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A ray of light in the darkness


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Ray, your focus on moving girls is helpful for me to read about It's a sticking point for me that I have to work on.

Interesting convo with HB7, too. Really liked how you realized that it was getting stale and made it sexual and persevered despite her not agreeing to your cold read....

Good stuff!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Cool thanks for the feedback man. I forgot to mention that towards the end of the carols the pastor got up and gave a sermon, we had to hold hands and pray (hmm) and one thing she said was "we are here because we are looking to pour our love into others and receive it in return" and I couldn't help giggling a bit, this was literally true ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Hey Ray,

did you have a follow up with Yeonhee?

And did you ever got a text back from H. Giving the number to a girl and hoping she'll text is a hard one I think, what is your experience of this?

Anyway good stuff.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
No well both of them flaked actually. Gave another cute waitress my number tonight actually. It went a lot better than the interaction with H but nevertheless she will flake I am sure. I regard this as screening -- if she is interested she will get in touch. Same as if she is interested she will respond to an icebreaker. I don't think it matters too much who has whose number... I do it like this because it is more discreet and doesn't involve them doing anything in work time that boss could possibly object to... I will write FR later, it's been a huge day, so tired... but happy.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
After a marathon week I am fully moved in to CBD... finished moving & cleaning about 5am both nights last night and got only 1¬2hrs sleep, this is a problem with being the loner PUA dude and cutting off value sucking friends, when you need someone to manhandle shelving units up stairs and so on, you only have yourself to rely on :) I did have some paid help in the form of a lady who is my mum's besty and does odd jobs and is great at cleaning and ruthlessly chucking out. She is gonna come and help set up and do more chucking out with me in the new place next 2 days too.

An interesting thing happened, referring to Chase's article on how to be an asshole you have to make sure that if people take value you demand an equal or higher value exchange. I put this into practice with a workman who had parked his car in my car space under the apartment. I said "hey mate... about this car space (he looks a little resigned that I'm gonna kick him out).. it's fine for the rest of the day, but could you do me a small favour in return? (He nods) Help me carry this bookshelf up the stairs?" ... thanks GirlsChase. Ray is not a compliant pussy guy no more... :) :) Got the help.

This morning decided to go out for a coffee and some breakfast as a change of speed and to take in the scenery. I have not been approaching and feeling a little anxiety, there are tons of hot women around pretty much 24/7 here. After breakfast I encounter a cute Asian lady, we converge on the same spot and she waits for the lights to change. I am in a hurry to get on with my morning rounds but I decide to throw out a random compliment.
Me (voice on point):hi there
Her: turns to me, smiles
Me: I noticed your cute outfit and I wanted to compliment you
Her: ...? (I think she has trouble with English maybe)
Me: Your cute pink olothes caught my eye (smiling warmly)
Her: (smiling warmly) ...?
Me: (prolonged firm shoulder touch, looks down at her clothes, makes EC) I have to go now... I'm just telling you I like your pink!
Her: (she gets it... big smiles) Thank youuu!! You tooo!! (She indicates my bad boy outfit, this time the jeans are newish and the shirt is a khaki size S I bought from Kmart for $16 yesterday)
Me: eye crinkling smile.... moves off turning to make EC and give her a wave
Oh I love adding value and brightening someone's day! Thanks GC!!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Attention passengers! Ray is back in the game :)

Unfortunately I am a bit out of practice... went cold approaching in the CBD from 6pm to 2am, well the first few hours I was feeling a lot of anxiety and some of the interactioms a bit awkward, I suppose I have trouble opening durect and do not fully commit to the interaction when not warmed up... but matters improved and I started to hit my stride between about 8pm and 10pm and had a few good conversations, no numbers though. After this I started getting s bit fatigued which is also challenging so lost a bit of momentum... I went to a free trance party, got a couple of grinds but they were pretty half hearted... at 1am decided I did not really like the music that much and I would head back to Chinatown to try night street game, well I had a nice conversation with a Chinese business major who was waiting fir her ride, but I was a bit late number closing and she gave me a fake number which might not have happened had not some white knight orbiter (her lift) been there. I felt a bit insulted that after my investment in providing her a conversation to pass the time, she would be dishonest especially in such a dumb way (she actually saved it in my phone under her name, when it was one digit too short to be a,number, wtf? i would think it a mistake but for her body language when i inquired about date logistics..oh well fuck her).

The good: at 10.30pm or so when I was pretty tired I stopped to listen to a busker who was singing Chinese songs in a very beautiful warm voice and playing guitar, I chatted to her in between songs and made friends with her, there were some orbiters about so it was difficult to get her number in a discreet way but I offered to meet her tomorrow when she finishes same time (11pm) and take her out for a drink, her English wasn't too good so there may have been some miscommunication but I think possibly we have a date? I didn't push hard cos she wasn't that invested, but afterwards ended up holding her hand for like ages while she tried so say my full name (eventually said she can call me Ray), then kissed her on the cheek which she shyly accepted (all this with orbiters looking on), I could have pressed her for date or her number at that point but didn't think of it and left her packing up.

Soon after at the tram stop spoke to very pretty Korean (maybe an 8) but stuffed up a bit when I grabbed her wrist to lead her into shopping centre for coffee or whatnot, since I did not do this in a calibrated way, think she felt a bit intimidated and left soon after (on 2nd tram, I didn't let her get on 1st that came).

Weirdly enough got a text out of the blue from [L] one of my early cold approach dates, told her I lost her number (deleted ages ago after she went cold) but I recognized her texting style. Exchanged a few text then I called her and we spoke for 10 or 15 min. Supposedly she is gonna msg me when she is in city tomorrow arvo. Hope I can pull her to home and escalate past her bullshit virgin resistance... but better note to myself not to get too invested, cos went on 3 or 4 dates with little more than hand holding so maybe the boyfriend frame is set... who knows I'm happy to meet her and test the waters.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Ray, glad you're back in action!

Remember about randomness and variance. We never know what we're gonna encounter on approaches.

Case in point, here's one approach today:

me: Excuse me, I got a quick question for you
woman: {bug eyes, as if saying "go on, young man"}
me: Are you single?
woman: {Pauses to translate into native language, She's an immigrant} I'm pregnant
me: Oh, I didn't see. Well good luck!

