Okay did nightgame for the first time in a while... hit up a number of lounge bars and a pub down the main street near my home as I gradually headed into the city and hit up the main venue that I like (the English pub with live music and grinding to techno and lots of pussy) around 22:30...
The first few venues weren't that productive, I was in my head a bit but I gave it a shot, e.g. I sat next to one girl with a bit of a Dita von Teese look going and spoke to her a bit, I probably came on a bit strong (ordered her to put her phone away and talk to me and she didn't comply) and she fucked off after 5 min or so without saying goodbye.
I tried a bit of night street game, did quite a few approaches to women walking by themselves and had a few brief conversations but nothing substantial. Things started to get better in the 3rd venue when I hung out near the bar and did some "hey stop for a minute" openers and "I saw you glancing over my way and I noticed you look cute and..." kinda stuff.
I met a cute little German chick and it went like this... "hey while you're waiting for your drink I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Ray..." she replies, I say "I can hear an accent where are you from?" she replies, I say "oh cool and what made you come to Australia?" she says "my boyfriend" and so I say "I don't want to be your boyfriend" ... I continue to tease her, each time she says anything I go "oh because of your
boyfriend?" hehe. Her friend gets back and they fuck off but I first ask her what city she's from, tell her I've been to her city, and ended up in the red light district and it was like oh my God... (I should have been more of an asshole about this, there were like smackheads cooking up on the pavement next to our car etc)... I say well I would have liked to talk to you for longer because you're cute, after they go I realize I should have said "and I see you as a fuck buddy" just for fun. Anyway I decide to make a point of telling this to the next girl I meet when I have an opportunity. I open some more ladies, one of them is very tall and gorgeous and I caught her checking me out and I tell her so. But she has to go back to her table as her sister is visiting, blah blah.
So I wander off down the street and end up outside this smallish place where there is live music from zithers etc (folk style) apparently its a CD launch and lots of people are lining the pavement and its chockers inside... so I step up just inside the door where I see a HB9 who is very tall and classy, I correctly guess that she's selling the CDs (they are $10) and I tell her she's gorgeous and that if she wasn't working I would drag her down the street to somewhere quieter, she says "oh that's a bit cave mannish" and I'm delighted, I say truthfully "yep, that's what we're aiming for... there is a real shortage of cavemen in this city isn't there"... we banter back and forth (turns out she is about 2cm taller than me and she's not wearing heels either) but I can barely hear shit and so I tell her "since we can hardly communicate why don't we exchange numbers and continue this later on", she shows me her wedding ring and so I counter by showing her my tungsten rings, I wear one of them on my wedding finger just to confuse women... she says "I'm
married!" and I reply "I don't want to be your boyfriend... I see you more as a fuck buddy" and she says "right! that's enough" in a pretty offended tone so I back off a bit... I put my hand on her arm and say "I'm just teasing you, I didn't mean to offend you..." I eject, happy that I pushed a boundary.
As I'm heading back to the car I see Dita von Teese again, she's holding a bottle of wine outside a bottle shop and fiddling with her phone. I don't realize who it is for a moment and I'm just gonna open and ask if there's enough wine for 2... then she turns to me and I say "oh hey it's you... do you have time for me now, or should I just fuck off?" This was meant to be ironic but maybe came across a bit pussy-pedestal-ish. She says "I'm just waiting for a cab" so I reply "oh right... where u headed" and she is going home which is nearby. So I say "I was just heading back to the car now, I'll take you there" "no thanks" "oh c'mon, we can listen to some music in the car and talk for a bit" she's not down. This last bit was me trying to be more of a PUA than a white knight but it's too late, the vibe was down the toilet from the first time she blew me off.
