FR: Closing time?
Before Going out
I watched a lot of porn, stressed about money, and procrastinated planning out some key things. I wasn’t having a bad day though. I read a lot of Tony D’s blog and was connecting things I’d read with my experiences. Stared at the calendar a lot as well which caused me to get my balls back. I watched some salesman shit and to increase my momentum I did a couple things off my list and set a timer to go out in 2 hours near the end of the day. I figured my problems won’t solve themselves in a day and one of my problems is with getting laid. Like ever……..Virgin alert. Let’s go get better.
My goals were to maintain a sexual vibe, get 5 numbers, continue making touch a natural part of my game, and study the music scene around me ( I’m a musician who wants to make money from this passion).
I got myself groomed put on a beach themed button up ( unbuttoned the top buttons), rip jeans, and grey vans. Grabbed my ID’s, money, and three condoms and off I went towards downtown.
I started off the day without doing my morning routine and all I can remember at this point is I was watching porn and consuming more self development. I had no plans to go out tonight but I was drawn to the idea. Most of that day was spent stressing, consuming porn, organizing for may move, and consuming Tony’s Absolute ability and Youtube. I kept thinking about a girl I cold approached and another girl who just was not answering my text messages. I’m getting frustrated, but I realize it’s hopeless so I moved on. If they aren’t giving me anything then I have more room to experiment and do and or say things that I want to incorporate into my style.
( Note from future me. I did not iron out logistics super concretely. I knew that my place was not an option though since I’m 18 living with my parents until next week. So it’d have to be hers, my car, or her car, or “spontaneous”.)
I watched porn today, read tony’s blogs absolute ability, listened to music, stressed about money, and more porn.
Early Game
- I used a sensual playlist to create a very sexual state on the way to the bar.
- I did vocal warmups since I spent a lot of the day not talking. I haven’t been saying much since I got laid off from my job. Just thinking and writing.
- Stopped at the gas station for gum to release tension and engage in some human interaction before going into the night. The two women in there really liked my appearance based off their vibe and one outright giggling. An asian buying 21 marlboro cigarrettes. Kinda cute and I make her shy. I assume it’s because I’m so fresh, because I don’t think a 5’6 black kid is all that scary haha. The other is a overweight alternative girl who is eyeing me pretty hard. I engage in small chit chat then I’m off.
- I take a cold shower and practice imaginary cold approaching, introducing myself, pacing, and breathing while hyperventilating haha! I sounded like shit and my voice was shaking, but it was great since I imagined I did that with a hot girl who was decently receptive despite my low tone, stutters, and hyperventilation. Eventually I was able to stabilize my breathing and I said “ I’m nervous. You’re just quite beautiful is all and I had to get your name.” Then boom the cold water wasn’t as bad. I felt like I wasn’t fighting anymore and using my state. Very great for my mindset since I’ve been struggling with just doing the approach in novel situations.
These were some notable things I did to prepare my early seduction mode.
I’ve arrived. I know this bar is 21 and older. I’m nervous I’ll get kicked out, but a couple weeks back I explored the area and they didn’t ID me so I asked myself what would George Clooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Tony D do and got out that car with my shoulders held high and defiantly right to the back door ( just to be careful haha). Made a beeline for the back of the bar away from the barkeep since I didn’t want to get ID’d and I don’t drink anyway. I was just here for music and women thank you very much. Composed myself and got my head back straight.
Positioned myself next to this curly hair black dude with a chubby white girl and it was SHOWTIME BABY.
Blues Announcer: Tonight’s your night folks. Thank you for coming out to support live music [ Break for applause]! This music is great for when your happy, sad, in love, about to murder someone! Anything! [Bar laughs]
I turn to the black guy and he does the same to me and say
Mist: I hope not!
Curly Black guy: Right man!
Mist: I can’t be getting any more charges man!
A pregnant pause to let that settle in and then we both start laughing and patting eachothers backs. Very pleasant opener.
