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A ray of light in the darkness


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Solid outing today. I did not really plan it but I was kinda early for an appointment (to look at an apartment in the city) so I started opening girls on the tram and so forth. My first open got funny looks cos I just went straight in with "Hi there. What are you doing today?" kind of stuff, but mostly it was direct tailored compliment, a few times totally cute/gorgeous and quite a bit of "Hey, stop for a moment" in conjunction with those. Although lately I don't really overthink it, first I stop them and then I just say whatever, once they're facing me I can notice if they have nice eyelashes etc. It's really good to be a bit more relaxed and in the moment like this.

I have to be quick so I won't go into details, opened a shit ton but I was only really focusing on cold reading and maintaining my voice and posture and this went really well. However, banter suffered a bit. Where the cold reading tailed off here and there, it went a bit 20-questions like, but I didn't really care because I was just having fun. I wasn't aggressively pushing for numbers or anything, just enjoying the nice weather and seeing if I could find some interesting conversations to pass the time. There were a couple of noteworthy interactions:

Absolutely smashing Filipina in business attire (light blue/green suit, skirt), lovely makeup, gorgeous features and she checked me out as I was crossing the street and passed her, I grabbed eye contact with her, held it and went straight into "hey, stop for a moment"... turned around and said "I was just crossing the street when I noticed how absolutely gorgeous you are, so I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Raymond"... She had in fact stopped in the middle of the road, so I got some kino going as I guided her back to the other side. Then we got introduced, her name something like Saraya but I didn't catch it well. I guessed Chinese based on her physical appearance although the name didn't fit. She said she needed to get back to work but I kept her talking, I found out she's Filipina, so I came out with "you're beautiful" in Tagalog, basically just showing off (mistake #1) also it was redundant since I'd already direct opened (mistake #2) and probably came across corny and insincere (mistake #3). I said well if u need to get going then let's get together for coffee later and she made some excuse, either misunderstood or deliberately misunderstood that I meant now, and she said no she really has to get back. I've then continued to dig a hole for myself by saying... "oh..am I handsome?" in Tagalog, would have sounded needy (mistake #4) , anyway I wish I had handled this better because it's the first time I've stopped a girl who checked me out and she was such a stunning one at that... better to break out the language skills later when you have them on a date I think, but I'm not so good at this because I'm naturally a bit of a show off. (Does this come from insecurity/neediness? I don't really think so, I was good at drama and stuff at school, just like expressing myself and engaging people).

Lovely tall woman sitting down close by the central shopping centre / tram stop, I approached her from the side and stood next to her saying "I could not help noticing your pink shoes, you look fabulous... you also have some coordination going [indicating her pink phone case]". Turns out she was meeting a friend for a film. She was instantly friendly and engaging to me and totally up for being approached, I guessed Korean and business student and she was Chinese and Engineering student, but she mentioned she gets called Korean quite a lot. Introduced ourselves, I sat down with her, I was going to sit on her other side, but she misinterpreted my shoulder touch as moving her over and complied. I started to mention how when I was in engineering the first time around there was like one woman and 200 men whereas more recently I did engineering at our uni and there's more women than men... but didn't get far into this when her friend turned up. I ask what uni she's at and it's my uni so I say "Right that's it... we are going to have to meet up for a coffee then"... number closed, but realized I'd forgotten her fuckin name, decided to be honest about it and sent her the following text 20min later:
14:35 Me: Beautiful tall not-Korean lady with pink shoes, I apologize that I did not catch your name properly when we introduced ourselves? Hope u return safely from your intergalactic adventure :) Raymond
14:39 Her: My name is Ella. It was nice meeting you :)
14:52 Me: Thanks :) I'm around the campus Thursday if that suits u to meet up, otherwise from next Tue :)
No reply yet, but she's probably watching the film. Hope it works out.

Long conversation in the tram, opened her by asking if she was a tourist, I wasn't really that attracted but it passed the time. Then closed another Chinese cutie after I changed my outfit at the car (from business jacket which I put on for the apartment inspection, to bad-boy jacket for Japanese class) and started walking back to the office... Her name June (lots of these lately haha) and she said she was going to school, this raised questions as she looked all of 16, so I asked how old she was, 18, game on. Haha. She was pretty engaged, I really liked her and chatted a bit about her foundation study, her plans to study Environment next year, I suggested she skipped a few grades in high school in China and was spot on (she and I have this in common). To be honest I think she'll flake, I may have used too much touch? But anyway I got her number after she excused herself because she's going back to China soon for the holidays, I replied "ohh I'll be here..." meaning when she gets back.

Great to be back in business.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
More approaches before & after JP class, number closed an Aussie chick who was cute though I can't remember much about her (in fact forgot I had the number, better icebreaker now), went for a meal, got a little flirting in w waitress but she seemed uninterested overall, meanwhile other chick behind counter is checking me out very frequently and obviously, caught her eye several times & winked, went to talk to her but due to boss's presence didn't push her hard. (But I did quite well just engaging her since I had no real reason to do so).

Ended up a bit tired & in my head, still did more approaches although they were off. Realized I had got some small splashes of curry on my shirt (fuck) and would have to get a tram to the car to change. Went to Nando's and spent a while with soap, water, tissues but little improvement.

Outing over or so I thought. Well on the tram I glanced at a cute Asian girl's mobile screen (I was standing directly in front of her seat) and saw Katakana characters. Game on!! I decide to address her in Japanese. I do not know how to say "hey there" so I hesitated and went with "excuse me! I noticed that you are Japanese". She was down. I cannot remember the exact conversation, we talked about our day, our work, plans for the evening and so on (remember my vocabulary isn't great do I have to keep to relatively simple, obvious topics). I start to ask her out with some hesitation to find the correct phrasing
Me: you are in the city every day?
Her: yes
Me: ... (conjugating the verbs in my head)
Her: I have to get off at the next stop (she knows what is coming and wants me to get it out asap hahaha)
Me: Let's meet to drink something this week
Her: OK!
Me: Thursday?
Her: OK!
Me: Teach me your phone number
(Tram stops)
Me: I have to get off here too, the carpark is nearby
(We get off, we are both holding our phones)
(We start to talk but the sun is in our eyes, I grab her by the hand and lead her across the street and into the shade)
Me: It...(I conjugate I into past tense w difficulty) was bright
Her: It was in our eyes (teaches me how to say it)
Me: You're really not a teacher?
Her: laughs
Me: You are speaking leisurely, simple Japanese. Thank you (I reward her with touch... she's down)
Her: Let's exchange numbers then
(I call myself from her phone, then I save myself as レー, she's impressed, note to self better icebreak her too, in JP naturally)
Her: Where did you park?
Me: Beside dead person (I don't know how to say cemetary)
Her: laughs
(more conversation about how I learned JP, for how long, do I recommend my language school for her friend)
Me: Is your friend as cute as you? (I didn't go direct so I want to express interest)
Her: Uhhm.. she's cute [compared to me]... (she's being modest, comparatives in JP are a bit hard to explain)
Me: I think she wouldn't be cute [compared to you]... (I smile... she accepts the compliment, it doesn't sound so backhanded in JP cos of the grammar, sounds more like "I doubt that!")
(we talk about language exchange etc... she's deep diving me and I don't resist cos my usual go-to's I cannot easily translate)
Me: So where does your friend live then? (she's going to eat with friend)
Her: Ohh it's a house that way.
Me: Let's walk together.
I think I dropped the ball a bit by sharing too much (but I do get it back onto her regularly) and by not closing out on my terms. I walk east with her for a couple blocks when I had to go north, however this wasn't so much a flaw in my game as a misunderstanding cos I had understood her to be going the same way as me originally, when I realized I should have closed out though.

She says to me at each corner, don't you have to go that way, the second time I go yeah and I close out with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug, she isn't expecting the kiss so I catch her on the upper cheek but she's down. The conversation dies down a bit in these two blocks, I suggest stopping for a drink in a nearby pub on the way to her friend's but she had already msg'd the friend, another error on my part. Anyway I throw in some pauses and she fills them w questions so it's all good I think.

I acted a bit needy possibly, because I was just bowled over at meeting such a cute and friendly woman with whom I could converse naturally and freely despite my limited grasp of the language, this never happens, I'm always stumbling and mishearing things and emcountering words I don't know... looking back I realize she did everything possible to make it a success, strong sign of investment compared with typical lazy person who would switch back to English at first hurdle.

Gonna go send some icebreakers. Then put my shirt in laundry nooster. Haha


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
More goodness this morning.

I was having my regular 7.30~8.30am Wednesday playdate in the food court area (though that probably makes it sound grander than it is) of a local shopping centre near the school. We sit at tables while the kids run around and play, there's a fair bit of traffic to/from the supermarket, bakery, coffee shop... so I see some cute women heading in to the coffee shop and I'm heading that way myself, I think they've already ordered when I come in, and tall black hair checks me out as I walk to the counter. I get a stamp in my coffee card and then register lady calls tall black hair back for her coffee card, I grab it and pass it to her, establishing some eye contact and smiles. But I don't pursue it in the presence of her friend, I head back to our table. I'm taking a sip of my coffee, when we again check each other out and I give her a half smile. H'mm!!

So now fast forward to the school, well I've grown a pair and decided to approach Helga again come what may. It's a very happy festive atmosphere with everyone dressed up in international costumes. I get a little warmup chatting with school registrar about her clan tartan as we walk up to the office together, I then go to Helga's classroom planning to say "I couldn't resist the idea of coming to check out your costume, how have things been?" or similar... but it's locked up and deserted. I let my son have a play in the prep playground while I chat to another cute Finnish mum who I know, waiting to see if Helga will make an appearance but she doesn't.

