Hey, today was a really funny day. Bit of a slow start as I had to do some work for a university social club that I'm on the committee of, it turned out to be a real pain in the arse and by the time I got it done it was already about 3.30pm. Couldn't concentrate so I browsed the web a bit, I had to meet jdoc from these boards (shout out to jdoc
) after close of business, so I decided to head into town and do some approaches to get in the mood. I had taken great care of my appearance (ironed a shirt in the morning and taken it to uni, planned out my outfit so I wouldn't look too threatening with current hairstyle, and collected a lot of compliments through the day).
Initial results a bit mixed.
Approached on the tram and had an okay conversation, asked her for compliance (walk to Myer with me), was dealing with her excuses when she suddenly got to her stop and bailed. She wasn't attractive enough to ask for a number (a theme that recurred a lot throughout the day) but she seemed nice. Stupidly I stayed on the tram when I should have got off, so I could've just grabbed her hand and said "this is your stop" (had checked logistics) and led her off the tram, but I didn't think of it. A bit rusty.
Went to buy some nailpolish, there were quite a few approaches I should've done but I wasn't in the mood, in my head a bit. But I was happy just to follow a plan of doing some errands and approaching incidentally if I felt like it. Chatted to shop assistant but no attraction. I did approach a cute Japanese looking woman in the department store but only got as far as hello, she didn't acknowledge me and I didn't push it (another theme that recurred a lot throughout the day -- I was a bit rusty in that department too).
So I went to Starbucks to put my nailpolish on, umm said hello to a girl in the line, got ignored, but gathered up some balls while we were waiting for the drinks and approached her properly, she was quite pleasant and I had a quick conversation. My drink came quickly so I just said "I'm going upstairs, join me", knowing she wouldn't, (was waiting for a friend), but it's still fun asking for compliance. In about 50% of my interactions today I asked for compliance, I did a lot of compliance openers as well. Got a few smiles from a girl sitting opposite me as I put my nailpolish on, with a little banter and a few questions, but she didn't really respond, was glued to her phone.
So I decided I was going to leave but before I did I pushed myself a bit. I saw a real little cutie sitting down the other end working on a laptop, so I gathered up my balls and went over, sat down at her table and she flat out ignored me, it was a bit off putting. Anyway, she was busy. So I sat there for a while wondering what to do and eventually opened her properly by saying "I decided to award you a study break". Actually, she responded pleasantly enough, but I couldn't hear her well, so I bailed.
It occurred to me at this point that I was approaching because I wanted to warm up and get in the mood (I wasn't really in the mood, but the appointment with jdoc couldn't be postponed, so it was good to have a little pressure), I wasn't really doing it out of genuine desire to make her smile. So decided to backoff a little and just go for a walk to a shop I knew where a friend might be working. On the way I opened a Thai girl in a group and had a nice conversation, invited her to clubbing with us later but nogo.
I saw a mega hotty with 2 friends come out of a university building and stopped her and opened her "I saw you come out of the building and ..." but she'd already lost interest. I realized I just wasn't being dynamic enough, I could have been all excited "hey there! YOU LOOK GREAT! is this how you go to uni everyday?!" My next approach was a girl crossing the road, I saw her get out a pack of mints the same as one I had in my pocket. So I pulled mine out and asked her to open it for me, telling her I'd just done my nails and didn't want to ruin them. She complied, I then tried to talk to her a little, but nogo really, I invited her to walk with me back to the shopping centre where I was meeting jdoc but she hadn't hooked and she declined. So walked back there myself, a few approaches I should've done but was still in my head a bit.
At the meeting spot, which is a popular meeting spot, I wanted to follow my usual process of opening lots of cute girls with "so, you're waiting for someone...?", had a few brief interactions but nothing too noteworthy. But, I had a nice interaction when I walked over to a cute Chinese girl standing nearby and said "you're waiting for someone?" she agreed, so I said "about 6 foot, blonde hair...?" and she laughed. She was an architecture major at my uni. I liked her, I could've asked her out (was only borderline attracted) but my deep diving was only about 90% on point, I collected some info about her but skipped around a bit and I didn't think she was sharing particularly deeply. Anyway, I added some touch and when her friend was spied in the distance I said "amazing, she's almost as cute as you"... anyway, just briefly said hi to the friend and let my girl go, didn't matter, but I felt a fair bit better having finally had a decent interaction (the first since the tram conversation about 10 approaches previously).
jdoc had messaged me he was running a few mins late, next girl I opened was completely disinterested so I just sat next to her and waited around a bit and then met jdoc, this was really awesome (again, shout out to jdoc). Some other dudes he knew came over too and we ended up having a long conversation about game, I hope I can meet these guys for gaming later. Also turns out jdoc knows PrettyDecent which is great too, I was gonna suggest we all game together at some point, but no need to sweat it since jdoc can set something up at the appropriate time (shout out to PrettyDecent here
). But anyway I grabbed one of the other dude's numbers and we might game together sometime [edit: just texted the dude and he's responded "no worries mate", man of few words but apparently he's down for the plan, so that's good].
