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Went through my girlfriend’s phone and now I’m sorta traumatised


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
when you are in an ltr like the op, there is not demoting, he needs to get out and ghost to move on....

demoting and promoting is with fbs and mltrs when you go into main or mono ltr demoting is no practical... You have to cut contact and move on, specially with onitis...

Mr Mistah

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 13, 2022

Agree with Skills and Dark Knight on this one

OP sounds like he is already in too deep/emotionally compromised

Downgrading her to FWB would work for a while but she'd find a way to weasel herself back into his life because oneitis/emotional investment

If it were me I'd just go no contact


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
@Huge Jack Man,

(that username is hilarious, btw)

Just to reiterate what everyone else has said:

  • Girl is depressed
  • Girl lied that she was not talking to any other guys
  • In fact, not only was she talking to other guys, she was sending nudes
  • Girl continues to lie when asked about talking to other guys
  • Girl comments that the relationship is “a bit too easy”

Why’s it matter if the relationship is “a bit too easy” for her? It’s a quality indicator and a drama indicator. She is used to guys she wants to date dicking her around and not agreeing to monogamy. Is this a girl you met from online? She’s probably trying to date up but consistently getting stuck in the FWB role. Could also be that she usually just goes for bad boys who dick her around a lot and guys who don’t do that to her enough seem too nice and she does not respect them.

Why does her being depressed matter?

The other thing to mention is you only wanted FWB with this girl from the start. Time went by and you didn’t find any girls better than her so you reassessed and locked her down.

What you did here was what I tell guys not to do in this post:

If you can demote her back to FWB and detach your emotions from her while you see other girls, fine.

If not, I agree with the other gents here — set this girl free, so she can send nudes to other dudes to her heart’s content, and not have to lie about it.

If you try going the Captain Save-a-Ho route here, where you feel so sad because she’s depressed, and you rationalize her sexting dudes and lying about it as just a symptom of her depression, where she is crying out for help, and she just needs your sympathy and guidance to help her turn over a new leaf, etc., then you will end up violating another maxim here (which 9 times out of 10 is going to lead to more numerous and more severe traumatic moments for you; so be advised):

Good luck.


Huge Jack Man

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 17, 2023
If you can demote her back to FWB and detach your emotions from her while you see other girls, fine.

If not, I agree with the other gents here — set this girl free, so she can send nudes to other dudes to her heart’s content, and not have to lie about it.

If you try going the Captain Save-a-Ho route here, where you feel so sad because she’s depressed, and you rationalize her sexting dudes and lying about it as just a symptom of her depression, where she is crying out for help, and she just needs your sympathy and guidance to help her turn over a new leaf, etc., then you will end up violating another maxim here (which 9 times out of 10 is going to lead to more numerous and more severe traumatic moments for you; so be advised):
It’s obvious that I have quite a way to go in my seduction journey. As shitty as this experience has been, it’s put into perspective a lot of things that I’ve read on the site and made me realise I need to work on my emotions more and screening process. I thought I was in a comfortable position because I’ve successfully handled FWBs and stuff like that in the past but I still have a lot to work on. The situation has done a little number on me but I’ve been in the process of detaching myself gradually and focusing on myself and meeting up more women
Thank you.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
Every woman knows that a guy who is exclusive to her is dependent on her, for sex obviously and, over time, emotionally as well.
A leader always knows things that other people don't know, or that they don't know he knows, and he may never be able to let them on as he goes about making critical decisions.
Fascinating leadership description


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
Damn, I know this is a kind of an old thread, but makes me happy I'm not in a relationship atm. Curious how this ended up for the OP? Doesn't sound good. If you try to guess what had happened, it looks like it probably wouldn't last long. Just my opinion