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A ray of light in the darkness


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks for reading Howell! I don't think I have parenting + PU nailed yet, I have good days and bad days. A comprehensive article would cover pickup of teachers, yummy mummies, and girls with husbands/bfs (and how this relates to long game/social circle/hired gun game), pickup in parks/the zoo/museum/aquarium/cafes/any place that parents of young kids are likely to take them on a weekday, either the staff or the other parents... and the all-important, how to do street stops and cold approaching generally, if the love of your life happens to walk past when you are parenting. I find it's almost impossible to do more than compliment-eject, since the kids need shitloads of attention. However we have had good results by approaching in the bus stop or train station and then inviting her to sit with us. I am working on getting someone to join myself and kids for instant date, sometimes on the train I invite her to continue to our stop and grab a bubble tea or milkshake with us, but this has not worked and I have had better results by going for a number.

Today's score is 7 approaches resulting in one instant date. Insta date chick I did not really like that much, but I moved her to a different part of the market to help me choose a jacket, she complained a bit so eventually I took her back to where I met her. Half heartedly invited her on a group date for clubbing and got her no, but it's a flake, no biggie.

Two approaches stood out. First one as I walked from my building to tram stop. "That's a big coffee!! Can I have some?" ... she stopped after walking past and we turned to look at each other and she laughed a very melodious laugh with a fun smile, I think she was really happy. Small and gorgeous. Unfortunately I just smiled, held the eye contact for a few beats, broke it to the side and kept going. I was in a hurry and also taken by surprise as did not expect her to stop at all. Damn, this bitch wanted me to take her number! Oh oh!

In the supermarket a girl bumped into me, and then said sorry, I think it was a mistake but in hindsight could have been an IOI I suppose. I was slow on the uptake but after grabbing some Weetbix I turned to her and said "I will make you sorry!" ... she laughed, it was the perfect opportunity to say with an intense sexual vibe "By the time I have finished with you, you will not be able to sit down for a week"... but I did not think of it. Lots of cuties around, wish I had not been in a hurry as I might have been more in the moment if not.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Yes Ray that was a good one thanks for the link!

I also like the situational openers.... they aren't even that clever but they work "Thats a big coffee" haha. It shows how important fundamentals are.

Going to make a mental note to say anything that comes to my head no matter how silly it is.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Cool, and as always, thanks for reading and commenting :)

I hadn't really thought of that as a situational opener, although you are right, it is. I came at it from the angle of suggesting some kind of "together" or "swapping" activity in the opener, to get her thinking about sharing and intimacy right off the bat. It also works well with an article of clothing: "Your scarf looks very warm. I'm gonna need to borrow that!"

I have gone fully situational while I practice my vibe. It's frustrating having to let girls go because all I can think of is a compliment, but I am enjoying the creative aspect. Another one yesterday she had long cute black hair (Chinese of course), and it was windy so it totally covered one eye and most of the other eye... I was hoping she'd walk into me or at least come face to face... she didn't but as she walked past I daid "Temporarily blinded!" ... did not expect her to stop, but she looked back at me and met my eye and laughed, unfortunately was too far away for me to make anything of it.

Girls w mobile phones should also be easy prey... "that looks dangerous... I think you are gonna walk into me and pretend it was an accident!" ... have tried variations on this theme without success but recently realized I should reverse the frame, and try to make it a chase frame as in this example.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
7 approaches today, 1 of which resulted in a number. Many more I should have done. One approach was a Korean chef girl who I really liked. She has a bf who lives near me & she was gonna stay the night with. Told me this then asked if I had just finished work too, so I admitted I had just taken my gf home, as she has an alcohol allergy (discovered this today) and I was worried about her & wanted to make sure she got home safe. She said "nice guy" or something to that effect. I replied "haha, too nice, how am I ever gonna get lucky". She knew I was joking though. Whole thing was pretty beta but it did not seem to matter, we still clicked. I kissed her cheek when we got to the post office, posted a parcel and went home, no point going for a number. Just after this got talking to Japanese neighbour girl, I normally don't game chicks in my building but if she is JP I will give it a shot it seems. Got some basic info and grabbed her number saying we'll set up a dinner soon and I could practice JP, I didn't make it clear whether this included her housemates and nor did I display sexual intent, figured it was best to be safe since she is a neighbour and not super hot, so I don't mind being friends only, she can introduce me to other JP girls anyway. But if she is down to hangout alone I'll try to bang her, just gonna play it by ear.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
So this has been the much anticipated dirty weekend w my gf Leticia, she had never stayed overnight before and I wanted to give her a special experience. I looked up bed & breakfast in the region we went for tourism last month and enjoyed (that's what gave me the idea) but they were all too expensive, $250 per night, minimum 2 nights, wtf??!!

So I arranged for us to stay overnight at my uncle's country house, which is incredibly interesting. Classical style as Leticia put it, she absolutely loved the experience, there are also English style gardens to walk through, and stuff like staruary and various "garden follies" as the workmen refer to them (I think his main form of companionship is the workmen who help him build these things, as well as the local ladies who come in to do stuff like re-covering 18th century sofas or whatnot).

Anyway my uncle was an extremely charming host, even though some of his stories you just cannot believe, and it all went well. He was beside himself with agitation when I told him I was leaving the car at home, "you cannot get a taxi from the station, the nearest taxi base is blahblah, you will have to walk in the rain and Leticia will be absolutely furious blahblah" but I explained to him that I do not do high maintenance, and that Leticia is unfailingly positive about situations and will uncomplainingly do exactly what is nrcessary to move things forward, and this proved true.

Luckily, Leticia lives on the same train line as my uncle (except you have to change to a regional train) so we had arranged to meet for breakfast in her area so I could try some Vietnamese food she wanted me to try (banh mi = baguette with Vietnamese fillings), it was unbelievably good, without doubt the finest sandwich I have ever eaten, from a well known store set up like a production line. Lot of cute Vietnamese chicks all in a row, I wanted to eat them too. :)

I had done 2 approaches on the way to meet Leticia, the first a tall Aussie girl with muffins who I asked directions from, then we sat together and talked 20min, had a bf though. The other a cute young Vietnamese girl who obligingly explained to the first chick what banh mi is, I hadn't eaten one at that stage. I grabbed some basic info off her but then had to get off, so I kissed them each on the cheek goodbye and went to meet Leticia. With Leticia I did another approach, told a girl she looked amazing and bantered a little, she said she was being picked up at the end so I joked that I would certainly have picked her up if I hadn't been otherwise busy. Leticia didn't mind this cos she was a fatty and I was just bantering anyway.

Did one other approach which went nowhere while Leticia was talking to a dude that night, so my score for Saturday is 4 and Sunday 0. Anyway I'll continue this report later on.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Not a big week. I was sick for the first part so I worked from home, Monday I didn't go out at all, between Tuesday and Wednesday I did 10 approaches, Thursday I did 4 approaches of which 1 resulted in a number, and Friday I did 1 approach. Anyway, last Sunday I wrote out my goals for the week which were to do with my diet, I basically stuck to the diet although there are quite a few loopholes with what I wrote, that I took advantage of throughout the week, so this Sunday I will write tighter guidelines. I did not go to the gym this week, because I am in-between trainers and decided to award myself a break, also I was sick / was concerned that exercise might make me hungry.

