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10 girls a day, 10 lays a year


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Two approaches, one lunch date
Approach A:
She stared at me.
Green light.
I was on the phone interview. No big deal. I stood there, finishing the interview, then open.
Up to repartee was fine.
She hooked.
Some touching.
She was from France, studying here.
I noticed she was impatient. So that was a window. I threw out a coffee invite.
That was unexpected, I didn’t thought a window could happen this early. But she was from France, and only be here for 3 months, probably wanting a quick hookup.
My mistake was skipping steps. The next step after repartee was investment.
Tons of opportunity for that: The colored roll she was holding, for example.

Approach B:
She looked down when she crossed me, but a bit too far away.
After a few blocks, then she changed lane to my lane.
It was a green light.
Approaching, direct, invitational tone.
This girl had a masculine name. A Thor shirt, a skate board. 4 earrings. Bleached blonde.
From Florida, freshman here.
Study psychology.
I threw out a lunch invite, she proposed a different place, I followed her there.
She went to the frat the day before, and she said the men was pervert and they were evil, but some of them were nice.
She merely try to form me an opinion of her.
I didn’t have any response for that.
I chatted with her, because if I understood one girl like that, I could get all girls like that.
Grabbing the phone number, I was her text buddy for a while and then scheduling a date.

Going to be platonic. Friend zone was fine, as long as I use it strategically.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Can't believe I missed this one
A girl, I tapped, asking for direction, she turned it down. My mistake was that I forgot to use the invitation tone.
And then the girl behind me ran next to me, and said "Excuse me," then she told me the direction.
We talked normally.
She scratched her crotch constantly while talking to me. Also she turned her body into me so that was good.
I smiled, and then we parted way.

So I just passed a girl who: a) approach me; b) offer her pussy (maybe)
I wonder if such an opportunity will ever happen again. If it ever happens again I'll definitely capture it.

On the bright note, if I continue improving myself I’ll get more opportunities.
Or maybe those opportunities are in there right in the beginning, I just don’t see it, and capturing those opportunities is the key to improve.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
This month's plan
So yesterday, in one of my approaches, the girl had an adverse reaction.
This sometimes happened, so I just bid her goodbye.
But I accidentally brushed her butt when I got past her.
I was paranoid about it. Having a sexual harassment charge before, I never underestimate how much setback it can have.

So the only solution is to play a conservative hand
But I want to get results too

Let's see if I can come up with some plan


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Ideas for April
- Know when to eject (so I know when to persist)
Chase’s when to eject article helped me find which situations I should get out. This is important to know.
For example, one of my approaches (9th) today:
She looked at me, and when I tapped her, she was scared. Meaning she was weak-willed, and I should eject.
I don’t think I’m a spectacular example of being strong-willed, but yeah, better to be strong-willed and attract strong-willed people.
For example, a girl was strong willed (4th) but I failed her shit test.

- Compliance test:
I was making the habit of issueing compliance test all the time.
Yesterday it succeeded with one girl (on bus, 1st), I didn’t get the date though.

- Act with intent
But eject if things go badly

- Conversation

- Lower my standard
It’s not a magic bullet. I found out that even when I lowered my standards, I still screwed up. Learn faster that way.
The key here is to lower standards on look, but not personality.
For example, I still screened out weak-willed girls, or unnecessary hostile girls.

- Use specific compliment
I think it’s a good exercise, since I’ll be trained to look for specific things in the girls, and make a girl feel special.
So I expect myself to use specific compliment in every interaction

