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Ambiance's Ascension


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Whats up Hue,

It sure is! I remember reading that post- that was one of his first ones and really showed his progression over the years as he'd come back to the thread. Gonna check that one out again, thanks for reminding me of it.

Glad you asked about my Tinder gameplan;) My opener is so fantastic:

Sorry I dont think I can have you around me rn, you're way too cute and tempting

Inspired by the Push/Pull article. Bio says "I like girls who smile:)" and has my height. My main pic is me looking away not smiling and shows off my physique well. It's definitely my best pic yet... (I hardly ever take pictures so I'm playing catch-up). The plan is to get some more that follow the PoF article guidelines. Also gonna try out saying I'm from the UK LOL... Like your opener btw

I've gone approaching several times at a nearby campus. Gonna have to start doing this more. Sounds like you're gonna have some fun:)



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Just had a very relaxing week. Flew home and visited my parents and siblings. Got some reading knocked out and finished a TV series I'd been meaning to. Hung out a lot with my friends. One of them got me a gig helping a video productions crew, which paid very handsomely.

I also saw Alexis a couple times.

RR: 50 Shades of Flushed Cheek

Alexis was very excited to have me back in town, and made sure to make as much time as she could for me. The first of these I went to her house while her parents and sister were out. We got right to it, and I gave her a very powerful session in her childhood bedroom. Hahaha... nobody will ever be able to compare to me... I made her cum very hard over and over and over. I gave it to her HARD, and channeled all my passion and lust. Instead of grabbing her shoulders in Adapted Missionary I grabbed the bed's headrest to great effect... We also spent half of the time on the floor where the bed couldn't soften my blows. Lots of biting all over and grabbing her neck. She was so red from the sheer intensity of it.

After 40 minutes or so we were exhausted, and I had to help her downstairs since she was in such a trance. We snuggled on the couch and put on 50 Shades of Grey, something I've been meaning to watch for a long time and had planned with her weeks back. The movie has a lot of problems but I enjoyed it. We also had another 20 minute session halfway through. Thinking of her huge smile as I suddenly attacked her makes me very happy.

Her sister ended up coming home but was cool. We jumped in the shower before her sister could get to it, and had more sex in the bathroom before transitioning back to her bedroom. Alexis was so paranoid about her sister but couldn't resist. We were a lot quieter this time, at least in the beginning;) Finally I left before her parents returned. Got home and showered, my dad none the wiser to where I had been or what I'd been doing.

RR: Parking Complex

I wanted to see Alexis one more time before I left town but had terrible logistics, so I ended up having her meet me halfway in a parking lot complex. I previously had a failed escalation here years back so it was great to get some redemption. Our first session lasted maybe 30 minutes, alternating between slow/sensual and hard. Made her cum a bunch more. We then got some food, went for a drive, and ended up just coming back to the parking complex. This second session was even more powerful than the first, with me pushing her limits for how much she could take and having her go ballistic with the intensity of stacked subsequent orgasms. We actually got caught literally seconds after I had finished by a security guard and had to leave, reminiscent of the second time we'd seen each other. I gave her a passionate kiss goodbye as I dropped her off at her car, and then showed up reeking of sex at my friend's house. Would be so surprised if his mom didn't figure out what I had just been doing LOL...

Other than that, got a bunch of bites on Tinder but didn't see any of them. Had to flake on two dates I set up due to logistical issues. Also didn't contact any of my old flames, also due to logistics. I'll have to get on long gaming them for the summer.

And now I am back in San Diego. Time to nut up or shut up.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016

Sorry I dont think I can have you around me rn, you're way too cute and tempting

I'll give it a go man, thanks!

Inspired by the Push/Pull article. Bio says "I like girls who smile:)" and has my height. My main pic is me looking away not smiling and shows off my physique well. It's definitely my best pic yet... (I hardly ever take pictures so I'm playing catch-up).

I'm also not a big picture guy (I am a big-picture guy though lolol). I'd rather be in the moment of things you know? But nice, that gives me a better idea of what the babes are looking for with profiles. Time is a precious thing to me nowadays so using dating apps seems more practical as of late.

I've gone approaching several times at a nearby campus. Gonna have to start doing this more. Sounds like you're gonna have some fun:)

Sounds like we're both in for some good times ;P


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Hue said:
I'm also not a big picture guy (I am a big-picture guy though lolol). I'd rather be in the moment of things you know? But nice, that gives me a better idea of what the babes are looking for with profiles. Time is a precious thing to me nowadays so using dating apps seems more practical as of late.

Lmao nice one;) Yeah exactly, you see everyone these days worried about what makes their story and NOT fully enjoying the moment. I went to a concert with a friend, and while he was filming this mosh pit for his story I was IN the mosh pit having a ball.

Sounds like we're both in for some good times ;P

The good times don't know what's coming for them;)

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

This was a rebuilding week. Was feeling very overwhelmed with homework and other stuff I had put off. I also spent most of the week pretty frustrated that I had been doing better with girls the last 4 months living with my dad in Colorado than I am now.

But resilience prevailed, and I spent the last 4 days of the week cranking out a massive amount of material for school. Sitting here typing this I feel a great deal of weight off my shoulders. Just finished 2 crucial tests and am officially 100% caught up or ahead in all 6 classes. I'm pretty proud of myself- this is a first for me. Also, did pushups every day of the week, and started whitening my teeth. My music library got a boost as well (amazing how productive I am when I'm avoiding something).

