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- Aug 12, 2014
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Thanks for reading boss 
About not using GC lately
Have not posted in a bit. This is because I was struggling with Internet / smartphone addiction and I set myself a SMART goal that for 2 weeks I would not use certain websites except between Saturday morning and Sunday evening.
I have also been having extra time with kids to help out my ex-wife so that makes it difficult too -- I briefly got onto GC last weekend after having got kids settled on train (or so I thought) for 1hr journey to beach, well they continually pestered me for attention while I was trying to write an interesting post. I explained to kids that my expectation was for them to relax and spend some quiet time whilst I got up to date on some tasks, but they were not having it. I was starting to get looks from people on the train like I was a bad parent / smartphone addict (I see this a lot with other parents, whose kids need attention while they're texting away, and think the same thing). Hmm.
So I basically just put GC away for another week. It's not that the community isn't important to me, because it is. But I guess I haven't been posting a lot of questions, and have really more been trying to add value, it's better I concentrate on getting my own life under control before I expend effort to help others.
About my work routine
I also set myself a SMART goal that for 2 weeks I would get up at 5am and work from 6am until it's time to go to the gym (and I mean work -- not just browse the Internet, check email etc). This is to get a proper start on my day, since by the time I hit my desk after having driven across town from the gym, showered, ironed my clothes etc, it's often like 10am or 11am and I'm already tired. So if I have some tasks in progress that I can just pick up and continue with, it's a lot easier. To be honest I didn't hit my goal this morning (although I got up at 5am) but more on this later, basically the strategy is working. Sometimes the intense focused work between 5am and 7am is all I get done in the day (rest of the day can be sucked away in important errands, parenting etc), but even that helps enormously. I also saw a University counsellor to explain some of the problems I have been having and for him to help me be accountable with these goals.
About feeling lonely
Well, without GC as a crutch I felt better a lot (more alive -- would get home and do things like housework or hobbies, which had fallen by the wayside a bit, would get out more etc), but also felt worse a lot, struggled with intense loneliness, cursing the fact that I didn't have a woman in my bed, the fact that I hardly ever get messages on my phone unless I initiate it, my social life, etc.
With this kind of low mood I don't even feel like going out approaching (even though there's literally tons of hot women in the streets here and tons of awesome venues of various kinds). I felt so lonely I considered getting a pet so I would have some companionship, rejected this idea, considered advertising for some pet sitting work... or something. Actually, tonight I discovered that a few doors up towards the market, there's a Japanese-style cat cafe, so I may go there in case of low mood.
I have also been burning down all the numbers in my phone, of which there were a lot. I deleted many, but some still remained as possibilities. As follows:
1. Had a date setup with R2 who cancelled same day sending me nasty text messages. It's a shame because it's clearly an attainability issue, she has auto rejected because she thinks I'm a player / won't commit, or possibly it's a self esteem issue / relatability on her part and she feels I'm talking down to her and our lifestyles are poles apart (I'm clearly well off and she's a poor struggling student working to make ends meet)... I have done everything in my power to reassure her of the truth, which is that I genuinely cared for her, though I suppose this feeling is starting to fade due to her post-date behaviour. Trying to be attainable has hurt my value, for instance, I shouldn't have let her think she "has" me, as this has removed intrigue -- in reality I only agreed to invest some time in getting to know her, she took this to mean I want relationship, which is assuming a lot, and I should have called her out on this. But I don't think it could be a value problem, since if it was, she'd be trying to spare my ego. NEXT.
2. Had a date setup with [L], who I deliberately hadn't contacted after last time, but ran into her in the shopping mall and felt a warmth coming from her, she was looking into my eyes whilst holding my hand in a lingering touch, after this we exchanged a bit of phone tag, and had a brief chat with good feelings. Well apparently these didn't last, cos she also cancelled same day (after I moved her into the spot vacated by R2), with some excuse and hasn't been back in touch.
3. & 4. Sexy raver chick and coffee shop chick are both making excuses not to hang out too.
5. I even ran into the pair of women who had their bitch shields up at the pussy factory last week... at a tram stop... predictably they were a lot more friendly in a normal environment. I could only remember the tall one's name, pity cos she had already NEXTed me and the short one (who had her foot on the chair and wouldn't move it so I could sit down) was a lot hotter anyway. So talked to the short one for some time, discovered she works on reception at a hotel in the city etc, asked her out and persisted a little but she wasn't down. I think she might have been more receptive had she been alone, kept asking friend for permission. Unfortunately I had kids with me and they were tired / playing up, bad look.
