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10 girls a day, 10 lays a year


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
One casual approach
Girl on the way somewhere.
Previously one of the mistakes I often made, was to pre-open her from slightly behind. Not this time.
Better was to move ahead of her a bit, then pre-open. I briefly glanced at her, she looked at me, then I looked at her and open.
I moved her, she moved. Good investment.
Building some rapport. I spoke a bit too much.
I thought I pumped my value too much. I told her I studied in USA, but then I said about my friends.
The impressiveness intrigues, the humbleness disarms.
She had exam, studying college, from another town, freshman, Econ major.
I set up a date after she finished exam, got the number.
She responded to the icebreaker text.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
At the music class
She stared at me.
I initiated. Bring my chair next to her, indirect opener "How long has you been here."
Make she laugh.
Setup a date.
Some rapport.
Get phone number.
After this, I went back to my seat.
Near zero eye contacts, attention.
I forgot her name. I sang, then when I came back I asked for her name, back to my seat, and send the initial radar text.
She caught me up after class, chatting the bit, she objected a karaoke date.
I changed to a coffee date, she agreed.
Icebreaker text: "Hey (her name) it's (my name). Save my number :)"
Her response: "I already saved your number. What's your Facebook?"
At least she responded. Let's see if I can turn this around.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The pickup lifestyle
Too busy these days. I had to integrate pickup into my life.
So I used this guide to read invitations: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/com ... vitations/

Also I found out that, if you used the meeting girls in 10 steps article, here’s what working for me:
After introduction, build light rapport, then tease her, then she will laugh and you move her (or an investment) right at that point.

Anyways, the approach:
I passed the sidewalk, the girl turned her body towards me.
Game was on.
Approaching, direct opener.
Build a bit of rapport, she worked at a research company. I made her laugh a bit.
She said she had to go. Meaning I had to close immediately.
I suggested we get a coffee in the afternoon, after work.
She agreed, we exchanged phone number.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The workout
So today I had some time, going out and approaching 20 girls. They didn't work out.

What happened?
Noon: I walked to lunch, approaching 8 girls on the way.
My read was decent, most girls even when they turned it down was friendly. So I need to improve my awareness, knowing which signs were good, which was bad.
2nd girl was responsive. She went in my way, looking down when I looked at her. She chatted with me for a while, but she wouldn't move.
I was religious about moving girls these days. Not moving girl will result in dead number. Moving girl will result in responsive number. The correlation was just too strong.

Night: I went out 1 hour, approaching 12 girls.
4th girl, sign was really good. She moved ahead of me on the escalator, stood ahead of me. I opened, she was responsive. However, when the escalator ended, a bit of awkward moment, she looked at me and we parted way.
It was the decision making.

Also, later on I had to go to the doctor. I called Uber, and two cute girls came in my way. I didn't approach, because I was about to hop on Uber. I didn't think it was a good decision, because I can cancel Uber, the girls were worth it.
But I didn't worry too much about it. Because if I approached 12 girls, approaching the 13th wasn't that important, don't worry about it. The important thing is to improve the rate. Better read. Having my life together. Capturing on opportunities I have. Initiate new opportunities.

Also in my experience, cutting ventures with low return is important. I used to have a job post, making little money but consuming too much time. I removed it today. It was a good decision.

At the doctor office, I sat down near two girl, one of them looked at me, but then looked sideway. I predicted bad. So I decided to reposition. Sitting at another seat. Girl next to me flapped her notes. I predicted good, she wanted attention. I chatted with her a bit.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Date with 18 years old married girl. End with a cheek kiss.
And today my coworker texted me, I set up a lunch date with her tomorrow.
It was amazing. A full month of dry spell, and then 3 dates in a row.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Date with my ex-coworker. A moral dilemma
This coworker of mine texted me first, I scheduled a lunch date, but later on I rearranged another time for my convenience, and she also wanted us to take a walk on the street, meaning she wanted something more.
I was facing a moral dilemma:
This was work social circle, if I escalated it was going to be messy. Too many control problems. The quality of girls from cold approach was simply better, I also had full control on me and the girl.
But on the other hand, I could learn how to deal with social circle. I could get valuable lessons.
I honestly don't know.
So in the end I just do a lunch date. I can eat while picking her brains at the same time.
I found out she just quit the job this morning, so she was my ex-coworker now.
I broke touch barrier, and when I saw the window, I just skipped it.
This girl's personality, having a strict mother, claiming her personality was just like men, straightforward, only going with her family. This girl would be receptive on a good cold approach.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Can you change someone's mind?
So I had a bit of situation. My cousin just go to quit school, and he was playing video game all day, same as me a year ago. And my aunt sent him over to my house, so I can talk him out of it.
And I thought, "Impossible. I myself is just above failure a notch. I'm a crappy pickup artist, a crappy freelancer, holding a crappy job."
Probably the only way was that I myself become a successful example and inspire people around me. If I cannot convince myself to do it, how can I convince other people?
In the end, well, I was just chill, continue to work on the freelance project. Lead by example.
The principle is: Make people feel important, make people feel special.