So now I head into the city, the first venue I hit up is the one that specializes in Asian beer, I don't really like this venue but I figure I'm too early to hit the dance floor next door and I want to chill for a bit and open some more women first... the line is like 10ppl deep and stretches the length of the bar and it's hardly moving but I open quite a few women in the line, get a few blowouts, but some of them are receptive. The best one I'll call Julia, I compliment her cute outfit (she's in a figure hugging flower print skirt and a matching boob tube kinda deal, pure class though) and tell her she's very tall and gorgeous... we banter a bit about the ppl in front of us, eventually she splits off to the right and I go to the left to avoid them... she's making more headway than me, so I ask her to order me a soda water and she complies! She also will not accept payment for it, so this looks pretty good, but I do not capitalize because they are heading back to a table somewhere and I do not want to look like I'm following them. Should have number closed in the line maybe... another guy was trying to hit on her but was being a white knight (letting her go ahead of him etc) so I chuckled a bit that my approach would generate a bit more investment than his... Having got my free drink I then head to the back of the venue to the queue for outside (smoking area) and open a cute Turkish tourist girl, she was really tall and stunning, and we have a good conversation, but once again we part ways at the head of the queue as I don't want to follow her to her table. Damn really need to be maximizing my results, thought I might see her later (and actually I did talk to her German friend later in the other venue).
So now over to the pussy factory, well I'll cut a long story short since I didn't have heaps of conversation and a lot of it just consisted of introducing myself to women, telling them they're cute and having it fizzle out from there... a nice Mexican chick, I knew she was South American from her looks but I forgot to do a cold read so wasted an opportunity there... a tall gorgeous Kenyan chick, I got some conversation going but I knew it was sunk when she tricked me into complying with looking after her coat when she went to the toilet (she said she was going to the toilet, I said you'll come back? in hindsight this looked needy... she said okay and then after turning to go she casually indicates her coat... so like a pussy I go okay, I didn't really have a leg to stand on since I'd already basically agreed to wait for her)... this pissed me off and when she got back I told her "that took fucking ages, you owe me a drink now" and she doesn't comply. Next! I also use this line "you owe me a drink now" on a few other women on the dance floor, one who falls over onto me, and another who splashes me with a tiny drop of her beer, and I get some laughs with this.
I bumped into a good mate I hadn't seen for 6mths or so (since before GC, he actually did not recognize me for a bit due to my new hair and style), he was with his housemate [Housemate] who I also know, and who turns out to be a real cool dude and to have some game. They introduce me to 3 Chinese girls and I banter with them for a bit, I deep dive one of them on and off (in between drinking with my buddies, I normally don't drink but I made an exception to have a round of shots with them with beer chasers cos I was delighted to see them)... introduce myself to the bar girl who is pouring the shots and she's cool too. I fail to get my favourite Chinese girl to go and dance with me tho.
A French chick (working holiday I think) I spoke to for ages in the corner, basic deep diving stuff, had my arm around her for most of the time but when she said she was going I went for the number and no dice... I think I did not generate enough attraction as I just did friendly vibe and forgot to toss in any sexual stares or whatever... this because I was kinda tired and reverting to normal nice guy self. So I then ordered her to give me a kiss and she hemmed and hawwed a bit and said only on the cheek, I fixed her with a sexual stare at that point and let a bit of tension build but eventually pointed to my cheek and she kissed me (it felt great actually, very soft) and went off.