As we wander down towards the stadium again for the international day parade, I see tall black hair again, I had not realized she's actually a teacher at the school (grade 3 as it turns out). Fuckin' game on! She's assembling her kids so I go over to talk with her, but before she notices me she scoots back inside her classroom to get something and so I continue on down. Fast forward to the assembly, well it takes a bit of time to get organized and while waiting I pre open her with an elbow touch and it goes like
Me: Didn't I see you in the shopping centre before?
Her: Yeah!
Me: I wanted to come and say hi, but you seemed busy with your friend. I didn't realize you're a teacher here.
Her: Yeah my friend is too, she's over there with her class. (Indicates far side of the stadium near Helga's class)
Me: I'm Raymond (I offer my hand and she takes it)
Her: Chloe.
Me: Do you always get coffee in the shopping centre before work?
Her: Yeah it's becoming a bad habit of mine, blah blah... we chat about coffee consumption, we both want to reduce it
Me: Wow you're looking very international, I like your costume... bit different to last time I saw you (smile)
Her: Yeah blah blah... we chat about the fact she's teaching grade 3, it's a good medium (they're a bit mature but still pretty playful)
Me: What do you think about working here?
Her: Oh yeah it's totally great, it's a real community feeling blah blah
Me: Yeah I've only had good experiences here, so you live in the local area? (I decide to check logistics)
Her: [An inner city suburb]
Me: Oh right, you're coming a bit of a way, what's the traffic like in the mornings?
Her: Oh no traffic, it's really good blah blah
Me: Yeah cool cos I'm house hunting nearby, I think it will be fine to do the school runs from there
Her: Oh right where are you looking?
Me: In the city actually, people ask how it will be with kids but I'm kinda enjoying the single lifestyle, want to party it up a bit
Her: Yeah cool [my suburb] is really good, there's lots of bars in [X] street and so on
Me: Yeah isn't [bar] in [X] street?
Her: Yeah that place is great, always makes me think of pirates (I think about it, yeah there is a kinda nautical theme)... do you go there a lot?
Me: Oh not lately, been going out in the city more... I don't really want to become a regular so I like to mix it up a bit
Her: Cool yeah...
Me: I can meet you in [bar] (smile)
Her: (she isn't expecting this but she's pretty much down) Yeah!
Me: Write down your number for me when you get a chance (I'm hoping she'll have a pen on her but apparently she doesn't... don't want to get my mobile out now)
Her: OK!
Me: I can be found in the shopping centre on Wednesdays from about 7:45am if I don't see you before then
Her: OK!
Me: blah blah... we continue talking about school related stuff, I ask her if the prep orientation was yesterday but she doesn't know. Then one of her kids needs her.
Me: Puts my hand on her upper arm and holds it while leaning in... I'll let you attend to your flock... exchange smile and EC, eject
Ha not bad, I like the ultra casual way I asked her out... this works well in social circle. Also I didn't push hard for the number cos basically a number close is meaningless, what matters is generating enough attraction to seal the deal... I'll see her again and see if I can keep it going. I never approached Helga (cock blocked again by my 4 year old having to go back for his shoes whilst we're on an intersecting trajectory), but if she checked me out across the stadium, as I think she has done in the past, she probably would have seen me talking to Chloe with smiles and touch, very smooth. Hopefully I can eventually get a reputation as the go-to for cute teachers hahahaha.

We then headed down to the zoo and I was redirected from zoo girl's line into another line... chick is totally cute, has a little nose ring, and there's some other staff member I've seen before in the booth.
Me: Hiya... big smile, EC... I had over my membership card and driving licence
Her: Hi, and who do we have here today?
Me: [my son's name, there's 2 other sons on the membership and for some reason they ask this every time]...
Her: (addresses him) hi there, what animals do you want to see today? she gives him a map
Me: So are you in training by any chance?
Her: Yeah! blah blah, she's sharing
Me: Smile, EC... I haven't seen you before. I see your name is Danny... I'm Raymond (we shake hands)
Her: blah blah, being polite
Me: I turn to the other lady... keeping an eye on things? (in a cheeky tone)
Other lady: yeah blah blah, she's sharing too
What I wish I had said: "Ohh well Danny, someone as cute as you is gonna need a lot of supervision or things could get out of hand ;)" OR... "Hey Danny I hope your training goes well, I'm happy to give you a workout any time I come in ;)"
What I actually said: Hey well I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day, see you soon... exchange smile and EC, eject
We go and sit down to eat some mango, I discreetly check out the ordinary ticket booth and zoo girl is there. So I think fuck it, grow a pair, and when we finish the mango, we go over to talk to her as well... (normally I don't want to make things awkward so I only talk to her when I have an excuse to do so)
Me: Hey there zoo girl... smile, exchange EC... we were admitted by a trainee today.
Her: oh and how did that go?
Me: Fine... (slight pause) she was cute, but not as cute as you. (smile... we are overheard by her colleague behind, but this is pretty tame so I think fuck it)
Her: hahaha so how are things?
Me: Oh not bad, it's just a short visit today cos we had some errands to do... what about you, what's new?
Her: Oh my partner and I are moving into a house in December, lots of changes afoot (haha now I've stepped up the directness she's disqualifying herself, I don't mind, she's cool)
Me: Oh that sounds like great news... smile
Her: Yeah haha must be growing up a bit, doing all that adult stuff!
Me: Ohh well I'm probably regressing in that regard, I'm actually doing the opposite, moving from a house to an apartment... cos I'm really enjoying the single lifestyle at the moment, want to party it up a bit... smile
Her: Ohh cool well let's just make a swap! haha
Me: So you're buying the house? Whereabouts? ... blah blah we chat about real estate and other stuff. I also ask her about her video work again and tell her she's a star.
The sexual tension is gone. But I still think it's cool to have made a friend. It's the first real proper conversation we've had, the others were good but pretty brief. I wasn't that excited about her anyway since I noticed her rings as I mentioned in a previous post. I'll just have to game that Danny when she's no longer under supervision haha.

Got home and made an offer on an apartment. So excited. Who wants to come to Melbourne and help me christen it with lots of random sex with Asian students? hahaha

Edit: I think I'm getting perceptibly more IOIs with my new bad-boy outfits, every FR lately has had some kind of girl checking me out it seems. This is fucking bad-ass!!! I think my attainability is better. Or it's just a kind of an image thing. I was looking pretty preppy before, kinda business attire with an edge or elegant casual... my normal attire I think is fine for places like a casino where you have to be a bit dressy, but for day-to-day and street game, I think more casual style is working a lot better for me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Really like the transition to the date from the interaction with the teacher. Smooth!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks Snipefield I was hoping to get some feedback on latest. Funnily enough I had the feeling in the moment that she was kinda taking the convo in that direction as an escalation window so naturally I grabbed it. May have misread this since she seemed the tiniest bit surprised when I did, but maybe just surprised that her ploy actually worked? hahaha anyway lets hit those windows whenever and whereever possible :)

Another thing I forgot to add is I have been sharing that I'm enjoying the single lifestyle, if I can do it in a way that's relating to her (talking about the househunting or whatnot)... while this doesn't exactly say I'm single it at least strongly implies it, so despite the implication I might be playing around, it's still a bit of a -value/+attainability move, as Chase would put it. The reason I do this is because these women see me with my kids and will naturally assume I am unavailable particularly if I am high value. At least that is what I usually figure when I meet hot women in the playground, zoo etc. (I spoke to many at the zoo today, which again I put down to my more casual, attainable style).
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Okay so I've got my first slay which has been written up in FRs section, and I have gotten some gratifying feedback from the studs ;)

With this under my belt I was pretty fucking pumped to go to a trance festival the following day (actually had been planning to leave Thursday night but was too busy haha)... I don't really know what the trance scene is like in the USA but I know it's huge in Europe (I met people from Sweden, Germany, France, ... have been to festivals in Netherlands and other places)... if you know Burning Man festival then I guess this was kinda similar except shorter, just 4 nights (with the stages operational Fri/Sat).

So I decided to get in state by approaching women everywhere along the way, chatted up some cute festival goers in different country towns and had long chats with deli operators, fruit shop chicks, etc while getting shit sorted for the festival... got there and found a number of relatives and friends were there, and had saved a big space to make a mega camp well it was sick, but I was a little bit in two minds cos I was thinking of just setting up a really little anonymous camp somewhere to pull women to.

Anyway well I set up my camp etc, and got down to the doof in the early afternoon (local terminology... trance parties are doofs and this word can also refer to the dance floor)... had chatted to a German chick directing traffic and so forth... but when I got there I totally froze up, fuck it... couldn't approach. Well I felt a bit miserable but eventually locked eyes with some chick who held the eye contact, I was kinda heading her way already, so I lasered her while making my way over and introduced myself "Hi there... I'm Raymond and you?" well she's shaken my hand and then just smiled broadly and turned away and kept dancing, not ideal but I had my start! Fuck yeah!

From this point it got a little easier, I introduced myself to some other cute women, but TBH was not really feeling it, there was a tension between my eyes and I needed to loosen up a bit. So contrary to my normal philosophy I decided to get some alcohol on board, well I downed a massive Scotch and dry with my cousin (loaded with ice, it was like 40 degree heat out there)... as the alcoholic rush kicked in I just totally hit my stride, introduced myself to a shit ton of women, great reactions, lots of grinds etc.

I continued approaching and getting grinds until the evening hit, the fabulous thing about this first afternoon was the pre-selection, all the women I'd previously approached could plainly see me opening other women even hotter than them (I used exclusively direct tailored compliment), and getting great reactions. Pretty soon I'd approached like 90% of the people in my immediate vicinity (guys too), also started just grabbing women as they walked past and grinding with them as well, it was all good fun ;)

The problem with all this though, is that reactions != results... like I was having a really good time, but I was just doing my normal shotgun opening style that works well in clubs, so I wasn't really establishing deep connections with women... later I went to check out the market area, and this seemed to offer much better possibility for daygame style approaching, however, I did not really want to do this (or at least not too much), because I regard dancefloor approaches as more challenging, and I just fucking love the doof, I mean if you are going to a dance party and then just hanging out in the market to pick up girls in hot raver gear then why not just stay home...??

The other thing to consider is that I am a really good dancer, I mean I'm not trained or anything, but in freestyle I go fucking hard, because I really love it, I wear sick raver clothes that I've made myself and get a lot of compliments, so this works very well as a pre-opener, because when you are dancing you can pretty much go wherever you want on the DF and position yourself somewhere that a hot girl can see you, without appearing to have noticed her... and then when you approach her, you are golden.

Anyway so I eventually went to have a sleep (had got about 3hrs sleep after posting my LR and then getting up early to meet my trainer at the gym), headed back down in the evening and started to focus a bit more, I was still approaching women but I had to tell myself to (1) slow down and enjoy the party (2) look for IOIs, these were pretty abundant however (3) try to establish more of a connection with each woman. Anyway somebody I'll call Klara approached me, she called me by my brother's name initially but we quickly sorted it out, she is kinda oldish and not super cute, but has a hot, hard body and was down to grind, no coquettishness or fucking around, she seemed very into me. A voice in my head was saying "pull" but another voice was saying "bide your time... you're having fun... see what else the night will bring". In retrospect I hate this second voice, should have just taken her and fucked her then and there. This was to be a recurring theme and it's a massive sticking point for me.

