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A ray of light in the darkness


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hey Snipe u did great so I bow before the feet of the master, u don't need to add disclaimer in the slightest ;)

I am really glad that I wrote up this detailed FR (when I should have been working) because you are right, there are lessons to be learnt here and your points are spot on, I missed them in the heat of the moment and due to having more drinks than I probably should have. I went out last night with my cousin who is into game and we hit several bars without drinking at all which is big improvement & what I should be doing.

I agree I should have talked to German chick more (instead of just getting physical with her) and that I should have persisted more with TC1 (or TC2 for that matter, she was also responding to me very well for a time). I am experiencing challenges with my shotgun opening style and hit-run approach, there is nothing wrong with this when used judiciously but when I do it it often leads to reduced commitment and poorer quality, shallower interactions. I might have done better by trying to deep dive one of these women for a while, though I'm also wary of doing that because if they have a boring job it would be a downer to introduce such a pedestrian topic on what is supposed to be a fun and light hearted occasion.

Thinking about it some more I think the correct strategy would have been to try and move both German chicks to another part of the dancefloor together, and to try to move TC1 to another part of the dancefloor by herself (since she was in a group of 3 and her friends could keep her company). I am getting good at moving girls and usually do so a few minutes into any one-on-one interaction (a voice pops into my head telling me to do so) but it takes balls to do this when they're with friends, I suppose it's not moving them and not wanting to be an orbiter that causes me to seek greener pastures and end up pingponging around all night. Thanks for helping me to see this.

As to HBBlonde I think you are right, I hadn't seen it as chasing but more as a throwaway interaction which I decided to push as hard as I could for practice, but it degenerated to a chasing vibe, I could have walked away and used my time more productively elsewhere (every minute matters near closing time). As to HBWraparound you're also on the money, I hadn't thought of applying the law of least effort here as I got caught up in the battle, investing hard, oops. I did try a version of what you suggested (switching to deep dive) but should have been more assertive about it and ditched the bar altogether.

No I wasn't dead set on driving people around, just I was kinda tired and had collected various rejections that killed my vibe a bit and was ready to throw in the towel... could have blown it off and let them get a taxi as they'd originally planned. One thing that was totally fucked about this party was "no pass outs", nobody could leave until close. This shafted me hard cos I wasn't that enamoured of my outfit, it was just a fun thing to wear to garner a little attention in daytime, I had another raver outfit and my normal GC clothes in car and I'd have been much more confident in those. Also obviously there was no chance of pulling to car or even pulling to apartment and getting them back before midnight (Rdawg style) so that's a factor why I dithered and put off pulling the trigger... fuck it. Oh well today is a new day ;)

Did some night street game last night and met a total hotty, 20yr old Chinese chick just off the plane and staying for a month. We exchanged email as she didn't have SIM card yet and was sitting using free wifi in city centre when I approached. Conversation was friendly and platonic but OMG her sexy librarian look and sexy deep voice... supposedly we will meet for a coffee today, hope she does not flake. I was probably a bit beta in this interaction (pressing her about the date, saying "definitely?" and so on) and a bit over invested since I thought about her a lot... but we'll see we'll see.

Props on your NYE adventures Snipe, defo a good idea to go for the low hanging fruit. My battery critically low but I'll take a more detailed look later. Keep approachin' ;)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Ahh night street game... what can I say, it's hard to get people to stop, got blown out quite a few times as I tried to get an opener out, some good interactions nonetheless.

Came face to face w a hot Asian woman as I left the building, caught me by surprise, was too slow and out of state. "Hey! Neighbour!" or "Stop for a moment. I see we are neighbours and ..." would have worked here. She was carrying some shopping so obviously heading to a nearby building.

I also have been carrying a bit of shopping, like some tofu or a lettuce, as an excuse for being out & about on the streets. Another goto of mine is "I couldn't sleep so I came out for a walk" if asked. This communicates I live nearby without hurting plausible deniability should I need it.

Sat down in a bar w a table of Mexican dudes to get warmed up, they were quality.

Three Aussie chicks one of whom was married to a chode and the other two claimed to be lesbians, I was a bit slow in calling out this bullshit (but did so after a delay and said a fair bit of other mildly sexual shit)... husband came back from the store after a while and tried to AMOG but ended up looking like a chode without any help from me, whereas I was just being friendly...

Vietnamese chick on her phone, pushed for insta date, nogo. At one point she said "what do you want?" though not in an unkind way. I replied "I want cute Vietnamese women in purple tops to drink coffee with me". Chinese chick at crossing on way to bus stop and home, pushed for insta date, nogo.

Columbian sisters, chatted a while about their holiday and differences between Bogota and Melbourne... non target's Columbian bf arrived after a while and he was cool also... offered insta date of electronic darts, nogo but left on extremely cordial terms.

Brazilian chick at street crossing waiting for lights... chatted to her for many cycles, she lives in Sydney, studies, works etc... invited her for insta date right off the bat, nogo, stayed and built comfort, again attempted to move her to bar down the street, took her hand and lightly pulled her in that direction, nogo so went our separate ways (her home to youth hostel and bed as she was tired apparently)... could have got a number but after annoying email flake today from 20yo hot Chinese librarian-look I wasn't in the mood for numbers.

Two hot women walking "Hey there... you are both dressed to kill tonight... you look good", they didn't stop (granted it was slightly off the beaten track) but acknowledged me and one of them called back "thanks" over her shoulder as we each glanced back at each other... I think I could have made something of this, with a "stop! I don't just give out compliments for free you know!" or similar.

