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thoughts on the adam 22 situiation?


Staff member
May 27, 2018
Hell as a popular guru of the time I got TON of ridicule for same arguments. That I really think it's owning her mind not her body, if she can go fuck other guys and come back and still be hooked on you.

I think it's ego that

"man i'm a buck with a big dick. best she ever had, wore that out, I own her pussy and...." Probably not dude, you are probably the guy who falls in love with her and she comes back to me and ghosts you. I'm in her head, you sweated a ton and played porn guy.

I own her cause i'm an drunk shes in love with, and invested in taking care of me and forgiven me for cheating 3 times. Not cause i'm an alpha with a cock that makes her pussy sore. That's 20 year old kid ideas vs reality of influence and control of a chick, blind leading the blind. If you have any experience in LTRs over years, not just a couple etc, vs alpha theory and MRA "dominant man" shit. Women don't fall in love and invest in porn star fucking and alpha males with value. It goes in reverse, where she explains her purchase to herself of why she is invested with this "loser" and the alpha good investment screams "why is she with this fuckin guy?".

Because she's always right, she isn't stupid, everyone is main character in their movie. She wouldn't choose to take care of a 44 year old alcoholic who cheats on her and forgive him and pay for their rent. She would leave him and get a big cock muscle man rich alpha in a minute. To even debate these questions betrays that you don't understand women and game.

(am being sarcastic above paragraph by the way for future reference for totally green guys who don't get it. Investment and explaining who and why shes fucking to herself is more powerful than mens ideas of what women want, to simplify it. Especially comes to dominance and control. Owning her mind, not fantasy of owning her body.)



Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
But one blocker i have when it comes to longer term open relationships is investing in a chick (whether that be through commitment, financially or emotionally) who other guys can then go and fuck for free, without having to deal with the responsibilities of companionship.

Kinda feels like i’d be the one losing in that situation. Is companionship really worth all that? i’d rather be the guy who gets in and out..

As an older guy who’s made that work long term, how do you rationalize this to yourself?
It's very simple honestly: I don''t care.
As long as she is respecting the terms we agreed upon, and not blatantly disrespecting me, I won't waste a second of my day worrying about it.
In the end of the day, if she truly loves you (and you are giving her proper D treatment at home), she will not crave another man's cock.
She will crave YOUR cock.

Now there's a caveat...
From time to time, she will come to you asking for permission to do it.
She will probably want you there to fuck her too, for comfort and safety reasons.
If she is doing it, you know you have done well, and have a healthy open.
But most of the time (like 98%), she will only want you.
Now you, on the other hand, will probably have one or two side chicks who you see regularly.
That's good open in a nutshell.

Some women won't even want another man, ever!
Once I dated a very submissive chick.
She said she understood why I needed other pussy, but as she loved me, she didn't want another man.
Too bad I was not able to love her back, because she was too submissive for my taste.
But she would make a great wife.
what benefits does permitting your committed partner to sleep with other men have over just being a singleton playboy or a monogamous/one-sided monogamous guy?
Companionship with freedom.
Playboys have freedom, but not companionship.
Monos have companionship, but not freedom.

Side note: I would never get serious with any chick below 28, 29.
Too risky in my opinion.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
It's very simple honestly: I don''t care.
As long as she is respecting the terms we agreed upon, and not blatantly disrespecting me, I won't waste a second of my day worrying about it.
In the end of the day, if she truly loves you (and you are giving her proper D treatment at home), she will not crave another man's cock.
She will crave YOUR cock.

Now there's a caveat...
From time to time, she will come to you asking for permission to do it.
She will probably want you there to fuck her too, for comfort and safety reasons.
If she is doing it, you know you have done well, and have a healthy open.
But most of the time (like 98%), she will only want you.
Now you, on the other hand, will probably have one or two side chicks who you see regularly.
That's good open in a nutshell.

Some women won't even want another man, ever!
Once I dated a very submissive chick.
She said she understood why I needed other pussy, but as she loved me, she didn't want another man.
Too bad I was not able to love her back, because she was too submissive for my taste.
But she would make a great wife.

Companionship with freedom.
Playboys have freedom, but not companionship.
Monos have companionship, but not freedom.

Side note: I would never get serious with any chick below 28, 29.
Too risky in my opinion.
This post is spot on with my experience being in several open relationships.

