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What does it mean: Guys side hugging me in venues


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@Skills seem to mix up the subject here. We are not talking about dudes chatting you up. We are not talking about guys buying you drinks. We are not talking about any of that. We are talking about guys deliberately, or un-deliberately amoging you and putting your arm around a guy's neck is an AMOG.

no i am going by op scenarios and his responses does not look like amog to me, also keep in mind he is on the dance floor this happens, is not amog..what you call mix, it is me giving samples on good vibes stuff.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I am going by op description, it does not seem as amog to me, the video was to illustrate more of a picture of what the op is talking about cause i was confused on the hugh part, i found it strange till coulple of seducers show me those samples it help me picture how the hughs were more or less done...i thought i share for more context cause the hugh part confusing...

This is what I have based myself on:

I find that ALOT of guys (that don’t know each other) will come up to me, alone, with other guys or with their female friends and either masculine side hug me or put their arm around my shoulder.

Sure he also refers to hugs. I personally have not made up my mind about the hugs - I would have to see how the hug is delivered to really assess. What I am sure of is that guy is either amoging or leeching from OP. None are good, but one is clearly worse than the other.

What I am talking about is this specific move (sorry for bad pic).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah the "try your hat" is a clear AMOG. Same with "can I try your jacket" or "try that prop". You never EVER let them try. I noticed also that in the super high end clubs, the top crowd - usually male models, influencers and so on, who wear fancy stuff and tons of props will ALWAYS ignore you when you comment their outfit. Secondly, they will NEVER EVER let you try their stuff.

Same goes with "high value" gay guys - and gay guys for some reason are master frame-controllers. Not sure if they are conscious about it, but at least on some unconscious level, they know that people will try to AMOG them and outframe them. Gay guys will NEVER let you try their cothes or Props. They will give you some sassy response like "you too poor to buy your own stuff honey?".

They never bring it up because they KNOW you will toast them again. They know very well it was NEVER about them trying your hat... so basically, the trying the hat is a pretext, not the actual subject at hand. This is why they don't bring the subject back up. Because the true "subject" is the underlying frame, which is "I want to tool this guy, but he is hard/impossible to tool, and by failing he tools me, and I don't want this to happen".

Many guys actually are VERY conscious about their behaviour. In certain circles - where dominance and "alphaness" is everything, guys will openly admit doing shit like that to tool guys.

There is this club with this guy constantly trying to tool me. At first he was trying to compliment me a lot with "nice jacket dude", "girls must love you with this dude" etc... and then later on try the arm around neck thing. He always got outframed. At some point he snapped and the passive aggressiveness ceased: he would suddenly tell girls in front of my face "this guy is a bullshitter don't talk to him" which clearly backfired. He then went up to me and told me "why can't you just fucking die".

So... yeah... funny when they reveal themselves.

Turns out he is the brother of the head of security. He could technically kick out anyone... but turns out... I know the owner and manager. Oooops. Must be frustrating for that guy!

I usually ignore peacocked dude. Why should I care. Unless I wear a similar style or similar type of jacket, I won't open. If I do, I can open with the "we are on the same level" but I see no point in that.

In nighttime social circle @Mr.Suave (THE EXPERT) distinguishes between "connectors" (key guys who can get you access to things, introduce you to girls, or to other key people) and dead-ends (most guys, those who basically bring nothing). You never waste time on a dead-end.

Why the fuck should I open a guy who peacocks? Unless he is a key guy (a connector, promoter, picker, famous dude etc) i see no points in that. But if he is a key person, I would open indirectly, and after chatting for a while, tell him "hey BTW, looking good tonight" and then exit the set. In this context, it is always well-taken.

If you run up to dudes and compliment them, them will ignore you - this is the case for high value people (celebs, influencers, connectors) I noticed. There MUST be something to it.

I think it is instinctual in the sense that they feel threatened by it - that is at least @Pelusita 's theory.

Not sure this explains every situation. In many cases, other men may simply see you as high value and leech from you (being leeched from usually involves some AMOGING and when that is not the case, you will nevertheless benefit nothing from being leeched on). However, @Pelusita's theory holds true when it comes to very masculine "macho" guys. They hate seeing skinny feminine flashy dude get the girls, when in their circles, attractiveness is (and according to their belief, also "should") be linked to muscles, badassness and "masculine behaviour". This is partly why @Pelusita and I (but also @Maximilian) are careful around bouncers because they totally freak out when they see some flashy "feminine looking" guy get the girls. It shatters their reality.