I had a pretty low opening percentage tonight and I think my voice is too high and my facial expressions maybe not on point. Not sure about my opener per se, since I use a different opener every time, some of them are a bit beta like "hey there how's your night going?" or just "hey there I'm Raymond, what's your name" but it all depends on my vibe and state. I think at this particular time and place what worked best was to quickly get a compliment out before they could walk off or otherwise blow me out.

I dunno? This is all too hard. I just wanna fuck. Fuck. haha

Edit: Also tried to game some Korean waitresses at a fried chicken restaurant on my corner, have been interested in this place for a while. Blew out my diet but fuck it was delicious. Delivered some compliments and teasing shit, only one of them was biting (least hot one) and she turned out to have a bf, others weren't altogether unappreciative of the attention however. Collected an IOI from some cute short shy looking Asian chick in a group of 3 who had been sitting upstairs but unfortunately could not act on it as they were leaving the restaurant and I was eating my food. Dang it need more IOIs!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Ray, thanks for detailing that. It actually really helps and inspires me, especially in light of my post-date aimless wandering yesterday in the nightlife district.

As for wanting to fuck, the following article helped me: Your Sexual Market Value https://www.girlschase.com/content/your-sexual-market-value-whos-afraid-desperate-men. It's easy to get caught up and forget that we are working to better ourselves so that we won't have to compete with 90% (or whatever it is) of men.

Thank goodness for Chase, Anatman, NJ, you and all the other cats sharing their experiences on this site!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks Snipe I saw your latest approaches too, good to see you're not resting on your laurels after NYE, straight back in the saddle is the way to play it ;) I think what we could both benefit from is a bit of push/pull and the bored look... we've got good at engaging (many/most) women for reasonable lengths of time, enough to try and move them etc, but I think maybe we aren't generating enough attraction, remember this site is "how to make girls chase" and I think the bored look could be a big part of that. Let's give it a try. Ages ago I did a bored look / breaking eye contact / looking into space for a bit while a woman was talking about boring work shit and result was pretty dramatic, I was surprised... even the most uncalibrated woman picks up on this kinda shit it appears.

As to today... I haven't been gaming a lot cos on holiday w kids however did something extremely amusing today which I would never have had the balls to do pre GC...

Well I had to go to Tribunal today about ongoing dispute with my landlord / agent re vacating previous place... and, totally lost although I put up a good fight... so was in the court with agent (property manager) for 1.5hr or so thrashing it out with judge (or "member" as she is properly titled for Tribunal matters)... well after this I decided to try and game the agent since I had always thought she was hot... went like this
Me: (we are waiting for orders to be issued in foyer of the court) hey Stella can I ask you for a favour?
Her: sure what is it?
Me: walk up the street with me to the cash machine so we can sort stuff out straightaway
Her: oh right I'm not sure if I can issue a receipt now?
Me: (strong EC) hahaha I trust you...
Her: that I won't go and spend it? hahaha that's good
Me: I must say I like the way you handle yourself... I noticed a lot of times when we dealt with each other you were very good at putting the tenant on the defensive... you're obviously very experienced at what you do
Her: oh right yeah possibly just quite organized and straightforward with people (bullshit she's a gamer, but she ain't revealing her secrets straightaway... hahaha)
Me: what I have trouble figuring out is why you would want to do this kind of work, dealing with difficult people all day long
Her: blah blah blah (I deep dive her a bit)
Me: So I've spent literally months in this Court on other matters and I might be getting slightly better at it, or maybe not... are you in Court frequently?
Her: no this was my first time actually, though I did have to kick a tenant out once blah blah blah
Me: wow you are very good blah blah blah
Me: So when we first met I wasn't very assertive and I tended to let issues slide, but I've been working hard to learn to be more assertive, it's to do with my divorce etc... unfortunately part of the process is sometimes going too far before getting calibrated so I apologize you had to deal with that... (I touch her arm)
Her: no it's okay blah blah blah I have 250 properties on my books so that's why I sometimes need you to stay on my case until things get fixed blah blah
Me: no way!!! 250 properties, you're kidding, you are amazing blah blah (get into a bit more deep diving here)
We eventually get cash and then we go into a coffee shop where I order a takeaway and get change so we can settle up which we do... I have to give her $387.30 and sign bond over to the landlord which we will do by email. Outside the shop...
Me: so Stella I have a confession to make...
Her: yeah?
Me: well you remember I sat opposite you before Court... I thought you were some lawyer or legal person, I was gonna start chatting you up... hahaha
Her: hahaha you are funny (or something... cannot remember)
Me: haha so when I realized we were opposing each other that didn't really work out then, did it (we are both laughing now) (I add a bit more touch here IIRC)
Her: hahaha no well my boyfriend wouldn't have been too thrilled either I guess hahaha
Me: haha so I'll say bye now, or actually are you heading back this way to your car? (she is)... okay we can walk together for a bit longer
(we chat about relationships, her long term career, she has worked 5yr in property mgt and loves it and wants to do 5yr more and then have kids... I share a bit about women I've chatted up in the Courthouse or through Court ordered programmes and how I've become friends with some but have not pulled the trigger cos I meet a lot of other women now that I'm more assertive and I'm concerned those I meet through this channel might be cluster B)...
Me: okay I'm gonna head this way, no hard feelings about today's result, shit happens... hope I could explain to myself, I mean to you, where I was coming from (I add some touch... oops slight Freudian slip there)
Her: okay bye! (we part on good terms)
I continue to do this crazy stuff that they said couldn't be done :)

Edit: I should clarify that although parts of above interaction were not that alpha, my primary objective was to get her interacting on a personal level and eventually achieved that, I only would have tried to progress the interaction if she'd been very interested. Also on an unrelated topic I had a very good voice day yesterday, very deep and resonant all day, but today back to bullshit voice, including in court, oh well one thing at a time I suppose...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013

Your exchange with the property manager actually sounds pretty alpha: you are calm, friendly and genuine. Interesting account!