After we finished our jovial vibe I took a look at his confused chubby girl to see if she was cute. She was alright.
I started looking around the bar. For anything fuckable and or useful for preselection when the fuckable does show itself. Spotted 2 great acquaintances from my last music bar sweep in town.
2 preselection and social proof leads
Super cool blues musician who is very cool.
Older woman who is a wonderful dance partner and a lot of fun.
Both have their benefits with regards to preselection and social proof but I choose super cool musician who is cool since he outright has more value in this room as a performer, can warm me up a bit more, I’m networking with him so I can perform onstage oneday, and did I mention he is cool.
I approached him with a smile taking ample care to look confident while passing the busy bar ( never know who’s watching and I gotta look like I fit so I don’t get ID’D haha).
He smiles back and we shake hands and kick shit for a minute. He has another guy around him that will be playing and I introduce myself to him. He asks me if I’ll be playing tonight
Mist: No I’m just here to study. I’m not experienced with blues yet.
Cool Musician: This is how you do it.
His friend: What do you play.
Mist: Drums, piano, bass guitar, but I’m a singer.
His friend:
Cool Musician: Well alright man. [ takes a look back and turns back to me smiling] I’m studying too!
There’s a very well shaped and tanned milf over there. Nice ass and having a good time at the outskirts of the little dance area.
We laugh!
Then briefly act like middle schoolers seeing a hot teacher go by lmao
I look at the cool guy and say with a mischievous smile
Mist: You don’t have to study that.
He gives me a blank, intruiged look and then we are interrupted by another guy who wants his attention. He’s the man of the night in my eyes so I’m surprised I even was able to say hi.
Next up I tune into the music and give the Blonde milf with a great ass a look and notice there’s another woman with her that I can’t clearly see but looks potentially pretty attractive.
They are next to my second preselection tool (Older lady great at dancing) at the dance floor. I decide that now I want to the attention. Tune into the music and dance up to my favorite preselection tool!
We have a great time dancing to the music and she remembers me from a couple weeks back because I’m a great dancer. We finish and were laughing and hugging. I give her a handclasp while reintroducing myself and I feel the energy in the bar on me. Was super fun. Making goofy faces and just partying. I took a look at the young blonde behind the milf and she’s pretty hot and smiling at me. Beautiful blue eyes, white teeth, tight tanned body, with toned legs showed off by her black shorts. She’s sitting so I can’t see the ass, but her breast look really nice in her shirt.
( Message from future me. This is pretty dumb. I wasn’t supposed to be there since I am underage for the venue and laying low should’ve been more of a priority haha. I got kicked out of the club a day after for pulling another attention grabber. It always works, but I have to be cautious where I use them because sadly there aren’t many places for me as an 18 year old to do nightgame in my state. Don’t tell anyone but I’m considering a Fake ID haha since I keep seeing hot 20 somethings dtf in these bars and clubs. RIP brunette sending me choosing signals before I got kicked out for being 18. Use your tools wisely next time Mist.)
Target selected, preselection, social proof, and momentum established. I take a minute to let the energy seep into me and then walk up to her from the side towards an empty seat right next to her and did my best impression of George Clooney.
Mist: May I? [ As more of a statement than a questioning tone.]
I didn’t smirk at her or do eye contact like George Clooney so I’ll give myself a D for effort, but she was enthusiastic and the result was me sitting next to her so high-five me!
I gave her some eye contact as I sat down and I’m guessing I asked for her name here. ( Disclaimer that this all happened, but the order may be off slightly in this Approach section. Because I was more interested in the dynamics, sub communications, cold reading her and deep diving past the pleasantries quickly into her values, feelings, and beliefs.)
I gave her a lingering handclasp said some things I can’t remember and watched her eyes light up with how long I held. She broke contact which I’m not sure is good or not, but was super warm. I was worried because she shook my hand at first during my hand clasp but she stopped. Not sure how to avoid girls shaking my handclasp.