- Voice training: The Invitation voice, self-deprecated, and warm voice
I used to have the default “approval seeking” voice, which worked well in classroom, workplace, and some social situations where I got what I want with that voice.
But I found out when I seduce girls, I can consciously use the seduction voice but I slipped back into the approval seeking voice in the middle.
So my goal is to eliminate that voice completely in my everyday life. Maybe default to warm voice.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Instant date. Sort of
This girl, looked at me, looked away, and looked back at me.
Green light.
Just a specific compliment. I told her I like her coat.
Chatting a bit. I responded well in repartee phase (make it interesting).
Then asking for logistics, she had class in 3, so I told her to grab a quick seat.
She complied and followed me.
(I couldn’t believe it. It worked)
I told her my story.
At the seat though things got awkward because I didn’t touch her early.
Chatting a bit, she had to go.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Jet, the seducer from Thailand
From tomorrow, I’ll use this name in every approach: Jet
And I’m from Thailand.
(I probably will lose Thai girls and girls in my country who can see through this. But that is an acceptable loss, since not many of them are around anyways).

If a girl is in social circle and I have know her for a while, fine, she can have my real name. But not when she is a stranger. Nor that matters anyways, as long as my outer game is on point.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Become cool
I just got a new roommate, and when I got in he offered to clean my bed sheet.
So I have to offer something, maybe buy food. It’s a good habit to offer things.

Last spring, I got into an incident back in my country, and let’s just say I’m uncool, a social drain, and an avoidant.
And I swore to myself it was the last time in my life I’ll be a value drain. Ever.
From that point I swear that I’ll be a value giving person and a cool person.
So yes, I’m going to be cool and build my own circle.

Also for pickup, I think approach and master a few key items each month should be enough.

Anyways, an approach from today:
She turned her body into mine at the beginning, that was good.
Okay, what was my mistake here?
I told her to continue to go. This was bad game.
Reason was that at the beginning she was on autopilot, I tapped her and broke her out of autopilot, when she went she was on the autopilot again.
Instead, I should told her to move a few steps towards the wall. Or grab a seat the opposite of the street.
Other than that, she studied Math, last year in that school.
Also another mistake. She didn’t want to disclose she studied in that school.
Meaning I should not ask. Instead move the interaction forward.
So basically my voice control wasn’t that good while I was walking.
Also a bit incongruent when I spoke my new name (Tanmay) but that was alright, I will get used to it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
A few ideas for improving my current process
1. Maximizing probability (despite discomfort)
This night, I took Uber Pool, with 2 other girls. I assumed they didn't want me.
I felt very uncomfortable, but actually it's good.
For example, last year my economy was good, I often took Uber X. So I travelled alone, as such I never met any girl on Uber. And I was comfortable.
So when I took Uber Pool, 90%, the girls won't want me, I felt uncomfortable. But 10% chance the girl wants me, and something good might happen.

The tradeoff is like this:
Bus/train: Slowest, but highest chance to meet girls.
Uber X: Fastest, but zero chance to meet girls.
Uber Pool: In between.
So pick the right option in the right situation.

Basically I was uncomfortable with failure. But if the option of (99% failure 1% success) is available, I have to take that option.
The comfortable option is simply 100% failure.

2. Min-maxing my life (despite sometimes looking rude)
On the bus, I approached a girl, she wasn't responsive.
If a girl wasn’t responsive, no biggie. Do something useful, like homework or sending resume.
The purpose is to increase my PROBABILITY of getting laid in the future.
NOT to make the girl know her place, because what was the end result? I didn’t get the pussy. If I chased there I didn’t get the pussy, if I was aloof I didn’t get the pussy either. So the best thing to do is to do something that increase my PROBABILITY to get laid in the future.

3. Pre-selection (even if the girl didn't want me, she still had some use)
On bus
I knew from the outlook that she didn’t like me (leg sign), but I still did a courtesy and open her with “Going somewhere exciting?” with an invitation tone.
My rule was that, always at least open the girl, in an invitation tone.
She said somewhat a long and nervous sentence.
But her leg pointed away from me, so I assumed bad.
No big deal. I took out my laptop and do the homework. Better to do something useful.
Then this girl got off the bus.

