Thanks Edd, I wouldn't have thought of myself as an inspiration except in terms of grinding it out and making incredibly slow progress, but anyway after Nina I've laid 6 new girls this year, so that's approximately one per month. I feel that I am close to "standard abundance" in the sense that I could get a new girl within a week or two of hard grinding, until recently it has taken me a month (as I said), but I am seeing some improvement, it remains to be seen whether that's sustainable or just a blip though.
Today was just a really funny day, plenty of IDGAF approaching and I was kind of tired and drained from early start to make kids lunches etc, but I started the day pretty well, banged out a few approaches as I left the station, stuff like "your scarf is very eye catching, you're off to work now?" ... get basic info, what's your name etc... or "you are very tall and gorgeous, I haven't seen you around here before... I wanted to compliment you blah blah blah"... I didn't really push hard, since I was basically just amusing myself. Encountered this chick walking along my ex-wife's street who I often see at that time and have approached and complimented before, said "oh, hi" and that kind of thing. Then in the bakery where we normally get a snack (each of the kids can choose a pastry) I greeted the girl with "hi darling" and belatedly got introduced.
So on the train back from school to home, train was medium crowded and I intervened before my son could choose a seat and grabbed a spot where there were 3 or 4 hot Asian girls in random seats around (with some other unattractive fat or old people dotted in between)... one of the cuties insisted on getting up for us, I tried to have her sit down again (joking that she could sit in my lap), ended up having a pretty long convo with her, while I was locked in and she was standing in the aisle. 21, Chinese, postgrad student (!), pretty damn cute, she's at my uni... I was just grabbing general info and asking stuff like where does she live, is it in a share house, are her housemates Chinese... asked her out, but she said busy (with exams) so I casually changed the subject, was gonna rinse/repeat but ended up instead having her sit opposite me and then teach me some more Chinese... since I didn't really GAF that much. Ended up just farewelling her with a warm cheek kiss as she got to her stop.
Why this was funny was the preselection aspect, other hotty was kinda glancing over at us and smiling at my son's antics, so I opened her as well and chatted a little, she was apologizing for her English which was admittedly pretty basic, she's Thai and enrolled in a 1yr English course, has been here since December. This happens to be something I specialize in (nice simple conversation that she can understand), I had to go pretty basic but she
loved it, I got a basic deep-dive in, which I thought was pretty impressive given the language difficulty (what kind of work does she do in Thailand, will she be needing English for this, is she considering a career change and so forth). I had to break it all down pretty simple for her, but she became extremely engaged, so I grabbed her number and also cheek kissed and felt her arse as she got off.
Banged out a little more approaching in the supermarket near the central station (this is a
top spot for approaching), spoke to some 30ish woman in nice clothes who was shopping for the tea break at work (opened with "I'm gonna need your basket please" because I bought a bit more shit than I expected and was juggling it in my hands, and she actually went to give me her basket, hahaha it was incredibly funny but I told her I was only kidding, also complimented her and so forth). Um, long conversation with the girl supervising the self checkout systems, Indian with nice eye makeup that I complimented... she got distracted by another customer, but I gave her a cheery wave and a "bye darling" as we left. Approached a few other women on the way home and had one longer conversation, I also made hungry eyes at quite a few young hotties that I didn't approach, because my eye contact discipline, while much improved in recent weeks, is still somewhat lacking at times when I'm sleep deprived.
In the entranceway an
extremely cute young thing was waiting with a carryall, I said "ohh great, you've come to stay with me for a bit"... she laughed "you're Korean" "yes" "you have a Korean look... what's your name?" ... we get introduced, and I discover she's moving in that day. I wouldn't be surprised if it's with my JP friend. I ask which floor, she isn't sure. My son needs attention, I briefly consider a number grab, but I decide it's too soon and it would be weird. I tell her that I hope I'll see her again.
Took a breather at home, checked GC and let my son watch a little TV while I cleaned, then we went out and I platonically engaged a married hotty in the park who was wearing workout gear and had a 3 year old son with her. Turns out she does social media marketing from home for a family business so I had a fair bit to talk with her about. Conversation went on a bit long though, I could detect a kind of anti-hook point when I gave one too many details about my former work, and she eventually bailed. Umm, took my son to museum, said a "hi there" to a hot primary school teacher leading an excursion, but didn't get to speak to her, she gave me a nice smile though. Briefly engaged an Irish tourist chick in the museum, but we soon bailed cos my son needed attention. Made a few other approaches that were ignored, but did not care.
