July 26
Today was a landmark day for me. My best day so far since when I re-started cold approach since October last year. 3 proper direct approaches!
Funnily, I think the main reason I got the drive to do 3 approaches is because of the brush off I got in the first one.
1st Approach
Asian girl walking. I stop her and she takes out her earphones.
Me: Hi, I just saw you as I was walking and I thought you looked very stylish, so I wanted to come say hi.
Her: Ahh thanks.
Me: Are you from Korea by any chance?
Her: Nope. I am busy. (Walks off)
That hurt a bit. But it was so minor that I was surprised. Something like this would have destroyed me even a few months ago. But now I felt bad for about 10 seconds. Then I felt satisfied that I had done my task for the day.
But I I was not quite satisfied to call it a day with just that and felt like doing 1 more at least. 2 minutes later, I see a girl with a really cool hairdo.
2nd Approach
Girl walking slowly looking around. She stops the moment I get near her.
Me: Hey, I think your hair looks great. It caught my eye so I wanted to come say hi.
Her: Ohh thanks a lot.
(After this some basic convo about where she is from, what she is doing here etc.)
Then I go for the close, tell her I would love to take her out for a drink. She tells me she has a boyfriend but that it was great that I approached her. We then talk a little more and then say goodbye.)
After this I felt way better. I was satisfied with my work for today and decided to move on with my day and go shopping for grocceries.
Then as I am walking I see another girl. She is quite stunning. Definitely hotter than the girls I usually approach. I look at her and think ahh one day I will be approaching and getting these kind of girls. Something to look forward to.
But then I realize she is walking in the same direction as me and I let her walk ahead of me. 2 minutes in, my brain starts saying just fucking go for it. So I decide sure, why not.
3rd Approach
Again same thing. She is walking, I come up and stop her and deliver my compliment. She likes it but her English is bad and she is looking at maps and is late to meet a friend. But I say 2 seconds and continue the convo. Get some basic info about her and she again tells me she needs to go. I then just go for it and ask her out.

(my balls are growing

She then tells me she has a boyfriend of 9 years. I joke around that maybe next time I see her, she will be married and walking here with a kid. She laughs and we talk some more and then part ways.
I am on cloud 9 after this. Its been 5 days in a row now. And I can already see how I am getting more bold. But at the same time, I know this is just kind of like beginner gains. I need to remain consistent and really cement this change in my personality and behaviours for it to become a part of me. But hey one day at a time.