After a while, the girl in the opposite row moved to my front (in my vision). A yellow light. After a while she turned sideways and looked at me. Green light.
My theory was right. If I approached a girl, in a calibrated way, the other girls seeing that will be inclined to give out signs.
I tapped her, opening direct, “I like the color of your pants. What’s your name?”
Then introduction, I used the name Tanmay.
We were going to the same area.
This was an awkward position (I was in the behind seat, she was in front seat), so I’d better find out the logistics and close fast.
Her objection was her friend was waiting for her.
I said, “Ah, that’s too bad” though I can apply the same attitude (no big deal) to overcome the objection.

Especially the point 1 above, I start to examine why don't I do certain things, that will lead to BETTER PROBABILITY, but will cause mental discomfort / cognitive dissonance. For example:
- Boxing: I used to attend boxing classes, and I was the worst guy there only better than the kids, and if the kids are better than me then the humiliation will be real. But if I do boxing, I have a BETTER PROBABILITY to really dominate if the situation calls for it.
- Singing: I used to sing back in my country, and that improved my results back there. How about do it here? I didn't even speak proper English. But if I sing, I have a BETTER PROBABILITY to have good voice during pickup.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Always overcome at least one objection
In every approach, I’ll overcome 1 objection. Feel free to quit if she still doesn’t respond

I think it might improve my probability a tiny bit.

Specific opener.
“I like your jacket”
Use a lot of teasing here. Now I can build a rapier wit.
Her: You’re studying there?
Me: Right, how do you know?
Her: Because you have a backpack
Me: You have a backpack, you must be a student too (build similarity)
I need a rapier wit.
Her: You are from abroad
Me: You’re correct again, must be a psychic (poking her head)
Her: Where’re you from?
Me: Thailand
Her: Wow I have been in Thailand before, in Chiangmai, you’re from there?
Me: I’m from Bangkok
Her: They’re the same?
Me: They both have beautiful men
Chase frame:
Me: What’s your hobby?
Her: I have no hobby because I have no free time
Me: Everyone has a hobby, I can be yours.
And move test:
Her: I’m going to have an appointment
I’ll overcome the objection at least once
Me: Perfect, let’s grab a seat
(My frame: Okay, okay, I get it, let’s shag)
Her: I’m married
Me: I have met a lot of married women before, don’t worry
It’s probably a crappy way to overcome objection but it’s fine. With multiple approaches that will improve. I even acknowledge that even if I overcome one objection every single time, most approaches still go nowhere, but the probability I’ll get laid will be a bit higher.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Some new ideas to improve
So I read Chase’s email, and indeed I lacked real talk. It’s a little bit outside my comfort zone
Eventually I’ll have to make an emotional connection, but for now let’s keep it simple:
- Find a similarity in every approach
Let’s do it tomorrow.

Anyways, I found a few profound ideas in today approaches:
- Specific compliment is not always good:
She was on my way. Green light.
A definite green light test was to tap her. If she stopped, that was indeed a green light.
Okay, a girl with nothing to compliment on. I just picked the coat and it failed flat.
Look, if a girl didn’t have anything, just tell her she was cute. It was fine to fall back to generic sometimes.
She said she was going home.
At least I tried to tease. It fell flat, though.

- Minmaxing principle: Maximize gain, minimize harm.
The girl, I found out she was a 12th grader. I ejected nicely. No need to mess with the law.
And this didn’t affect me anyways, because I approached 21 girls. Without her, 20 other girls, risk-free.

- Learning is much faster if I lower my standards and go for subpar girls:
Example A:
She picked the treadmill right in my vision, and looking around. Green light.
My minmaxing principle is that, jumping off mine and opening her, if she wasn’t receptive resume my workout.
I told her she was cute.
Her objection: “I’m old enough to be your mama”
That was unexpected, but I had to overcome it, once. I just said: “You’re right”
In retrospect, I should tease: “Right, my sugar mama”

Example B:
A pair of blacks.
One of them stared at me. Green light.
Strangely when I chatted her up, her friend answered. I chatted with the friend a while (pair technique), then finding out they were going to eat, and I proposed to grab a bite.
She said to the friend: “You can have a date with him.”
Let just said my reaction was very uncalibrated. That was fine, I had never seen this before.
In retrospect, this challenged one of my rule: Don’t change target. There is no such rule. If the friend like me, go with the friend.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
One similarity in every approach
So today I tried out a few things:

