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The Return Of The Mack


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I haven't been able to truly go out the last couple nights due to external factors, which is very unfortunate. I've done some (mostly bad) social circle type approaches during the day that aren't worth writing about.

To recap:
This week was pretty good overall.

I pulled a girl I met at the bar, which is a cool first, even if it wasn't same night.
I physically escalated to sex without kissing/any leading from the girl, which is also a cool first.
I recognized then started hitting escalation windows early in the interaction.
In general, I gained some great night game experience.

There are 2 girls who I may be able to get out on a date with me this week. We'll see.

The two most important things I can do are increase my sex drive and increase my volume of quality interactions. Both are in the works already.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
There were a ton of people out last night. I talked to a lot of girls and had a lot of conversations that went nowhere.

Looking back, I got exactly what I wanted. I was feeling a bit gay beforehand for the lack of volume I've had in the past few days; last night was my chance to make up for it. So, I approached at least 20 groups of girls solo or with friends.

And it was rough. I got blown out a lot, some dudes were straight assholes, some girls were worse, and at one point two girls got a bouncer to ask us to leave (we didn't). I didn't meet a single girl I want to see again.

I now realize that all of these blowouts are actually a good sign. You see, I didn't bother trying to get contact information from any of these girls. I stayed in the interaction as long as I could. They left me, not the other way around.

My hooks were not strong. Part of this was due to the loud music, part of it was simply bad game, and part of it was not talking to girls I found truly sexually attractive. I don't remember seeing any if I'm being honest.

The one excellent approach I had was a girl who was giving me strong eye contact at the end of the night. I went over, put my arm around her waist, and got up close in a sexual way immediately. It was very well received but she turned out to be quite drunk so I let her go. Too bad.

There were two chicks we almost pulled home but something came up last minute. I wasn't really into my girl, and my friend's girl wasn't quite ready to go with him. Previously, I had set the 'supportive friend' frame and it seemed like everything was good for a pull. We went to leave, they started talking to the bouncers, and everything fell apart.

Things that went well:
  • I asked for compliance sooner to screen out uninterested girls. Getting her to pull up a chair, sit down, move body positions, whatever it is.
  • Moving the interaction forward rather than leaving
  • Doing what I wanted to do (e.g. approach girls, dance) rather than sitting around with friends waiting for a group we like
Next time:
Be more tactical in who I approach by looking for girls I am truly sexually interested in.
Practice my hooks


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Missed two good opportunities today. I've been playing around with pre approach positioning & invitations because cold approach hasn't gone well for me so far.

One was in the gym. We had seen each other and she went to leave as I went to get my stuff, and I ended up going back to do more sets. I prioritized my workout over talking to her.

One was after class. She was obviously checking me out and basically waited for me to leave, but left before me because I was talking to a friend and took my time. I prioritized talking to a (not close) buddy over talking to her.

Changing those priorities is the razor's edge that will tip me towards success.

I also texted a couple girls who were down to meet up last week & got no response.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Naturally, I went out last night in an attempt to turn things around. I consider it a solid showing.

Given that my goal was to find girls I'm interested in rather than spam approach, there were only 3 groups I talked to. I kept in mind pre opening and continued to work my compliance/investment game.

1st: opened by guessing what drink she's going to order while waiting in line. Told them to come say hey once they had theirs and I moved to a different spot to order (left her first). I passed them after getting my drink; she seemed enthusiastic to see me so I had them go over by the wall to talk (moved them). We chat for a min then I have them come sit at a nearby table (move again). I keep getting small compliance like drinking her drink, having her lean in, etc. A couple minutes go by and I can feel the interaction staling. I suppose we could go dance or sit down in a different spot, but my girl isn't that interesting so I grab her contact and move on.

2nd: We see two girls sitting down at a booth off to the side. No AI but fuck it, I go say hey. I open, then we sit down and chat for a few mins. They're waiting for an uber; we both get contact information and my wing's girl ends up licking his face. Nice. I take a quick pic of my girl and I then send it to her so she'll remember who I am. Just testing things out.

If I'm being honest, I think them waiting for the uber is the reason they were receptive to us going up cold because they knew they'd leave soon anyways. I don't like the frame when two guys surround two girls sitting down.