In the animal world, the flashiest person is usually the leader, and the guy who fucks all the women. Even historically, and still in many cultures, the leaders of tribes etc, wear the flashiest clothes. So there must be something biological and instinctual to it.


Worse case scenario: AMOG
Best case scenario: Leech

(Most of the time: AMOG)

Conclusion is the same.

Also if you let him "leech" he may "accidentally show up" whenever you are in isolation with a girl... and it will be hard to get rid of him since... you are his "friend" now right?

Depends on the venue. In certain venues (where it is a status competition - could be high end or ghetto), or a place with tons of male competition (bad ratio venue), then it is ALWAYS an AMOG.

I'd say the majority of time - even in friendlier venues, it is still an AMOG we are dealing with. Why? Most guys are not intelligent in field, and believing they are is in my book a form of projection. We believe aliances are useful. Most men, actually don't.

Example: Guy is stuck with a 2 set. He can't pull both. But no way that he will make it easy for you to enter that set and take the leftover girl. From a PU perspective, the smart call for the guy would be to befriend and assist you, because you coming in, will help him get his girl. But nope, he HAS to DESPERATELY assert his dominance. It is "his tribe".

I prefer to hit hard because this reduces the chances that he will try again. This strategy leaves an opening for future power-plays by him. If not powerplays, there will be annoyances.

Most AMOGS are not high status people (which is weird why it is called AMOG - as in "alpha male of the group") because high status people don't need to AMOG you. So most guys who status jockey are low value people - and usually what @Mr.Suave refers to as "dead ends".

Thus not worth your time.

Yeah i experience more the leach, i call him the opportunist but leach may be better term...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This is what I have based myself on:

Sure he also refers to hugs. I personally have not made up my mind about the hugs - I would have to see how the hug is delivered to really assess. What I am sure of is that guy is either amoging or leeching from OP. None are good, but one is clearly worse than the other.

What I am talking about is this specific move (sorry for bad pic).

View attachment 314
I see definetely amog... fuck that! @James Cruse you needs to clarify maybe pics


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Yeah i experience more the leach, i call him the opportunist but leach may be better term...

Maybe because you are tall (?), bald and muscular (compared to me you are lol), which may intimidate guys from amoging you? @Pelusita (who is an ex bouncer!) experiences far less amog than I. I have a long hair and a baby face (0 intimidating face at all), no particularily tall, and have 0 muscles (I don't work out... I know I should... I know I should...), so men do not feel physically threatened by me at all (only socially threatened).

Just speculating.

Edit: That said, I have gotten less and less AMOGED after I started using a more intimidating vibe, usually a stare with a poker face. I think my vibe is more intimidating after I acquired certain powers and privileges in the Parisian nightlife. I also learned a lot from hanging in some Ghetto-venues.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Maybe because you are tall (?), bald and muscular (compared to me you are lol), which may intimidate guys from amoging you? @Pelusita (who is an ex bouncer!) experiences far less amog than I. I have a long hair and a baby face (0 intimidating face at all), no particularily tall, and have 0 muscles (I don't work out... I know I should... I know I should...), so men do not feel physically threatened by me at all (only socially threatened).

Just speculating.

Edit: That said, I have gotten less and less AMOGED after I started using a more intimidating vibe, usually a stare with a poker face. I think my vibe is more intimidating after I acquired certain powers and privileges in the Parisian nightlife. I also learned a lot from hanging in some Ghetto-venues.

Yes i brought this point indirectly my refernce of the flower jacket... so i was trying to say the same a bit more tactful, my reference to dynamics.... but the op needs to clarify a bit more pics would be helpful... if it looks like the pic ypu posted is definetely amog..


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Yes i brought this point indirectly my refernce of the flower jacket... so i was trying to say the same a bit more tactful, my reference to dynamics.... but the op needs to clarify a bit more pics would be helpful... if it looks like the pic ypu posted is definetely amog..

I get less AMOGED when I dress "casual" but cool. However, when I peacock, it is a leech and AMOG-fest for the reasons already discussed.

For this reasons, the night where I feel a bit tired and not in state I prefer go more low-key! Also peacocking on low state is bad. With low state you approach less, and imagine being a guy alone in the corner with a sequin jacket! it looks BAD - just outright bad. If peacocked YOU must be in set the majority of the time, else it backfires. Sure, it is easier to be in set when peacocked but some work is required, and when state is so shit that this little work-load becomes "a difficult task" it is wiser to drop the peacock.