- The perfect lifestyle: Most tech jobs, if I'm get in enough important position, I can work remotely. The recent interview, they even ask if I prefer working in the office or at home, and I answered at home.
The perfect setup is that I'm working at a coffee shop, and approaching girls passing by. Making money and getting girls at the same time.
The thing is I have to be a trustworthy person. Meaning deliver the results, without supervision.
So I tested it today. I sat at the coffee shop, working on the homework, and approaching girls at the same time. After 1 hour, I felt like my brain was about to explode.
I worked slower than usual, and the approaches also went nowhere.
So in theory it was good, but in the real setting it wasn't so.
But wait. There was a gym nearby, so I can go to the gym, blasting the muscles while my brain rested. Making money, getting girls and getting ripped at the same time.
Isn't it perfect?
So I tried to broke down into 30-minutes segments. 30 minutes working + approaching, 30 minutes in the gym. Much better. Work got done, 28 girls approached, muscles got blasted and a cardio.

- I lowered my standards way down. Grannies and fatties. To my surprise, I had a blast. But, out of 28 girls, two was cute, 22 were subpar, 4 were absolute worst. More cute girls maybe.
In the lowering standard article, Chase said psychopaths had the lowest standards. I probably have to be a psychopath to get good.
Can I both be trustworthy and a psychopath?

- Make one similarity in every approach. And another technique to make the girl feel special. Examples:
Example A:
She turned completely into me so it would be good
Her name was Venus. I told her Venus as in the star?
Okay, one similarity (I drew back in high school), one tease (her clothes), one overcoming objection. And move test.
I talked too much. Need to fix that.

Example B:
Her name was Eva. I asked if Eva like in the Bible?
One similarity, she ate healthy food.
One tease, her clothes were unique.
Her mom was there too. Chatting with her mom a bit, then move test
Her objection: Her Uber was coming
Me: Let’s have a 1 minute quick date.

- Maybe move test was too much of an investment. Example:
I did one similarity, one tease, one overcome, that simply minmax my PROBABILITY.
Persist too much will simply increase probability something bad happened.
However, I had an insight. She didn’t show any interest. When I told her to show me her food, she complied.
Meaning a move test right away was too much investment. So from now on, use a simpler compliance test.

- One thing I was lacking? Certainty.
This I'll definitely practicing next week.
Look. Being dead certain improve my PROBABILITY.

Also the problem is that I has a very low probability on move test. If I recalled, I only succeeded once in the whole week.
Okay, have to have my process down:
1. Check for sign
Green light/yellow light/red light.
In that successful instance, it's a green light, so my read was correct.
2. Get close
3. Tapping her arm
If she stopped, it was high chance. If she continued walking, it was low chance.
This I thoroughly tested.
4. Open
Sometimes I used specific direct, generic direct, or indirect.
Introduction. Now, the majority of girls gave out her hands, it was good. A minority of girl didn't, usually it would go nowhere.
6. Say something interesting / Tease
The purpose here is to shake her out of autopilot, setting me apart from other men.
This I make a regular question, then saying something unexpected.

So for now there is a few alternatives:
- Ask a question, then move test right away, and dealing with possible objection
- Make a similarity, then move test right away, and dealing with possible objection
It performed poorly.
The one that bugged me was a high percentage of girls gave out her hands, meaning the first compliance had the high chance to success. But the second compliance, the move test, had such a low percentage.
Maybe the gap was too big.
I'll try a few other ways, for example:
7. A few get to know you questions. a) If she doesn't tell me about herself, I can tease; b) If she does, I can build similarity.
This step is also a minor compliance test
8. Start touching her on high point (for arousal), then move closer to her.
A bit more compliance
9. Then move test a few feet (if standing up), or making her showing me something (if sitting down)
Higher compliance


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
And by the way, let's make this habit next week:
Invite a girl home in every approach.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
The lesson from lowering my standard
Approaching these ugly girls, I encountered a big cognitive dissonance. But I learned my lesson.
Those girls were rude. But are they? Out of 4 ugly girls, 3 are rude, one is okay. The okay one I met in the gym, the rest on the street or bus.
The one in the gym is the “underdog looking for a way to improve”, so fundamentally she was similar to me, or at least she perceived it that way.