3rd: A girl I've talked to before opens me while I'm playing pong and I don't recognize her. Lol. I see her out pretty often (we all go to the same few bars) and she's definitely the hottest/one I'm most interested in. She and her friends leave us to play our game and we see them a bit later. I go say hey, confirm I do actually remember her name, she gives me some of her drink. Says she'll be up late cause she's drinking redbull. I want to move her, but she just ordered food & is tied down to this spot. That sucks. She's staying there so I tell her I'll see her in a little bit. I leave and go dance, talk to other girls, nothing serious. I come back later and she offers me the rest of her food; I take a bite as there's some psychological principle of accepting it that I can't remember. We chat for a min and I seed a future pull back to where I live. She's with 4 friends (who I met earlier, good sign) and I sense that a pull is not going to happen tonight. I don't push it and get her number instead, turns out all of them are leaving together soon anyway. I say goodbye and my buddy and I leave.

  • the only girl I cared about/wanted was the third
  • got some progression with this chick; I now have her number & seeded a future pull, she knows I live closeby, I met her friends
  • scarcity is not in a good place because we see each other out so often
  • I didn't move her or get much compliance/investment mainly due to logistics of where we here
  • I could have been wrong about a pull not being possible tonight and probably should have probed a little deeper
  • She likely didn't see me as a sexual possibility for the night because I didn't give off those vibes.
  • I didn't isolate her or spend much time with her. Bad move.
  • I texted her right away this time (good) but no response as of the next afternoon.

The way I'll play this is put off a really strong sexual vibe, isolate the two of us, and stay with her for the night out next time I see her. All of the legwork for a pull seems to be done except for sexual arousal... which should be the forefront of my game.

After seeing the interaction typed out, no wonder the pull wasn't there. I didn't do anything to make it happen. This will have to end up being a slower game.

I'm pretty sure I'm having attainability issues due to social frame and/or me being attractive. This can be solved by emphasizing similarities or by a stronger sexual vibe. For social frame, I won't bring up their year or age so as not to create a rift in relatability. For sexual vibe, I'll keep increasing my sex drive and show it through eye contact and touching. These girls need to know I want them.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Got kinda close last night.

The bar was pretty dead for some reason; all the girls we saw simply weren't very attractive. I opened some just for state and practice but knew it wasn't going anywhere. After a while we changed venues.

At the other bar, I started talking to a girl. Started well. I moved her to sit with me. We connect on a couple things; I refrain from mentioning my year or age as I said I would in order to emphasize similarities. I start touching her a little more sexually with a hand on the thigh. We keep talking. I move her to the corner of the bar, pull her in close while I'm leaning against the wall, our faces are close. At this point I know I could be making out with her but I don't want to, not here. I mention where I live and she's not hot on the idea of a pull. This is maybe 30-40 mins in.

I test it a little more and sense she's really not down, which is weird because her friends want her to go with me. She obviously likes me and I'm pretty sure I have enough comfort. I tell her I'm going back to my friends as I can tell the interaction is soon to die. My friends are still talking to her friends so we all leave to get food together. After a few minutes, my girl calls a ride and dips.

I don't know what exactly went wrong.
She might've been concerned about a pump and dump, because I didn't proactively talk about sex, relationships, etc
She might not have been aroused enough.
She might not have been comfortable because I didn't ask and answer the same 5 basic normal questions like most dudes.
She might have needed more of a connection with me because we hadn't been talking all that long.
She might have had a mental block about going home with someone that night, which I find likely.
She might've felt like I didn't really like her because looking back, I didn't qualify her on much of anything.

I'm pretty sure it was the pump and dump objection.

Next time, I'll make sure to qualify on why I like her. I'll label her spontaneous/adventurous and do more sex talk that makes it okay to hook up.

And of course, I'll continue to build arousal. My sexual vibe was better but clearly not good enough.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
got one solid number last night and learned that going out sober is a viable option. It'll take some adjusting to but I'll definitely do it again in the future. more laser eye contact & look harder at the end of the night.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
played some dance floor game last night. mostly just having fun dancing and had a few girls grind on me at different times which is also fun. outside of that, I only saw one girl attractive enough for me to approach and she autorejected after talking to me. I wasn't surprised, it was a very poor showing of attractive females.

Chase wrote an article here on SS about skipping steps and I realized I tend to banter/tease a little too much. So, I've course corrected by going into basic comfort talk as soon as I meet girls at the bar/club. The attraction is already there when we make eye contact.