I go back to the DF pretty drunk and happy and do more game, I get some grinds with a few different women and this goes okay. I also do a circuit around the venue and sit down with a cute Asian (slim, white shirt and tight black skirt, she's fucking hot), she turns out to be 34 and Korean and it goes okay in the beginning (frame battle since we cannot hear each other, she refuses to move into the seat next to me and I refuse also, shoulda known she'd be trouble, she obviously has some game)... she begins asking for compliments and I bust her stones... e.g. "I'm ugly" "oh well I'll just have to lower my standards then"... "I'm old" "don't worry, old is the new young"... she begins asking me a lot of questions about myself and because I'm exhausted and cannot think of deflecting moves I comply... end up telling her about my marriage, my kids, my divorce and so on... not voluntarily but I don't tell lies so it was hard to avoid. Next time I'm just gonna say things like "yeah I have a harem of 17 wives but I'm a bit bored with them so I came out to fuck some more women tonight" or "I have children in outer Mongolia, don't worry I send them 20 cents a month" but didn't think of this approach in the moment. We talk for ages and it's getting a bit stale, that fucker also moves me to another table (why did I comply) and has me mind her umbrella while she goes to the toilet (I say "I'm not fucking hanging around here looking after your shit and waiting for you" but when she explains she only wants to go to the toilet and she'll be quick I decide not to be a dick, still I wish I hadn't complied)... eventually I decide enough of this shit, time to see if she'll put out, so I move her into a dark corner and tell her to snuggle in close... and although I've basically had my hands on her body the whole time we've been talking she won't comply now... seeing what is coming... so I order her to hold my hand and she doesn't comply either... fuck this, I'm on the verge of telling her to get lost but I decide to try a bit of deep diving and then give it another shot, since I realize I have talked too much about myself... but I guess I blew my chances. Eventually I say "ohh well come and have a dance with me" she won't comply "c'mon we are just talking about boring shit lets just go and do something fun" etc etc but no dice. I go back to the DF and continue gaming though my vibe is shot.
Or not quite! I then get some slow intimate dancing going with a hot hot hot Chinese chick, she was a bit plump but had a huge soulful moonface and a great outfit going, I'm hugging her to me and she's reciprocating and grinding my hardon into her body in time to the beats and she's loving it, we can't communicate at all (it's too loud, I just grabbed her and started dancing with her because her friend picked up some other guy and she was left out)... I'm feeling her stomach, her breasts, I'm getting my hand up her skirt and I'm trying to generate sexual tension by caressing her face and neck, eventually she goes to consult with her friend and after me and the other guy wait for a moment I grab her back and continue, however I think I should have moved her to outside for some deep diving, because I'm going through the same routine of grinding and feeling her up and it's getting stale. Eventually she ejects, the three of them go off somewhere and I don't follow. Later I see them coming back and I make sure I'm dancing with someone else (Thai chef chick who is a bit of a fatty but actually extremely cute and nice, she isn't that into me but consents to a little grinding anyway).
Moonface and friends proceed to cockblock me for the rest of the night, at one stage I did catch her eye and indicated her over, but she didn't comply (I'm finding this move to be extremely useful because it's low effort and it filters out the women who are going to be useless). Anyway I open a lot more women but it's getting late and I'm tired so it doesn't really go anywhere useful. By the end I've probably approached at least one target from nearly all the groups in the venue, and it's a really big venue.
When it closes I offer Housemate a lift home, but apparently my other mate is asleep in the car waiting for him, so no need. So head out of the venue and banter a lot with Thai chef chick, she says she works in the morning and so I suggest a date for later in the week (even though she's fat) but she's not down, makes some excuse about how we can catch up next time we see each other in the English pub, and so I say "in other words no... but it was fun dancing with you, next time turn around and face me though". Housemate joins in the conversation, I dunno if he met her earlier or if he's jumping in off my back, but they are getting on fabulously, and I'm happy for him. Later after we all go down to the street I see him number closing her, so I fuck off so as not to spoil the vibe... I open some more women down at street level but I must say it's like a wolfpack out there, there's absolutely nothing I can do to distinguish myself since if any girl peels away from the group of guys she's with immediately another horde descends on her... I realize there's no point having any game in this situation so I cross the street and go to Burger King and see if I can get a bit of gaming going there.
This is where it gets kinda interesting. I come in and open a cute-ish girl with nice tits by telling her I like her outfit, I then go order and I get my food, she's sitting near the counter so I turn to her/her group and ask her if she knows where I can get a straw... she says "yeah on the floor over there" and indicates, and sure enough the straws dispenser has been spilt onto the muddy floor... so I tell her she can go get me one and lick it clean for me (rediscovering my asshole vibe) and she's amused.