Later Klara's fucked off for half an hour or so and I've begun grinding with an Indian fatty, lots of sexual tension, she seemed down to kiss me on the DF but I didn't go for it, should have. Where I've fucked up is when Klara's come back unexpectedly and seen me with the other chick, I felt a bit sorry for her and reached out to pat her on the arse, this has kinda set the cat among the pigeons and I've ended up with jack, IndianFatty: "Is that your girlfriend?" Me: "No!" blah blah, shouldn't have been defensive. Another problem was that IndianFatty was there with a male orbiter who then latched onto me for the rest of the weekend, he wants to go out with me this week. Hmmm. Why this was a problem, was that IndianFatty's behaviour was kinda subdued in his presence (reputation or whatnot), anyway window closed I think, didn't matter though.

So anyway I found this to be a bit of a downer, luckily my friends arrived soon after and we had a bit family circle going, so all good really, we went over to check out the main stage too (the music was slower and more hiphoppy on the main stage which is why all the serious hard core party freaks were hanging out at the stage closer to my camp). I did more approaches there, but I was getting tired again and becoming uncalibrated. I got one rude blowout when I tried the totally cute opener, but I have decided the totally cute opener is not appropriate to dance parties... it looks too aggressive/like hunting and the vibe of dance parties is meant to be very open/cooperative and comfortable... I also discovered my cousin is into PU, he was trying to teach me some moves etc, though TBH I felt I was probably working on my skillset a lot more consistently than him, anyway my cousin wants to go out with me to do PU later. I'm not sure if he's into daygame, he didn't mention it, maybe doesn't know about it?

I went to sleep for the rest of the night. Kinda wish I hadn't missed all the good music but I'm keeping in mind the advice on the main site (maybe from an article of Colt's) about when you go out, get plenty of rest and be on a solid foundation cos girls pick up on this stuff. Unfortunately I have sleep apnea and didn't have my sleep machine, so I really needed to get as much sleep as possible at doofs. I'm planning to buy an expensive attachment so I can run the sleep machine from battery (when I have time).

So more goodness the next day, once again I violated my rule and got completely shitfaced on alcohol, but this was not really a huge problem because I was practising a kind of Tucker Max style, basically just working on my IDGAF vibe and being self-amused... for example I've approached a hot chick down near the showers and said:
Me: Hi there, I love your cute outfit... you look fabulous
ChopsticksGirl: Ohh thank you (big smile... her hair is in a bun with chopsticks in it)
Me: You've even provided chopsticks, so I can eat you up (I smile warmly and quickly eject, but I speak to her again a few minutes later, just to prove that I can)
Me: Looks like a bit of a wait huh...
ChopsticksGirl: Yeah
A lot of this kind of shit went down, I cannot really remember it all now. The afternoon is a bit of a blur, I seem to remember trying to get grinds with women and getting a little frustrated when none of them were up for it, I think possibly they're more defensive on the second day because they've met all their friends and gotten into groups so there's reputation damage issues? I dunno really. Maybe I was just too drunk, but they were reacting to me fine in other respects apart from when I'd pull them in to me.

In the evening one of the headline acts was on (Shpongle) and although I thought the set was pretty crap (not hard enough except in the last half hour) everyone else was raving about it... anyway we attended in a huge family group and I spent the whole time with Klara, just feeling up her hot body, she had apparently forgiven me for the previous night's antics. I think my family was laughing at me a bit, maybe they do not really like her, but I think she's cool (and I never pay attention to other people's bullshit). Another woman I'd cold approached, whom I'll call Megan, was dancing beside us for most of the time, I was getting some preselection, even if Klara is older etc. Klara made friends with quite a few other groups of hot women as well throughout Shpongle's set, and this was a good sign, I didn't bother to introduce myself however.

The night however I turned into an approach machine, I was really getting in fine state and once again had approached about 90% of the women in my immediate vicinity (I started this project as it was getting dark, it was more difficult after it got fully dark but this is where things got interesting)... quite a few of them knew me already of course. So this shy little chick has approached me (I've seen her at doofs before and had given her some EC and smiles in the afternoon I think)... given me a hug and a big kiss and naturally I've pulled her in for a grind, this seemed to be going well until her friends pulled her away, I think they were concerned it could get heavy, hahaha but this didn't stop them all wanting a grind themselves, I was happy to oblige... pretty soon various other random women were included too. And then I was hit by a fucking whirlwind: Megan... she's come bouncing up to me, just grabbing me and hugging me and whispering huskily in my ear "I can't get enough of your energy..." she's then proceeded to kiss me with tongue for about 20 seconds before pulling away, I felt really pissed off that I didn't pull away first, taken by surprise I guess? Anyway so we've had a massive dance together, both of us were doing moves we'd never dreamed of... it was really exciting, in the state I was in there's no way I'd have considered pulling her off the DF (although I clearly should have) because I was just having too good a time, not because of Megan, but getting all the other validation too.

Later when things calmed down a bit and I moved to another part of the stage I opened someone I found really hot, a cute Japanese woman, everything about her was awesome, the way she was dressed, her sparkling eye makeup and so on... I think I first asked her for some of her drink and she's like really? are you sure?... It was fucking strong, something like Malibu and Coke... so after a brief conversation in Japanese I've tried to pull her off the DF "Let's go sit down somewhere so we can talk", grab her hand and try to pull her away (first attempted pull of the night and very belated) but did not succeed. I was probably not dominant enough. Fuck. I've gone off to get a beer by myself anyway, but re approached her later with a strong drink of my own... said to her "Tsuyoi aruko-ru de yowanakatta no?" ... "How is it you're not smashed from the strong alcohol??" and gotten a laugh as we've shared the Scotch and Dry, anyway I've continued to hit and run for a few hours just saying a bit of funny flirtatious shit here and there... Her: "Tomodachi o nakushita" "I've lost my friend..." Me: "Hitori de samishii ne" "Being by yourself is lonely isn't it..."... if I'd had better reactions I might have gone for the pull a second time, but basically it had become a bit chasey, she wasn't down for a grind and I was wasting my time with her. Shit. It was also a total shame because my Japanese friend who is very shy was hitting on the second chick and seemed to be burning it down, I was really happy for him, but then I gave him some sips of my drink, he doesn't handle alcohol very well, and he started getting totally smashed and uncalibrated, I felt extremely guilty and responsible.

Hmm so eventually I've gone off to the other stage, done some approaches along the way, met some interesting people at the other stage (another Japanese woman who was probably tripping on acid, at least not making a lot of sense, but happy for an introduction etc)... a really nice couple who were very kind and provided good feelings for me for the rest of the party, etc... I tried to pull a woman from the side of the doof to go for beer, but she wasn't down. (I think it was a re-approach but I cannot really remember, only that I was making an effort to move women at this stage). Once again I was getting tired and uncalibrated so I decided to call it a night, and went to sleep.

Couple of other notes, cannot really remember where they fitted in but I approached BlackAndWhiteGirl from a neighbouring campsite, she and I had a bit of a flirtatious thing going (I told her I liked her black and white style, she had like a black miniskirt and white see through top with a black bra underneath for a lot of the time)... she said she's here with her boyfriend so I used Mr.Rob's response "Oh yeah I've got a puppy at home too...(change the subject)"... she seemed to enjoy this dominance. I also pulled up my chair to a different neighbouring campsite and spoke to another cute woman, it seemed like it might be going somewhere but I never saw her after that. And while looking for my Japanese friend's campsite I approached a couple of women sitting down in their site, and invited myself to join their conversation for an hour or so.

The last day the vibe is always way more chilled and relaxed, everyone's tired but happy and defenses are down, however I have to be careful not to ruin the vibe by being too aggressive. People are starting to say to me stuff like "I saw you out there shooting the women last night..."... or another dude from our camp "How are the women going Ray?" and I'm like "Oh you'll have to ask them..."... I've also tried to hit on a couple of women we are camping with, the first time everyone's really assembled at the site and sitting down some introductions are made, so I immediately say to the hottest one "Hey Janie I love your cute outfit, you look great" (she does) in front of everyone and people are a bit like OMG Ray is totally shameless... hahaha well she had a boyfriend, and so I've switched my focus to another one, a cute (but plump) little thing, but after a while I discovered I did not really like her, the conversation was bullshit and she's sucking on this electronic joint the whole time. She also seems to have an orbiter, this guy is like one of the biggest dicks I've ever met, so fucking submissive and retarded, he kept trying to suck up to me all night with all this name dropping and approval seeking... older guy who obviously cannot get laid. He even rocked out a dress for the second half of the party, all gut and Y-fronts under it.

Anyway back to the last day, well I'm taking it a bit more chilled and spending a bit of time drinking and bonding at the campsite, but I go out and do more approaches on the main stage of course, a shit ton of approaches, get some good grinds, but I may be shooting above my pay grade, I open a lot of really hot women but I'm a bit intimidated to take it too much further. One woman is particularly funny, she asks where I'm from and I make her guess etc, then eventually I say I'm just Aussie and she's surprised, so I show her my hearing aids and explain that I'm deaf and deaf people speak with an accent (this is how I used to handle it before I got any game, here I just CBF gaming really)... she's mortified although I try to explain that it's cool, I don't mind discussing it... she then says "I'm training to be a speech pathologist so I should have known that etc"... she clearly feels very bad so I tell her it will cost her a kiss. She gives me a big kiss on the cheek in front of some other women I've opened. Haha. She's good for a grind, so I hit and run for the next hour or so, in between other approaches, I'm not really sure what happened to her after that, but she was pretty cool.