Also, I'm experimenting with my diet and typical thought patterns in an effort to increase my sex drive. We'll see what works.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I haven't been out the last couple nights so my last few interactions have been getting back into daygame. I've gotten a few numbers in random places around campus, one in the gym... basically reinforcing the habits of meeting women wherever I go. That's been good as well as I've been texting more girls.

building off the last post, I definitely have attainability problems. This thread opened my eyes as to why; people who knew me last year say they barely recognize me now. As a result, I've been more intentional about qualifying the girls I talk to. Also, I've dropped the 'cocky funny' bullshit in favor of simple comfort building and chill vibing. It seems to work way better so far.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
The more I go out, the more it seems as if I get one shot in any particular outing. No matter whether it's daygame at the pool/gym/campus or nightgame at a bar, there tends to be one girl I have mutual attraction with that I would like to know better.

Tonight, the bar was pretty dead. I talked to a couple girls so I didn't feel gay and practiced moving them around, some verbals etc. I need a better verbal process to reliably move towards sex talk. Nevertheless, my one shot showed up towards the end of the night. This time, I blew it by not showing enough interest fast enough in the interaction. I asked for her name and gave some physical touch (which I thought was enough) and she was clearly interested. But as they were about to walk away, the friend girl coded an 'are you staying with him' and she replied with a 'nah he's not it' because I wasn't aggressive enough. I went to say something to her later in the night but she had autorejected by that point and wanted nothing to do with me.

A similar thing happened this morning as well; a girl I talked to briefly in the gym was clearly disappointed and took it as a rejection when I said I was getting back to my workout.

I have enough status/attraction to pursue females aggressively from the start. Not only that, if I don't pursue aggressively from the start, they assume I don't actually want them.

Lead harder, move faster, pursue more aggressively. I'm close.

*as for the girl from tonight, I essentially missed an escalation window due to moving too slow. Next time I encounter a girl like that, I will put my arm around her and tell her "I like you, you give off good vibes." Which means nothing but certainly sounds like a qualification.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I forgot about that last sentence. I went out last night and came home alone, again.

I fucked up in the exact same way, by not showing enough interest fast enough. There was only one girl I really wanted; I was a bit too timid (not pulling her in close off the rip, not dancing sexually) so she mostly stayed with friends even though we talked. I see over and over that I have to be 100% committed in order to get these girls or they assume I'm rejecting them. This time, I was thrown off by a weird logistics situation with her friend group. But that shouldn't matter; if a guy like me wants a girl, he would have no hang ups about showing his interest, period.

***I asked her a couple questions and I now see she thought her answers disqualified her. Of course she stayed with her friends.

I'm being too timid/slow relative to my attractiveness level.

Nevertheless, I talked to other girls throughout the night. It's now easy/an afterthought to get a girl to sit down with me and move her around. The next bit is getting her to stay with me no matter what; I keep losing girls due to her friends dragging her away or some other outside event. I did well speaking about emotional topics so I suppose deep diving/building a true connection is what I'm missing. That, as well not being committed to keeping her next to me led to chicks leaving after having sat down to talk. In reality, I should be seeding the pull then taking her to go dance sexually before pulling.

***edit: there was a girl I built enough connection to pull but didn't seed it beforehand, I'll make sure to do that this time.

Ah well, dancing was fun. Tonight I'll test out being more aggressive from the open and continue to qualify/build connections. I'm acting too timid in general, so being more direct is the obvious solution.

Lock in. Goal for tonight is to invite a girl back with me.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Very solid outing the night before, here's a summary.

There was a girl I got to the point of inviting home, but I didn't think she was ready and I missed the escalation window. There were a few others I never got quite as far with.

Some things I did well:
  • got compliments on my style/looks
  • told girls "let me give you my number/snap" rather than asking for it
  • seeded a pull (with a different girl)
  • stayed out solo and found different ways to change my mental state
  • qualified girls more clearly on good vibes, being fun, looks
  • did brief sex talk with the first girl and being non judgmental
  • moved girls around quickly and easily
  • talked with randos and socialized

It's come to my attention that these girls aren't rejecting me. I'm rejecting them by not making moves.

Going forward, my focus will be on inviting girls back with me. Realistically, I have no idea if she's ready to go or not unless I ask; even if she isn't, I can adjust and persist until she agrees to leave together.