Also, approaching while peacocked, while having a meh vibe (bad state) kind of makes the power of peacocking a bit... weird... you are like this flashy dude, with a lame vibe.

Strategic choices.

Anyway, won't derail.

But peacocking is not a cheat-code... that's for sure. It is a technique that is easier said than done to pull off.



Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Maybe because you are tall (?), bald and muscular (compared to me you are lol), which may intimidate guys from amoging you? @Pelusita (who is an ex bouncer!) experiences far less amog than I. I have a long hair and a baby face (0 intimidating face at all), no particularily tall, and have 0 muscles (I don't work out... I know I should... I know I should...), so men do not feel physically threatened by me at all (only socially threatened).
If you are physically imposing or menacing, at least more than the other dude, he will try to diminish your presence using subtle frame grabbing techniques, not blatant amog.
Usually dudes come to me and say something along the lines of me being juiced, or try to paint me as a dumb gym bro.
So they come from a place of inferiority, which is very easy to shut down.

About the neck hugging, the only time a guy did that to me, I punched him so hard on the shoulder he backed off immediately.
Of course I did it with a smile on my face and in a jokingly way.
But you are right, the neck thing must be delt with fast and with energy.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
About the neck hugging, the only time a guy did that to me, I punched him so hard on the shoulder he backed off immediately.
haha, should have broken his shoulder bro.. I joke, I joke... or am I :p

I can remember one encounter where this guy did a neck hugging move to me and it was blatant amog, he was taller and older, but Idid the same move to him while he was using one arm to basically push me down. and I pushed him down instead, I dont think he liked that. That guys entire existence was to amog people though

James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
This happens to me all the time in social events.
What I usually do is put my arm around them too and try to boost their confidence.
Only takes a small compliment:
"Hey, that's a nice shirt man, nice pick..."
Like showing: "you don't need this shit, you are also cool on your own"
After they get their boost, they usually disengage and move on.
This is a double tap, because it shows how cool I am when dealing with annoying strangers.

This is similar to how I’ve been dealing with this so far:

1. Ackowledge them briefly
2. Give them some approval (smile + nod + grab their shoulders back)
3. Send them on their way

Nothing agressive has come out of this and the tone hasn’t been threatening

For context: I’m Australian in a large capital city in Australia.

In Australia, we don’t aggressively amog each other like interrupting a one-on-one conversation/interaction between a male female unless we know them or we’re belligerently drunk/ballsy and willing to fight.

Australian men are far more subtle with their amogging but also subtle with alot of other intentions.
They’re generally smart enough to know aggressive amogging just gets you in fights + kicked out of the venue/possibly banned for life (we have ID camera controls for entry into EVERY club) + you don’t get the girl.
Women here can also see a clumsy amog attempt a mile away, so it’s not really worth it because there’s few upsides and mostly downsides.

The majority of the amogging I’ve received in Australia was either from male (orbiter friends), alpha female obstacles or roided up guys that were too afraid to cold approach the hottest girls in the club and they pull you aside when you’re along and threaten you not to continue talking to those girls.

The point of this post is how to flip what these guys are doing (in a subtle way) and use these events to my advantage to boost social proof in the venue rather than detract from it.

I think rejecting these guys outright when they are doing something subtle and not directly aggressive/threatening would make you look weak, socially uncalibrated and butthurt.
To me, that would be equivalent to a famous person ALWAYS smacking papparazzi’s cameras from their hands EVERYWHERE he goes - surely he’d be gracious and experienced enough after years of fame to deal with these people taking his pictures and talking to him in public.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 14, 2019
Thinking about this as frame control helps as Teevster suggests. Now I think about it, it reminds me of a big brother, little brother dynamic. Ostensibly it is friendly on the surface but in actuality it is a way of asserting superiority as if the person being hugged needs reassurance from someone with more authority.

In a similar manner it reminds of a couple of times when a guy has done a 'friendly' pinch on one of cheeks. Both times it weirded me out and caught me off guard.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Yeah the "try your hat" is a clear AMOG. Same with "can I try your jacket" or "try that prop". You never EVER let them try. I noticed also that in the super high end clubs, the top crowd - usually male models, influencers and so on, who wear fancy stuff and tons of props will ALWAYS ignore you when you comment their outfit. Secondly, they will NEVER EVER let you try their stuff.

Same goes with "high value" gay guys - and gay guys for some reason are master frame-controllers. Not sure if they are conscious about it, but at least on some unconscious level, they know that people will try to AMOG them and outframe them. Gay guys will NEVER let you try their cothes or Props. They will give you some sassy response like "you too poor to buy your own stuff honey?".


