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Tinder Tips and Tricks


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
I've only been asked a last name a few times. And I just gave it to them cause idc if they see my FB. But if you don't want them to see it, just make it private. But idk, you can try something like:

I've had some bad experiences giving out identifying information on here. Guys aren't the only ones who are creepy.;p
Let's just save it for the date!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
radeng said:
"last name is, -----, go ahead stalk away creeper;)"

Thats what I say because I know my Facebook will make me look pretty cool.

However, You might could amend it and say "my last name is -----, but I'm sorry to tell you, I don't really fb so you won't get to be a stalker this time ;) guess you'll just have to find out about me the old fashioned way."


A bit of out of topic thing here:

What makes you think your FB makes you look pretty cool?

I'm asking because I thought so some time ago... Then one girl declined to meet saying my pics "posing" were disgusting :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 17, 2015
I've found being polarizing can wake some girls up. Posting moments of Nancy Friday's book is always fun 'cause they don't have to admit they saw it. I sent one page up about some lady talking about listening to a lecturer blabber on and imagining sucking his cock so he can't concentrate on talking. Then she ends with "this has nothing to do with not loving my husband. I do". So it communicates a bit about me lol and a girl who'd til then been a bit too platonic told me the next day that she fantasizes about girls and wants to go to Costco and have me pick up a blonde so we can play with her.

Another one I've done is any time a girl asks if you're a serial killer (happens mostly when asking out REALLY fast without building rapport yet), just say you're a rapist. Every time she just drops the resistance lol it's funny. When planning their logistics and they're vague about their area and ask where I am so we can find a Starbucks nearby, I just give them my address and say which corner bedroom is mine then keep planning the date.

Some girls hate this shit but it screens down to the really fun ones who open up after realizing how nonjudgmental you are.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
This thread is really cool.

I spent a couple days a week ago trying Radeng's, "Hey :) pretty smile" opener and it had the highest return rate of anything I've tried recently, but I had an awful time transitioning into any meaningful banter that would get her hooked into the conversation, even with the liberal smiley usage.

The liberal smiley usage normally gets me put out early or no smileys and the conversation is dead ASAP.

Easy and boring doesn't work as well, but if I get a really smooth and witty line out early I'm golden. I think it has to do with the profile?
My line is "I can grow a beard and I hope you can't." so maybe the girls that swipe right to that are expecting witty and when they get a. "Hey, whats up? :)" They are put off.

Has anyone noticed the effect of matching your profile pictures to your style of gaming girls?

What makes you think your FB makes you look pretty cool?

Radeng was in a frat I believe so he probably has tons of epic pictures and uber social proof.

Side note, if you can get a girl to invest in you at all and then lay down a good chase frame with a smiley.... seems to be very affective.

"last name is, -----, go ahead stalk away creeper;)"

and on the Last name thing.... if a girl asks for your name, you need to reward her investment somehow. Her asking that much from you means she is considering meeting her, unless your really suave denying it will put her off.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 17, 2015
Another interesting thing - my profile's just a string of cities showing a bit of where I've lived. This includes a mountain town and a city with a lot of one dark ethnicity. This has significantly swayed the matches of nature loving girls, but also caused more of the ethnicity mentioned.

So this shows they're worried about racism and believe that I must be comfortable around their type.

The funny thing is without me mentioning it, they don't seem to swipe (likely out of fear).

So the moral of the story for the dark guys (relating to the blonde thread) - don't wait for the bottle blondes to mention they love traveling to exotic locales (though use this as a chase frame if she does). You're acting like a scared little girl who's worried people won't like her.


For everyone else - show the traits you want to attract. I suggest a stove :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 17, 2015
Oh with the last name thing she wants to find your profile or Google search your linkedin profile right? I'd make her work for it, perhaps chase framing and waiting at least one message before giving it up. Could even trade for her middle name (something 95% of people even in real life will never hear).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
About a week ago, I posted a moment asking which of my pics from one of my Photoshoots was most attractive. I had one where I was wearing a Red flannel looking away from the camera. This one won by a large margin. So I switched my main pic to that one. Interestingly enough, I got less matches. I think the reason for that is because my current main pic is of me wearing a tanktop which shows off my muscles.

This communicates that I like to workout/working out is a hobby of mine. Whereas the other more physically attractive one doesn't really say anything about me. So I'm starting to think that as long as its moderately attractive, it might be important to have a main pic in which you're wearing or carrying something which symbolizes a hobby/passion of yours.

So if you play sports/like fitness, do what I did. If you play an instrument, have an attractive pic of yourself holding or playing the instrument. If you're an entrepreneur and enjoy expanding your business, have a pic of yourself in a suit holding a briefcase. And so on. Be creative about how you do it. Just make sure the shot is both a clear picture of what you look like, and it communicates something about your personality.

Just make sure your hobby is not something unattractive. Ex...a main pic of you smoking is probably a bad idea.

Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
This thread proved that some parts of that classical post from OkCupid on profile pics isn't valid on Tinder, but this one is well documented there. I suggest you guys look up that article if you're interested.