As for the bored look and push/pull, you are right! I wish I used the bored look with my previous date (gym girl). I'll def. give this some thought and focus on them in my interactions.

Yep, let's learn how to make em chase! 頑張りましょう!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hehe agreed.

So today it was a bit of waitress game, started off well when I introduced myself by name and got some recommendations from her, she was fairly attentive to our table (of 4 adults and 8 kids) but rapidly the restaurant filled up and everything got so busy and loud it was impossible to game her, I did try though my efforts were not really on point. Interestingly though I turned it around in the end and we had a longer chat after I paid the bill, turns out she is 16 (!) and came here from China last year and is studying year 11 in high school and I think staying with relatives... hmm probably should leave that one alone but she was responding to me very well and seemed genuinely regretful to see me go, shyly caught my eye several times as we made our way out... well fuck it she's legal, I'll prob call in some quieter time although she apparently does not work there every day. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a family business which could be problematic. I also made friends with a Chinese staff member who works in back and does not speak English. My 5 or 6 words of Chinese were helpful :)

So after the restaurant (celebrating my son's birthday) I took kids to their mum, picked up my gf and took her home to see the new place and christen the various items of furniture. She was super excited and had been anticipating this for weeks. I had laid in some preparations in the form of a new vibrator, some massage oil, some rope and plenty of condoms of which we got through half a pack as we tried various things. To build anticipation I'd hinted that I had some plans for her...

So after a drink, a makeout and taking her upstairs we exchanged a massage and then I tied her to the bed and had her choose a safe word, followed by telling her she was to address me as Master and ask permission before speaking... several times she forgot and I had to slap her face but overall she was a pretty good slave, I did the orgasm torture described in a recent post and it went well, pretty soon she was begging me for permission to cum and I was saying "no Slave, you may not cum, you will have to earn it"... so I alternated between fucking her missionary style, fingering her, using the vibrator, eating her out getting my dick sucked, and just stopping and applying massage oil to her nipples if she was getting too excited. I was pretty excited too so it was hard not to cum, eventually did in her mouth then ate her to orgasm after. Her words when I untied her and gave her permission to have a break... "oh my God that was fucking frustrating" hahaha mission accomplished.

So then she wanted to get changed into a sexy outfit that turned out to be fishnets, pumps, crotchless panties and a nippleless bra... while she was getting changed I had an evil idea which I knew she would love, as she has father issues and is into incest fantasies... I quickly put on a business suit and tie and instructed her to wait for me downstairs... then I pretended to enter...
Me: hey honey pie... where's Mum? Make Daddy a drink it's been a long hard day at the office
Her: Mum's gone out it's just us tonight Daddy
Me: okay... you didn't wear that slutty outfit to school did you? If you did you're grounded
Her: no Daddy I just got changed to get comfortable
Me: okay... how did you get home, did you catch a lift with Justin from your class?
Her: no Daddy honest just caught a lift with my girlfriend
Me: okay I hope so, I know what you got up to at the drive in last week
Her: really Daddy, he wanted me to get in the back of his panel van but I wasn't sure...
Me: so I've been meaning to have a talk with you about how babies are made...
Her: oh yes Daddy we are learning about that in school
Me: well your girlfriend Barbara knows, she can explain it to you... you remember the time you were having a pyjama party and Barbara got sick in the night...
Her: yeah when you had to care for her in your room...
Her: I want to see what a penis looks like Daddy, we have anatomy test tomorrow
Me: yes I spoke to your biology teacher about that, he says if you turn up early for the test there'll be some revision in his office, did you join the study group yet?
Her: yes Daddy but why couldn't Mum come to the parent teacher interviews too?
Me: I made sure she didn't come, she is a slut
Her: yeah like the time Justin was over and she came out in a towel and kept bending down to pick things up
Me: and then remember how Justin offered to help her with the supermarket shopping after that?
(pretty soon she's studying hard for her test, blowing me like there's no tomorrow... this shit is more for her though and although I'm getting harder I'm not really in the moment... I fuck her briefly through a hole she's had me rip in her fishnets but go soft again after a while)
Her: let's watch some cartoons Daddy
Me: have you been watching that anime porn again... I know what you and Barbara get up to in your room, as soon as you go up there all my downloads slow down to nothing
Her: no Dad honest... (we watch an anime cutie suck a pixellated dick but it finishes quickly)... I never saw a dick that wasn't pixellated before
Me: haven't you seen Mum and I in the shower?
Her: no Mum won't let me, I think she's jealous
...etc... (I put on some onsen porn and get sucked off for a while, it isn't explicit and finishes eventually but I'm still thinking about little Japanese tits when I blow my load in her mouth again)...
Me: we'd better get cleaned up, Mum will be home soon
I've been surreptitiously checking my watch and we just have time for a shower and to drive across town to get kids again per Family Law orders which contain special clauses for birthdays... luckily my ex has messaged to say she's running late, if I saw this earlier I would have given my gf another orgasm in the shower but regretfully I didn't.