[Loungey music starts] interaction cut short.
I focus in. I’m here to get a better grasp of our music scene, get better with women, and get over the disappointment of my last cold approach number close.
Pink dress kept touching me and calling me incredibly cute. Insinuating that she wants to eat me up and involving her tongue into the maneuver. It was like I was a celebrity with how hard she was chasing my attention.
Mid Game
I cut through asking her what she did by saying that I got fired from my job after stating I’m a musician. Then stating that’s my pressure to succeed because I keep getting fired. She’s like I get by I’m like I don’t.
I got her number, our conversations flowed naturally. I said a lot of inappropriate things and so did she. She kept saying I’m not looking for anything. Then her back on top of her ass.
pulled her into me at one point. I was super physical. We had a lot of blabber mouth people around us. She kept reengaging with me. I cold read her and deep dived her.
I got her number through some dude that thought I was cool and she was hot giving her his guitar and having me take the photo which gave me an Incredibly smooth way to send it to her. She asked for my snapchat I said I don’t and asked her for her number. but her body was really nice and she’s in a talking stage and has an ex in Colorado who abandoned her.
She had to watch me get physically molested by this older woman lol. This lady in her 50s who was pretty attractive herself was throwing herself on me pretty hard. She bent down with both hands on my knees and HBBlondeTATA saw it and her eyes bulged at the audacity of what she was insinuating.
She kept calling me amazing and told HBBlondeTA to fuck me multiple times. She said “ Take his virginity.” He’s so fucking cute. Then she got in a Frame battle with me while asking my age where she was searching for ID feeling up my dick and ass. Put her hand in my pants all in front of my girl and I ‘m just like “ You won’t find my ID there haha! That’s my dick. She then stared me in the eyes and said “ I’d fuck the shit out of you. I’d destroy you.” She kept calling me cocky because of my attitude. It was honestly pretty hot so I gave HBBlondeTA and her mom a look and said oh yeah. I bet. She then broke frame and said you’re so cocky. Isn’t he cocky HBBlondeTA “ She was like he’s cute.” Her attraction went through the roof after that frame battle.
After the older lady tossed the frame battle and I never told her my age she decided she was going to hook my girl up with one of her boys. She was like they have businesses and money. HBBlondeTA was entertaining her, but she told me “ She’s trying so hard. We were whispering to each other a lot. She places her hand on my thigh while the lady kept blabbing on and on about this and that girl and everyone of them were in Texas!
HBBlondeTA just touched my thigh at that point I was flirting with the idea of touching her back which I did with zero protest. It took me a minute to warmup to the idea of touching her thigh, but she kept having this really horny demeanor to her.
I didn’t want to go for a kiss or anything because I didn’t want to stop her from seeing me again. After I touched her thigh our energy was incredibly different and it became clearly man to woman.
I ignored her saying that she wasn’t looking for anything earlier. I just said “ what is there to look for?” As a statement of nonchalance.
Called herself tipsy
Flirted with touching her thigh and inner thigh then went for it
I’m 18 so she’s the young 23 year old teacher that you dream of fucking in class.
This muscle bound boring guy came in clutch as my wingman against the mom, but honestly her mom stayed out of the way anyway.
It was the drunk lady who wanted to fuck and the veterinarian who were obstacles. Not really though. One made the vibe ultra sexual and the other gave me room to showcase how intelligent and deep I am.
She made a blonde joke! I said me too! She said your hair is black and I was like eh are you ok. You must’ve been drinking and very playfully just started touching her face checking for her temperature and such. I’m not a touchy guy, but I didn’t look at my hands for all that I was doing and I touch her in very natural ways that she was into. Not many guys touch her I assume since she was pretty goddamn hot.
She then laughed and broke frame and I cemented I am blonde haha.
