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- Aug 12, 2014
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As a minor update to yesterday I went out approaching around midday not really pushing the envelope hard, more thinking of getting a coffee and breakfast from a few of my slow gaming targets and seeing if this would lift my vibe, did a sitting-down approach and she was friendly and cute but waiting for bf to get a haircut so just made convo till he finished. Kept seeing cuties but I was scanning a bit and having some AA and feeling my vibe wouldn't support street stops and going direct...
Got my coffee, she was all smiles and sat me at my regular table and remembered my order and paid me a little attention but it wasn't enough, conversation was boring as usual, this woman literally does nothing but work and stay home, no idea what her goals and ambitions are, so it's hard to build much of a connection, I've asked her out and got polite Asian excuses and asked for lesser compliance also nogo (to be fair she's usually kinda busy and boss does supervise)... felt a bit beta overall. Then I had a brainwave.
Decided to do some bookshop approaching to warm up (would be easier with stationary target) and this went great, would have hit on about 6 or 8 women in a large chain bookstore opposite the chocolate shop where boring woman (May) works, first interaction very good, I came across very knowledgeable and intellectual, she was tall and cute and obviously a big reader (special trip into city just to browse in this store for nothing in particular), teased her a bit, however wouldn't move to literary fiction section w me and I didn't see her again after that. Maybe another time. Another woman was cute but for some reason I must have been intimidated cos I was quite self deprecating which in retrospect just came off lame rather than ironic as I suppose I'd intended.
I bought a book, deep dived register chick and then did various street stops / approaches including the JP girls above, and some street corner / tram stop / tram game, grabbed a bite to eat from a cute waitress who is a student at my uni but her boss a bit strict maybe, so didn't get a chance to propose a date unfortunately. Headed in to work then left soon after to meet R2 at Starbucks, gained a little compliance by texting her I'd be a few min late and giving her my order, she was also gonna be late so I did some more approaches, both of which went pretty well but screened for compliance early and didn't get it and moved on. Sat in Starbucks painting my nails and R2 actually arrived, didn't see me, texted me and then went ahead and ordered and paid for us, such a good girl!
So when I realized (had some random girl fish my phone out of my pocket and check it since my nails were still wet) our drinks were just coming, the nails provided a talking point as I had intended and avoided the impression I had nothing to do but wait for her, soon we were laughing and chatting like old friends.
I have since realized I have an attainability issue with R2 which I think is partly why she auto rejected and ran away, but in this date I was instinctively doing "- value, + attainability" moves such as when she commented I had drunk tea not coffee on our first date, saying I had been nervous and didn't want to get the shakes, or telling her I had really enjoyed hanging out with her and so on. So setting up this date turned out to be the right move (a little chasey but + attainability) and I'd correctly calculated it wouldn't lead to sex due to her work so I'd gone for Starbucks as a neutral, comfort building venue, turned out to be near her work too, added bonus. Walked her there, pulled her out of sight of the window glass with a command and kissed her firmly on the cheek, I could have gone for the lips but was being cautious of escalating in public.
So at this stage I hadn't got any numbers or insta-dates or whatnot but had had a cracking good time, decided to call it a day and mooched off home, relaxed on the couch with a book but then realized my CPAP had broken during the night and I urgently needed to go buy some glue to fix it that day.
So I headed out again, spotted some cuties on a street corner and approached... "As I was walking I saw you about to cross the street that way, but I'm glad you waited for me to catch up!" got some smiles "So it looks like you're finding your way around... doing some shopping today?" and it turned out they were going out to eat / drink and we were going the same way, so I explained my mission and invited them to walk with me for a bit... chatted about their English studies, had I been to Thailand etc... language partners "yeah language partners are the best way to study a language, especially if they are as cute and sexy as you..." more laughs, this did not really make sense as I'm not studying Thai but it's vital to compliment them and make intentions known if you opened situationally.
I first proposed we undertake our separate missions and meet for a drink after but my target doesn't drink... back off, rinse, repeat... a bit later, "let's buy the glue together then we'll all sit down and relax a bit in the cafe", after some translation and conferring in Thai they were down! However I did not know where the shop was, so after changing direction a few times and speaking to a dude who suggested supermarket, I decided to try supermarket while they wanted to go to their cafe and wait for me. I had little choice so I just touched my target's arm, smiled and said "fantastic!".
Trouble was the fuckin cafe (chocolate shop) was closed, kicked myself for not having got their no... had left phone on charge at home in any case... mooched about for a few min, nearly went home but eventually tackled it logically, if chocolate shop was closed they must be in Starbucks next door... and they were... re approached, explained my reasoning... they looked a bit put out and frankly I felt like a total chode... would have appeared kinda desperate. However, I ordered something and proceeded to just brazen it out, they wanted to go eat but I commanded them to wait for my order and they complied. I then invited them to walk with me as far as my turnoff for home (citing tiredness and having already eaten), and it was on again
Got a little more deep diving and qualification in, my target whom I'll call Gao can cook so explained the Thai cooking school I'd done and planted the seed of her coming over to make a green curry paste using my mortar and pestle, this after I'd set up a coffee date for Tuesday and had her write her number on a receipt for me. We were still talking about cooking when we reached my corner and I commanded her to come here then gave her a kiss on the cheek, same her friend.