More aggression, move faster.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
weird outing.

I still tease/banter too much, cut that back. Same with hiding intentions as I open - I still heavily favor indirect over direct. Changing these should speed things up dramatically.

Moving, qualifying, leading in general all held up well; escalation was tough due to friend logistics.

next time, use the "I don't like sex. I like good sex" line. My verbal game could use some serious mid-game work; I'll improve that, starting with more sex talk.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Learned some things about attainability last night from seeing a girl I pulled previously and reading this thread and a couple others.

I've been thinking about it wrong, as if there is a certain level of attainability I need to be at to get results. I now realize it's all about calibration. The girls I have pulled recently or have been close to pulling were all very aloof, reserved, testy, or high ego. That's because my jokes/banter screened everyone else out; I've been missing the green light girls, the easy yeses who are clearly into me. So I do need to increase my attainability, but only for certain girls. There are some I've been at the perfect level for.

There's no magic number overall, there's only reading the situation and adjusting accordingly. I'll work on it.

Anyways, my numbers have been lacking the last few days. Back to the field.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
The last few days have been... unfruitful.

I've still been going out, but haven't gotten close to pulling anyone. I've started going out on daygame outings as well with nothing to show for it. Volume has definitely gone up but actual pursuits are still far too low. I am not happy about this :/


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I'm working on developing my own process. Right now, it looks like:

1. find her
2. meet
3. hook
4. build compliance
5. qualify & move
6. build connection
7. sexualize (more heavily)
8. seed pull, move more
9. pull

Met a girl yesterday I got to 6.5 or so with. Unfortunately, I put the brakes on the interaction; she annoyed me by complaining too much and it was a social circle interaction with many more attractive girls in the area.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I'm not meeting enough girls. Even though I go out consistently, I'm simply not getting the volume in to truly level up.

I have enough free time for daygame outings; I need to make them count. So far, it's far too much walking around and not enough interaction.

Current hurdle: lack of showing direct interest. I seem to have a mental block around blatantly hitting on girls near others while on campus.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Today I flubbed one big opportunity in the gym and met 2 new girls who agreed to a meet. I have a date set up for tomorrow.

mission: attempt to instapull/continue the interaction with chicks I meet. Also practice going direct.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
I should never have gone on that date. She wasn't the type of girl I want to spend more time with, and there was no sexual spark. I gave it an hour then finally cut it off to go out with a friend. I'll be screening harder in the future before going on these dates.

My night outing didn't go too well either. There was only one real opportunity I had, and I guess I caused too much friction from the start. She seemed into me; I got close, we talked a little (it was loud), I asked her to go dance with me and she didn't want to. I don't remember all that well but she left with her friends around then and I didn't see her again. Should've grabbed her contact

I opened some girl direct, which is good practice, but I think she saw me as a chump and it never went anywhere.

There were two girls I got numbers from and texted "who is that handsome guy you are talking to" to myself a la skills. I texted back 'no idea but you should've stayed with him' near closing time, which obviously got no response. Bad form. Looking at my messages, there was one more number I got. I need a better system for getting numbers cause I don't remember who's who or even who they were in the first place. Oh well, I'll just ping them all next time I'm out (probably tonight) and see what happens.

All in all, I'm disappointed. Humbled. Ready to level up but I haven't earned it yet. The only solution is to be better.

current mission: open direct and screen for sexual availability. in short, be more obvious about my intent.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
Last night: met 5-10 girls, had great results showing more direct interest. failed Don't Fuck Up game and didn't get laid.

I go out to a college bar later than my friends, which means I'm basically alone for the night. I'm sober and don't drink a drop of alcohol.

First one:
There was a black girl standing alone when I first walk in. I came on strong at the beginning and she really liked it. Asked if she was waiting for her boyfriend and that I didn't want to get beaten up (shoutout dowhatworks). When her friends arrived all high energy excited, I greeted them with the same enthusiasm. It was funny because once they saw my girl liked me they were trying to guess how we knew each other. However, she cooled off towards me significantly as I passed her throughout the night... probably because I cooled off on her by not escalating more right away. Could be a cultural thing of expecting me to come on strong and stay on strong too. I got her number

I deep dived a different girl in a quieter area. I open energetically again (she's in a group) but she has more of a chill vibe. Perfect. We banter, I throw in a few sexual comments, it's good convo. She's with two friends who found a group of 3 guys and she'll "pair up if she has to" but isn't happy about it. Perfect segue to talk about guys vs girls judgement. how my friends split off because they found someone they truly like instead of being forced to stick with someone they just don't connect with. She likes that ... yet has to go dance with the friends. Group dynamics are a force to reckon with, especially in college. Ah well, I grab her number and move on.

note: this could be great material to loosen a girl's inhibitions around breaking away from her friends. Also gets things on the topic of hookups, social expectations, etc - I'll play around with it.

