There's a deep misunderstanding of women here, due to lack of experience with women.
One question to ask yourself is, "Who is this woman with such tremendous self-restraint, and what is the burning motivation she has within her driving her to constantly reject men she finds attractive in pursuit of the objective of keeping herself chaste for many years for an unknown man she has never yet met?" Try to envision this woman, and what her daily life is like, and exactly why she holds so incredibly tightly to this self-denial for years on years on years into her middle 20s.
i.e., charming, attractive Guy A wants to go out with her, but she says, "No! I am saving myself for Dough, who I do not know yet, but someday will. He is out there, and I know it." Then charming, attractive Guy B wants to go out with her, but again she says the same thing. Then Guy C, then Guy D... finally though, one day, years later, she meets Dough, in a chance encounter, and says to herself, "Yes. THIS is the man I have been waiting for. He is the one I have preserved my chastity for, and he is the one I shall give it to." What are these mythic qualities you possess that allows her to recognize in you the thing she was seeking that no other man possessed?
There is also this:
I want to reward one of those women with myself so she doesn't have to settle for an unattractive provider, or get her diligence wasted by a player.
You need to think what you need to think to bolster your own confidence, but... this kind of thinking is simply going to make you adversarial to a place like this.
If you are trying to learn from men you consider to be adversaries, who are "wasting" and "squandering" the precious virgins you desire, there's really not going to be a healthy dynamic, you interacting with such men.
Roosh's forum, after purging men interested in fornication, would almost certainly be a much better fit -- you'll find aligned values, objects, perspectives, etc.:
Discussion of ideas related to meeting women and courtship (dating) for the intention of marriage.
(I'm sure you've seen guides floating around the internet on using frame control to basically rape women that are protecting their chastity, which is especially insidious because they don't have the experience to know how to defend themselves against it)
This kind of thinking ("seduction = rape") is so far afield as to be bizarre.
It also sounds a lot like, "If I have sex with a virgin, it is okay because she actually wants me. If a playboy has sex with a virgin, it is wrong, because he tricked her."
There's just a complete lack of understanding of what is actually going on inside women's heads when they decide to go to bed with a man here.
See this article:
Just received a comment from an anonymous poster in response to a recent blog entry entitled "Baiting vs. Trading Information." I'll repost his/her comment in its entirety here: "Women will be interested in you when you stop treating them as though they are subhuman, or aliens you must develop...