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thoughts on the adam 22 situiation?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
i see, but i am confused, so she was a porn start only female situations??? or did he married her and do porn with dudes and does not count?

i thought it was the second scenario... my point is she was banging dudes as a porn start, or i am confused...
nahhh she wasn’t. she got into porn through adam22, threesomes and female only, but adam could fuck who he wanted. Not a traditional porn couple in this case


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
nahhh she wasn’t. she got into porn through adam22, threesomes and female only, but adam could fuck who he wanted. Not a traditional porn couple in this case
oh i see... yeah then is all fucked up from here women will see how much they can squeeze and he is allowing her to squeeze and changing dynamics.... NO good bad precedence the clock will tick to break up... total change of dynamics...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
Even crazier…

Jason luv - the guy who fucked Adams wife - came out on an interview and said he fucked Lena better than Adam did

And Adams response has got to be top 10 cringiest things I’ve seen on the internet:

(Skip to 1:14)

He has that half-joking, half-serious tone guys use when they want to press someone but dont have the balls to.

At the end he says “You are now blacklisted from fucking my wife”…

At this point Jason and Lena might make another video just to spite him 😂

Clown world…
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
And Adams response has got to be top 10 cringiest things I’ve seen on the internet:

(Skip to 1:14)
Enough man... wow this entire thread disgusts the shit out of me.

How he tries to come across with his nonverbals as "badass" while basically being cucked and allowing it🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

I am not tuned into these people and their lives but are young people seeing them as rolemodels? This is a serious question


Feb 3, 2020
Enough man... wow this entire thread disgusts the shit out of me.

How he tries to come across with his nonverbals as "badass" while basically being cucked and allowing it🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

I am not tuned into these people and their lives but are young people seeing them as rolemodels? This is a serious question
From what I've seen online, all the social media comments think he's a big cuck and/or feel bad for him


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 1, 2021
Most of the social media comments are negative. But while most regular people find the spectacle off-putting if not disgusting, there appears to be a kind of top-down cultural push to normalize it.

If you google cucking a ton of mainstream outlets support it. Recent article from Cosmo which has a big female audience. CNN, Lifehacker, Yahoo, Psychology Today, Esquire, Men's Health and Call Her Daddy podcast are just a few major sites that came up endorsing this lifestyle. Adam22 (Adam Grandmaison) comes from a very politically well-connected family (his father was pardoned for political graft by Bill Clinton and his uncle was close to Jay Rockefeller) and is often accused of being an industry plant (also has much worse accusations against him), so who knows if he has any kind of bigger cultural agenda than just increasing his money and fame


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Most of the social media comments are negative. But while most regular people find the spectacle off-putting if not disgusting, there appears to be a kind of top-down cultural push to normalize it.

If you google cucking a ton of mainstream outlets support it. Recent article from Cosmo which has a big female audience. CNN, Lifehacker, Yahoo, Psychology Today, Esquire, Men's Health and Call Her Daddy podcast are just a few major sites that came up endorsing this lifestyle. Adam22 (Adam Grandmaison) comes from a very politically well-connected family (his father was pardoned for political graft by Bill Clinton and his uncle was close to Jay Rockefeller) and is often accused of being an industry plant (also has much worse accusations against him), so who knows if he has any kind of bigger cultural agenda than just increasing his money and fame

Reading too much into it. He's based in Los Angeles, California aka the capital of WOKE

I live here too and a lot of the younger crowd adopt far left views just to be cool. I ain't complaining though because I've benefitted from some of the madness.... just google the meaning of upside down pineapple to catch my drift :)


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Well, my 11 year experience with open-relationships has taught me two things:
1) it's always the man who must set the terms from the get go, and enforce them through the relationship
2) it has to be secret society (that's why you never fuck her friends, family members, co-workers, and vice-versa).
The moment it's out in the open, it's over.
Just the fact that she is a porn star with an onlysuckers account, and he is a public person and influencer, doomed it before it even started.
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Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
My thoughts:

I know some pretty legit alpha (not fake insecure try hard alpha like Adam22) that allows their wives to have sex with other men. For whatever reason they get off to it and then they go “reclaim” their woman after. Most claim the sex after that is amazing. Probably something to do with a concept called “sperm competition.”

