraction to put her mind at rest, and let her body do what it desperately wants to do.

I've had this consistent process for a smooth transition into a kiss, and the last time I can remember a girl not being in a liminal trance when I kissed her was when I was trying to force a kiss on a FB in public(idk why? Ego maybe). The words can be pretty much anything somewhat relevant. You could reality pace her(really good choice) but I've talked about the most boring as shit like here was my business degree, here was some random ass view, and here I was telling her what to feel while meditating(so a rp). But the point isn't the content, but the fundamentals. In each of these scenarios, I remember vividly that my voice tone was gradually building up to more and more sultry and the pace more hypnotic. But what does hypnotic even mean? It's a focus on the pauses. And when she's deeper in the trance, you ramp up the pauses and within the void, the tension sinks in very comfortably.

And the words themselves, she will hang onto them and be distracted by what is really happening. Or she may even know what is happening, but enjoy how smooth she's getting sucked into a tight liminal bubble.

As for the tonality, I think you know how do it, but I it sounds like a phone sex operator or some george clooney shit.

You can also add in some facial expressions to keep her sucked in. But the end result is that you have a comfortable and horny girl, who's only reality is you in the present moment(her conscious mind goes out the window), which is something I think helped me when I was doing outdoor shenanigans in ny.

and if you think it would help, or you're not in an environment to pull, you can also do a power play, and before the kiss smile in her face and say she's not ready yet to fractionate and make the meta frame obvious to her. This might have helped you here because she somehow thought she had the meta frame(i believe you gave the power away by leaning into her instead of her to you)

I think applying this to all your sets would make the escalation process much smoother and natural, it also forces you to be out of your own head as you're more focused on the impact you have on her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
A lot of feedback on this report but what stuck out to me most and what I think turned this night for the worse happened here.

and then you fell into her frame with the "why" but that's not why I write to you.

The girl is rubbing her (wet)pussy on your crotch and has ASD over a kiss? This is confusing and odd behavior, which makes me think it can be two things.

1) Her inexperience makes her think kiss=sex, and once the kiss is done all the clothes come flying off
2) She is in her head, HEAVY

They both make sense but I think it's 2 in this case, mainly because she couldn't give you eye contact which always means something internal is going on(nervous/aroused and shy because of it/submissive to you/many other things). IE, not present and in the moment. Making eye contact is natural when your present, tough when your not.

So, I think the problem here leading into the kiss was a lack of liminality, which is odd because you mentioned the bubble being there, but hear me out. You're with the virgin girl, rubbing genitals to some music and she's obviously very aroused, but since this is such a big deal for her, she is going to think a fuck ton about what is happening. Your verbals at this point are mainly sporadic call-back humor, but it's not what she needs, she needs a consistent distraction to put her mind at rest, and let her body do what it desperately wants to do.

I've had this consistent process for a smooth transition into a kiss, and the last time I can remember a girl not being in a liminal trance when I kissed her was when I was trying to force a kiss on a FB in public(idk why? Ego maybe). The words can be pretty much anything somewhat relevant. You could reality pace her(really good choice) but I've talked about the most boring as shit like here was my business degree, here was some random ass view, and here I was telling her what to feel while meditating(so a rp). But the point isn't the content, but the fundamentals. In each of these scenarios, I remember vividly that my voice tone was gradually building up to more and more sultry and the pace more hypnotic. But what does hypnotic even mean? It's a focus on the pauses. And when she's deeper in the trance, you ramp up the pauses and within the void, the tension sinks in very comfortably.

And the words themselves, she will hang onto them and be distracted by what is really happening. Or she may even know what is happening, but enjoy how smooth she's getting sucked into a tight liminal bubble.

As for the tonality, I think you know how do it, but I it sounds like a phone sex operator or some george clooney shit.