I was going to write something about the sex with Leticia last week on our dirty weekend, well it was a bit pathetic, we had dinner at the pub and then I wanted to fuck her, but first she wanted me to brush my teeth which annoyed me because it felt like compliance, but I did it anyway. We made out but I fumbled the condom, thought it was upside down when it wasn't, ended up having to get a new one out, and didn't really get hard after that. But she gave me a handjob and I ate her (despite the usual strong resistance) and this went well, so it was okay I guess. We went for a round 2 and I didn't get all that hard, but I got the idea I wanted to masturbate to some of the pictures in her phone (one in particular was taken 1.5yr ago and she's a lot plumper and wearing a skirt I really like)... so on the principle of "if you're thinking it, do it" I had her call up the picture and started to masturbate, I also have been trying to get her to masturbate too although she won't. Anyway, she's apparently decided that masturbation is not a sin if my cock is in her at the time, and I think she reached orgasm like that during the round 2, so it was awesome for her even if it was only average for me, haha. It was great to see her getting into it and I found it pretty erotic, she claims she's never masturbated in her own time, but I'm not sure I believe this, she seems good at it :)

Anyway, we went to church the following day (although I'm not a believer) and we got invited to coffee and snacks after the service. Leticia got to see my conversation skills in action as I charmed the Minister by deep diving her about her various posts and how she got into this and so forth, as well as small talk about the local area etc, we also charmed a number of other people, and ended up getting a lift to the station in a nearby town, which was fantastic. Leticia commented that she is picking up some useful pointers in conversation and making friends, I haven't told her about seduction exactly, but she knows about my self improvement journey to some extent. So we got home some hours later, pretty tired, again I didn't lead dominantly but I offered she could hang out with me for the rest of the day and attend a dinner, expecting her to say no, but she came. So we watched anime videos on the couch and it got to 5.30pm when we were supposed to be leaving, well instead we started playing around and so I fucked her on the couch, this time it was much better (I put the condom on partway during the sex) and I felt pretty good about things. We were late for dinner, haha.

Fast forwarding to almost a week later she came over tonight to help us cook dinner and hang out with the kids and me, I felt a bit needy (and acted it by grabbing kisses off her throughout the evening, which I probably should cut down on), so I wanted her to come to the bedroom while kids were in the bath, but she was determined to wash dishes and mop the floor, hmm well in the normal circumstances I would have rewarded this kind of thing very explicitly, but I felt a little miffed at the opportunity for a makeout going by. Anyway, she did eventually come and start being a bit clingy whilst I was playing board games with kids, so I felt a bit better about my own neediness, the investment balance seemed to be somewhat restored. We had great period sex on the couch after kids went to bed, I was as dominant as fuck since she was basically refusing to play with me at all, I completely ignored this and wrestled with her for half an hour plus, to get firstly the jumper off, then the cardigan, then the pants, then the panties... she resisted me physically pretty strongly, but I figure it's okay since she has a code word. Anyway, the sex was great. We may be getting over the sex problem.

Sayuri is in Japan and will be for the foreseeable future. I miss her a lot. We had LINE sex, in Japanese, midweek. It was very interesting, I will make another post about it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Friday, Saturday, Sunday... nothing really sticks out, I think I cracked a few jokes to girls on the train whilst parenting, I also did a lot of social stuff which doesn't count, I flirted a little with a married lady at a birthday party for my son's friend, but I'm not counting that as an approach because she's married and because I was "allowed" to talk to her since we were at the same social event. I'll say 1 approach per day.


1. Stopped for a coffee, girl behind the machine was investing a bit, we were discussing the question of sugars and I mentioned that shaking drinking chocoloate on top of the coffee tends to add enough sweetness for me, she replied "our milk is really sweet too"... I really wish I had said "ohh yes, I bet your milk is very sweet" with strong EC but I didn't think of it, instead I said "well milk is full of lactose isn't it" (typical serious chode response)... anyway I had her show me the milk and she started investing a bit, asking my name etc, turns out she was co-owner of the business, blah blah, may talk to her later.

2. Went to the Vietnamese bakery near the gym, I've been heavily flirting with the other girl who works there, and had been intending to ask her out (was gonna say "hey I no longer go to the gym in this area, so lets meet up when you're in the city sometime") but she wasn't there, so I figured there was no harm in speaking some Vietnamese to the chick who served me and getting introduced. She had served me before, but I hadn't flirted. Anyway, she seemed to know everything about me, so it appears that girls talk amongst themselves. Hahaha. It wasn't much of a conversation but I felt good about it nevertheless.

3. The gym manager was not there (I had to sign a termination form) so I went to kill a bit of time, went to another coffee shop nearby that I liked and did a kind of routine on the girl who worked there, she was a fatty (Aussie accent, Vietnamese looks), so I got out some Vietnamese, started some sexual flirting and touch which was fun, but she was fucking around behind the counter too much when she could have been at my table talking to me, so I guess she wasn't super keen, nevertheless I re-approached before leaving, deep dived and related for a while, and ended up giving her a kiss on the cheek. Good practice.

4. On the tram on the way back to the city, an Indian girl smiled at me (she was a nursing student studying at an institute near my former home, but living on the other side of the city, so returning via city) and I introduced myself and ended up talking to her and her friend for about 30min. She was a good conversationalist and I asked her out at about the 10min mark, got the standard excuses about busy, exam study blah blah so I offered to swap number and then she told me she was married, damn! I teased her quite a bit, implying she was in a lesbian marriage with her friend and then that she was bullshitting, but she showed me a photo of her husband and he was actually quite a good looking guy, liked the stubble. Although he followed her to Aussie without having a job yet, so he might not be much of a leader. I told her it is great that her husband cares for her, but if she was married to me it would be the other way around. Also, I suggested she needs a relationship where she is well cared for, and also a lover on the side. Haha. I also included the friend in the conversation about 25% increasing to 50%, just occasionally asking her a question etc. She turned out to be Tibetan, a bit Chinese looks (but not the same; I'll recognize Tibetans better now I have this reference point), nice earrings, tall, slim, good conversationalist. I felt really regretful I'd burned it down with Indian chick, because asking Tibetan chick for a date would be desperate.

5. Hairdresser, this was an interesting case in point, we were getting on pretty well (hot Korean chick, I got out some touch and deep diving etc, complimented her English, added some sexual flirting etc)... but as I got up from the chair I tripped over her clippers which fell on the floor and the comb got broken. Hairdresser immediately got very shitty, saying "looook! you've broken it!!"... claimed she has to pay for it out of her wages blah blah, it will be $100, I should go to Melbourne Central and have a look in the shop... blah blah blah, being a total drama queen. I was a bit bemused by all this but stayed around waiting to see what would happen, I refused to supplicate, just stood there with a mildly amused expression while she tried to raise a drama, said "well can't you buy spare parts" and at one stage "well, what do you want me to do?"... no concrete suggestions forthcoming so I added touch and said "well I'll take you out to Melbourne Central then, drinks are on me"... she went blah blah, not comfortable blah blah blah... eventually got to the register and she was still bullshitting on, so I said "give me the comb"... she gave it to me... I said "I take care of my girlfriends" with a bit of a smirk on my face... she replied blah blah blah, I'm not your girlfriend, blah blah... so I looked her in the eye and said "well then, what do you expect...", paid her $10 for the haircut, asked the other (hot) Korean hairdresser if my hairdresser is always such a drama queen, and went home. When I got there I looked up the combs, which can be ordered for $5.00 plus $5.00 postage from the UK, ended up ordering from a slightly more expensive Australian site, but anyway I'll drop the comb off to her later in the week. I know I don't have to do this, because frankly it wasn't my fault I tripped over the wire, it was just as much her fault... but I didn't want to say this because it would come off defensive (accepting her frame by fighting it). I felt I handled it well with sprezzatura and turning it into a joke, but I still want to give her the comb because it's a nice thing to do.