Best one of the night:
I make strong eye contact while passing a girl coming to the dance floor. She's the hottest I've seen tonight, 1-10 I'd say 8.5. I ask where I know her from (bad form but whatever), exchange brief convo, it's on, she's into me. I introduce myself to her friend and she loves me for it. My girl and I are all up in each other's personal space; I ask if she's single "why would I be here if I wasn't" lol. We dance sexually for 15-20 mins then...nothing. I fucked up by not escalating to a make out or moving her somewhere quiet to talk. She left with friends to the bathroom for a while; I see them outside a few minutes later. I go outside and fuck up again by not going to sit next to them - I didn't want to act like a chump. Instead, I talk to a guy I know who has 3 girls sitting talking to him. one of them (a solid 3) aggressively starts gaming me so I gtfo. Her game was low key good- anyways, I didn't see the girl I danced with again. She did see me standing there though, so she probably assumed I rejected her and left. Didn't grab her number either so I'll just have to hope I see her again. I'm annoyed at myself for losing yet another possible lay to not calibrating attainability well enough; my frame/status could've taken that hit.

I see a girl I got a number from weeks ago. I don't remember what happened (we never texted) but she's with the same friend. We talk very briefly but keep missing each other throughout the night. We pass each other through the bar, each time saying we'll meet somewhere quieter. I find her friend at closing. My girl is a bit closed off; I mention this to the friend and she warms to me considerably as she realizes I'm actually interested in my girl. I see my girl nearby in a mixed group of 6. I go steal her a half step away - lost a bit of frame I guess but worth it for the convo. She seems more interested in me now that I've come to talk to her, which is a good lesson. We agree to meet again where we can talk; she asks if I'll be at the same bar tomorrow. I say maybe and to text me if she goes.

I met some other girl at closing. Got her number but she wasn't all that warm; closing time seems like a great time to reinitiate but not to open.

Also, I got opened by some 18yo I had fun teasing, rizzed some chick who didn't like me right away and watched her friends flip, was sociable and fun in general... in short, great night game practice. Unfortunately, I fucked up and went home alone. Again.

In general, my conclusion is that I need to do a better job of sticking to one girl, especially later in the night.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 1, 2021
The night starts with bad vibes. Tired, wanted to sit down as i've been walking/on my feet for hours, not feeling social, and I don't like this place.

I found a chair near the bathrooms, sat down and looked at my phone for a bit. I read a couple posts from this site and my state starts improving. I put my phone down and sit alone on the chair as people come and go. I talk to no one, don't smile, and simply think on what I want my nights to be like. People start assuming I work there. Do I look weird/out of place? Maybe, but I don't care. You're not in my head, I'm in your head.
In a couple minutes, i'm ready to go meet girls. All it took was a brief rest and a shift in perspective.

I open some girl, actually a good opener for my first of the night, but her friends are already in the process of pulling her away. I bump into her a little later and re engage. She’s cautious and doesn’t bite right away due to social frame; I fix it and things go better. I introduce myself on a high point, keep it fun, and lock in. Her logistics are terrible and her friends come to pull her away again. She's a visiting family member, leaving town tomorrow, and is adamant about staying with her group. I grab her number cause why not and text her a little later but no response.

I rizz up some other girl cause she’s kinda hot although a bit too young for me. use my guys vs girls splitting up non judgmental frame. she likes it and agrees (she’s very attracted) but says repeatedly she won’t leave her friend. They're roommates, she has the wallet phone keys, etc. She was a better opportunity tbh but something about her being young causes friction for my pursuit.

Couple other convos mostly for fun and vibing. It was great practice getting into the vibe and seeing neutral girls go green after a mediocre open.

Next mission: stay with a girl I like and push harder towards leaving together. I seem to move between different girls a bit too much.
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