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Ambiance's Ascension


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015


- See family over Xmas
- Get annuity under my control

- Get promoted
- Submit $10M
- Submit $25M
- Fund $5M
- Fund $10M
- Pay off Chase card

- CA driver's license
- Look into CA 2021 stimuli

- Exercise 6x/week (4 lifts, 2 swims)
- Monitor calories
- Hit TDEE chosen caloric average

- Skyrim Survival Mode
- 875 albums
- Read a book from list
- Watch several movies from list

- Take GF out most weeks
- Take a new girl

- Go out several times


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Successes italicized, failures bolded

- See family over Xmas- My ex broke up with me over text a few days into my trip, which put a serious damper on the rest of my visit. I got very drunk twice and made a fool of myself, and spent a lot of my time hiding in my room. But my family was understanding about it, and it was very nice having them to comfort me. Also, my dad got engaged! Something is lost, something is gained.
- Get annuity under my control- this isn't that pressing

- Get promoted- got a 10% salary bump, and more importantly, a 33% commission bump!
- Submit $10M- Practically did this in one month. However, a submissions are not fundings, something I unfortunately learned the hard way
- Submit $25M- admittedly this was a bit unrealistic
- Fund $5M- pretty much all my deals fell through. Some were my fault, some my team's fault, and some were out of our hands
- Fund $10M- to make matters worse, this really annoying and flamboyant coworker that started around the same time as me funded over this figure. He has essentially one client that is a total gold mine, and virtually all his deals pull through. Absolutely infuriating. It may take me awhile, but someday I am going to blow past this guy and never look back.
- Pay off Chase card- this leaves one last credit card to pay down, and then I will be (relatively) free

- CA driver's license-
didn't do this, and it cost me. Got a massive speeding ticket, and also got hit for not having a CA license
- Look into CA 2021 stimuli- goes hand in hand with getting registered.

- Exercise 6x/week (4 lifts, 2 swims)- December didn't go well, but threw myself back into the gym January and February to help cope with saying goodbye to my girlfriend. I've lost a lot of strength from where I was April/May, particularly in the bench... NEVER AGAIN WILL I TAKE TIME OFF.
- Monitor calories- the good news is I am once again below 240 pounds. While some of this weight lost has been muscle, my face is no longer chunky and I can fit into most of my clothes again. Was 265 at my peak in June.
- Hit TDEE chosen caloric average- been putting off reading this cutting book

- Skyrim Survival Mode- as always, I hit all my recreational goals. Skyrim Survival Mode is tedious at times, but oh so fun too. Can't imagine going back (although lack of fast travel gets old)
- 875 albums- 7/8s of 1000! I am now at eleven 5 star albums. 5 of them are Moonsorrow lolz... that band can do no wrong!
- Read a book from list- instead of a book, I read the entire comic series of The Boys. Big fan of the TV show. The comics are quite different... absolutely love Butcher, and despise Hughie.
- Watch several movies from list- banged out some Clint Eastwood Westerns. I am convinced Clint is the coolest SOB to ever walk the planet.

- Take GF out most weeks-
- Take a new girl- this idea was my Hail Mary for restoring attraction and respect... I am glad I didn't go through with it. I still don't know how I feel about "dalliances"... on the one hand, I don't see how you can be monogamous without losing your edge (unacceptable). On the other hand, I don't see completely explicit one-way non-exclusivity being sustainable, at least in the long run (and I want kids someday). I'm not doing an open relationship either. The "Sopranos" style of having comares/goomars that your wife implicitly knows about and accepts seems like a happy medium, so long as you still satisfy your wife's needs for security, romance, and sex. So I guess the next time I make a girl my girlfriend, I'll just keep seeing other girls, never lie about it but never talk about it with her either, and make sure she knows that no matter what I love and adore her and she is my #1.