Also, from the emotion standpoint lowering my standard might be a stupid idea. Because I was going on dates with midrange or high range girls, why bother with those girls?
But from the logical standpoint, it is a fairly good ideas. All those girls are in my proximity, might as well open, it’s only a few seconds and it increase my PROBABILITY a tiny bit.

Because as I’m now I lack fundamentals rather than game. So I’m better off do activities to improve my fundamentals, and approaching girls in my proximity. Saving time is crucial.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Making a connection
I thought approaching ugly girls would just resulted in easy lays. But it wasn't, it was just a small increase in probability.
No big deal. A small increase, is a small increase.

Anyways, I started inviting girls home in every approach. Most of it will go nowhere, but one of them will succeed.
She looked at me.
Green light.
Low on compliance, I invited her to my apartment.
Me: Let’s grab some groceries and go cook at my apartment
Her: No, I’m not going to your apartment
I teased: Ah, you’re boring.
Not a good way, but it worked.
She was an artist. I said I used to draw back in high school. This was a subtle way to build similarity:
Her: Any Thai student in your school?
Me: Only me. I’m unique.
She laughed. Because she valued uniqueness, I elicited it.
Then she started trying to impress:
Her: I’m working on a very big project right now?
Me: What kind of project?
Her: A big show. It’s hard to explain.
Me: You must be very happy.
Shit test:
Her: You go to Whole Foods just to talk to people?
Me: I’m talking with you
Her (laugh): You do this a lot
Me: Sometimes
Not a good way, but I deflected it.
Another shit test:
Her: You’re speaking with me to practice English?
Me: Yes. And something more
That’s a good sign. A lot of shit test. I learned a lot.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Instant date. From the gym
I was working my abs. She walked past me, looking at me, and I was still working out. She picked a machine in my vision.
Green light.
I finished the workout, then approaching, opening direct.
In introduction phase, we held hands for a long time,. I didn't release my hands until I detect a slight discomfort from her.
(Meaning this was a VERY good sign)
Me: Let’s grab a bite
Her: Right now?
Me: Right now
And touching her.
Her: Where?
Me: At the corner
She hesitated. I knew such large instant attraction was rare, meaning I had to do the hard push.
Me: This is once in a lifetime. Let's go.
Her: Okay, let me grab my stuff.
Me: Ok, I'm going to grab my clothes

Then I went and grabbed my clothes. The girl I approached earlier come right next to me. Maybe she saw me with this girl and pre-selection kicked in. I wanted to be warm because I'd run into her again in the gym.
I told her, "Lower your head a bit" in a warm tone.
She complied. I should have said thank you.
She looked slightly resented. That was the best I could do.

I grabbed my clothes, going out. She was waiting there.
I led her out.
I asked her name again. She also asked for my name again, and she wanted to know how to spell it.
Me: T-a-n-m-a-y
My first escalation was holding hands, however I did it way later. This was exactly where I should do it.
We went to the coffee shop in the next building. The clerk was not there.
I can turn it into my advantage:
“No one’s here. Let’s go outside.”

