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- Jul 6, 2020
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@Chase amazing article as always.
I want to be very skilled at frame control like you mentioned.
Me personally at 19 years old I’d say I’m mid-intermediate at frame control when it comes to seduction, typically with women that already want what I want to some degree.
Reading this article made me understand that everything I’ve ever wanted socially comes down to frame control.
I want to walk in and make people see me as high status, attractive and competent using my frame.
I want make large groups of people and individuals bend to my point of view.
I want to force people to view me a certain way.
I want to destroy people in emotional debates.
I want strong public speaking and influence skills.
I want to be able to change most womens (and men if needed) emotions to what I want.
Its really everything I’ve been looking for.
If you consider how high the skill cap for frame control in seduction can go, then I’m still an absolute newb. I’m average when it comes to other social situations.
Theres still a lot of times when I’m not viewed how I want to be viewed or I’m not able to defend a verbal attack or I reap the consequences of setting a bad frame earlier.
Seems like frame control is made of 3 things:
1. Making people UNDERSTAND what you think - - Good speaking skills. Low amount of filler words or things that can make your message harder to understand. Adept use of analogies and language to make your picture clear.
2. Making people AGREE with what you think
- Not triggering defenses (or triggering them if thats what you need). Deftly handling objections. Having a good understanding of people and psychology in general in order to implant ideas in their minds.
3. BEING someone people want to agree with
- Coming off as a charismatic, high status leader who provides so much value that people want to agree with him.
I’m a noob at all 3 (compared to y’all) but #1 is something I particularly need to get better at.
I’ve been getting better, but my ideas still get lost in translation frequently. The ideas in my head sometimes come out jumbled when I start talking. Its weirdly inconsistent though, like it flows really easily sometimes too.
Is there some kind of regimen or skill-building habits I can start to develop so I can train frame control skills to a mastery level?
I want to be very skilled at frame control like you mentioned.
Me personally at 19 years old I’d say I’m mid-intermediate at frame control when it comes to seduction, typically with women that already want what I want to some degree.
Reading this article made me understand that everything I’ve ever wanted socially comes down to frame control.
I want to walk in and make people see me as high status, attractive and competent using my frame.
I want make large groups of people and individuals bend to my point of view.
I want to force people to view me a certain way.
I want to destroy people in emotional debates.
I want strong public speaking and influence skills.
I want to be able to change most womens (and men if needed) emotions to what I want.
Its really everything I’ve been looking for.
If you consider how high the skill cap for frame control in seduction can go, then I’m still an absolute newb. I’m average when it comes to other social situations.
Theres still a lot of times when I’m not viewed how I want to be viewed or I’m not able to defend a verbal attack or I reap the consequences of setting a bad frame earlier.
Seems like frame control is made of 3 things:
1. Making people UNDERSTAND what you think - - Good speaking skills. Low amount of filler words or things that can make your message harder to understand. Adept use of analogies and language to make your picture clear.
2. Making people AGREE with what you think
- Not triggering defenses (or triggering them if thats what you need). Deftly handling objections. Having a good understanding of people and psychology in general in order to implant ideas in their minds.
3. BEING someone people want to agree with
- Coming off as a charismatic, high status leader who provides so much value that people want to agree with him.
I’m a noob at all 3 (compared to y’all) but #1 is something I particularly need to get better at.
I’ve been getting better, but my ideas still get lost in translation frequently. The ideas in my head sometimes come out jumbled when I start talking. Its weirdly inconsistent though, like it flows really easily sometimes too.
Is there some kind of regimen or skill-building habits I can start to develop so I can train frame control skills to a mastery level?