Anyways, the approaches:
An American tourist.
She looked around, I predicted good.
Approaching, opening direct.
At the intersection, I said: Let’s cross.
She followed me.
After she crossed I started touching. Timing was good.
She asked where I was going, I said I was just off school. It was a lie, but it worked.
She was about to visit the museum. I led her there.
She was a teacher.
I seeded my house in, it was just a couple of blocks away.
I was talkative, because talkative style suited me more.
Some touch, but not much.
Test: She said, “Your English is good,” I said in a proud tone: “Yes, it is very good.”
In free time, she liked to learn Chinese.
Halfway, I asked for logistics:
Me: What’s your plan for tonight?
Her: I’m going back to my hotel
Me: I want to join
She asked about my plan. I said I was about to meet my friend.
We exchanged number. She took a long ass time to pull out a local number.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The timing training plan
Just read the timing article, and yeah, my timing was really off in the date with the 18 years old. Essentially at the 3rd venue, she was already in the deciding stage, going to the restroom for 15 minutes. And when she went back, she was sold. At this point if only I had the key of my old house, or seeding the hotel beforehand, getting her to a nearby bench, it would have worked out.

Besides, I had an epiphany. So basically I should went into the conversation if I was welcomed. For example, the security guy in the elevator, he was bored, so I was welcomed when I talked to him.
Or at the doctor's office, most of the girls had nothing to do while waiting, so they welcomed a conversation.

Now I'm going to play to win.
Today I just tried out the "Are you single?"

Morning, 4 approaches:
Girl with 2 dogs, looked at me, I returned eye contact, she giggled.
I went indirect, ejected early.
She was right next to my house, that would be a better approach.
Crowded cafe.
A girl was opposite of me. She briefly looked at me, I predicted good.
Now, this was when the “Are you single?” came into play.
I should also use this opener with the girl with 2 dogs.
I asked that, she was married. Still chat with her a bit. She was from another town, coming here to work.

Noon, 5 approaches:
Group of 4 girls
Eye contact, the girl smiled. I predicted good, but tricky.
The first thing I thought, “How can I make the day more exciting for the group”
And I tapped the girl, “Are you single?” I asked.
The girls giggled, she asked “What for?” in a nervous tone.
I said, “for you to know a handsome person like me.”
But it was uncalibrated, it was too player-y the better line should be “for us to know each other”

Evening, 3 approaches:
Girl on motorbike, her friend just got off.
I looked at her, she smiled.
I came near, asking "Are you single?"
She smiled and said, “No, I’m not”
"Are you single?" was not good on street. The "I saw you over there..." was simply superior.

Doctor office, 5 approaches:
In doctor office
A girl borrowed my pen.
She wrote her info standing up. I told her “Sit down, it’s more comfortable”
Best path frame control.
She sat down. Nice compliance.
She turned her body towards me, I predicted good.
Then I chatted with her a bit, she had seen the doctor for 4 months. She went away.
Same as 1st. I got the compliance.
However she went away after that.
Chatting with the nurse, then I turned to her and smile. No reaction. I predicted bad.
Next to a girl, I predicted bad.
In this case, just go indirect. I chatted with her a bit. Then I waited a bit, she re-engaged. I rewarded her by turning my body towards her a bit. Then I moved the interaction forward, transitioning to introduction.
She bites her lips.
I found a bit her info. Studying medicine. I teased her a bit.
Test: “Why don’t you get an appointment”
Me: “I’m lazy”
Her: “You gonna wait for a long time”
Should have reframe, “Thanks to that we knew each other”
Biting her nails. Window.
Asking “Are you single?”
A bit uncalibrated. Should have invited her to coffee. If she didn’t bring that up, game should be on.
She said, “I have a boyfriend.”
I said, “I guess so.”
She disengaged.