So now we decided to do a little approaching, this was super fun, I wasn't really following much of a process just grabbing random girls and saying whatever came in my head and many of them just fucked off, this led to a conversation with jdoc about gaming styles -- I tend to mass approach and screen a lot with playful antics and touch, but I want to be more of a generalist, anyway today I felt my vibe was off, so that's why the shotgun approaching wasn't working, I would've done better to slow down a bit and use more of a scripted opener like "I was just XXX and I noticed how amazingly cute you are and YYY". But anyway it was all good fun.
We gradually meandered over to an upmarket shopping centre with a lot of fashion stores and predictably lots of hot women. jdoc was doing extremely well, the funny thing is we go for TOTALLY different women but anyway he had a lot of long conversations in which I'd visit nearby shops and chat to shop assistants or whatnot to pass the time, umm think he got some numbers etc, but no doubt he'll write his own report at some point. I was still not really discovering my vibe, but I did chat to a uniqlo assistant: Hi, what can I get you today? ... ohh well I was just planning to talk to you, I thought you were a customer... what's your name, etc... pretty soon she asked again what I wanted and I said playfully "your phone number" ... backed off a little "only teasing you" and chatted a fair bit about the merchandise, seasons etc... got subject back onto her and discovered some basic info, well she wasn't really down, but the whole interaction was good practice, she was a nice girl and I enjoyed talking to her.
I then did another interaction which I was extremely proud of, when I left uniqlo store I saw a real tall gorgeous hotty ahead of me so I squeezed past her on the escalator and stood one step down (at eye level to her) and RIGHT in her space and opened in a sexy drawl with strong EC "you look like you need somebody to talk to"... ended up complimenting her eyeshadow and asking if she was Korean... Japanese so I broke out the JP but unfortunately hit ground level and she wasn't interested and left. Meh.
Meanwhile through all this jdoc was talking to various women and doing well from what I could ascertain. We decided to wander back over to the original shopping centre and try the supermarket, which was what I had suggested in the first place (this particular supermarket is GREAT for my demographic and gaming style)... HAHA, rediscovered my vibe properly for the first time in months, this was fucking hilarious. My first interaction was with a girl looking at apples, I opened her "could you please pick out some apples for me?" ... she was a bit confused so I clarified, "what kind of apple should I buy?" ... "should I go cheaper... or is shinier better?" ... she's looking pretty dubious so I took an apple and said playfully "well, you can be my assistant... take a bite and tell me what you think" ... she laughed and I spent a while trying to convince her to take a bite of the apple but eventually she moved off. This was a really funny interaction, as I said, in many of my interactions I asked for compliance. My next approach was to a cute Chinese girl choosing meat. This went really well. I asked her what she was cooking and started asking a bit about her. I can't really remember what we talked about but I eventually asked her to coffee after shopping (didn't think I was attracted enough to ask for a number but she was cute), anyway she showed signs of moving off eventually, so I just said "come here", pulled her in and gave her a big kiss on the cheek "nice to meet you [her name]", apparently jdoc's been in the next aisle and heard a huge "mwa" and thought WTF? he reported that she looked a bit dazed after this. haha. I was totally in the mood after this and the next interaction was much more on point, I complimented the big bow in her hair and chatted a little about Vietnamese and Vietnamese food etc, told her she was to be my research assistant and to call her mother and find out how to cook good pho, and we would meet for coffee later in the week to discuss the pho we're going to make. She gave a number, although no response to icebreaker so I suspect it's a flake. Well, I had that feeling at the time, but it was still a really fun interaction.