I also have a dance in a family group in the afternoon, I give CuteButPlumpElectronicJointGirl a grind and get told off by other site mates for apparently making her uncomfortable, WTF? If she's not up for it she's capable of saying so... Anyway we have a sick, sweet time, eventually I peel off to get into some more IDGAF antics... for instance I'm talking to ShortFreshIroningGirl who had rocked out an ironing board the previous day and pretended to iron everyone's clothes while dancing... she has amazing skin and eyes and looks like she's just got up, though she's apparently gone hard all night... she's having trouble with her spray bottle so I'm trying to help when IrishHotPantsGirl walks past so I reach out and spank her on the bottom... ShortFreshIroningGirl is shocked and immediately goes over to tell tales on me, I just gaze into the distance with a bored look and keep dancing... eventually she comes back and I tell her if she's really luck she can get one as well... (and later on, she does haha). Some GlitterChick who I've been playing around with a bit (not sure if we ever introduced each other by name), I grab her water bottle and tip it on her, but there's not much left... so I go to my backpack and rock out a 4 litre canister that I carry with me, and come up beside her, grab her hat and dump this on her as well, she loves it. I also approach Megan later on and ask for some of her water, whereupon I empty that on her head as well, she's also down (but from my viewpoint it's getting a bit stale).

Interestingly I am gaining a bit of a reputation with my IDGAF antics and the fact that I apparently know all these hot women around us, the kinds of guys who have options are basically just looking at me and chuckling a bit, saying things like "you sly dog you..." or implying it... the kinds of guys who don't have options are clearly believing that I must have the biggest social circle known to man (it's far out of their comprehension that I had just met all these women in the preceding hours/days) and are trying to get close to me to be part of it. I respond by doing stuff like convincing them to go shirtless, confiscate their shirts etc... I'm also shirtless for the first time, I wouldn't really say I look pumped, but I have nothing to be embarrassed about this days... I'm covered in glitter because GlitterChick has gone around putting great handfuls of it everywhere.

Umm so I'm having lots of fun and getting grinds but I'm still conscious that time is getting short and that reactions != results... music finishes that evening so I try a bit of market game, long story short well I get some interesting conversations with different Japanese women, but I'm too much of a nice guy (don't want to cut some Mexican dude's lunch) and I'm too submissive... fail to move them, miss windows, things go stale and they suddenly fuck off and so forth... really frustrated with myself. Oh well. One missed window, this cute Japanese chick says she wants some more music... I don't have any fucking clue where to get more music (I want more myself) but I know people are listening to music back at the camp, I don't really want to take her there so I say something really negative about it and shoot myself down, it appears I have no idea what I want from her. Should have said, let's go listen to some trance in my car. In retrospect, plausible deniability is still really important, even at trance parties.

The worst thing about above missed window is I decide to go off by myself to look for some trance and I fucking find some, there's an unofficial sound system not too far from my camp... I approach and say "hey nice doof you've got going here" and StringDressGirl says "hey! welcome aboard!!" and starts hugging me and kissing me and grinding me etc... She gives me some spinning lights on a string to play with and we keep this going for ages, I probably spend about 3 hours at this doof and meet various other members of their camp, pretty soon there's like 50 ppl there, mostly just sitting and chilling but there's some amazing hoop action from HoopGirl (she tells me the next day that her hoop cost $400 from the United States, it looks absolutely fucking incredible, all spinning lights and flashing different colours as she spins it)... I get on fucking fabulously with StringDressGirl (she looks absolutely stunning, blonde hair, some bindi's and stuff on her face and various glitter and other makeup, she's wearing only a pair of black lace panties under string dress, I joke that she has air conditioning and get some laughs)... my hands are all over her body. I get a bit of leadership in when I pull her out of her social circle and make her come and dance with me, however, I then proceed to miss windows and fuck myself up, same story as always: I'm having fun, I don't want it to end, I know intellectually that the clock is ticking, but I don't feel it, and then when she fucks off with some guy from her site I'm left with my dick in my hand feeling disappointed. I have the best conversations I've had the whole party with her, we really connect (but maybe I wasn't mysterious enough).

I'm feeling a bit tired, and depressed about StringDressGirl disaster, I'm over invested so I know that if I do see her again I'm likely to do something uncalibrated and fuck it up. For that reason I go off and have a sleep, I'm planning to set an alarm for in an hour and then go out to do some more approaching, but my phone battery is flat. So I just go to sleep until dawn. Fuck it. Whatevs. When I get up again, I have a shower, and I rock out another good outfit and go to check things out, and I see HoopGirl and some of the others but I'm not really in the mood to converse. So I just grab my backpack and water and continue on. There's not much happening at this time, I do a few half-hearted approaches on the road to the market but nobody hot. I get a little solid flirting in with the girl who makes the breakfast wraps. She's also a raver and she remembered me from the doof and the outfit I was wearing (IOI!!). I had opened by saying I remembered her from the previous party and I'd admired how she handled the breakfast rush, juggling a hundred balls in the air it looked like. (Previous night I'd also gotten some solid flirting and a kiss with the girl who takes the money for icecream).

Yeah so my party is winding down a bit, I don't see any strong possibility of pulling women back to my tent at this point so I pack it up and clean up the site (everyone else is sleeping). I see StringDressGirl while I'm shooting the fat with an Austrian neighbour (we are gonna meet up this week for drinks with my cousins etc)... so I tell Austrian dude I'm gonna go number close that girl, and from the top of the hill I can actually see her waiting outside the toilets for her friend, perfect for a discreet number close (though I believe she probably hates me now for missing windows, it's still worth a shot)... but alas, when I get down the hill she's nowhere to be seen. So I take a dump. I approach some other women (oldish or whatever) on the way back to the market, have a long conversation with HoopGirl, have a coffee etc and then I pack it in. Bye bye!

My sticking points this outing were
- Being too in the moment, having fun and forgetting to game the women
- Seeking reactions instead of results
- Not establishing enough of a connection with women before going for the pull
- Too hesitant on pulling women from the DF (if I don't really want to go away, why would they?)
- Missing windows, not using plausible deniability
- Getting shitfaced on alcohol (I forgot to mention that 1-2hrs before meeting StringDressGirl, I was really feeling it, and had to go to the coffee shop to sober up, nearly fell asleep there, although I eventually had some good conversations and succeeded in getting some investment... anyway I think my game was off due to the alcohol).

I would highly recommend dance parties as a place to hone your game. Very forgiving environment. All the advantages of club and social circle, and no disadvantages. I'm defo gonna get a ticket for the next big festival (as long as it falls on a not-kids weekend). And this time I'm gonna get myself a lay. I'll hone my game in the meantime.

Edit: My whole body hurts. Haha.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
IndianFatty is now texting me. This is hilarious. Here we go...
Mon 21:52 Her: Hi whose number is this?
Mon 21:53 Her: I got this number from [orbiter] ..
Tue 12:19 Me: Is this IndianFatty perchance ;)
Tue 13:12 Her: Nope this is not IndianFatty.. This is a girl u came to c in the morning before leaving [festival]... I really hope that I'm talking to the right person ... Well it will be good if you give me your FB ID so that I could add you and we both know who we are talking to..
Oh fuck, I'm laughing so hard now... (I obviously misheard her name but it's her)... perhaps I will have her meet me sometime soon and nail her, might have to inquire as to her logistics first... what is even funnier is that [orbiter] was very keen to hang out with me, conversation went like this
Orbiter: Hey man do you have Facebook
Me: Nah I don't use Facebook but we can get in touch if u want
Orbiter: Yeah lets do that
Me: Oh yeah let's just sort it out in the morning
Orbiter: (goes and gets a pen)
Orbiter: So what's your mobile number
Me: (writes it on his arm... it's totally dark and degenerates into an illegible scrawl... I lift his arm into the light and make various corrections... he repeats it back to me several times)
It just doesn't get any funnier than this... he has now sent me quite a few messages about various shit... anyway I had seen IndianFatty packing up her tent as I was driving out of the festival and jumped out, gave her a kiss, told her it was fun hanging out with her and she was cool... and that I'd swapped numbers with [orbiter] and she should come and hang with us or some similar shit... I had no idea she would be chasing ;)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
More goodness from IndianFatty...
Tue 14:34 Me: hey u are talking to the right person :) Raymond :) obviously i had misheard your name due to the loud music when we introduced ourselves... so u got home safely, how do u feel? my whole body hurts hahaha
Tue 15:14 Her: Yep safe and sound... But worse come down ever ... I feel so sick at the moment... I have been throwing up,.. Just been in bed since yday ... Hey do u reckon u can send me your pic for me to remember who u are... Sorry I have been pretty fried at [festival] :p
Tue 15:15 Her: This is me anyways...couldn't get the best, at this stage.. I'm pretty fried ... Can't smile even :(
Tue 15:23 Me: hahaha i just had a door-to-door salesman take a picture 4 u, this is how i look now. im about to rock out a shirt and head into city for class, where ru located? cheer up :)
Tue 15:25 Her: Hahaha I remember this face ... I live in [place]... Where do u live
Tue 15:51 Me: near u.. how about ill call in after class, see if i can't bring a smile to that pretty face...do u feel up to it? no need to be shy ive had bad comedowns b4
Tue 15:53 Her: No lovely I'm not in the mood at the moment,. Plus I start work at 5, so I really can't catch up ... Will text you when i have got the day off... But you dint tell me... Where do u live??
I follow my normal philosophy of not sending the last text of the conversation. Leave her hanging. Besides I don't want to submit to her questioning.

It's official, I now have killer logistics ;) I'll be moving in 2 weeks. I also chatted up a cute receptionist in the realtor's office, although I notice my conversation is regressing a bit, instead of just relating I'm sharing too much about myself and possibly going off on tangents she's not that interested in. Anyway, she did not seem to mind. I noticed a definite IOI as I walked in the door in a killer white outfit before she quickly composed herself, but for some reason I decided not to burn it down and I was really just being friendly, not going for the #.

I was a bit late for JP class as realtor was a time waster and traffic was terrible but it did not matter as I'd called ahead to explain I might be late. Complimented the teacher as I usually do. Didn't get a chance to speak with the tall hot one except hi.

After class I noticed several unbelievably hot Asian beauties who were ripe for an approach, also got some other IOIs, but I was a bit frozen and also had to hurry back to the car. Instead of moving the car and returning to do cold approach I chickened out. Oh well. Actually there was a time pressure and I had a messy house and car, but still, I wussed out. Hmm.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Morning of kids day... no teacher action this time but I caught up with my mistress Sam (we are going to an Xmas party to drink tonight, she said I can pick up other girls if I want but I told her as far as I was concerned it was a date and I wouldn't be that much of a c--t). Spoke to a not hot but friendly mum I know, and used touch which is my latest project in the school scene. Then I approached another mum who I have a bit of a crush on, I wanted to compliment her on her cute floral dress, but I remembered I recently complimented her on her red duffel coat so I worried it might sound insincere. Instead I walked her up to the office (she is also a school receptionist) and applied some touch and casual flattery about her talented children (one of whom has a disability and is integrated here).