It’s not something I would do with a girl I’m serious about but I have had MFM threesomes with girls who were just fuck buddies and meant nothing to me and also had FMF threesomes with them too.

While I would hazard to say that most guys who allow their wives or serious GFs to fuck other guys are beta cucks, I know enough legit alpha men who does it that I believe there is more to it for some men.

I have to wonder if porn and taboo fetish has something to do with it for the legit alpha guy who indulge in this.

Guys grew up watching women they were turned on by getting fucked by other men. Have they conditioned themselves to enjoy seeing their women get fucked and derive pleasure from that?

Some men also get off on the rush of doing something taboo. That could play a role too.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
My thoughts:

I know some pretty legit alpha (not fake insecure try hard alpha like Adam22) that allows their wives to have sex with other men. For whatever reason they get off to it and then they go “reclaim” their woman after. Most claim the sex after that is amazing. Probably something to do with a concept called “sperm competition.”

While I would hazard to say that most guys who allow their wives or serious GFs to fuck other guys are beta cucks, I know enough legit alpha men who does it that I believe there is more to it for some men.

What separates the alphas you know vs the supposedly fake ones like Adam22?

I'm genuinely curious on your rational. I dont know how someone could let their wife (not just a fwb, mltr, gf) and mother of their children get fucked by other men and still be considered alpha.

A man could be the most badass person outside of relationships, but if he is cucked in one, he is not considered an alpha in the seduction community. There are tons of men like this.

Why do you call the men you know that do this alpha?

Again just curious, not trying to argue.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Intersting this forum vs nextasf...nextasf 95% of the forum was poly, secret socity dudes... this forum has underlying mw...convos like this would people would be ridicule there...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Well, my 11 year experience with open-relationships has taught me two things:
1) it's always the man who must set the terms from the get go, and enforce them through the relationship
2) it has to be secret society (that's why you never fuck her friends, family members, co-workers, and vice-versa).
The moment it's out in the open, it's over.
Just the fact that she is a porn star with an onlysuckers account, and he is a public person and influencer, doomed it before it even started.
@POB I’m a young buck compared to you (entering my 30s), but have done open relationships before i found PUA as it was what made sense to me.

Was swapping partners with friends in my teens, and have been a bull in others relationships before also. I’m definitely not squeamish about these things nor do i get jealous really.

But one blocker i have when it comes to longer term open relationships is investing in a chick (whether that be through commitment, financially or emotionally) who other guys can then go and fuck for free, without having to deal with the responsibilities of companionship.

Kinda feels like i’d be the one losing in that situation. Is companionship really worth all that? i’d rather be the guy who gets in and out..

As an older guy who’s made that work long term, how do you rationalize this to yourself? what benefits does permitting your committed partner to sleep with other men have over just being a singleton playboy or a monogamous/one-sided monogamous guy?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
My thoughts:

I know some pretty legit alpha (not fake insecure try hard alpha like Adam22) that allows their wives to have sex with other men. For whatever reason they get off to it and then they go “reclaim” their woman after. Most claim the sex after that is amazing. Probably something to do with a concept called “sperm competition.”

It’s not something I would do with a girl I’m serious about but I have had MFM threesomes with girls who were just fuck buddies and meant nothing to me and also had FMF threesomes with them too.

While I would hazard to say that most guys who allow their wives or serious GFs to fuck other guys are beta cucks, I know enough legit alpha men who does it that I believe there is more to it for some men.

I have to wonder if porn and taboo fetish has something to do with it for the legit alpha guy who indulge in this.

Guys grew up watching women they were turned on by getting fucked by other men. Have they conditioned themselves to enjoy seeing their women get fucked and derive pleasure from that?

Some men also get off on the rush of doing something taboo. That could play a role too.
Curious on how these guys make that work, how they maintain their woman’s respect and how they rationalize it also..
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
May 27, 2018
I kinda get it. I mean maybe it's low T from age or whatever but I figure every chick I ever fucked is now fucking some other dude. Girl i'm fucking right now is young, a bartender lol, get the fuck out of here, course I ain't gonna be last cock ever in her.