My sweet spot has always to have one main girl and two fuck buddies I see whenever I want.

For the first 5 years after discovering game I basically made its goal to fuck as many women as possible as I was addicted to the rush and thrill of it all. Then I got bigger goals and didn’t have time to go out and meet women all the time so I switched up to the relationship model of 1 primary and 2 FBs.

Like POB, as long as she respects my rules and doesn’t out our business to people, I don’t have the time to sit there and give a shit what she does when I’m not around.

Here is a news flash for people: All relationships are open when she wants them to be; you just may be the last one to find out about it. If she wants to fuck someone else, she will. If she doesn’t, she won’t. Your rules aren’t really going to change her decision either way.

That said, I only date women who are more in the submissive side of things and the vast majority these women agreed to me fucking other women and yet rarely (in many cases with many of the girls, never) did they every sleep with another guy.

If she’s submissive and your fuck both her pussy and her heart in all the best ways, she’s not going to be craving other men.

Here is my best tip for you guys: Find a submissive, open minded, high sex drive bi girl. Be her super dominant alpha male that she wants to please and have her hit the dating apps and pick up girls for you to both enjoy together. Will be the easiest threesomes of your life.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Here is my best tip for you guys: Find a submissive, open minded, high sex drive bi girl. Be her super dominant alpha male that she wants to please and have her hit the dating apps and pick up girls for you to both enjoy together. Will be the easiest threesomes of your life.
Exactly how my shit goes.
Now, you can also find independents and turn them into submissives (this is what I did with my ex).
It's a little bit of extra work, but it's worth it IME (they will "discover" their submissive side and love you even more for giving them that).

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Adam22, Sneako, and Destiny are all huge podcasters with young audiences and they're all cucks.
I had to look that up... Sneako a cuck? Doesn't sound right, my image of him is as a very solid guy. Doing a lot of hardcore colabs recently too.

Looks like he went to some sex / swingers party with his girl and she got fucked by another guy there once. He hated it and they agreed to not do it again. Whereas she liked watching him fuck other girls, they'd done many FFM threesomes together.

Not a cuck in my book if it doesn't turn him on, he tried it once and found he hated it, wanted to stop and the girl complied immediately.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Here is my best tip for you guys: Find a submissive, open minded, high sex drive bi girl. Be her super dominant alpha male that she wants to please and have her hit the dating apps and pick up girls for you to both enjoy together. Will be the easiest threesomes of your life.
This is sort of what I was going for at the beginning of my journey.
I started to think it was unrealistic, until I realized how many girls my age identify as bi.
Getting a fairly close friend who fit all of the above criteria (but who is…geographically unavailable) also made me wonder how many others like her are walking around… ;)
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I had to look that up... Sneako a cuck? Doesn't sound right, my image of him is as a very solid guy. Doing a lot of hardcore colabs recently too.

Looks like he went to some sex / swingers party with his girl and she got fucked by another guy there once. He hated it and they agreed to not do it again. Whereas she liked watching him fuck other girls, they'd done many FFM threesomes together.

Not a cuck in my book if it doesn't turn him on, he tried it once and found he hated it, wanted to stop and the girl complied immediately.
Yea is like now poly dudes equals cuck sub seen this a lot lately


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
It's very simple honestly: I don''t care.
As long as she is respecting the terms we agreed upon, and not blatantly disrespecting me, I won't waste a second of my day worrying about it.
In the end of the day, if she truly loves you (and you are giving her proper D treatment at home), she will not crave another man's cock.
She will crave YOUR cock.

Now there's a caveat...
From time to time, she will come to you asking for permission to do it.
She will probably want you there to fuck her too, for comfort and safety reasons.
If she is doing it, you know you have done well, and have a healthy open.
But most of the time (like 98%), she will only want you.
Now you, on the other hand, will probably have one or two side chicks who you see regularly.
That's good open in a nutshell.

Some women won't even want another man, ever!
Once I dated a very submissive chick.
She said she understood why I needed other pussy, but as she loved me, she didn't want another man.
Too bad I was not able to love her back, because she was too submissive for my taste.
But she would make a great wife.

Companionship with freedom.
Playboys have freedom, but not companionship.
Monos have companionship, but not freedom.

Side note: I would never get serious with any chick below 28, 29.
Too risky in my opinion.
Yea pob agree they usually wont exercise option and if they do is like a dildo...i will add some do when checking out a form of low key shopping around me and @TomInHo were discussing this...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Oh, interesting.