1. In the morning I had a coffee date with Leticia, on the way approached in the lift of my office building, a young agriculture student, ended up walking to tram stop and getting on the tram with her, I really enjoyed the conversation but I felt she wasn't investing enough (asking questions about me), she did ask one or two but lost interest very quickly when I deflected with humour, so I figured she was only in it for the conversation and to pass the time. Matters improved slightly when I added some incidental touch, but my sexual vibe was not really on point. Anyway, she seemed maybe a tiny bit disappointed I didn't go for a number. I guess I should have -- she was a cute Australian chick of about 18, and friendly enough, but she didn't really push my buttons I guess. I just cheek kissed her and thanked her for the conversation.

In the afternoon I had a weird situation with a Hong Kong girl who studies Japanese with a different teacher at the same time as I do. I often talk to her before class and ended up getting her LINE contact, I attempted some rapport building via LINE by contacting her once or twice through the week (although my questions were pretty boring, I figured she would want to practice Japanese anyway)... but she was not investing so I left it (conversation went something like "hey...its the end of the week, can't wait for the weekend...tired from the week?" sent on a Friday afternoon (I was gonna invite her to market shopping the next day) but she responded something like "nah" with lots of tildes and musical notes so I figured if that was her conversation style I'd give her a soft NEXT and see if she was more forthcoming when I re-engaged...anyway I did this by sending something like "hi, were you at class the other day?" since I hadn't seen her...and it appears she had in the meantime blocked me on LINE, I wasn't super surprised or offended, but I just thought it was weird. Anyway, I don't want to reward this kind of thing so I wasn't really even gonna bother speaking to her before class today, but weirdly she approached me after class all happy and bubbly and adding touch, why would she block me on LINE and then act that way? Other interpretation is, her phone is broken or has been off for like 2 weeks, but that's totally impossible, she's a teenage girl after all, she must check her phone constantly I reckon. I failed in my attempts to avoid her and ended up going down the lift with her, where she was sticking to me like glue and asking me which way I was going?? So I suggested we go and have coffee together, but nogo, she had to get to her car before the parking finished apparently. I dunno, I guess it's not worth worrying about too much, weird??

2. Just after this I was heading back to the tram and engaged a little Vietnamese chick at the pedestrian crossing with a "hi there... where are you off to now? finished for the day?" kind of opener, followed by ignoring her for a bit and then changing my mind... "are you Vietnamese by any chance?" (she was) and asking her name in Vietnamese, etc. Well this led to an insta date, I said "I'm heading for the tram stop up there, how about you?" (I always take the approach of committing myself before asking her plans, so it doesn't look like I'm planning to hang around following her and annoying her), she said she was going for a bubble tea so I broke my usual rules and made it my idea "oh, you want to have bubble tea? great! lets go to Chatime and have one together"... she was a bit quiet/nervous at first but loosened up, very cute and nice girl, studying nursing... we spoke for about 45min, I asked her out but schedule problems, so I rinsed and repeated later, eventually ended up just getting her number. I ended things cos I wanted to leave on my terms (she still had some bubble tea left but I'd finished ages ago), but ended up walking her back to the station, since we were going the same way. She's lovely, I hope we can meet up. On the way back to the station she commented on the manner of our meeting. I replied "yeah, I was just gonna leave you alone but I changed my mind, and I'm glad I persisted, because you are nice. I like you".

I also remember a couple of blowouts (cases where I said an opener and got no response, she turned away or whatever... in each case I persisted 3 times but nogo)... so I'm scoring myself as:
Friday 1 (in addition to the 1 I already scored in the last report)
Saturday 1
Sunday 1
Monday 6
Tuesday 2+5 (2 approaches and a 3rd approach which resulted in a date)

I have sent text to several girls whom I met before I fell sick, and they have responded, I'm seeing one of them on Thursday, and the other one our schedules didn't meet, but I'll re-engage later in the week with an offer for Sunday (luckily I asked her schedule earlier before I fell sick, so I'm in a good position to do things right). There's a chance I'll run into one or both of them again in the coming days, I hope I do not because my experience has been that if you setup a date and then bump into them randomly beforehand, there's a high chance of fucking things up and ruining the tension, and then they make excuse and flake.

I feel my game is off at the moment, since getting well I really haven't done any mass approaching, it's all been opportunistic, and since I'm only opening situationally at the moment, it's hard to get momentum.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Got a response from tonight's insta date chick.
21:05 Me: Hey [her name], I hope you are at home safe and sound :) Ray....or is it Ray....confused....hehehe [I put several different Vietnamese tones on my name, because she has told me my name sounds like a rude word in Vietnamese, and blushed quite prettily... the first one means "to stuff or to fill", the second means "as wood", not sure which one she meant, hahaha]
21:46 Her: Hi Ray, im home :) thanks for texting me, and you are a very nice person. But I already have a boy friend and I dont think it s good if we keep texing like this. Thanks for spending your time talking to me today. Hope you have a great night. Good night and take care :)
Vietnamese girls tend to be extremely honest and so I think she is probably legit, it's funny she didn't mention the bf earlier though. I've had it before that when I act too friendly on the date and then start sending more flirtatious text messages, they can react in this way, so that might be why she came up with the bf thing now. I could try some kind of Hail Mary (call her up, try to set up a secret midday date that her older sister won't be aware of, etc)... but given logistical and scheduling issues it's probably too difficult.

In any case I think this confirms my earlier suspicions that I'm not being sexual enough, in this case I managed to suppress the entertainer vibe and didn't really crack a lot of sexual jokes, just talked with her seriously (I wasn't all that much of a challenge although I did deflect one or two questions) and fixed her with intense eye contact at times to keep things going, this worked somewhat, but I also avoided eye contact a fair bit (a bad habit of mine) and I didn't stare at her through lowered lids or use any particularly sexy voice tone or facial expressions. I did however mind my fundamentals to an extent, I stayed upright in my chair, didn't lean in, and spoke quite loudly/slowly with not too much gravel in my voice.