- Go out several times- I always fail this goal! The truth is, I really don't like going out. I hate spending money on alcohol when I have my ways of getting it for free (if only I could share how much alcohol and other stuff I have "acquired" over the years! No one would believe me, except my best friend who I taught several of my methods and learned a few from him in return). Ubers are also super expensive in San Diego since gas is so high, thanks Biden. I also don't have reliable guys to go out with. Plus I already know how to day game. And yet I want that lifestyle. Once I am out of debt, I just gotta bite the bullet and start consistently going out alone, and just not buy alcohol. Maybe move somewhere closer to the bars (except I fucking loathe being near homeless people... if I had my way, I'd have all homeless sent to an island to fuck off forever)

OVERALL: 8/20= 40%. Very tough season. My job was my saving grace, even if I didn't make as much as I thought I would. I laid the groundwork for what turned into my best month yet in March, and after work got through a lot of soul-searching. Getting back in shape has been so nice too.

I don't want to dwell on Winter 2022 any longer. Now I just gotta post some Spring 2022 Goals (some of which I have already hit), and I want to do a proper post mortem of my relationship.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015


- Visit for brother's graduation

- Pay off all credit card debt
- Save up $5K emergency fund
- Fund $2.5M in a month
- Fund $7.5M total
- 25 submissions
- Land an account with over 100 originators

- Get CA license
- Fight speeding ticket

- Bench 365 again
- Read/implement Buff Dudes Cutting Book
- Get under 230 lbs

- 900 albums
- Finish Cheers rewatch
- Rewatch BCS s5
- Reread The Unchained Man
- See Amorphis live

- Three new lays
- A repeat customer
- Start going out every Friday/Saturday
- Go a month without watching porn

Do weekly beach volleyball


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015


- Visit for brother's graduation- decided June would be the best time to visit, but got it booked


- Pay off all credit card debt- FINALLY. Feels wonderful.
- Save up $5K emergency fund- I have the money, but may end up needing to use some of it already... we'll see how well work goes this month.
- Fund $2.5M in a month- first time I've done this. It won't be the last. I need to get to the point where this is my average, as this would be making over 6 figures (before taxes of course)
- Fund $7.5M total- typical me, never having funded $2.5M in a month and expecting to do it all three months of the season. Someday...
- 25 submissions- After getting 12 in a month, pretty much took April and May off and ended up with I believe 16 total. The market went to shit, which contributed, but ultimately my failure is my own, and relates to both distractibility and grief over my failed relationship. Which wasn't even really a failure... more on that later.
- Land an account with over 100 originators- landed several accounts with a few dozen LOs, but no major accounts. The one I tried hardest with was a brick wall.


- Get CA license- About time!
- Fight speeding ticket- trial hasn't happened, but I have several attorneys handling it. Gonna be expensive, but the alternative is not enjoying my kickass car.


- Bench 365 again- tweaking my shoulder/letting depression affect my consistency made it prudent not to attempt this. I did get 345 AFTER an intense session pretty handily, so I am sure there was a day I could have gotten 365 during this season... I'll get it again soon, once my shoulder is back to 100%. Then I shall maintain being able to bench 365 indefinitely, and in times of focus get back up to 375, 385. Eventually I want to be able to get 405 again, but without having to bulk up to 250+ pounds like I had to when I got it before.
- Read/implement Buff Dudes Cutting Book- I have cut calories, particularly carbs, while increasing daily protein intake. It seems to be working. Going to get even more extreme with it once I am back from my upcoming vacation.
- Get under 230 lbs- lowest I got was 231.8... not bad considering I was 265 at my peak (though you guys wouldn't believe how much of that was muscle... or maybe you would, knowing some of the numbers I put up in the gym at the height of my bulk)