In the car we talk about lots of stuff and hold hands / cuddle affectionately... and she comes out with this...
Her: was it good for you honestly, as good as it was for me?
Me: oh it was awesome
Her: could I ask you something... if it's okay to ask this
Me: sure what is it?
Her: if you start seeing someone else... could you let me know?
(an innocent request but I remember a poor dude in these forums recently who made such a deal whereupon she cheated on him, so I'm instantly on guard)
Me: oh well now, that's a pretty big ask, that's like asking for exclusivity isn't it?
Her: oh no blah blah (can't remember)
Me: well I can't promise you that, I mean if I decided to go exclusive with someone else I would tell you obviously, but I'm not looking for a gf and I highly doubt that's gonna happen
Her: oh blah blah (some further crap, it's getting weaker)
Me: well I'd be using condoms obviously
Her: blah blah (some crap about how if you sleep with someone you're sleeping with all their partners, oops shouldn't have brought this up, also I'm starting to qualify myself)
Me: well given I'm not looking for anything serious it'd more likely be a one nighter so it'd be pointless
...we soon lapse into silence, I don't reward this by starting a new conversation until much later...
I think my ex might have seen me cheek kiss my gf goodbye in the shopping centre since she was actually not late apparently, oh well nothing wrong with making her jealous hahaha

Edit: This was my first time trying kinky sex and roleplay and I thought it went okay though I feel I could get better at it. I'd prefer not to have to watch porn to get off as I strictly never watch it normally, she loves porn though... anyway one thing I did not anticipate was rope marks on her wrists and ankles as she went home to hubby, she didn't seem particularly perturbed about it though, hahaha


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
I'm grad that my post helped you!

Btw the incest role play sounded really hot and kinky. I'm usually into very kinky stuff so I'll definitely try this type of fantasy and pretty soon (I hope). I've been going out with this girl, she's only 14 years old (but it's the legal age of consent here in Europe, so it's okay). She's soo cute that it makes me melt. So innocent looking, so incredibly cute, but she's talking to me about thinking about sex all the time (puberty and hormones are hitting her hard) and how she wants to have sex and such.

This to say makes me soo excited, she's kinda nervous because it'll be her first time. I've thought about it and decided to do it. I really like her, and I know what I'm doing (how to have safe sex) and how to drive her crazy with pleasure. I really want to show her the kinds of pleasure she can experience as a woman, and do all sorts of kinky stuff, like the bondage, orgasm torture, sex in public. I really want to give her a sexual awakening. And I really really want to do the father - daughter incest fantasy and even more the little sister incest fantasy.

Hope it goes well with your gf and ex(maybe you can get them both together? ;))

- X


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hehe thanks for the comments and encouragement.

My gf has asked to be able to blow me w her hands tied behind her back and it reminded me of this short film which is hot: http://erikalust.com/films/handcuffs/, when I used to watch porn regularly this was one of my favourites... maybe u can get some ideas here too. Good luck with your project. If she doesn't have a school uniform to wear maybe u can get one over the Internet, and one for u too, the big brother? I might do the same, some good ideas there. Hopefully if I do it as a round 1 I'll be more horny and in the moment?

As a compliance measure you could also have her get all her pubic hair removed, for that pre pubescent look ;) My gf did this although it was her idea and I've never really bothered to build any compliance with her, she is an auto investor so I have been lazy though I am sure I will regret it eventually. Unfortunately most salons will leave a landing strip which isn't really my preference but it's still pretty hot.

My ex is cluster B so a bit of a nogo, she also hates my gf since I had my gf give evidence against her in court, hahaha it would still be good to secretly film my ex consenting to sex and then nail her when she goes off crying rape to the cops, but no doubt would backfire... I can't get enough of Anatman's report in which he films the girl consenting to sex after she spread a whole lot of rape rumours around the campus hehe.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
I actually purchased a school girl uniform and and few anime cosplay uniforms from Japan. To really make this experience great and really kinky. And since she's 14 and the age of the actual girls in those fantasies - it's going to be awesome.

And we'll definitely be doing lots of bondage and handcuffing stuff, with me being in control and she losing her mind. I'll make her my dirty little sex slave.

- X


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 7, 2014
Damn...you guys are like my bench mark for kinky Role play fantasy lol. I have a girl who's a fanatic about Harry Potter and i'm thinking of having her serve detention in my chambers and Role play as a Syltherin professor and her the naughty Gryffindor Student. Actually she's got the whole outfit including robes,skirt,vest and knee high socks too. Can you guys give me any advice?? She still has her vagina verginity but we've been seeing each other for 4 weeks and I've managed to have anal sex and oral sex from her. In fact i'm the first guy she's done any of this with. Thanks :). Feel free to respond here or PM me
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
TheGoldenBoy said:
Damn...you guys are like my bench mark for kinky Role play fantasy lol. I have a girl who's a fanatic about Harry Potter and i'm thinking of having her serve detention in my chambers and Role play as a Syltherin professor and her the naughty Gryffindor Student. Actually she's got the whole outfit including robes,skirt,vest and knee high socks too. Can you guys give me any advice?? She still has her vagina verginity but we've been seeing each other for 4 weeks and I've managed to have anal sex and oral sex from her. In fact i'm the first guy she's done any of this with. Thanks :). Feel free to respond here or PM me

Here's something from my post about a few ideas.