They never bring it up because they KNOW you will toast them again. They know very well it was NEVER about them trying your hat... so basically, the "trying the hat" is a pretext, not the actual subject at hand. This is why they don't bring the subject back up again EVER. Because the true "subject" is the underlying frame, which is "I want to tool this guy, but he is hard/impossible to tool, and by failing to do so, he is tooling me, and I don't want this to happen so I stay away".


Many guys actually are VERY conscious about their behaviour. In certain circles - where dominance and "alphaness" is everything, guys will openly admit doing shit like that to tool guys.

There is this club I go to, where this guy (regular) is constantly trying to tool me. At first he was trying to compliment me a lot with "nice jacket dude", "girls must love you with this dude" etc... and then later on he did try the "arm around the neck" thing. He always ended up outframed. At some point he snapped and the passive aggressiveness ceased: he would suddenly tell girls in front of my face "this guy is a bullshitter don't talk to him" which clearly backfired. He then went up to me and told me "why can't you just fucking die".

So... yeah... funny when they reveal themselves.

Straight up lame.

Turns out he is the brother of the head of security. He could technically kick out anyone... but turns out... I know the owner and manager. Oooops. Must be frustrating for that guy!

Haha, that's it. Used to wielding power like a petty tyrant. Pissed off when it doesn't work...

I usually ignore peacocked dudes. Why should I care. Unless I wear a similar style or similar type of jacket, I won't open. If I do, I can open with the "we are on the same level" but I see no point in that.

In nighttime social circle game @Mr.Suave (THE EXPERT) distinguishes between "connectors" (key guys who can get you access to things, introduce you to girls, or to other key people) and dead-ends (most guys in the venue basically: those who basically bring nothing to the table). You never waste time on a dead-end.

Why the hck should I open a guy who peacocks? Unless he is a key guy (a connector, promoter, picker, famous dude etc) I see no point in doing that. But if t turns out that he is in fact a key person, I would open indirectly, and after chatting for a while, tell him "hey BTW, looking good tonight" and then exit the set. In this context, it is always well-taken.

If you run up to dudes and compliment them, them, they will ignore you - this is the case for high value people (celebs, influencers, connectors) - I noticed. There MUST be something to it.

Yep, noticed it too.

Several things I've noticed about other guys who are peacocked (other than yourself), assuming they have social skills and are not dudes playing dress up alone in a corner of the bar somewhere:

  • They are pretty much always hard on the grind (looking to pick up, or looking to meet key people) and treat anyone approaching them as potential/probable interference.

  • If you do talk to them in some smooth/disarming way that has nothing to do with their peacocking, you get short/defensive responses, poor eye contact, inattentive body language -- basically they have a bitch shield on and/or are too busy hunting for their next target to waste time on whoever you might be.

  • If you are doing better than they are with girls, they can be competitive -- I have never had a peacocked guy try to cooperate with me on girls. I have had them try breaking into my sets to razzle-dazzle the chick(s) I was with. At that point you're forced to tool the guy; it's zero-sum.

Same thing has been true of celebrities I've run into, though I think from your frequenting of higher end nightlife scenes you've probably encountered more celebrities than I have.

Actually one of my later-on good friends & wingmen I first encountered peacocked at a club... I did not meet him then though. He was all over the place, until he grabbed a girl and pulled her, then he was gone. Instead I ended up meeting his more chill roommate, getting to know the guy, and befriended them both. I learned chase framing in part from that peacocked guy... but I never would've befriended him trying to approach him in his get-up when he was bouncing all over the club.

I think it is instinctual in the sense that they feel threatened by it - that is at least @Pelusita 's theory.

Not sure this explains every situation. In many cases, other men may simply see you as high value and leech from you (being leeched from usually involves some AMOGING and when that is not the case, you will nevertheless benefit nothing from it). However, @Pelusita's theory holds true when it comes to very masculine "macho" guys. They hate seeing skinny feminine flashy dudes get the girls, when in their circles, attractiveness is (and according to their belief, also "should") be linked to muscles, badassness and "masculine behaviour". This is partly why @Pelusita and I (but also @Maximilian) are careful around bouncers because they totally freak out when they see some flashy "feminine looking" guy get the girls. It shatters their reality (and no befriending will counter act that).

Yeah, that is true. I wrote about the subject of lovers vs. fighters a while back:

Fighters use intimidation to try to remove competitors from the dating pool. When you're getting approached by bigger/macho guys, it's usually going to be a given the dude is trying to remove you via intimidation.