- 900 albums- Newly christened 4.5/5s: Crack the Skye, The Conductor’s Departure, The Satanist, Above the Weeping World, On Strange Loops, Dead as Dreams. Additionally, I have now 5ed every Moonsorrow album minus their debut. They dominate my music tastes to the degree Wayne Gretzky dominated the NHL. To think, I have decades to come to further devour their music... and they may still come out with more albums! I'm so unbelievably satisfied with them, I don't even need them to.
- Finish Cheers rewatch- freaking love Sam and Diane. So contentious yet so much chemistry. My own ended relationship was likewise between two tragically attracted opposites, thus I was drawn back to this show.
- Rewatch BCS s5- Best show on TV right now. Season 6 has been horrifically good. Can't wait for the second half to come out in July, and I have season 3 of The Boys to tide me over in the meantime, which has also been excellent so far. (sidenote: I'm not watching any more new Star Wars content unless Dave Filoni, the guy who did The Clone Wars and contributed to The Mandalorian, is attached to it. Kenobi has been such a waste of potential. Absolutely loathe Disney)
- Reread The Unchained Man- while I didn't do this, I still did a ton of reading and journaling.
- See Amorphis live- was so cool. First concert I have been to of a top 20 band of mine. Riding that momentum, ended up going to several other concerts and having great times: Mastodon, Rotting Christ/Borknagar, and Atheist/Suffocation. Did a bunch of moshing. Highlights include: 1. leveling this cunt who spilled beer all over the mosh floor 3 times in 30 seconds... he left after the third time LMAO 2. deescalating a fight by smashing the face in of the perpetrator. Blood went everywhere, may have broken his nose. Security escorted him out, and some people applauded me.


- Three new lays- just got the one. Didn't try very hard. I know its an excuse, but I want to get fully back in shape before I go after women again.
- A repeat customer- would have been nice, but honestly I am terrified to get close to someone again.
- Start going out every Friday/Saturday- went out once. Couldn't get past screening out every girl there for failing my GF Test, despite telling myself I was there simply to rebound. I do want to get good at night game, though ONSs aren't too motivating to me, and I want nothing to do with party girls.
- Go a month without watching porn- ALMOST made it, but the combination of quitting porn, not having sex, and missing the good times with my ex shattered me... I am back off the wagon :/ Though still trying. I think I need consistent pussy to be able to quit porn for good.


Do weekly beach volleyball- this was fun. I like most of my teammates, and most of them really like me in turn. Helps I am tall and athletic! Gonna have to keep playing. And try to turn some of my acquaintances into friends... though I'm really not the social circle guy type... I dunno. I do need more friends.


Overall: 12/22= 54.5%. Not horrible, but could be better. For once I want to hit 80% of my goals!
2022 has been the most painful, trying time of my life. And it's all because of the demise of my relationship, and the death of what remained of my innocence with it.

When I undertook this journey to learn seduction back in 2015, my endgame was always to find, land, and keep a girl who fascinated me and was worthy of my sprawling ambition. Sure, I was quite excited at the prospect of being able to pick up girls and build harems and have lots of crazy experiences, but I CRAVE connection and adoration from a "Fascination Girl". I'm sure being utterly doted on by my mother growing up contributed to this. I've come to the conclusion this is my greatest weakness. I even began to refer to my ex-girlfriend as my "weakness" (to the bemusement of my family) as I gradually realized how much of a grip she had on me.

It took almost 4 years, filled with lots of pain and doubt, but I finally landed a Fascination Girl that mostly passed my GF Tests, and I did it properly, where she was the more in-love one and a strong foundation had been set. Life became a contented, masculine bliss... except my rational side, having learned so much from this site, was incessant at pointing out flaws. Imperfections I knew would ultimately get in the way of what I need. I also knew I still had much to accomplish with women before I settled down and started a family.

But I so wanted her to prove me wrong. So I let my dissatisfactions be known, and essentially held her captive, expecting her to win me over. Don't get me wrong, we had a mostly wonderful, passionate, happy relationship, but intense lows whenever my rationality betrayed hers and my emotions. After three years, she finally had enough.

I learned so much from this relationship. I got to ravage, both sexually and emotionally, a girl who was practically a personal 10, for three years straight. I enjoyed companionship and support at a time it was sorely needed. And now I get to return to seducing new women, increasing that notch count, and crossing off every item on my sexual bucket list. Yet I am so haunted by her. Losing her has been a crisis of purpose.