That put a smile on my face! Although I should have said "Well, you know what they say about pregnant women... they can't get pregnant again"

Good luck with the chick tomorrow!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Haha! Good to see you are seeing opportunities to sexualize even if after the fact. Actually a funny interaction I had last night:
Her: walks towards me fiddling with her phone, steps aside at the last minute
Me: stops her with a guesture, she walks another pace or two and we both half turn
Me: it is scientifically proven that... women who bump into guys get more sex!
Her: hahaha she is genuinely amused
we keep going our separate ways
Today I decided not to go out sarging but just practice EC discipline, got real sloppy and out of practice and morphed back into the creepy PUA guy hanging back and scanning for targets :( Probably missed out on IOIs as a result... connected with this I need to tighten up my game and make more targeted approaches (to girls that check me out though this does not happen that much atm, sad to say)... cos spending 8hrs sarging and going home alone isn't efficient, also need to concentrate less on being fumny and cocky and outcome-independent and amusing and complimenting and adding value to others' lives (much as I enjoy doing this) and focus more on persistence and results and the bottom line.

As an example I opened a 2 set in matching black minis and white lace tops and it was going well till I told them I was walking down to a certain street and to accompany me there (this is something I do to avoid any impression of aimlessness or that I'm following them, and to give myself a time limit so they know I won't hang around bothering them), they said they were stopping into Mc for an apple pie... I just laughed and put on an expression of mock-aghast and said "You trying to make me fat?" (a chase frame of sorts), and bade them farewell. I am sure I could have handled this better but I was a bit caught up in my outcome independence and sticking to my frame. Hmm.

As to tonight I am not really sure if I even have a date/s, this is totally beta and I should not be allowing them to hold leverage, I really must be out of practice. But analyzing the interactions helps. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement though Snipe. 続けてアップローチしろ :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Oh well pulled [L] to home which is a minor miracle in itself... met her in Starbucks but she didn't want to drink coffee so we left to go for a walk and I had her accompany me to various Asian supermarkets in search of pho (chicken soup with rice noodle, chicken fillet and vegetable) ingredients... having picked those up we got halfway to home before she asked where we were going and I just joked "I'm following you"... as I was half a pace behind her. I'd told her about the move so that she would know even if there was plausible deniability.

During this mission I threw out a lot of chase frames around the fact she has started at uni after foundation study and would be meeting and dating lots of men (she referred to her holidays as boring and lonely and this was my teasing response)... and that she likes to be in control (handcuffs and whips were mentioned, she was a bit puzzled but eventually came out with the word "herding" so I accused her of herding men)... we also had to run for the lights at some stage which led to more innuendo about the workout she would receive... all in all she was giggling a lot and could have been in no doubt as to my intentions :)

She protested a bit in the hallway leading to the appt because I made the mistake of vocalizing it in response to her qn. (In the elevator I had referred to it as a "cooking school")... anyway followed me in, had her take her shoes off and then had her wash her hands and taught her to carve up the chicken, this involved a fair bit of kino and more compliance building (ordering her to do things such as pass me a teatowel from the drawer etc)... I felt her compliance was in pretty good shape but she is extremely stubborn and uncooperative generally (refer previous FRs) so there were limits to what I could achieve in a short time.

I then put together the meals which was a mistake in retrospect, should have made her do it and gotten a little more investment... then weirdly enough she wouldn't let me put one out for her (this is unbelievable, I've basically cooked the national dish of her country and it looks and tastes real good, but unfortunately when someone is a fussy eater they seem to lack any kind of social calibration)... so anyway I just ate my pho by myself while she looked at my baby photos and fiddled with her phone a bit. Oh well.

So then it was time to get a bit of belated escalation going, now I knew this would be enormously challenging because she's such a prude basically, (I got her to caress my arm once but this was apparently a big thing for her)... so I started by gently massaging her neck while teasing her a bit "how can you be on Facebook at a time like this?!" and she did not refuse, had her sit forward a bit and did the rest of her back and ass... also good. Did I mention she was looking totally hot in short denim shorts and tight white top with transparent stripes in it...

So then I knelt down beside the chair which is a swivel chair and attempted to swivel it towards me, got a lot of "no" (her favourite word) and ordered her several times to look at me, eventually she did (looking a bit sheepish/embarrassed) but I was unable to escalate to a kiss without more cooperation. She started saying she wants to go home so I just pointed to the door and said "There's the door. Go." When she realized I was serious she got up and hesitantly moved towards it, I think she might have tried to say bye and I've pretty much ignored her except to say I'm gonna finish my pho.

So I got the pho and sat there eating with my back to the door for some minutes, eventually got a bit bored and thought I would like something to read, turned to the bookcase and noticed she was still in the appt so I said "Oh... still here?... come and massage my neck, it's sore... payback time" and turned away again... waited a while then explained I did not sleep well and it's sore when I move it to the left... waited a bit longer and then got up and told her I was gonna have a lie down, had to pass her to go up stairs so I tried to lead her up but she was like "downstairs!! stay here" and after trying to put my arms around her, eventually I agreed on condition she massage my neck.

She did this and my back a bit and it felt great, she is quite strong. But she stopped after a short while and I said "that's it? take off my t shirt and keep going" and she's like nooo... embarrassed giggle... I waited a bit and said "Oh [L]..." more in sorrow than anything... I was a bit sick of the whole scenario so I didn't do anything further and eventually heard a click as she let herself out... guess she didn't want the D, bout what I expected actually...

The only real thing I might have done differently in retrospect is to actually pick her up and try to carry her up the stairs, even if she fought me it would still add some proper body contact.

I'm tired and lying on my bed as I write this. [L] is soft NEXTed, she can come over to play on condition she contacts me, agrees to easy date and gets herself here, otherwise I'm not gonna waste time and energy on her. Fuck her. Frustrated!

Hope I'll do better with Geri the Chinese busker...??


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
In the last post I forgot to mention that while waiting for the soup to boil I ordered her to give me her feet (she was sitting in the swivel chair) and she refused. But at least I did attempt to escalate soonish after getting in the door. Also that when she refused to eat the food I said "you know what happens to naughty children who don't eat their food" and she responded by pretending to hit herself, this wasn't exactly what I meant so I told her I would put her over my knee... I also offered she could cook some eggs or soup (which is apparently what she eats) but she declined, after this I didn't want to give her too much attention/reward for being difficult so continued like I said to just eat my food.