They found exactly that: if you are doing something interesting (e.g. playing the guitar) on the profile pic you have more chances of getting messaged back if you're a man or being contacted in the first place if you're a woman.

Still, this is weird, because I'd think that only a subset of the population had interest in fitness for example. So an attractive guy vs a somewhat attractive guy doing something interesting, on Tinder, I'd expect less matches from the second but more warm receptions and more girls with similar interests.

Another thing that I'd consider as well is the location where the pics were taken. For instance, there are trademark places that represent the type (rich, nerdy, alternative, hipsters, etc) of people that generally hangout there; so I tend to have that in mind when looking for places to take pics.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
So, I'm subscribed to an email newsletter from a coaching company I used to follow called The Social Man. Their stuff is pretty good. But GC is just better. At any rate, one of said newsletters showcased three openers from the Tinder program they have over there. They are:

So now that we are “tinder” matches should we just go ahead and get married?

You have a killer smile, it’s the kind of smile that makes me want to be a better man. Hi :)

I would cuddle you so hard, in a blanket fort, whilst we watch Pixar movies...umm...I mean Hi :)

I've already tested the first one out a little bit and it seems pretty effective. So far I've messaged 5 girls with it, and I have a 100% response rate. Obviously, its not a big enough sample size yet, but I think it shows promise. I haven't tried the other two out yet. But I suspect they'll do at least ok if not good. Try these out if they appeal to you guys.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
For girls who are too far away and it would look desperate for you to drive that far just for coffee or drinks (and we're assuming they prob wouldn't drive to you), something which directly asks for sex can work sometimes.

Ex. Hey, my Netflix isn't working. Can I come over and use yours?<---Credit to a friend of mine who showed me this works. Apparently, he got this off some bodybuilding forum. lol.

I only started using this this week and I already got an LR-- off it. I also have another similar date lined up with a girl. She directly asked me to "get a motel and fuck" after I sent her that message.

Tbh, sending girls messages like this seems a little sleazy and very socially calibrated. But I guess there's no arguing with results. haha

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
any thoughts about re-engaging matches from long ago?

I've got about 25 I never opened since last August. I figure those I could do a regular opening.

But I've got a few that I chatted with never switched over to a text exchange. I never unmatched 'em.

Any "reheating" tips?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 17, 2015
Step 1: Notice hiking pictures

Step 2:

Me: Outdoor adventurer eh! Will you meet me for a stroll? (purposely asked rather than demanded compliance)
Her: I do like the outdoors! I could meet for a stroll
Me: Great, I'm free afternoons and on the weekend. Can you meet me either?
Her: The weekend is probably best for me!
Me: Great, plus I'm off Monday. Pick that or Sunday?
Her: What about Sunday?
Me: Sure, late afternoon or evening?
Her: Either! What works for you?
Me: Cool let's do 6 and let me know your area?
Her: Perfect. I'm downtown!
Me: Awesome, meet in [area] and we'll explore [area]
Her: Sure that sounds great
Me: Cool I'll message you ahead [name]!
Her: Awesome

pretty sure she has not had much success getting dates and is in a scarcity mentality. Here's another. Her profile said she'd tell her friends we met in a bookstore

Me: Hey [name], will you meet me at the book store?
Her: If you prove that you're not a serial killer...
Me: So you prefer romance novels to murder mystery
Her: I have no preference, I go with the wind
Her: But realistically, yes :)
Me: Of course, they're all covered with shirtless men
Her: It give a girl unrealistic expectations...
Her: Haha :)
Me: Heh well fantasizing itself can be fun
Her: Yes, yes it can haha
Me: Imaging meeting in the romance aisle
Her: Okay?
Me: Now tell me what day and time you are imagining
Her: Lol. I'm free [blah blah]

Then logistics, including her appointment to get the cat fixed, hiring him a hooker, him defiling her other cat, etc.

Her: It' a date :) or a coincidental, whimsical run in.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
!@Credit to DrexelScott@!- Did you just grab my ass? <---Great opener. Tried it quite a few times now, and its created some very sexually charged convos.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
Things that you might think work but don't:
1. Photos of yourself with other girls.- I even tried to mask that I was trying to show off the girls. I posted a moment of myself in a Halloween costume as Austin Powers (a known ladies man), and had two girls around my arms just to keep up with the theme. Despite that, I got only half the likes I normally do (a good indicator that girls don't find this attractive).

2. Trying to build rapport by relating to EVERYTHING she says.- If she ever talks about multiple things, pick one topic and relate only to it. If you do more than that, your message will probably be a LOT longer than hers, which in turn, comes off as tryhard.

3. Being an asshole. Asshole behavior is great for when you're offline, but directly insulting girls online will only get you unmatched. There is one exception to this rule. Saying something dickish than following up with depreciative/playful humor can help.
Ex. [In her profile, she mentioned, "And no, I'm not a robot, so quit asking me"]
Me: Yeah, you're too ugly to be a robot.
Her: Wow, you're a fucking asshole. Don't message me again.
Me: Ok, I promise to stop messaging you. But first, can I have a Bj?
Her: LOL! Why in the world would I do that? Besides, I thought you said I was ugly.
Me: Well, that's k, cause I have no standards. So we're good in that department. [winking+tongue out emoji]
Her: Oh, that's too bad. I actually only like guys with standards. :p
Me: That sucks. :/
Her: Yep. I guess so.
[Later in the day]
Her: So, what are you up to? [Kissy face]
...and we're off to the races.