I've taken some hard knocks with girls over the years, and have at times been royally pissed off at myself for blowing it with certain girls, though I never fell so low as to hate myself. Until recently. I was SO HAPPY AND IN LOVE with her, yet insisted on critiquing her, and in doing so dampened my investment in her. I was so hard on her, and caused her so much pain. Continuing my betrayal, I stopped giving her my full effort. I became selfish in the bedroom, I abandoned creativity and diligence in setting up special dates or giving her exceptional gifts and gestures. I let myself go, physically and financially, which bled into my masculine frame that she had entrusted her being in, expecting me to be a proper leader. I didn't properly try with her family or friends. And I exposed nasty sides of myself to her. She had every right to break up with me.

I ultimately failed her, and while I don't see how I could have stayed with her without giving up significant parts of myself, I feel so much guilt and self-loathing regardless. How could I have let a love so pure be poisoned, even more by my own betrayal? Hence the death of my innocence, and ego. The last thing holding it together was hoping beyond rationality "Love" could indeed conquer all.

So, I think I am Doomed. I can't truly replace what I had with my ex-girlfriend. Maybe I could find her rival looks-wise and personality-wise, but I can't get that close to another girl until I am ready to settle down (which won't be until my 30s), lest I hurt her the same way I hurt my ex-girlfriend. Throwing myself into rebuilding my harem and further enhancing my seduction abilities won't give me what I have lost, the profound connection and chemistry she and I shared. I can't recover things with her, as the relationship foundation is damaged beyond repair (and I would be right back where I left off). Finally, I don't see this guilt I carry going away any time soon, perhaps ever.

After effectively choosing Accomplishment over Love, I owe it to myself, and her, to seek out everything with women I decided on. This will be my great glory, and my great tragedy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Well, how are you feeling now?

I found this thread by search. She's a doozy.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
After a bit of a hiatus, I am back!

2022 was a very testing time for me, which was of my own doing. But I don't want to dwell on it too much. Rather, I want to talk about my plans for this journal going forward, and give a brief update as to where I am at.

First off, I am discontinuing seasonal goals and updates, in favor of yearly goals. Coalescing everything should make things more straightforward AND sacred, which will ideally improve my productivity.

Next, I want this journal's purpose to be centered on seduction going forward. I will still bring up other parts of my life, insofar as they affect my progress with women.

Finally, that brief update I promised.

Not too long ago, I turned 25. A quarter of a century. One could say I subsequently had a "quarter life crisis"! In the midst of a very challenging time in my life, I took a hard look at my decisions, my current trajectory, my aspirations, and my fears. Most importantly, I evaluated my sense of Purpose, and ultimately refined it to better motivate and fulfill me while also still thoroughly challenging me. I won't share what it is... I now see individual Purpose to be a deeply private and hallowed thing... though you might be able to intuit roughly what it is from my past entries. All I will say is that no longer is my Purpose abstract or nebulous or fantastical, which historically has greatly hindered me, and that surprisingly seduction will play a crucial role in fulfilling this great Purpose of mine, rather than be a competing interest!

Following this, I quit my job, where I had long been spinning my wheels without true direction (not to mention in an industry I foolishly chose out of complacency, of which my reservations towards proved to be most warranted). I also decided to hasten my plans to return to my home state, which is where I always wanted to get serious/start building. I am aiming to be back by mid February.

As for women, my emotional weakness over my breakup caused me to mostly avoid them throughout 2022. I did have some misadventures, one of which I turned into an LR for this site, but I entirely avoided relationships and didn't put myself out there nearly enough. However, my newfound Purpose has reinvigorated me. I have MUCH to accomplish, and cannot deny myself the wonders of womankind any longer.

I am focused on figuring out income and the move right now. Once this is done, I will try to leave San Diego on a high note, and then my seduction career will truly reignite once I get settled in Denver. Until then, I will post my Age 25 Seduction Goals.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Annual Goals - Age 25


- Approach 1x+/outing - applies to all outings but aimed at day game like otherwise innocent grocery runs, coffee shop runs, etc.
- Go out 1x+/week
- Go a month without porn
- Go three months without porn
- Seductive bachelor pad with decent logistics

- Improve fashion - will start with buttonups. Used to have quite the collection, then I put on a bunch of muscle.
- Whiten teeth
- Get abs back - I lost about 25 pounds over the course of 2022, but have further to go.
- Figure out hair - I still have a good hair line but it is getting thin...