Overall, lots of room for improvement, but at least I can reliably get dates and keep things going for as long as I want to. It's just the flaking later on (as they don't see me as a sexual option) that's the problem.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Eh, well, my best approach today was to a 14 year old in the bus stop, I had my 4 year old son with me too. She was holding a "Child Myki" (the touch on/touch off electronic ticket we use for public transport here) so it wasn't super promising but I opened anyway, and she turned out to be really nice, and pretty cute into the bargain. Thinking she was around 16 I used a few sexual frames and they went down just fine, haha. I qualified her handsomely on her decision to go to the gym when school was cancelled unexpectedly, and discussed some workout techniques with her, she's actually at about the same place I was when I had been working out by myself for a while without a trainer. I also told her some interesting stories about the neighbourhood, since I grew up there too, but it was a very different place back then, pretty rough, wrong side of the tracks. She was surprised. We sat across the aisle from each other on the bus and I cheek kissed her goodbye as we got off. I did a number of other approaches so I'll score 5 for the day, but basically pussied out an enormous amount. Need to get my mojo back. Eye contact discipline is really frustrating me at the moment, as I constantly get caught making creepy eye contact with girls on the bus or the train, oh oh, argh!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
A bit disappointed. I went on a really fun date and we connected well. But I dropped the ball on plausible deniability at the end.

In the first venue we were sitting side by side, the conversation was a bit ordinary but basically fine, just finding out about each other and so on. I used a little incidental touch although I didn't really have a rewarding/punishing setup, there was nothing to really reward or punish, we were both investing a similar amount and atmosphere gradually warming up, I didn't get animated until we discussed anime/manga, when we both described our favourite manga and the storyline. I then seeded a pull to watch anime. I was being careful of my eye contact to try to keep it as intense as possible and this worked about 50% of the time. I didn't use much half-closed lids or my voice much.

In the second venue we ate a good meal, I amped up the sexual conversation a fair bit and I had added some touch (for instance we held hands to cross the street to get to the restaurant). During the meal I occasionally reached put my hand along the side of the table to connect with hers at a high point, with strong EC, she didn't really reciprocate the touch exactly, but she liked it I think. I had sprinkled in a few well placed sexual and chase frames but I really ramped up the sex talk in the latter part of the meal. When I got up to go to the toilet I added some touch on her shoulder. In the toilet I assessed my progress so far and decided to really amp up the sexual vibe too, which I did -- looking deeply into her eyes, a little half closed lids, lots more sex talk, and she appeared to love it. So I thought it was pretty much in the bag at that stage.

So I held her hand and led her through the restaurant to the door, talked briefly to waiter to say we'd had a good time and then I said as we were leaving, "it's still early, do you think you could find that anime online on the website you talked about?" she said sure... I said "let's go watch the anime then, I'll bring you back to the bus stop after". But then she backtracked a bit "I'm a little confused, do you have a computer with you?"... this is where I dropped the ball, I was a bit surprised by this question because I thought it was implicit that we were hanging out at mine... I had mentioned several times that I live close by, etc. I said "we'll go to my place briefly", thinking that the anime would be sufficient plausible deniability... bzzzt she comes from a conservative culture even though it's not Asian. Gave the standard demurrals so I looked her intensely in the eye and said "c'mon" and grabbed her hand and led her off, well we had some back and forth about this (her: I don't want to go to your house, me: it's still early, etc).

Eventually she's peeled off and insisted she's going to the bus stop, and I said "sure" and we briefly discussed about the leftover pizza which she agreed to take. But interestingly we'd already walked some way past her stop... we had a brief talk, so I said "I will take you to the bus stop... eventually" and we kept walking, however I am not sure she understood that last word, because when we got to my corner and I tried to lead her up the hill towards my building she's pulled away so fuck her, I honestly should have done a takeaway but I went for some compliance... "come here" "blah blah" "I'm going to kiss you goodbye" "blah blah" "that's not an Australian goodbye... in Turkey you kiss twice, here we kiss once..." "well this time it is zero" so I held the eye contact for a bit and she turned to go. Uncalled for. Not happy about this. NEXT!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
So I was feeling a bit low after aforementioned (although it was actually a great date and she probably would've been fine to meet up again etc, I just cbf)... but decided to get back in the saddle and head out for some nightgame for the first time in a while. Well I got knocked back from the pussy factory (scene of previous infamy in earlier episodes of this journal), as dude thought I was drunk, might be my exaggerated dominant walk? Anyway I'd had a glass of wine with dinner and I told him so, although it would have been better to bullshit and say I don't drink, as I usually do. So I hung out at the other place, the beer cafe which I think is not as good, because it's too cliquey, you have to approach groups sitting at tables. On the other hand, the beer cafe is often not bad for approaching chicks in the line for the bar, which the pussy factory isn't as good for.

Well I banged out another 12 or so approaches, this would have been much higher had I been at the pussy factory... I did a couple on the way there to get warmed up, and when I got there I decided to cruise the underground supermarket since this always has shitloads of hotties. I did about 3 or 4 approaches there resulting in one number, I really like this chick (Japanese), she was about to meet her friend and head home to drink coffee or something, so I suggested we hang out later and she said sure.

My first approach at the cafe resulted in a harsh blowout, I went and sat down at a table with 3 chicks and my target basically told me to go away and find someone else to talk to, I persisted a bit but it wasn't good. Eventually I said fine and moved one seat down and watched some anime on a nearby screen until I finished my drink, since I didn't want to just slink off with my tail between my legs. But I'd also messaged neighbour chick when I headed out, since I knew she'd be finishing work soon, and she got back to me and agreed to meet up at the beer cafe. But in the meantime I was by myself and I didn't want her to come in and see me nursing my drink like a chode.

So I went and did a little more approaching, eventually found a Norwegian chick with her Californian housemate, got a lot of sexual banter in which was fantastic... I've found the following to be good: "What do you do?" "I'm a researcher" ... pause ... she asks "what do you research?" I reply (strong EC) "I research beautiful women" ... this always gets a smile and then I say something like "I'm always recruiting new research subjects" and then I pepper the conversation with stuff like "there will be many follow up studies" (meaning I'm going to fuck her brains out) and so forth. So eventually it turns out Norwegian chick is at my uni, so I offered a date, she started pushing a bit harder with what faculty I'm in... I joked that I'm in women's studies etc... turns out she's a radical hardcore feminist, so I told her that if she meets a strong, dominant man it would certainly put her theories to the test... you'd love that, wouldn't you... et cetera but turned my attention to the Californian girl for a bit, anyway given a bit more time I would have rinsed and repeated and got at least one of their numbers but I didn't because neighbour chick eventually turned up so I spent an hour or two with her. I did attempt to pull her to my apartment after we both got home but she wasn't down, I felt this would be the case because we hadn't really connected on a sexual level.

So today's score is 2 dates (4pts, since I already scored the other 6pts for getting both their numbers), 1 number (3pts) and 11 approaches. That's 18pts. Respectable.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
I don't really feel that good right now. I will explain but first to get an administrative detail out of the way, my last report was Thursday.

Friday: I did 5 approaches while on the way to meet Leticia to buy her a football jersey (because she was coming to see the football and I wanted her to have the experience of supporting a team at the same time)... but they were mostly compliment-eject, I was in a hurry but I was also in an outgoing mood.

Saturday: I did no approaches and stayed in the whole day and worked, I made wicked progress with my current project but I felt a bit lonely. Referring to the following post, https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10332, my stalker thought she was meeting me at 5pm Saturday and she's apparently turned up and when I wasn't there she's tried to call my phone twice. I was upstairs taking a nap at the time, having forgotten all about it. Fuck her. She said if I didn't go she wouldn't contact me again, but that's obviously meaningless when you're dealing with a stalker.