I asked her if her mom had the keys in which she said she loved her jeep the boring guy with muscles who was talking up the mom was asked what car he had and then my set ruthlessly shit tested him by calling him lame after he said he got rid of his jeep. He had no comeback and it cemented. I was like bro say anything.
I felt very bad for him so I decided to give him a lift. “ I said what cars do you have?” He stated a motorcycle and truck I said “ that’s a cool car.” My girl corrected me by saying that’s a motorcycle and truck. I said still cool though, but it died and he lost frame big time. My girl was superior than him because of her jeep and I lowered him more by him accepting my attempt to raise him and just flatly losing.
He continued to talk to the mom, but eventually he left.
When my friend was performing I was very excited. I said I hope you’ll still have room for me in your heart after you hear him play. It’s ok though if you don’t love me anymore, I’m in love with his playing myself.
She was like “ I haven’t even heard him play yet.” I liked this response. After he finished I asked how many of your students have crushes on you
She misheard me and said “ how many guitarist do I have a crush on?”
I was like no haha, but that’s interesting what’s your answer. She said “ Zero.” I liked that answer.
People kept walking up to us asking if we were friends and she kept saying “ no we just met!” I was so relaxed and casual with my touching and banter people thought I was old friends with this hot midwestern blonde.
While dancing I pulled her into my side by the waist without looking at her and I kept lingering my hand around her breast while whispering into her ear. We were very close.
She was fake shocked about the lady with the broken neck fucking in the bathroom and I was not dismayed I was even encouraging and amplifying it. ( Thank you milf with the pink dress who wanted to fuck me like there was no tomorrow.) If I hadn’t already decided my target I might have.
She came to the club with her mom. I made a joke that she had to monitor her because she was naughty and we laughed about it. Then when her mom returned she said what I said to her haha.
The entire bar selected for me. I was like a mini star to them.
The older lady never finished her story so my set was intrigued and excited. She said it be like one of those shitty porn intros where they are like wassup stepbrother. I love porn so I’ll have my women write with me. I tell them they are the director and I ask them to write the porno.
When the older lady bent down for me I looked at my girl and said do something a little freaky for the cash it was a bit of a stumble because I’ve only had a few women be this forward and honestly I’d fuck them both. She was in awe. She looked at me with extreme reverence and fun. After her mom and her saw my frame battle with horny milf #2 I was in.
I ended the night dancing with that lady. I decided to go full power before returning to my girl.
She kept saying she couldn’t dance. I kept saying yes you can and preventing her from sitting down until one time and at that point I was just having fun and getting tired of her I can’t dance vibe. I decided to.
Our sexual banter. I gave her the floor to think of things sexually. I and the dress lady accused her of having a mind in the gutter. It was very fun to frame her as the sexual one and engage in her innuendos. I turned a question about her being afraid to be in front of people into a innuendo by saying I learned the worm for the role. By this point she assumed I had been in college and high school. I was not going to correct that assumption. I didn’t correct many assumptions. But anyway I said I got bruised knees from learning that move. I really wanted her to get the image of bruised knees from sucking dick and as if I had thought it and then planted that into her mind she said something along the lines in a joking manner that “ People get paid for bruised knees.” I really liked that. She brought up blowjobs. Lovely can we fuck. I laughed with her and said “ Shit with how things are nowadays you could put on a bikini and someone in here would buy it. No bruised knees needed. I wouldn’t, but I motioned to the room someone in here would.” She was like yeah haha. I stated I wouldn’t because I consider people who buy shit cucks, but I watch a lot of porn and that’s pretty puckish too. At least it’s free though motherfucker.
I saw a dude with a hat and insinuated she was into older men. Then cucked him by saying he’d be the guy who’d buy it from her. I covertly started using this frame to call everyone else in the venue lame except for us. I got her to get up and dance with me and pulled her into me and said I very happy I’m not surrounded by lame people. I was worried I come out and be with lame people tonight. While pulled into me she said “ We’re lame.” This isn’t including me” I was like no. We’re awesome they are lame. We are the ones having the fun. She was looking around I was just focused on dancing. I could tell she was conscious so I focused on short circuiting that and getting her to live. I took a teacher frame and taught her some basic dances in which she incorporated which was very fun and cute to see.