Actually, I'd say the majority of time - even in friendlier venues, it is still an AMOG we are dealing with. Why? Most guys are not (socially) intelligent in field, and believing they are, is in my book a form of projection. We (you and I) believe aliances are useful. Most men, actually don't.

Could be right.

I prefer to hit hard because this reduces the chances that he will try again. This strategy (solution A) leaves an opening for future power-plays by him. If not powerplays, there will be potential future annoyances.

Most AMOGS are not high status people (which is weird that call it "AMOG" - as in "alpha male of the group") because high status people don't need to AMOG you. So most guys who status jockey are low value people - and usually what @Mr.Suave refers to as "dead ends".

Thus not worth your time.



Maybe because you are tall (?), bald and muscular (compared to me you are lol), which may intimidate guys from amoging you? @Pelusita (who is an ex bouncer!) experiences far less amog than I. I have a long hair and a baby face (0 intimidating face at all), no particularily tall, and have 0 muscles (I don't work out... I know I should... I know I should...), so men do not feel physically threatened by me at all (only socially threatened).

Just speculating.

Edit: That said, I have gotten less and less AMOGED after I started using a more intimidating vibe, usually a stare with a poker face. I think my vibe is more intimidating after I acquired certain powers and privileges in the Parisian nightlife. I also learned a lot from hanging in some Ghetto-venues.


If you are physically imposing or menacing, at least more than the other dude, he will try to diminish your presence using subtle frame grabbing techniques, not blatant amog.
Usually dudes come to me and say something along the lines of me being juiced, or try to paint me as a dumb gym bro.
So they come from a place of inferiority, which is very easy to shut down.

Yeah. I have almost never gotten physical AMOGs. It's always verbal.

The only time I have had guys try things with me physically is guys who are huge or guys who are very drunk and in a group. The rest of the time if they are going to try something it is only verbal.

I assume that's thanks to the time I spent in the gym + martial arts training. I haven't been in many fights and prefer to avoid them, but I've had guys who were fighters tell me they wouldn't want to fight me, or "I bet you would fuck me up in a fight... but my friend who's a black belt could probably take you", etc.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
@James Cruse,

All right, that clarifies it a lot.

Aussies are very macho but also very chummy. Sounds like a cultural component to it.

The point of this post is how to flip what these guys are doing (in a subtle way) and use these events to my advantage to boost social proof in the venue rather than detract from it.

I think rejecting these guys outright when they are doing something subtle and not directly aggressive/threatening would make you look weak, socially uncalibrated and butthurt.
To me, that would be equivalent to a famous person ALWAYS smacking papparazzi’s cameras from their hands EVERYWHERE he goes - surely he’d be gracious and experienced enough after years of fame to deal with these people taking his pictures and talking to him in public.

Well, there is this:

  • Dude comes up and wraps his arm around you
  • You turn to him "HEEEEY buddy!" and slap him on the back with your arm or even muss up his hair

Gives the appearance of you being the higher status guy in the pair of friends.

I've done things like this a few times, where you are one-upping him in the friendly enthusiasm, but dislike it because I'd rather just give the guy as little encouragement as possible and just get him out of there, especially if I am talking to a girl. Especially if you are doing solo you will sometimes get guys winging each other where one of them approaches to occupy you while the other works to peel away your girl.

But if your goal is "use the guy", that might be more the kind of strategy you want.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
This is similar to how I’ve been dealing with this so far:

1. Ackowledge them briefly
2. Give them some approval (smile + nod + grab their shoulders back)
3. Send them on their way

Nothing agressive has come out of this and the tone hasn’t been threatening

For context: I’m Australian in a large capital city in Australia.

In Australia, we don’t aggressively amog each other like interrupting a one-on-one conversation/interaction between a male female unless we know them or we’re belligerently drunk/ballsy and willing to fight.

Australian men are far more subtle with their amogging but also subtle with alot of other intentions.
They’re generally smart enough to know aggressive amogging just gets you in fights + kicked out of the venue/possibly banned for life (we have ID camera controls for entry into EVERY club) + you don’t get the girl.
Women here can also see a clumsy amog attempt a mile away, so it’s not really worth it because there’s few upsides and mostly downsides.

The majority of the amogging I’ve received in Australia was either from male (orbiter friends), alpha female obstacles or roided up guys that were too afraid to cold approach the hottest girls in the club and they pull you aside when you’re along and threaten you not to continue talking to those girls.