At first I thought this was just a dude married to a porn actress. I was going to be like, “How’s it any different from swinging / open marriage? Some folks just like it that way.”

But actually it wasn’t that at all.

Seems like the gist is:

  • The two are a porn couple. Been together 7 years
  • Dude has shagged hundreds of women together with her
  • She’s never shagged another dude since with him
  • He at last gave her the green light to let another dude shag her
  • At first he felt odd about it / felt jealous
  • Wife talked about how she was “pretty sore” for a few days after getting railed by another dude because his dick was bigger than her husband's (lel)
  • Now husband says it is “hot” watching his wife get shagged by another dude and “if that makes me a cuck, so be it!”
  • Wife is now saying she wants a threesome with two men

I know 100% how this went:

CHICK: [mountains of drama because she’s let him fuck SO many girls and he isn’t letting her fuck ONE guy! WHY does he have to be so insecure about this? They’re in PORN! PLUS it’s going to be such a great business decision! After all, it’s JUST work! SHE doesn’t get insecure about it with HIM! Why can’t he support her in her career?]​
DUDE: [finally caves]​
CHICK: [beaming/proud, bragging about how sore she was to advertise to the world she just cucked the shit out of her husband]​
DUDE: [either needs to accept cuckdom or have a crisis in his marriage. Solution: accepts cuckdom, starts bragging about it and defending wife as she brags about getting plowed]​

It looks exactly like the Will and Jada shit, with Jada going off publicly about how it was having her other man, and how it was justified, and Will just doing his, “Yeah, she’s right, and I had to accept it, it makes our marriage stronger,” prisoner act.

But, yeah.

If you think it’s hot watching your chick get railed, you’re a cuck. That’s what a cuckold is: a guy who gets off sexually on watching a woman who is (supposedly) ‘his’ get taken by another man.

I’ve known dudes who did open relationships and talked to them about it and the normal thing there is the guy just doesn’t think about the chick getting fucked. Like, it is an abstract thing. It happens ‘off camera’ for him and sort of isn’t really real. I had a buddy who was in an open relationship, and his chick once somehow hit her phone inside her purse while she was getting plowed by another dude and dialed my buddy. Buddy admitted he’d never really thought about it, like THOUGHT about her getting stuffed silly by some other dude’s cock, before, but sitting there listening to her moan and get railed made him suddenly feel quite bad (he got over it though and went back to not thinking about it).

(side note: I’m still convinced she did that on purpose. That chick was trying to lock him down… jealousy plot lines work, just not on him)

Regardless, the situation with this Adam dude is totally different from an actual open relationship, or an established relationship where he entered into it the chick already banging tons of dudes and just continuing to do that because that’s her job and they’re both like whatever, she bangs her dudes and I bang my chicks and that’s our work. Not surprised people are flipping out seeing that whole thing aired publicly.

This chick publicly humiliated her man, and the guy just bent over and took it.

I will tell you one thing here... she is just getting started, too.

This chick is going to eat him alive.

This is why I think sex and dating are a zero sum game.

No rules in the wild.

And I guess the mistake was to get attached to someone in a wildcard situation.

The wildcard being the whims of the porn industry

If the industry determines what your relationship is like, shit’s gonna hit the fan eventually

I mean sure it was the girl’s power play to do this, but porn is what gave her the frame to really pull it off.

I don’t know a lot about porn couples, but I do know one couple in porn that had a long relationship, got divorced then remarried

So I think it can be rocky at best, for obvious reasons


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 30, 2015
This is sort of what I was going for at the beginning of my journey.
I started to think it was unrealistic, until I realized how many girls my age identify as bi.
Getting a fairly close friend who fit all of the above criteria (but who is…geographically unavailable) also made me wonder how many others like her are walking around… ;)
my girl gets jealous as hell any time we attempt threesomes


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 1, 2021
I had to look that up... Sneako a cuck? Doesn't sound right, my image of him is as a very solid guy. Doing a lot of hardcore colabs recently too.

Looks like he went to some sex / swingers party with his girl and she got fucked by another guy there once. He hated it and they agreed to not do it again. Whereas she liked watching him fuck other girls, they'd done many FFM threesomes together.