She addressed this dude and was like you’re looking at me. He was like no I’m not! She was like “ Do you know this guy?” I was like yeah “ He’s the homie!” Dapped him up and gave him a fist bump. I really wanted control of my state!
She showed me a lewd thirst trap photo and said sorry then covered it with a finger while I was asking about her room. I moved her finger playfully and she was like I got a haircut so I had to show it. I was like yeah it was a nice haircut in the most sexual way I could with my Hardon. She started giggling.
Frame battle with older lady boosted me. She flat out stated her desire to fuck me and motioned for my companion to feel that horniness and thirst as well. People kept asking if we were a thing. Then saying we should be. I was quiet she was like no we just met but she loved the attention from having me around. People were very invested in my actions. She was the hottest girl in there. Saw another nice one, but I couldn’t see how I’d approach her. She sent me signs later in the night but I was committed to my blonde as my set.
So the frame battle. She gives me a beer. I’m like thank you. Then she’s like are you old enough to drink that. I’m silent. She asks me my age. I’m like guess. Can I only choose one. She’s like don’t get cocky kid you’re so cocky. I’m ignoring it. She’s like let me get some ID feels my ass and dick while looking for ID and I’m like it’s definitely not there haha. My girl is very turned on. She stares me in the eyes and says don’t fuck with me. I’ll fuck you. Destroy you in the bed look me in the eyes and she stands me up. I keep a smirk slash smile as she says all these lewd horny things to me and stare her in the eyes. She wants me to fuck her. This attitude is her horniness for me. She loses. I’m enjoying her saying how much she wants to fuck me. She breaks and tells blondes that I’m so cocky can you believe this kid. She’s like it’s very cute. She agreed I was cocky but loved it. The women around me couldn’t get enough of my energy. I think that intense stare down is what really melted my girl.
When the lady was trying to hook my girl up with one of her five sons I asked if she would get the choice between the 5 or if Tristan was the one she had to choose. My girl giggled at this. I was like what if she wants the grandfather. Hmm. My girl really liked this. I was having fun!
Just because there’s a goal Keeper doesn’t mean you can’t get a goal
Pink dress starts blabbering about something and attempts to showcase me her daughter now. I told her to put a good word in for me since her daughter is supermodel hot haha. She asked me how to get to photos. I was tempted to give her my fb but I’m going for anonymity and mystery tonight. Plus she may kill my set and create resistance with my girl if she sees my age.
I coldread that these music events were like her escape!
I said why not? You wanted to hear the rest didn’t you? She was like yeah. I wanted her to go away, but she was super entertaining and I’m not sure I’ve heard someone breaking their neck to fuck.”
“ That’s dedication and I respect her for that.” We laugh.
“ We have to finish it for ourselves.”
We write a horrible porn that results in a orgy between the mother and her family at a wedding. I ask what positions? We’re at a church so I say missionary? She says there’s tables, the pew, floor, all sorts of places. I admire her creativity. I love this. I’ve used this since highschool. Have a girl write a porn with me they love it and it excites them. What I found especially funny is she was hesitant to say we fucked, but when I asked who’s fucking though this porno doesn’t have enough broken necks and or fucking. She skips all the dialogue and is like everyone and looks at me pretty submissively.
My girl was super into serving others so while animal lady blabbed and blabbed I cut through and asked if they had each others numbers. I basically made them exchange numbers and connected them.
The lady was like she’ll fuck with you for the night, but my boys she’d marry haha. Ok I kept an amused what the fuck face with this lady. My girl put her hand on my thigh at this point. She had on shorts so I could see her space out and get excited by my discrete touch. I wanted to kiss her at some point, but there’s no need until I can close. This isn’t social circle. I don’t have time for that. No kissing just feeling her legs and her back on top of her shorts right before her ass. I wanted to feel her up, but let’s just keep the tension. Don’t give it away.