The point of this post is how to flip what these guys are doing (in a subtle way) and use these events to my advantage to boost social proof in the venue rather than detract from it.

I think rejecting these guys outright when they are doing something subtle and not directly aggressive/threatening would make you look weak, socially uncalibrated and butthurt.
To me, that would be equivalent to a famous person ALWAYS smacking papparazzi’s cameras from their hands EVERYWHERE he goes - surely he’d be gracious and experienced enough after years of fame to deal with these people taking his pictures and talking to him in public.

As much as I really like your intentions, and your good will, remember that the vast majority of men in field has no good intention. It is a kind of "battle ground". The field at night is NOT the real world. It is high school all over again, and in high school it was this battle of everyone against everyone - a bit like Thomas Hobbes' state of nature. The field IS a state of nature.

Now not all of them will be aggressive amogs. Some will just do light amoging, others will simply let you leech. But think about it:
- Aggressive AMOG (arm around your neck/shoulder is and should always be considered aggressive AMOG attempts. This does not mean you have to be aggressive back - as in my book that can make you come off as reactive (that said, aggressive responses, when pulled off right in the right context works too, but just like you it ain't my style).
- Compliments, comments, etc will always depend on the vibe. Sometimes it is an aggressive AMOG and you MUST respond accordingly. If you do not, you will be seen as a low value sucker, and in clubs, they don't get the girls. Sometimes it is a morel light and subtle AMOG and here, some smooth frame control is required. Think of it like a shit test. Now "honest" compliments may be genuine but the guy has no intention of being nice to you for the sake of being nice to you. Remember that, always. He is always acting out of self-interest to benefit. It isn't about you. It NEVER is.
- Genuine compliments, hugs, etc. Could be AMOGs, could be attempts at befriending you. Sometimes it is hard to tell. What you DO know is that it is NOT an agressive AMOG. So you can be "lighter" and"friendlier" in your response...

... but the answer is always the same: you MUST get rid of them. You must convey that "hey thanks dude, but now please leave".

Because they will be leeches. And you do NOT want leeches (dead ends). They will distract you, waste your time, bother you when you talk to girls (they want to leech girls from you), and lower your value - being surrounded and "hanging" with low value men for an extended period of time WILL make you come off as lower value and affect your "social proof" negatively.

Now, there may be cases where high value men approach you (although very unlikely, high value men usually are too busy with their stuff - but it can happen that they walk over from time to them). In these cases be friendly but do not let him "in" until you know for sure he is a connector (able to connect you to events, tables, other key people, girls). If, he is not a connector but a dead end (vast majority of men) as @Mr.Suave calls them, do not engage for more than a minute or two.

The field at night-game DOES NOT reward pity, altruism and generosity.

Either accept things as they are, or let your field experience for you to accept them.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
About the neck hugging, the only time a guy did that to me, I punched him so hard on the shoulder he backed off immediately.
Of course I did it with a smile on my face and in a jokingly way.
But you are right, the neck thing must be delt with fast and with energy.

LOL. I reminds me of @Pelusita who has arms larger than my legs (huge guy) who would just tell amogs "hey you... please just go over there" and the guys obey.
If you are physically imposing or menacing, at least more than the other dude, he will try to diminish your presence using subtle frame grabbing techniques, not blatant amog.
Usually dudes come to me and say something along the lines of me being juiced, or try to paint me as a dumb gym bro.
So they come from a place of inferiority, which is very easy to shut down.

I experience both types of AMOG depending on whether the guy is more physically menacing, or less or equal to me. Both needs to be handled as both can damage your night badly.

The second type always try to opt for some backhanded compliment, or passive aggressiveness.

It is like handling female shit-tests really.

Only difference is that women are much more sophisticated than men. But many men, think other men are on their side. It is some kind of weird "bro code". You will see this in clubs - dude talking to other dudes, and act all friendly.

It is always 100% fake.

You have no friends in clubs .

(Unless they are real friends outside the club! or if they are people you came with).

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Several things I've noticed about other guys who are peacocked (other than yourself), assuming they have social skills and are not dudes playing dress up alone in a corner of the bar somewhere:

  • They are pretty much always hard on the grind (looking to pick up, or looking to meet key people) and treat anyone approaching them as potential/probable interference.

Yes, I have noticed this too. This goes for "high value" LGBTQ+ people who often dress to kill (dress gayish but good), drag-queens (imagine how much a DRAG gets opened per night... go up to him and compliment the drag and you will be shut down asap) or even a high status tranny. Same dynamic as with some high value connector type of girl, social climbers or model, or local celeb (i did not say HOT girls where necessarily like these).