This girl I've been seeing for 1-2 weeks and I had sex for the first time a week ago. And it's great cause we are both very kinky so we whipped out the ropes and handcuffs pretty soon. Yesterday I decided to torture her while having sex.

And I mean the orgasm torture. You know the one where you almost make her cum and when she's right on the edge you stop and let her loose the orgasm. It's real torture if you do it 20-30 times to her.

So I decided to torture her and I tied up her hands to my bed post and her legs to the bottom of my bed. I told her the rules - at any time she can use the safe-word "red" and I stop and untie her. But if she uses the safe-word, sex is over and she's not getting an orgasm. Also any time she speaks and says anything without my permission - I must punish her by slapping her face, or shutting her up by putting my dick in her mouth. The great part was the she had absolutely no control of anything. I decided everything, and she couldn't even speak without being punished.

I was using my mouth, hands and a Hitachi magic wand (I bought it recently and it makes any girl cum super hard so for 45$ it's a great investment), just remember to use a condom on the vibrating head, so it's hygienic if you use it with different girls.

So we started and at the beginning she was excited a lot, then she got really horny. The way I did it was drive her to the edge of orgasm using only my mouth/hands/hitachi then stop and give her 2-3 minutes of rest during which time I kissed her inner thighs, her neck, breasts, belly, around her vagina but not direct stimulation, then drive her to the point of orgasm then stop, and start kissing her for 2-3 minutes. And if at any time she speaks even a word I'd have to punish her.

I did this for almost an hour and a half, edged her around 20-30 times. That's 20-30 times of bringing her to the edge of an orgasm and stopping (the hitachi is really great for that).

And around the 45-50 minute mark she started getting really frustrated and angry. Like she'd start saying "fuck you, you fucking asshole, motherfucker, fuck you" and then a few seconds later she'd get really sweet and cute saying things like "c'mon baby, please let me cum I'll be nice. I'll be a good girl and do what you want just let me cum". And I kept torturing her for another 20-30 minutes.

She didn't use the safe-word cause then it would be all over and the sex would be over, so she knew she'd have to endure.

At almost the hour 30 minute mark I felt too bad for her, she was begging me so much and so sincere.

So I decided to begin the actual sex (penetration) cause I wanted to give her an orgasm with penetration (real sex, not just oral/with a toy) so I did and she was so sensitive that she came in like 2 minutes. And it was the most violent orgasm I've ever seen. I mean her whole body shaking violently to the point of shaking the entire bed and hitting me with her limbs and giving me a few bruises. She was screaming, her eyes rolled back. Her body continued shaking for 2-3 minutes after the orgasm, like muscle spasms and body convulsions. She couldn't speak properly, I mean she sounded like she was drunk.

Then I untied her and continued having sex. She was so sensitive especially her clit. So the sex was mind blowing, and she repaid me really good.

After we were over she wanted to go pee and she couldn't walk properly so I had to help walk to the bathroom.

Then we drank half a gallon of juice and passed out. No talking no nothing, just me putting my hand over her and we both fell asleep really fast. And in the morning she woke me up wanting sex again and had the goofiest, mischievous smile ever.

She actually told me she loves me after one of her orgasms. Honestly I think I might fall for this girl, just because the sex is soo good. Even though I made it this good.

Honestly if you want good ideas watch some lesbian porn. But real lesbians. And do everything without vaginal penetration. I can recommend you look up the porn actresses Elle Alexandra, Malena Morgan, Sammie Rhodes, Celeste Star. They are all real lesbians and their scenes are really passionate and intense with lots of ideas how to give her orgasms.

But you'll do lots of foreplay, rough foreplay, oral sex both you and her. Using the torture method you can get her sooo horny that she doesn't care she's a virgin and begs you to penetrate her. Just remember to tie up her hands so when she's near orgasm and you stop, she can't just finish herself.

Hope you get with that girl.
- X


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
TBH I am not really the expert on kinky sex and roleplay, I can however pass on Chase's advice to try things with a regular gf first in case you run into problems, otherwise if you plan to try new stuff with a new girl make sure you both have some drinks first so you can pass off any mistakes as sloppiness due to alcohol.

I've heard that Slytherin girls can be pretty horny. I guess if you are doing a verbal roleplay run through some scenarios in your head or write them down... maybe check out Tiny Fey's autobiography too, she's an improv artist and she describes thr golden rule of improv as "yes, and..." rather than "yes, but..." that is you must agree with and incorporate whatever the other person says although you can then steer it back to more fertile ground... some partners are very uncooperative and keep shutting you down with go-nowhere ideas or are stuck on soms useless fantasy of their own instead of agreeing with & incorporating your ideas, in such cases be patient and persistent and continue your cooperative "yes, and..." I'd say.

Now to something more mundane, well I had the chance to do some approaching last night, had organized babysitting and took my friend R1 out to dinner and drinks, it was okay and we shared a lot about each other's lives but she seemed a little tired and preoccupied with her grades and visa issues & described a plan to go back to Indonesia this month if things don't work out, bit of a bummer... barely touched her drinks and I've seen her very happy and bubbly from alcohol before so I was disappointed... I think she was also a bit closed off cos worried I might make a move, my sexual flirting had not really been on point (too obvious and she'd called me out on some of it, a test which I failed though I recovered later having thought about the correct response in the meantime)... anyway I wasn't really planning to, though I'm always testing the waters I suppose.