Then going outside
We chatted a bit. I asked for her hobby.
Me: What's your hobby?
Her: Video game
I thought she told me that because she thought that was what I wanted to hear. Meaning her ideal men was a strongly defined preference.
I dabbled a little bit in this topic, then expanding it.
Me: I'm into a lot of stuff. Health and computing.
She vibed on health, having been in the gym one year. Her reason was that it felt good. Meaning she was based on feelings.
Other than that, she was studying vet at the local college. She liked animals. Living there her whole life. Meaning I won't use the travel stories. Just teasing her she must know all the secret place.
Now, what kind of identity should I used? Art, exotic, or authority. She never asked what country I was from until I mentioned it, and it was brief, meaning it was useless here.
In retrospect authority was good.
She had a foreign roommate.

Then I told her to go to the building next door. The elevator didn't work, I told her to take the stairs, it looked spontaneous. We went on the top.
We was at the top watching sunset. A window.
I told her, "Let's make a memory" and hold her cheek.
She said, "No, I'm not ready for this."
I overcome it with this, "It's once in a lifetime."
She said, "It's too early, I only had one boyfriend before."
Frankly I thought it was bullshit. I was back to chatting.
Her parents was from a country in South America. She said she was shy. I related on that one a bit. I told her I used to be shy back in Thailand, but then when I came here I was much bolder because my friends and family didn't watch (girls can relate on that).

Then I told her to move to the other corner, holding hands.
More chitchat. I escalated again. Failing.

Then I told her to move to another corner, and I escalated again. Failing.
She said, "Not tonight"
I asked her what was the previous boyfriend looked like. She didn't elaborate on that, meaning: a) She didn't want to say what I didn't want to hear, b) The boyfriend was just ordinary.
I assumed it was (b) and cold read on that. She was silent.

She said she and her previous boyfriend didn't even kiss.
It might be a lie, it might be a truth. But that meant I had already failed the Chad test.

Still telling her to stay 5 minutes. Escalate one more time, she still resisted, and I let her go.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
1. The stop test / come here test, and the hand holding test.
The stop test:
If I tapped her, and she wouldn't stop, meaning she isn't interested. Next immediately.
But if she didn't stop right away, it was a maybe. I'll do the "come here" test.
I'll tell the girl to come closer. If she do come closer meaning it is a green light.

The hand holding test
In introduction phase, if the hand holding is short, meaning she is just polite, if it’s long she was interested.
And I'll slightly pull her in as well, if she doesn't resist it's a big green light.

So if the girl passed both tests, I assumed they were real green lights.
For example:
It’s a strange case.
She passed the “hand holding test”
But she said, “I’m not interested” in a sultry tone when I asked her out.
In retrospect, this is a test. I could say: “I’m not interested in you, let’s get to know each other.”
So these case of “nonverbal interested, verbal disinterested,” It’s in fact very good.

Big green light. She passed the handholding test as well.
Get the number and I commanded her on it.

Hand holding test was very good, but I overdid it. Next time calibrating it down.

She was closing in me.
Green light.
Use specific opener.
She passed both the stop test and the handholding test.
Okay. One similarity, one tease, one overcoming.

What I need to do: Building rapport
Let's just say if the girl passed both tests, she was interested, I can build a lot of rapport and ask her out / home.
If it's not, then I'll use this rule: One tease, one similarity, one ask, one overcoming objection,

2. Overcoming objection
So from my approaches, if a girl objected that she had a boyfriend, or she needed to go somewhere else, it was 100% failure, at least it was based on every approach I did. Obviously I should next her immediately.
But I still overcame it one time. Why? There are several benefits:
- Reaction: Mostly when I overcome an objection, some of the girl will laugh, and it create positive PRESELECTION for me.
- I had girls who went on dates but started objecting when I held her hands, or let me touched her breasts but start objecting when I went for the kiss, or letting me kiss but started objecting when I went for the pussy. My point was that objection may came up early, or late, but it will come out at some point. So I'd rather train that skill in every approach
- Build a rapier wit

3. 80/20
So in the gym, I'm the tryhard screaming while lifting weight.
This might make me less attractive to girls, but it will help me get muscles.
(Although the last date proving that getting girls are still possible).

In class, I'm the tryhard answering every question and make a lot of question.
This might make me less attractive to girls, but it will help me get good grades.