All these women were into me at one time. All have good excuses, and one is a weed smoker, so it's easy to excuse their behaviour, but bottom line is her actions, because I'm certain she wouldn't make such excuses for the man of her dreams.
I had somehow painted a mental picture of myself as the charming rogue, seducer par excellence (on the back of the fact that I work hard in doing a lot of approaches, and that when I'm in state I can banter, sexually flirt, and so on)... and this is a great mindset to have, but it's been disappointing to find that often it doesn't accord with reality. I've had to have a very thick skin lately.
About making girls chase
So what I've been doing is rereading Chase's ebook "How to make girls chase" in my spare time, since I'm not on the site, and I've been finding it extremely valuable. What I'm concentrating on now is actually *making girls chase* which I find has not been a big part of my interactions. I suppose as a new guy I'd got into the habit of relentlessly moving stuff forwards, which is a great asset to have with women who are already into you, but does not work so well with women who are on the fence, it looks pushy. For instance, if I carry the conversations too much, pester them for dates etc, hard-push them too much, touch too much, etc.
So what I've been trying to focus on is to go in a bit lower energy and then give my full attention and engagement to them as a reward for their own attention and engagement. This means a lot less incidental touch (still some protective touch) and trying to reward them by touching on high points. It also means less eye contact and breaking eye contact more frequently, in order to appear medium bored and distracted.
Generally I'm very engaging and fun to be with, I run conversations, laugh a lot and make jokes, and I politely give my full attention and EC/body to whoever is speaking, but I haven't been making women work to earn this. Bzzzt! Wrong!
I had one insta-date since deciding to concentrate on this, and I got the low-energy part right, but in retrospect I think I forgot to reward her on high points, and overall didn't succeed in making her chase. She has since flaked, a shame cos I was really into her, sexy 18yr old English student from Colombia working a few jobs, very tight body, very cute, compliant, responded to me very well.
Fun things that happened
Although my girlfriend cancelled a planned midday sex session where I was going to give her a punishment enema and then engage in some ass play (said her husband had been looking through her phone and was angry and suspicious, causing me to regret not having been stronger about soft NEXTing her for sending incriminating text messages, something she's done again today that I'm not happy about, even though I discussed it with her *again* the other week)... she had some time ago made plans for us to attend a concert of an international trance act, and had bought the tickets for us, and had been talking it up for ages... so I arranged a babysitter and we went along. It was great.
The concert
During this night I decided that since she had bought the tickets and everything, I was going to do my utmost to give her my attention and make her feel good through the night, which meant not going off and doing other approaching etc (although she didn't demand this, it was voluntary on my part). It did mean that basically we were in body contact the entire night, just slowly moving in time to the music together whilst making friends with those around us. Very much a BF/GF scene. Despite this limitation, the following amusing things happened that night:
1. I'm getting better with eyeliner, added eye shadow too in this occasion. This got a fair bit of attention (recently got even better, I did an amazing smokey eye last night after watching some Internet videos and trying it about 5 times).
2. We ordered drinks from a sexy bargirl when we arrived, she saw me cuddling my GF while we waited for the drinks, and I think this gave a little preselection because she was eye fucking me every time I visited the bar, and acting somewhat flirtatious... so I gradually ramped it up during the night, at one stage she'd been working in another part of the venue so when she came back and went for my order I said in her ear "you didn't have to come back especially for me...", she loved this and went in to hear my order again and I said "you really are unbelievably cute aren't you..." and then kept teasing her like this, she was down. The funny part was it occurred in front of hundreds of other patrons waiting for their drinks, nobody could have heard the shit I was saying in her ear, haha.
3. Megan from an early rave report was there (girl who came up to me incredibly high energy and kissing me with tongue before pulling away, this was something to do with the fact I'd approached every woman in the vicinity and was basically using them as part of the furniture, grinding on every living soul and loving it, ahh good memories)... so I greeted her warmly and gave her a cheek kiss but she could see I was occupied with my GF and so it wasn't the moment to become better acquainted, a shame though... however I talked to Megan's friend who I'll call Alice and she was hot, deflected all her questions and she persisted a bit (investment) so that was fun. They were incredibly high energy all night, the energy in this place was awesome but they were another level again. It was hard to keep eye contact discipline and not stare at them, I'll re-approach another time.
