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A ray of light in the darkness


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
As a minor update to yesterday I went out approaching around midday not really pushing the envelope hard, more thinking of getting a coffee and breakfast from a few of my slow gaming targets and seeing if this would lift my vibe, did a sitting-down approach and she was friendly and cute but waiting for bf to get a haircut so just made convo till he finished. Kept seeing cuties but I was scanning a bit and having some AA and feeling my vibe wouldn't support street stops and going direct...

Got my coffee, she was all smiles and sat me at my regular table and remembered my order and paid me a little attention but it wasn't enough, conversation was boring as usual, this woman literally does nothing but work and stay home, no idea what her goals and ambitions are, so it's hard to build much of a connection, I've asked her out and got polite Asian excuses and asked for lesser compliance also nogo (to be fair she's usually kinda busy and boss does supervise)... felt a bit beta overall. Then I had a brainwave.

Decided to do some bookshop approaching to warm up (would be easier with stationary target) and this went great, would have hit on about 6 or 8 women in a large chain bookstore opposite the chocolate shop where boring woman (May) works, first interaction very good, I came across very knowledgeable and intellectual, she was tall and cute and obviously a big reader (special trip into city just to browse in this store for nothing in particular), teased her a bit, however wouldn't move to literary fiction section w me and I didn't see her again after that. Maybe another time. Another woman was cute but for some reason I must have been intimidated cos I was quite self deprecating which in retrospect just came off lame rather than ironic as I suppose I'd intended.

I bought a book, deep dived register chick and then did various street stops / approaches including the JP girls above, and some street corner / tram stop / tram game, grabbed a bite to eat from a cute waitress who is a student at my uni but her boss a bit strict maybe, so didn't get a chance to propose a date unfortunately. Headed in to work then left soon after to meet R2 at Starbucks, gained a little compliance by texting her I'd be a few min late and giving her my order, she was also gonna be late so I did some more approaches, both of which went pretty well but screened for compliance early and didn't get it and moved on. Sat in Starbucks painting my nails and R2 actually arrived, didn't see me, texted me and then went ahead and ordered and paid for us, such a good girl!

So when I realized (had some random girl fish my phone out of my pocket and check it since my nails were still wet) our drinks were just coming, the nails provided a talking point as I had intended and avoided the impression I had nothing to do but wait for her, soon we were laughing and chatting like old friends.

I have since realized I have an attainability issue with R2 which I think is partly why she auto rejected and ran away, but in this date I was instinctively doing "- value, + attainability" moves such as when she commented I had drunk tea not coffee on our first date, saying I had been nervous and didn't want to get the shakes, or telling her I had really enjoyed hanging out with her and so on. So setting up this date turned out to be the right move (a little chasey but + attainability) and I'd correctly calculated it wouldn't lead to sex due to her work so I'd gone for Starbucks as a neutral, comfort building venue, turned out to be near her work too, added bonus. Walked her there, pulled her out of sight of the window glass with a command and kissed her firmly on the cheek, I could have gone for the lips but was being cautious of escalating in public.

So at this stage I hadn't got any numbers or insta-dates or whatnot but had had a cracking good time, decided to call it a day and mooched off home, relaxed on the couch with a book but then realized my CPAP had broken during the night and I urgently needed to go buy some glue to fix it that day.

So I headed out again, spotted some cuties on a street corner and approached... "As I was walking I saw you about to cross the street that way, but I'm glad you waited for me to catch up!" got some smiles "So it looks like you're finding your way around... doing some shopping today?" and it turned out they were going out to eat / drink and we were going the same way, so I explained my mission and invited them to walk with me for a bit... chatted about their English studies, had I been to Thailand etc... language partners "yeah language partners are the best way to study a language, especially if they are as cute and sexy as you..." more laughs, this did not really make sense as I'm not studying Thai but it's vital to compliment them and make intentions known if you opened situationally.

I first proposed we undertake our separate missions and meet for a drink after but my target doesn't drink... back off, rinse, repeat... a bit later, "let's buy the glue together then we'll all sit down and relax a bit in the cafe", after some translation and conferring in Thai they were down! However I did not know where the shop was, so after changing direction a few times and speaking to a dude who suggested supermarket, I decided to try supermarket while they wanted to go to their cafe and wait for me. I had little choice so I just touched my target's arm, smiled and said "fantastic!".

Trouble was the fuckin cafe (chocolate shop) was closed, kicked myself for not having got their no... had left phone on charge at home in any case... mooched about for a few min, nearly went home but eventually tackled it logically, if chocolate shop was closed they must be in Starbucks next door... and they were... re approached, explained my reasoning... they looked a bit put out and frankly I felt like a total chode... would have appeared kinda desperate. However, I ordered something and proceeded to just brazen it out, they wanted to go eat but I commanded them to wait for my order and they complied. I then invited them to walk with me as far as my turnoff for home (citing tiredness and having already eaten), and it was on again :)

Got a little more deep diving and qualification in, my target whom I'll call Gao can cook so explained the Thai cooking school I'd done and planted the seed of her coming over to make a green curry paste using my mortar and pestle, this after I'd set up a coffee date for Tuesday and had her write her number on a receipt for me. We were still talking about cooking when we reached my corner and I commanded her to come here then gave her a kiss on the cheek, same her friend.

At home sent icebreaker as follows, "hi Gao :) hope you enjoy your dinner :) Raymond" and she replied within minutes "Thanks Raymond :)"... it's on! I'll text her again now. I think maybe one-on-one tomorrow and pull her back home (lives only 2 blocks from me on same street), then invite friend for next time to make curry together and shoot for 3-way action.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Dang, you're on fire moving them all over the place! 3rd page in the journal, too, congrats. Look forward to hearing how it goes with the Thai ladies.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Appears to be a flake with Gao. That's weird. OTOH my texting game was not on point. Got overconfident and sloppy, sent a text that was pretty brusque and didn't make her smile or let her choose a suitable time. Whoops. Noted for next time...

Haven't really been on point in recent days. Don't want to commit the time to getting in proper state, have felt some AA and allowed myself to not approach until I get some work done. Did direct open a real cutie on a street corner who was totally happy, friendly and receptive (I love these), she opened up to my cold read, but unfortunately was near to her destination so didn't get to the introduction even (didn't stop me introducing touch however).

However, my fridge has been broken and I have to eat out for every meal, so I've chatted up some cute Korean, Malaysian and even Aussie waitresses and register chicks. Fun times but haven't hooked to the point where I felt a date / number grab would be appropriate. They're always too fuckin busy or whatnot, still it's been totally useful practice.

I also had to file a change of address in the Family Court and collected an IOI from a nicely dressed but otherwise pretty average woman of 30 or so, approached and had her laughing hard for about 30min or so with my black humour and cynical remarks about our shared experiences (she actually could not stop laughing which I think was due to nervous energy, I commented on this, pointing out that we have to let a bit of tension out when dealing with this bullshit or we would probably have to cry instead), was working on the frame that neither of us would risk getting into anything serious after this bullshit but we still have needs et cetera, this went over okay.

I wasn't super attracted (and her logistics terrible) but was mindful of Chase's advice in such cases to just forget number grabs and push as hard as you can in the moment, since what is to lose... I maybe could have pulled her back to the appt and fucked her, but having fapped this morning I was worried I wouldn't be able to get it up (pathetic I know) and it looked as if her matter would take some time to file, so I just kissed her on the cheek and left her to it. Actually had to come back for my keys and she was still at it...