Sunday: I went to the game with Leticia and to a family dinner afterwards. It was good. Leticia was talking to a family friend and explaining about all the great things she's encountered in Australia, and then she continued by saying "but far and away the best thing that's happened to me is that I met Ray". She seems to be sincere. I was a bit flattered although I didn't react. She was also doing lots of nice things for me, like serving my food and taking my plate away afterwards, all those kind feminine touches that make one feel cared-for. Anyway I did no approaches, I could have done a few in the station after taking Leticia to her platform but pussied out.

Monday: I did no approaches and stayed in the whole day and worked. I got fuck all done and procrastinated because I was stuck. Both Sayuri and Leticia contacted me in the afternoon/evening to say they missed me. I had been starting to feel a distance from Sayuri, I had (needily) contacted her several times in preceding week and we'd made some meaningless small talk which had petered out pretty quickly. On the strength of this I had decided she was losing interest, and I would wait until Wednesday and if I didn't hear from her I would give her a breakup talk. Well it turns out this was a miscommunication or perhaps just neediness / paranoia on my side. Around midnight I got my work dilemma basically solved but it was too late to sit down and implement my solution. I was exhausted, but because I had drank about a hundred cups of coffee I couldn't sleep. I felt low.

Tuesday: I got up late and went to meet Leticia at Starbucks as we were supposed to have a mid morning coffee, but since I'd (amazingly) managed to get back to sleep after waking up feeling tired and exhausted, I was a little late. Anyway, she had reciprocated my gift of the team jumper by buying me some clothes which are totally awesome. But some things left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth:

(1) She wasn't totally compliant, I gave her my Starbucks card as usual, and had her order for us which she did (after trying to get me to order for her, but I refused telling her it was her job)... then skipped off leaving me to conclude the transaction, I wasn't happy about this but there was nothing I could do about it. Because I had demanded compliance in the ordering, I think she was testing me.

(2) Then later I walked her to uni and said hi to some of her friends, whereupon she dismissed me, saying something like "you can go now"... well it was time for me to go anyway so I didn't object, I just left, but again, she was testing me and I felt like a puppy dog. Perhaps I should have just turned and left without saying good bye... but I kissed her on the cheek first, so as not to look butt hurt.

Anyway, I went to work and had a wicked day again, worked very hard and got my ideas implemented, but was cut short by Japanese class. This also made me feel like a pussy -- I have been meaning to cancel Japanese because the lessons are so boring and I really do not have time at the moment, but the same as with my gym trainer I've let it go on for way too long because I don't have the heart to tell the teacher I'm leaving. Anyway, this girl I'm half heartedly gaming was there, I had sent her a message yesterday proposing we go out after class but she hadn't got the message, I had her check LINE and we kind of agreed to do it next week, except I unfortunately misunderstood and talked over her while she was agreeing, to tell her to check her phone next week... whoops, I could have had a date lined up but I don't. Anyway, my conversation with her was totally boring and beta and probably turned her off for good, except luckily I got some flirting in with my former teacher (who is this girl's teacher now) and so I might have redeemed myself by grabbing a little preselection.

After class I did 1 approach in the Japanese restaurant and 1 approach in the Malaysian coffee shop where I went to sober up after drinking beers in the first restaurant. Both were staff members (hired guns), the first one I dropped the ball a little, I spanked her and sent her on her way at a high point when I could have asked for her number. I asked her out later but she deflected it. The second one was nogo really, got her name and had some boring conversation but that was it. Again, I feel like a total pussy. There were plenty of hot women around that I wanted to approach, on the tram, in the restaurant/coffee shop, in the street later on, etc. I made eye contact with an ugly girl who was drinking in an outside area of a pokies venue as I walked past, was lonely and bored enough to consider going and chatting her up but I didn't, so we just exchanged a smile in passing.

So anyway, now to the main point of the post.

The problem I'm having seems to be indecisiveness, depression or laziness or something, I dunno what it is, but I just feel bad. I haven't been to the gym in 2~3 weeks, I have been getting up late, avoiding going to the office and working from home instead, pussying out on all the approaches I should have done, been incredibly needy and anxious in my relationships, I think I covered it up to a degree, but even so, I have been playing safe and that's never a good thing. I feel I don't have options and that I can't cut my current girls loose if I need to. Firstly there's the fact I've been wanting to go exclusive with Leticia because it's gotten so boyfriend-like that I feel bad and that I'm misleading her (it's a "don't ask don't tell" situation with regards to other women, I was explicit originally but things have progressed a lot since then). But I'm aware of problems in my relationship with Leticia, so when I look at it objectively rather than emotionally, I'm concerned that I won't be happy going exclusive. Secondly there's the fact I had decided to give Sayuri the breakup talk and then changed my mind. This feels really weak. But at the same time when I look at it objectively it's a tricky situation, there's no real clear answer because she is totally awesome. There are no real problems in my relationship with her, but she lives in Japan, which was essentially the only basis for my decision to break up with her and be exclusive with Leticia. It's a fucked situation, she only went there because of visa problems, and she'd much rather be here.

I'm so fucking stressed about things, that I actually want to just break up with both of them and start afresh as a low-intermediate PUA and take a lot more rejection in my stride for the next year but slowly get better and get options and abundance... however, there does not seem to be a pressing need to change anything (even after having decided to be exclusive with Leticia and break up with Sayuri, I was going to wait until one of them initiates before doing anything about it... and in the meantime changed my mind anyway). The pressure is coming from within myself because I don't feel good about stuff right now. So it's best not to be drastic about this.

I know a lot of my homies are reading my journal (long winded and boring as it is), and now is a time I'd really appreciate some advice. I think what I need to do is put my girls on the back burner, stop worrying about shit and being needy and anxious, continue my current hardcore focus on work, but integrate time and money managment and diet and gym by writing in my book the weekly goals I should've written on Sunday. Fuck. Fuck.

Edit: I had foolishly asked Leticia the other day if she was going to post photos of us in our team gear on Facebook, I did this because I had been turning over the whole "exclusive / not exclusive" thing in my mind for days and I was interested to know if she was publicly posting photos of us, I think she has told her sister about us but that's all as far as I know. Well I should never have brought it up, but I ended up saying she can put a photo on Facebook if she likes... (because I was still thinking I wanted to progress things with her it seemed it would do no harm)... well she's showed me today she changed her profile picture, but, she's covered my face with this ugly yellow cartoon smiley thing, it looks so incredibly horrible that I was deeply offended and pissed off, I tried not to show too much reaction except to say it was horrible and to take it down, well it's still there. I now feel totally beta because I never check girls' Facebook pages, what am I doing?? I know I should just drop it and ignore it, but I honestly feel so unreasonably pissed off that she would really post me looking like that.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
As usual Chase has the answer:

Anyway, my general approach for anything I feel needy toward these days is to immediately say to myself "If I'm feeling needy, that means I feel like I don't have suitable replacement options, which means this is an area I need to address." Has been ridiculously useful in helping me target and rectify all manner of areas in my life where I was lower on options than I'd like to be (like unicorns in SoCal) and hadn't even realized it; as soon as you realize it, you can then go out and fix it.