Now I have much more room to focus on women.


Overall analysis:
Still no sex partner.
Grades are in a much better place
Intermittant fasting going strong
Only worked out twice. Pushups were a boon though
Got a tan
Whitened teeth
Negligible approaching


I've been pretty enamored with Ian Somerhalder/Damon Salvatore's overall style lately. It is super, even ridiculously similar to my own, more like an advanced version of my own really. Pretty cool. It's like time traveling and getting a look at future Ambiance's style. Inspired, I have some new big plans for my fundamentals.

I chose San Diego as a training ground, fully aware of how competitive it is here. I remember Chase describing the city as such and saying you have to transform yourself into the creme de la creme to find powerful, consistent success. I'm good, now I need to get better.

Fundamentals Plan
- New and/or Improved Hairstyle- gonna start using product. Have a few images I might target. Seeing a stylist this Saturday.
- Keep washing face, do more of it- would be so cool to not only have good skin but flawless skin
- Start using lotion on entire body
- Keep working out hard- should be much easier now that I have far less on my plate
- Add cardio
- Get through teeth whitening
- Keep up pushups
- Create portfolio of fashion ideas to incorporate when budget allows
- Go from average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep
- Improve tan

Cold Approach Plan
- Go approaching three times a week (beach, SDSU, mall, downtown)
- Set aside ego, for now
- Get 5 numbers a week
- Get 10 numbers a week
- Get a same day lay

If I can become truly-elite-Ian Somerhalder-level fundamental-wise, this coupled with my existing game will make me invincible. And once a girl is in my bed once or twice she's mine...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

This was an interesting week. I went approaching three times, as planned. None of my outings were that successful, but it felt good to be out there. I also got a few approaches/interactions outside of these outings, including with this waitress who was exactly my type. She never texted me, so maybe I came across too strong. Too bad, but I was leaving town anyway (spent the night at my roommate's house 1.5 hours from San Diego where I met her). Going to keep approaching this week, and ramp up my numbers, which were the biggest problem of this week. I also need to reach out to the numbers I did get.

My fundamentals got some upgrades. Tried out a new stylist and got a neat haircut I'm liking. Spent a lot of time outside and my skin is tanner. I've got the sexy facial hair going for me. And my physique is good; got all four of my lifts taken care of early in the week and have done pushups every day without missing for closing in on a month.

I did a lot of research considering my diet and losing belly fat in general. This has led me to add a lot more cardio to my workouts, and decide to cut down on starch. Going to miss eating bread... but if it works it will be worth it.

My teeth have never been whiter. I've almost depleted my whitening supply. Gonna be neat to get through it and have it refilled this summer- the product has been very effective.

Now for something very annoying: when I got my hair cut my stylist confirmed that my hair had started to thin at the front. This is something I've been half aware of/have in denial of for the last 6 months. It's frustrating because I'm only 20... seriously wtf. My stylist and my own research tell me that the way I take care of it isn't the problem, and I know my diet isn't the issue either. I'd chalk it up to the really long and hot showers I used to take, the very high stress of the last 6 years, and/or genetics.

It's not noticable now, but pretty scary. I'll never take a hot shower again (not that I do very much anymore). Still, it's better to know, and I'm glad that the problem has been confirmed so that I can address it in its infancy. I'm gonna talk to my dad about it, and my roommate of all people has had crazy success dealing with his a. alopecia using rogaine and hair injections. I'm considering rogaine right now. Also just found a BlackDragon post on it that should be informative.

Fundamentals aside, my grades are good. After last week I have a far greater grip on them. Did well on a couple of my recent tests and am waiting to get feedback on two others. My GPA is probably between 3.4 and 3.5 right now, not bad. If I can get it up to 3.7 I'll be pretty proud of myself.

Haven't been using Tinder much. What little effort I've invested in it has yielded great reactions but no results.

So, not a bad week, but not too exciting either.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Pretty unmemorable week.

Just going to go over goals real quick.

-No new sex partner
-Did real well on a few key tests. Grades were in a good place, but had a lot of big stuff coming up the following week (the week I'm writing this. SPOILER ALERT: I killed it)
-Intermittent fasting is going very well, as well as cutting down starch. My physique looks damn sexy
-Got just three workouts in. Did pushups every night though
-Skin looks good
-Grew a chin strap beard- looked good
-Whitened my teeth a few times
-Just one approach. Got the number. Didn't go anywhere.
-Have got to start approaching more.
-Still need to sleep with a classmate

Spent half of the week doing stuff with my dad who was in town. My grandparents are as well.

I've done some things really well this semester, but my efforts with girls have been lacking. I've disappointed myself.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Another productive week, though wasn't too focused on girls.

Killed several crucial tests and a paper which was awesome. My grades are getting set up to be solid once this semester is over.

I've been adding cardio to my workout regimen, and this was the week I finally started to get over the inital plateau. I'm actually excited to get back on the treadmill and run x more miles than last time. This combined with intermittent fasting and my diet is getting my physique even better. I may even be under 10% body fat now. Will have to check. The great thikng is that I am stronger than ever at the same time, even with the lower calories and fasting.

Nearly through my teeth whitener, about time lol

Did minimal approaching. Messed up with letting two girls get away without going for a number when they seemed interested.