You can also add in some facial expressions to keep her sucked in. But the end result is that you have a comfortable and horny girl, who's only reality is you in the present moment(her conscious mind goes out the window), which is something I think helped me when I was doing outdoor shenanigans in ny.

and if you think it would help, or you're not in an environment to pull, you can also do a power play, and before the kiss smile in her face and say she's not ready yet to fractionate and make the meta frame obvious to her. This might have helped you here because she somehow thought she had the meta frame(i believe you gave the power away by leaning into her instead of her to you)

I think applying this to all your sets would make the escalation process much smoother and natural, it also forces you to be out of your own head as you're more focused on the impact you have on her.
Thanks for the reply man! I'm going to go in more detail in part 2.

I made errors on a game, manners, and miswrote things in my haste which has caused some controversy.

There's also some stir on my inner game due to "Bring On The Fugly Bitches" which was a troll title for more attention, but you know the drill.

"Play stupid games, win stupid rewards."
1) Her inexperience makes her think kiss=sex, and once the kiss is done all the clothes come flying off
2) She is in her head, HEAVY
Both of these. I didn't detail this out but the phone call served as fractionation. Eye contact returned and good vibes up until this moment. One more massive thing popped up though

Boyfriendy/disney/pedestal framing. No matter the explicit and implicit boyfriend disqualifiers due to her scarcity, inexperience, and my (some would say irresponsible) game of her states there just wan't anyway I was going to crack that. It's too deeply held.

In her story she literally framed me as an Angel.

My game cannot flip her worldview and the reality of her SMV.
We're chilling.

I want to leave and start doing things that'll make leaving my choice since it's late already, so I offer to walk out with her. The plan being to abandon her before meeting the guy and go home. She says

HBWoMan: It's getting late.

Which came off two ways, but one was blaring in my head.

"You should head home."

"It's late. It's snowy, icy, and dark. You can spend the night"

I took the logical one despite my instincts screaming this is not what she meant and I could easily have sent her to do that and then when she returned closed my "music" loop.

Mist: I know silly. That's why I'm walking out with you. ( Playful delivery.)

The vibe after I said this was not "Oh, he gets it." Which further backed my emotional instincts of what she was saying, but

I wanted to go home.
(Critical errors from this point forward)

I misused banter as well.
Your verbals at this point are mainly sporadic call-back humor, but it's not what she needs, she needs a consistent distraction to put her mind at rest, and let her body do what it desperately wants to do.
I might have miswritten or made it look dire, but besides falling into her frame at that point it was still on and a kiss was going to happen.

I cut it off not her.

She was telling me what she needed to get there comfort and guidance. LMR didn't cause my panic like it used to. It was something else.
Planning to promptly leave as my own paranoia/buyer's remorse is rising quietly but steadily
I hinted at it, but I think it might've been misread due to some of my jokey callous writing.

I'll clarify why I felt those feelings despite a nice time and why my ejection was so clunky when she literally wanted me to stay.

In fact for all intents and purposes this was the most clear a set has ever been that she really wanted me to stay and continue.

More to address on your post and I appreciate you taking a technical angle with it Lobo. I really do.

Update soon.

I expected more triumph though...

Despite the debacle I've still gained XP, but at what cost? What lengths am I willing to go for my dream?

What about the other person?



Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Mist, the bottom line is that we all like you, chat with you all the time, and want nothing more than you to achieve everything that you've ever dreamed of. That’s why some people were a little tough on you in the chat today - because we know you can do it.

Naturally, this also means that we want to see you learning very well from your experiences and analyzing them using what you’ve learned, what you’ve read, and what you’ve discussed with others.

Reflect on what happened in your report, and notice how you built and built upon uncalibrated behavior throughout and did not act according to risk-averse strategies. Rather:
  • You didn't screen this girl out despite what people told you
  • You continued this process without concern for the feelings you'd create for her (as you didn't just view her as experience, you TREATED her like that in a bad way...)
  • You went back to the dorm room without foreseeing the kind of complex circumstances it would create
  • You began to escalate and mentioned multiple times about "physically pulling her" (that type of physical escalation can be extremely risky for a number of very serious reasons, and especially without much experience - and with a highly inexperienced girl as well)
  • You ejected uncalibratedly and were more concerned about your ego of being seen with her and telling yourself "you weren't lovers" than ensuring a positive resolution
  • You didn't follow up to ensure she had at least some semblance of positive feelings afterwards
  • And after all that, you say that your "pride, self esteem, ego, and motivation are raised like a motherfucker”
  • And that’s not even all…
You’re better than that man…