So after dinner and doing today's shopping at supermarket I twisted her arm to have one drink with me at local pub "I mean come on, when do we have babysitting normally, we are footloose and fancy free, let's hit the town!!", ended up having our IDs scanned and paying $10 to get in, didn't expect that?! It then reminded me a lot of my regular nightgame spot (sedate by day, grinding to dance music, lasers and smoke by night)... except, crowd was very young (18ish), predominantly girls, dressed up and cliquey (hanging out in huge groups)...

These factors combined to make me pretty nervous, I was basically prepared for blowout city... dance floor was a bit empty so it was hard to do my normal df approaches, I sat at a table and chatted to my friend, could not even open the girls at the next table when R1 spent 15min on phone to R2 (who did not come but regretted it when she heard the pounding bass hahaha).

Well it soon got busier so as soon as I hit the df I forced myself to do some approaches and they went well! Haha just shows aa is a crock... I had to babysit my friend who wasn't in state & also wouldn't grind with me, though she was okay hanging out at the df on and off... so could only do about 4 or 5 approaches before taking pity on her and calling it s night... one was to a member of a hens group and I ended up meeting various hens and the bride's mother, in retrospect should have moved her to the df instantly as she would surely have been down for a grind, but I was much too passive. Similarly a late 20s/early 30s woman who was definitely dtf, she immediately told me the guy she was with wasn't her bf (I responded in similar vein then wished I'd remained more mysterious and used R1 for preselection)... asked where I was from which I deflected with "good question... you sound Aussie? blah blah"... met her friend... but failed to move her and she became distracted. My game was a bit off as not warmed up. But I'm glad I conquered my aa and collected some good reference experiences (incidentally there were no Asians there, which shows how the choice of venue affects the demographic very significantly).


I also chatted up one of the babysitters before we left, had spoken to her on previous occasions to give her instructions re kids but interactions felt a bit stilted so I wanted to build some comfort which I did... she's 17, goes to a private school half an hour away, studying blahblah wants to do either business or maybe public relations but doesn't have a lot of direction yet (I advised her to hit yr12 hard and get a great entrance score then take a break and work / travel until sure of her direction) blahblah has dogs like my former dogs etc... I wasn't mysterious enough and didn't keep it squarely on her so again my game was off, however I threw out some chase frames about her chatting up the boys on the school bus and got some laughs prompting R1 to say to me later "you are such a womanizer Ray" hahaha...

Also in the car at the end of the night R1 said "who is your girlfriend Ray?" to which I replied "I like to keep my options open"... should have left it there but then I blabbed that I had an occasional gf who is married, I suppose I wanted to set the frames that (1) I do married women... like her (2) I'm getting sex (3) married works for me as I'd make a terrible bf and I'm not seeking anything serious... which I did... but I probably also sunk my ship by communicating a lack of discretion. Blabblab=bad, naughty Ray! Slap! hehe


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Got home from a dinner that was another story in itself, drunk but coffee'd up. Noticed a commotion at the youth hostel across the street (yeah that's right I live across from a backpackers' moohahaha). Argued with myself for a bit... wanted to lie in bed being theoretical on girlschase... but decided to go check it out... brushed and flossed my teeth... exchanged black suit jacket for black leather jacket... (this outfit is great cos can dress it up or down, defo felt the suit jacket out of place in a backpackers')... strode in and opened the first girl I saw, sitting by herself, collected an IOI on the way in, smiled at her and said hi... by the time I'd got a water she'd moved to near me... IOI city :) attractive in a boyish kinda way, turns out she's Italian, been in Sydney a few months, now passing through my city, good for a quick fuck I thought.

Well I won't go into too much detail except to say I was drunk and sloppy but I dug this woman, got her agreement to an insta date then had her give me a good part of her beer so we could leave quicker, she went and put something warmer on, then I took her to another bar (where I got even more drunk), she wouldn't hold hands but was pretty receptive, had some obvious convo (in which I tried to be mysterious and largely succeeded), teased her a bit and threw in some chase frames, nothing too exciting just tried and true formulas not really worth repeating here... walked around city for a bit, she had seen a bit already so I showed her the old jail (and pointed out she'd probably lock me in there and keep me as a toy boy for the next 4 days, obviously)...

Started working on the pull, nothing earth shattering, I went long range to set up a date for the next day as a bit of comfort building seemed called for, she wasn't sure but was pretty apologetic about her wanting to keep her options open for maximizing her time here so this didn't seem like a brush off... walked a bit in silence and said something like, will you go straight to sleep? I'll probably watch a movie since I never go to bed before 2... turned to other light topics but amazingly she brought up the movie again so I thought we were good to go.

I cuddled her in to me for a bit and then said "so you're busy and your time is short and you don't know what you're doing tomorrow... but there is always the now... come across the street with me and watch (I quickly thought of a little known but critically acclaimed Italian movie from 1968 that I want to see again)"... well she wasn't down... smiled a little smile and said "I don't do that... (fuck handsome strangers on a first meeting I think she meant)"... hehehe but she prob respected me for having taken a shot, we hugged for some time and cheek kissed warmly so all good I guess. Also texted:
Her: Good Night. Gina.
Me: hey hon... the movie is $3.99 on youtube, amazing cos v rare and hard to get when i was in high school. will watch tomorrow xx nite
Her: Ahaha I was thinking you had it already. Anyway night Ramon. (it's cute that she's Italianized my name)
Anyway I'm not putting any store by this but she knows she can get a fuck across the street if she plays her cards right. Definitely communicated through touch and teasing... :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013

You live across from a YOUTH HOSTEL! ?! Man, I cannot wait for more stories.