I reframed her as cocky instead of me. Older lady. I was like I haven’t stated my dick is as big as the Eiffel Tower. You said you’d destroy me in bed. How am I cocky? While maintaining eye contact.
Late Midgame
Quarter black with daddy issues ( father absent) 9 tattoos, into cats, bouncing between jobs lives with her mom, has nice tits.
At one point I think I had her almost hypnotized with my words and she got really turned on and started saying she was tipsy and pointing at the wall saying it says dick everywhere.
I really wanted to get physical since she was hot so I touched her hand and let it linger. Then her back on top of her ass.
She started flipping through her photos and progressively showed me photos of her posing in pretty lewd poses. (I’ve had this happen before) She didn’t seem to have one, but her body was really nice
Called herself tipsy said she was done drinking and kept stirring her glass
but her body was really nice and she’s in a talking stage and has an ex in Colorado who abandoned her.
She kept reengaging with me.
She asked me if I came alone and I said yes. She was like how do you do that.
Quarter black with daddy issues ( father absent) 9 tattoos, into cats, bouncing between jobs lives with her mom, has nice tits.
She kept giving me signs she was ready to go.
I never will or did tell my age
We stayed very close. At one point she eye fucked me like crazy while I was telling her my frame of the world.
I asked her about hers and kept pumping up why mines was the best. She said I’m really shy so how does that work for me.
Dumbass shit but her attraction went up and up and up. I was flirting with logistic questions about her room, cat, and where she stayed and who with.
My girl commented on when he left. I was like your mom needs to get dicked down like that last mom. She laughed and we had a banter about the older lady. The older lady broke her neck while fucking in a bathroom haha.
My girl has had all the fetish jobs army, flight attendant, teacher and here I am a laid off amazon worker, freshman 18 year old musician with his hand on her thigh. We were sitting side by side. Zero resistance with my touches. I wanted to touch her hand and see if she squeezed, but I preferred my hand on her thigh.
I asked her a deep question and then interrupted her and said you should invite me over. I had conviction, but I was not dedicated to closing. I really just wanted to practice using this line. It was charring, but had I thought of a reason she most likely would of taken the plausible deniability and said yes. I couldn’t think of anything though without saying because we should fuck tonight.
My hand was on her thigh and she got up to dance about dolly parton she was like little body with huge tits ( jeez horny much). What about her music haha? Nonetheless I did not like this and wondered if I was doing something wrong since she opened her legs then got up and started dancing and singing. I was seriously wondering if I was wasting my time
I think she noticed my introspection and asked me if I didn’t want to dance. To which I decided to keep up my character and got up and started dancing with these two ladies again. I didn’t like the dynamic though.
She’s travelled a ton, and done a lot of jobs, never went to college though. Just on the grind and exploring herself
She gave me some of the deepest most primal eye contact I’ve ever received while asking my life philosophy. It was like she was hypnotized. We really connected. She got very horny by my words and presence.
While we were talking about how the lady was throwing herself onto me she said she literally bent down between your legs. I was like ok you can’t assume anything haha. She was like she was in between your legs talking about I’m trying to get my purse. I said stop projecting and we had a pretty sexual moment with our eyes then moved onto something anything. I was cooling.
She kept moving her hair out of the way. Our eye contact got very deep I minded my tone and looked her deeply in her eyes. I could’ve kissed the fuck out of her.
He was 15 years younger than her he is boring guy. That was cited as a reason it fell through. I just said it didn’t look like he was doing much anyway though. HBBlondeTA agreed. Sorry but my hands on her thigh and I have to throw you under the bus to Get all the value you lost. I topped it off by saying “ He seemed nice though.” In the same way you’d talk about a puppy. Sorry bro. Everyman for himself thank you for distracting the mom so I could run my deepest game on HBBlondeTA.