Anyway tonight was pretty badass, the Chinese busker girl was not in the promised location at the promised time (must have finished early) so I cruised around a bit, I felt quite anxious and not in the mood for approaching so I decided to just practice eye contact discipline and this went okay. But on impulse near Chinatown I sat down on a bench next to a tall red headed girl and used a standard opener "I was just walking past and I noticed you needed someone to talk to", she was waiting for her friend etc blah blah but chatted a bit (kept asking me what I was doing and I responded like "at the moment I'm talking to you" and putting it back on her), eventually met her friend and introduced myself and said "so! are we going dancing?" friend was down so we went.

Whilst I guided them to the pussy factory (English pub) they told me they were playing a game in which they each had 5 dares they could give the other person, apparently C2 (friend) had been dared to cold approach a group and done it. C1 (redhead) hadn't been dared yet. So I dared her to put one shoe in her bag and try to get into the club like that. She dared me back to take my shirt off and try to get in wearing only my suit jacket. Which we did, although I suggested to try a different bar so it wouldn't ruin our night if we got kb'd. We got in line in the promised fashion but then C2 was counter dared to offer the bouncer some money to let us in, which he refused. So eventually we didn't end up going through with the dare, I was disappointed but I was impressed with these chicks. Haha.

In the proper bar I dared C1 to ask for a vodka cordial with froot loops in it (this is a breakfast cereal), bar girl was like nope we don't have froot loops so I suggested we go to the supermarket in the basement level and come back, bar chick was like get out of here! haha. C1 bought me a beer! lovely... so next she dared me to challenge someone to a game of pool and if I lost I had to strip off my top half and do a lap of the bar... well I talked to 3 guys and ended up playing a game of doubles and we won, I kicked arse... C1 was pretty disappointed haha but anyway we hung around the pool table a bit with me cuddling C1 and building a little sexual tension and this went well. Eventually we dared C2 to ask one of my pool partners for a dance which she did (these girls are pretty feisty, I was impressed)... and we went over for a dance too, I led C1 to a good spot and proceeded to grind with her in various ways... we were kinda hanging out when C2 pulled out her phone to take a photo of us together and I took the opportunity to number close C1 as some instinct told me to do so (I said it would be a real pain if we got separated, as my reason for wanting her number)... they were finishing their drinks so I said I would get a round, it was very expensive (but I chatted to cute half Lebanese bar girl who I've been long gaming, ended up leaving her a $5 tip which was a mistake in retrospect)... and those fucking women were gone by the time I got back with the drinks! gutted...

So it took a bit of time to get up the momentum to replace my date/s but pretty soon I was on fire, got a shit ton of great grinds (and plenty of blowouts too which is normal in this place), also concentrated on making friends with dudes since I was getting pretty drunk from these expensive drinks I'd ordered and was keen to just hang out and have a good night if PU didn't work out... this turned out to be a great attitude because IDGAF and this made it easy to open a lot of total hotties. One memorable conversation:
Me: Hi there I'm Raymond
Her: (her name)... we shake
Me: It looks like you need someone to talk to
Her: Oh no it's okay I'm here with my friend (she indicates a girl who has just picked up a guy... she tries to pull the friend over but the friend waves her away)
Me: So does your friend have a dick?
Her: predictably she's not impressed... but I'm highly amused... hahaha
I start getting some text with C1:
Her: Hello! :(
Her: :)
Her: Sorry
Me: just finished my long island iced tea feel a bit shitfaced. dont think i can drink another 2
Her: C2 wasn't feeling well 1 she wanted to leave. sorry. Enjoy!
Me: thatok we can meet up another day. she probably wouldnt have been down for 3o in any case ;)
Her: Yuck - her and I are both not into that sort of thing.
Me: i still have 2 or 3 dares left iirc
Her: What's my dare?
Me: u have to have 3some with C2...u can choose one of my pool partners
Her: I'n not into the 3 things.
Me: haha well im in a crowded club. just met someone i dated 3mth ago, kinda interesting she has a bf now though he sounds like a typical boring nice guy, anyway i'll hold u to your dare later just lemme know when u are in city and ill duck out & meet u.xx
This last part was true, after a fair bit of other approaching and grinds etc (and occasional text message as above) I bumped into [C] subject of earlier FRs when I was just starting out... this was cool because I kinda missed her a lot after she friendzoned me and I cut her off... it didn't end that well but you know, water under the bridge... she was clearly happy to see me and so was I, so I took her outside for a catchup and we talked for quite a while...

[C] asked me a bit about my life and I told her truthfully I'd moved to the city so we are neighbours now... she asked if I had been dating and I said yeah I had seen a few people since we last spoke but nothing happening ATM, she asked more about it and I said I had dated a Chinese chick for a bit but after a while she didn't want to see me anymore and I thought I'd been too much of an asshole... similarly a Vietnamese GF that I was dating at the same time as [C] had contacted me yesterday and I'd met up with her but again been too much of an asshole... [C] is lapping this up as I was an asshole to her as well... I returned the questioning and she told me she has a bf now who she met through POF and he treats her very well (I misheard this as cheats on her but we figured it out and then I said...) "Haha! I would never do that!"... he apparently takes her out to interesting places so I said "Yeah I was gonna take you places too but there were conditions weren't there" and she laughed at this and playfully hit me... (I had also used the "I have a dog at home" goto when she mentioned she had a bf and she's like really? and I said "no, I was just making a comparison" hahaha)... I searched my phone and told her I must have deleted her number and got it again, she was like you rogue, you know we can't be friends and I said no no, honest I missed you a lot and every time I drive past your work I think maybe it would be okay to be friends... (of course this is just a gambit to get her home which I plan to try to do in coming days since we are neighbours)... this all went pretty well, I'm much more calibrated in knowing what to aim for now, and I think I successfully set the asshole frame... note she observed me texting the last few msgs to C1 which was highly congruent since I used to send [C] a lot of cocky funny texts with chase frames and sexual innuendo, I reminded her of this and she laughed and hit me again... seems I'm still up to the same old tricks ;)