Anyways, if you think about it, you gave the girl exactly what she was looking for. She was bored out of her mind sitting in the hostel, thinking, "I wish I met some locals who would show me the city and tell me about their lives." And then you magically appeared and showed her a great time. I think this is an excellent example of the inherent good in these interactions we're learning to run. Also, of course like how you thought on your feet with the movie choice and kept pushing forward.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks Snipe. I agree although I have to get away from doing everything for the woman's sake, it is fun but I want to get laid too hehe... With the Italian chick / insta date, I felt that my investment in time was not rewarded (even if she got what she wanted out of the interaction), although that's probably my fault for being drunk and sloppy, haha... well I guess I could have texted her today but decided not to, because if she won't chase then I'm not interested.

Today was not a very good day though, I gave myself a break from approaching because I felt my mental state was not up to direct-opening the first girl I saw and I have seen that doing it half-heartedly won't work. But I still felt like a bitch when I was in Starbucks and caught a woman blatantly staring at me, she then came down from upstairs to get her coffee and I got a closer look (although I was minding EC) and I was interested but froze up. Oh well. I wasn't approaching, so...

Unfortunately did not really use the time very well, teacher is getting back in 2 weeks expecting me to have done 4-6 weeks of work and I've done fuck all. So I really want to stop approaching for a while... trouble is, I've got a date lined up (or at least I think I do) with social circle hotty (R2), I've only spoken to her briefly (and again by voice on the phone) but I'm worried I'm over invested, so I really need to get out there and pimp it to keep my state up, but do not have time. Fuck.

Also I booked 3 workouts in rapid succession to get back into the gym, and I feel good, but it has wrecked my work routine, cos I go to sleep very late and get up very early for the workout and then I'm tired and want to have a sleep before work, half the day gets wasted and then I'm feeling slow and sluggish and end up browsing the web from my work PC, I am sure that a high value man would not do this... fuck, need to become a high value man with better life balance.

I also have social engagements lined up for most of the weekend so I suppose I feel good but also conflicted because I should be working all weekend. In fact I'd probably be working all night except I have to get up for the gym. Oh, fuck... well one day at a time I suppose. It's really hard to get used to the fact I have time commitments, and have to manage the remaining time effectively, rather than just going all-out on whatever is most important at any given time.

I feel like a bit of a faker because I am leading what has the appearance of a very successful and together life, but it is hollow at the core because my work (what gives me a role in society and societal value) is not getting done. Fuck it. There is no question that I can do the research, but I need to focus on it without the rest of my life falling in a heap. At the barest minimum I need my work to be able to coexist with my kids and gym routine, preferably Japanese and approaching too.

I have also not been able to attend the meetings of the co-dependents group since before Christmas and I am sorely missing this. I feel that tackling my inner game issues will be key to sticking to my diet and getting my life routine in balance, it may in fact be that I am deliberately sabotaging myself with procrastination, staying up late, etc. It appears that whenever things start going super well I subconsciously fall back to having a really shitty unproductive day and feel bad again.

Feeling crap I considered calling the psychologist I was seeing before the co-dependents group and asking for some more sessions but it would be a hassle getting a referral and it's expensive and I'm concerned she doesn't "get it" like the people in the co-dependents group do. So I'll return to the group and hopefully that will resolve matters. In the meantime I went to my friend R1's house this evening for about 3hr chat where we both shared our problems and felt better. Hmm.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
I have been feeling ridiculously fucking horny for days. I think it is giving me an edge, except when I overthink and pussy out like yesterday. At the moment I'm sitting in traffic with a hardon in my gym shorts thinking about the fatty I asked out this morning, she wasn't down but then again I was pretty casual about it. (I guess too casual = not attainable maybe).

After my workout I went to do some errands and since I was near the dentist I decided to kick some arse about the fuckin' bleaching trays I was promised many months back... called up the receptionist and got the same fuckin' schtick, she'll call me back, she really will this time... said I was in the area and planned to pay for and pick up those trays... allowed her to fob me off with yet another promise to call back so I went and got a haircut for the weekend, deep dived and chase framed the hairdresser (fatty referred to above) and really liked her, established she would finish 7pm so told her to come into city and go clubbing with me (I know, bad idea but IDGAF, I can make it work out somehow), nogo, got a great haircut, went next door for a coffee and started on the waitress with some compliments etc, I must really be horny... fuckers still hadn't called back so I went to the surgery, she was pretty embarrassed to see me but I handled it gracefully and sorted shit out. Thank God. Have read advice somewhere to do at least 1 thing to improve your appearance every single day.

So this was all pretty alpha and I was happy, but got drawn into some bullshit software / network issue when I went to my dad's work to borrow a tool, heart sank when I thought to myself, my workday is slipping away (see prev post), need to do my errands and get outta here... the issue is completely their fault and I haven't worked there for like 8yrs and nothing has been maintained in that time, they refuse to use source code control, keep no records and wouldn't have a fucking clue what ships with what software version or known incompatibilities, what a dog's breakfast, I could honestly say that my transformation to high value man instead of doormat probably started when I fucked that off and started putting my efforts where they would be useful / appreciated... anyway I digress but I need to be firmer in telling people it's not my problem anymore and to go to their boss (dad) for a solution. Honestly I feel so sorry for them though, my dad's a dickhead.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Ray, I'm in a similar boat with the work/life balance. Now that school has started, I sometimes have this urge to just focus on that. Over the past couple of days, I've started to think how convenient and nice it would be to just have a girlfriend so I could focus on my work... I'm getting lazy!