Problem is, this is hard to consistently pull off because the way she replies is a very important factor. Plus, many women will just unmatch you instead of replying to your comment. So unless you just want to have fun, I recommend staying away from asshole behavior online. Save that for the date.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Guys, two questions

1. Super hot girls who disappear
I've had two cases recently of super hot girls, like high class hookers level, who first matched, then disappeared a little later (one disappeared the day after after I said hi, the other one a few minutes later without me saying anything). No spam messages whatsoever.
Does it happen to you too, do you think it's spam profiles.. ?

2. Tinder price
I bought the pro version, at a few euros per month.
Now it's at like 8 Euros a month, **ck that, it's too much. Is it the new standard (raised) price or is it higher because I first had it and then canceled?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Bboy100 said:
!@Credit to DrexelScott@!- Did you just grab my ass? <---Great opener. Tried it quite a few times now, and its created some very sexually charged convos.

So the opener would be "Did you just grab my ass", our of the blue, unrelated to anything?

Also one more question I have is about professional pictures: if you do end up looking better in the pictures, wouldn't that be a dampener on your interaction and making some women dislike you once your in arrive in person, and you're now (much, depending on you and the pics) less good looking?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
Yes. That's the first thing I say to a lot of girls. Also, I like to add the "monkey covering its mouth" emoji. But that's just a personal preference.

And in my experience no, girls won't care that you don't look as good IRL. Or if they do, it won't matter by the time the date is over (given that you do a good job). And needless to say, if you do a bad job, being good looking won't save you. So no matter what, it's pretty much irrelevant.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
Sometimes, girls will do this thing where they give very short replies which make the conversation almost impossible to continue.

Ex from earlier today:
Her: It's amazing I love it! And no, I haven't I'm hoping to go this summer with my dad
Me: Oh, that's gonna be hella fun. Europe literally feels like a different world.
Me: is NYC different from Washington <---This alludes to a different thread in the conversation
Her: Very different! <---This is what I'm talking about. This short uninformative reply pretty much kills the conversation and makes it very difficult not to look chasey if you continue to give her long messages.

I used to get very frustrated by replies like this. I'd normally just ask her out and hope she says yes, even if its way too early in the conversation. Or, I'd try to keep the conversation alive. Which usually causes her to put in even less effort and oftentimes, eventually stop replying. The solution is simple: playfully tease her for killing the conversation.


I give that reply a 10/10! ;p
Damn...way to keep the conversation going! ;p

Usually, she'll come back apologizing saying she's busy or w.e. Then the convo will continue as per usual.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013

I was just trying out which pictures work better and I thought it's not as straightforward as it might seem.

​You can't just change a pic and swipe 100 times and then count the matches, and then repeat with a different pic.

Because some girls will NOT see your swipe until a few days later, so your first 100 swipes aren't actually 100 but (much) less?

Also, you can match in the future with a girl who actually saw your pics a week ago and your pics were different from now, but you attribute the "conversion" to your current pics...

So yeah, it seems to me the most reliable way would actually be to keep your pics for a whole month and then count.

Then a month you change, DON'T count anything and begin from the month after, which I suppose nobody does...


Nov 17, 2015
Good evening Gents,
I've been reading up on some of the tips that have been posted. It's been a while that I have been a tinder. I am currently in an open relationship where we monogamous 3/4 of the year and open 1/4 (summer time). With that said, tinder while being in an open relationship is hard. Been on it for a two months, 2 lays, 3 days and 8 matches. Here is what I've found to work and not to work from my past experiences (nearly a year ago) and recently.

Test 1: directly saying I am in an open relationship in my profile => Result: barely any matches
Test 2: instead of directly saying I have an open relationship, say "ethically non monogamous" => Results: more than test 1
Test 3: adding more selfies and better quality pictures => Results: more matches and better quality females
Test 4: using girls profile writing styles to get to them to interact => Results: more successful with older girls (24+) than younger one; more successful in Philly and NYC
Test 5: being witty => if it takes too long, she loses interest => I say ask the number as soon as possible => if she says "let's take more", reduce your emotional investment; if she says "sure", set a date ASAP and capitalize

I've realized something when it comes to tinder. You can either choose to be a witty guy and get a higher response rate, be a direct guy (lower response rates but you won't wasting your time) or be in between (and that takes training).

As a dude in an open relationship, things are bit a harder since most girls aren't into that and if they are, they're skeptical. It's hard out here for a pimp. On the plus side, you don't have to deal with much LTR or anti-slut defenses. Girls, that do believe or don't mind, see you as some free loving person.

(in reference of test 1 and 2 => I have noticed that girls barely read my profile and when they do, they think I am joking about my open relationship status)