Yeah so I felt MUCH better after this, didn't feel like such a lame-ass chode, we did some more approaching in the shopping centre and I had a VERY fun interaction with a seated girl who is apparently an executive assistant, just said teasing things like "ahh so you run the company while your boss sits around looking pretty?" ... she demurred so I then countered with "ahh, you prefer a good strong dominant man to tell you what to do?"... she giggled... teased her a little about having no boyfriend but apparently she does have one. Was a little lost here for a moment so I just fixed her with very strong eye contact for a long time and told her sternly "This will NOT DO!" ... she's like "...?" and I replied angrily "WRONG answer!"... she laughed. Asked a bit about her family "ohh, you have a sister, is she as cute as you?" ... she giggled "does SHE have a boyfriend?"... she giggled... chewed the fat with her a little (this girl looked amazing, very fashionable and beautiful, seated but looked tall for a Vietnamese-Australian, beautiful makeup, and we vibed well, I would have LOVED a date with her), dropped the ball on deep diving though, I started to ask a bit about her goals but I couldn't really relate, since her main plan was to go to secretarial college and get better at what she already does. Hmm. She said "I really AM taken though" and I replied "well I'm happy that I made my interest so plain, because it's easy to be a nice guy and have those boring friendly conversations, so I'm considering this conversation a huge success". So eventually I bailed saying "well I will have to get on, but I would CERTAINLY have invited you for a coffee". She was pretty happy.
I then had to hang around for a while since jdoc was not there, he texted he was about to do an approach so I texted back my location... umm said hello to a few girls, had a really funny bantering session with a French girl and her French guy colleague... she wanted to whiten my smile, I said "ohh does that come with a smile?" ... yes, she smiled widely at this "does it come with a kiss as well?" she's like "ohh ahh hmm well we'll see" and I'm like "AH, these vague promises! Soon as I buy you're all business, no kiss! I KNOW your game! HAHA" and she's giggled at this, I ended up guessing she might be Tunisian (she isn't, but I was partly on the money since Tunisians speak French) and she discussed her skin colour and asked whether I find her attractive, I said YES I certainly do, you look AMAZING. I probably would have asked for a hangout eventually, but she got distracted by a client, and I ended up talking to the dude for a while as well. Still no jdoc so I went to a cosmetics store and bought some soaps which I had previously bought, dude asked me where I usually buy these products and I said in Japan, he was Japanese so we chatted in JP for a long time. I also gave him a bracelet I bought in a store (to kill time while jdoc was doing an approach) since I had a whole handful of them, and we exchanged numbers, he's very cool.
jdoc texted he had a date so I was pretty cool with this, feeling a bit exhausted, no tangible results except one flaky number but had a fucking BLAST. Decided to head home and write up a report, but lingered a little on the way, as I was leaving in the escalator I opened another real cutie, complimented her black and white dress and asked her to open her coat and show it to me properly (she didn't comply), we reached street level and I was gonna ask her to walk with me, but realized I was going the other way to her and her friend, so I farewelled her with touch and went my way. First I went to a bar and I noticed a girl I knew there, that I pulled home a few weeks back, but didn't like very much (I acted pretty beta on the date, so it's not really her fault, but still left a nasty taste in my mouth), I said hi to her and she greeted me in an okay fashion, but then vaguely indicated a table of her friends and then turned away and ignored me, I think she meant me to join her friends and she'd be there later, but I was a bit slow on the uptake, also found her behaviour unfriendly, so I just sat down with some dude and finished my drink and left. Then I went to a coffee shop I know, did a few approaches here and there on the way, but nothing too serious, mainly just complimenting girls, and reactions were basically good (a big contrast to previously, because I was warmed up, not in my head, body language and facial expressions on point, in a completely giving mood, had my IDGAF vibe, etc).
In the coffee shop I encountered a girl who I really like and have had long conversations with (she works there), so we reconnected pretty well, I stayed about 40min and had various fragmentary conversations with her in between customers and the training she was doing with a new Chinese employee (also reasonably cute, I've spoken to her a few times but her English isn't great). I'm really proud of myself, she complimented my appearance (something that happened a lot throughout the night) and I responded "I was just thinking the same about you"... later she was putting on lipgloss (looked great) and I teased her "I know all your beauty secrets now... your lips are VERY kissable!"... she laughed. I asked her for a hangout soon after but nogo, she has a boyfriend which I think she has already told me previously, but I forgot because it's been quite a while. Anyway, I'm just so proud that I ACTUALLY DID IT. Another fun interaction was a pair of girls were standing outside the shop so I waved at the cute one and smiled and blew her a kiss (in a very playful way that I have perfected by doing this a lot in Japan, also did it with a very cute Chinese MILF the other day in the city here), not really trying to get anything except to make her smile, which she did. I LOVE making women smile.
Yeah so I'm keen to read jdoc's report, overall this was a very fun outing in which I rediscovered my vibe after a long time, really had to persist for a number of hours and through plenty of boring beta conversations in which I'd basically forgotten how to game, but the supermarket was the turning point for me. We must do it again ASAP.