At the Aquarium with my 4 year old I just directly approached SpanishGirl even though she wasn't actually working any register, conversation went like this
Me: hi there SpanishGirl, how are you?
Her: fine/whatever (can't remember)
Me: my son would like another stamp booklet...oh hey he's found them already
Her: do you have your membership card with you?
Me: oh nah I'll have to give you this (my license)
Her: okay! come over here (she opens up a register over the other side of the room)
Me: yeah I've been carrying my zoo card more lately but I don't know where our Aquarium cards are
Her: it's okay!
Me: I had a feeling you would be here SpanishGirl, because you work very hard! Are you saving for a trip or something?
Her: oh not really but I'm always a hard worker!
(I notice we are momentarily alone, so I burn it down)
Me: Tell me something SpanishGirl (I attempt to make strong eye contact but chicken out and look at her lips, a bad habit of mine since I read lips)... would you like to go for a coffee sometime, so we could get to know each other better?
Her: (looks down) Oh actually I'm in a relationship
Me: oh yeah that's cool, well I always enjoy talking with you when we come in
Her: yeah (she looks a bit embarrassed but not unhappy)
Me: okay see you!
Well that was beta as hell, I didn't get any real flirting in, didn't get any investment from her in the conversation, so didn't ask her out on a high point, and asked her in a timid beta way that invited her to say no. Lately when I go for the number I say "Let's go do X! Write your number down for me.", just straight compliance and pretty alpha. I'm tired and my game is off. But I'm still better than 95% of other men, because I did try!!!

I do better with IndianBaristaChick upstairs in the cafe.
Me: hi there, how are you today?
Her: fine/whatever (can't remember)
Me: we'll have a coffee, one of these, and the icypole... can I just say that you have amazing eyelashes? (she really does)
Her: oh thank you! (she is shy but happy)
Me: pays...we'll just come back in a minute (her colleague is back so I decide to be discreet)
Me: oh perfect timing... thanks... oh you also did me a flower?
Her: (shy smile) yeah
Me: awesome looks like a great coffee... see you next time (smile, eject)
some old fatty was hanging around when I went to get my coffee so I didn't push hard, actually was just being friendly... what I wanted to say "I remember talking to you last time, didn't you say you just finished your studies... business I think it was... or hospitality...?"... or a chase frame "do you do a flower for all the guys, or only those you are chatting up?"

This was still a bit beta but much better. I also helped a German tourist, etc, nothing all that noteworthy though.

Have dropped my son off but too tired for cold approach in the shopping centre... cleaned till 1am, read till 2.30am, got up at 6.15am... very bad, need to get things in control.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Did some solid approaching in the local shopping centre today, took me a long time to get out of my head and only one real conversation of note (chitchat about Xmas shopping, she was hot and friendly and I maybe ejected too early as I was getting anxious)... some fun convo's with shop assistants.
Me: hi there how's your day going
Her: good what about you
Me: oh not bad..so you busy today? lots of ppl buying Xmas presents I expect
Her: yeah starting to get that way
Me: not just selfish people like me! (cheeky grin, I indicate my book, a thriller chosen for me by a fatty I approached in the store)
Her: haha I would go the selfish option, I love a good read
Me: I can think of situations where you would be (pause) very... unselfish! (sexual smirk, hold strong eye contact)
Her: (thinks about this as I laser her) oh! chuckles a bit as she gets it
I continue to buy the book and say bye, smile, see you
If only I could tap this IDGAF style anytime...

While writing this FR I saw a HB9 and hurried out of the coffee shop to open her. She spared me half a glance and then ignored me. Ouch. Hahahaha


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Attended a fashion parade in the evening. Introduced myself to several hot models and a large number of fashion design students. First model went pear shaped as I was nervous, but the approach went well and I ended up speaking to her friend for a bit. Second model I was much more in state, went with an investment opener (hey, come over here), turns out she is studying fashion and interior styling, had her explain this a bit and amused myself with some dirty sexual innuendo regarding a private consultation to style my bedroom (this wasn't as random as it sounds cos she actually set it up for herself by using bedroom as an example), she was slightly surprised at my directness, I suggested she come out clubbing with me but she had been up since 6am doing styling tasks for the parade (as well as modeling in it apparently) and declined, later I moved her across the room away from prying ears and attempted a number close, she was declining with some explanation when I cut her off "if you're not down you're not down, I had fun talking with u and teasing u a bit though", she introduces me to her mum and we part with good feelings.

After quite a few other approaches I was in state but sick of this crowd so I decided to get a meal and then do night street game.

Hit the jackpot immediately, insta date with 2 Thai roommate chicks, one was slightly hotter, the other one was into me and gave me lots of compliance. Moved them. Number closed. I wanted to fuck them both in a threesome and suggested we go to their house to listen to music, no good cos of their housemates. Suggested car, nogo. Got a bit of physical play in.

Later I was just praying for a cute woman walking by herself as I headed back to car, and right as I got there my prayers were answered. I went with "hey stop for a moment" and "totally cute". She'd just knocked off work. We had a long conversation in JP, discussed date plans (initially I tried for insta date but nogo) and exchanged numbers. I like her.

In both of these cases I closed out on my terms w a warm slow cheek kiss and other touch.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Have not journaled in a bit.

Friday met a cute woman at school picnic, I was inspired to go over to her and open direct (Thai as it turned out, in faded jeans and a white blouse and lots of nice earrings and other jewellery), asked about her kids and she wasn't a mum, game on I thought, well I deep dived and flirted a bit, and went for the number, but nogo in the end, she politely excused herself to video the music performance and then went back to her group. I caught her eye later and beckoned her over, no compliance :(

Saturday morning a kids' party, chatted to a cute woman who was there with her husband and child, connected with her well and threw in a few chase frames just for fun... various platonic but good conversations, lots of cold reading and hitting the mark... interestingly I met a Malaysian Chinese woman with 2 kids to her Turkish husband who is apparently a friend of Helga the cute teacher that I've been long gaming or trying to. I wasn't too sure how to capitalize so I just said I knew Helga.

Saturday afternoon I had a BBQ for friends, I had my mistress over with her kids and she kept an eye on mine while I went to buy meat (unlike when I'm actually daygaming there were shitloads of women I wanted to open, Murphy's law? I was in a hurry so I didn't), came home to find the house spotless, she really is golden.

Sunday lunchtime an adults' party for a friend from the office, most of the people there were Iranian like my friend, including various people I knew. I took the kids. I did what I usually do post-GC which was to introduce myself to everyone at the party and generally make friends and deep dive as many people as possible. The girl from the office, who I asked out in an uncalibrated way and embarrassed both of us, was there, along with a woman who looked like she might be her sister (or just best friend I dunno)... when I met them both I said hi, and to my girl "May I say that you are looking extremely lovely" because she was... at the end I was making my apologies to various cute women I hadn't had a chance to speak to and I again included my girl, I said "also you...[switch to a huskier tone]...but I'll see you"... overall this did not go too badly.

Sunday afternoon my niece's party well I was a bit tired and uncalibrated, could hardly remember any of my sister-in-law's family's name and so I just didn't want a bar of speaking to any of them, felt a bit bad especially in contrast to having been my outgoing and gregarious self at the previous party, went and had a lie down and felt better, had a crack at my sister-in-law's brother and sister but felt awkward and didn't know what to say, she politely asked some questions about my work etc which I didn't deflect particularly well. But hey, at least I tried.

So then Sunday evening is where it gets interesting, I left kids with my mum per prior arrangement and went off to my friend's wedding, well not exactly wedding since they'd been to registry office a few days earlier but it was a dinner for about 20 people to celebrate. I couldn't remember the bride's name so I felt a bit awkward but my friend sorted me out when he finally arrived. Anyway there were these 2 particularly hot Korean women who ended up being seated opposite me. I sat next to the groom, he is a great guy and I think he put me near the women deliberately since he'd seen me approach and introduce myself. Anyway the one directly opposite me I'll call Yeonhee. I of course deep dived and flirted with her the whole time, she was lapping it up and I threw in some of the most outrageous things...
Me: So you knew each other from Korea before Australia
Her: Yeah I came to Australia because of her
Me: Ohh.. I thought you came to Australia because of me!
Her: Haha!
Me: Yeah so when you were thinking of doing a working holiday in maybe United States, Canada, etc... blah blah (returns to previous thread)
About Korea...
Me: So tell me about growing up in Korea, you live in a city right?
Her: Yes blah blah
Me: And you went to the local high school?
Her: Yeah me and my friend here went to a nearby girls' school
Me: Ohh so when you hit your teens you were like "how can we meet some guys!!"
Her: Haha! Yeah but we could meet some guys from blah blah (I think it was like debating team or some such)
Me: Ohh! So how many boyfriends do you have anyway?
Her: Hahaha! (this becomes a running joke, for instance later on she tells me there were 2 Korean guys in her language school, I say aha! So you managed to meet some guys!!)
About alcohol...
Her: So what do you like to drink? (I've just had her give me some of her cocktail to gain compliance, I'm drinking water)
Me: Ohh when I'm with dangerous women like you I try not to drink too much
Her: Hahaha!
Me: Actually I drink beer, how about you?
Her: Yeah I like beer!
Me: We can drink some beer together... let's swap numbers and meet up later in the week (I number close her, this takes a bit of fucking around)
Me: I also like sake... and shochu! How about Jinro?
Her: What is Jinro?
Me: It's Korean shochu, you don't know it?
Her: No?
Me: Well shochu is like sake but maybe a bit stronger... but I think you are just pretending you don't know Jinro
Her: ...?
Me: I think you have a bottle of it hidden behind your back (I make a funny pantomime)
Her: Haha!
Me: You are gonna get it out and spike my drink when I'm not looking!
Her: Hahahaha!
Me: Yeah so anyway can I serve you some rice? (food has arrived... I help her a bit to be polite... hope I don't look like a white knight)
Me: I think you are actually gonna turn that into shochu while I'm not looking
Her: Hahaha!
etc... I keep up this kind of playful flirty vibe
About food
Me: Can you do me a favour?
Her: ...?
Me: Don't eat anything with onion in it... (I laser her with strong sexual eye contact and a sexual smirk)
Her: ... oh hahaha (she looks down as she gets the implication)
Me: You have the most amazing eyes, they are almost totally black. (I laser her)
Her: smiles, looks down
Me: Are you wearing contact lenses? (I try to lighten the mood)
Her: No, I have dark eyes but they only look black in this light
Me: Oh it's the light... but you look incredible.
Another one...
Me: How about your arm, did you injure yourself?
Her: Burn
Me: Bird? (I mishear)... you were attacked by a bird?!
Her: Haha! No in my restaurant blah blah blah (she sounds a bit sad, I wonder if it's going to leave a scar)
Me: Ohh well sometimes it is the imperfection that makes you even more beautiful.
Her: smiles... looks down
Yeah I cannot really remember all the other flirtatious shit I said, but it went great. She loved the attention. I also made sure to pay plenty of attention to the other people at the table and to add value by including her in a subsequent conversation with an awesome dude on my right who was in business and does receiverships... rescuing sinking companies... because Yeonhee is majoring in business and Chinese studies and seems very smart and passionate. I also make sure to befriend the friend, who appears bored so I engage her on and off, and have various other interesting conversations, this group of people seems really awesome. I have another crack at setting up a date with Yeonhee later, I'm busy pretty much all week and she won't commit to Friday so I say we'll shoot for next week and this seems okay (but maybe she was just being polite, I think she wanted to meet up, but possibly things got stale later in the night, I think OK though). As she's leaving I have her fetch my coat and bring to me, I put my hand on her waist expecting to go for the kiss but she goes off to farewell some other friends, not sure what this means.