Eventually I decided to leave at 2am, I was still getting grinds and had moved a lot of chicks varying distances (mostly like a few metres to the other side of the dance floor away from interfering friends so we could grind and slow dance properly), but I was getting sick of it and decided to try some night street game, in fact the Mc game was highly amusing as I got a Big mac and opened a lot of hot women and had various cocky funny chats... (also some ugly women and deflected some attempted cockblocks with comments like "is that aggro look your standard default? (laughs)"... came out of Mc and pretended to pistol shoot a woman I'd opened earlier, she prob didn't notice but her friend did.
Her: Fuck off
Me: haha, if you wanted me to fuck off you'd just ignore me... but engaging me like that...
Her: That's rude! What the fuck are you doing with your pistol shot blah blah
Me: Could you suggest an alternative gesture for playfully getting someone's attention?
Her: Fuck off, we couldn't give a shit blah blah
Me: You guys are hilarious, if you weren't so fat I'd probably make a pass at you as well
Her: Do you want a high heeled shoe in your face? Fuck off!
Me: hahaha (hesitates a bit... don't want to give her that... but decide to comply... leaves saying...) Like to see you try!
A bit beta towards the end but I'm happy I used a Tucker Max goto, she earned it :)

I cruise through Chinatown which is great for night street game, never fail to have some interesting conversations there... pair of chicks debating over whether to pay $20 for a cab home, offered to take them for a coffee (at my place of course but I didn't say that)... but they had to work in the morning and eventually plumped for the cab. Do some more opens, get some blowouts but it's all good. Eventually I'm kinda cruising homeward... pass another Mc and say to a girl who was walking towards me "Don't move aside! I was hoping you'd walk into me!" and other funny shit... eventually I'm almost home when fuck me, I meet a girl I'd been grinding with, I'd seen her with some other guy later but he hadn't lasted the distance, the guy grinding with her friend was still with them though... I invited them for a drink at mine (could almost see my place from where we were standing) but my grindbuddy had to work in the morning so I got her number... great I'm defo gonna take that chick out and bang her, she's from Thailand and very cute and friendly, good dancer too. I also number closed another chick on the way there who works in a local bar doing marketing activities, I had a really nice conversation with her while she waited for her lift and she gave me her card. Sent her a "save my number" text.

I'm getting a lot better at moving women and at number closing women who are waiting for their friend before the friend arrives and cockblocks. Got 4 numbers to follow up and I'm sure they're all solid, at least in terms that I generated attraction so even if they flake I'll know that's just random.

Take that, bitches ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Ray, you're a monster with that night-time momentum!

Great cocky funny lines. They came from a genuine place! I used to wonder how to be cocky funny and read inane "say this, say that" PUA articles. I'm gradually beginning to understand that it's a combination of one's personality and observations about the paradoxes of life/society expressed in a manner that's at the very border of propriety.

I'm impressed how you handled C1 and C2. It strikes me that you had a feeling that they would disappear on you (temporarily I mean, I trust you'll meet up with C1) and you didn't let that affect your mood.

Me: You guys are hilarious, if you weren't so fat I'd probably make a pass at you as well

Tucker Max would be proud.

As for L, it seems she lacks the skill of expressing her feelings. This fits the stereotype of Asian girls. You were making pho (!) and pulled out all your moves. Some people just don't realize the opportunities that pass them by (Tyler from RSD has a very interesting video about this scarcity of opportunity). Great job on persisting and showing her the door. Love that!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks bro I must confess to wanting a bit of validation before going to sleep so your response was very timely. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your exploits when things settle down from your travel.

I forgot to mention I decided to try a bit of peacocking because I think this might help to bring out the larger-than-life personality that I discover on good outings. So I've recovered from my ex a collection of tailored suits I had made in Singapore decades ago (in bright pastels and with flared pants), they are a tiny bit tight but better than when I was married and slobbish and totally fat, that's when I put them away in mothballs... good move. Don't seem to have the purple suit jacket anymore but I've got the green and pale blue suits (latter is a worsted silk), dropped them off for dry cleaning... also got many shirts in aforementioned colours also lemon yellow, peach etc... gonna have them altered to make them much tighter and shorter. I also ordered some 3.5in platform shoes in a zebra print (I'm already 6ft hahaha) and I'm gonna paint my nails zebra also. Just need some ideas for interesting pendant or bracelet etc... I was thinking maybe a real chunky necklace with translucent rocks strung along it... some headgear or shades could be useful too.

I was also thinking to practice eye contact discipline I could attach some lasers to my head with a headband and focus on keeping the beams above the crowd but this is probably too outlandish to be real... hahahaha. Any other suggestions or general feedback, please anyone feel free to comment.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

Congrats on the pull with that girl you had 3-4 dates with. Quite a few juicy stories you've updated us with since restarting this journal!

Your overall process on gaining social momentum during the night is actually quite impressive.

If I were you, I'd start making "invite lots and lots of girls home" priority #1. Especially since you've already proven that you can grab a girls number with consistent success. The fact you're so close to the main road means you have no excuses, brother ;) it don't even matter what time o' day it is, just throw it out there, homes. You're going to level-up quite quick.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
It's weird the number of old flames who have been popping up lately, today it was in Ikea and a Japanese-Australian girl recognized me whom I'll call Hiromi... here is a quote from a previous FR about her: (It was only incidental so didn't have its own FR)
ray_zorse said:
OK so then I decided to call it a night, but on an impulse stopped off at a bar where I drank last week, the only real hotty in there was the bar manager and luckily it turned out she's Japanese so I chattered with her in Japanese for ages, eventually switched back to english which she is more comfortable in, and I was getting quite excited by this point and started some chase and sexual framing, turns out she has a boyfriend but anyway she was all over me all night, introduced me to her friends and would not let me pay for a drink at all, we got up to a bit of a prank involving an ice bucket that I had to do within 24hrs (not sure if any of you have heard of the ALS challenge, you dare someone to get ice water tipped over them or they have to donate $100 to ALS research), she absolutely lapped this up and insisted on being the one to pour the ice water over me on video, then dried me off with towels, quite physical, well i stayed until almost close and got a bit more sexual framing in but was a bit nonplussed how to deal with the situation, i wanted to wait for everyone to leave and then jump on her but it was just going to take too long, have to get up at 6.30 for the gym :( so eventually i just said hey, gotta settle the bill, so come here and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, anyway, she wants to set me up with her Japanese friend for language exchange & will apparently text me next time the friend is there...hmm...overall quite an interesting night, could have done better but could have done a lot worse!
I also saw her some other times including when I did actually wait for everyone to leave, intending to escalate but her vibe was wrong (tired...has boyfriend) so when she kicked me out I complied. Damnit. I NEXTed her after that although possibly she NEXTed me as wouldn't give her number and quit her job. Anyway I got over her, even though we vibe off each other really well and are extremely physical and I find her attitudes extremely interesting and different. In short I dug her a lot.