Moreover recognize that the nature of seduction is not zero-sum (in my thinking, at least) - there does not have to be a winner and a loser, in fact quite the contrary, even when interacting with inexperienced (and virgin) girls on ONS, and that type of recognition will elevate your experiences and perspectives to a whole new level.

It is part of the process to make mistakes as a beginner, and we’ve all been there, but there is a difference between mistakes due to inexperience and mistakes due to ways of seeing the world (which a big reason for the type of feedback some gave today). Make sure to parse these out in great detail and decondition yourself from what limits you - free yourself completely and totally.

We all know you study this very hard and are extremely dedicated - always remember not to just recognize the philosophies we talk about on here but also to LIVE and REALLY UNDERSTAND them, okay?

Additionally, @Lobo gave you great feedback from his razor-sharp lens as usual, so make sure to deeply think about what he’s saying and work on it bit-by-bit. Her resistance was certainly one thing, and also see how your behaviors not only didn’t address the resistance, but it also led you to eject entirely and walk away with unbeneficial conclusions that aren’t necessarily reflective of the dedicated empirical process you’ve shown so often before. Live and learn, don't sweat it.

And again, particularly think about deconditioning yourself and reframing some of the outlooks as people discussed with you in the chat. It is not only about specific actions as certain events are much bigger. This is one of them.

Your last report was not about failing to get a lay - it spoke to something much larger. Which is again why much of the advice transcended beyond this action… or that action… it’s about all that AND also how to progress your internal perspectives into the kind of place where you can especially accelerate your learning curve.

Now as for the next steps, let’s think about a way to move on from this properly and as optimally as we can.

She was left with confused feelings, and her last text was this:
HB: Hey, So what happened last night?
You want to seamlessly end this as soon as possible, so let’s think of some ways we can do this.

I’ll list a potential route for resolution (there are many - think of the principles of what we want to do) for you to end things cordially with this girl and move on to better things. Generally it’s a good time to think about diffusing as best as we can and help move both sides move on with little drama or bad feelings.

Additionally note how you are not in an FRA or any type of situation like that from what you told us, so it's just about diffusing and moving on in a way that helps give better emotions for both sides.

Potential Option To Diffuse This
Text her something like, “Hey HB, yeah let’s talk about that real quick - you good if I call you?”

Get her on the phone > Tell her that you can totally understand how there might be some confused feelings, and that you really appreciate her as a person (mention some positive things about her), that you had a great time hanging out with her from the Walmart to joking with her and so forth, that BLANK things about her just made her really enjoyable and unique to be around, and tell her that you both definitely got caught up in the moment a bit. Can say that you defintely didn't want to create any bad feelings for her, and actually that's the least thing you would ever want. Plus that you want her feeling nothing but good feelings, and you want to totally erase any sense of any kind of confusion.

Get on the same page there, and then maybe say you just got out of a relationship recently, and while you really enjoyed spending time with her, you’ve decided that you just aren’t ready to get back into something right now. Don’t have ego, who cares, you're doing it for both of you - just say something to leave her feeling better and help both sides move on as cordially as possible. Not the only way to do it, just one way to consider.

One time, after I was a bit off in handling things post-lay (different scenario, but we can apply the thinking and I used the following advice to inspire the themes for the call I suggested), Chase advised me to be sure to focus on HER feelings in scenarios where the good feelings might have been disrupted some. That’s the focus.

A text message with similar themes can also work, even though a call can probably help find a positive resolution sooner and more efficiently.