4. I nearly got into a punch-on, I had gone to the toilet and had just got back on the dancefloor to thread my way back to my GF (it was incredibly packed), when a dude wouldn't let me past... he wouldn't let me go between him and his GF, which was ridiculous, and wanted me to go around them... well I took this as a challenge and just calmly persisted, I wasn't backing down (now that I'm a high value man I never back down from a challenge and this is working well for me). Eventually it was getting pretty tense when the bouncer intervened from behind me and told this guy to back off and let me past. I won! Haha! Dude looked really incredulous that bouncer hadn't taken his side. I think this might have been partly because my GF had been flirting with this bouncer all night, so he knew me.
5. I made friends with a pair of girls whilst I was standing behind my GF and moving with her... the first girl was eye fucking me so I blew her a kiss and she reciprocated, which was a fun interaction... second girl (who was a fatty) looked a bit left out, so shortly afterwards I did a standard approach where I took her hand and said my name into her ear and asked her name... she couldn't hear... so I went in again but this time I decided to just put my tongue in her ear and then start making love to her ear which I did, and she was down. It was hilarious, I then pulled away and tried to introduce myself in her other ear "seriously though, my name is Ray" and she couldn't hear me again, so I started grinding on her instead, this while I was still kinda grinding on my GF too, gradually transferred to new chick and spent a little time with her until she went off with her friend (spanked her on the bottom as she left)... my GF didn't realize what had happened, I later asked if she minded I go kiss this girl but by this stage the music was finishing and I couldn't find my girl. Should've just gone for it.
6. My GF showed me a note which had been left on her car, in a spot where she parks it regularly, which said "Hey good looking, I want you to know that I think about you when I'm alone. You get me incredibly hard." or similar. OMG a bit creepy but I think she liked it (actually, she has self esteem issues and watches porn and masturbates daily, and I'm sure she has thought of lots of such perverted voyeur type scenarios to get horny). It's such a shame though because this guy is probably not a bad guy, just an AFC, and he probably doesn't realize he could just go up to her when she approaches her car and say "hey there I could not help noticing how amazingly gorgeous you are, I'm blah, what's your name" etc. And that she's bored and frustrated with her sex life and might even be DTF (but she is actually somewhat fussy for somebody who is horny and watches a shitload of porn, my uni buddy wanted to fuck her, I tried to set it up, she wasn't down).
7. I fucked my GF that night on the couch while thinking of the fatty and what a great threesome it could have been (my GF's response when I asked about kissing this other girl, was to go for it, since she'd be down for a threesome, haha).
Insta-date with Colombian chick
So after not approaching for a while (actually did grab a few number here and there but nothing worth mentioning), I decided to hit it last night with some night street game, got my appearance pretty good if a little on the metrosexual side (the smokey eye, and I was wearing black boots, white pants, pink shirt, black jacket, plus my normal jewellery, cologne, and Daniel-Craig-as-James-Bond hairstyle), well it started off great, approached two chicks who turned out to be from the youth hostel (tourists/students from Queensland, heading back the following day, would've been great for a fuck/3some), walked some blocks with them, was starting to boss them around and take control of the night, when they went to get cash and didn't come back to the meeting spot, maybe I looked a little needy?
This put a slight dampener on my vibe and I got in my head and couldn't open, there were shitloads of people around as it was Chinese New Year but I think possibly I felt nervous doing "hey, stop for a moment" in a crowded street with people behind and in front trying to get past, was looking for something a bit lower energy, did a seated approach but fucked it up (cold read failure), tossed out a few humorous comments here and there but ejected quickly. I went to get something to eat and ended up even more in my head, came out again and still passed up a lot of opportunities. Went to the pussy factory and had some interesting interactions, warmed up a little but decided to leave (and do a little street game) as it was getting late. And then, the next seated opener I did, came up trumps.
This was the 18yo Colombian chick, I took her for electronic darts and it was a really fun time. This time we chose the party-games option and the party games were quite interesting, it keeps a counter for how many drinks you owe the other person and although we didn't use it literally it was a basis for a chase frame ("I'm worried you'll drink me under the table", however I pussied out on adding the next bit "and take advantage of me")... she dutifully bought the drinks for us as instructed (I paid for the games which was cheaper although I did put money upfront so I guess it was a fair bargain)... for one of the games I told her that if she lost she had to kiss me and she did, it felt great, she looked so cute doing it and her lips were a little cold from drinking beer, a nice sensation.
Anyway I was hitting windows I think, after about the 3rd or 4th game when she'd pretty much finished her beer I was concerned the vibe could go stale so I suggested going to drink tea or coffee in another place I know that's coincidentally partway to my home (funny that). She declined saying she had to get up early but she was telling the truth (explained later about the job interview she had in the morning), *but I took the initiative*, if I had just let the vibe peter out and had her say "I have to go, I have to get up early", then this would have yielded control of the interaction, as compared with myself dominantly moving things forward thus putting her in the position of excusing herself. So I smoothly responded "then we have to exchange numbers", we did this and I inquired about logistics and discovered we're almost neighbours, so I suggested we walk together.
The way home I was basically deep diving about her work, etc, I did make one misstep on the way home which was when she inquired about my day, giving her an account of my day. I think this was probably what murdered the seduction overall. I can't see many other mistakes I made, apart from briefly discussing logistics for a second meetup, this might've looked needy, but I don't think so, she seemed down although you can never really tell. I should have just brushed off her question about my day with some non-response and returned it to her. Need practice!
Possibly, my texting game wasn't on point either. Or I may have misspelled her name, which I guess could have put her off since I had to have her remind me of it a minute or so into the approach (after I realized it was gonna stick). I dunnno but I did my current standard procedure which is to send an icebreaker (it wasn't a particularly fun icebreaker, I could've made it fun), and then if no response to icebreaker try a voice call at a carefully chosen time the following day, and if that rings out then I leave no message and take no further action. Hmm.
Approaching generally
So today I was a bit pissed off with myself about approach anxiety the previous day and not having the balls to approach, and I decided to do some approaching on the way to work. It didn't go well. I was nervous, facial expressions not on point etc. Fuck, so frustrating! The first two both spoke to me and gave their name but were clearly a bit freaked. Then I got in my head a bit again. On the way back from uni and to the school to pick up kids, wasted some great opportunities. On the train I looked up approach anxiety and found this article. Golden!
So I decided to put the article's advice into practice immediately and approached the first hot woman I saw, walking up the hill from the station. Went with a "cute outfit" opener and actually the conversation was a little awkward but I'm glad I did it, turned out she was married but somewhat flattered to be approached. Did a little other approaching throughout the day, a nice divorced woman with two older kids that were playing with my kids a little at the park, wish I had got her number, but it was hard to ask her out with her kids listening. Spoke to some girls that my son nearly hit with his remote control UFO, but then pussied out. Anyway, I think Sasha's advice can't always be taken literally, for instance in social circle you might not want to burn it down every time, and if you're looking after kids then you obviously have to consider their welfare primarily.
Anyway, what I'm going to do is get in the habit of approaching the first hot girl I see when I leave the house every morning, no exceptions, and try to make approaching "part of who I am" rather than "something that I do". I hope it works. It is incredibly frustrating being alone a lot, and having nobody in my bed!!
Was at the supermarket getting icecreams and afternoon snacks for my kids when we were held up at the register for an incredibly long time by some older dude trying to cash in some scratch card offers or some shit... my kids were doing what kids usually do (climbing on stuff, fidgeting, running around etc) when he told me in a tetchy way to control my children... and instead of getting defensive or trying to justify their behaviour, I handled it dominantly, laughing it off and saying "are you serious?", I actually couldn't believe he was serious. He confirmed that he was and added that he was trying to go about his shopping or whatever, I immediately came back with "no you're not, you're wasting everybody's time behind you in the queue", he was then the one to become defensive and try to explain he's engaging in a perfectly legitimate transaction, so I said "well then do it politely, would you?" and this shut him up. I love winning. No more beta.
The kinky sex session is back on. GF cancelled again today saying she's got her period, but I convinced her that it was no issue. All the more reason for ass play! I ordered/received some bits and pieces, will have to remember to try them on myself in the coming days, so that I have some idea what do with them later.
I have another date set up with my voice teacher, bit of a complicated history there and I NEXTed her but she's rang me this week wanting to catch up, also wanted to know if I want further classes but I told her I was unsure and that in any case I cannot afford them right at the moment. Then invited her to my place to hang, this a step in right direction as it's always been low investment for her, we hang at her place and she calls the shots. Will see how it goes.
About not using GC lately
Have not posted in a bit. This is because I was struggling with Internet / smartphone addiction and I set myself a SMART goal that for 2 weeks I would not use certain websites except between Saturday morning and Sunday evening.
I have also been having extra time with kids to help out my ex-wife so that makes it difficult too -- I briefly got onto GC last weekend after having got kids settled on train (or so I thought) for 1hr journey to beach, well they continually pestered me for attention while I was trying to write an interesting post. I explained to kids that my expectation was for them to relax and spend some quiet time whilst I got up to date on some tasks, but they were not having it. I was starting to get looks from people on the train like I was a bad parent / smartphone addict (I see this a lot with other parents, whose kids need attention while they're texting away, and think the same thing). Hmm.
So I basically just put GC away for another week. It's not that the community isn't important to me, because it is. But I guess I haven't been posting a lot of questions, and have really more been trying to add value, it's better I concentrate on getting my own life under control before I expend effort to help others.
About my work routine
I also set myself a SMART goal that for 2 weeks I would get up at 5am and work from 6am until it's time to go to the gym (and I mean work -- not just browse the Internet, check email etc). This is to get a proper start on my day, since by the time I hit my desk after having driven across town from the gym, showered, ironed my clothes etc, it's often like 10am or 11am and I'm already tired. So if I have some tasks in progress that I can just pick up and continue with, it's a lot easier. To be honest I didn't hit my goal this morning (although I got up at 5am) but more on this later, basically the strategy is working. Sometimes the intense focused work between 5am and 7am is all I get done in the day (rest of the day can be sucked away in important errands, parenting etc), but even that helps enormously. I also saw a University counsellor to explain some of the problems I have been having and for him to help me be accountable with these goals.
About feeling lonely
Well, without GC as a crutch I felt better a lot (more alive -- would get home and do things like housework or hobbies, which had fallen by the wayside a bit, would get out more etc), but also felt worse a lot, struggled with intense loneliness, cursing the fact that I didn't have a woman in my bed, the fact that I hardly ever get messages on my phone unless I initiate it, my social life, etc.
With this kind of low mood I don't even feel like going out approaching (even though there's literally tons of hot women in the streets here and tons of awesome venues of various kinds). I felt so lonely I considered getting a pet so I would have some companionship, rejected this idea, considered advertising for some pet sitting work... or something. Actually, tonight I discovered that a few doors up towards the market, there's a Japanese-style cat cafe, so I may go there in case of low mood.
I have also been burning down all the numbers in my phone, of which there were a lot. I deleted many, but some still remained as possibilities. As follows:
1. Had a date setup with R2 who cancelled same day sending me nasty text messages. It's a shame because it's clearly an attainability issue, she has auto rejected because she thinks I'm a player / won't commit, or possibly it's a self esteem issue / relatability on her part and she feels I'm talking down to her and our lifestyles are poles apart (I'm clearly well off and she's a poor struggling student working to make ends meet)... I have done everything in my power to reassure her of the truth, which is that I genuinely cared for her, though I suppose this feeling is starting to fade due to her post-date behaviour. Trying to be attainable has hurt my value, for instance, I shouldn't have let her think she "has" me, as this has removed intrigue -- in reality I only agreed to invest some time in getting to know her, she took this to mean I want relationship, which is assuming a lot, and I should have called her out on this. But I don't think it could be a value problem, since if it was, she'd be trying to spare my ego. NEXT.
2. Had a date setup with [L], who I deliberately hadn't contacted after last time, but ran into her in the shopping mall and felt a warmth coming from her, she was looking into my eyes whilst holding my hand in a lingering touch, after this we exchanged a bit of phone tag, and had a brief chat with good feelings. Well apparently these didn't last, cos she also cancelled same day (after I moved her into the spot vacated by R2), with some excuse and hasn't been back in touch.
3. & 4. Sexy raver chick and coffee shop chick are both making excuses not to hang out too.
5. I even ran into the pair of women who had their bitch shields up at the pussy factory last week... at a tram stop... predictably they were a lot more friendly in a normal environment. I could only remember the tall one's name, pity cos she had already NEXTed me and the short one (who had her foot on the chair and wouldn't move it so I could sit down) was a lot hotter anyway. So talked to the short one for some time, discovered she works on reception at a hotel in the city etc, asked her out and persisted a little but she wasn't down. I think she might have been more receptive had she been alone, kept asking friend for permission. Unfortunately I had kids with me and they were tired / playing up, bad look.