I should have seeded an insta date at cafe outside courthouse and waited for her there, but I did not think of this, too many anxious thoughts I suppose, the 2 ridiculously strong Malaysian iced coffees from the other chick were buzzing hard too (5 hours later) even if they provided a jumping off point for convo at the time... zzzzt!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Just for practice I did a "totally cute" opener this morning outside gym. Luckily I had been up early & was well dressed in muscle tshirt and jeans. I've been too shy to use this opener in a long time as it feels more forward than tailored compliment. Facial expressions on point, it went over well. The conversation was okay nothing special but fun. Ejected after a while with some touch, as I didn't feel a strong connection. I feel good cos I got a surge of AA as I approached (will I, won't I) and just fuckin' did it -- treat as helpful adrenaline.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Have not been blogging much lately. For reasons I'll explain later. But I did have a round 2 with raver chick that's documented in FRs board so those who didn't notice the latest addition should check it out, was kinda interesting.

This morning went out w my kids and chatted up some Chinese beauties in the market, coffee shop and grocery stores... all good fun but I did not shoot for any numbers or dates. I'm in two minds about this. Cos slow game is kinda for pussies. Yet, I kinda trust myself to know when it is time to go for the number or the pull, and I'm not in such scarcity that I need to maximize every interaction, I can just chill and have fum and save it for when I feel a stronger than usual connection... or am I just excusing myself & would I get better results by just asking them out even when I do not feel comfortable doing so? I dunno but it also feels funny pushing hard when I have kids with me, even though I usually find a way to casually allude to the fact I am separated. Hmm dunno.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
As usual Chase has the answer... got this in email today:

1.) First, you’re going to recognize when
you’re playing the waiting game.

How do you recognize when you’re playing the
waiting game?

Simple: you look at a girl you like, and ask
yourself WHY you haven’t asked her out yet. If
the answer is anything remotely along the lines
of, “Well, I just haven’t had the right
opportunity to yet,” then bingo – you’re waiting.

And while you’re waiting, other men in her life
are stepping up to the plate with her and having
their at-bats.

So, your Step #2 is…

2.) Get off the bench and up to the plate.

How do you do this? You resolve to ask her out
the NEXT time you see her.

Not “try” to ask her out the next time you see

Not “hopefully” ask her out the next time you
see her… if the stars align themselves just

You simply WILL ask her out the next time you
see her.

And this goes double for women you meet in
bars, on the street, or anywhere else at random.
There won’t BE a next time – so if you like her,
waiting goes OUT the window here too!

Now you’re probably thinking, “Okay, this
SOUNDS good, but how do I pull it OFF?”

And that’s where we come to our Step #3:

3.) Create your own opening.

You’re going to go into this conversation with
this girl you like with two objectives: a.) get
talking to her, no matter what, and b.) tell her,
“Let’s grab food or drinks later this week or
early next.”

That’s IT. Simple, no?

All you’re going to do is talk to her, no
matter WHAT…

… And then propose that the two of you get food
or drinks at the end.

Then, she will either say YES or she will say

If she says “no”, you smile warmly and say,
“Maybe another time, then,” and exit the
conversation gracefully.

If she says “yes”… well, hopefully I don’t have
to tell you what to do here, but it involves
trading contact details and following up with her
over text a few days later to see when she’d like
to get that food or those drinks.

And then it’s all you from there on out,

Here’s the great thing about this: because you
are now asking women out QUICKLY, without waiting
for “the right moment” that never, ever comes,
not only are you plastering smiles all over the
faces of those girls who really like you and WANT
you to ask them out, but…

… you’re also avoided that dreaded scenario
where attraction dries up due to your non-action,
and some other guy swoops in to take YOUR girl.

All that’s easily prevented though, provided you:

1.) Recognize when you’re playing the waiting

2.) Get off the bench and up to the plate.

3.) Create your own opening.

And remember that for #3, all that entails is:

a.) Go talk to her, no MATTER what, and

b.) Tell her you want to grab food or drinks
with her this week or next.

Then grab her contact details.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hardcore approaching today.

Morning: cute Asian student on the campus. black & white opener. late for class. added touch. should've told her to meet me same place in 1hr.

Evening: collected an IOI from sitting Asian chick. opened her. didnt realize i'd chatted her up in her store sunday, not a good look. had another chance but blew it. platonic, not warmed up, tryhard..but went for a date anyhow, persisted a bit, nogo... though tackled it in a dumb way, could've got a date.
...felt real disappointed cos I dug this chick & had been planning to visit her store then & there... fuck, but realized I was over invested & operating from scarcity.... decided to hit it hard and replace her....

next 2 chicks I opened were awesome, cute little Asian moonface 22yo student, here only 4 days, lives near my building. felt a strong connection. then a tall slim Kiwi who waa looking for a phone shop, here 4yrs, fun flirty convo, sexed it up slightly, qualified her...opened both situationally, added compliments later, got both their numbers, unfortunately they haven't responded to icebreaker. admittedly icebreakers were a bit IDGAF, it was that kind of day....

lost my momentum talking to homeless fucked up chick after giving her $5. opened a few tourists etc, tried to open some chicks who looked jp but opener not on point, shame.

went to meeting until 10pm then decided to hit up night street game on river walk near casino, haven't approached there in a while...nothing to promising, a few chicks ignored me etc...opened a pair of sitting girls from sydney for a long convo, wasn't bad but wasn't warmed up...they were walking with me a bit but otherwise not complying so i ditched them mud sentence to go open a pair of Asian women who blew me out hahaha

Went into casino, opened a chinese looking lady at a machine who kept demanding to know why i would want to talk to her, why would i want to get a drink, what did i want to talk about etc...was tired and bleary eyed from gambling too long but eventually i persisted long enough that she got up and fucked off to go home (after asking can i go now...some funny shit).

Opened a group of 3 malaysians a dude and 2 hotties, they were all awesome, talked a long time, they wouldnt go for a drink and eventually left to find friends. tried to get a kiss off chick i first approached but she was onto me hahaha

2 iranians, the one i approached was as hot as fuck, blonde (dyed tho), denim shirt tied around her tits, belly button piercing, ripped jeans, loads of makeup and jewellery...long conversation but i was a bit beta. 20 questions like...anyway she was a chemistry student...no compliance on going for a drink, so i felt it was pointless to ask for a date later.

married lady. flirty convo in which i compared myself to a slot machine, some of the women who buy me a drink are winners but i keep the odds pretty low...hahaha

tall slim bar chick, emptyish bar. girl next door looks. admitted she was wearing mascara, her eyelashes were hot. took me fuckin ages and many hints to guess she was astronomy student...went for the number, backoff, rinse repeat...she's at my uni, but didnt agree to coffee. i invested more than her but it was still good fun.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Haha! it aint over till its over...went out a second time at 1am to eat and game, came upon a lost venezuelan chick...public transport had stopped so i offered we go for some drinks and i drive her home later...was a bit of an uphill battle as she wouldnt accept any drinks or food but seemed basically down with things...i actually had her on the ground floor of the building and truthfully told her i needed the toilet but in the end i just couldnt go through with the pull to upstairs just didnt feel it...so took her home via a bar that was closing and wouldnt sell us a tea...then tried for an invite upstairs, she was more warmed up by this stage but nogo (housemates)... so we decided to go get a drink elsewhere...deep dived the fuck out of her and she accepted my touch and we connected very well but i think she thought i was gay, go figure, no real reciprocal touch though she was sharing emotionally...so i kinda knew it was a lost cause, but on the offchance it might be a cultural thing i still went for a pash after walking her home from the bar, nogo (also could not find a dark enough spot and we were nearly at her building)... damn but she said that she had thoroughly enjoyed herself and thanked me for turning her night around (also accused me of being a little bit drunk, i said nope, just a guy who knows what he wants)... anyway went about this in a suboptimal way but still a good reference point.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Date from hell

So firstly I was v tired and having a bit of a shitty day after staying up till 3am having insta-date with Venezuelan chick who thought I was gay then getting up at 7am for the gym...