Once more, things NOT to do:
  1. Escalating or dragging this out in any way
  2. Not diffusing her negative feelings, which actually may be riskier to you than boosting them up (you say it's a really small town with the community college, etc, so wouldn't want seepage into other parts of your life)
  3. Not focusing on her emotions, how she felt, and how she feels
  4. Not learning from this, and not using this as an opportunity to get better
Lots of ways to skin a cat, and I'm sure many others would have various approaches here. Just things to thing about - plenty of ways to get the job done and find a good resolution for everyone. You got it, no worries.

And hey, in a while from now when you're in bed with a hottie, I bet you'll look back on this, smile, be truly proud of how you worked through some tough situations, and became the type of seducer we all know you can be.

Hope all this helps in some way.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
" The trouble with him was that he was not able to imagine. He was quick and ready in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in their meanings." - Jack London (To Build A Fire)

He dies in that story.

He freezes to death when he leaves the thin line between humanity and wilderness without fully assessing the situation and more importantly his limitations.

He brings only a dog with him. The dog understands the gravity of the danger they are literally touching.

The man's hubris killed them both.

He was not able to imagine it until in the midst of his downfall.

Mist, the bottom line is that we all like you, chat with you all the time, and want nothing more than you to achieve everything that you've ever dreamed of. That’s why some people were a little tough on you in the chat today - because we know you can do it.

Naturally, this also means that we want to see you learning very well from your experiences and analyzing them using what you’ve learned, what you’ve read, and what you’ve discussed with others.

Reflect on what happened in your report, and notice how you built and built upon uncalibrated behavior throughout and did not act according to risk-averse strategies. Rather:
  • You didn't screen this girl out despite what people told you
  • You continued this process without concern for the feelings you'd create for her (as you didn't just view her as experience, you TREATED her like that in a bad way...)
  • You went back to the dorm room without foreseeing the kind of complex circumstances it would create
  • You began to escalate and mentioned multiple times about "physically pulling her" (that type of physical escalation can be extremely risky for a number of very serious reasons, and especially without much experience - and with a highly inexperienced girl as well)
  • You ejected uncalibratedly and were more concerned about your ego of being seen with her and telling yourself "you weren't lovers" than ensuring a positive resolution
  • You didn't follow up to ensure she had at least some semblance of positive feelings afterwards
  • And after all that, you say that your "pride, self esteem, ego, and motivation are raised like a motherfucker”
  • And that’s not even all…
You’re better than that man…

Moreover recognize that the nature of seduction is not zero-sum (in my thinking, at least) - there does not have to be a winner and a loser, in fact quite the contrary, even when interacting with inexperienced (and virgin) girls on ONS, and that type of recognition will elevate your experiences and perspectives to a whole new level.

It is part of the process to make mistakes as a beginner, and we’ve all been there, but there is a difference between mistakes due to inexperience and mistakes due to ways of seeing the world (which a big reason for the type of feedback some gave today). Make sure to parse these out in great detail and decondition yourself from what limits you - free yourself completely and totally.

We all know you study this very hard and are extremely dedicated - always remember not to just recognize the philosophies we talk about on here but also to LIVE and REALLY UNDERSTAND them, okay?

Additionally, @Lobo gave you great feedback from his razor-sharp lens as usual, so make sure to deeply think about what he’s saying and work on it bit-by-bit. Her resistance was certainly one thing, and also see how your behaviors not only didn’t address the resistance, but it also led you to eject entirely and walk away with unbeneficial conclusions that aren’t necessarily reflective of the dedicated empirical process you’ve shown so often before. Live and learn, don't sweat it.

And again, particularly think about deconditioning yourself and reframing some of the outlooks as people discussed with you in the chat. It is not only about specific actions as certain events are much bigger. This is one of them.

Your last report was not about failing to get a lay - it spoke to something much larger. Which is again why much of the advice transcended beyond this action… or that action… it’s about all that AND also how to progress your internal perspectives into the kind of place where you can especially accelerate your learning curve.

Now as for the next steps, let’s think about a way to move on from this properly and as optimally as we can.

She was left with confused feelings, and her last text was this:
You want to seamlessly end this as soon as possible, so let’s think of some ways we can do this.