I didn't sleep well and got up at dawn feeling tired and exhausted again, as is usual of late, but got in the saddle and have done 10 approaches or more, despite having my son with me. Longer talk on the train into town with cute young Aussie shop assistant chick on her way to work near my home, had to backoff, rinse and repeat as she cycled through all known excuses but I was unperturbed and eventually got her number (probable flake of course, but good practice for a future time when it actually matters). Momentum comes and goes a bit when I'm sleep deprived and I have trouble showing sexual intent and being confident/playful/in the moment but I feel better if I just try my best anyway.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Eh, well things are looking up! Massive props to radeng for suggesting I work on my sexual vibe, it's taken a few months but I am getting it down, and as a result... last night I got laid through nightgame! Basically a textbook seduction, I couldn't believe everything just fell into place, a beautiful big arsed big titted Latina with an incredibly soft body and endearing manner, I will call her Nina. I'll just recap the key stages:
1. Warmup -- at the tramstop approached a super hotty, didn't lead well and was in my head and had a platonic yet fun convo, she refused number in a kind way that made it clear I was low value and I thought, you patronizing bitch, and resolved to do better. Some other sporadic approaching then I hit a club I'd never been to before. Some compliment-eject in the entranceway. Started to pussy out on the DF. :(
2. Sought greener pastures, met Nina at back wall facing the bar. Low intensity opener, a little chitchat. Strong ec. Her friend was super hot, Japanese chick whom I'll call Ayano.
3. Didn't reveal my interest in Japan to Ayano, just played it cool. She was super friendly and I wanted to bang her but I have a rule that I never change target after an approach. Also I was getting warm vibe from Nina and figured, bird in the hand haha.
4. Moved them within a few min to a booth, dominantly introduced myself to booth occupants and had them move over. Commenced some basic info gathering. Number grab.
5. Moved them after another 10-15min to another club (the pussy factory, scene of previous infamy. It was fuckin banging. About 12.30~1am by this stage.
6. Dealt with bags and coats, pushed to front of crowd. Ayano leading but I dominantly directed her from behind and pulled Nina along with me.
7. Dance. Ayano instantly surrounded by horny guys whom she politely deflected. I used some touch and we danced together, bumping arses a bit and cheek-to-cheek a bit, but I was careful to withdraw also and give her space to invest, I had to be patient but eventually this got results.
8. Ayano went to toilet -- zzzing! Dialed up the sexy vibe to 150%, intense eye contact without pause and full body contact for 15min or so and a little kiss-teasing (come in close and let her reach for the kiss but withdraw)... eventually she just attacked me haha, I kissed her w tongue quickly then stopped.
9. Rinse, repeat... Ayano didn't come back. Risk of it getting same-same so dialed back the sexy vibe, took her to bar. Got a drink. Decided fuck it I'm gonna go for the easy option, a club makeout. Went looking for a dark corner.
10. Encountered Ayano w two good looking dudes, introduced ourselves but then I pulled Nina away. No good escalation spot so took her outside at front and attempted deep dive / connection building. Vibe started to tank. Her English isn't fantastic and it was hard to go deep.
11. She looked at her watch. MAJOR ESCALATION WINDOW. PULL PULL PULL. "We could go now... your friend will be okay." "Sure, I have to go to the toilet though". "Okay I'll meet you by the coats and bags." Major stressful wait ensued, I was just sure it was gonna run down the plughole. Got in my head with worry. She took aaages. I snapped out of it and did some other approaching, figuring some preselection would help seal the deal. (Note I'd also grabbed some random chick's no. in coat check line of prev club, hoping they'd see). I did not want to be waiting anxiously like a lame ass chode when she got back. In fact was talking to a dude. We bailed.
12. Near exit to shopping centre "I will go home now". Ignored and led dominantly. Eventually said "I know a place we can have a quiet drink". Later "where are we going?" "Top of the hill" (pointing straight aheas, 1.5 city blocks... lovely logistics but even 2 city blocks feels long. Pull talk.
13. Halfway home -- manhandle kiss. Because I was worried she would bail. At my building -- had her open doors with my entry card, do lift buttons etc (investment). Had her take shoes off, turn on the lamp, etc. Escalated. Awesome sex ensued. Slept on the couch w her under 2 doonas in the nude. I rewarded her for her blowjob prowess with a cooked breakfast, and round 2 in the morning. Introduced ass play and other kinky stuff, went a bit dicey for a while but she came through for me with some backpedalling + hard push.

Tired as fuck. Got a date w super hotty in 3.5hrs who I approached yesterday, was a quick number grab despite which she was keen as fuck over text. This is really funny.

:) :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Ray! Congratulations mate. Smooth indeed and I love how you broke it down into stages. That was a joy to read. Happy for you )


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 14, 2013
Ray you pimp!!That was fun to read

ray_zorse said:
she looked at her watch. MAJOR ESCALATION WINDOW. PULL PULL PULL. "We could go now... your friend will be okay." "Sure, I have to go to the toilet though". "Okay I'll meet you by the coats and bags." Major stressful wait ensued, I was just sure it was gonna run down the plughole. Got in my head with worry. She took aaages. I snapped out of it and did some other approaching, figuring some preselection would help seal the deal. (Note I'd also grabbed some random chick's no. in coat check line of prev club, hoping they'd see). I did not want to be waiting anxiously like a lame ass chode when she got back. In fact was talking to a dude. We bailed.

Really good job here!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks for the props guys. It helps. :)

Date report:

Texted her 30min before to say I was running slightly behind and no rush and I'd text her when I left the house. Just prior to the date I finally formulated a date plan: I would take a picnic rug and some chai tea in a thermos (she is Indian) and a knife etc, we would buy fruit in the market and then go sit in the park for a snack. So I had to make the tea etc. All good. I did about 15min of deep relaxation practice and inhabiting my body on my bed and then dozed for 15min, I think this really helped. I also had got the house spotless, I was a bit restless to sleep and had done housework instead.

Anyway, she is fucking hot. She arrived before me, as I approached I said hi, and wow, you certainly have the air hostess look going (her scarf). Kissed her cheek. Led her through the market with lots of touch, it was incredibly crowded which helped. We bought the fruit. A sharp wind whipped up but we proceeded with the plan, she was pretty well rugged up and so was I.

Anyway, she was extremely relatable, and you know... I probably broke the rules a bit, my investment level was somewhat higher than hers (slightly longer stories, etc)... but I did not really care because my abundance isn't so bad atm and so, if it doesn't go well I just know that I had fun on the date and really shared deeply. She was a bit iffy on touch, she didn't invest with any touch at all, and once or twice I tried to get her to come closer to be met with refusal, but overall I came in the backdoor touch wise and introduced a little handholding here and there, and some incidental touch, so basically it was okay. My sexy eye contact was also very good, but it was a 2hr date, so I didn't keep it up 100% of the time.

Anyway, my read might be off -- seduction can be a tough game and for the novice it so often happens that a date which you think went very well.... actually involved lots of missed windows and turned her off completely. This could be the case here. But I don't think so. She was keen at the outset and she didn't seem any less keen when I farewelled her. She just needs a lot of warming up. Although we could almost see my house from where we were sitting on the rug (it's half a block away)... I judged it impolitic to go for the pull. I could have, my tiredness and lack of horniness might have influenced the decision, but also she had a 4pm appointment, so I felt it best to bide my time. I was also smarting a bit from dinner with Turkish gal where the pull went a bit horribly wrong, and wanted to be more calibrated.