I deleted my tinder and bumble and created new accounts. Got 30 tinder matches within 24 hours thanks to the new account boost. On bumble I noticed no boost to my typical results.

Have been getting real into the Office lately and have been picking up a lot of things from Jim Halpert. Yeah, there are a lot of problems with conducting relationships the way he does (meets women mostly through work, waits in friend zone, doesn't make a move with Pam) but there are a lot of things he does very right with handling social circle and framing and other stuff.

Saw my grandparents again, and had an online date right after. The girl was far less attractive than her pictures. Ugh... I was nice and used her to get a ride back to my place, then let her down easy over message today.

Also set up another date for later this week.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Was a good week outside of my goals with women:

-Maxed out at 315 lbs for bench (three plates!!)
-Went up in weight for numerous other exercises
-Still going strong with pushups before bed
-Intermittent fasting going well
-Skin's looking good
-Diet going well
-Did well on a test
-Knocked out all forseeable homework for the rest of the semester
-Gave a speech that went well
-Spent a lot of time with my dad, who was in town

I also, against my better judgement, accepted a small pay raise at my old job for this upcoming summer. I wanted to negotiate and leverage my way into a better rate. I had devoured several articles, many of which I had come across through this site, about labor markets and negotiation and had this great plan. They not only reached out first, but I know for a fact they really needed me. I had already done a bang up job for them in 2017. I knew the statistics of wages for similar jobs. Plus, I hadn't asked for a pay raise before, since I was leaving.

Then... I talked to my dad about it, and he told me to accept the first number they gave me. Said the money wasn't important, that it was the experience of working (I've been working since I was a HS freshman). Said the money will come when I'm ready. I ended up listening to him, as he is my father and is very wise about a lot of things. Now I feel like an imbecile and that I betrayed my own judgement. The thing is, back when I accepted the job originally, also against my judgement, I listened to my dad and did not negotiate at all when given an offer. And I could have! They were so short-staffed! They were desperate! What type of Loser doesn't favor himself in business? (For those who have read the Gervais Principle Series)

So... I am never going to let this happen again. I don't like cursing on here so it may not come across as such, but I am infuriated at myself. My dad is a great man who knows a lot more than I do... but I was right in this instance. Twice. It has and will ultimately cost me thousands of dollars.

I'm going to get competitive offers and/or get another raise within 3 weeks.

With girls, I did a little more approaching this week but nowhere near the amount it's going to take for me take it to the next level. Story of this semester.

I have a date lined up for tomorrow, and possibly another later this week, but not as a result of cracking this rut I've been in.

Still talking to Alexis. She's crazy about me. I enjoy it but it's not enough.

Oh, and April broke the streak I had of sleeping with a new girl each month. It's my own fault.

This journal is supposed to be about my "Ascension" right?

I have a lot of work ahead of me.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Mostly spent the week getting ready for finals. Talked to some girls but nothing concrete. I've checked out for the semester in that regard.

On the plus side, working out/fundamental maintenance has been going great. And Alexis from back home is so addicted to me.

Two things of note.

Drank almost a gallon and a half of water in one day. I've been targeting drinking more water and think I'm gonna keep it up.

Second, I had a confrontation with a roommate. This guy is a running back on my school's football team, ripped, from the hood, and probably weighs as much as I do despite my 3 inch advantage. He also thinks he's the shit. Anyway, I've been having a lot of problems with him lately involving him fucking with my other roommate's stuff and not picking up after himself and being loud at night. I always confront him, and he knows not to fuck with me. But i've been picking up on a lot of resentment lately.

So a few nights ago, he wakes me up playing xbox, I come out and tell him to turn it down, which he does but then he turns it back up. So I come out and ask again, and when he gets defensive without losing my cool I berate him. I actually use a few tactics from this site lol. He gets angrier and angrier and starts shaking and yelling and then threatening me, but without breaking eye contact or escalating to his level I stand my ground and give him my last warning. He refuses to turn off or mute his TV, so I do it myself. He yells out and gets right up into my face, shaking with anger, but I coolly stare right back and keep handling him without escalating. I'm just dying for him to hit me, but he doesn't. Instead he just threatens to fuck me up, but I knew if he was serious he wouldn't be telling me that and would instead be attacking me. I tell him in a leveled tone he has no idea who he is messing with and let my eyes do the talking. We stare each other down for a bit and he gets increasingly uncomfortable. His rage also seems to dissipate.

He then tries to get into my room to mess up my stuff but I block him. He doesn't try to get past me. From this point I know the altercation is won and I get him to give up and go to his room, in exchange for getting to touch my bed, since I touched his TV. I step aside, watch him go in my room without following, and luckily for him he just touches my bed and gets out.

He has been avoiding me and the common room since. This goes to show how powerful being the one in control is when in an altercation. I imagine he was very unnerved that his size or rage display didn't seem to affect me like I bet it usually does to people.

I haven't been in a real fight in so long though. I have a lot of experience from my days as a wrestler, rugby player, and unrelated fights, and beyond that I have a true dark side you don't want to cross, but I absolutely need to get into a martial art before I get too hot-headed.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

It is done.

Just got out of my last final. It went very well; I am pleased. All of my finals went as intended. Once I get my grades back on the 31st, I will finally have regained my scholarship and brought order to my life.