At this point a really hot little chick comes in and as she's about to get in line I open her and tell her she's totally cute, I'm really into this girl and she comes and sits beside me and I put my arm around her and start chatting her up, but then her boyfriend comes over and starts being a dick, like interrupting mid conversation to give her a really ostentatious kiss on the lips...
I also see another dude, who has clearly read GC, come over and try to number close someone from the table of women that I first spoke to... this dude was everywhere, opened a lot of the same groups I did in the venue... wasn't a bad guy but I see his game is a bit off, she is clearly just giving him her number to get him to fuck off... he's trying to get a text off to her (this is why I think he's read GC) when they all leave and he's like hey!!! wait!!! come back I'm sending you a text!! or whatever and she just blows him out really rudely. Haha.
Anyway back to my little cutie, well I compliment her on her outfit and her bangles and so on, some other guys sit down at the newly vacated table and they start getting into a drunken argument with her which is hilarious... she can clearly give as good as she gets, but she's a total pussycat to me. I start whispering in her ear and dick boyfriend comes over demanding to know what I'm saying, I stare him down and go "does it matter?" I'm so looking for a way to number close this chick discreetly. She says she needs to go to the toilet, so I say I'll show her where it is, she's down so I get up and begin guiding her across the restaurant, but dick boyfriend comes and starts being possessive again, by this stage I want to deck him and make off with the goods but it's not worth it, she's not at the stage where she'll choose me over him. Later I realize the right strategy would have been to tell her this: "Okay... here is the plan. We are gonna get up and casually walk to the door over there, while your friends are ordering... when we get to the door... RUN!" and this might have worked if I was dominant enough.
I hang around in Burger King for a while cos it's raining hard out... open a cute Chinese cutie in a tracksuit who is there with her friend, she was pretty put off by my approach but I calm things down and get some basic information out of her, cannot figure out what she's doing in the city in a tracksuit at 3.30am though. I ask her if she was clubbing and she's like "yeah right, do I look like I've just been clubbing?" and she eventually leaves me hanging on this, and goes off with her friend, oh well. I see Housemate come in with Thai chef chick and I say hi, they look kinda embarrassed to see me and fuck off, I hope he got lucky

I shoulda let them make out in my car since they obviously couldn't use their car with my buddy sleeping in it, but I don't realize this until later. I talk to a Nepali dude out the front who is cool. I see dick boyfriend and the 2 girls going in various directions, and their body language looks like he's fighting with my girl (I'm not surprised cos he's a total dick, not a man, his insecure behaviour proves it)... I decide to go get my car and make an effort to steal this woman away into it, but when I get back with the car, I cannot locate them. Oh well.
It's time to go home. I'm exhausted and empty handed. But I got a slow dance, coulda been a great makeout if I'd gone for the kiss while I had the chance. I feel pretty down and insecure. I think of all the rude blowouts I got, and start to take them personally. I think of how my game was nonexistent in the latter part of the night (not rejecting compliance, giving too much information about myself, not moving women or going for the number at a high point, etc etc) and feel a bit depressed, like it's gonna be a long fucking journey to get better at this. But having written up the highlights above, I realize it was actually a pretty successful night. Certainly I opened a shit ton of women and had a lot of fun, basically 6 months ago I would have gone out, and not opened any women, and just made cow eyes at them on the dance floor... H'm!
Edit: Forgot to mention I'm going to an outdoor rave festival in two weeks, I'm planning to spend the whole time opening women. My more subtle game will shine here which it didn't tonight, since it's not a meat market and has more alternative chicks... luckily I spent years going to raves every weekend, so I know exactly how to handle this. I want to get laid at a rave for the first time, I've always been too timid to go for it before, and had no game, well that's history now, there will be 1000s of women there and I reckon I can do this. Anyway it turns out my buddy who I met tonight will be there, so we'll be able to drive/camp together and have a secure home base. Yeah!!