I think what really saved the day here was my sexual framing, I think I came out with about one per minute during the high points, and some chase frames as well, they were hilarious but I delivered them deadpan with intense eye contact. Example, she's talking about her previous weight loss and her gym routine... I say "and then you met me... (pause, intense ec) I am gonna fill you up with fruit. Well, I'm gonna fill you up, anyway". Another example, we are talking about the cold, I say "I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing"... we're holding hands with the excuse that she has to warm my hand up. She says, "well, it didn't rain"... I said "yes... you wouldn't enjoy getting wet, would you... I certainly wouldn't want to be responsible for that"... haha, and this went on and on and on.

When I left I didn't have high expectations but I daringly put my hand on her cheek and brought her in for a very intimate hug and slow cheek kiss, and then I did what I've been doing lately which is I don't say bye and I don't say anything along the lines of "I had fun" or "thanks for your time" (this comes out in many guises because of my feelings of low value, which is a terrible habit, and something I only picked up on recently, because of the subtlety with which it hides itself)... I just hold the intense eye contact for quite some time and then turn away, so I left her quite guessing if there would be a second date, et cetera.

So yeah, if touch is causing an investment mismatch it's good to escalate verbally with sexual and chase frames and in your body language with strong ec and so on. I'm hopeful that this strategy has worked.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 11, 2013
Hey Ray,

Been reading a couple of your recent posts. Great job with the Latina!! It's awesome you've come so far. Keep it up for sure, you're pretty awesome inspiration!!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Thanks Edd, I wouldn't have thought of myself as an inspiration except in terms of grinding it out and making incredibly slow progress, but anyway after Nina I've laid 6 new girls this year, so that's approximately one per month. I feel that I am close to "standard abundance" in the sense that I could get a new girl within a week or two of hard grinding, until recently it has taken me a month (as I said), but I am seeing some improvement, it remains to be seen whether that's sustainable or just a blip though.

Today was just a really funny day, plenty of IDGAF approaching and I was kind of tired and drained from early start to make kids lunches etc, but I started the day pretty well, banged out a few approaches as I left the station, stuff like "your scarf is very eye catching, you're off to work now?" ... get basic info, what's your name etc... or "you are very tall and gorgeous, I haven't seen you around here before... I wanted to compliment you blah blah blah"... I didn't really push hard, since I was basically just amusing myself. Encountered this chick walking along my ex-wife's street who I often see at that time and have approached and complimented before, said "oh, hi" and that kind of thing. Then in the bakery where we normally get a snack (each of the kids can choose a pastry) I greeted the girl with "hi darling" and belatedly got introduced.

So on the train back from school to home, train was medium crowded and I intervened before my son could choose a seat and grabbed a spot where there were 3 or 4 hot Asian girls in random seats around (with some other unattractive fat or old people dotted in between)... one of the cuties insisted on getting up for us, I tried to have her sit down again (joking that she could sit in my lap), ended up having a pretty long convo with her, while I was locked in and she was standing in the aisle. 21, Chinese, postgrad student (!), pretty damn cute, she's at my uni... I was just grabbing general info and asking stuff like where does she live, is it in a share house, are her housemates Chinese... asked her out, but she said busy (with exams) so I casually changed the subject, was gonna rinse/repeat but ended up instead having her sit opposite me and then teach me some more Chinese... since I didn't really GAF that much. Ended up just farewelling her with a warm cheek kiss as she got to her stop.

Why this was funny was the preselection aspect, other hotty was kinda glancing over at us and smiling at my son's antics, so I opened her as well and chatted a little, she was apologizing for her English which was admittedly pretty basic, she's Thai and enrolled in a 1yr English course, has been here since December. This happens to be something I specialize in (nice simple conversation that she can understand), I had to go pretty basic but she loved it, I got a basic deep-dive in, which I thought was pretty impressive given the language difficulty (what kind of work does she do in Thailand, will she be needing English for this, is she considering a career change and so forth). I had to break it all down pretty simple for her, but she became extremely engaged, so I grabbed her number and also cheek kissed and felt her arse as she got off.

Banged out a little more approaching in the supermarket near the central station (this is a top spot for approaching), spoke to some 30ish woman in nice clothes who was shopping for the tea break at work (opened with "I'm gonna need your basket please" because I bought a bit more shit than I expected and was juggling it in my hands, and she actually went to give me her basket, hahaha it was incredibly funny but I told her I was only kidding, also complimented her and so forth). Um, long conversation with the girl supervising the self checkout systems, Indian with nice eye makeup that I complimented... she got distracted by another customer, but I gave her a cheery wave and a "bye darling" as we left. Approached a few other women on the way home and had one longer conversation, I also made hungry eyes at quite a few young hotties that I didn't approach, because my eye contact discipline, while much improved in recent weeks, is still somewhat lacking at times when I'm sleep deprived.

In the entranceway an extremely cute young thing was waiting with a carryall, I said "ohh great, you've come to stay with me for a bit"... she laughed "you're Korean" "yes" "you have a Korean look... what's your name?" ... we get introduced, and I discover she's moving in that day. I wouldn't be surprised if it's with my JP friend. I ask which floor, she isn't sure. My son needs attention, I briefly consider a number grab, but I decide it's too soon and it would be weird. I tell her that I hope I'll see her again.

Took a breather at home, checked GC and let my son watch a little TV while I cleaned, then we went out and I platonically engaged a married hotty in the park who was wearing workout gear and had a 3 year old son with her. Turns out she does social media marketing from home for a family business so I had a fair bit to talk with her about. Conversation went on a bit long though, I could detect a kind of anti-hook point when I gave one too many details about my former work, and she eventually bailed. Umm, took my son to museum, said a "hi there" to a hot primary school teacher leading an excursion, but didn't get to speak to her, she gave me a nice smile though. Briefly engaged an Irish tourist chick in the museum, but we soon bailed cos my son needed attention. Made a few other approaches that were ignored, but did not care.

The school run after that wasn't too interesting, kids were tired and acting up so I was fully engaged in caring for them and breaking up fights and trying to get them to sit in seats and that kind of stuff (they kept wriggling around and climbing and kicking and getting foot marks all over my clothes etc, which never thrills me). I cooked a sick arse meal of pizza and a sick arse dessert of strawberries, a chocolate cookie, a marshmallow and a scoop of icecream each. While the pizza was rising I left kids watching TV and ducked out to the post office where I did another approach of a hot blonde haired chick waiting in line ahead of me, I made various joking remarks which I found funny, but she failed to hook, I did not really care. Anyway, met someone I knew, an attractive married woman who is the administrator for my research group, so we caught up.

So after we completed the routine of bath, pyjamas, dressing gowns, socks and shoes, I took kids back down to the station and we jumped on a train. In the station I pussied out on an approach of a 30ish Chinese woman in pantyhose (my eye contact discipline was good so I didn't see her face till later, it was only average)... but on the train I introduced myself to a blonde haired chick I was sitting next to, conversation fizzled out immediately and she returned to her phone, I kind of thought she was a bit of a stuck up bitch, but on the other hand... I realized my mistake with both these blonde haired chicks was forgetting my sexual vibe, shying away from their eye contact and generally being a chode. After we got off, I approached a girl who'd been sitting a few rows behind us and whom I'd checked out several times and made eye contact with once (I think I hastily broke it to the side). Had a basic but platonic convo until reaching the station exit. Approached another girl in the underpass, similar kinda deal there.