I’ll list a potential route for resolution (there are many - think of the principles of what we want to do) for you to end things cordially with this girl and move on to better things. Generally it’s a good time to think about diffusing as best as we can and help move both sides move on with little drama or bad feelings.

Additionally note how you are not in an FRA or any type of situation like that from what you told us, so it's just about diffusing and moving on in a way that helps give better emotions for both sides.

Potential Option To Diffuse This
Text her something like, “Hey HB, yeah let’s talk about that real quick - you good if I call you?”

Get her on the phone > Tell her that you can totally understand how there might be some confused feelings, and that you really appreciate her as a person (mention some positive things about her), that you had a great time hanging out with her from the Walmart to joking with her and so forth, that BLANK things about her just made her really enjoyable and unique to be around, and tell her that you both definitely got caught up in the moment a bit. Can say that you defintely didn't want to create any bad feelings for her, and actually that's the least thing you would ever want. Plus that you want her feeling nothing but good feelings, and you want to totally erase any sense of any kind of confusion.

Get on the same page there, and then maybe say you just got out of a relationship recently, and while you really enjoyed spending time with her, you’ve decided that you just aren’t ready to get back into something right now. Don’t have ego, who cares, you're doing it for both of you - just say something to leave her feeling better and help both sides move on as cordially as possible. Not the only way to do it, just one way to consider.

One time, after I was a bit off in handling things post-lay (different scenario, but we can apply the thinking and I used the following advice to inspire the themes for the call I suggested), Chase advised me to be sure to focus on HER feelings in scenarios where the good feelings might have been disrupted some. That’s the focus.

A text message with similar themes can also work, even though a call can probably help find a positive resolution sooner and more efficiently.

Once more, things NOT to do:
  1. Escalating or dragging this out in any way
  2. Not diffusing her negative feelings, which actually may be riskier to you than boosting them up (you say it's a really small town with the community college, etc, so wouldn't want seepage into other parts of your life)
  3. Not focusing on her emotions, how she felt, and how she feels
  4. Not learning from this, and not using this as an opportunity to get better
Lots of ways to skin a cat, and I'm sure many others would have various approaches here. Just things to thing about - plenty of ways to get the job done and find a good resolution for everyone. You got it, no worries.

And hey, in a while from now when you're in bed with a hottie, I bet you'll look back on this, smile, be truly proud of how you worked through some tough situations, and became the type of seducer we all know you can be.

Hope all this helps in some way.

Thanks man. Earlier I was having an ambitchdala hijack so I couldn't possibly see the scope of things, but I appreciate you guys keeping it real with me.

I'll definitely be using these.

Have to log off for awhile due to work. I'm out of quarantine now, so more leads to come. ;)

As far as this set goes...it'll be fine as this time

I can actually imagine.

In fact, if I didn't know before... I definitely am a lot closer now.

Luckily neither of us has completely fallen either.

I'll try to make it right and then we'll be on with our lives (hopefully without freezing to death).

Until next time dudes.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I Almost Flaked Her (DR/Date Report)/HBWoMan Conclusion

This isn't the original part. 2

Not usual that I'll really tie a bow on a set. Normally it's some ambiguous affair. Well it's pretty straightforward that I'm likely to dud, just never so formalized. They come and they go and so do I. That's just how it is right now. Don't ask don't tell, we "move" on.

I guess it isn't that simple all the time.

Days Following The Date


Date Night / Fuck Up



I didn't message her and had no plans to unless I was going to see her again. I wanted to figure out what exactly happened and how I planned to maneuver things with future sets and her after some deliberation of the factors and somewhat her as a person. Mostly the benefits vs the risks.

Was mostly chill. Was writing Part. 2 for more details as I was really bare bones in part. 1 (also poorly written as I was rushing before school). Daydreamed about a smooth escalation on girls and was looking into some articles concerning issues I ran into.