I almost see "it isn't alpha to have a woman you fucked be fucked by someone else" as like "I need a virgin stripper blonde white girl here in india" mentality.

10 years later it wont matter anyway to stress on it. Hell i've dated actual escorts who go out and fuck multiple dudes, then come back same day and shower, we get wasted and I fuck them. Good times, free whore pussy and booze and living situations even. I don't know them now/still. They don't have my kid and humiliate me about dicks they suck to my family at Thanksgiving dinner lol. I'd be more ashamed to be fucking that land whale ninja turtle at all, game and pride wise, than whatever this cuck business is. From a PUA perspective anyway.

I get that it's a mindset thing for some, but in reality every hole you stick it in is probably rest of your life gonna have had another cock in it recent, or another one after yours.



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Regardless of what is 'alpha' or not, it's pretty clear that this guy is coping hard. I watched a few minutes of an interview with him and the girl and she's sitting back completely in control of the situation whereas he is continually looking for validation from her and making jokes that he doesn't even seem to enjoy making. Him and Will Smith have the same exact vibe.

He does not have her respect in any way whatsoever, or even his own self respect, so I don't think at this point it really matters what he does or doesn't enjoy, the thing has become completely disfunctional for him.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Intersting this forum vs nextasf...nextasf 95% of the forum was poly, secret socity dudes... this forum has underlying mw...convos like this would people would be ridicule there...
pretty "purple pill"

there are not many players nowadays frankly

Most men just want a loyal chick maybe a couple extra lays.

A fair amount of guys here aim for "reformed player" before they become a player period

the rest aren't really interested in the game, influence etc etc truly

"self improvement", status development, social safety and value etc etc

Pussy for pure hedonisms sake aint popular nowadays and saying

I just wanna fuck bitches

prolly already got people about to throw a book at me

but leave her better, be open about your intentions, don't be needy

Adam22 has fallen into these. When he was just a hedonistic dickhead he had tons of followers the chick he wanted and made a "ho" a housewife.

You don't have to do this, but losing your frame and conceding to shit that means little if anything to your desires results in you getting violated.

I just wanna fuck bitches

Maybe you want her soul

maybe you want to develop her

I just want to fuck her

Adam gave up what he wanted and enjoyed and now his whole frame is shit

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
What separates the alphas you know vs the supposedly fake ones like Adam22?

I'm genuinely curious on your rational. I dont know how someone could let their wife (not just a fwb, mltr, gf) and mother of their children get fucked by other men and still be considered alpha.

A man could be the most badass person outside of relationships, but if he is cucked in one, he is not considered an alpha in the seduction community. There are tons of men like this.

Why do you call the men you know that do this alpha?

Again just curious, not trying to argue.
So I’ll use one of my business partners as an example as he is “alpha” by any reasonable standard and also has invited me, and other, to fuck his wife. I declined but anyways…

so I met this dude originally back in 2010. He was into the seduction community too. Talk, jacked, good looking, very confident. He wasn’t rich back then but his net worth is now north of 10 million and might be closer to 15. I know he’s good in bed because we have fucked a lot of the same girls.

So… dude who has fucked a ton of women, is jacked and looks like a movie star, is very confident and charming, is rich, is good in bed. I don’t even like the term “alpha” but I don’t think anyone would agree it doesn’t describe him. He is also very dominant in his relationship. He is the boss and his wife knows it. I’ve been around both of them enough to see that dynamic. Pretty sure they do lots of kinky BDSM shit too. He’s her dominant.

so why does he let her fuck other men? I don’t know. What’s he get out of it? Again, I’m not 100% for sure. Someone mentioned “how could a wife respect a man that shares her?” Idk but since his sharing doesn’t come from a place of weakness I’m sure that plays into it. I can assure you that she respects him. Is that common with all couples where the woman is shared? Probably not.

Sorry I can’t answer all your questions but I don’t know what goes on in his head.