Anyway I have been saving the best for last, I was just fucking around with my phone on the return journey (by myself, having done the changeover of the kids back to their mum), when I saw a real stunner get on, I immediately straightened up and tried to catch her eye to indicate she sit with me, but she was on the phone and ended up sitting with her back to me a few rows in front. I didn't really care and went back to my phone, but she got off at my stop. So I strategically noted which way she was walking and timed myself to come out from behind a pillar right in front of her and cut her off, this worked better than I expected. Conversation with sizzling eye contact:
Me: You are very tall and gorgeous
Her: ...
Me: I saw you sitting in front of me in the train
Her: ... thanks
Her: I'm just trying to figure out which way to go
Me: you're coming with me
Her: ... Blahbleh street?
Me: yeah its actually Blahblah street, follow me
Her: okay (we're on the escalator by now, it's very long)
Me: who were you talking to on the phone?
Her: (intrigued) my girlfriend
Me: ohh, then you don't have a boyfriend?
Her: actually I do unfortunately
Me: (I dial up the sexy vibe) what happens in Blahblah street......stays in Blahblah street
Her: (a bit flustered) oh err thankyou umm I can't
Me: those jeans...they look amazing on you (they're tight as, her arse looks very fine)
Me: ... your name is?
(we get introduced and shake hands, I should have held onto her hand and not given it back)
(I hold eye contact for a bit, we reach the top)
Me: well I suppose you can go that way (I direct her the appropriate gate), I'm going this way
(I hold eye contact a bit longer and we part ways)
Yah, pretty amusing, I was happy that I got a bit more sexy vibe practice in after being a chode on the previous few approaches (I was soo exhausted though...) I did one other joking approach to some girl near my apartment, something like "walk with me" ... "who are you texting?" "your boyfriend" ... tsk tsk tsk (shaking my head in a disappointed manner) "I don't think I can allow that" ... haha, it's not really going anywhere, so I laugh, breaking the tension and walk off. I see some other hotty cross my path, but I'm a bit slow on the open, and then I can't quite catch up by the time I reach my building. Anyway, a very sociable and funny day, just the one number however.

I texted that number early in the day (the Thai chick) with an icebreaker to which she responded a few hours later, although she did not really give me much, it was something. So I texted her again from the train with an attempted rapport building text, nothing back yet and I'm not so hopeful, I didn't really establish a strong connection. I also called the Indian chick that I really liked and found relatable, but she didn't pick up. I left a voice message. It wasn't as sexy as I had hoped, but probably it will do.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
A bit of a bullshit few days, I'm fucking horny, have not fapped in a few weeks, did a little approaching while out and about with my kids, but also pussied out a lot and haven't had good ec discipline (outside of interactions) or good ec (in interactions). Actually I am happy with some of the compliment-eject I did, to keep my hand in so to speak, and some of the flirting I did... (my son asks me what I like about this restaurant, I turn to the register where both chicks are standing and indicate the short dyed blonde one whom I like and loudly repeat the question and then answer it "...my girlfriend", they both eat it up, I get some basic info etc).

I tried a little texting game throughout the day but it's utter bullshit, frustrating stuff, hard to decide what to send and easy to put a foot wrong too, I think my timing might be off also, since I am genuinely busy it seems like they're just warming up and starting to respond more quickly, then I leave it 5 hours and come back with something flirty that would have fit well after 1hr but after 5hrs the vibe has died. Still, I suppose I should not really care whether anything happens. I can always go out and get some new girls I suppose, but I don't want to, I want to work with what I have.

I feel I may have wasted an oppportunity at dinner, it was hosted by my brother so his gf's extended family came too, there was a sexy woman there who I remembered flirting with and deep diving for like ages last time, only I came face to face with her immediately upon entering and it caught me by surprise, couldn't fuckin remember anything about her, anyway she's enthusiastically greeted me by name and I've said wow, good job and then turned to her mother-in-law and quickly escaped to deal with coats and get a drink, she seemed to go a bit cold on me after that.

So I found out her name and casually struck up a conversation with her later (she was sitting near me to eat, and chatting with various family members), she starts asking about my research and I counter with "you are working these days, as I recall" and it starts coming back, anyway my ec was strong at first, but slowly fell apart as it was noisy and I chose to lipread, a bad habit cos I could do that in my peripherals if I really tried. I also move closer so as to hear, although I cover it by touching her arm. I inquire after her husband and it turns out this fucker is on a week-plus boys' vacation to Vegas, his wife doesn't sound totally down with it either, haha. I was so busy mentally congratulating him that I fuckin forgot to give her the intense ec and touch say "away with the boys, you must be very lonely"... whatever she said I would then say "drinking and womanizing... you may need to make a pre-emptive strike"... haha would have been great to deliver with a straight face and intense sexual vibe. I don't think she would've been down but I wish I had at least tried to get her number or whatnot. Cos why not really. We were on the bus, if I'd had child seats with me I would've asked her for a lift home, that would've been game on I'd say.

Anyway I'll see what I can set up in coming days with my current raw materials, but I am considering taking some half days off work to go daygaming in the city, if the weather is good I have found about 1pm to 5pm is the best time window, with the peak in about the middle. I notice a drastic dropoff in women walking alone after about 6.30pm, but lots of groups or women walking with guys after that time. Approaching is also basically bullshit before 9am usually.

I want to do more nightgame but I find that I am really tired in the nights, the last time I basically forced myself to do it after having pussied out the previous night and fallen asleep on the couch instead of going out, I will do my best but the window is basically Thu/Fri/Sat, which frustrates me as I'm often not in the mood at that time. Anyway I'm totally keen to lock down the current aspects of game I'm working on, I reckon I could be getting regular daygame and nightgame lays if I actually put the effort in, but I'm not doing so. Fuck.

Another bullshit issue is Sayuri, I posted a question about her and got some responses, then I didn't initiate text for a long time as situation was annoying me a bit, I figured if she wants to have relationship talk all the time, she must be more keen than I thought, so I should let her reinitiate (though to be fair, she had sent the last text)... well she did not, and eventually I weakened and figured I was being a dick to prove a point and I should just act naturally and do what I wanted to do, which was to re-initiate, which I did. This led to some desultory chitchat, I have been trying to invite her to share more, but her life seems pretty boring atm, so I'm not really sure how to engage her more fully. I think it'd be better to skip the text chitchat altogether, but I feel needy at times and want the validation, also it feels mean to just ignore her. What really fuckin frustrates me is she has no SIM so I cannot just pick up the phone and call her for 10min a few times a week as I would normally do. I feel partly responsible for this, having recommended a provider that I used in the past that apparently now has some problems. Fuck. I shouldn't be getting drawn into her fuckin life issues.

On the plus side I hung out with my ex Leticia for the first time since our breakup and we had a really great time, she is fuckin solid and I respect her a lot. I think the breakup took a lot of pressure off our relationship and enabled us to be more natural with each other and I'm grateful for that, and that she doesn't seem upset with me anymore. We had several long phone convo as well, pretty much like before, but I am refraining from being needy and initiating these.

All in all, time for a focus on new pussy.