The school run after that wasn't too interesting, kids were tired and acting up so I was fully engaged in caring for them and breaking up fights and trying to get them to sit in seats and that kind of stuff (they kept wriggling around and climbing and kicking and getting foot marks all over my clothes etc, which never thrills me). I cooked a sick arse meal of pizza and a sick arse dessert of strawberries, a chocolate cookie, a marshmallow and a scoop of icecream each. While the pizza was rising I left kids watching TV and ducked out to the post office where I did another approach of a hot blonde haired chick waiting in line ahead of me, I made various joking remarks which I found funny, but she failed to hook, I did not really care. Anyway, met someone I knew, an attractive married woman who is the administrator for my research group, so we caught up.
So after we completed the routine of bath, pyjamas, dressing gowns, socks and shoes, I took kids back down to the station and we jumped on a train. In the station I pussied out on an approach of a 30ish Chinese woman in pantyhose (my eye contact discipline was good so I didn't see her face till later, it was only average)... but on the train I introduced myself to a blonde haired chick I was sitting next to, conversation fizzled out immediately and she returned to her phone, I kind of thought she was a bit of a stuck up bitch, but on the other hand... I realized my mistake with both these blonde haired chicks was forgetting my sexual vibe, shying away from their eye contact and generally being a chode. After we got off, I approached a girl who'd been sitting a few rows behind us and whom I'd checked out several times and made eye contact with once (I think I hastily broke it to the side). Had a basic but platonic convo until reaching the station exit. Approached another girl in the underpass, similar kinda deal there.
Anyway I have been saving the best for last, I was just fucking around with my phone on the return journey (by myself, having done the changeover of the kids back to their mum), when I saw a real stunner get on, I immediately straightened up and tried to catch her eye to indicate she sit with me, but she was on the phone and ended up sitting with her back to me a few rows in front. I didn't really care and went back to my phone, but she got off at my stop. So I strategically noted which way she was walking and timed myself to come out from behind a pillar right in front of her and cut her off, this worked better than I expected. Conversation with sizzling eye contact:
Me: You are very tall and gorgeous
Her: ...
Me: I saw you sitting in front of me in the train
Her: ... thanks
Her: I'm just trying to figure out which way to go
Me: you're coming with me
Her: ... Blahbleh street?
Me: yeah its actually Blahblah street, follow me
Her: okay (we're on the escalator by now, it's very long)
Me: who were you talking to on the phone?
Her: (intrigued) my girlfriend
Me: ohh, then you don't have a boyfriend?
Her: actually I do unfortunately
Me: (I dial up the sexy vibe) what happens in Blahblah street......stays in Blahblah street
Her: (a bit flustered) oh err thankyou umm I can't
Me: those jeans...they look amazing on you (they're tight as, her arse looks very fine)
Me: ... your name is?
(we get introduced and shake hands, I should have held onto her hand and not given it back)
(I hold eye contact for a bit, we reach the top)
Me: well I suppose you can go that way (I direct her the appropriate gate), I'm going this way
(I hold eye contact a bit longer and we part ways)
Yah, pretty amusing, I was happy that I got a bit more sexy vibe practice in after being a chode on the previous few approaches (I was soo exhausted though...) I did one other joking approach to some girl near my apartment, something like "walk with me" ... "who are you texting?" "your
boyfriend" ... tsk tsk tsk (shaking my head in a disappointed manner) "I don't think I can allow that" ... haha, it's not really going anywhere, so I laugh, breaking the tension and walk off. I see some other hotty cross my path, but I'm a bit slow on the open, and then I can't quite catch up by the time I reach my building. Anyway, a very sociable and funny day, just the one number however.
I texted that number early in the day (the Thai chick) with an icebreaker to which she responded a few hours later, although she did not really give me much, it was something. So I texted her again from the train with an attempted rapport building text, nothing back yet and I'm not so hopeful, I didn't really establish a strong connection. I also called the Indian chick that I really liked and found relatable, but she didn't pick up. I left a voice message. It wasn't as sexy as I had hoped, but probably it will do.