So this opener could have some niche uses. Basically use it if I want something between the "I saw you over there..." and the indirect opener.
What I need to train on are awareness/calibration/timing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Back to America, the game continues
Plan 1: The look
I was on the way to the job interview. I had a pink dress shirt. Because it looked good on interviews. It also looked good on pickups.
Most girls gave negative signs. So the plan failed.
Not 0%, there was still 2-3 girls gave positive signs, and I captured one.
So I looked around, see what kind of guys got girls.
Grey tank top.
Blue boxers.
White socks.
Seamless grey shoes.
I couldn't copy muscles (for now), but let see if the look work.
By the way, no shame in copying.
Back in my country, I used to have a special girl. There was a bit of story between us, but actually the last time I visited my country she came straight to my house, so I had no choice but to take her in.
Another girl from our circle came with her, and she copied the look of the (former) special girl. Glasses. Dresses. Even adding makeup to make herself a copy of the girl.
No shame in copying. Do everything to get the man.
Probably I'll play around with a few looks, seeing what stick here.

Anyways, the approach:
Uber, 2 black girls.
The girl said hi, a window, I said hello.
Trading names.
Then we chit chat a bit.
She was opened, so I'd better be interesting.
In college, 2 years. Studying world culture.
I said, "World culture. Very interesting. What do you think about my country?"
Her, "I'm not there yet. What do you think about my country?"
Me, "I had seen Americans on TV. They're very fun ... crazy (she laughs) ... very different"
She was on the way to the tattoo shop. I teased that she probably would get a butterfly tattoo.
She asked where she should put the tattoo on, probably a test. I responded poorly though, saying on the back.
I didn't think I ever got the girl hooked. Only light conversation with some teasing.
I responded to window though. So when she looked at me, I reengaged.
The problem was that I had nothing in common with this girl.
So either I watched the popular shows or I'd have to get to know a lot of people.
She left, the driver said, "Asking for her number, man"
I said, "Ahh, I forgot."


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The robes were the real MVP
So after browsing the street yesterday, I noticed that a few looks work.
I saw a guy in white shirt black jeans black shoes, hands in hands with a girl.
Also a guy white stripes polo black jeans black shoes.

So I made an upgrade:
White robes purple shirt black jeans black shoes.

Anyways, the approaches:
3 Chinese tourists. One of them looked at me and around.
My approach was half-assed however.
Sign: She was ahead of me a bit, then stop and checking her bag
A local American
She looked back and forth at me
I opened immediately
Me: Hello
Her: Hello
Me: I’m _____, you are?
Her: I’m _____, have a nice day
However, after the introduction, she left.
Because I was too boring. Need to say something different, man.
She looked around. Must be good.
Problem was that she was ugly. I went indirect.
So it had to be indirect and interesting.
5 (best)
On the train. I looked at her and smiled beforehand, I just took the seat next to her.
She was talking on the phone, so I just chill on my phone.
I watched her body language, starting negative, then it gradually turned into neutral.
Off the phone.
I initiated.
Indirect, just did the cold read.
Her: No English haha
Me: You probably from Mexico
Her: Yes haha
Then back to her phone, so not interested
Then she was off her phone, looking away. A window, I reengage.
She claimed that she didn’t know English.
The solution? I was going to know less English than her.
I said: “I didn’t know much English, either”
I was the sexy exotic foreigner, I didn’t know English :)
She put out her phone, type in some Spanish in, it translate out to English. We chatted a bit, she laughed a lot, so she was hooked. My non-verbal was on point.
Now I would need compliance. She already laughed a lot.
Then I told her to put out the phone, it would translate for us. She complied, touching me more. I also touched her, fairly well calibrated.
Then we just put in the text to translate between her language and my language.
She had been here 1 year, working. I texted her she could work without English, that’s so good.
We texted back and forth.
She looked out.
How can I close? Use the text. Luckily I did it next round of text, suggesting that we should hang out sometimes.
Then she asked if I went here alone or with family. I texted “alone :)
Then I needed to close. I texted her I was about to get off the train, let’s trade number.
Trading number, I got off the train.
She responded to the icebreaker text.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
What if I got a dry spell
Sometimes no girls gave me signs.
If that was the case, it’s time to focus on 2 other types of power: Wealth and Strength
That will afford me financial freedom and physical freedom. Both are important in and of itself. Both give me a bonus chance to get girls.
And after a while, signs will appear again.

