Step 1: Notice hiking pictures
Step 2:
Me: Outdoor adventurer eh! Will you meet me for a stroll? (purposely asked rather than demanded compliance)
Her: I do like the outdoors! I could meet for a stroll
Me: Great, I'm free afternoons and on the weekend. Can you meet me either?
Her: The weekend is probably best for me!
Me: Great, plus I'm off Monday. Pick that or Sunday?
Her: What about Sunday?
Me: Sure, late afternoon or evening?
Her: Either! What works for you?
Me: Cool let's do 6 and let me know your area?
Her: Perfect. I'm downtown!
Me: Awesome, meet in [area] and we'll explore [area]
Her: Sure that sounds great
Me: Cool I'll message you ahead [name]!
Her: Awesome
pretty sure she has not had much success getting dates and is in a scarcity mentality. Here's another. Her profile said she'd tell her friends we met in a bookstore
Me: Hey [name], will you meet me at the book store?
Her: If you prove that you're not a serial killer...
Me: So you prefer romance novels to murder mystery
Her: I have no preference, I go with the wind
Her: But realistically, yes

Me: Of course, they're all covered with shirtless men
Her: It give a girl unrealistic expectations...
Her: Haha

Me: Heh well fantasizing itself can be fun
Her: Yes, yes it can haha
Me: Imaging meeting in the romance aisle
Her: Okay?
Me: Now tell me what day and time you are imagining
Her: Lol. I'm free [blah blah]
Then logistics, including her appointment to get the cat fixed, hiring him a hooker, him defiling her other cat, etc.
Her: It' a date

or a coincidental, whimsical run in.