So today it went great, we both were in a pretty chilled Sunday mindset, just getting jobs done around the house having recently moved (her too)... neither had any time limit so after Ikea we went for insta date to Little Vietnam and this is where my game started to slip a bit, I let her name the restaurant (even though my suggestion would have been similar) and I let her order for us and even sort out an issue with corkage which was my fault. Fuck it but she was very efficient and did an amazing job for which I rewarded her obviously. I drank several beers which I maybe should not have. The conversation was amazing, I didn't have to game her at all and instantly we were sharing deep and personal stuff and it only improved from there. I only managed to insert a few mild sexual innuendos however.

So after some negotiation back and forth in which I wanted her to come to city to watch the sunset and she argued against the logistics cos on her bike and wanting to unpack stuff at home... I eventually submitted to her frame of having further drinks across the road, to buy time for a further negotiation which was pretty hardcore, I had to drill her with EC and put the compliant little pussy me away and put the hard push on her, but eventually negotiated a compromise in which she'd put her bike in my car and we'd chill at hers with some beers and I'd help her unpack... her words "you just want to spend time with me don't you..." which I didn't confirm or deny.

So this went well and we continued conversing and listening to music and I got kino by holding her hand to rub some bike grease off and she was touching and hitting me playfully etc... we were almost there when I FU'd by escalating the touch in an uncalibrated way and sunk my ship... fuck could cry, killed the plausible deniability and she demanded to stop and continue our insta date in public instead... fuck it tried to argue w logic (what is all the hitting me about and I found it interesting she still wants to be with me so she couldn't be that upset) anyway I thought we were stopping at the big well known pub in the area (where I could continue the negotiations to get her alone) but unbeknownst to me her fuckin boyfriend's bar was right near it and this is where she took me, thus relegating me to orbiter status...

Well I was being a little bitch, could have shown her the door at any point and fucked her off, but her frame was outwardly reasonable (she is taken) and I still kinda love her so fuck it, navigated being an orbiter as best I could... gamed a hot Argentinian chick, the bargirl and the BF, also did some other approaches... the Argentinian started off well as I baited her continually and wouldn't reveal stuff but she lost interest after I eventually caved, I managed to isolate her at the bar briefly and continued deep diving and chase framing but nogo. Began to run out of steam as I hate group conversation and everyone knew each other except me. I couldn't hear very well either.

I timed my departure so as to get a private conversation with Hiromi after farewelling all my new friends. I digress at this point to say I'd been discussing a little bit the relationship advice of my "friend" (I was thinking of Drexel Scott) in efforts to weaken her boyfriend frame... and saying I do not do relationships because I believe they stem from scarcity (to summarize) and I accept that feelings change day by day... I didn't refer to her situation directly (except in the restaurant to advise against live-in BF arrangements in the future) but she understood me fine... "Raymond, you are an open book (sighs)"... "yes, that is what I would strive for"... now as I'm leaving I drill her with EC and say "I always enjoy spending time in your various bars, even if it wasn't exactly what I signed up for" and she responds "yes because you had to grab my hand" and after a small tangent in which she wants to introduce me to single girls at her BF's NYE party where she will be working (no thanks) I drill her again and say "I like to know that we are on the same page... and that is why I do the things that I do... if we are not on the same page I tend to find out sooner rather than later"... translation "I make no apologies for wanting to fuck you" and I made sure she got my meaning. She continued on to say that having got to know me I'm a very physical person blah blah blah... I cup her face in my hand and pull her in for a cheek kiss which is as passionate as I dare, then caress her side a little, get out the sexy voice for some emotional parting words and leave with my strong walk...

So sexually frustrated ATM... honestly wanted to go out sarging again right now but simply have to get a good sleep and focus on work. Fuck fuck. A text just came in from [C] though but according to text timing I can't respond till tomorrow. If I can fuck her I like her even better than Hiromi and [L]... (part of why it went south in the first place).

PS PD we post collided and its great to know you are reading my humble journal, thanks for the props, advice and feedback, hope u find this FU entertaining too ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
ray_zorse said:
PS PD we post collided and its great to know you are reading my humble journal, thanks for the props, advice and feedback, hope u find this FU entertaining too ;)

Haha, when I read your journal from that night, I realized we were strolling in the same area (even the same Macca's). Had a feeling we'd spot each other or bump into each other. Good times. Haha.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
The good:
11:18 Me: hey C1 lets grab a bite to eat or drink in the coming days, so we can pick up where we abruptly left off last time, how does your schedule look before nye?
12:03 Her: Hi Ray, I'm really sorry but I've gone down to the beach for the week and won't be back till the 5th January.
12:30 Me: Thatok what beach is it? i'll be doing something similar around 4th jan so we might just miss each other unless we happen to be in same area
12:32 Her: I'm in NSW, where are you heading to? Maybe give me a call when you're back and we can take it from there.
12:37 Me: sure i'll be in barwon heads from about 4th to 14th however i will be around briefly on 7th and/or 8th so ill let u know when ive worked things out exactly. have fun & don't be naughty (much) hahaha ;)
12:46 Her: Thanks, you too!
The only okay (this is with [C] who I'm accustomed to teasing a lot):
Sun 09:52 Me: hey sleepyhead...:) it was fun to see u out on the town :) what time u working today?
Sun 22:35 Her: U wake up so early today...
Mon 08:34 Me: No u wake up late, bet u are sleeping again now ;)
Above was meant to be light teasing but I should have said "bet you are lazing around again" as above came out a bit pointless and beta.