- 5 lays
- 12 lays- one for every month of the year! This would break my record of 10 in one year.
- 1 girl on rotation
- 2 girls on rotation
- 3 girls on rotation
- Threesome

Nothing too crazy here... I just want to get some momentum and treat age 25 as a rebuilding year. I'll get increasingly more creative and ambitious each subsequent year of my life. I also may update these goals as the year goes by.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Quick little field report.

Hit the pool on a Friday afternoon after knocking out a bunch of tasks. I spot a nice looking Asian girl in the hot tub. I grab a chair within eye sight of the hot tub, and make something of a display of taking my shirt off and getting situated to get her to see me and potentially pique her interest. I notice her cough when I face in her general direction.

I later hit the hot tub. By this point, she had gotten out and gone to her own chair, but as I walk past her to the tub I notice her cough again. She didn't cough at all besides when I was undressing in her view and when I walked right by her. I smile without looking at her. I get in, and sure enough 8 minutes later she comes over and asks me if I mind if she puts the bubbles on. I very warmly tell her to go for it, and naturally start talking to her as soon as she gets back in.

She is a great conversationalist. Very intelligent girl, and it turns out she had just taken the MCAT after weeks/months of studying. She had gotten into a D.O. program but was holding out to see if she could get into an M.D. program. My ex was in medicine (and loved getting me to watch Grey's Anatomy), plus my best friend's older brother is a doctor, so I build a lot of similarity over the topic of healthcare. She turns the conversation back on me a good amount, which I don't try to avoid, but always make sure to quickly turn it back to either her or us. We both crack a good amount of jokes, and are having a great time.

I end up moving to sit next to her, blaming the sun's glare. From here, I start sporadically touching her, such as feeling her bicep and having her flex for me. The high point of the physical escalation was when she voluntarily had me feel her abs, and seemed happy to let me have my hand linger and feel all over.

However, my sexual vibe is not what it once was, and I made two fatal mistakes. First of all, I let the admittedly fantastic conversation distract me from pinging her logistics. Second, I did not keep escalating, and let the interaction return to pure conversation instead of sexualizing it or ramping up the touching. Finally, after almost two hours of talking, I asked her what she was doing tonight, and found out she was going to a Tango class (she was a ballerina growing up and loves all forms of dance).

I thought about getting her to abandon that idea and follow me to my apartment, but I felt I hadn't sexualized the interaction enough. She invited me to join her at the Tango class. This would be following her lead, which isn't ideal, but I've been meaning to do a class for years now, so I figured I might as well. I came up with a time constraint so I could be the one to end the interaction, got her number, and told her I'd text her if I was coming.

So I meet her at the Tango place later that night. I quickly get the feeling that she might be worried she'll be babysitting me all night (Dancing does NOT come naturally to me... which really pisses me off because everyone knows dancing and sex have a lot in common, and you would think I am clueless in bed if you saw me dance, which is not at all the case!). So I play it warm yet very relaxed, and let her dance with men more at her level (she is really good) while I danced with a bunch of other girls. I actually start to really get the hang of what the lesson covered, and the girls I dance with seem to love me spinning and throwing them around.

But then the lesson ends, and the real dancing begins. A bunch of pros take to the floor and start doing a bunch of advanced stuff. My girl is able to keep up with them, especially since Tango depends more on the person leading (which is ideally the man). I am totally helpless though. I try dancing with several of the more experienced girls, and while they are polite I know I am completely wasting their time.

My girl keeps coming over to check on me, and she teaches me another type of dance, but she is the one leading it which feels very wrong to me. So I decided to leave without her, not wanting to get in the way of her having a fun time. Haven't seen her since.


While I am glad I finally went to a damn dance class, this night could have gone so differently...