She said she was talking to someone. I asked how’s that going she said I don’t want to talk about it. I gave her a knowing look. At one point we were essentially eye fucking each other and she admitted that everything I said is what she had been thinking about for a year.
She asked me if I came alone and I said yes. She was like how do you do that. She started flipping through her photos and progressively showed me photos of her posing in pretty lewd poses.
Her mom left for the bathroom again and I warned her not to bump into the veterinarian because I can only do a suave exit one time.
I got to showcase a ton of social suaveness by getting her veterinarian to stop blabbing and allow these two women to leave.
While I was leaving she asked me if I had friends, what my age was, and some other things I wanted to keep the spell so I kept bullshitting like. I don’t know if you guys are into older men though. So I don’t want to scare you guys off. I’ve experienced it numerous of times with women asking my age. It’s not that good. They kept guessing I was 23 22 haha! I def look way younger in my opinion and I’m 18
I shattered the blonde milf’s frame. She was like what’s your age. I was like “ I’m Mist.” She was like you’re acting like me with my age haha. Not getting that information though.
With a ton of projection playfulness and fun. Both her and her daughter broke frame and gave up. Her daughter really wanted to know at that point too, but I was not interested in her logical brain appearing.
Gave her a compliment about how beautiful she was in the moonlight. She really was so it was from the heart and the first appearance compliment.
She kept saying I’m not looking for anything. I don’t want to get confused while talking to this guy. I asked her how was it going? She said I don’t even want to talk about it and we dropped the topic for a new one. Many ioi and horniness were present.
After the mom left our energy was very different. She kept using humor to defuse it, but I just like sitting with it. She was very horny at this point so things I said were having emotional impact on her big time. I could’ve fucked I feel.
I remained playful.
While the mom was pressing me about my age I had her phone in my hand because I asked for it. I was flirting with the idea of a same night lay. So she gave me her phone and I was going to message myself her address. She was so compliant I knew she’d give it to me.
She said I like the karaoke place because like 4 people are there! I said make that 5
She’s talking to someone she said it was confusing I asked her how was that. Being confused? She was like eh not fun. Then I said I fuck with you. I gave her a really nice compliment about her looking great in the moonlight and this prompted her to bring up who she was talking to. She just didn’t want to get mixed up.
I brought up a vulnerable trait. I wanted to get to know her and for her to know me. I wanted to know her more though. I spoke of fear. She said how could you go out alone. I asked her what do you mean? I’m so shy nervous how do you go out alone and dance over there. I said fear. I fear never doing what I want and going for it more than social anxiety. She spoke of her little wild steps then comfortable then another and comfortable. I said being comfortable is important as well as pushing, but the problem lies in being comfortably unhappy. Not going for what you’d do for no money to be comfortable, not going out, and this and that. You know it’s only a few steps towards anything. All you have to do is get up and get out the door. ( I literally forced myself out tonight and to attempt seducing someone and or get 5 numbers from cold approach and hanging out at the bar.) She deeply resonated with this. I touched her brain as y hand was on her thigh.
I told her to invite me over. Then asked for her to hand me her phone. She didn’t but seemed to be looking for me to give her a reason why.
Current State Of My Game since I got no endgame?
I asked him if he got the number and he was like “ I wasn’t going for the number.” Fuck were you going for anything man. She was hot, you lost frame twice, couldn’t deal with someone jumping in your set, and got nothing.
We had a lot of sexual tension and she was getting pretty emotional. She kept saying I’m not looking for anything. A green light for quick sex which meant nothing. I watched porn today, read tony’s blogs absolute ability, listened to music, stressed about money, and more porn.
I was sexual subtly as soon as I could be but as her horniness went up I got more flagrant.
The entire bar selected for me. I was like a mini star to them.
I was very focused on having a good time, upping my experienceThat she was a lot of fun. That I was super cool and that she was too. After me though

. My frame was that I was the shit.