In work, I'd try every possible tactics to do my jobs and moving ahead.
I valued wealth and strength equally to girls.
Those venues are 20% of the girls. 80% of the girls are on the street.
What does it mean? It means that whether I get girls in those venues or not, I don't care. I don't need a process to get girls in class or get girls in work or get girls in the gym.
And that I should divert most of my mental energy to refine my street game.

4. How can I apply asymmetric return to business?
Talk with everyone
Most of it will go nowhere, but a very few of them will result in a business opportunity.

For example:
At night, I took the Uber, and an old woman was the driver.
What surprised me was her voice was like a girl in her 20s, and this woman was in her 50s.
She never watched TV, and I vibes on that. She said most people said she worked hard, but she just need to do it.
I built similarity on that too, going to the gym everyday.
She was a school developer, and she said she was the only girl in high school to go to math, then other stuff.
And she said she had an app idea she always wanted to do, and she wanted me to code her app.
This. I’m tempted to say “I’ll do it if you pay me” but it sounded rude, so I asked her to elaborate on the idea.
She told me she wanted to keep it secret.
I kept silent.
After a while she buckled. She wanted a dating app.
And then another rider came in.

5. Procrastination
It's strange.
Last week I said I'd join a singing group. It would vastly increase my voice fundamental and my social fundamental (by having a social circle), which is my weak points.
But I still didn't do it.
To put it bluntly it's unacceptable. I'll do it for real within one week.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Singing group outing
Why is this important?
I cold approached quite a lot. At least 300 girls a month.
Meaning if I improve even 1% on any kind of results (hooking, dates, lays), it's quite significant.

My stronger fundamentals are body and fashion. My weaker fundamentals are voice and social.
This social group fixed both my weaker fundamentals. So this kind of group is very important.

Its downside
1.5 hours going by bus from my apartment.
However I can mitigate it with doing my tasks on the bus or approaching.

- Be social
- Sing every single time
A couple of hours per week, just be social and sing.
I intend to make its low pressure. Why? Because I have this problem

The shut-in problem
I used to have a game addiction, and I fixed it completely. I haven't touched a video game in over 6 months.
However I have a new addiction. Youtube videos. Basically each month, about 2-3 days I'll just go completely shut-in and mindlessly watch Youtube videos.
I burned out.
This I think will solve this problem.

The outing
I arrived, meeting the organizer and going around with him. He was talking with 2 girls.
I tested with the hand-holding test.
Red light, they were just being polite.
No big deal, I could find another girls. Hanging in there would just make me look like a social drain.
I ejected, and found 2 other girls. Hand-holding test, it was longer than a polite handshake but shorter than undeniable attraction.
Yellow light.
So I was being social and chat with them. I could small chat just fine, but still having trouble making meaningful conversation.
Then I chatted with the guys near me as well.
The goal was being social.
Then when it was my turn, I sang a song as well. People clapped.
I returned to the girls, saying "I'm terrible."
The girls said, "You're good."
In retrospect, this was a social faux pas ("no confidence"). My voice maybe was terrible. Maybe was mediocre. Maybe was okay. Maybe was good. It didn't matter. What matters was that I put on a show.

What's next?
There's a martial art group on Sunday, and I'm going to go.
I'm afraid of destroying or getting destroyed. So go there and try my best to fight.
Good luck.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Screen girls for same day lay
This article. I'm going to use it next week.
Also article like "The secret of watertight pickup"

So today I had this approach at the gym:
She walked in my vision but picked a machine out of my vision.
Yellow light.
I approached, opening. She passed the hand holding test. Meaning it was a green light.
Small talk was okay. Deep talk was not much. I asked her to come to my apartment.

Short. But a few days ago, I met a girl with signs exactly like this and we went to an instant date. That girl I just asked her out right away and she agreed.
And 3 weeks ago I had another instant date like that.

It meant that all I need to get laid is to screen for girls for same day lay.