This semester was in a lot of ways disappointing. To have worked so hard to return to my university, and invest all the capital I did in doing so... I did better with girls the last few months at home than I did here in San Diego. I also wasn't very social.

And yet a lot of things went well. My grades are back where they need to be and the damage from my first semester has been reversed. Interference from my cousins and aunt was nonexistant. I made a few strong friendships. Got two new lays. Benched 315 at long last. Greatly enhanced my pictures.

This summer, I am going to be working full time and want to make as much money as possible- this may take some creativity. I also need, NEED, to start approaching more on a weekly basis. Being more social is also a priority. These three goals will require me to curtail the vices of my life which revolve around media and videogames.

To do this, I have sworn off all forms of videogames, barring this one online game I have pretty much beaten, and any new releases for a small list of my absolute favorite games. Basically, it would take Elder Scrolls VI to come out for me to make an exception. I am allowing myself one week in the middle of summer and one week in December to check up on old games, but that's it. If I break this contract with myself, I will donate $100 to some worthy cause. I HATE donating money. Thus, I really don't intend on letting myself slide even a little.

I also have to figure out how to minimize Youtube/Reddit. I don't want to get rid of them completely as I get a lot of my new music from YT and memes on Reddit are great. Maybe I'll only allow myself to check them at x time of the day.

If I get control of my vices, I will have much more energy towards expanding the domain of my endeavors. Whereas last summer I would work hard and then come home and be on my phone, this summer I will be out and about living life the way I was meant to.

I want to go over my goals from this semester real quick before I conclude this series of entries.

-Get straight A's- looking at a GPA around a 3.5. Had I figured out an exact gameplan for my classes based on the grading scales early on, I may have gotten straight A's. Next year, I will formulate exactly what I need to do for each class immediately.
-Get a job- wish I had done this. Something easy on campus would have been perfect. But hindsight's 20/20.
-Keep spending low- completed

-Intemittent fasting- completed
-Workout 4-5 times a week, pushups each night- completed
-Improve skin- completed
-Whiten teeth- completed
-Fashion- completed
-Walk- completed

-Frat- glad I didn't. Would not have been prudent. The one I was most interested got booted off campus.
-20 approaches in one week- failed...
-Approach 100 girls- failed... I hit 87
-Approach 250 girls- failed
-Sleep with 7 new girls- failed. 2/7
-Sleep with a classmate- failed. This was so frustrating!
-Better pictures- completed
-Casual sex partner- completed, but I got sick of her, so not really
-2/3 " "- failed

And that's it. It's a weird feeling. I am both proud and disappointed.

Hail the conquering hero...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
And that's it. It's a weird feeling. I am both proud and disappointed.

Hail the conquering hero...

Ayy man, you have to choose your battles sometimes. You NEEDED to get your scholarship back to open up future windows of opportunity and you did that (all while significantly improving you fundamentals). Now that the foundation is laid, you can look at your results and see a clear pitfall when it came to approaches & getting your lay count up. So, the next move, if it were me, would be to start building something off that foundation - which obviously would mean making a specific goal for approaches. Move that disappointed feeling behind you, and use it as fuel to push yourself onto your next target. Sounds like you're already planning to do that so you're actually in a dope spot!

Go get em tiger.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Firstly I think your goals are totally awesome, you seem extremely organized and even the fact you are making an honest and realistic assessment of which goals have been attained and how much so, is a very good sign that you take your goals seriously, this is something I am not as good at since I have often tended to set goals (sometimes written sometimes not) and then kind of let them fall through the cracks and excuse myself for changing priorities even when it's not really justified. Hence my fundamentals never attained the level I would have liked, homework was done at last minute and so on.

With this background I can say that I really admire your approach and I am 100% certain you will hit your targets in due time. The study definitely had to take precedence as Hue said. The only advice I could possibly give is do not hesitate to set and reset those goals until they are met, possibly with different subgoals or rules to address what you learned last time. For instance in quitting smoking I had to set the same goal well over 10 times (maybe 15 times) over a period of several years, I tried patches I tried everything. What eventually got it cracked for me was to give up alcohol for a number of months until the danger period with returning to cigarettes/weed was somewhat lessened (this was the last problem to deal with as my quitting strategy became more refined).

Where I can help you a lot is in terms of your approaching target since I had a lot of success with this. Read this article and put it into practice. Sasha has a bit of a bad rap around here and some of the things he does are not fabulous but in terms of breaking down social and mental barriers he is good.

By this method I got onto a roll a few years back where I was doing probably 20~30 approaches per day, all while never having to set targets or set aside any specific time for approaching, I'd just do my first approach immediately as I left my building to go to uni or whatever and carry on in that vein. If you follow the advice it won't really feel like approaching, just chatting and it won't take any effort since all you'll be doing is just removing barriers and letting your body/brain do what it naturally wants to do.

I recall that several times during this period of months I caught a bad cold/flu and decided to relax my normal rules (about doing the first approaches immediately I leave the building) for 5 to 7 days or so, well when this happened the AA would come back briefly but it would only take a few days to regain momentum.

Hope it helps. Great work and great you're putting yourself out there. The approach numbers you gave are very respectable especially considering your study.

cheers, Ray


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Hue said:
Ayy man, you have to choose your battles sometimes. You NEEDED to get your scholarship back to open up future windows of opportunity and you did that (all while significantly improving you fundamentals). Now that the foundation is laid, you can look at your results and see a clear pitfall when it came to approaches & getting your lay count up. So, the next move, if it were me, would be to start building something off that foundation - which obviously would mean making a specific goal for approaches. Move that disappointed feeling behind you, and use it as fuel to push yourself onto your next target. Sounds like you're already planning to do that so you're actually in a dope spot!