7/11 chick has been texting me like crazy, seems very insecure, keen as fuck... she proposed a hangout that day (Tues) even though we were supppsed to hangout Fri. I was busy with a parents' association meeting but I was tired and decided to blow it off and seek some comfort and validation from 7/11 chick, told her I was tired but willing to hang if she brings the energy and some TLC. She said okay. Thought this would be an easy slay........think again.

So I meet her outside Starbucks and go to give her a kiss "can we not do the whole touch thing, you're not my boyfriend and if people saw us together blahblah"... she offers a handshake, I tell her I haven't greeted a woman friend with a handshake sincce I hit my teens and I'm not gonna start now. I then tell her about a close friend who is female and Pakistani and doesn't touch and how weird and uncomfortable I find this.

Unfortunately with this distraction I've slipped up and allowed her to lead me towards Chinatown to some bar she likes, fuck, gad had a different place in mind (she'd texted me as I waited fir her at Starbucks that she doesn't want coffee, wants spirits... ooookay??) So we get to the bar which is okay (nice hidden location, interesting crowd and music but too fuckin noisy and nowhere comfortable to sit... never let her choose!).

I tell her she's buying the first round and I'll get the next one... major frame battle ensues. Eventually she turns away disgusted saying "get your own drink...", fine I say and we order. I try to pay by card but its cash only and I'm fuckin short... so I grab her and pull her back over and say hey I really am gonna need you to spot me, we'll sort it out later of course... gets majorly fuckin upset and starts yelling at me "thats fuckin rude!!! I tried to tell you I only have $10 and blahblah" so I say "oh, okay, really? in that case..." I feel quite sorry for her since she is clearly a lower socioeconomic class (I can tell from her pronunciation and grammar and personal habits and general appearance, as well as the fact she's clearly insecure, but I don't judge, we're all just people under the layers)... she continues with her angry attacks and I say "slow down... if that's the situation that's fair enough and I understand, but I'm just pointing out that that's not what you said initially" and so on... it's creating a scene and the bar staff ddecide to break it up by offering me a free drink (I was flirting with bargirl a little bit while she was making the drinks and it's xlear I've scored an ally even though 7/11 chick claims they know her here and I'm embarrassing her etc... I tell her it's a fuckin stupid idea to bring a date to a place people know you and spend the whole time worrying what others think. Whatevs.

So then we sit (she leads)... she tries to make me jealous by striking up a conversation with some chode (something she does many times throughout the night, I just maintain an ultra bored vibe and ignore them)... eventually get on a topic about free will... she maintains things are intended to happen, I don't agree so everything she says I just go "hmm.. maybe.." and stare into space thinking how I can tactfully disagree... after harassing the shit out of me and yelling stuff like "you just don't get it!!! why can't you just accept!!! that it's meant to be" and interrupting me many times (investing hard) I say "intended..by whom?" and this finally shuts her up.

Things settle down a bit, talk about some more neutral topics, get a smile or two and reward her for it with compliments... I deflect all her questions... guess her age as 32, too old, oops... but she's a chain smoker and prematurely aged by it. Anyway whenever the vibe slips towards intimacy she's not having it, throws out more challenges, telling me I'm rude etc... I'm like honestly, what was all that shit about... do I honestly look like a conman? She starts getting angry and yelling again and demanding I produce a staff identification for the uni where I work, a driving license etc, I'm like WTF why should I qualify myself to you, you can leave at any time if u don't trust me etc.

TBC although that should give the flavour... I don't leave cos she's clearly heavily invested and I want a lay although I'm starting to find her physically and personally unattractive.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Date from hell cont'd

So I have to get cash and she wants to eat and leads me through some laneways back into Chinatown and to an ATM (I feel totally beta but I don't know these lanes) and instructs me to withdraw $100, I'm like WTF, give her my card and tell her to go knock herself out (she doesn't know the PIN obviously, and backs off a bit)... I get $$ and then she takes me to a JP snackbar, I inquire how she's planning to pay for her meal and say I hope you aren't expecting me to... well it transpires she sctually has at least $50 which she shows me very smugly and I'm thinking WTF but I don't react except to tell her she could have saved herself a whole lot of aggro by spotting me when I,asked her to (it later turns out her best friend has banned her from buying guys drinks and convinced her it's his role).

So we eat while she likens dating to an interview in which I have failed to impress the interviewer by not bringing money etc. I explain that I do not impress anyone, I just be myself, chilled and relaxed, and I'm far from perfect but if I make a mistake people just deal with it, they'd prefer that than my putting up a false front and being tryhard. I'm trying to find the words to reverse the frame (I'm the interviewer) but they don't come in time.

She continues bashing me with this self-will bullshit, her idea is that he choosing to be a millionaire won't just make it happen so she has no self-will and it must be pre-determined she's not a millionaire. I tell her she can't choose the outcome but she can choose her goals and the steps she takes. Bullshit bullshit bullshit... I'm so sick of this crap. We go back to the bar and get another round, she's earbashing bar chick with this long diatribe about how I'm rude and it doesn't reflect on her and bar chick and I are both kinda smiling a bit to each other, I thank her for spotting me and settle up.

Similar shit, I tell her its too loud and I want to go sit on the grass at the library, she's like WTF can we do there... just chill, relax, talk, be together I say... nope, she's dead set on this balcony bar we can see up above... I figure it may be quieter so I agree (it isn't)... we order food, I tell her I'm happy to buy the large antipasto plate and share it with her and she can get us something else if she wants... she's not having it, aggressively tells me we're ordering separately, so I get the small antipasto and a water, later turns out she has ordered the large plate herself and eats only half, go figure, shot herself in the foot there.

We talk about attraction, relationships... she doesn't know what "subconscious" means (whaaaat?!) so while I go to the toilet I prepare a mini lecture and I describe some experiments people have done to explore the role of the subconscious. Also turns out she can program in BASIC so I relate (still deflecting most of her questions which frustrates the shit out of her). In the middle of this her friend/colleague(?) happens by who is quite hot and friendly, they talk for ages and 7/11 chick is effectively winging me while I chat up friend's friend.

Friend's friend is totally hooked, I give her the secret agent schtick and deflect all her questions (she loves it), while deep diving and qualifying her like fuck, she is a really nice kind genuine woman, I move her to bar leaving the others, got out lots of touch and laughter, she wanted to buy us drinks but I unthinkingly rejected this value offering and immediately kicked myself, I was not attracted (just being myself and adding value cos why not) but when I look back her personality made her more attractive than first appearances. I totally wish I had grabbed her number now, but in the moment it did not occur to me. Oh well. I forbid her to buy 7/11 chick any alcohol, she's drunk and aggressive enough already.

Anyway so we have a group discussion for a bit and they leave. This is where I decide I've given 7/11 chick enough rope, and I'm gonna put my foot down... dominate the bitch and either make something start happening or make the ho say no. I've seeded a pull to my place to watch a particular anime film and I now activate this but she calls me out "I'm not going to your house... blah blah just have sex blah blah"... I should have said woah, who said anything about sex, you think I'm easy? But instead I took a different approach which I'll describe.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Date from hell pt.3

I've got a pretty clear read on the situation by now and I begin to lay groundwork and act accordingly. In response to her shit test I say reasonably "No, I simply want to be with you... I have no need of further drinks, loud noises, food, people... it's been a long day and it's time to relax"... grumble grumble, I tell her I'll take her somewhere warmer, further interrogations later she consents to go for a walk... this time I lead strongly and get her a few blocks towards my house.

Coffee is mentioned which is a good idea. She tries to move me back to Starbucks... I refuse. I try to take her to a place on the way but she reminds me she hates this place, told me when we first discussed logistics... further abuse ensues "you just don't get it do you"... "No it's actually that I forgot"... I think of a better place, small and intimate, they know me there. She's quite abusive "the coffee's shit it's an Internet cafe you can't sit down blah blah blah". I tell her bullshit, she has no idea what she is talking about and lead strongly. (It's 1 block from my house). She's pointing out the sign "it's a fuckin internet cafe, derrr, can't you read" and I do become slightly annoyed "don't speak to me that way". So we sit in my regular spot which is like a coffee bar, she attempts to move me into another area at the back and I just stare her down "I'm sitting here." She grudgingly complies.

We talk about dates from hell, she completely misses the point of my story but whatevs. She relates stories of 10 dates with guys competing for the provider role and wonders why she wasn't attracted, I attempt to enlighten her but she's having none of it. I thoroughly disqualify myself for that role. I avoid her attempts to start further arguments by just agreeing with her about stuff. I then congratulate us for being on the same page and go for a high five. She won't comply. I stare her down. I insist on at least a low five. She grudgingly touches my hand.

Shortly after this I make my move. (I've escalated touch throughout, she has sometimes accepted it but more often called me out, and I've explained that touching is how I communicate and in some cases how I steady myself or guide her so we do not crash into each other). I put my hand out on the coffee bar and order her to take it. Of course, she doesn't comply.

Leaving my hand palm up I stare her down and explain what I have observed about her. Whenever the vibe switches to neutral and she starts to just be with me, I've observed that she has to do something -- be it getting another drink, moving us to another bar or shop or whatever, getting out a cigarette, starting an argument, talking to someone nearby, whatever. I explain the concept of a "human doing" vs a "human being" though I don't use those terms (she is clearly co-dependent, I share some of her symptoms though not as bad, that's what's behind my overeating for instance). I promise to show her a page in my ebook reader about it at my house later on.

I repeat the order. I tell her I want her to practice just being, not doing. Just be with me and practice accepting my touch. I continue to repeat these orders in soothing tones with strong EC. I am getting through to her and her barriers are feeling the pressure but it's an intensely uncomfortable and distressing experience for her. I promise (the reader) I am not chasing -- I'm in control and what I am doing is appropriate to her investment level.

I move her outside the store to the corner. She says "I cannot see you anymore, you are too intense" and I say "so go, nobody is keeping you here" but she does not. Edit: Here I explain that it's been a long day, I am tired, she had promised to care for me which she has not done, I have no interest in further bars, cafes, activities and whatnot, but I would like to be with her, just be, and experience her company... noting I've 10min earlier qualified her on a number of things I like about her and reasons I enjoy her company. I continue to offer her my hand and calmly order her to take it. She's quite distressed saying pleadingly "but I don't want to!!? you just don't get it". I tell her I get it very well and repeat the order, holding the EC. She then starts babbling about the 10 dates again, trying to defuse the tension by starting an argument. I say sure I probably spoke too hastily, you're right. Now take my hand". She continues but I cut her off "I am not interested in the 10 dates. I will listen to what you have to say if you hold my hand while you say it". She doesn't comply and continues and I cut her off again and repeat the conditions. She still continues on the 10 dates and I cut her off again and say "okay I'm going". I motion her to follow and just walk off home. She doesn't.

Half an hour after I get home she's calling and texting like crazy. I ignore her. NEXT.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Discovered why I was caught short -- I had absent mindedly dumped all my notes in the car console after buying my morning coffee on the way back from gym. Haha best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft agley :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Hey Ray,

I've re-read this FR and I wonder what it was you were able to find in her that you liked and that made you enjoy her company (that you allude to at the end)? I'm asking cause I figure I would have a tough time doing that given all the shit she was throwing at you were I in your shoes.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Good question Snipe... was a little hard to recall in retrospect
(1) that she considers things carefully before giving a viewpoint on an issue (or maybe she's just slow hahaha)
(2) that she expresses herself well when she does that
(3) that she's passionate about issues
(4) that she challenges me instead of just passively accepting stuff
(5) that I always know where I stand with her

So today I was deliberately trying not to approach, just exhausted... however, I couldn't resist getting out an opener to a girl on the train, she blew me out but it was my fault for hesitating until I was about to get off the train and walked past her seat. Anyway, on the return journey with my kids got talking to an extremely cute 19yo, she kind of engaged me by moving all her stuff aside in the station so I could sit down so it was hard not to talk to her even though I wasn't in approaching state... apparently she'd been at the pool relaxing (fucking hot day, thought I was gonna melt)... deep dived her a lot, invited her to sit with us on the train which she did, got out a sexual frame
Me: so when you finished up study in London did you get a certificate or are you transferring to a similar course here?
Her: it's a Diploma blah blah
Me: oh so you're a qualified choreographer... I can think of situations where you would be very good at choreographing things... (strong EC, smirk)
(her smile in response to this was just adorable, she got it all right)
(blah blah)
Me: so [her name], I'm gonna take these guys for a milkshake at [the central station]... come with us and grab a milkshake
Her: ohh thanks but actually my boyfriend's gonna pick me up at my station
Me: I have a puppy dog at home too... (smirk)
(she ate this up, her smile was just so adorable, she got it all right, started laughing to herself quietly)
(blah blah, her station is announced)
Me: [her name], give me a kiss
(again the cute smile)
(she gets up and very deliberately leans over and offers me her cheek, I put my hand on her miniskirt and give her a kiss)
Me: you have a lovely smile... it was fun teasing you a bit (smiles)
(smiles and leaves)
Another approach at the smoothie shop "hey you're all cashed up, is it your treat today?" (she's holding $50, a tall Chinese girls in a summer dress)... she gets on the phone, when she gets off I say "seriously though, I wanted to compliment you on your dress, you look great"... acknowledges the compliment but that's it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
My buddy Snipefield tells me that when I don't post for a bit of time he anticipates something cooking and he's right ;)

This crazy-ass weekend started with a bit of chocolate-shop game in which my long gamer May actually opened up to me, she's given me fuck all to work with for months but now I discover she has a long term partner who she met at uni, she has done a business degree 3~4 years back, etc... cleared the air a little, I asked her out ages ago and got no clear response so now it all figures, anyway we're friends and I'm glad. My ex-wife was to pick up kids from outside chocolate shop, she was late and meanwhile I chatted up a 30ish Asian hotty who glanced over at us and smiled at the kids, opened her with a "you seem to be killing time" opener and some other observeations, a bit platonic but fun. After a while she explained she was waiting for her friend, and they were gonna eat/drink at the chocolate shop. I was just getting around to thinking shit, better grab the no. before the friend arrives, when the friend arrives... coulda cried, she's kinda awkwardly wished me all the best but I just couldn't burn it down in front of the friend, so I let her go. Didn't stop me adding some touch and EC as I said goodbye though.

So I did what I usually do in such situations which is to add some further approaching, grabbed a new SIM card cos I was expecting to be The Man(tm) that night and needed communications to effect this (funny story: I've been struggling with Internet/GC addiction, downgraded to a dumb phone, lost it on the 2nd day... guess it just wasn't meant to be)... had some good conversations but nothing that jumps out in retrospect.

Grabbed a coffee on the way home off another long gamer chick who is 30ish, Taiwanese and seems really into me... have been meaning to do a number grab for some time (I took date-from-hell chick to her shop, doesn't seem to have harmed things, she smiled at me from across the shop while going about her business)... so I chatted her up again and did the number grab.
Her: busy with assignments and this and that and blah blah blah
Me: although you'll need to take some study breaks right
Her: yes blah blah
Me: and are you as good at drinking coffee as you are at making it?
Her: yes blah blah love drinking coffee etc blah blah
Me: great so let's take a study break with coffee this week
Her: sure that sounds great
Me: okay write your number down for me then (I didn't have a phone on me, only a SIM card)
She commented on my nail polish, so I went home, showered and changed, grabbed the black nail polish and brought it back to the shop and hassled the fuck out of her to let me put it on her, but she wasn't down, so I just lingered in the shop for an hour or so spending time with her and painting my nails. It was a really pleasant time (I know it sounds like over investment but I can judge these things). Have exchanged some text with her since.

Then I went home to move furniture around and set up for a party in my apartment (which looked like a bomb hit it due to having had the kids overnight)... plan was to go out to the pussy factory (usual nightgame venue) until about 1am ish in a group of about 5 and then try to pull some chicks back to the house for drinks and further music etc... had been busily inviting all my long gamer chicks to come, and stale numbers from my phone etc (not really giving a fuck whether they actually came or not, but just giving them the heads up)...

Went out again to meet my buddies, called in to the Japanese supermarket to speak to other Taiwanese chick who I met at tram stop and fucked things up with, didn't care, just went in confident and suave and made her laugh and told her to come out (grabbed some Kirin beer for later but told her my main purpose was to speak to her). I don't think she came, but I'm still proud of myself for somewhat recovering from the bad vibes and burning it down.

Then got my buddies back to help with final setting up (further moving, putting up the disco ball and lighting, etc)... in the process I set up my beer dispenser, and discovered that my second beer keg, which I've had since October/November, was still okay, but ended up drinking rather too much of it, leading to some disastrous results which I'll describe...

So went out for dumplings with AMOG buddy and G-man (who is one of my best buddies at the university, he's kinda straight, studies hard, but is up for partying and chatting up the ladies, golden in every respect, his game needs work but I'm definitely noticing some improvements)... I was kinda showing off a bit, cold reading the waitress with incredible accuracy, even down to the region of China she comes from (because we had a Crazy Wing with us, which is a chicken skewer that is so incredibly packed with chili that even G-man could not eat it, and he's Indian)... so I told the waitress that since she's from eastern China she has to try to eat the spicy wing, hahaha... lots of good fun and teasing had, but unfortunately things went totally pear shaped from there, as I in my drunken overconfidence demanded that she put her work aside and apply my eyeliner for me, she wasn't down but I didn't understand no (she was extremely polite)... and she ended up going and hiding in the kitchen to avoid my drunken antics. The older male manager looked pretty angry. I think I was partly trying to impress AMOG buddy. I went back today to apologize and they were nice about it. I feel better now.

This kinda killed my vibe a bit, but I did some approaching when we hit the first venue (receptive tourist chicks... rude blowouts and challenges from Aussies, challenged them right back but backed down since they were basically in the right), also drank a jug of soda water (after making friends with bargirl and flirting sexually with her as usual, somehow I always know what to say with hired guns like this, at least when my game is on point) and felt much better. AMOG buddy's girlfriend got there but then both of them left because her mum is really sick and she was not in the mood for a big one. They were pretty apologetic because they knew I had a party planned of which they were the principal guests. Of course French chick ended up not coming too.

So then it was just G-Man and myself hitting the town (but this is pretty much ideal). We went to the main venue (the pussy factory) and we were pretty early, it was 10pm ish. Not much dancing was going on, but we approached about half the groups we saw and had some okay conversations. As it filled up we hit on lots of chicks and got lots of rude blowouts, but I made it a point to challenge them back every time. For instance, a group of 4 VN chicks... had a short convo with my initial target who didn't give me much (although I spoke VN to her and she was initially amazed)... re-approached later and she told me she was married (hmm) and that she didn't speak English (called bullshit)... so then I took her hand and saw she was indeed wearing a ring so didn't challenge her back on that. She indicated her friend... spoke to friend briefly and asked her name when she gave me the dismissive "waving away" gesture. So I just calmly sat there for a while, as she periodically attempted to wave me away... after a while, I asked her if she was a member of the royal family, not sure if she got it, but it was a useful exercise in non compliance. Kept trying to wave me away, I persisted until she eventually gave her name. Haha. I decided to leave it there, but point is, after I ask for compliance, I automatically persist beyond all reason till I win. (This is what got me in trouble in the dumpling shop but it is nevertheless a good way to be if you're calibrated about it).

Among many other approaches, I spoke to some real hotties at the bar who were Chinese... told target I noticed her at the dance floor earlier because she's tall and gorgeous... experimented with the "you have no idea what I'm going to do to you later" hit-and-run tactic but didn't get it down since it was the first time I tried it... nevertheless re-approached later for further convo, but for some reason they eventually decided to freeze me out, just as I tried to lead my target to the dance floor making it my idea. Fuck them. It's what happened later that's interesting -- re-approached not realizing it was the same pair... they were at a table... went to pull the chair out and sit down, but target's friend had her feet on it with all her weight and was not moving... basically blocking my move. I was kinda amused but I persisted for quite a while "would you please move your feet"... exactly as if it was my own table I was trying to sit down at... eventually she did and so I sat down and said hi, they both just froze me out, ostentatiously talking amongst themselves and not looking my way... eventually got target's friend to look and said "Are you always this rude?" and she smiled, and said "yep"... returned to freezing me out, but ice had been broken... original target then starts carrying on with a security dude (maybe they were putting on a performance for my benefit or maybe not)... I took this in for a while and then said to target's friend "hmm, this is mildly amusing actually"... she was pretty okay with me by that time, and freezing me was definitely a shit test, but unfortunately I was not able to capitalize because I'd already picked up, so I'm now gonna return to the chronological story.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Half-Lebanese bar chick who I've mentioned in a previous FR was working, so I caught up with her briefly and introduced her to G-man. She said she hadn't worked nights in quite a while... I said "you would function best under cover of darkness wouldn't you... I know what you get up to in a darkened room!" hahaha. Later I grabbed a drink off a different hot bar chick and discovered a hilarious opener kinda by accident... "(smile) hi there (slowly) so I will have a.. glass.. of..... uh, lost my train of thought there, my God you are unbelievably cute aren't you..... what's your name? " blah blah eventually "just a soda water thanks". She was all smiles all night, next time I said to her "dear me I don't think it is safe to order my water from you, in case you slip alcohol into it and get me drunk"... et cetera... hahaha.

Opened a cutie in black and white who was somewhat receptive but her friends looked pretty cock blockish. I really dug this chick and hung around the group a bit looking for another opening to talk to her somehow, when I realized I was playing the cautious game instead of the IDGAF game, and it wasn't going to get me fuckin anywhere... realized I was too timid or too invested to just grab her and grind on her so decided to go and do some other approaching... Opened a girl in a beautiful summer dress just as she was about to leave the dance floor.

So everything was working fine and my state was pretty good, not the best... live music came on, energy was totally pumped. had some great dances and grabbed some grinds... but overall the place was still not that packed and we were starting to run out of groups to approach (not completely but I just wasn't feeling it anyway), G-man seemed a little tired and was sitting at the bar playing with his phone while I continued following up earlier leads or trying to find a new lead... so I basically decided I couldn't be fucked anymore and told him we were going. Told "my God you're cute aren't you" bar chick we were going, and tried to grab a kiss off her over the bar, she wasn't down so I just kissed my hand and transferred it to her cheek haha. Encountered "beautiful summer dress" girl just as we were about to walk out, told her "ohh unfortunately I have to go, so I'm just gonna give you a kiss" and cheek kissed her, she was down, and then we left. We decided to head back to my house and get properly drunk, since we were kinda over approaching and getting blown out etc.

On the escalator I complimented him on how his nightgame is coming along and suggested we go out daygaming sometime, he was a bit doubtful so I said "hey watch this"... and just approached the first chick I saw as we hit the floor below, she was dark skinned (Bangladeshi as it turned out), ample of proportion and dressed in a beautiful black dress with yellow dandelion flowers, rouched shoulders etc... with matching dandelion earrings... and friended up. So I complimented her on her outfit, asked about her night etc while G-man winged me with her friend... now this is where G-man got out some game which was fucking golden, I couldn't believe my ears, he's just basically said to both of them, okay we are gonna go back to his house and get some drinks and music in... and they were down! Fuck yeah!!! So we took em home forthwith.

On the way home I've gotten a bit ahead with my chick whom I will call Amma. So I've pulled her into a doorway out of sight and gone for the snog, well she wasn't down, which was disappointing, but she seemed pretty into me in other respects. Anyway we've gotten them upstairs, gotten their shoes off and gotten them settled with a bit of music, Amma was totally fuckin down for whatever I put on (I have a good selection each of pop, rock and dance)... and soon we were slow dancing to "everything I do, I do it for you"... etc... so I'm building the sexual tension and hardcore going for the snog and she was still not down, it was getting a little puzzling... meanwhile G-man is being kinda useless, his chick is fondling his hair and snuggling up to him on the couch and he's just not going for the snog, maybe he wasn't attracted? I'll ask him later on, I only have her version at this point.

I asked Amma if she would like the tour, took her upstairs and just casually got on the bed and started taking my shoes off, she initially wasn't down but I persisted and got her top off and so forth... went for the pussy and she's wearing some kinda Bangladeshi boyleg shorts in a very unforgiving fabric which are totally designed to prevent any dude getting there hahaha... anyway her breasts were stupendous, I had her jerking me off while I sucked her nipples and she was getting pretty into it, but she also called various halts and was still blabbering on with questions I'd deflected earlier so it was a bit frustrating. She then announced she was going to the toilet and completely reassembled herself to do so, sigh, I told her I was gonna masturbate while thinking about her until she got back... well she took fuckin ages (I think checking on her friend), but came back, had to re-persist through all the fuckin LMR (but this time with my cock out) and eventally got the shorts off and fingerbanged her too, again she calls a halt and I'm like OMG please you can't do this, please please just touch me I'm almost here blah blah (a bit pathetic but jeez I was horny by this stage)... we don't have to fuck just please keep doing that it feels so good etc... she gets up and gets completely dressed again while I masturbate (looking at her hot ass in the tight black dress with flowers), so I gather myself and sternly order her to put her nipple in my mouth while I play with myself and she climbs back on the bed and complies, I come a bucketload with her nipple in my mouth. Previously I've been trying to have her suck my dick and it turns out that although she has twin boys she really doesn't know how to have sex. guess they do things differently in Bangladesh..... she promises to fuck me and to learn to suck my dick next time, I persist a bit but I get a feeling she is legit, so I decide not to be a dick about it. Unfortunately, I'm in boyfriend territory.

So now we head back to the club, turns out G-man hasn't done anything with his Bangladeshi chick (go figure, she was kinda my age which is a lot older than him, maybe that's the problem)... anyway now I have quite a problem / dilemma with Amma. It has been said that taking a woman to the club is like taking food to a restaurant and that is correct. I decide to be a gentleman about it, and just spend the time with her, however she's being a stuckup bitch, would hardly even hold my hand on the way to the club, tried to wriggle out of entering with me in the queue (thereby leaving me at risk of being knocked back, though it wasn't a problem as bouncer remembered me... and my mascara no doubt)... wouldn't grind with me and was basically ignoring me. So there was only one thing to be done... yep, you guessed it -- Ray's catch all solution: Bang out some more approaches. Although G-man's chick was as randy as hell by now and grinding on me hardcore, I only gave her my attention for some of the time though. In between approaches I tried for compliance on Amma (try to get her to cross the dancefloor to be with me) and no compliance. Fuck, what is with this chick? Admittedly she was having a good time and seemed pretty lost in the music. Dude approached her, she blew him out, I told her I wouldn't be upset if she danced with a dude, but she said she didn't want to. He persisted a fair bit and he did not seem like such a bad guy really.

So I was following up earlier leads, eye fucked "cute summer dress" girl as she was moving about with her friend, went and did the re-approach of hot Chinese chicks that led to their freezing me out and me challenging it... so now I've been a dick for some time and hot Chinese chick's friend is thawing out somewhat as I've mentioned, but it's reached the point where I'm too much of a dick and I'm gonna have to bail... when... Amma comes over, grabbing me and saying "right we're leaving"... I have a brief discussion with her (to the consternation of hot Chinese chicks who thought I was some loser loner chode, didn't realize I'd already got pussy on tap)... and said right yep lets go... didn't even say bye to those bitches, ignored them totally... the preselection was fantastic in both directions. I hadn't even gotten 3 metres when "cute summer dress" pops up saying "heyyy! you said you were going" and basically all but throwing herself at me, I just smiled and told her I'd had some adventures, then her friend came and cockblocked us by pulling her away... jesus I so wanted to ditch the witch and follow this other lead, but (a) was cockblocked and (b) was a gentleman. Anyway, more brilliant preselection :) :)

So here it deteriorates a little. Amma goes sick-arse at me for being "dishonest" cos she's angry about the approaching I've done, I tell her reasonably that I would have preferred to spend the time with her, but she wasn't having it, and I don't find it fun to dance by myself and get no attention, at the same time I don't want to be a burden to her, so I have no choice but to create my own entertainment, and besides I met those girls before I met her in any case. G-man grabs my keys and goes off to get his bag and bail to home. I go with the Bangladeshi chicks, to her credit Amma seems to know every fuckin corner of this city where there is even a whisper of dance music, she is a machine, but most places we go are either full or have just stopped new entries... my game also slips a lot, I end up buying food for them and trying to pay their entry to one of the clubs (but in the confusion we just miss out on getting them in, and G-man's chick then arranges a refund for my entry)... but I don't care cos they seem legit, I can't be bothered gaming them when it's not necessary. Amma won't hold my hand but G-man's chick is all over me, she's also been texting me incessantly today. (Exchanged a few with Amma also). Eventually we bail back to mine in a taxi which I pay for ($10) and I drive them home, Amma's in the outer suburbs. I try to arrange to drop Amma first, so I can pull the other chick back to home, but they won't seem to cooperate with this plan.

So I go home, masturbate, grab a couple hours sleep, masturbate again... I'm as horny as fuck and feel I should've gotten it wet somehow, especially as I didn't even suffer from the usual performance anxiety... (although having said that, the makeout with Amma was pretty hot) so I decide to go out approaching again... it's 9am in the morning at this stage, I have a shower, touch up the eyeliner, throw on a muscle t-shirt and hit it hard, I decide to approach the first woman I see and just keep doing that. It goes great. I can't remember all the approaches I did, but it was a lot, had some nice conversations. I work my way through the city and take a break for my morning coffee in the chocolate shop, have a good chat with May my long-gamer chick now in friendzone and surprisingly I talk for half an hour or so with the owner who is a cool dude. Then a hot woman with big tits comes in and orders a takeaway, I have her sit down at my table telling her I have nobody to talk to... settle my bill at the same time her order is ready and tell her I'll walk her to the tram stop. I've previously established she's a lecturer and researcher at a city university near mine but more central, boyfriended up but the shop staff do not know this. They're kinda smiling to themselves as I give them a big wave and walk out with this big titted beauty. It doesn't go much further but the preselection was fantastic.

I hit it hard with some more approaches and then I decide to go to the dumpling shop and try to apologize for having been drunk. The only people there are some older ladies who probably don't speak English and are making dumplings, so nogo. I go a few doors up and go into a Vietnamese pho shop, it's 11am and I need some breakfast, have drunk too much coffee and hot chocolate. I greet the staff in Vietnamese, introduce myself, give my order in Vietnamese... I'm waiting for my order when a little Vietnamese hotty comes into the shop and starts to sit down by herself... I call her over and have her sit at my table, telling her I have nobody to talk to... go through the same routine of introducing myself in Vietnamese and so on. Turns out she is 18, a new student at the same city university mentioned earlier, has been in Aussie for all of 2 days, has no friends here, etc... She is touching her hair and looking down like crazy. Fucking golden, I have hit the jackpot here and it's hard to conceal my excitement, but I do so with difficulty and chuck on a medium bored vibe. I deep dive her over the meal and it turns out she wants to see kangaroos. Sure :) She also mentions market, so we hatch the plan we are gonna go to the market and buy some fruit for a picnic and then we are gonna go to see kangaroos and take it from there. Gold.

All goes according to plan, I grab a lot of compliance, she continues to touch her hair at every opportunity and some besides. She pays for everything, except I buy some awesome name-brand cooking knives that are incredibly cheap (might be a knockoff but I don't think so), so that we can cut up the fruit when we have our picnic. We've gotten the tram to the zoo and gone and seen the kangaroos and some other stuff when I realize I haven't turned it sexual yet, except some chase frames in the market which either she didn't hear or didn't understand. I'm eating a mango cheek when I tell her "I like eating things that are soft and wet"... cue giggles... I then tell her "you probably eat things that are a little harder" and hand her an apple (she has previously said she likes apples which is why we've bought some nice crisp ones). Cue more giggles. We sit like this for a while on a bench eating and being together... I say "[her name], look at me"... she looks at me sideways and a little apprehensively... I say "you have beautiful hair.... let me touch it" and run some through my hands for a bit. She's medium on this, kinda saying no, but a bit flattered all the same. We continue on.

At this point I make a decision which I regret a little in retrospect although I'm convinced it was the right thing to do. I don't want to employ too many tricks to get her back to my house because I'm concerned she may just be too innocent and naive, after all she's only 18 and even worse she is Vietnamese... I don't want to upset her, it's one thing to use plausible deniability on some 26yo chick who is dripping for it and knows the score from a mile off... it's a completely different thing to basically abduct an innocent 18yo who is fresh in the country and might not even know what sex is (although she did respond well to the sexual frames I must say). So I say "I live near the market, so let's go chill there for a bit and drink a tea (she'd been enjoying the tea in the pho shop and pouring me multiple cups), then I'll drive you home after... do you want that?" she thinks about it in her kinda adorable way and says "hmm, no". I don't press the point, tho I'm still gonna lead if possible (because now she knows what's up, so she's only gonna cooperate if it is deep-down what she wants, so I'm clear).

Unfortunately it's kinda downhill from there, I think she was probably harbouring romantic fantasies of multiple dates and being put on a pedestal (after all she's Vietnamese) and had a kinda rude shock that I was just gonna burn it down then and there... although my read could be totally off, I dunno really what happened after this. I take her to the lions and she spends a bit of time by herself photographing them and stuff, I just sit on a seat in the middle of the visitor area and feel waves of tiredness coming over me, also aching muscles cos I've been hitting the gym and the dancefloor fucking hard lately. When she eventually comes back I explain my situation and try to have her rub my shoulders, she isn't really down but consents to pummel them a bit, which I take as somewhat compliant.

Walking her back to the tram I lose it a bit and maybe chase just a little, she also looks pretty tired and is moving her shoulder a bit, so I try to massage it and nogo. I think this may be what soured the vibe for good. We get to the tramstop and don't talk. I indicate the spot next to me, she doesn't comply (although strangely she's still playing with her hair). She gets on the tram ahead of me and sits somewhere with no empty seat beside. I go in a standing area opposite. We don't talk. She's heading for central station, I'm getting off at market. Eventually, I tell her it's 2:15pm and ask if she's in a hurry, cos I want her to get off at my stop so we can talk things through. She grudgingly looks at me and says yes she's in a hurry (other passengers are starting to sense something is up). I indicate the spot next to me, so we can talk privately, she says "no". I say "well I'll just grab my knives then" and she offers me the bag and I take them. I tell her to be careful of the fruit because the bag is ripped. She nods and we don't talk after that. At my stop I briefly establish eye contact, give her a bit of a smile and say "take it easy, hon". I don't add any touch and I get off. I have her number but I feel it is irretrievable.

So now my vibe is a bit fucked, I see some hotties but don't approach, I just want to get home and have a rest. I get home, put my mobile on charge, and then realize that early in the morning before my coffee I had actually walked past R2's restaurant and she had been there cleaning and setting up with her boss. So I'd knocked on the door and asked the boss if I could speak to R2 and this had been okay. R2 had come to the door and I'd told her I had been considering coming for a meal in her restaurant so I could talk to her (since we both know she hasn't been answering my occasional calls/texts). But since she's here now I'd called in because I wanted to talk things over with her. She was happy (I think a central issue has been that she doesn't feel important to me, so I had to persist somewhat to turn things around). She said to call her and she really would answer this time and we could talk things through. She also told me she would be finishing work at 3pm.

So I sent her a text at 2.30pm ish saying I was coming to a meeting place near her work and was hoping to meet with her. This went well. By the way, R2.... you told me you aren't reading the material here, but I don't believe you. :) Anyway, I've nothing to hide. I was fully prepared to explain game and why I think it's important, but in the end we just re-bonded a little and discussed how you wants to be conventionally romanced and I'm okay with that but I'm not going to do it upfront and why. Hmm. I don't want to give up my lifestyle or the progress I've made, but I still want to make you happy if I can do so.

Uhh, there's still a little more to the report but I have an appointment so I will add the last bit next time. Hope u enjoyed the read everyone. This was a pretty fun time for me, and I definitely feel my game is getting to a new level every week.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Ray, you burned it down mate! I am truly amazed - you are getting to be an approach machine.