Not a cuck in my book if it doesn't turn him on, he tried it once and found he hated it, wanted to stop and the girl complied immediately.

That’s fair, I don’t know the details super well but saw a video where he said it was “something everybody should do”, which I interpreted as advocating cucking

I also don’t have a problem with swingers, poly people, cucks or any consensual adult dynamic. My problem is more so if the proliferation of these relationship dynamics is the result of culturally encouraged male weakness and demoralization.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2021
Yea is like now poly dudes equals cuck sub seen this a lot lately

I dont think its poly = cuck, its more like...man in relationship bending to the female frame and letting them sleep with other men then realizing they never wanted that. Adam22 and sneako relationship were never full poly to begin with, just threesomes with other women.

If you and your girl are already having threesomes, I just don't get the benefit of verbally telling your gf/wife she is allowed to sleep with other men. I do see a benefit of saying no when she asks if its ok. If someone has a explanation on why this is bad please let me know?

The only reason i would think a guy would enjoy this is if he has a kink for seeing his girl get fucked. But thats literally definition of cuck.

Also someone said freedom + companionship is open relationship. Why don't you just make it monogamous (with threesomes with other women included) and cheat? Or not make her your girlfriend in the first place and stay FWB. Arent females always pushing for the next stage? you can only drag it out for so long?
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I dont think its poly = cuck, its more like...man in relationship bending to the female frame and letting them sleep with other men then realizing they never wanted that. Adam22 and sneako relationship were never full poly to begin with, just threesomes with other women.

^ yeah if this is what happens then there is a problem not matter what type of relationships, if they did not want to do something just bending to frame, does not matter what type of set up it is..... when you are doing 3 somes is poly...

ltr=men and women only
poly= once you introduce a man or women

so 3 somes is poly but i understand semantics...

If you and your girl are already having threesomes, I just don't get the benefit of verbally telling your gf/wife she is allowed to sleep with other men. I do see a benefit of saying no when she asks if its ok. If someone has a explanation on why this is bad please let me know?

because as part of the ss, this should not matter, for example if you go to swingclubs this is normal...

The only reason i would think a guy would enjoy this is if he has a kink for seeing his girl get fucked. But thats literally definition of cuck.
no there are actually ss guys that don't care and is not big deal, guys that are not ss and have hidden maddona whore, used the term cuck as posturing and put down...
Also someone said freedom + companionship is open relationship. Why don't you just make it monogamous (with threesomes with other women included) and cheat? Or not make her your girlfriend in the first place and stay FWB. Arent females always pushing for the next stage? you can only drag it out for so long?
once you are doing 3 somes is not mono is poly... mono means man and women......

a lot of you need to watch my video:



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
my girl gets jealous as hell any time we attempt threesomes
She probably doesn’t meet all or part of the description of “submissive open-minded high-sex-drive bi girl” then. Amirite?

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
I also don’t have a problem with swingers, poly people, cucks or any consensual adult dynamic. My problem is more so if the proliferation of these relationship dynamics is the result of culturally encouraged male weakness and demoralization.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I dont think its poly = cuck, its more like...man in relationship bending to the female frame and letting them sleep with other men then realizing they never wanted that. Adam22 and sneako relationship were never full poly to begin with, just threesomes with other women.

Yeah, exactly.

The 1974 softcore film Emmanuelle has basically the most alpha dude you are ever going to see having other men fuck his chick.

There is this 60- or 70-something dude in the latter third of the movie who takes this young chick who is in an open marriage around, and just gives her to other guys to fuck, then stands back and watches it. She is getting fucked by these dudes, enjoying it, but keeping a close eye on him too, gauging his reaction, checking for his approval, etc. She keeps wanting to fuck him but he keeps telling her "not yet", IIRC he wanted her to be more experienced, dude is just handing her off to dudes then standing by stoically watching. By the end of it she is desperate for this dude to finally fuck her but he is still putting her off.

So, I mean, you kinda wonder if maybe the dude is impotent, or who even knows what his deal is... but never once do you think, "This dude is a pussy." He is taking this woman around, commanding her to fuck these guys... at one point he offers her as the prize for a couple of Thai boxers (both complete strangers to her), and the winner gets to fuck her... he's obvious in total control of her.

It's the same as pimp game, where the guy has a chick who is crazy about him and who is going out, fucking johns, then giving the money to the pimp just because that's what he wants her to do and she wants to keep him happy.