Go get em tiger.


Thanks for your encouraging words:) You are very right about the foundation I set: 1 week into summer and I am seeing night and day improvements.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
ray_zorse said:
Firstly I think your goals are totally awesome, you seem extremely organized and even the fact you are making an honest and realistic assessment of which goals have been attained and how much so, is a very good sign that you take your goals seriously, this is something I am not as good at since I have often tended to set goals (sometimes written sometimes not) and then kind of let them fall through the cracks and excuse myself for changing priorities even when it's not really justified. Hence my fundamentals never attained the level I would have liked, homework was done at last minute and so on.

With this background I can say that I really admire your approach and I am 100% certain you will hit your targets in due time. The study definitely had to take precedence as Hue said. The only advice I could possibly give is do not hesitate to set and reset those goals until they are met, possibly with different subgoals or rules to address what you learned last time. For instance in quitting smoking I had to set the same goal well over 10 times (maybe 15 times) over a period of several years, I tried patches I tried everything. What eventually got it cracked for me was to give up alcohol for a number of months until the danger period with returning to cigarettes/weed was somewhat lessened (this was the last problem to deal with as my quitting strategy became more refined).

Where I can help you a lot is in terms of your approaching target since I had a lot of success with this. Read this article and put it into practice. Sasha has a bit of a bad rap around here and some of the things he does are not fabulous but in terms of breaking down social and mental barriers he is good.

By this method I got onto a roll a few years back where I was doing probably 20~30 approaches per day, all while never having to set targets or set aside any specific time for approaching, I'd just do my first approach immediately as I left my building to go to uni or whatever and carry on in that vein. If you follow the advice it won't really feel like approaching, just chatting and it won't take any effort since all you'll be doing is just removing barriers and letting your body/brain do what it naturally wants to do.

I recall that several times during this period of months I caught a bad cold/flu and decided to relax my normal rules (about doing the first approaches immediately I leave the building) for 5 to 7 days or so, well when this happened the AA would come back briefly but it would only take a few days to regain momentum.

Hope it helps. Great work and great you're putting yourself out there. The approach numbers you gave are very respectable especially considering your study.

cheers, Ray

Hey Ray- thank you for your thoughtful response and for sharing some of your own journey. I have a rough draft of my summer goals that I will post here ideally soon. It has been so busy, in a good way;)

That Sasha article is great btw


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Summer 2018...

...has been so grand!

So many things to update on... this will take a couple entries.

Got my grades back today. 5 A's, 1 B. They turned out higher that I expected. My scholarship is back. I'm sitting pretty at a 3.33 GPA overall for the time being.
And yet this could have been higher... with the same amount of work, and a little more foresight and discipline, I could have hit .2 points higher or so. Next semester I want to do even better.

Talked to a very sexy 30 something year old on the plane home. Didn't go for a number. Then, after some deliberation, started talking to a cute blonde while waiting for baggage and hit it off with her. Got her number, and had an excellent informational date the other day. And I am seeing her again tomorrow. I don't want to talk much about her until whatever happens happens.

Got a much shorter hairstyle, and experienced an instant and very noticeable surge in attraction. Less is more.

Broke my dry spell, and officially have slept with a woman from every prominent race. Saw her again last night too. She's head over heels for me. My sexual prowess has become so deadly... as has my grasp of attainability. Will get an LR and RR up here when I can.

Saw Alexis two more times as well. Will require a full post when I can. She just left for San Diego for two months, and I'm torn. This is a girl I would never be exclusive with, but against my own rules I have developed feelings for her. I hate the idea of her meeting some guy and undoing everything I have built. Serves me right for getting fairly close to a party girl.

Had another date that went very smooth but I pulled the plug because I wasn't feeling it. Honestly I was just testing myself, she was a girl I'd never have slept with.

I'm working again and making extra money on the side as well.

I have to go work out now, but I'll come back to this later.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
I still gotta get around to planning out my summer, which is coming. It's just I've been busy making other things cum.


So this will just be a quick check in.

I have a FR and a FR+/FU to write (Isn't any FR+ automatically a FU? Either you didn't have sex and won't see her again, or why are you writing your eventual LR now?? LOL)

I've been working 40 hrs a week. Asking for a raise Monday morning. I've fucked up a couple things (oh yeah, I'm swearing on here now apparently) like forgetting stuff to deliver so hopefully they won't interfere with the raise.

I've also made some extra money on the side. It's something I've been doing for some time. Not sure I mentioned this before. It's nothing drug related (never have tried anything other than caffeine, whichI don't drink, a cigar, and of course alcohol) but it's morally dubious. Made quite a bit before going back to school. You guys would be impressed.

Going to the gym 3 times a week. Not running nearly as much. My diet has taken a hit thanks to the food my dad insists on buying. So just looking to maintain strength and hover around the 10% fat mark for the summer,and will go hard once back in SD.

Life is very peaceful. Unlike the roller coaster I'm used to. Life is a constant feeling 5-9 out of 10 with the nines not throwing me off balance and ensuring feeling 3/10 later. The fives only come when its just a bad day, and the fact its a 5 shows how things don't really phase me. It's uncomfortable, but I'm cool with it. Zen...