I then spend an hour or two drinking with bride and groom after the other guests leave, deep diving her as I don't know her that well, catching up with my friend and so on. I help them carry their gifts down to the car... then night street game!

I really banged out solid approaches tonight, it was about 11.30pm maybe when I started and I finished at 2.30am. I was approaching in Chinatown which I haven't tried before (although it's very close to where I usually game, it seems quite active at night)... I cannot remember all my approaches, one Vietnamese chick I liked and ended up going for a kiss as she and her group went into a restaurant, this went okay but I wasn't attracted enough to ask for her number. Another very cute Chinese chick was also in a big group and laughing quite a lot at my audacity as I walked along with them chatting about her night... eventually mentioned her boyfriend, I said "I don't want to be your boyfriend... I would make a terrible boyfriend... by the way your eye makeup is incredibly cute" but they left soon after and I didn't follow. Talked to a dude who might have been gaming... while this happened I quickly broke off to talk to a big titted fatty in a red dress that caught my eye, big mistake... she was sporting a husband who I didn't notice but worse still a group including a what looked like a lesbian, she wasn't that bad looking but turned out to be a real bitch, I'll call her RFMHL for short (Radical Feminist Man Hating Lesbian)... so I quickly give up and go back to chatting with the dude, anyway then I see another cutie, an Aussie chick with a little backpack on, and I open her about her cute backpack, she seems receptive but then RFMHL and her group come up behind me and snatch her away... I don't think they were even friends, so I feel quite pissed off. RFMHL then come back to me all cocky and ordering me to turn around, I have the feeling she's going to do something to me, so naturally I don't comply, my response is simply "and...?" which I say twice in response to her repeated orders, I think she is touching me too. She gives up and turns to go, so I spank her hard as she leaves, just for self amusement... I'm certain she's gonna cry rape or something... well she's not too impressed, that's for sure. I laugh and continue on my way.

Many approaches later I get into a fabulous conversation, her name is Mabel and she's from Sydney and she's a business major and she's visiting for the weekend and has to go to the airport in 2 hours, she is waiting for a friend to finish work in a restaurant, maybe boyfriend I dunno. She's initially hesitatant but after I build a little comfort I order her to sit down and we converse pretty naturally for like 20-30 min, it's not that sexual (I throw in a few sexual/chase frames just for fun) but we connect very well as we're both grad students etc etc... I ask her a lot about her life in Aussie, her friends, does she hang out with mainly Chinese and so on... she sounds kinda sad at times, she's sharing emotionally... I really like this woman, but I have no real plan to take it further as I don't want to disrupt her arrangement with her friend, and she lives in Sydney anyway (I forgot I'm planning to go there to visit Smith, *facepalm*)... Anyway then fucking RFMHL and her group walk past (this is on a different street altogether so they must have nothing to do) smirking and stuff at me, Mabel is wondering what their deal is, I say I met them earlier, long story... Mabel is just telling me she has to go, her friend has finished work... they then come back and attempt a huge cockblock, they surround Mabel and start trying to tell her I'm a sleaze and I've been approaching women etc... which is fucking cheeky since Mabel and I have built a real connection and she's just like WTF??? I say to the group "My friend has to go now" and to Mabel "come on, come with me" and I extend my hand, well RFMHL tries to get between me and her so I give her a shove and this is where it gets ugly, I can hear a response to my left and see a threat closing in, and so I turn to face him and say aggressively back off and he complies, he is short and muscular but I'm pretty fucking intimidating myself, I'm 6ft and well built and I'm wearing my badass biker jacket with a dress, well worn jeans and black boots... I repeat back off and then turn to RFMHL don't touch me in my most aggressive voice.. she says I haven't touched you yet, and I say yes you have... I then walk around the group and go to Mabel who is standing a little distance away with her friend looking like WTF?? even more... while holding her elbow I look into her eyes and say "I had a really great conversation with you Mabel... I hope you have a wonderful trip back to Sydney" and she agrees... I then turn my back on everyone and eject.

This kinda kills my vibe, but I do a couple more approaches and get invited to a nightclub with some group, I wait in line a bit and chat to some other girls but it's not moving so I quit.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hmm so I decided to take another shot at Helga, the cute teacher... as a matter of fact I had to see her anyway about a school matter, this is a kind of a shame since my plan was to approach her on a personal level, anyway I had a feeling the interaction would be pretty platonic mainly because I've had about 2 hours sleep and I'm not really good at leading or taking risks when I'm in that state... on the other hand the school term is nearly over so this was probably the last kid-free opportunity I'd get to talk to her.

So I went to her classroom at about 8:40, nobody there... this has happened also in the past so I guess she doesn't hang out there much before school. Returned at about 8:55 and caught her in the staff room, aha... getting the layout now... I locked in, leaning against the doorway of the staff room and proceeded to have a pretty platonic chat with her, firstly about my son's transition (she referred me to another teacher), this ran out of steam so I then said I regretted having had to leave early last time we spoke, you were saying blah blah ...? Well she didn't bite, I reckon she was anxious to get moving since it was nearly 9am, then I attacked her with the fact that I'd met her friend out on the weekend and got a little more mileage, she was puzzled at first, then we worked out who it was, she said small world and etc... So I decided it was time to leave it, went to speak to the other teacher and sorted some stuff out (because I can't go to the information night tonight and it would cause problems with my ex wife anyhow)... Now it got slightly better, encountered Helga again as I came out and it went like this
Me: Righto, got it sorted out, his teacher is blah blah etc
Her: Oh yeah you mean blah blah
Me: Yeah that's who I mean
Her: [my son] has really been fine, his only real difficulty was in the first session
Me: (smiles) You charmed him...
Her: (smiles)
Me: (playfully points at her) and you didn't stop there either, did you...
Her: (laughs)... she then went off to tend to her kids and take them to assembly
Haha so anyway banged out a chase frame that I've had in mind for a while, it was a golden opportunity and might have lifted the platonic tone of the interaction? Anyway after spending a bit of time in close quarters with her today I decide she's a bit overweight and not that cute so what the hell eh... still, I would like to get a leg over. Hmm.

Sam #1 wanted to come over for sex in the morning so did that and felt a bit better, still very tired though... now I have to finish the legal work for the new apartment and ring the utilities etc... finally I will have a brief sleep and go to the office and try to do some work for the first time in a week (supervisor told me off last meeting)... then I will go to my 12 step meeting for the co-dependents group (aka nice guys and people with relationship problems)... last time I chaired the meeting (voice classes came in useful) and flirted with a cute co-dependent lesbian, I also complimented another girl who appears to have confidence issues, and connected with a cute flight attendant, I am really trying not to game her because it would be wrong, I have to keep blocking all the sexual responses, but anyhow she and I get on well, we are becoming friends.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Nothing too interesting to report. Busy with preparations for move. Although GC helped me to be more assertive with obnoxious real estate agent chick. My frame seems to have won out based on a much less aggressive and more compliant phone call I received later.

Re approached cute long eyelashes chick at aquarium, who makes coffee, conversation was platonic but nice. Turns out she is Sri Lankan.

Did one other approach in afternoon which was well received even though I was in my head a bit, didn't open direct and failed to introduce myself, plus other approaches I wanted to do but didn't. Having my son with me made it difficult, could have salvaged first interaction if I committed myself to it.

More weirdness from Sam #2, I had ignored her recent angry text and when she walked past my car today I contrived to be making a sandwich for my son and not notice her. Saw her in the playground and went to talk to someone else, after this she approached me. I was surprised especially as she had asked me not to talk to her in playground, go figure.
Her: Are you ignoring me for some reason?
Me: (no idea what to say, should have applied one of the shit-test strategies but I submitted to her frame... I do however mamage to summon a surprised look) Nope!?
Her: (starts rummaging in her bag) Is it because of this? (pulls out a printout of the "friend zone" article in wikipedia)
Me: (still puzzled) I remember we discussed that at some stage?
Her: I just looked it up, it's a little technical but (can't remember) (hands me the printout)
Me: I know what it says (I establish strong EC and stare her down until she breaks it)
Her: Have a read (taps the paper triumphantly and walks off)
What a fruit loop.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Not much happening, just preparing for move.

I was invited to dinner by Ying and her husband and there were 3 girls from husband's work there, two with partners and one ~35yo divorcee with twin 8 yr old children that they want to set me up with. Well I liked her and it went okay at first but it was a tough seduction environment and I failed to generate intrigue or attraction, still there was nothing to lose in trying. All left very early, I stayed behind for a cup of tea and ended up talking to Ying until 2am about seduction and other matters. I probably shared too much but she's a good listener and was interested and intrigued. I only hinted at the first-date-sex side since she is religious and pretty conservative.

Weirdness from Sam #2 continues.
Her (by text): Just spoke to sam #1 and seems you still have a keg how about ditching it as a new years resolution and i will bring you some bottles next week. Not a good look for kids. Also as a courtesy could you let me know if this is ok and you want me to stop trying to be nice,im happy either way and will move on, not very good at subtle cue reading regards sammy [her surname]
I remain at a loss how to handle this, no response from my question in General board. I'm just ignoring her for now. Should I ask her to stay away and not contact me?