At home sent icebreaker as follows, "hi Gao
hope you enjoy your dinner
Raymond" and she replied within minutes "Thanks Raymond
"... it's on! I'll text her again now. I think maybe one-on-one tomorrow and pull her back home (lives only 2 blocks from me on same street), then invite friend for next time to make curry together and shoot for 3-way action.
Got my coffee, she was all smiles and sat me at my regular table and remembered my order and paid me a little attention but it wasn't enough, conversation was boring as usual, this woman literally does nothing but work and stay home, no idea what her goals and ambitions are, so it's hard to build much of a connection, I've asked her out and got polite Asian excuses and asked for lesser compliance also nogo (to be fair she's usually kinda busy and boss does supervise)... felt a bit beta overall. Then I had a brainwave.
Decided to do some bookshop approaching to warm up (would be easier with stationary target) and this went great, would have hit on about 6 or 8 women in a large chain bookstore opposite the chocolate shop where boring woman (May) works, first interaction very good, I came across very knowledgeable and intellectual, she was tall and cute and obviously a big reader (special trip into city just to browse in this store for nothing in particular), teased her a bit, however wouldn't move to literary fiction section w me and I didn't see her again after that. Maybe another time. Another woman was cute but for some reason I must have been intimidated cos I was quite self deprecating which in retrospect just came off lame rather than ironic as I suppose I'd intended.
I bought a book, deep dived register chick and then did various street stops / approaches including the JP girls above, and some street corner / tram stop / tram game, grabbed a bite to eat from a cute waitress who is a student at my uni but her boss a bit strict maybe, so didn't get a chance to propose a date unfortunately. Headed in to work then left soon after to meet R2 at Starbucks, gained a little compliance by texting her I'd be a few min late and giving her my order, she was also gonna be late so I did some more approaches, both of which went pretty well but screened for compliance early and didn't get it and moved on. Sat in Starbucks painting my nails and R2 actually arrived, didn't see me, texted me and then went ahead and ordered and paid for us, such a good girl!
So when I realized (had some random girl fish my phone out of my pocket and check it since my nails were still wet) our drinks were just coming, the nails provided a talking point as I had intended and avoided the impression I had nothing to do but wait for her, soon we were laughing and chatting like old friends.
I have since realized I have an attainability issue with R2 which I think is partly why she auto rejected and ran away, but in this date I was instinctively doing "- value, + attainability" moves such as when she commented I had drunk tea not coffee on our first date, saying I had been nervous and didn't want to get the shakes, or telling her I had really enjoyed hanging out with her and so on. So setting up this date turned out to be the right move (a little chasey but + attainability) and I'd correctly calculated it wouldn't lead to sex due to her work so I'd gone for Starbucks as a neutral, comfort building venue, turned out to be near her work too, added bonus. Walked her there, pulled her out of sight of the window glass with a command and kissed her firmly on the cheek, I could have gone for the lips but was being cautious of escalating in public.
So at this stage I hadn't got any numbers or insta-dates or whatnot but had had a cracking good time, decided to call it a day and mooched off home, relaxed on the couch with a book but then realized my CPAP had broken during the night and I urgently needed to go buy some glue to fix it that day.
So I headed out again, spotted some cuties on a street corner and approached... "As I was walking I saw you about to cross the street that way, but I'm glad you waited for me to catch up!" got some smiles "So it looks like you're finding your way around... doing some shopping today?" and it turned out they were going out to eat / drink and we were going the same way, so I explained my mission and invited them to walk with me for a bit... chatted about their English studies, had I been to Thailand etc... language partners "yeah language partners are the best way to study a language, especially if they are as cute and sexy as you..." more laughs, this did not really make sense as I'm not studying Thai but it's vital to compliment them and make intentions known if you opened situationally.
I first proposed we undertake our separate missions and meet for a drink after but my target doesn't drink... back off, rinse, repeat... a bit later, "let's buy the glue together then we'll all sit down and relax a bit in the cafe", after some translation and conferring in Thai they were down! However I did not know where the shop was, so after changing direction a few times and speaking to a dude who suggested supermarket, I decided to try supermarket while they wanted to go to their cafe and wait for me. I had little choice so I just touched my target's arm, smiled and said "fantastic!".
Trouble was the fuckin cafe (chocolate shop) was closed, kicked myself for not having got their no... had left phone on charge at home in any case... mooched about for a few min, nearly went home but eventually tackled it logically, if chocolate shop was closed they must be in Starbucks next door... and they were... re approached, explained my reasoning... they looked a bit put out and frankly I felt like a total chode... would have appeared kinda desperate. However, I ordered something and proceeded to just brazen it out, they wanted to go eat but I commanded them to wait for my order and they complied. I then invited them to walk with me as far as my turnoff for home (citing tiredness and having already eaten), and it was on again
Got a little more deep diving and qualification in, my target whom I'll call Gao can cook so explained the Thai cooking school I'd done and planted the seed of her coming over to make a green curry paste using my mortar and pestle, this after I'd set up a coffee date for Tuesday and had her write her number on a receipt for me. We were still talking about cooking when we reached my corner and I commanded her to come here then gave her a kiss on the cheek, same her friend.
At home sent icebreaker as follows, "hi Gao