The downright ugly:
08:46 Me: ひろみちゃん、巡り会ったよかったね :) 引っ越しの事は上手くいったらいい xx (this means: Hiromi chan, it was great that we met by chance :) About your move, I hope it is successful xx)
14:46 Her: Hello, I'm gathering this is Raymond.
You seem like a good person.
An issue which I found arose being in the company of you yesterday was the not accepting of my boundaries.
You need to get when a person says 'no', they mean a 'no', and I wish to have this respected.
It doesn't mean anything about you.
I am not up for seeing you on any basis from now and the future, and it was a good encounter nonetheless.
I wish you well. Hiromi
Yowtch!! Translation: I hate you for not giving me the D that I need and making me feel like a slut for needing it. You have shit game and you don't deserve another shot. Fuck you.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hot damn it's happening again.

Went out yesterday all peacocked in white cords, tight red and blue checked shirt, tight black suit jacket, matching belt and boots... no IOIs to speak of.

Went out today in most faded jeans I possess (they aren't even all that fitted past the knee), white dress shirt with black trim, leather biker jacket and same belt and boots. Bang 3 or 4 IOIs before I'd walked 2 blocks.

Although... I was emboldened to open one of them, cute red headed Aussie chick who looked my way over her shoulder twice and then pulled in close beside me... though there was a bit of space around. (It was a pedestrian crossing).
Me: Hi there!
Her: (looks around in total surprise)
Me: What are you up to today? (I half turn as she slows but keep walking)
Her: (searches for her bf who was walking behind me) (looks totally staggered by my audacity, mouth half open)
Me: I thought you were walking into me, but perhaps not...
Guess she thought I was her bf in her peripherals? Reminds me of a time when I fondled some random woman walking beside me thinking she was my wife ;)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
So I felt pretty beta today half heartedly going out approaching but not approaching and being anxious (did have long convo and some flirting w hired guns though).

Redeemed myself by going out at 1.30am after a sleep and approaching a lot of hot chicks with confidence. Well they didn't stop and I collected some borderline rude blowouts but most were glad of the attention, I used "hey, stop for a moment" and (for the first time) "Woman! stop! I love you! let's get married" and also just mixed it up a bit.

No insta date but approach addiction/anxiety assuaged. Better go sleep for the gym.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Eh, NYE was a lot of fun... actually I'll go back to the morning of 31/12/2014 first...

So on the way to the gym I stopped for a coffee at the 7/11 near my place as I've been doing and my fave chick was there, she's tall and Chinese and her face lights up when I enter the store... went something like this
Me: hey Kelly it's nice to see you again
Her: yeah blah blah (can't remember)
Me: so you remember we spoke on Christmas morning
Her: yeah blah blah (I can't hear her very well, she's shy, I ask her to speak up a bit)
Me: I happened to look at my watch at 3pm (that's when she was finishing last time) and I thought I should come back and take you out somewhere (deliver this with a smile and teasing tone)... sounds like you had plans though
Her: yeah we had bbq with friends it was really great blah blah
Me: cool (I can't remember what happened next, I tell her about my Christmas, I probably threw in some compliments etc)
Me: so I guess you are a student...
Her: yeah blah blah
Me: and you have a little bit time off at the moment then
Her: ohh busy working here blah blah
Me: oh right I haven't seen you around
Her: I'll be in tomorrow morning
(blah blah eventually I pay and go to gym... there's a male colleague unpacking stuff who has given me one or two funny looks so I decide not to go for the digits then and there)
This conversation was maybe a little on the boring side (we had only talked once before and briefly so I didn't want to push too hard) but I think I expressed interest. Also the subtext was great because we were both smiling and laughing etc.

Later in the morning I get a phone call... about the couch you ordered it's not quite the same as in the picture blah blah... I decide to go in and have a look.
Me: yeah so I think I'll come to the showroom and check it out, you're open today?
Her: blah blah (we set up logistics, she gives me address and directions how to get there)
Me: and may I say that you have a wonderful speaking voice (she sounds Asian but her accent is good)
Her: oh thank you blah blah
Me: because I of my hearing problem I usually have trouble with addresses and directions on the phone but not with you!
Her: blah blah see you
In the showroom there's a fair bit of dicking around with different staff trying to work out what's in stock etc... anyway then she comes out, she's not super hot and she's wearing a ring but I decide to get a bit of flirting in for practice...
Her: hi, we spoke on the phone!
Me: hey (I smile... she goes off to check something and in the meantime)
Receptionist: blah blah her name blah blah
Me: (phone lady comes back) hey so your name is (her name) right? (we shake)
Me: can I just call you sexy voice? (delivered with a smile, teasing tone)
Her: haha no you may not! absolutely no way (but she loves it)
Me: and you're from Indonesia?
Her: oh no I'm Samoan blah blah (I ask her a bit about herself)
Her: yeah everybody thinks I'm Asian blah blah
Me: oh well now I have a reference point, so when I meet more cute Samoan girls then I will know better
Her: haha (I've just called her cute)
Her: I'll leave you with (receptionist), you're in good hands (she's right, this lady is very efficient and I've been chatting with her about how she does all the real work while the rest of them sit in an ivory tower... she's no spring chicken but I like her eye makeup)
Me: yeah okay she's pretty cute too (I laugh... so does receptionist)
Receptionist: okay so you've come all the way from (my old suburb) (she's entering details from my licence into computer)
Me: oh no my new address is blah blah... I just don't want all my girlfriends knowing where I live (I laugh)
Receptionist: haha... blah blah we banter a little
It's great being a sexual man... although I had no intention of gaming these women it was all highly entertaining.

Anyway so I eventually get to the NYE party which is a Hawaiian / 70s themed dance party, it's pretty slow even though I've spent all day transporting and setting up my couch so I'm a few hours late... I am forced to drink some beers to pass the time. I probably shouldn't have done that. My cousin is there with his gf and she paints my nails for me (I've bought some glittery purple nail polish on the way to the party). I'm wearing purple pants which I haven't worn in years... and a purple shirt. Later on a lot of old buddies are there and some of them remember this suit which I used to wear to parties way back.