I was supposed to be taking my Algerian friend clubbing tonight who is visiting from Japan. Dude has some game, social circle game though, I was keen to see how he handles himself in the wild. Well he has failed to bring any shoes he can wear out and neither I nor his host friend can locate any in his size. He says he is tired and gonna rest at home. Maybe we can have a quiet drink somewhere but I'm disappointed. Typical uselessness, dudes just won't help themselves...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
So tonight my mum had her birthday dinner at one of the best restaurants in the area (incidentally the restaurant where I proposed to my wife so long ago), we had a huge table and it started off well but I was kinda bored. Thus I could not help getting out a bit of game. I will refer to the waitress as H since I didn't hear her name well but I repeated back to her some version that started with H and this was apparently acceptable.

So first H asks me if I would like wine and I say I'm going to take it easy tonight... later on I wave her over and ask for some sparkling water. At this point I have no real intention of gaming her, in fact there are much cuter waitresses but she is around so therefore she is a target. Haha. Later on she comes around with wine again and I do not reward this because I have already told her I'm not drinking wine (but granted, I could have changed my mind). She comes back with water and I'm all smiles, making EC and praising her by saying "good remembering". At this point I've noticed her as a person not just a fixture.

I also notice that she seems a bit tired, she's super professional but at times she goes to the bar or isn't interacting directly with a customer I notice it, although it's very subtle. So I decide to see if my read is correct. When she comes around again I'm talking to my aunt but I pull her in.
Me: What's your name?
Her: H.
Me. H?
Her: (nods and smiles)
Me: I'm Raymond... (handshake)
Me: You are working very hard tonight.
Her: Thankyou. ...
Me: Long day for you?
Her: Yeah (opens up, starts telling me about her schedule, sounds like a split shift, I hadn't realized this restaurant trades during the day)
Me: Yeah...(empathetic expression)
Her: So is it an occasion tonight?
Me: Yeah it's my mum's birthday (I indicate)
(H starts talking with my aunt, I gather it is mentioned that my aunt looks like my mum, she guesses my mum's age at 50 which is much too low and so on, mind you my mum stays in shape and looks very good)
Me: (eventually) So do you have to undertake a lengthy hospitality training to work here (it's a very fancy restaurant)
Her: Yeah I'm studying event management blah blah blah (she is sharing...talks about her uni and so on) I'm doing work experience here?
Me: Oh it's work experience...how are you finding working here?
Her: Yeah it's great blah blah blah (I cannot hear her all that well)
Me: And you will graduate soon?
Her: Yeah in a year
Me: Are you excited?
Her: Yeah!! (she is enjoying this conversation and becoming animated, it's also giving her a break from rushing around while most likely the boss won't be upset since a customer is initiating it... still...)
Me: I would like to talk with you some more, but I think you are very busy (I lightly touch her hand and establish EC)
Her: (smiles and goes off on her way)
So yeah just basic deep diving stuff, I smile at my aunt who says H is extremely charming. I don't think my aunt realizes I'm gaming her. Actually I'm pretty OK to leave things there, as just a friendly interaction, but just for fun I decide to push it a bit. A bit later most of us have our meals and she is reaching for something on the table when I stop her by touching her hand.
Me: So out of all these foods which one would you order?
Her: Oh I don't really have a favourite
Me: Oh but there is so much yummy stuff here, what do you like?
Her: (I think it's some kind of curry, maybe Malaysian curry duck)
Me: Is that where you're from?
Her: (I can't hear her response)
Me: Or are you Chinese?
Her: I'm Vietnamese
Me: Ohh... anh thich noi tieng viet! (I like speaking Vietnamese)
Her: ...? (although I've been working on my accent through Skype language partners it's still very difficult to get out an intelligible sentence)
Me: (pulls her in and speaks in her ear) Anh thich noi tieng viet!
Her: ...?
Me: That's okay, we can practice Vietnamese later!
Her: (smiles and goes on her way)
At this point I decide I really do want to see her again so I borrow a pen from my mum and write down my name and number on an ATM receipt... now have to find a way to give it to her discreetly.

I see H messing around with a sparkler but I don't realize it's for my mum. She comes to the table and surprises her with a birthday cupcake and sparkler, we all sing happy birthday including H. She really is a very kind woman, I like her a lot already. I make EC and smile, this is repeated a few times and eventually I pull her in to thank her for giving my mum a birthday surprise. I can't really understand her response, she is trying to tell me something, maybe it's that they always do birthday surprises, anyway I tell her my mum is really happy. But this is pretty platonic and I don't think it's time to give her my number.

I need to go meet my friend but I decide to hang around and order a tea since I'm on a mission now. I message my friend the dinner is taking time and I'll be late a bit. After my tea the restaurant is a bit quieter. I decide to go, so I grab my jacket at a time when I see H coming in my direction and I farewell my mum. Unfortunately H goes off around the other side of the bar.

So I thank the other cute waitress (I think she is also Vietnamese) who is behind the bar and praise the meal and the service a bit, then I walk around the other side of the bar to talk to H since she is about to pick up an order and take it somewhere.
Me: I will have to go now... I wanted to speak Vietnamese with you... meet me for pho. This is my number. (I discreetly put it in her hand, below the bar level)
Her: Ok. (she looks a bit surprised and quickly checks the bar to see if anyone saw... there's no-one much there).
Well some hours have gone by and she hasn't messaged so I think it's likely to be a flake, problem was I failed to recapture the good feelings from the initial interaction and ask her out on a high point. However it was good practice and I'm happy with myself for burning it down. Haha.

Later at my friend's we persuade his host friend to come out too, she's a cute, intelligent and vivacious environment grad student from Indonesia who is at my uni, she is married with a husband who is doing an internship elsewhere and has a son the same age as my youngest. We get on really well. She's a bit silly because they've already been drinking wine and I banter a bit with her and feel good. She has her housemate look after her son while we go out for some drinks. I also meet the housemate who is younger, cute and also a grad student at my uni. I flirt with the housemate for some time and establish she has no boyfriend. She looks a bit sad at not being able to come out with us as well, but she's looking after host friend's son. When we get home they're asleep. Anyway I invite host friend, housemate and son for a meal next Saturday so that son can meet my same aged son.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
So I went into work today for the first time in ages after spending the morning on legal stuff. In the late afternoon my o/s friend contacted me to hang out with him and host friend another time since its his last day here. I'm taking him to airport now. While host friend went to get her son we drank a beer and I did some sporadic approaching, had some convo but nothing of note. Thought I was getting blown out by a real cutie but may have misread as she turned to me just after I gave up (and would have seen me looking down w a disapppointed expression... damn!). My friend wouldn't approach claiming insufficient time to seal the deal before his flight haha oh well. Hopefully he's now seen daygame.

From Sam #2:
Dear ray sorryto have pestered you this week the whole friend zone thing was too heavy for me and sent me into a spin i think i feel guilty about the act of rejecting so am trying to compensate. Could you please disregard my recent text i do get much beer from builders at this time of year but can see that giving to you is not a good idea. Your mind games are not for me i am done. I prefer to stick to my other simple relationships with men, i have found you and your life very complicated and manipulative with heavy analysis mixed messages and school yard mind games. merry xmas. last contact promise, you dont need to ignore there is no point to being friends i understand regards sam [her surname]. Could you delete my messages and number if you have not already thanks


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Interesting convo with my o/s friend at the airport while we ate a hamburger and waited for his flight (yeah I know, broke my diet, also ate a fair bit of chocolate, need to do better...)

So we got to discussing game and shared some PU stories such as he and his mate got a pair of hot women back to their dorm to drink and hangout, started turning it sexual by having them kiss each other for photos etc, closed by saying "let's turn off the light" and it was on... I shared mostly FU stories as I wanted to be humble but I could relate to most of what he said. It was a good talk as I knew he had game (because some of his targets have been friends of mine and one in particular would often text me for advice, yeah I know, hahaha) but had only really engaged with him on other topics to date.

One thing he said though... about JP girls...
Him: they will generally put out on the 3rd date and then they will send you a text, am I your girlfriend now? and if you say no they'll just disappear, otherwise they're cool to hangout
Me: oh really? I would handle things a little differently, I would say I'm not really looking for anything serious... you think that would put them off?
Him: yeah definitely
Me: but don't you think it's kind of bad to be setting a false expectation of commitment? and if the sex is really good and you handled things right they should still be cool to hangout right?
Him: well it isn't a commitment, it's more of a status thing, so they can tell their girlfriends yeah I'm seeing a dude... or they can tell other guys they can't hang out as they're seeing someone
Me: hmm... (can't remember, changed the subject I guess)
Yeah, this attitude explains why his GF last year (a hot and friendly Korean Chinese woman who I know through social circle and who got her PhD last year from our institute in Tokyo and is now doing a postdoc in Nagoya) hates him now and spent some weeks with FB shaming about what a player he is... it was all a bit inappropriate, I felt sorry for her hurt but at the same time there are two sides to every story and I owed my friend some favours so I didn't want to take sides.

He was also gaming my hot Vietnamese friend (the one who texts me), at the same time apparently, though she is a committed virgin and has shut down his escalation on several occasions it seems. Anyway I always advised her to fuck him, at least initially, but later I got a bit nervous about his gaming style and advised her to cool it (and introduced her to Korean Chinese one so they could compare notes)... not that she ever really took my advice, and that's why I don't do the white knight, shoulder to cry on thing anymore, especially via text... feel a bit foolish when I think how much effort I invested in this woman, many hours hunched over the phone banging out earnest and detailed texts when I should have been sleeping for work... told myself I was just being a nice guy(tm) but I guess in reality was hoping against hope... I cut her off after finding GC.

So back to my friend, well he spent some time telling me about his current GF and how he hasn't wanted to play around since being with her, but after our long chat he changed his tune a little, now he wants to meet me in Tokyo and go out hustling, or maybe come to Gold Coast after he graduates and leave his GF at home cos she'd get all clingy and ruin his game... or words to that effect. Hmm. Different strokes I guess... but I never want to cheat or set false expectations with girls.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Right now I am trying to focus on work. But I got a bit tired in the afternoon and went home for a sleep. After this I needed to go to the supermarket and I figured there was no harm in having a water in a club or two.