  • If you do talk to them in some smooth/disarming way that has nothing to do with their peacocking, you get short/defensive responses, poor eye contact, inattentive body language -- basically they have a bitch shield on and/or are too busy hunting for their next target to waste time on whoever you might be.

  • If you are doing better than they are with girls, they can be competitive -- I have never had a peacocked guy try to cooperate with me on girls. I have had them try breaking into my sets to razzle-dazzle the chick(s) I was with. At that point you're forced to tool the guy; it's zero-sum.

Same thing has been true of celebrities I've run into, though I think from your frequenting of higher end nightlife scenes you've probably encountered more celebrities than I have.

I have made the EXACT same observations. And usually, in clubs, when I am socially proofed, know the owner, or last night, invited to this boat party (club on a boat, rented by nightlife people - usually exclusive for nightlife staff) and had access to the backstage behind the DJ:

I was out with miss T France last night. She said something very obvious to us, but very smart as we took a cab to the next venue:

"The nightlife is all about your wallet, that is all the clubs care about - either how much you spend, or how much you make people spend, or how many people who spend or can make other people spend you bring into the club" - Miss T France, drunk at 3 am last night.

Basically, if you start befriending too many low value men, who doesn't contribute shit other than being mere "filler" in the club (a picker in Paris said that all those avg joes in the club are "filler" to fill the spots - so basically he will pick those that dress ok and don't cause problem) you can actually be see as one of them. Clubs want high value people to mingle with other high value people. In high end clubs for rich(er) people, they want people who spend, who are connected in X environment to connect, because that will make them spend more. If you spend your time talking to the "filler", you become low value to the club. In clubs where it is all about being artistic, which attract influencers, they want those people to interact with one another, and not have you interact with the filler. If you interact with the filler, you become useless to them - like a dead-end to the club - and dead-ends are low value. You do not want this.

You become who you are associated with.

Even meat markets want cool people who spend, but it will of course matter less.

Of course, this is advanced nightgaming and most guys shouldn't care too much about this until they get their stuff together. Going full-blown cold approach style and get girls from clubs this way is fine. I have done it for years and occasionally still do it - it is an art. But once you start caring about the hybrid cold approach/SC type of night game , which most will once they want access to trickier and exclusive spots, then this is crucial.

Yeah, that is true. I wrote about the subject of lovers vs. fighters a while back:

Fighters use intimidation to try to remove competitors from the dating pool. When you're getting approached by bigger/macho guys, it's usually going to be a given the dude is trying to remove you via intimidation.

I agree with these observations.

Yeah. I have almost never gotten physical AMOGs. It's always verbal.

The only time I have had guys try things with me physically is guys who are huge or guys who are very drunk and in a group. The rest of the time if they are going to try something it is only verbal.

I assume that's thanks to the time I spent in the gym + martial arts training. I haven't been in many fights and prefer to avoid them, but I've had guys who were fighters tell me they wouldn't want to fight me, or "I bet you would fuck me up in a fight... but my friend who's a black belt could probably take you", etc.


Also drunk guys and guys on drugs will do the "arm around shoulder" thing even if you are more intimidating than them.


James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
As Chase said, I’ve very rarely had physical cockblocks that challenged me to a fight physically. I had physical confrontations years ago in clubs when I was young, skinny and hadn’t muscled up yet and wjt with older roided up guys that were too scared to cold approach so were threatened by me or my friends.

Most of the cock-blocking attempts on me now I’m older and more muscular are verbal.

An example of a clever recent Australian cockblock attempt:

These two guys I started talking to in a club a few weeks ago (local Australian guys) told me they knew each other from being on this show, Love Island (Australia) and when I asked what they did for jobs said, “well we don’t work anymore, we’re just paid to make public appearances”

It’s generally well-known that Love Island only casts very tall, fit, good looking guys who then go on to become somewhat famous after they leave the show and make money from being local celebrities.
These guys fit the type - 6’5 tall fit broad-shouldered and good looking guys in their mid 20’s, so they fit the type. Easily the biggest guys in the venue by a long way.

I was curious and asked them when they were on it and they told me.
They asked me if I watched it - I told them “No, never seen it but I know my sister watches it and dated a guy that was on the show a few years ago”.

Anyway, I was having fun and started shouting these guys had been on Love Island to people around and making jokes about it and merging groups with people nearby and telling these new people about these guys being on Love Island.

Anyway, we all talked to a few girls that came over then I continued building my social momentum in the venue by moving on and talking to other people and continuing to merge groups.

