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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I wrote a post a couple of Fridays ago but it didn't go through for some reason, ah well.

I saw L2 (2 fridays ago) and she was actively engaging me as I didn't see her, we did a bit of small talk managed to drop a few seeds that I 'missed her' or appreciated that I hadn't seen her in a while, it was a bit odd in that I was off work last week so seeing her when I did was my last opportunity to see her for a week or so, and the BL was really good, she kinda turned as she left so that she only turned away at the very last minute she had to do so. I changed my usually 2 sec greet and properly did something. I'm trying to give a bit more back and it seems to be ok for now.

I also saw her this morn, a good start to the week about 3 times in about an hour, strange as I'd never really seen her that much in such a short time, and in the same place I'd seen her last time. I know girls sometimes show up where they know you'll be sometimes, just hoping its that a little. I'm starting to really feel when she's not around like something's missing, very strange and not entirely a good thing I think. I want her around more and more these days.

On another note though got 'chatting' to a cute blonde about the same time, strange how I can really focus these days despite being obviously really attracted to L2, who is what I want more than anything; I can still seperate enough to work on new girls, that can only be a good thing.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Saw L2, on her dept.

I really cannot for the life of me understand this. I walks on I was actually looking for her and then In the distance I noticed her or rather I'd noticed that she'd spotted me, she then walks off presumably heading to where she was intending to go orignally. I go into a side area. I'm in there 2 or 3 mins, she approaches me from behind grabs 4 empty plastic cups from the tea trolley next to me, says "hiya flames" noticing she has too many cups and that I'm grabbing for some puts 2 in my hand and walks away with 2 empty plastic cups. If that's not unusual behaviour I don't know what is....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
That being said it shows me 2 things, 1 that her behaviour isn't all that much different that it's ever been, and that in a weird kind of symbolic way she gave me half of her cups :)

I need a plan, I know I can't directly state anything that would blow the magic but she picks up on the things I do and the emphasis I put on doing, so in that way she understands, I'm not sure she's entirely conscious of it though.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I had an interesting thing happen the other day, which goes to show sometimes you never can tell, but sometimes you can...

A girl I've seen around for ages but has hardly ever spoken to me about anything, even when engaged, over the last few weeks has suddenly started talking to me quite a lot. So this has set off my usual attraction radar, so a few days ago I was on her dept and I' notice her 'hanging around' thinking 'oh?' to myself, she plops herself in a chair next to where im standing, and says you know you remind me of a guy from film x. You know how you usually wear that jumper with your collar poking out reminds me of you". So I said oh yeah he does x, no y. She then proceeded to tell me it was on the other day, and she liked it and asked if I liked it? Now that wouldn't be half so weird if I'd been wearing my jumper, fact is I haven't worn it all summer, a good 6 months ago.

She not only compared me to a not unattractive and smart guy from a movie, but she's remembered items I clothing I've worn months before.

I think I've got more admirers than I previously thought. :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I went out clubbing saturday night... I don't do it that often these days because mostly as old age sets in, none of my friends feel like they want to anymore. I on the other hand miss it terribly, clubs are my nirvana there's not a single place I'd rather be. Once that music starts pumping I'm in a different world the chatter in my head calms down and there's a single voice chanting to the music.

There's a very odd thing that goes on when I'm in a club, it's been a long standing rule that when I hit the dance floor all the guys leave and girls start swarming. I've never really been able to put it down to one thing except my utter enjoyment of music. I'm a good dancer, and I'm a sexy dancer. Where it came from is a mystery but I've been told many many times this, sometimes quite randomly. I apparently haven't lost this over time and Saturday was no exception. :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I'm fairly proud of myself today I feel like I'm turning a corner.

Works been a living hell today.

I saw L2 a couple of times yesterday, and I was getting down and negative (mainly because I was tired and grumpy) about her 'responses' so rather than allow it to be a 'bad day'. I made it into a 'good day' by actually going over and having a proper convorsation with her. On reading Chases article today I'm not sure it classes as Chasing. She was lingering, and so I'd made an effort, so who chased who? And does it matter? :)

Anyway it was nice, we seem to be into a phase of eliciting values and sharing vulnerabilities recently, and I still don't go in thinking about what to say. It just comes naturally. Anyway either she's telling me what I want to hear or we are actually very similar people, and more to the point instead of waiting for the right moment I actually created it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
A things have happened in the past week.