Then at the end of the day

HBWoMan: Hey, so what happened last night? 12:28Am

Razzled me. I mean if you really put it on paper all that happened is we intimately danced and were hugged up after a very slow and hesitant escalation with me mostly guiding, but mostly stalling when the iron was hot, reigniting the heat a lot and then getting my kiss rejected. Not really in FRA territory like at all.

I will acknowledge this was a lot for her though which concerned me on a couple levels, but I'm not going to get to inner gamey with this post. Not the topic at hand.

I reply

12:29 Am
Mist: Hi HBWoMan :) with what?
Is this message for me haha

An obvious gaslight, but I was hoping either she would give away more of her cards so I could see the extent of my FU and or she would internalize that she's overthinking and uncalibrated and switch her tune due to the (false) warmth and confusion which has worked before.


I'm freaking out thinking of about million different positions and angles. Very sleeper deprived and blow a gasket in the chat. Catching the attention of the homies where they provide perspective on the interaction and my handling/view of it. Great stuff. I couldn't see it and or want to hear it as I was in fight or flight mode. Zero sum mode.

HBWoMan: I mean what exactly were your intentions when we were in my dorm, because I really wasn't expecting that at all.

11:33 AM
Mist: ?
What's going on HBWoMan?

One more futile attempt at getting more of her cards/ play at everything being ok.

HBWoMan: I just want to know what was going on in your head when we were hanging out

I don't respond until the next day. I have homework and I'm on hyperdrive thinking of every fucking position in the book, imagining she gets scornful and FRA's my ass, and the reputation fallout.

Not really too concerned about her or her feelings.

I'm only looking to come out ontop. Did not care about her. I only cared what she could do if this was mismanaged any further since she was closeby to my life.

I sort of missed the noncommittal ghosts of yore...I knew I couldn't just clean my hands of this.


Equipped with a gameplay and some perspective from the homies I sent

Mist: Ok. Getting Swamped, but I'll hit you up tomorrow lady. it's a promise

Pretty bad message imo. I was actually busy, but after 2 days of dodging and deflecting giving...reads as very cold. Also communicating scarcity and business when she's repeatedly shown she wants warmth, connection, patience... lol.

Mist: Ok what time do you finish your classes?

I know our school schedule also from dealing with her after 20 or so days I know how responsive and chasey she is. She's taking too long. We're past the stage of friendly chit chat though. I keep my formal and impersonal distance but add my availability. Could've came off as an ask to actually see her...which it definitely wasn't but text is flawed af and I didn't want to address the elephant in the room. Her feelings and my dismissal.

Mist: I get out at 5:00

HBWoMan: I'm busy today

I considered ghosting her at this point. I really did.

The issue is she's too closeby and how she looks back on Saturday matter's. Lofty's

Don’t have ego, who cares, you're doing it for both of you - just say something to leave her feeling better and help both sides move on as cordially as possible.

kept ringing in my head on why I couldn't just say "Fuck it. Bye bye." With that in mind I decide to chase her down a bit. Which is sorta funny. Never had to chase a girl down to lightly reject her after blowing her off.

Time to address the elephant.

Mist: Hey HBWoMan, I recognize there is some confusion and would like to talk about that quickly but not with texting - you good if I call you then?

HBWoMan: What are you going to say?

Took a long nap. Very busy day as well as tons of stress hormones trying to manage this as it's too close to my actual life and with very little upside anymore.

Mist: Idk say what’s up and then talk about your question…your texts come off as if you’d rather not… I could be wrong though as texting is flawed communication. Am I wrong? If you don't want to, we don't have to HBWoMan

HBWoMan: You can call

I take a minute to collect my breath and put lofty's post in front of me. Trying to collect my pacing and the frames. Also plan a reward as rejecting someone is really fucking tiring. Especially when for all intents and purposes the one you're rejecting isn't in the wrong.

Took maybe 8 minutes.