On the other hand:
1% of the girls I approached are like this.
The remaining 99%, I still need to recognizing green lights, have conversation, and overcoming objections to get good.
But if I capitalize on these 1% and get laid every 2-3 weeks it would be a fun bonus.
Or can I turn the 1% into 10%?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Being slightly over aggressive
I examined my approaches. Sometimes I was too aggressive. Sometimes I was playing way too safe.
Maybe the key is being just slightly over aggressive.
It’s faster to learn that way.

For examples:
Train station. I just got off.
She stared at me.
Green light.
I approached, opened direct.
Introduction I couldn’t use handholding test, she was eating pistachios.
So I got Investment by asking her for pistachios.
She gave me some.
Chatting a bit. She was biking the whole date. I qualifying by saying that was very good, I went to the gym everyday too.
Then she asked where I was from. I said Thailand, she showed me a picture of her girlfriend on the Thailand vacation trip.
Then I invited her to my school, she said she was babysitting.
She asked for my number, to “help me with my homework” after she got out.

She stared at me.
Green light.
However, the handholding test turned out it was a yellow light.
I still stayed and talked with her and deep dived.
Because she was my ideal girlfriend type. So I wanted to game this kind a lot.
PhD student.
Some touch. She was receptive.
Leg sign was good.
She was swimming competitively back in high school.
But really.
I persisted 3 times.
Also I asked for investment by asking for her fries.
I didn’t know who she was (the present).
All that was just the wrapping. I’ll need to find out the present.

She was walking in my path.
Green light.
Handholding test was long.
Green light.
I found out she was finding food.
I told her I was grabbing food too, let’s go with me.
She brushed her hands with me.
I should hold her hands. This is my fear. This is my limit.
I didn’t.
She said she need to go to the 2nd floor.
Then I ejected, she gave a very long explanation.
I can’t fucking believe it. I have done 2k approaches, and I still be afraid of holding hands.

A bit more aggressive as usual. I pulled her in.
That was good. You should be a bit more aggressive than necessary, to calibrate down.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
How do you deal with a preacher? Instant date
So girl A from yesterday called.
Maria: Tanmay?
Me: That's me
Maria: Maria here
Me: Oh...yeah...I met you at the train station
Maria: (incomprehensible)
Me: I'm in my apartment. Can you come over?
Maria: I have something to do. I'm free Wednesday
Me: Let's hang out Wednesday
I should do the bonding phone call.

Anyways, the instant date:
I just bought food, and was grabbing forks, and she was right next to me. I tapped her, opening direct, hand holding test was a green light.
I told her to grab a seat, she followed me, I touched her, and no seats so I led her outside and took a table there.

Some get to know you question. She studied at the local college, senior year, and she didn't disclose her major. I asked what she did in free time
She said she liked to read Bible.
Now because I want to screen girls for same day lay, I use deep dive as screen.

I got investment as well, by getting grapes in her plates.
And she started to talking about God.
It took 30 minutes to make it into a full blown preaching and I had no way to stop this. But that's fine. This is the first time I see this, so it's okay, next time just avert this topic and continue to get compliance.
But other than that, I used the formula deep diving + tease/chase frame, mixing it up.
She stayed there her whole life, I teased she must know all the secret places.
She was an pretty blonde, and I placed her on a pedestal. This might affect my performance.

She started Bible study since junior year, and she constantly said the past didn't matter. I assumed this girl slept around in her first two years, then donning the good girl face in the last two years.
At this point I assumed either her belief was for real or just a shit test.
I assumed it was a shit test, and my strategy was to nodding my head and changing venue.
That strategy didn't work out well. I told her to change venue, she deflected it, we come back to talk about the Bible, and then I tried to change venue a few more times.
At one point I told her to go to the library to read the Bible, and she took out one.
This meant she talking about Bible was not the test, but for real, meaning I had triggered her belief system somehow.

Then I consult Chase's 7 times to eject. The way to deal with it is to assume it's a test or something triggered her. Act bored and change topic.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake