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- Aug 25, 2014
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Hey Ambiance,
Nice to see you are doing mostly fine - apart from the inconveniences of covid 19 response.
I have to say that I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on this one. We responded to covid-19 just as if it was bubonic plague, and it's not. The whole world jumped straight into isolation and shutting down measures without even thinking about basic questions such as economic impact, or "how long can people reasonably accept and abide by social distancing measures", etc... It's like trying to cross the pool underwater while holding your breath, when you do not know how far is the opposite side of the pool. And here we are now, re-opening the economy and easing up measures when the pandemic is as its max.
Let's say this was unprecedented, we had to try, do mistakes and learn from them. Hopefully in the future we won't make the same mistake should this situation happen again.
Some comment on your lifts.
I also read that you hurt yourself on the bench. Not sure exactly what happened in your case. I got once myself stuck beneath a heavy bar after a failed bench press rep... You know, when you have to roll the bar all the way across your body to unstuck yourself... Not fun! Since then, I started to systematically do all my bench press work inside a rack, with the safety pins adjusted just at the right height. I can still touch my chest every rep, but if I fail a rep, I can lower the bar to a position above the upper chest where it rests on the safety pins, and escape. This way I can push my press all I want with no fear of failure. I suppose you know all that, but just in case, it was extremely useful to me. This, and the squats, require access to a power rack though.
Regarding your girlfriend.
First, it is an excellent experience. For as much as these boards are focused on increasing laycount, relationship experience is the most important thing. Unless you want to live the forever player lifestyle, your ultimate fate is to end up in a long term relationship. Learning how to manage her is the best thing you can do. On this, there are many things where game knowledge can help. This is one fine example:
She needs to feel reasonably safe with you, but not too safe.
I fully concur with Ray when he says the woman cannot take a step back. This is something to remember for next time. It is better to start slow, with low expectations, then give her steps up progressively. In particular, if you want a polyamorous frame, you need to set the frame very early on.
If you miss variety, see how you can incorporate some discreet, quick flings once in a while. Ideally, when you're traveling away from home. As long as these are not too frequent, and are only short lived, you are not really cheating, as these girls do not really matter to you. I think it is important to keep getting some pussy while on a relationship, it helps you keep the Lover vibe that will keep her attracted to you. Also, satisfying this need for variety will help you stay longer with her. (Note to self: that applies to me as well... I haven't had a new girl since I resumed my realtionship with miss K a year ago. Not good for my frame... I probably need to fix that, once distancing measures recede here.)
Take care, Ambiance!
Nice to see you are doing mostly fine - apart from the inconveniences of covid 19 response.
I have to say that I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on this one. We responded to covid-19 just as if it was bubonic plague, and it's not. The whole world jumped straight into isolation and shutting down measures without even thinking about basic questions such as economic impact, or "how long can people reasonably accept and abide by social distancing measures", etc... It's like trying to cross the pool underwater while holding your breath, when you do not know how far is the opposite side of the pool. And here we are now, re-opening the economy and easing up measures when the pandemic is as its max.
Let's say this was unprecedented, we had to try, do mistakes and learn from them. Hopefully in the future we won't make the same mistake should this situation happen again.
Some comment on your lifts.
Congratulations, these are very good numbers. I am myself far behind these numbers (DL 335 1x3, barbell overhead press 100 5x5, squats 265 3x5, and my bench sucks at 165 3x5...) after two years of heavy lifts training. Each time my DL number was hitting a plateau, I found that continuing to increase my squats helped me to break the DL plateau. In a sense, my progress on the squats was driving my progress on the deadlift. I would highly recommend you incorporate squats in your training. For proper squat form, I take input from Starting Strength YT channel - take a look if you haven't already, they have excellent tutorial videos on squats and all the major lifts. Oh, and my favorite YT bearded man is Alan Thrall(Bench 275 4x8, Incline 225 4x8, Lats 225 4x8, Curls 65s 4x8, DL 335 4x8, Military Press 75s 4x8, etc)
I also read that you hurt yourself on the bench. Not sure exactly what happened in your case. I got once myself stuck beneath a heavy bar after a failed bench press rep... You know, when you have to roll the bar all the way across your body to unstuck yourself... Not fun! Since then, I started to systematically do all my bench press work inside a rack, with the safety pins adjusted just at the right height. I can still touch my chest every rep, but if I fail a rep, I can lower the bar to a position above the upper chest where it rests on the safety pins, and escape. This way I can push my press all I want with no fear of failure. I suppose you know all that, but just in case, it was extremely useful to me. This, and the squats, require access to a power rack though.
Regarding your girlfriend.
First, it is an excellent experience. For as much as these boards are focused on increasing laycount, relationship experience is the most important thing. Unless you want to live the forever player lifestyle, your ultimate fate is to end up in a long term relationship. Learning how to manage her is the best thing you can do. On this, there are many things where game knowledge can help. This is one fine example:
That was very well played. Making her feel competitive is a nice way of keeping her on her toes, and keep her attraction level for you. Another way, is letting her aware that you have other sexual options, and that you are willing to let her go if it came to that.Essentially she became less enthusiastic about sex, and per the advice of this site I immediately pulled away, to which she freaked out. I later got it through to her how much of a need sex is for me, and that I would hate to have to get sex elsewhere but would do so if my needs weren't being met. Well, that fixed it, and sex is back to form.
She needs to feel reasonably safe with you, but not too safe.
I fully concur with Ray when he says the woman cannot take a step back. This is something to remember for next time. It is better to start slow, with low expectations, then give her steps up progressively. In particular, if you want a polyamorous frame, you need to set the frame very early on.
If you miss variety, see how you can incorporate some discreet, quick flings once in a while. Ideally, when you're traveling away from home. As long as these are not too frequent, and are only short lived, you are not really cheating, as these girls do not really matter to you. I think it is important to keep getting some pussy while on a relationship, it helps you keep the Lover vibe that will keep her attracted to you. Also, satisfying this need for variety will help you stay longer with her. (Note to self: that applies to me as well... I haven't had a new girl since I resumed my realtionship with miss K a year ago. Not good for my frame... I probably need to fix that, once distancing measures recede here.)
There is no such thing as a perfect match. It's normal to have disagreements, and the "breaking up" back and forth drama is very common. Make sure that sometimes, it is you initiating the "break up". Let her chase a bit and do the work to get back together (if you haven't done so already). It's important that she knows that you could be leaving her for good. Safety yes, but not too much.It is hard to love someone so much when you know it's not a perfect match. She and I "broke up" several times only for her to run back to me right after following disagreements. It's not fair for me to push her into a role she isn't. I wish she were more open-minded though.
Take care, Ambiance!