All these women were into me at one time. All have good excuses, and one is a weed smoker, so it's easy to excuse their behaviour, but bottom line is her actions, because I'm certain she wouldn't make such excuses for the man of her dreams.
I had somehow painted a mental picture of myself as the charming rogue, seducer par excellence (on the back of the fact that I work hard in doing a lot of approaches, and that when I'm in state I can banter, sexually flirt, and so on)... and this is a great mindset to have, but it's been disappointing to find that often it doesn't accord with reality. I've had to have a very thick skin lately.
About making girls chase
So what I've been doing is rereading Chase's ebook "How to make girls chase" in my spare time, since I'm not on the site, and I've been finding it extremely valuable. What I'm concentrating on now is actually *making girls chase* which I find has not been a big part of my interactions. I suppose as a new guy I'd got into the habit of relentlessly moving stuff forwards, which is a great asset to have with women who are already into you, but does not work so well with women who are on the fence, it looks pushy. For instance, if I carry the conversations too much, pester them for dates etc, hard-push them too much, touch too much, etc.
So what I've been trying to focus on is to go in a bit lower energy and then give my full attention and engagement to them as a reward for their own attention and engagement. This means a lot less incidental touch (still some protective touch) and trying to reward them by touching on high points. It also means less eye contact and breaking eye contact more frequently, in order to appear medium bored and distracted.
Generally I'm very engaging and fun to be with, I run conversations, laugh a lot and make jokes, and I politely give my full attention and EC/body to whoever is speaking, but I haven't been making women work to earn this. Bzzzt! Wrong!
I had one insta-date since deciding to concentrate on this, and I got the low-energy part right, but in retrospect I think I forgot to reward her on high points, and overall didn't succeed in making her chase. She has since flaked, a shame cos I was really into her, sexy 18yr old English student from Colombia working a few jobs, very tight body, very cute, compliant, responded to me very well.
Fun things that happened
Although my girlfriend cancelled a planned midday sex session where I was going to give her a punishment enema and then engage in some ass play (said her husband had been looking through her phone and was angry and suspicious, causing me to regret not having been stronger about soft NEXTing her for sending incriminating text messages, something she's done again today that I'm not happy about, even though I discussed it with her *again* the other week)... she had some time ago made plans for us to attend a concert of an international trance act, and had bought the tickets for us, and had been talking it up for ages... so I arranged a babysitter and we went along. It was great.
The concert
During this night I decided that since she had bought the tickets and everything, I was going to do my utmost to give her my attention and make her feel good through the night, which meant not going off and doing other approaching etc (although she didn't demand this, it was voluntary on my part). It did mean that basically we were in body contact the entire night, just slowly moving in time to the music together whilst making friends with those around us. Very much a BF/GF scene. Despite this limitation, the following amusing things happened that night:
1. I'm getting better with eyeliner, added eye shadow too in this occasion. This got a fair bit of attention (recently got even better, I did an amazing smokey eye last night after watching some Internet videos and trying it about 5 times).
2. We ordered drinks from a sexy bargirl when we arrived, she saw me cuddling my GF while we waited for the drinks, and I think this gave a little preselection because she was eye fucking me every time I visited the bar, and acting somewhat flirtatious... so I gradually ramped it up during the night, at one stage she'd been working in another part of the venue so when she came back and went for my order I said in her ear "you didn't have to come back especially for me...", she loved this and went in to hear my order again and I said "you really are unbelievably cute aren't you..." and then kept teasing her like this, she was down. The funny part was it occurred in front of hundreds of other patrons waiting for their drinks, nobody could have heard the shit I was saying in her ear, haha.
3. Megan from an early rave report was there (girl who came up to me incredibly high energy and kissing me with tongue before pulling away, this was something to do with the fact I'd approached every woman in the vicinity and was basically using them as part of the furniture, grinding on every living soul and loving it, ahh good memories)... so I greeted her warmly and gave her a cheek kiss but she could see I was occupied with my GF and so it wasn't the moment to become better acquainted, a shame though... however I talked to Megan's friend who I'll call Alice and she was hot, deflected all her questions and she persisted a bit (investment) so that was fun. They were incredibly high energy all night, the energy in this place was awesome but they were another level again. It was hard to keep eye contact discipline and not stare at them, I'll re-approach another time.
4. I nearly got into a punch-on, I had gone to the toilet and had just got back on the dancefloor to thread my way back to my GF (it was incredibly packed), when a dude wouldn't let me past... he wouldn't let me go between him and his GF, which was ridiculous, and wanted me to go around them... well I took this as a challenge and just calmly persisted, I wasn't backing down (now that I'm a high value man I never back down from a challenge and this is working well for me). Eventually it was getting pretty tense when the bouncer intervened from behind me and told this guy to back off and let me past. I won! Haha! Dude looked really incredulous that bouncer hadn't taken his side. I think this might have been partly because my GF had been flirting with this bouncer all night, so he knew me.
5. I made friends with a pair of girls whilst I was standing behind my GF and moving with her... the first girl was eye fucking me so I blew her a kiss and she reciprocated, which was a fun interaction... second girl (who was a fatty) looked a bit left out, so shortly afterwards I did a standard approach where I took her hand and said my name into her ear and asked her name... she couldn't hear... so I went in again but this time I decided to just put my tongue in her ear and then start making love to her ear which I did, and she was down. It was hilarious, I then pulled away and tried to introduce myself in her other ear "seriously though, my name is Ray" and she couldn't hear me again, so I started grinding on her instead, this while I was still kinda grinding on my GF too, gradually transferred to new chick and spent a little time with her until she went off with her friend (spanked her on the bottom as she left)... my GF didn't realize what had happened, I later asked if she minded I go kiss this girl but by this stage the music was finishing and I couldn't find my girl. Should've just gone for it.
6. My GF showed me a note which had been left on her car, in a spot where she parks it regularly, which said "Hey good looking, I want you to know that I think about you when I'm alone. You get me incredibly hard." or similar. OMG a bit creepy but I think she liked it (actually, she has self esteem issues and watches porn and masturbates daily, and I'm sure she has thought of lots of such perverted voyeur type scenarios to get horny). It's such a shame though because this guy is probably not a bad guy, just an AFC, and he probably doesn't realize he could just go up to her when she approaches her car and say "hey there I could not help noticing how amazingly gorgeous you are, I'm blah, what's your name" etc. And that she's bored and frustrated with her sex life and might even be DTF (but she is actually somewhat fussy for somebody who is horny and watches a shitload of porn, my uni buddy wanted to fuck her, I tried to set it up, she wasn't down).
7. I fucked my GF that night on the couch while thinking of the fatty and what a great threesome it could have been (my GF's response when I asked about kissing this other girl, was to go for it, since she'd be down for a threesome, haha).
Insta-date with Colombian chick
So after not approaching for a while (actually did grab a few number here and there but nothing worth mentioning), I decided to hit it last night with some night street game, got my appearance pretty good if a little on the metrosexual side (the smokey eye, and I was wearing black boots, white pants, pink shirt, black jacket, plus my normal jewellery, cologne, and Daniel-Craig-as-James-Bond hairstyle), well it started off great, approached two chicks who turned out to be from the youth hostel (tourists/students from Queensland, heading back the following day, would've been great for a fuck/3some), walked some blocks with them, was starting to boss them around and take control of the night, when they went to get cash and didn't come back to the meeting spot, maybe I looked a little needy?
This put a slight dampener on my vibe and I got in my head and couldn't open, there were shitloads of people around as it was Chinese New Year but I think possibly I felt nervous doing "hey, stop for a moment" in a crowded street with people behind and in front trying to get past, was looking for something a bit lower energy, did a seated approach but fucked it up (cold read failure), tossed out a few humorous comments here and there but ejected quickly. I went to get something to eat and ended up even more in my head, came out again and still passed up a lot of opportunities. Went to the pussy factory and had some interesting interactions, warmed up a little but decided to leave (and do a little street game) as it was getting late. And then, the next seated opener I did, came up trumps.
This was the 18yo Colombian chick, I took her for electronic darts and it was a really fun time. This time we chose the party-games option and the party games were quite interesting, it keeps a counter for how many drinks you owe the other person and although we didn't use it literally it was a basis for a chase frame ("I'm worried you'll drink me under the table", however I pussied out on adding the next bit "and take advantage of me")... she dutifully bought the drinks for us as instructed (I paid for the games which was cheaper although I did put money upfront so I guess it was a fair bargain)... for one of the games I told her that if she lost she had to kiss me and she did, it felt great, she looked so cute doing it and her lips were a little cold from drinking beer, a nice sensation.