Eventually a little bit of dancing starts up and I start opening women, I like a tall dark haired one in a wraparound skirt and we dance together for a bit. I suggest going to the bar. On the way she fishes for some compliments and I forget to bust on her, I think she is actually sincere though, because she was coming from her friends place and didn't have her makeup or some shit. Then she tries to give me her order and I tell her that she's getting the first round and I'll get the next round. This leads to a major problem as she persists for like 20min to try to get me to buy her a drink. I'm rock solid. After about 5min of this I change the subject and deep dive her for a bit, it also turns out that she has pinched a nerve in her neck so I give her a solid neck massage... I then tell her it will cost her a drink and it's back on, eventually it kills the vibe, she buys her own drink and fucks off, and I buy mine... (I didn't even want a drink anyway)... I cheers her on the dancefloor with a smirk and I checkin with her various times throughout the night... "let's be friends (sexual smile)"... "even though we hate each other now it's still been entertaining..." etc... I'm probably chasing a bit but I'm interleaving with many other approaches so its ok.

I open a shit ton more women. It's mostly a pretty friendly vibe so after a while I just feel like I'm dancing with a group of old friends, mostly I'm not pushing for grinds etc, although there's another guy there with game who is doing exactly that. I make friends with two very cute German girls at the bar (during the encounter above) and check in with them every half our or so for the rest of the night, I first get a quick grind with the first one I spoke to but I'm more attracted to her friend and she's consistently down for a dance with me although I don't push that hard. I talk to an Italian woman for quite a while until I discover she has a bf, he comes by too and he's really cool so we make friends. I really like women who are cool and don't just assume if I'm approaching I'm looking for a gf. Umm I get lots more dances. There's a couple of groups that stand out.

A set of 3... open them at the bar. Tall chick #1 (TC1) wants to know where I'm from. I make her guess. Short chick (SC... older, I'm not as attracted but she's cool) eventually guesses Austria and I say close... although not in geographic terms... but close nevertheless. TC1 is getting really frustrated and bothered "like why is it such a big deal!" etc... I'm like "yeah I get asked this question a hundred times in a night" and she's like "yeah so why can't you just answer it" and I'm "ohh what would be the fun in that?" this is classic, she's investing hard. Eventually TC2 comes in with the drinks and she's ultra cool too, I introduce myself to her and we banter a bit, I can't hear her so I explain I'm deaf... TC2 then guesses I'm from Australia and I agree, I'm a bit surprised. She gently explains to TC1 "he's from Australia, he's deaf and he has a deaf accent" and I'm even more surprised, I tell TC2 she is very perceptive and she has earned a kiss and give her one. So then I kiss TC2 goodbye (haha) and go off and do more approaching etc. When I encounter them again TC1 is uber friendly and smiling to me and apologizing she didn't realize I'm deaf and explaining TC2 works with deaf kids or some such. I say "ohh well you understand that I shouldn't feel I have to explain and justify myself to everyone, that's why I like to make it a game"... banter a bit... she's still apologetic so I tell her it will cost her a kiss. She gives me a lovely one. SC is laughing at this so I tell her she can have one too. SC "ohh you're just milking it now" and gives me one... I say I'm extremely good at milking (trying to think of a sexual innuendo which would involve women's breasts but probably this is good enough). I checkin with these guys frequently too. TC1 is responding to me very well and I have plans to pull them all back to mine, however they disappear later on.

I've been eyeing a very nicely put together woman for some time, I'll call her RF (round face she has a cute little round face and is wearing denim cutoffs, a hawaiian string skirt over the top and a kind of bra/top/belly button tshirt thing which is tight and looks and feels great as I establish later). I open her on the dancefloor eventually and she seems down. Later I see her sitting and I say something like "you look like you're taking a bit of a rest" she's "I'm just waiting for my friend... indicates bar / toilet area"... she's alone but she was with 2 friends before, one of whom is the one who hates me for not buying a drink... I deep dive her for a while and she seems cool. I don't really turn it sexual though. She indicates being cold so I move her back onto the dancefloor and we start moving, I have a dance with her holding hands, but when I start pulling her into my by her arse she backs off slightly, she's still down though. She's still looking over and looking for her friend even though I've said not to worry, they can take care of themselves (thanks Rdawg). I eventually tell her "when you friend gets back I'm just gonna leave you to hangout with her, but let's exchange numbers so we can hangout later" and she tells me she has just got out of relationship and wants to be single for a while. I say "oh I wasn't really looking for a girlfriend as such, more just hang out"... ask her if she's enjoying having a little space since this breakup and she agrees, I explain I came out of relationship a year ago and I'm also enjoying having the space (I'm relating, however I later realize this sounds a bit desperate as it implies I haven't had sex for a year, that wasn't my meaning)... blah blah so then I try to move her closer to the stage and she ejects going off to look for her friend... I'm glad I did try to move her as it's good screening for interest.

I've left out many of the interactions that weren't that noteworthy... umm a cute Chinese looking chick I spoke to a number of times and at one point pulled her in to my hip however my pants were not that tight and my wallet was kind of getting in the way of a proper grind so I gave it up... umm these two hot girls going around in bikinis with bunches of grapes pinned to them, they looked fucking amazing, getting guys to eat the grapes off their bras and so on... this was a great game but I made point of introducing myself to one of them and having some conversation throughout the night, which I'm sure most guys were too intimidated to do. However I wish I'd pulled the trigger like "hey stop being twins with your buddy for a bit and come and have a dance with me"... umm a girl in a tight little dress who I opened with a longer line than I'd normally use, something like "I was just blah blah and I noticed your cute outfit and I wanted to introduce myself" and you could see her thinking "oookay..?" but she smiled and was happy about it overall. Checked in with her a few times in the night... her friend who seemed moderately into me, all smiles and dances with me, but towards end of night the other dude with game had both of them locked down for different periods so it was a little bit difficult to move things forward casually... I did try for some compliance with latter one by catching her eye and motioning her over (away from other dude), she didn't comply.