Mist: Calls

HBWoMan: *Doesn't Answer*

I'm pretty over it. But then like my guardian angel this rings again
  1. Escalating or dragging this out in any way
  2. Not diffusing her negative feelings, which actually may be riskier to you than boosting them up (you say it's a really small town with the community college, etc, so wouldn't want seepage into other parts of your life)
  3. Not focusing on her emotions, how she felt, and how she feels
  4. Not learning from this, and not using this as an opportunity to get better
Don’t have ego, who cares, you're doing it for both of you - just say something to leave her feeling better and help both sides move on as cordially as possible.
I stick it out and decide if she messages me I'll call her.

HBWoMan: I'm free now.

Mist: Calls

The Call

I'm on my bed with my laptop looking at the written out frames and considerations. As well as a sinking sense that I'm dealing with a borderline autorejected and to make it better her response time and demeanor gives me the perspective I'm not just talking to her. She's getting counciled by someone. Hopefully not her roommates ugh. Too closeby.

Here's the transcript. I recorded it for review and I think also so I could have another degree of distance/insulation just in case she gets scornful. Cringe to listen to.

HBWoMan: Hello?

Mist: Hello?....

HBWoMan: Hey!

Mist: How you been?

HBWoMan: I'm good.

Mist: Yeah, I'm chilling. They have a project coming up so they're like "LET'S DO THIS- EVEN THOUGH WE JUST GOT BACK- we're going straight in." I'm just like "Nice...that's great-thanks guys! I definitely wasn't chilling or anything..." - What's your classes looking like?

HBWoMan: what

Mist: What are YOUR classes looking like right now?

HBWoMan: They're mostly going fine not too hard though...

Mist: That's good to hear-that's good to hear... Alright... you messaged meee yesterday? And...You were asking me about Saturday right?

HBWoMan: mhm

Mist: Am I correct in sensing the confusion and stuff like that.


Mist: Ok. yeah I cannn-I can definitely understand that...Ummm...I definitely do not want to create any bad feelings for you at all because I think you're really cool, incredibly introspective, and I think that your art is like awesome... and it makes...for a really valuable thing for people around you(?) and the world in general...so like definitely that's never-that's like the least thing I'd ever want to do. Just letting you know that upfront.


Mist:...............(God. I hate this so fucking much.).....................

An Eternity Later

Mist: So yeah let me...ummm.... erase like....the confusion(?)... sooo let's seeeee- what do you-like- want to know specifically?

HBWoMan: Mmmm... I guess... what your intentions were going into Saturday night?

(To fuck)

Mist: Intention-Like what do you mean?

HBWoMan: Like what you were planning to do.

Mist: Oh, ok gotcha. Sooooo yeah basically just like get to know you, have a good time, and chillax and shit like that was basically what I was after. There was nooooo end goal....or anything like that...it was just like Let's go chill and hangout with this cool person and that was basically it - I will admi- I will... say that I think we got like...caught up in the moment. And.... there are some things I think went too fast. Personally... I just got out of a relationship not too long ago... you know it's like ummm....it kinda spooked me at the end.

HBWoMan: MmmHmm........

Mist: But yeah no that has like nothing to do with you... you're.... you're like incredible you're really cool... and I think... I think I've... I've conveyed already how great of a person you are. That's nothing on you, that's on me... that I just got out of a relationship and I'm just like NOT ready for like anything. and I definitely...think some things happened fast so.....

HBWoMan: ..........

Mist: Atleast on my side- but like what are you feeling right now?

HBWoMan; I meannnn...*huph*... was that even like a thought or was that like....purely in the moment?

Mist: Yeah it was in the moment. (Facepalm.)

HBWoMan: Ok... that's what I wanted to know. Thanks for talking.

Mist: Yeah of course! You're a good person I don't want to leave you with any bad vibes...that's the LEAST... of what I want to do or put out there. Especially to you because you're a good person that has nothing to do with you.

HBWoMan: Ok........

Mist:................Ok uhhhh, but yeah uhhhhh....that's it.

HBWoMan: Ok well... thanks for calling. Guess I'll see you around.

Mist: Yeah of course. If you uhhh pop up to any projects let me know.

HBWoMan: Ok.

Mist: Stay safe.

