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A Stoic Journey


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
Quick but Important Update

Yesterday, I had my first pull since starting to learn daygame solo without any wingmen. It has roughly taken about a year. Last year was all about slow small progress, starting with asking for directions, to compliments to direct opens to then opening direct having conversations and going for the close and getting a couple of dates. Now finally, I have had a girl I met on the street, lying on my bed. 😀

This is a huge milestone for me. I feel like finally I believe, now that I have had the personal experience of doing this all by myself. Walking out of the house with just the clothes on my back, speaking to a girl, taking her for a coffee, getting her number, meeting her the next day and getting her to my place.

I have so many thoughts and aha moments and lessons that this experience and my journey so far has taught me. I am recording all of them in voice notes, will compile a field report later. But thanks to all you guys who have been reading this journal and my postings and encouraging and advising me here.

I knew this was coming. Well deserved outcome. Looking forward to the report
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
Hey man, I can totally relate about not feeling it and having resistance. I've always found the community is great motivation for me in the past. Just reading a few of these threads have got me pretty excited again. Keep up the great work!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Another update! 😀

I have been absent here for a while as I was trying to spend less time in the digital world and also make sure I am "actually doing more game" in the real world than talking about pickup.

It has been going great, 2 weeks since my first pull, now I have had another date. This year, we are still in February, and I have already got more results from cold approach than the entirety of last year. I am really excited, it feels amazing. Now this weekend I am going to sit and write down the FRs of both my pull and my date. I have learnt a lot about where I did things right and where I did things less optimally.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Finally got myself to write an FR of the girl I pulled a couple of weeks ago here!