Last Saturday I was out with a female friend getting some lunch, when I noticed this pretty waitress (actually quite stunning to be honest) anyway I pick up vibes quite easily these days, but this girl had some really heavy EC an even her proximity stuck me as odd for a waitress. Usually you get either excited, but erratic EC or professional and precise. This girl was tryin to bore into my brain I think, slightly on the uncomfortable side even for me. The vibe was a similar thing to L2 to be honest which just goes to show how there's never just one...Anyway...

Girl G from a post a while back has been doing the odd cold shoulder routine, which I seem to get a lot of like an aura of weirdness that decends. It's been going on a few weeks and I've just been thinking 'oh well' and yet I managed to turn it around without any real effort, and even had us both onto a flirty vibe yesterday with her touching my shoulder. I think I just give off a lot of clear signals with my BL, and women pick up on it. Bit weird but about the only thing I can put it down too.

L2 was looking a bit oddly, at me, across the room the other day. She kind of twitched as if she was going to wave I smiled at her and she stopped. I walked passed her, didn't really say much, but sometimes we don't really need to. It's a very odd thing between us.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I've not really been upto much in the last few weeks, but I went out Friday with a group of friends. Nothing really eventful happened except.

I was sat a table of people just being social, and this girl opposite just straight out asked what I was drinking. I replied and she asked If she could try some, so I said 'sure' and passed it over. I can't remember exactly what happened after except it kinda I fizzled out and I left the table and went to talk to some other friends, but I can't help feeling I could've/should've done a bit more. To be fair I wasn't really 'in the mood' (and I was on my 10th pint) so it's not that big a deal, except something's telling me I made a fuckup :)

Oh well...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I've not posted in a while because I've not really had much to report but here goes.

Things with L2 are pretty much the same, slowly but surely...

I've done a bit of what I suppose is club game. I've actually got a wingman who's pretty good at 'chatting up' which complements my sort of broody/sexy style. I actually without thinking opened a set of about 9 girls (though he wasn't there at that point) but I actually found it really easy and hassle free. Later my wingman opened 2 girls, and I kind of monopolised them both at one point, with one of them majorly shit testing me and TBH I wasn't fazed at all I just looked her right in the eye. I didn't get anywhere with either of them but I was never seriously into club game, just a bit of fun/practice. I could probably run that style all night long. It did surprise me how aggressive (in a pua way) I can be.

I saw Girl V the other day and I really messed up. She approached me with a flirty "HI, I've not seen you for a while". Which really knocked me back, for one that she recognised me, and one that she was that direct (I'd previously had a similar problem as l2, which fizzled out quite quickly). I didn't recognise her at first and I think I probably did one of the worst thing you can do and that is not to match her energy. Consequently she barely battered an eyelash at me when I saw her just now. I'm sure I can probably fix that, might have to break out an apology for being a little slow. I would imagine she thinks I've no idea who she is, girls seem to hate that for some reason :) I actually saw a mate of hers a few months back and we got on quite well, funny how things work out....

Hope everyone had a good new year.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I've not posted in a while (just noticed the 14k views, crazy) so I'll just start by mentioning I actually feel comfortable in myself these days. I've come a long long way and I owe most of it to GC and for that I'll be eternally grateful (or should that be internally?)

So things with L2 are pretty good, she's so much like me it's really strange how much but I've got used to that now and we get on a lot better for it, nothing to report really.

I've seen girl V quite a lot recently and things are a bit odd, as always with me. She keeps trying to grab my attention but she's none into some overly polite mode. As if she's trying to work me out or she's trying to use that as a connection or something. She gives me that rabbit in the headlights look when she's speaking to me. Completely different from the last time I saw her.

Anyway still not much going on. I'm in a LTR at the moment so I'm not that bothered either way.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take