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10 girls a day, 10 lays a year


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
April review and plan for May
In April: 3 dates, one of them I got the girl to the sex location.

So in summary, these will help me get dates:
- 10+ girls per day
- No standard (it means approaching both ugly and beautiful girls. Cast my net wide)
- Green lights
- Tease
- Compliance and deep dive as screening
- Invite
- Overcome objections
As long as I got these elements, I can guarantee a date with sufficient number of approach.

- Social and voice: I go to a karaoke once and attend a voice training once.
If it's something new and you don't feel like do it, just do it ONCE.
- Break bad habits: If I feel the urge, ignore it once.
If you have a bad habit you want to break, just try to break it ONCE.
Then I need to convert it to regular.
Once is better than none. Regular is better than occasionally. Optimizing is better than just wing it. Playing the game to the end is better than stopping short.

More importantly, what to do on dates:
- Pass all tests
- Follow and refine my escalation ladder
- Emotion-based game: I need to create the right emotions. What does it mean? For now let's do something simple.
The next date I get, just try a lot of emotions, and see what sticks.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Be cheesy
Background: I had trouble sleeping, and I’m 155 lbs 20% body fat, so I was fasting recently.
My state isn’t good.
My insight is that if some tactic is cheesy and it works, do it.
The perfect state is a myth. You don’t need that to do the deed. You need to do cheesy stuff that works.
So be cheesy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Finding and befriending naturals
Because that will help a lot.
So what's the plan?

Find them:
- I remembered I used to live in a room. My roommate was a fat black guy. Who banged his blonde girlfriend. Every other night. Hey, if a fat black guy can do it then obviously I can do it.
And another roommate was fairly good with girls.
So certain parts of the city having this kind of roommates.
But my current contract is 2 more months, so this option is not available right away. Thus the next option
- Job: Bartending jobs.
If I can do it part time, at night, it won't conflict. And later on when I got a tech job, I can be the computer guy by day and the sexy bartender at night.

Befriend them:
- Compliment
- Similarity
- Conversationalist

Keep them:
- Buy them a steak
A cheesy plan, but it might very well work.

Today on the bus, girl 1st was hot, I opened, she didn’t respond. I turned to my phone.
As cheesy as it sounds, that tactic worked. She glanced at me twice.
Then girl 2nd, plain, came in my view, so I went for 2nd. Having conversation for the rest of the trip. 1st constantly looked at me, preselection. Then 1st got off, autorejected.
But I thought I should definitely go for 1st without the need to switch. Because I dropped the ball too soon. When the tactic works, just go for her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Talking to guys - The game of asymmetric return
I knew it.
When I started talking to a lot of guys, most of the interactions will go nowhere. But occasionally an interaction will be incredibly valuable for me.
And this morning I talked with an Uber driver, who built his own small business.

He was a programmer, and when he knew I was a programmer, I listened to his story, and learned the traps and pitfalls.
So I did 3 things: Similarity (very important), Compliment (doing infrequently), and Conversationalist.

I didn't ask for his number. Because I had nothing to offer to him. Had I be the sex god, I could exchange that to network with this guy.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013

It appears you've mostly stuck to your goal of opening 10 girls. Congrats! Getting a few dates here and there too. Keep at it and I hope to see you as a Tribal Elder soon! ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016

Thanks man! Right now I'm hustling for a while, so I usually only approach around 1-2 girl a day. When I get richer and have more time, I'd going out and doing both day game and night game