My dude [Successful Man] respected me a ton when I approached that younger blonde. I never attempted to move her or get her out of there though
During our group convo I backhanded her thigh. It excited her. I put my fingers on her inner thigh for a moment then fully palmed it. I wanted to bump her pussy, but that might scare her off and despite her state I’m not a full fledged closer. I kept getting in my own way. Shit kept happening that was like gods message for me to tell her to fuck me. She whispered to me a ton.
sub communicating sex was regular to me and I’m high value ( I’m a virgin). She got hornier than me which is awesome. I like the control.
At one point she admitted that everything I said to her that night was things she had been thinking about for a year.
She kept drinking out of her empty ass cup, tapping her fingers, saying she was ready to go, reengaging me and my attention. She was chasing and I really liked that. I haven’t used it in awhile so I didn’t maximize it. She kept saying the stepbrother porn line. I watched a lot of porn today so that was lit. I should’ve escalated and used that frame to show what I knew. Talk about g spots, my favorite position and why, choke play, and money shots.
I kept touching to a minimum with other women, but kept escalating really hard with my set. When I stood she’d stand when I was sitting she’d sit as well. I made her admit to liking older men which is stereotypical. Non judgmental with the other ladies sexual openness and subtly encouraging towards my girl to be this way as well.
I was focused on connection and finding logistics.
“ While sitting close, run your fingers toward her inner thigh under the table. Continue talking casually. Getting more intimate while keeping your cool will drive her wild.” (Quote from an article)
I love how the vibe changed whenever we were alone and it was just us.
I engaged in my asshole tendencies for that night
I started off the day without doing my morning routine and all I can remember at this point is I was watching porn and consuming more self development. I had no plans to go out tonight but I was drawn to the idea. Most of that day was spent stressing, consuming porn, organizing for my move, and consuming Tony’s Absolute ability and Youtube. I kept thinking about a girl I cold approached and another girl who just was not answering my text messages. I’m getting frustrated, but I realize it’s hopeless so I moved on. If they aren’t giving me anything then I have more room to experiment and do and or say things that I want to incorporate into my style.
She smiled a really hot smile at me and then I walked up to her and asked may I in an assumed yes way.
I eventually got to the final countdown and decided to commit to number close slower game.
I experimented with one method of getting back to her place clumsily but she was just a bit shocked by my method.
Where I Am At Now With Her
Here are my text messages
12:25 AM
Mist: This is Mist.
TA: Hi
[The picture of her with the guitar.]
Mist: Hi TA ! Hope you got some good rest after rocking out last night. let me know where you're doing karaoke tonight
2:38 pm
TA: Im going to thirsty sports man, with my friend and probably my mom again tonight! Let me know if you happen to stop by! It starts at 9pm!
5:18 pm
TA: Hey, I'm not sure if I am going out tonight. I don't think I've fully recovered from staying up so late and drinking last night lol. We'll have to try again another night!
6:51 pm
Mist: I feel you. I was not too sure if I was going to conjure up the energy either haha
Do you have any plans tonight?
Blonde Legs: I just dyed my friends hair. Just a girl night I guessq
Mist: Cool. Don't get too wild though
TA: no promises lol
Mist: No broken necks atleast haha
TA: I'd have to be original and break something else. I still can't believe that lady told us that
Mist: Your reactions to her were so cute to me
Your jaw touched the floor so many times
TA: I just wanted to see how much she would tell us, I have never heard someone tell a story that wild!
Mist: That's just the surface to me. I think it's my vibe or something but people will tell me everything. I should write a book one day
Change the names of course though because as you can see people are wild lol
TA: You are very sociable. And do it. I'd read it.
Mist: I'll hold you to it! Have a fun night blonde legs
TA: You too!
7:04 PM
Mist: [Cat picture]
TA: Awe!
Mist: Have you had the chance to go out today? It’s really nice
End of messages
My Thoughts, Reflections, Questions