Sucking on Bangladeshi nipples you've just met night-gaming: epic!

It has been said that taking a woman to the club is like taking food to a restaurant and that is correct.

Haha! The preselection worked wonders for you, too bad you couldn't get rid of Amma and get with her friend, too.

Good call on the Vietnamese girl, I think you went down the honorable path. In 10 years she'll realize that you gave her a way out and probably wonder "what if?"


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks for the feedback :)

Not much happening, went to JP class with eyeliner on, chicks ate it up. As I was leaving the building I saw the hottest little Chinese chick I have seen in a long time, in a tight grey and white checked summer dress and the cutest lipstick... Also clocked that she was with her mother, a totally fashionable older Chinese lady walking slightly apart from her. Well I continued talking to another student for a moment, he walked on ahead and I sped up slightly and pulled alongside her, opened with a "I was blahblah and I saw you and noticed your blahblah, you look fabulous and I wanted to tell you that", established she was going shopping, said "wow, you dress so well, just for shopping?" and that the other lady was her mother, briefly acknowledged her but ejected with a slight forearm touch "I have to go the other way but it was nice to talk to you"... I think the mother's presence made me a little uncomfortable, I could have owned her too but wasn't in state and felt a bit like Chester the Molester hahaha (thanks LordVenger). But props to me for acting!

Mentioning the touch reminds me of a checkout chick who initiated a flirtation with me in the morning, I was in my gym clothes and had just met my gf in the shopping centre for coffee. Chick grabbed my register and greeted me very chirpily, so I made some smalltalk, inquired about her schedule, explained I'm not in the area all that much anymore... then asked about her bandage, turns out she injured a ligament boxing. So we make smalltalk about boxing (I know a little about it cos of another chick I met pre GC)... in the course of this I just reach out and feel her bicep, she loves it. Missed an opportunity for a sexual frame "wow, you could really give a guy a hard time couldn't you... I would only take you on if you had a handicap (touch her bandage)"... ask her about competing in fights (she doesn't)... I say "well, you are pretty easy on the eye... (smile)... that might not continue (she laughs)"... I pay but a peach has rolled out of my shopping and under the bagging station, my hands are full so I go for some compliance in having her retrieve it... well original register chick jumps in and helps, but I feel could have somehow added "I really love your peaches" as a sexual frame, would have been hilarious. Hehe.

Unfortunately, my gf saw the whole thing. She knows I game but I try not to rub her face in it, as she is kinda in love with me and a little insecure too (but married so she can't really cry foul). Explained I hadn't initiated it and had no intention of gaming her. Rewarded gf for her understanding with a "love u hon" as I kissed her goodbye.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Eh well today I was pretty beta... sigh... well I should also mention my mental state has not been too good since the start of the week since my work is not getting done and it is stressing me out, causing me to procrastinate even more, etc... had some good momentum up at various points in the month but hard to maintain.

So I was up before it got light which I have to do on Wednesdays, an unfortunate side effect of the fact that the Family Court makes orders that cater pretty much solely to the convenience of the mother... making lunches and shit... on return part of school run, I had younger 2 kids with me and was sitting opposite a totally hot Asian/Latina on the train (looked Asian, phenomenal ass, texting in Spanish or possibly Portuguese) but I was having an interesting conversation with someone else that arose because I tried to greet this other person in the train, only to discover she was the identical twin of the person I thought I was talking to, so weird that! I did approach hotty in the station but it was a little too late, she was about to go to a different platform, so I basically just said hi, and that I would have liked to talk to her if I hadn't been otherwise occupied. I could have burnt it down if I didn't have kids with me, but there were just too many problems...

Anyway so my kids were having a pretty bad day, no idea what fucking time they went to bed last night (thanks ex-wife), older one was acting up in the morning... younger one imploded around the time we got home... I thought my head was gonna explode, it's so horrible to be yelled and screamed at solidly for like 5 hrs... was hungrily eyeing the bitches on the tram, some were pretty hot but I knew that as soon as I approached, things would just go to shit without my attention...

Mmm so the afternoon school run was not much better, just breaking up fights, yelling at them to keep up and not fall behind... threatening no dessert etc... got back to the station in the heat with the 3 kids and spied a another stunner, smartly dressed Chinese girl who turned out to be 25 although she looked younger. So I was totally tired and stressed and pissed off at everything and quite stuck in my head, told myself I definitely wasn't interested in approaching just take it easy... well, after hesitating for much too long I just did it... was standing about 2~3 metres away and saw her looking in my direction a number of times...

So I closed the gap to about 1.5m and verbally pre-opened several times, no response only a flicker... so I went for the arm touch with the back of my hand, she woke up before I made contact and then I asked her for a tissue and eventually she managed to find one in the pocket of her bag and I used it to wipe my face (it was very hot and I'd been sitting in the sun, since there were no other seats and my 4-year-old had fallen asleep in my arms). Said "thanks, that's better..." paused a while "are you any good at holding 4-year-olds? you want to have a turn?" got a laugh out of that, then cold-read her as leaving work for the day, turns out she's a Chinese teacher at an expensive local girls school, has been in Aussie for 4yrs, etc etc... she was auto investing (volunteering info about herself)... compliant... I directed her to sit with us on the train and showed her where to sit and she was down. Unfortunately, it went a bit ordinary after that.

I had a bit of trouble maintaining my bored vibe, had a kind of a tight smile on, deep dived her a fair bit, gained a lot of info about her job, the different courses she's done and jobs she's worked etc... she also asked me a lot of questions which I didn't deflect all that elegantly, I kinda half-assed it by saying I'd tell her over a coffee but not following up... as the journey wore on I realized I would have to make a move so I asked her out to coffee. She lives not far from me, but I half-assed it by suggesting a meeting place near her, also should have sorted times before place, also justified myself and made asking her out a major thing when it should have been casual, broke eye contact briefly during the asking, eh my game was horrible, felt like a total AFC n00b. Fuck. This was a total waste because she did seem into me at first, but I think it matters a lot how you ask for the date. I also hadn't escalated touch (due to my sleeping 4-year-old) or sexed it up except a clumsy chase frame that I tried to use as callback humour to deflect my embarrassment later and this also didn't go that smoothly. I did casually transition back to deep diving when it became apparent she wasn't biting (was too polite to refuse my request however)... didn't go for a kiss at end, didn't feel it.

On the other hand... I did ask her out. And another thing is that I've recently been coming to the view that not every interaction with a given woman has to go superbly, we all have off days and I think women realize that... so if it's someone I'm likely to see again, I'll just go in with better game when I've recovered my IDGAF vibe, sex it up etc and I find it can be possible to rediscover the good feelings. At least that's how it went with Taiwanese register chick. So that's what I'll try to do if I encounter this woman again, there's also a teacher at my kids' school who I had a platonic, boring conversation with the other day after a promising beginning and asking her out at the end of last year... she greeted me warmly this morning so perhaps it's not dead? Just need to go in with good game next time. Although having said that, my game is never on point on Wednesdays because I'm always excessively tired. Blah... makes me remember I asked out a teacher from the same school, quite early in my journey, and also burnt it down pretty clumsily like today, making a big deal of it etc... must be the tiredness.

Also, my voice has not been on point in recent weeks. I can hear a gravelly tone that I don't like. I need to do some serious practice with my recording software.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014