Anyway, I moved around and was back later to where these Love island guys happened to be and was leading around a mixed group with me.

Anyway, I introduced this mixed group with me to the Love Island guys and then I moved on to another part of the club with my group.

I pulled a german girl home that I talked to when her friend talked to a guy I had brought to this upstairs part of the club and then I went home with her later.

Anyway, I was talking to my sister and I mentioned I had met these guys from Love Island and told them their names and described what they looked like - she told me they weren’t on Love Island, checked the website and said - see, can you see they weren’t - here’s the photos of the casts.

Sure enough, these dude’s were just trying to tool me into believing they had some status and seeing if I went along with it but it fell flat for them.
I didn’t care and it worked against them because I just used what they said to merge other groups and use it for social fodder for myself. They had very little game so couldn’t capitalise on any of the girls we as a group talked to, so it all benefitted me.

But alot of guys will be tooled by these kinds of tactics in clubs and not even realise it because it’s so subtle. I didn’t even realise they were trying to tool me until much later after I left the club.

I’m 6foot and muscular but these guys were both much bigger than me and anyone else in the club that night and could have tried to physically tool me but tried the subtle route because it’s much less risk to their social value and social capital when it doesn’t work or extremely effective if it does work, without detracting from their own social value.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
@James Cruse,

Interesting experience.

That could just be their "angle" when they go out though.

I mentioned in an article a couple days ago how I went out with a guy once who suggested we "be" doctors or lawyers in our mingling. I had another buddy who was always presenting himself as involved in all these big high status things.

Might not have been an attempt to tool you directly -- they could just be telling that to everyone they meet in clubs to try to make themselves look higher status. "We were on this TV show" "we don't have to work anymore, we're so rich", etc.

(or it could've been... but probably, two tall good-looking guys and they go right to that... probably just their MO: "Yeah we met on Love Island. We don't have to work anymore" -- probably gets them some drunk girls at the end of the night sometimes who don't have the good sense to check up on them like your sister did)


James Cruse

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 5, 2020
Might not have been an attempt to tool you directly -- they could just be telling that to everyone they meet in clubs to try to make themselves look higher status. "We were on this TV show" "we don't have to work anymore, we're so rich", etc.

I agree with this - it may not have been an attempt to tool me directly but I think they would have been ok with it if they did.
I think they were trying it on as a tool but no-one we talked to had actually watched the show so didn’t know/care about it.

I think they thought I was trying to leach some value from them but realised later it was the opposite so never mentioned the sagain.

I think alot of guys get tooled indirectly by other men without realising it - I know I’ve seen that happen alot here in Australia.
This is a video from Fortitude Valley in Brisbane (where I live) where an American is interviewing people about body counts and relationships in the club district where I go clubbing and there’s three guys doing what they did to me in the original post (more drunkly though) to this interviewer and then another guy subtley tooling the interviewer at the end and he doesn’t know what to do:

This is a great example of several ways Australian guys from my city will attempt to tool you, right here in the video. Elijah (the interviewer) doesn’t see it coming because he’s American and clearly hasn’t seen this before. Every guy in this video is trying to tool the interviewer except the guy with the speech impediment.

In fact, the club I was in with the “Love Island” wannabes was in the backround at one stage of this video.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I agree with this - it may not have been an attempt to tool me directly but I think they would have been ok with it if they did.
I think they were trying it on as a tool but no-one we talked to had actually watched the show so didn’t know/care about it.

I think they thought I was trying to leach some value from them but realised later it was the opposite so never mentioned the sagain.

I think alot of guys get tooled indirectly by other men without realising it - I know I’ve seen that happen alot here in Australia.
This is a video from Fortitude Valley in Brisbane (where I live) where an American is interviewing people about body counts and relationships in the club district where I go clubbing and there’s three guys doing what they did to me in the original post (more drunkly though) to this interviewer and then another guy subtley tooling the interviewer at the end and he doesn’t know what to do:

This is a great example of several ways Australian guys from my city will attempt to tool you, right here in the video. Elijah (the interviewer) doesn’t see it coming because he’s American and clearly hasn’t seen this before. Every guy in this video is trying to tool the interviewer except the guy with the speech impediment.

In fact, the club I was in with the “Love Island” wannabes was in the backround at one stage of this video.
@Skills @Chase @Teevster how might you handle the last guy in this video, when he tools the interviewer saying "he needs a sponsor, just look at the price of his t-shirt." I have some thoughts but am really curious your perspectives