Haven't been talking to Alexis much. This was troubling at first but I'm not concerned now.

My aunt and uncle briefly came into town for my grandad's 80th. These are the people who made my life hell that first semester and were instrumental in me having to take a year off school. At first I was infuriated that they were coming, but after some thinking I let it all go. At the party I didn't talk to them at all, but I didn't antagonize them or anything childish either. It was just a simple rational " I don't interact with someone who has done x to me" mentality. Honestly, I think this is where a lot of the zen I've been feeling comes from. I am at peace.

...Which isn't to say there aren't things I need to get on and battles to fight in the future. That longing is still there. I just am at peace with it.

Gonna wrap up here.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Yeah, I know it's been awhile. I was pretty good at posting often enough last semester, but this is like what, my second post of the summer? Lots to cover; hopefully I don't forget too much.

FU: Baggage Claim Chick

This was from earlier. Met the girl, Emily, at 1 AM at baggage claim. Turns out she goes to my school. I get her number by being very smooth and chill. She is blonde, 5'6", very pretty face, good figure, seemingly naive but kinda insecure/jaded.

We start texting, turns out she lives 30+ minutes away, plus my siblings and dad are home for most of the week. Okay, let's try an informational date. We meet halfway at a Starbucks, and at first she is kinda guarded, but I see through it and tell myself she is guarded because of how much she already likes me. So I play it warm and within 5 minutes she is very animated and giggling at the stuff I say and just totally into me. Awesome. I'm more or less on auto-pilot. Long story short, the informational date is excellent, but it is midday and I have poor logistics, so I end it around the 50 minute mark. She was a little disappointed, but I did a good enough job of letting emotions and spirits balance out and gave her enough of a warning that my attainability was good enough.

I think the vibe was good enough that I ask her to a party right away, which is really just a way to get her alone quick, but she is stuck babysitting and can't come. I don't respond right away, and she texts back saying she would love to see me again and that she is free the next day. Unfortunately I am not, but we make plans for a few days later.

She keeps trying to text me, and from what I can tell seems pretty sold on me. I get her to drive all the way to my side of town, where we have dinner and plan to see a movie. I didn't actually want to see a movie, that was just what I told her, but when we finished eating and the escalation window was there it was still very light out, and the plan was to make my move in my car. She was so turned on though, by my doing...

SO, against my judgement, I take her to the movies across the street, thinking that I will keep her warm during the movie and then take her afterward. As we get there though I can just feel her excitement vanishing. I try to counter this by spontanenous kissing her partway through the movie. I do this several times, and pretty soon I have her on my lap, feeling her all over, making out intensely. Was honestly a lot of fun. But I probably overdid it.

Anyway, the movie ends, and it is very cold outside. I hold her the entire way to my car, rubbing her body to warm her. She had told me she had to get up at 5, and it was 11, and she had a long drive ahead, so my stupid guy logic decided it was a good idea to end the date then and there. After all, I'd already shown my cards, and the perfectionist in me thought going for sex would be too "uncouth" or "expected". IDIOT. And this isn't the first time this has happened to me, where I psych myself out. So, as you might expect, I haven't seen her since. She was soooo into me, and yet I blew my chance.

So I promised myself, from now on, NO movie dates until after we have had sex. Also, ALWAYS TAKE YOUR DAMN SHOT, even if it won't be up to your standards.

I really liked this girl, and would have loved to have her around.


Work has been black and white. On the one hand, the company is tight and they aren't offering overtime like before. I also got dragged out by my two immediate supervisors for the raise I was promised, and when I finally went to the head of the company he rather sociopathically told me he was not giving a summer job guy a raise, even though I had it crystal clear in writing from my super as a condition for my return, and got both my supers to admit there was nothing wrong with my performance to warrant the raise being taken off the table. What he was really saying was, "I don't care enough about Ambiance coming back next summer to concede". Which is his loss. I truly am a great employee.

So on the other hand, now I have no problem working at my own pace and treating the gig as "just another summer job" rather than the seriousness I had before. I have also made a ton of extra dough off the company's ineffiencies... which I am now more than happy to foster/exploit to the max. Hahahahaha... I am making more than my supervisor, and no one has a clue. This is the biggest reason I agreed to a delayed raise to begin with. And no, I'm not stealing. This is cash the company could have but throws away because they don't have the time to go through the process to convert it. They aren't even aware of the real value of what they have me throw away, which I just pocket. Their loss.


Working out has progressed in certain areas and stagnated in others. I'm averaging 3 days a week for the summer. Not ideal, but now that I'm taking things easy at work I have a lot more energy. I'm curling 60s for reps in spite of not going as hard. Bench has slipped though, probably couldn't do 315 today. Will have to get on track again.

My cardio is in good shape. I've done hundreds of laps at the pool, a good chunk of them incorporating HIIT techniques. I also have replaced my former treadmill workout with a HIIT variant that kicks my ass but is oh soooo effective. I love it because it takes a quarter of the time with the same or higher yield. I also did a 14er, Mt. Elbert, the tallest mountain in CO. My friend and I destroyed the expected time to summit.

Diet wasn't great the first part of summer, due to having abundant junk food at my dad's house and ingesting the wrong gas station food while at work. I have made strides in the right direction however, greatly cutting down on sugar and cutting junk food in half. My physique isn't the beauty it was when I went out with Emily, but is still pretty great.

One HUGE thing I have started doing is keeping my chin at/slightly above parallel. I have always had great posture, even before GC, but being as tall as I am I always allowed myself to lower my head just a bit. Wasn't even that conscious that my chin could and should be held higher. Now, however... I am alpha as FUCK. Amazing how I had this in my arsenal and never made proper use of it. People have always respected me, but this is one of those little extra things that pays huge dividends. It's taken me from "that guy looks pretty powerful" to "that guy is undisputedly IN CHARGE".

My Dad

My father, as brilliant and successful as he is, still struggles so mightily with women. He just met another girl that he right away was crazy about, and blew all concepts of escalation out the window, and scared her off. If only he knew what I know! I hate seeing him like this. I just got out of a talk with him where he called her "The Alpha and Omega" and "The One" and a bunch of other stuff. This is after her telling him that "she just got out of a relationship" and that "you're a really nice guy but I'm not ready for this right now". They went on this great first date, and he got needy right away and all the emotions troughed and she vanished. He'll probably never see her again. And yet he plans to wait as long as it takes.

Such is the fate of those who don't learn how women work. I just wish it wasn't my dad.


I haven't done much with girls since my last update though, so who am I to say the above? Yes, my logistics have been bad, but this can be fixed. I made certain choices, and they have consequences. Living at home helps my finances greatly, which is necessary as I pay for college by myself, and I have done a great job making money compared to those my age. 95th percentile easily. And yet, I can do better. Must do better. Next summer I cannot stay at my dad's again. I will be 21 by then, which means I can easily go out all the time. I must be on my own then, for the sake of all my goals with women. My living situation is the last impediment to me truly taking off with this seduction thing, truly changing my life for good and reaching such dizzying success that I will be proud of myself beyond my wildest dreams. THIS is my only real goal this summer: get to the point where I am on my own next summer.

Haven't seen Mikala since our hookup. Alena I have seen a few times, and am seeing tomorrow. It is a solid FB setup. I'm getting better at these. Alexis I haven't talked to in a month. I haven't initiated anything, and for the first time since I met her she hasn't either. She was always the one to text first. I'm guessing either she met a guy (or several) in San Diego, or she is in some weird state of auto-rejection. Or both. I'll text her a couple weeks before she gets back, as is standard per an article by Colt I have always adhered to, and if no response she goes on the Blackdragon method of pings every 6 months or so. Which would be sad because I allowed myself to really like her, and I miss her as is, but this is part of doing MLTRs with women.

In the future, I don't know if I can do MLTRs with girls who drink or party, which Alexis does. The thought was that party girls were just MLTRs at best, so there was no danger commiting to a party girl, and that I'm gonna be so far above every other guy in bed that these girls would all be in love with me and under my thrall. I was right about both too. What I didn't give enough weight was that I hate the fact that a girl I care about is with another guy, even if I will never commit to her in a million years. Call me a hypocrite; I know some guys can handle it, and I can with FBs, but not MLTRs. So it serves me right for developing feelings. I now know on an emotional level why Chase works his relationships the way he does.

Beyond that, have done some approaching, had some dates flake, and missed out on a couple Fascination girls.


I'm calling this "The Summer of Music". My library is exploding right now. Any of you metal fans reading this, you have to check out Epica and The Black Halo by Kamelot. They are the best albums I have ever heard. It's not even close. Holy shit! They are so good! Kamelot has some other good stuff too, but Epica and TBH (which are sister concept albums based on Goethe's Faust) are on another level. Amorphis came out with a great album, Queen of Time, and I've been getting into the Devin Townsend Project and Kendrick as well. All these are highly masculine, and perfect for the aspiring pinnacle male. This group called The Gathering also has been blowing my mind, second only to Kamelot. They have some gothic metal, but in later albums they go more progressive, and knock it out of the park, unlike most bands who pull away from their roots. Seriously guys, PM me if you wanna talk music.

Been watching a lot of Archer lately. Hilarious show! The title character is the definition of IDGAF. The dialogue is sharper than a diamond edged buzzsaw.

Also read A Game of Thrones, and plan to read the rest. Adore the show, and the book was just as good. I've read 7500+ books in my life, was always the kid sneaking a book in class, and was the guy the library made an exception for in allowing me to check out more than the max allowed, but I hadn't devoured a book in a while the way I used to. I felt 10 years younger.

That should cover it.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

Haha I hardly posted at all this summer... but I still want to recap.

For reference, here is an LR from August, and the post about the subsequent STD scare.

I hit my $10k goal- this required some doing. Lots of one-time gigs and finesse. Proud of what I accomplished though.

Did a lot of reading. In addition to A Game of Thrones I read A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords. Absolutely fantastic writing- some of the best I have ever read. The third book may well be the best book I have ever read. I'm gonna devour the fourth and fifth books sometime when I'm able. Even despite already knowing many of the plot points from the TV show the books still keep me enthralled and even have some surprises.

My music library is better than ever. Kamelot's Epica and The Black Halo are absolutely phenomenal power metal albums that I recommend to you all.

My fundamentals are in a good spot. I'm back in SD and my roommate said my arms got noticeably bigger... he should have seen me before my herpes scare/subsequent sickness lol. My skin is healthy and tan, my fashion has been added to, my walk has been refined.

I made all the arrangements to live in SD permanently. Have a place I'm sharing with 3 other guys. I don't ever want to live with my dad again. I hope that now that I have my own place my progress with women will accelerate.


I reached out to Alexis right before she was set to come back to CO. She responds all cold, which doesn't surprise me since we haven't talked in a month. I get her on the phone after a little back and forth, and run Chase's Auto-Rejection formula on her. This gets a good response, and after talking for 10 minutes I end the call on good terms with her, but afterward she's not bursting for excitement for me so I know the turnaround didn't work. She gets back in town and I try to set something up, but she's not receptive like she should be, so I forget about her.

Alena I kept seeing, while minding all the rules for an FB setup and doing what I can to keep her expectations in a good place. I have 100% of the power in this setup. She's always very eager to see me and will jump through hoops to do so. In return, I rock her world in the bedroom. However, I slip up and start going raw with her, even though I knew she hadn't earned it. Actually ended up getting chlamydia from her, and giving Kristine chlamydia. Foolish... but at least it is treatable. And I'll definitely take it over genital herpes, which I thought was what I had. Also turns out my finger was just a bacterial infection, not herpetic whitlow. I saw Alena for lunch one last time just to be classy. We did what we could considering our conditions.

Kristine and I didn't see each other again after that one day. We had plans for late at night but she took too long and I just went to bed. Then the next day when she wanted me to come visit her at work I declined, teasing her that I wasn't her boyfriend. It is so important not to make things too easy on a girl, especially one with 40 freaking partners. Lol. After this I ignored her, and she finally texted me butthurt once I was back in SD, to which I responded neutrally.

Alexis after two weeks of no contact texted me one night. I responded then ignored her, no neediness because I know she'll be back eventually and I didn't see this exchange going anywhere. Two days later she texts me again and I'm warm, then throw in this Damon Salvatore callback joke from earlier in our relationship and she finally melts. Not like my attempted auto-rejection turnaround, for real. She sends me a long text saying how much she wants me and misses me and that no one does it better than me. And she's taking all my teasing seriously and pretty much once again under my mercy. Ahhhh... Sometimes holding your frame and walking away is the only way to fix something, and this was one of those times. Too bad it didn't work before I left for SD.

I don't want a repeat of last semester, not gonna text her nearly as much. I will be much more aligned with Colt's Long Game article. And who knows if I'll get her back the next time I'm in CO. But what I do know is that so long as I don't lose my frame she and I will sleep together again.

This other girl from HS I talk to very sporadically surprised me the night of my departure with some nudes. She then FTed me and did a bunch of dirty stuff haha... I never slept with this one but it's gonna happen eventually. She's had it bad for me for so long... that will be a fun LR to write.

And beyond that, the summer didn't involve much seduction. Probably seriously approached 5 girls all summer. I deleted my Tinder sometime in July, getting kinda sick of the lack of quality.

I needed this summer. Other than the herpes scare, it was very peaceful. I worked out, made money, developed my music, read a lot, enjoyed my family, played a lot of board games like Risk and Catan, hung out with people, swam, climbed some mountains, got through some TV shows. Took it easy at my job, ate well, took care of my siblings, saw relatives. It's been the most enjoyable summer I've had since I was in middle school. Don't know if that's sad or not.

Annnnd I slept with 3 new girls. That's three more than last summer. That first night with Kristine was the highlight of my time back. Experiencing all those feeling I hadn't felt since that girl from HS... I've come so far, and yet I still haven't jumped all the way in. Half-measures, but no full ones yet...

Stay tuned GC...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
My school year is starting out very well- been super busy, as I like to be. Not sure how I'm gonna handle this journal this semester. Probably will try to do weekly updates like last semester.

I've been very active lately. In order:

A freshman girl I pursued https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19281
A surreal LR- with an very familiar looking girl https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19225
Another LR- with another girl very much my type https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19282
A spontaneous LR- turned LR as of yesterday https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19252
A weird 10 minute pull that I aborted https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19255
An LR with a stunner 4 years my senior https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19283

It's been a ride. Excellent start to this semester. Already doing way better than last semester.

I also have my own apartment! It is magnificent. The surrounding architecture is gorgeous, I have a big pool with two hot tubs right outside my porch, and the location is very convenient. I'm only paying ~$600 a month for it too, since i have 4 other roommates. Getting along with them great so far. The room I share with my roommate from last semester is big, with its own bathroom and closet and a washer and dryer right outside. I love it, and have made plans to stay here for the summer, which is huge for me. Gone are the days of living at home with my dad, and my journey with women may truly begin. I'm really gonna miss a lot of things back in Colorado though, notably my siblings, the climate, my neighborhood, and a few girls.

Working out has been great. I have a meal plan worked out, and am still doing nightly pushups along with some core stuff. Plus, my roommate just got a pull up bar.

So, life is very good, in spite of several big disappointments. Two new lays within a day of each other! Also, hit 10 girls in my 20th year with over a month to spare! I do need to get on top of my studies pronto however. It's been very exciting and my skills with women have greatly profited, but it is time to get serious. I also need to get some income flowing. Have had two interviews so far, one resulting in a job offer which I think I will take. It's only 6-12 hours a week so I'll need more.

Gonna list out my goals and plan the semester out next time I post here. This post serves just to catalogue my progress.