Anyway I was hitting windows I think, after about the 3rd or 4th game when she'd pretty much finished her beer I was concerned the vibe could go stale so I suggested going to drink tea or coffee in another place I know that's coincidentally partway to my home (funny that). She declined saying she had to get up early but she was telling the truth (explained later about the job interview she had in the morning), *but I took the initiative*, if I had just let the vibe peter out and had her say "I have to go, I have to get up early", then this would have yielded control of the interaction, as compared with myself dominantly moving things forward thus putting her in the position of excusing herself. So I smoothly responded "then we have to exchange numbers", we did this and I inquired about logistics and discovered we're almost neighbours, so I suggested we walk together.
The way home I was basically deep diving about her work, etc, I did make one misstep on the way home which was when she inquired about my day, giving her an account of my day. I think this was probably what murdered the seduction overall. I can't see many other mistakes I made, apart from briefly discussing logistics for a second meetup, this might've looked needy, but I don't think so, she seemed down although you can never really tell. I should have just brushed off her question about my day with some non-response and returned it to her. Need practice!
Possibly, my texting game wasn't on point either. Or I may have misspelled her name, which I guess could have put her off since I had to have her remind me of it a minute or so into the approach (after I realized it was gonna stick). I dunnno but I did my current standard procedure which is to send an icebreaker (it wasn't a particularly fun icebreaker, I could've made it fun), and then if no response to icebreaker try a voice call at a carefully chosen time the following day, and if that rings out then I leave no message and take no further action. Hmm.
Approaching generally
So today I was a bit pissed off with myself about approach anxiety the previous day and not having the balls to approach, and I decided to do some approaching on the way to work. It didn't go well. I was nervous, facial expressions not on point etc. Fuck, so frustrating! The first two both spoke to me and gave their name but were clearly a bit freaked. Then I got in my head a bit again. On the way back from uni and to the school to pick up kids, wasted some great opportunities. On the train I looked up approach anxiety and found this article. Golden!
So I decided to put the article's advice into practice immediately and approached the first hot woman I saw, walking up the hill from the station. Went with a "cute outfit" opener and actually the conversation was a little awkward but I'm glad I did it, turned out she was married but somewhat flattered to be approached. Did a little other approaching throughout the day, a nice divorced woman with two older kids that were playing with my kids a little at the park, wish I had got her number, but it was hard to ask her out with her kids listening. Spoke to some girls that my son nearly hit with his remote control UFO, but then pussied out. Anyway, I think Sasha's advice can't always be taken literally, for instance in social circle you might not want to burn it down every time, and if you're looking after kids then you obviously have to consider their welfare primarily.
Anyway, what I'm going to do is get in the habit of approaching the first hot girl I see when I leave the house every morning, no exceptions, and try to make approaching "part of who I am" rather than "something that I do". I hope it works. It is incredibly frustrating being alone a lot, and having nobody in my bed!!
Was at the supermarket getting icecreams and afternoon snacks for my kids when we were held up at the register for an incredibly long time by some older dude trying to cash in some scratch card offers or some shit... my kids were doing what kids usually do (climbing on stuff, fidgeting, running around etc) when he told me in a tetchy way to control my children... and instead of getting defensive or trying to justify their behaviour, I handled it dominantly, laughing it off and saying "are you serious?", I actually couldn't believe he was serious. He confirmed that he was and added that he was trying to go about his shopping or whatever, I immediately came back with "no you're not, you're wasting everybody's time behind you in the queue", he was then the one to become defensive and try to explain he's engaging in a perfectly legitimate transaction, so I said "well then do it politely, would you?" and this shut him up. I love winning. No more beta.
The kinky sex session is back on. GF cancelled again today saying she's got her period, but I convinced her that it was no issue. All the more reason for ass play! I ordered/received some bits and pieces, will have to remember to try them on myself in the coming days, so that I have some idea what do with them later.
I have another date set up with my voice teacher, bit of a complicated history there and I NEXTed her but she's rang me this week wanting to catch up, also wanted to know if I want further classes but I told her I was unsure and that in any case I cannot afford them right at the moment. Then invited her to my place to hang, this a step in right direction as it's always been low investment for her, we hang at her place and she calls the shots. Will see how it goes.