A woman who is devoted to you will fuck other guys if you want her to, and won't if you don't. If she is fucking other men to please you, because it is what you want, then I guess you are engaged in cuckoldry, but you are not 'a cuck'.

A woman who is cucking you will fuck other guys despite you not really wanting her to, and even if you did have guys you wanted her to fuck (e.g., the dudes who do MMF threesomes with their buddies), she isn't going to fuck them unless she herself wants to. If she is fucking other men to spite you and punish you, or just because she is a strong-willed nympho and you simply cannot get her to be the woman you want, and she's got you grudgingly going along with it, you are not in control of one of these most central aspects of the relationship; therefore, in that case, you are a cuck.

@Warped Mindless,

So I’ll use one of my business partners as an example as he is “alpha” by any reasonable standard and also has invited me, and other, to fuck his wife. I declined but anyways…

so I met this dude originally back in 2010. He was into the seduction community too. Talk, jacked, good looking, very confident. He wasn’t rich back then but his net worth is now north of 10 million and might be closer to 15. I know he’s good in bed because we have fucked a lot of the same girls.

So… dude who has fucked a ton of women, is jacked and looks like a movie star, is very confident and charming, is rich, is good in bed. I don’t even like the term “alpha” but I don’t think anyone would agree it doesn’t describe him. He is also very dominant in his relationship. He is the boss and his wife knows it. I’ve been around both of them enough to see that dynamic. Pretty sure they do lots of kinky BDSM shit too. He’s her dominant.

so why does he let her fuck other men? I don’t know. What’s he get out of it? Again, I’m not 100% for sure. Someone mentioned “how could a wife respect a man that shares her?” Idk but since his sharing doesn’t come from a place of weakness I’m sure that plays into it. I can assure you that she respects him. Is that common with all couples where the woman is shared? Probably not.

Sorry I can’t answer all your questions but I don’t know what goes on in his head.

I think a part of the cuck-bull dynamic is that the 'alpha cucks' ('cuck' is not really the right word here) where the woman is fucking other men at her boyfriend's/husband's behest, because it is what he wants, is that the dude gets to feel alpha over both of them: the woman is fucking this other dude because her husband wants her to (she's doing it to please him); meanwhile the bull is fucking this woman because the husband allows it (he is enjoying pussy only at the husband's allowance of it).

That is definitely the feel I got from the old guy in Emmanuelle and I suspect it is the same for any dude who is a dominant, strong dude with a devoted woman who he is pimping out (whether for money or for pleasure) to other men.

The pimp doesn't just rule over his woman. He pushes the johns & bulls around too. They are only there getting their dicks wet because he allows it. He's the alpha in the situation over both parties.

Not my thing personally, but I can grasp the psychology of it. The 'willful, alpha wife-sharer' and the 'grudging, dominated cuck' are basically two totally different classes of men.

This Adam-22 guy is in the latter category.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 4, 2021
Herodotus wrote about a king of Lydia in the 7th century BC, named Candaule, who deliberately showed his naked wife to his bodyguard, unbeknowst to her.

His wife became aware of that, was outraged and asked the bodyguard to kill Candaule to preserve her honor, otherwise she would get the bodyguard killed.

The bodyguard killed Candaule and so ended a long dynasty. He thus became king of Lydia, marry the wife and started a new dynasty.

My theory is that the "show her wife naked" is probably a watered down version of the story Herodotus had actually heard, which likely involved outright cuckolding. And it shows that porn has nothing to do with the fantasy, it existed way before it. The story also contains embedded wisdom: The fantasy can kill a powerful man and destroy his dynasty.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Herodotus wrote about a king of Lydia in the 7th century BC, named Candaule, who deliberately showed his naked wife to his bodyguard, unbeknowst to her.

His wife became aware of that, was outraged and asked the bodyguard to kill Candaule to preserve her honor, otherwise she would get the bodyguard killed.

The bodyguard killed Candaule and so ended a long dynasty. He thus became king of Lydia, marry the wife and started a new dynasty.

My theory is that the "show her wife naked" is probably a watered down version of the story Herodotus had actually heard, which likely involved outright cuckolding. And it shows that porn has nothing to do with the fantasy, it existed way before it. The story also contains embedded wisdom: The fantasy can kill a powerful man and destroy his dynasty.
lol that's a stretch..