HBWoMan: Bye

A Few Moments later she sends this text " So are you actually into me or were you just in the mood?"

I call her back. Want to end this quickly. Texting takes too long and is easily misunderstood. Take a few breaths and resume recording

HBWoMan: Hello?

Mist: Hello. Yeah no it wasn't like a mood or anything like that. I had a good time with you from like walking around in Walmart to like, talking about cattle, farming, and dying...Hypothetically. And just like all the little nice, silly, and beautiful moments in that were there.... so no there wasn't a moodier anything like that, but I'm just getting out of a relationship... and it's kind of uhhh tumultuous thing...

HBWoMan: Mmmhmm

Mist: So I'm not just not trying to do anything in like that region of my life.... and to add onto that...even when I was in a relationship with all I was doing it was nearly impossible to do anything...but yeah no mood.

HBWoMan: Ok

Mist: Do you have anything else you want to know.

HBWoMan: No...um... I think that's good.

Mist: Ok...yeah just...let me know.

HBWoMan: Ok

Mist: Rest tight.

HBWoMan: Yep. Bye. *Sniff*

Call End

Sort of mentally exhausted writing this.

I want to be done with it.
I might return to it another time with a bigger lens on inner game issues, flaws in my call approach, expectation management, empathy, and my pacing.... much later though.

I didn't fully grasp many of my fuckups until I had success and or lot's of time reading and writing before I fully got what it was telling me. This fuck up is sort of significant upon reflection.

Here's some of what I'm looking into as a result of this.

1. Empathy
2. Avoidance Attachment
3. Zero Sum Worldview and Collaborative Views
4. Guilt and Backwards Rationalization
5. A gym
6. A therapist
7. Psychopathy
8. Date formats and ending dates
9. Managing and using failure
10. Being a good student, peer, friend
11. LMR Busters
12. What place social circle anything has in what I'm trying to achieve right now
13. No moving backwards

I apologize as once again I am writing this without the small details that make the big lines really pop out. Also you probably have noticed some pretty calloused inner game... no comment for now. Might just be that way for awhile.

I'm not going to be risk averse anymore. This fuck up was a blessing. I fully
intend for the experience to be utilized in my growth and betterment of future women I'm dealing with.

I wish I could tell you I won't hurt a girl or people that I don't intend to, but I cannot. I'm human and on this offbeat path I'm not going to waste my time.

"Don t ask for permission ask for forgiveness"

I'm in for some mighty fuck ups. I'm up for it too and I appreciate all who call me out when they see it.

I'm going to make many.

No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.
– Carl Jung, Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self (1951)

The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.
- William Blake

For both our sakes my next sets won't be nearly as melodramatic.

What's the point of the melodrama anyway if we're not lovers. You have not earned that from me.

Yet I still feel like a dick. Honestly for all that maneuvering I did if I simply told her I was into her then it would've been over. I'm not though.

I did plan to fuck her. That was it.

The story she wrote for me was very nice, but it didn't compel me to anything deeper for her.

My actions have left an impression on me
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
I'm not done.

May 15th.

I'm not done.

" The trouble with him was that he was not able to imagine. He was quick and ready in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in their meanings." - Jack London (To Build A Fire)

He dies in that story.

He freezes to death when he leaves the thin line between humanity and wilderness without fully assessing the situation and more importantly his limitations.

He brings only a dog with him. The dog understands the gravity of the danger they are literally touching.

The man's hubris killed them both.
The dog doesn't die haha.

Read the story it's awesome imo.

this also means that we want to see you learning very well from your experiences and analyzing them using what you’ve learned, what you’ve read, and what you’ve discussed with others.

Now, do you remember how you said you are the architect of this wonderful life you are building?
What kind of foundation would the architect that makes the best out of his life use?

I'm curious however, how are you working on your escalation anxiety?


How is your process?

How many girls do you approach daily? Per week? Are you cross-gaming? If the goal is to level up faster your energy should be directed to refining your process moreso than anything else.

May 15

I'm not done :)