Now for the most interesting interaction of the night... she was tall and a bit waify and blonde, hot (but not my usual type at all... probably a bit too young for me and just generally wimpy), I got talking to her a the bar, after a bit of back and forth I teased her about her high heels (she had about 1cm on me in her heels), told her she was cheating and if I knew her type she'd probably cheat on her boyfriend too etc (adapting something I'd read in forums although I wouldn't call it a scripted routine since it came out pretty naturally as just my normal light teasing)... one of us ejected pretty soon but anyway after midnight I saw her sitting down with a friend (who was talking to a dude) and so I went over, I wasn't really attracted to her (even though she was hot) and my only intention was simply to touch her shoulder and wish her a happy new year, but when I did this she offered her cheek (not in a bitchy way, just in a way like she thought I was planning to kiss her), so I kissed her and then sat down for a chat. Talked about afterparty I'd been invited to, the fact I was gonna drive a carload of people there even though I was planning to go home and sleep after, etc. Well I realized after a few mins I wasn't turning it sexual, we were talking about how many drinks we'd had (in connexion with car driving plans) and I said "oh and are you always this flirtatious after a few drinks?" she's like "no my friend is the flirtatious one!" (she seems to be about to pick up this guy). At this point I regret having blabbed about such boring plans for the night (remember I wasn't attracted so I was really just passing the time)... realize I should PULL PULL PULL. However she's getting the opposite notion since I had just unexpectedly turned it sexual and apparently it's been a bit jarring... starts with this utter bullshit
Her: ohh you are sooo lovely and it's wonderful talking to you, I have a boyfriend blah blah
Me: oh yeah heard that one before (I pull her in to my shoulder and she snuggles in... I'm thinking I passed a test)
Her: blah blah with the lovely platonic theme again (maybe I didn't pass the test yet)
Me: you don't have to stroke my ego... (I want to continue "tell it like it is, if you're not down you're not down" but I think better of acknowledging her objection)
Her: blah blah
Me: do you really think I'm that easy?!
Her: crap crap
Me: lets go share a cup of champagne... (I pull her up and we go off towards the bar)
(we get stuck behind a knot of people halfway there... and cockblocking friend hurries up and starts making trouble)
Her and CB: crap crap crap
Me: (interrupting... strong voice) we are getting a drink... you want one? (subtext: fuck off)
(fucks off)
(we get to the queue and get in it)
Her: you are so lovely and blah blah crap crap
Me: oh back to this again... stroking my ego? (I remember to belatedly do the shit testing look... off to the side and up and back again)
Her: I have a boyfriend blah blah crap crap
(I ignore her and put my arm around her and try to pull her in again)
Her: did you hear what I said?!
Me: I'll be your boyfriend for 5 minutes... but I can't give you any more time than that
(cockblocking friend is back, reminding her she has a bf and trying to pull her away)
(eventually she apologizes and says she is going and bye and they fuck off, I spank her on the bottom as she leaves... I feel a bit disappointed I failed their tests)
I've really been wanting more women to shit test me since I'm very bad at handling these scenarios, I definitely feel my facial expressions were not on point and some of my responses were a bit delayed (and I should have got out the Brad Pitt looking-off-to-the-side while laughing and looking back goto a lot earlier)... which is probably why this went south, also just the general cockblock which I couldn't control. But I'm glad that I gave it a total shot and it was very useful practice. I'm also mindful of Neil Strauss's advice that you're getting too immersed in pickup if you think everything they say is a shit test. Hahahaha.

Yeah so I'm kinda out of energy by 12:30pm and we spend a little time getting everyone together and I drive them back to my brother's (with my cousin in the boot as there were 6 of us still at the party, another 10 or so already went ahead). Interestingly, Italian chick and her boyfriend have independently hooked up with our group and they're delighted to see that I'm the driver. I made friends with them and ended up taking them home later and I'm about to give them a lift to the airport right now, since the airport has no real public transport to speak of in my city, so I want to save them taxi money. Before leaving the Hawaiian party I went around and squared up accounts with most of the women I'd spoken to, told the ones who'd rejected my advances that I wasn't butthurt and wished them well, kissed some of the others bye and so forth.

This morning I got up 10ish and I wanted to go speak to Kelly at the 7/11 but I was kinda afraid of one-itis and too much investment so I told myself I'd have to do 3 approaches in the street first to get in state before I was allowed to speak to Kelly... did this and they were all pretty warm and spoke to me a bit before going their own way (to work or whatnot)... Kelly wasn't there in the 7/11, so I continued approaching and banged out about 20~30 approaches in the CBD area, most of them went pretty well but for whatever reason I didn't score an insta date or numbers. I decided to have my morning coffee in the chocolate shop and spoke to May the VN chick I've been slow gaming, she was receptive but too busy and apologetic. Now I'm at work but in fact have spent most of the time writing this report and will now have to go to airport. Got to get this shit together and produce some work so I may have to take a break from approaching unfortunately... hmm it's a pain.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Happy New Year, Ray!

There were so many interactions to keep track of in this post. Thanks for writing down the details, your specific examples of flirting are educational, as I've mentioned before.

I thought about what would have led to a pull that night. Disclaimer: I'm still learning, as you know, and I'm not in a position to tell you what you should have done.

First, it seemed that your logistics weren't optimal for pulling. Was driving people to your brother's house a priority for you? If so, that lowered the odds of pulling. Of course, you could have also pulled to your car and then came back in time to drive everyone, but it would have been more challenging than just pulling when the timing was best.

Interesting interaction with the wraparound skirt lady. 20 minutes seems too long to debate about who's paying for a drink: this violates the law of least effort. I can definitely envision myself in the situation you were in. If you would have let your feelings steer you, you might have said 5 minutes in: "I changed my mind, I don't want a drink, I want to chat with you. We can keep talking about the drink or we can get to know each other and have fun."

You had the highest shot of pulling one of the two German girls and TC1. It seemed TC1 was into you, but you diffused the sexual tension with the kiss request. If you would have committed to TC1 and kept talking with her, you could have pulled her.

As for the waify blonde, my guess is that she either felt you weren't initially interested or she's just committed to her boyfriend. When she offered her cheek, she may have meant it in a platonic way. You started chasing a little bit, and it didn't progress from there.

Very impressed with your day-game momentum. Approaching 20-30 girls in the CBD?! How long did that take you? Curious to find out how those interactions went.

Thanks for the post, Ray. To a successful 2015!