Anyways, the approaches:
At the train station
She glanced quickly at me.
I assumed yellow light.
Then I went into shade, just chill.
She looked at me again.
Green light.
Approach, indirect.
Problem was that I was too boring.
I told her to go into the shade, here was too hot. She said she want to be on the first cabin. We exchanged name.
I asked where was she going. She said some place, I cold read, but it wasn’t true.
On the train
A girl glanced at me. I assumed green light.
She was opened. Better to speak something interesting. Asking where she go. She would go home, I throw out a coffee invite. She said she had a boyfriend, I assumed red light, eject.
3 (best)
Off the train
She turned around, looking at me.
Then she walked right in front of me. Big green light.
She had a headphone, I motioned her lifting up the headphone, she complied. That was a very good opening, a compliance open.
Open, I went direct, it worked well. She stopped right there.
Touching was good, however I touched a bit too little throughout the interaction.
Some compliance, I told her to cross the street.
Throwing out a coffee invite, she said she hated coffee. A test. I said tea. She didn’t say anything.
So get to know her. She was born here, never traveled, dyed her hair red, studying at a local college, having a part time job, and she was going home.
I walked with her a few blocks.
Probably I should gone for an instant date. Or seeding her home in.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The Japanese tourist and her hotel
So right now it‘s going to be a bit slow.
I divided my time equally in each area: Wealth, Strength, Pickup.
I’m building value. I start slow, but once I get the value running I will really get it off.
Also I’m adjusting my game and getting to know the girls here, so most of my approaches was boring (from my perspective), but it was necessary.

Anyway, the approach:
At the bus stop. A girl with shopping bag, looking down a bit. I approached, she opened.
Introduction, I said her name was “Nico” but she said “Rico. R I C O”
It was a good sign, she invested.
I just cold read she was from China.
She was from Japan.
This should be the easiest lay I have ever seen, Japanese men was too shy.
Chatting a bit. She was touring here, going to be here one week.
Then I moved her, “Let’s sit down, over there was comfortable”
She complied.
I seeded my apartment in.
My apartment wasn’t on that bus, but I decided it would be worth it to follow her back to her hotel.
I lied that my hotel was also on that bus.
Bus came, I directed her to the bus, she stood closer to me.

On the bus
There was no two double seats. What should I do?
Get her to a seat, I was in seat back to her.
Decision making. Best path.
Then, I asked where she got off, because it seeded logistics and showing her I was still interested.
After a while the man next her left, she moved in, I moved next to her.
I did the astrology palm reading. I didn’t escalate to holding hands, as I should.
Then the guy standing interrupted, I gave minimal effort, but I did it well.
Then I told her to open the shopping bag, touching her legs a bit. She gave me the sunglasses, doing some role play.
Deep diving.
She worked at department store. Like Korean music. Traveling to some countries.
Some touching.
I balanced talking and silence fine.
At the end, I was extremely nervous. I pictured the conquest, I noticed my palm was shaking. My state control needs work.

Generally the principle should be coming across as high value, not chasing.

Down the bus, I directed her to the hotel. She started talking a lot. She touched my hands a bit, I still not hold her hands.

At the hotel, she suggested we got a drink, then she said she wanted to go shopping.
Now, I made a calibration mistake here. She was uncomfortable. There was a bar in the hotel front, I should took her there.
Then she said she wanted to go to the restroom. I waited, then she said she wanted to go to the hotel desk.
I waited, she left the desk.

After a while, I thought, “I failed. Let’s go home.”
I walked out, about to call Uber, but I thought, “How about give it a try. Go back, waiting 1 hour, if she still not there I will admit failure.”

Then I went back.
She was there.
I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT. I didn’t leave, and that was a good decision.

I directed her to the bar. I looked around, picking a seat. In retrospect, that was a bad seat, because another black girl was nearby. I should pick a reclusive seat.
She said she was going back to her room to put her bags back.

She left, and she didn’t come back after 1 hour. I went to her room, knocking the door, she didn’t go out.

I made too many misplays.
But now I know it
- I already have what it takes to get laid. Need to adjust my game though
- I misplayed this one. It’s fine. Because I’m building value. I’ll become more and more valuable as time goes by, and success will come


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Conversation training
Some normal conversations. Hector’s video on conversation is exactly my sticking point.
I’m the oldest brother in my extended family. If I’m bad and I do nothing to fix my situation, how can I set a good example for my brothers?

Anyways, the approaches:
Wrong read
Usually unreturned eye contact was almost always bad

A pair of Chinese tourists
The girl looked at me, twice. I grabbed food then get back to her.
I said, “Can I join you guys?” She took her bags away, leaving the seats to me.
She said her name, but she didn’t say much.
After a while she put on her glasses and leave.
Hmmm. So she was a nerd, not speaking much English.
Can I build a connection? Or screen?
If not possible, probably test compliance.