Also, I can totally relate about how the mind sabotages you when you feel like things are going well. My explanation for this is that I've gotten so used to worrying, to feeling bad, etc, that it's become familiar to the mind. The brain naturally turns to it, even though in the long run it's worse for survival....

At the end of the day, it's just like you said, you gotta just take it one day at a time (as cliche as that sounds). Nice to hear about moving things forward with the fattie!

Also, interesting observation:
I could honestly say that my transformation to high value man instead of doormat probably started when I fucked that off and started putting my efforts where they would be useful / appreciated...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Snipe!!! Thanks for the kind words and encouragement, also, you're killing it! Thanks for the honourable mention :) :)

Today is turning out to be a great day! I just had to post this interaction for your entertainment, think you were asking me about turning it sexual... I had one more errand to do, but I got changed into jeans, boots and a muscle t-shirt first. Weather is glorious, very uplifting. Went down to the electronics store, a chain store which I noticed has a branch down the street from me. Saw a cutie in a Gothic kinda outfit and black wig, she looked hot!
Me: (makes straight for her and follows her into an aisle) hey
Her: (turns to me and smiles, she's even cuter than I thought)
Me: (sees she's wearing a lanyard) oh you work here?
Her: yeah!
Me: well I just noticed your cute outfit and I was gonna say hello, I'm Raymond
Her: Tabitha (we shake)
Me: (pause for a bit, look into her eyes) so I was after a multimeter
Her: (pause for a bit, look into my eyes) yeah down here
Me: so you're into electronics generally?
Her: I'm learning! I've been working here 2 months blah blah
Me: great! do you have a soldering iron at home? (I start qualifying her)
Her: yeah!
Her: I'm working on a project with a string of LEDs and a POT and blah blah
Me: terrific, well when we get to the counter give me some paper and I'll draw something for you
Her: okay! (she shows me some multimeters, there's a bit of back and forth in which I express doubt about the best one, then I add some touch and say that's okay, you can get away with it)
Me: so come down to the counter now (some compliance)
Her: okay!
Me: so I don't normally show off like this but actually making LED Christmas lights is one of my hobbies
Her: (smiles) these are for a monitor, behind it
Me: is it a Gothic monitor? (I chuckle)
Her: (we get to the counter and she gives me a receipt to draw on... I show her how to hook up a 7805 as a current regulator... I ask what current she wants, she isn't sure)
Me: say 20mA... if they're ultra bright LEDs you could go to 30mA
Her: oh not too bright please
Me: yes, you would function best in a darkened room, wouldn't you... I know what you get up to in a darkened room!
Her: hahaha
Me: (shows her the V=IR formula, she's seen it before, discuss how the current has to go through the sense resistor and cannot go anywhere else but the LEDs after that... and how the 7805 is substituting for her POT, I draw the circuit as she currently has it and show the equivalence... she's impressed I think... when she gets it I give her a high five)
Me: so what did you say your name was again?
Her: Tabitha... Tabby (rings up the sale) so was that all you were after today?
Me: well I need someone to come and install it! (cheeky grin, I start to laugh now)
Her: install it....? hahahaha
Me: (I pay) so are you going out after work tonight?
Her: yes, it's a dinner... with friends blah blah
Me: so you're going out, but you're not going out with anyone... (cheeky grin)
Her: ...? (confused)
Me: I'm just teasing you.... (smiling)
Her: you mean like a boyfriend
Me: (smiles)
Her: well I have a boyfriend but I'm not going out with him tonight!
Me: oh yeah, I know what you get up to when you leave your boyfriend at home... (we both start laughing, this is getting OTT)
Me: haha okay bye (I leave on a high point)

Even better! R2 responds, I had thought she was a flake! Fuck yeah!!
10:15 Me: hey R2 I hope you're having a good week :) lets meet up around 1pm tomorrow if that works
14:06 Her: Yes, I am, 1pm is great, where are we meeting?
Sick arse... I'll wait a bit and then tell her to pick me up at my appt and we'll walk to the market together. I'm considering telling her I'm not ready when she arrives, and having her come up for a few min, and maybe tasking her with putting the wax in my hair or something of that nature, we'll see, it would be pretty bold.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Integrating V = IR seamlessly and relevantly into a pickup is impressive, my friend! AWESOME!!

I'm expecting some quantum mechanic game next time. Hehe.

Yes, thanks for highlighting the flirting, I think you know how valuable these reference points are for me. Cheers.

If you tell R2 to wax on, wax off, you may wind up not going anywhere else ). Good luck!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Have spent the day approaching. Funniest one was a group 6 or 8 Japanese students of English, all very young. Spoke some JP to my target, she was cute and 20. Others were all pretty cockblockish but at the same time quite admiring of my JP, I knew it was pointless to ask for the number cos of social pressure but did so anyway. Claimed not to have a phone so I ignored that and got mine out "Denwa bango o oshiete" and when she didn't "Oshiero!" nice use of the command form I thought. I then had her teach me the Japanese for "I don't believe you" = "Shinjinai". Hehe all good fun. My other travails are listed in recently posted FU report... oh well had a good party last night and got renovations completed in time.