I made a huge, visceral breakthrough in my game this past year. It was the switch from the projected mentality of "I am a dangerous seducer, you can't resist my skills" to "I am the prize. Girls just throw themselves at me, nothing I did". But I still need to learn how to apply this mentality without being too passive, like I was with this girl. Had I been more sexual and aggressive, I would have given her what she very likely needed after that MCAT, and we likely would have been lovers after 75-90 minutes of first talking. My apartment, or hers, were just a small walk away!

One last reflection: being warm with girls and people in general is SO potent. I attribute my developing career as a salesperson with helping me unlock this better way to go about things. Ironically, I probably have more malice (emphasis on the -ice lmao) in me now than I ever have. Anyway, it is wild how many times I can read the wisdom on this site and even meditate on it, while still needing to bombard myself with a skill before it truly sinks in. I've probably read Chase's article on Warmness (https://www.girlschase.com/content/tactics-tuesdays-how-be-warm-person) 5 times without it sticking... The volume of cold and warm calls I was doing at my job, not to mention all the events I went to on behalf of my company, were what sealed the deal.

I have gotten very good at getting most people comfortable with me, especially women. I love being nice to people, and seeing them let their guard down and engage me. Warmness is such an easy in too. When I was younger and doing a cold approach, I'd often forget to be warm. I now realize how huge of a sticking point this was. I am more likely to attempt an approach AND to have it go well by simply throwing a genuine smile on my face. Being warm also goes really well with "being the prize". I am effectively rewarding someone for investing in me.

Alright, that is enough for tonight.
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Impressive stuff.

There are many forms of tango, but from the sounds of it you attended an Argentine tango class. This is 'real' tango. And by the way, it's the hardest partner dance you can do. And tango crowds are immensely unforgiving and clique-ish and ofter humorless. While it is truly the king of, and the most majestic of, dances... it unfortunately tends to be also the most self-serious.

In other words... Congratulations to you and your giant balls.

The right vibe and presentation can overcome any future dance scenario, and lack of technique (even amongst professionals). It never seems this way to beginners, but it is true: vibe trumps all, and dancing is never a big deal. Having said that, you should learn to dance. The benefits are immense, mysterious and not obvious.

It seems you did very well...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Impressive stuff.

There are many forms of tango, but from the sounds of it you attended an Argentine tango class. This is 'real' tango. And by the way, it's the hardest partner dance you can do. And tango crowds are immensely unforgiving and clique-ish and ofter humorless. While it is truly the king of, and the most majestic of, dances... it unfortunately tends to be also the most self-serious.

In other words... Congratulations to you and your giant balls.

The right vibe and presentation can overcome any future dance scenario, and lack of technique (even amongst professionals). It never seems this way to beginners, but it is true: vibe trumps all, and dancing is never a big deal. Having said that, you should learn to dance. The benefits are immense, mysterious and not obvious.

It seems you did very well...
You're right, it was an Argentine Tango class. Definitely underestimated what I was getting into! My girl was very apologetic about inviting me to an event not very suited for beginners. We texted a bitt after the event, but I've been super busy this week and forgot to respond to her, so good chance she is in auto-rejection now.

Oh well, at least I now have something to use at weddings and the like from that lesson! You are totally right about how vibe can make or break dancing. Once I started having fun, began confidently guiding the girls around while smiling at them, and stopped worrying too much about footwork, I could tell the girls were having a good time. Of course this went out the window with the more experienced girls...

Thank you for your kind words and feedback :) You're right, I should learn how to dance. Think I will try out more forms of dance and pick one to get fairly good at.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
You seem like a young guy

Take a look at lindy hop (dorky but popular), salsa/bachata (latin), country two step & night club two step (if you like country bars), or west coast swing (hardest, but most contemporary). You will find vibrant scenes and young people here.

Tango is hard mode and might be best saved for only if you love dance. It's actually the crown jewel imo and the crowd tends to be older/more serious/more intense. Alternatively if you like that, go for it.

Would only recommend ballroom styles if you truly love partner dance.