If she stared at me, she was testing dominance, meaning I’ll have to come on strong. Using policeman. Bored tone.
If I only approached soft girls, how can I get better?
Read probably was correct, but I came across as low value.

Wrong read

Girl at grocery store, she was stopping instead of passing me.
She was opened, I should have gone direct.

Signs was clear. They talked much when I was near.
Also I was talking on the phone. Social proof helped.
And she looked at me.
Position was bad, I was behind them. But I had to open.
So I opted for indirect, she touched my arm slightly. She also gave a long answer.
That was a sign. Should have moved the interaction forward.
Frankly the bad position was an opportunity. An opportunity to be different. To show value.
But how can I handle bad position?
Deep dive is not going to work, because the high effort to maintain it.
If the position is bad, just find out her logistics, get the date and number, and get out.

Canadian singer
Converse with her a bit. She was going to meet her friend.
Game her was a bit difficult, being interrupted by an old man.
She was in America 3 months, singing somewhere.
Showing her Instagram. I feigned ignorance, however I did it a bit too far.
Should just ignoring that.
Throwing out coffee invite. She said she had a photo shoot tomorrow.
I had seen it before. Don’t ooh and aah on that. Just push logistics.
Me: “The day after that :)
She said her day was packed, so she was legitimately not interested.
Chatting a bit more. I had met an Instagram model 2 days ago, and I died at that point. Not this time.

4 blondes.
Possible, but tough. This game didn’t work here, but I thought my initial look was okay.

She stood close, I predicted good.
I didn’t want this girl, but one of my rule was to open if there was a sign.
So I tested the compliance opener.
Next time, follow the standard process. Say hi, introduction, repartee, moving.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The most forward girl I have ever seen
Black girl stood close.
I predicted good.
Opening, chatting a bit. I asked where was she going. She said she was going out, I said I was going home but in a confident tone.
Logistics a bit, my apartment was far from there, I had to take the bus.
She said she wanted my number.
That was a test for sure. Now handle it.
I said, “Wow, you’re so forward,” still giving the number.
Throwing me off balance, I still got her number, because why not?
Probably text her tomorrow. She had too much control.
She said she would call me later. I predicted 1%, but still if she called I would go to her place right away.

And after a few hours, that 1% happened. She called.
She asked where I was, I said home, about to go to sleep. She asked me to hang out with her.
I asked where she was. Not her home. She was at a place far from here. At night. I assumed it should be a bar or nightclub.
I said let's hang out tomorrow.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The date
The meet:
I was in the white robe red shirt.
Most girls gave negative signs.
Before meeting this girl I thought along these lines,
“It’s fine. My value wasn’t up there yet, but it will go there”
“Check your body language. Check your clothes.”
And then a blonde fashion designer. I noticed that I often got signs from above average girls. Meaning my initial look and value building was in the right direction.
Chatting a bit, she was on the way to make a passport. Her voice was nervous. She proposed a date and tell me to tell her about my country (an excuse, probably).
I calibrated well, she was turning her body into me, so I matched the body language.
I took the number, bidding her goodbye.

The text:
Sending ice breaker text.
She responded after 20 minutes.
Very well, if you are playing the game, I’m playing the game.
Similarity tech: Match her interest.
I responded after 20 minutes, tell her to send me her schedule.
She said she wanted to hang out with me now.
It sounded so similar to the black girl before.
Probably because I was the foreigner, and I dressed well.
Meaning similarity dates went out of the window. I had to do exclusively compliance dates and arousal dates.
But I never underestimate the value of knowing the girl inside and out. The result back in my country proved it. Maybe just be friends with the first few girls, and then I can get girls like her.

The date:
She was waiting 40 minutes for me. I managed attainability to avoid auto rejection.
Similarity was there. She had salad, so I commended her on eating healthy.
I read the window poorly. She complied with seat change requests, and when I wanted to see her ring.
I suggested us to change venue, but she said next time.
Probably just friend.
This girl told me about all the cool places in this city.
But her nervousness was lost, meaning attraction was already lost.
Then she talked about the fashion.
After a while she had to go, I aimed for the second date and bid her goodbye.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The street of New York
I travelled there.