I tried some place I've never been before, a "beer cafe" near my home, it was pretty good. I got out of my head by talking to an older (but okay) woman from a Christmas function in a back room. She and her friend were ordering a round of about 6 drinks and I said "I would have invited you to sit down with me for a minute but I can see you have drinks to deliver", she replied that that was very sweet of me. Hmm.

I should mention that as I walked into the bar I formulated the goal of moving a woman 3 feet. This is because moving women is a sticking point for me. Well I got talking to a cute taller woman with red hair, I'll call her Red. Well she was part of a huge roller derby function, there were tons of fit looking women there and I talked to quite a few by hanging around the bar. So Red was telling me a fair bit about roller derby (apparently it's a big women's sport originating in the USA), as she was telling me the top 8 teams from last season I said hey, come and sit down over here... and went over to a couch, it was facing the other way but we could comfortably sit on the back of it and keep talking. Nice and low pressure I thought. Well she was kinda embarrassed and saying she had to get back to her friends. So I leaned over and said in her ear that I'm keen to know what she does when she's not roller derbying and she said she's an architect, blah blah we talked a bit about this and my househunting in the city, since she works on residential towers. Ka-ching she never sat down, but I moved her 3 feet. Woo hoo! I went for the number and got the "I'm not single" routine, I responded with Mr.Rob's go to "I have a puppy at home too" but I think a wink and "What happens in roller derby stays in roller derby..." might have been better.

I got a bit sick of this and decided to call it a night, guess I might call in to some lounge bar quickly but anyway I moved someone.

Edit: Spotted some little place (a restaurant by day) with women sitting at the bar so I parked and went in. A real cutie (black dress, fuck me shoes, black purse) was sitting at the end with 4 or 5 friends in an L around the bar... so I sat down next to her, ordered a soda water and opened her straightaway... the opener was nothing special (something about how she was sitting) but my body language and facial expressions totally on point since I was fully warmed up.

Started teasing and flirting with her immediately, I didn't really find out much about her but came out with some outrageous stuff, her friends were like OMG (actually they were like OMG just from the fact I came straight in and boldly opened her), she ate it up. We related on various topics to do with our night so far, I went for the number after about 5~10min and got the boyfriend routine again, I used Mr.Rob's goto again but I couldn't keep a straight face and laughed halfway through, she was highly amused also... so this started another thread about wearing the pants in relationships and some sexual jokes on my part. Had her give me her hand and we discussed jewellery (more relatability) and her tattoo which is a Chinese character, I had a shot at reading it, kicked myself after cos I know that character really, there's just a lot of very similar ones. Eventually closed out on my terms by saying I was gonna call it a night (we had already discussed how we'd both randomly ended up here after planning a quiet night in), went in for a kiss and caressed her arm affectionately as I was leaving.

I feel great because I have not really been feeling the vibe lately, it's good to know that I can still get to that flirtatious teasing vibe when I'm warmed up. Now back to work!!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Another interesting day.

10.30am I had arranged to meet a friend, he is the husband of my grandmother's best friend who now has Alzheimer's so the husband is living alone and he and I have struck up a friendship.

My friend is 85 and a retired bookmaker among other things. He has related to me various stories about widows or divorcees who have shown an interest in him and then flaked, so I have been trying to convince him to apply a little game. He is underconfident and does not think he can pull women at his age. I differ. I have been trying to convince him to up the gym a bit. He also needs to lose weight. He has been through a fair bit, since he was caring for his wife with Alzheimer's for many years and couldn't get out of the house much, however, that is over and I'm trying to convince him to level up.

But anyway we went out to a nice coffee shop nearby and I of course had to game the waitress a little, however I need to work on my screening since she works in the cafe 2 days a week and I asked her what she does the rest of the time and apparently it's not much. So she must have a bit of a boring life. However I cannot bring myself to punish women for failing my screens and instead I do more of a white knight thing to make them feel better about themselves. Hmm. Cut that out. I think there's a fine line between helping women pass your screens (good) and rewarding them for failing screens (bad).

In the morning and afternoon I was advertising furniture online to get rid of (and I chalk this up to GC and making myself a better man, in all previous moves I haven't bothered to do this and have just collected horrendous amounts of junk in all different places)... a dude came to buy something I'd advertised that day, and GC helped me again, he was trying to get a discount from $40 (low price to get rid of it quick) and I just brushed it aside like I would an objection from a silly and cute girl. He submitted to my frame. Haha! In reality I would have paid him to take the thing away, but my read was spot on.

In the evening I went to carols and this was an interesting time. I got warmed up by talking to an organizer and a girl at the free BBQ who I complimented on her outfit. She looked a little puzzled so I guess she doesn't get a lot of compliments when she's working at the BBQ. I met my friends including the lady with Alzheimer's who was in a wheelchair. I didn't do much approaching after that because I was a bit trapped in social circle, I was introduced to a lot of people but the younger ones are mostly married and this does seem to be a drawback of the Church social circle (I'm an atheist but I love Christmas carols, go figure)... However there were some cuties there, I opened one as we walked in to the service but she turned out to be a bit young, still it's good to be opening women without having looked at their faces first, good EC discipline.

In the service I manoeuvered the wheelchair to the front and then opened some seated woman and complimented her on her tattoos but did not get a chance to take it further. So the actual carols was a bit of a disappointment, I did not know any of the songs well except "Away in a manger", and the congregation did not join in very much (also wasn't huge) so it was more of a carols performance... anyway the women singing were pretty hot. I quickly singled out the hottest one for observation. She was an HB7 in a lovely brown crepe dress with a transparent hem and a bit of cleavage, cute shoes and jewellery.

HB7 didn't sing by herself that much but towards the end she did a solo and she had a beautiful voice. I wasn't that impressed with the other singers. In fact I had been amusing myself throughout the service by observing their breathing and I was pretty sure that HB7 was the only one breathing from her diaphragm and hence probably the only one who had taken singing classes. I determined this on the basis that I could not see her shoulders move when she took a breath, the others I could. However she was wearing a pretty tight dress and I could not see her stomach move either, so I was a bit unsure. I was of course planning to open her given a chance, but I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to critique her singing style?

Haha! Well my read was 100% correct again. After I farewelled my friends (Alzheimer's lady does not stay out late), I saw HB7 standing by herself in front of the stage apparently doing nothing. Golden!! I went straight over to her.
Me: Hi there, what's your name?
Her: HB7
Me: I'm Raymond... (we shake hands) sorry didn't hear you, what's your name again? (it was pretty loud but actually I was just losing focus because I don't often approach HB7)
Her: HB7... nice to meet you
Me: I noticed your singing and I wanted to compliment you... you have a very resonant voice
Her: Thankyou!
Me: Is it just a hobby for you at the moment?
Her: Yeah I really enjoy singing blah blah blah (she starts sharing)
... (other stuff I can't remember)
Her: And how did you come to be here tonight?
Me: (I point out my friends, explain they are like family to me and why, she knows them)
Me: So you're involved with the Church a bit
Her: Yeah blah blah blah (she's sharing a lot, this is a piece of cake)
Me: (returns to an earlier topic) So when you sing, how do you breathe?
Her: From the diaphgram! (starts telling me all about it, I'm like yeah, yeah, I agree, blah blah)
Her: So do you sing?
Me: Yeah well it's only a hobby for me, one that occurs in the car (we laugh)... but because I'm deaf (I show her a hearing aid) I had to learn to speak and so I'm interested in diaphragm breathing
Me: So what do you do when you're not singing or attending the Church
Her: Oh I work as a receptionist
Me: Oh great! (I smile encouragingly)
Her: (something to the effect it's working out for her for now) I'm not sure I'll be doing the same thing in a year's time
Me: Yeah I'm not sure what I'll be doing in a year's time either (wry expression... I'm relating but also baiting her in a mild fashion, she doesn't take the bait which is good because it would hurt my relatability to explain I'll graduate soon)
Her: (starts telling me about the company she works for, it sounds really interesting)
Me: But you really are extremely charming, so I can imagine you'd be good at what you're currently doing
Her: (smiles, continues telling me about this company, it helps people with their resumes, interviewing skills etc)
... (blah blah, I say this sounds interesting and important and ask her more about it)
Me: The thing that really helped me with interviews was learning to speak well (return to diaphragm breathing thread)
Me: With the other girls I could see their shoulders moving a bit when they breathed, whereas yours didn't move, so I thought you might be diaphragm breathing... but I couldn't see your stomach move either, so I think you were not taking particularly large breaths
Her: yeah blah blah blah (we discuss overbreathing, a phenomenon which makes me feel dizzy when I do voice practice)
Me: I could not help but notice your cute outfit, you look fabulous...
Her: (smiles)
Me: but are you sure you have enough room in there to take a full breath?
Her: Oh haha yeah it is very comfortable, some of my dresses are pretty tight but not this one
Me: Oh so it has a bit of movement, great...
Me: (starts asking her about her week... she mentions Christmas parties... we discuss this and Christmas vacation plans, we move around the various threads a bit... I can feel it starting to get stale and I'm really wanting to sex it up a bit)
Me: So the discussion group Christmas party, how will it be? Very drunken and amorous? (I smile)
Her: Ohh noo pretty tame but the work one might be
Me: Ohh hahaha I bet you become pretty flirtatious after a few drinks (a chase frame)
Her: Haha well I don't drink
Me: Ahh then my theory will never be disproved (I smile cheekily)
... (we make a bit of other chitchat)
Her: So will you be coming to the Sunday services now?
Me: Oh I could maybe... you never know
Me: (puts my hand on her upper arm and makes EC) I'm going to have to go soon (I can feel it's time to close out on my terms)
Her: It's been a lovely chat blah blah (I reciprocate) See you!
I chat to another older woman for quite a while on the way out (she invites me to visit her, she lives in a famous historic mansion in the Australian bush which is a museum and I've been before), but it's winding down and I decide to take my leave.

I really did want to take HB7's number but I decided it would not be appropriate, I only introduced any sexual flirting pretty late and there wasn't really a good high point after that to ask her out. I need to do this earlier. But it was a really fun conversation, and what I like most about it, was I planned it out ahead of time and I had it go well. I knew I could do this.

I'll chalk HB7 up to long game, as a religious chick I think she will need a bit of warming up in any case, I will try to keep my chase and sexual frames a bit subtle if I do encounter her again, since she didn't exactly eat them up on the first try.