The approaches:
A wrong read, probably.
She stared at me. I approached, but half ass.
Reason was that, “Is it too good to be true?”
This is a young blonde.
So this is a problem.
English tourist
She looked at me, I tripped my feet there.
Laughing a lot. Chase frame
She was with a male friend, however I was confident so it was fine.
Conversation, I forgot to screen and to make a connection
Maybe a good read, but timing and state control was off
She looked at me
Brief chat. Introduction.
However I was too boring in opening stage.
Group standing close too me.
One of them said it was too cold.
I said yeah it’s too cold
Group laughed.
Should have saying something quick then close


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
“It’s too slow”
Meaning my process is inefficient. And I could improve it somehow.

For example, I sat at the mall to work. I could get the work done, and approaching if girls came near me. Two tasks at the same time
I had a theory. Sitting at the food court was better.
Coffee shops was usually not good. Why should a girl go sit in a coffee shop by herself? While girls always need to eat

Also, my lifestyle was somewhat a tradeoff.
I freelanced, so I can: a) travel; b) work in a public place
However I made less money compared to a full-time job, and I didn’t even know if this lifestyle is even going to work. But I will stick to it and make it work.

Anyways, the approaches:
Both girls positioned themselves within my vision. Which was good?
I predicted the girl in white coat. Because she was within my vision, body pointed towards me.
So I approached her friend, going direct.
Introduction and compliance was fine.
Locked in failed however.
Strange. Why did I go against my prediction?
It’s like shooting myself in the foot.
Next time, go with my prediction.
She was positioned in my view on board.
On ship, she looked at me when I passed by.
I came in, opening direct.
She said she was married.
(Meaning: not interested, otherwise she would hide it)
Probably I came across as low value.
Girl looked at me.
I walked by her, checking again.
She looked at me again.
I came in, saying hi, but my voice didn’t come out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Aim for 50% conversation
It had been a long time, I started approaching again.
6 girls, 3 opened.
So my open rate was about 50%.
What is my aim then? What is the training plan?
50% conversation rate at every stage.
50% open. 50% hook. 50% move. And so on.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Voice tone, repartee, and logistics
The goal of high open rate was flawed. The goal should be high date rate.
Right now I want to consistently get dates.
How to open:
- Voice tone: Should be an inviting tone. The purpose is to convey sexual intent and non-neediness.
I made a mistake of using friendly tone, which will lead to high open rate but low move rate.
- Indirect/direct: The purpose is to convey social savviness. Basically using the right thing in the right environment. I actually relied on the voice tone to convey sexual intent rather than the words itself.
Generally I’ll come across as high value with these 2 elements.
How to do repartee:
Formula is: expected followed by unexpected
Example: Me: Where are you going? (Expected), her: I’m going home, me: And you meet an awesome man on the way (Unexpected)
The purpose is to show her social savviness (the expected), as well as making it an interesting conversation (the unexpected).
The rapport phase Hector had a good video, I still trained until I can do it consistently.
How to move: At the intersection was the easiest, you can just lead her across the street.

So there is a strange phenomenon. I botched an approach, and another girl started signal GREEN LIGHT.
It happened to me before on a train, and I captured that opportunity.
Meaning the preselection theory can be wrong.
I had no explaination for it. However if I can consistently pull it off it would be awesome. Because I can approach more girls on my way without worrying that other girls will not like me when they see a botched interaction.

So I had one approach where I had all those elements in place. Still botching at a few places:
In my peripheral.
And a very cute girl as well.
She was drinking something. I asked, then said: “And you meet an awesome man as well”
She said, “It must be my lucky day”
That was a banter. I didn’t need to win all banters, the purpose here is to make the conversation interesting (Repartee phase). Move the interaction forward.
Cross walk turned to green. I said: “Go”, she complied.
She worked a lot.
My response, “It’s good that you work a lot, but you should relax sometimes”
Having some similarity here (I worked hard). And it put my opinion in as well.
Reading book in the free time. Another similarity. Favorite book was Predictably Irrational.
She went with me for a while.
I made logistics mistake there. She was going to Whole Food, I was going to the gym.
In retrospect, I have a few options. First, go to Whole Foods with her (and concealing my gym). It was an okay option, but I would have a hard time leading the interaction. Second, tell her that we’ll meet after my gym time, then exchanging number. I’d pick the second option, it conveyed a lot of attractive things: a) follow my mission (gym); b) social savvy (arranging logistics)
Still throwing out a coffee invite.
She said, “You’re drinking coffee at night?”
I was threw off a bit, saying “Tea”
She said, “You should go to the gym.”
Don’t use coffee invite every time, because out of context, it made her felt less special.