Yeah, I know it's been awhile. I was pretty good at posting often enough last semester, but this is like what, my second post of the summer? Lots to cover; hopefully I don't forget too much.
FU: Baggage Claim Chick
This was from earlier. Met the girl, Emily, at 1 AM at baggage claim. Turns out she goes to my school. I get her number by being very smooth and chill. She is blonde, 5'6", very pretty face, good figure, seemingly naive but kinda insecure/jaded.
We start texting, turns out she lives 30+ minutes away, plus my siblings and dad are home for most of the week. Okay, let's try an informational date. We meet halfway at a Starbucks, and at first she is kinda guarded, but I see through it and tell myself she is guarded because of how much she already likes me. So I play it warm and within 5 minutes she is very animated and giggling at the stuff I say and just totally into me. Awesome. I'm more or less on auto-pilot. Long story short, the informational date is excellent, but it is midday and I have poor logistics, so I end it around the 50 minute mark. She was a little disappointed, but I did a good enough job of letting emotions and spirits balance out and gave her enough of a warning that my attainability was good enough.
I think the vibe was good enough that I ask her to a party right away, which is really just a way to get her alone quick, but she is stuck babysitting and can't come. I don't respond right away, and she texts back saying she would love to see me again and that she is free the next day. Unfortunately I am not, but we make plans for a few days later.
She keeps trying to text me, and from what I can tell seems pretty sold on me. I get her to drive all the way to my side of town, where we have dinner and plan to see a movie. I didn't actually want to see a movie, that was just what I told her, but when we finished eating and the escalation window was there it was still very light out, and the plan was to make my move in my car. She was so turned on though, by my doing...
SO, against my judgement, I take her to the movies across the street, thinking that I will keep her warm during the movie and then take her afterward. As we get there though I can just feel her excitement vanishing. I try to counter this by spontanenous kissing her partway through the movie. I do this several times, and pretty soon I have her on my lap, feeling her all over, making out intensely. Was honestly a lot of fun. But I probably overdid it.
Anyway, the movie ends, and it is very cold outside. I hold her the entire way to my car, rubbing her body to warm her. She had told me she had to get up at 5, and it was 11, and she had a long drive ahead, so my stupid guy logic decided it was a good idea to end the date then and there. After all, I'd already shown my cards, and the perfectionist in me thought going for sex would be too "uncouth" or "expected". IDIOT. And this isn't the first time this has happened to me, where I psych myself out. So, as you might expect, I haven't seen her since. She was soooo into me, and yet I blew my chance.
So I promised myself, from now on, NO movie dates until after we have had sex. Also, ALWAYS TAKE YOUR DAMN SHOT, even if it won't be up to your standards.
I really liked this girl, and would have loved to have her around.
Work has been black and white. On the one hand, the company is tight and they aren't offering overtime like before. I also got dragged out by my two immediate supervisors for the raise I was promised, and when I finally went to the head of the company he rather sociopathically told me he was not giving a summer job guy a raise, even though I had it crystal clear in writing from my super as a condition for my return, and got both my supers to admit there was nothing wrong with my performance to warrant the raise being taken off the table. What he was really saying was, "I don't care enough about Ambiance coming back next summer to concede". Which is his loss. I truly am a great employee.
So on the other hand, now I have no problem working at my own pace and treating the gig as "just another summer job" rather than the seriousness I had before. I have also made a ton of extra dough off the company's ineffiencies... which I am now more than happy to foster/exploit to the max. Hahahahaha... I am making more than my supervisor, and no one has a clue. This is the biggest reason I agreed to a delayed raise to begin with. And no, I'm not stealing. This is cash the company could have but throws away because they don't have the time to go through the process to convert it. They aren't even aware of the real value of what they have me throw away, which I just pocket. Their loss.
Working out has progressed in certain areas and stagnated in others. I'm averaging 3 days a week for the summer. Not ideal, but now that I'm taking things easy at work I have a lot more energy. I'm curling 60s for reps in spite of not going as hard. Bench has slipped though, probably couldn't do 315 today. Will have to get on track again.
My cardio is in good shape. I've done hundreds of laps at the pool, a good chunk of them incorporating HIIT techniques. I also have replaced my former treadmill workout with a HIIT variant that kicks my ass but is oh soooo effective. I love it because it takes a quarter of the time with the same or higher yield. I also did a 14er, Mt. Elbert, the tallest mountain in CO. My friend and I destroyed the expected time to summit.
Diet wasn't great the first part of summer, due to having abundant junk food at my dad's house and ingesting the wrong gas station food while at work. I have made strides in the right direction however, greatly cutting down on sugar and cutting junk food in half. My physique isn't the beauty it was when I went out with Emily, but is still pretty great.
One HUGE thing I have started doing is keeping my chin at/slightly above parallel. I have always had great posture, even before GC, but being as tall as I am I always allowed myself to lower my head just a bit. Wasn't even that conscious that my chin could and should be held higher. Now, however... I am alpha as FUCK. Amazing how I had this in my arsenal and never made proper use of it. People have always respected me, but this is one of those little extra things that pays huge dividends. It's taken me from "that guy looks pretty powerful" to "that guy is undisputedly IN CHARGE".
My Dad
My father, as brilliant and successful as he is, still struggles so mightily with women. He just met another girl that he right away was crazy about, and blew all concepts of escalation out the window, and scared her off. If only he knew what I know! I hate seeing him like this. I just got out of a talk with him where he called her "The Alpha and Omega" and "The One" and a bunch of other stuff. This is after her telling him that "she just got out of a relationship" and that "you're a really nice guy but I'm not ready for this right now". They went on this great first date, and he got needy right away and all the emotions troughed and she vanished. He'll probably never see her again. And yet he plans to wait as long as it takes.
Such is the fate of those who don't learn how women work. I just wish it wasn't my dad.
I haven't done much with girls since my last update though, so who am I to say the above? Yes, my logistics have been bad, but this can be fixed. I made certain choices, and they have consequences. Living at home helps my finances greatly, which is necessary as I pay for college by myself, and I have done a great job making money compared to those my age. 95th percentile easily. And yet, I can do better. Must do better. Next summer I cannot stay at my dad's again. I will be 21 by then, which means I can easily go out all the time. I must be on my own then, for the sake of all my goals with women. My living situation is the last impediment to me truly taking off with this seduction thing, truly changing my life for good and reaching such dizzying success that I will be proud of myself beyond my wildest dreams. THIS is my only real goal this summer: get to the point where I am on my own next summer.
Haven't seen Mikala since our hookup. Alena I have seen a few times, and am seeing tomorrow. It is a solid FB setup. I'm getting better at these. Alexis I haven't talked to in a month. I haven't initiated anything, and for the first time since I met her she hasn't either. She was always the one to text first. I'm guessing either she met a guy (or several) in San Diego, or she is in some weird state of auto-rejection. Or both. I'll text her a couple weeks before she gets back, as is standard per an article by Colt I have always adhered to, and if no response she goes on the Blackdragon method of pings every 6 months or so. Which would be sad because I allowed myself to really like her, and I miss her as is, but this is part of doing MLTRs with women.
In the future, I don't know if I can do MLTRs with girls who drink or party, which Alexis does. The thought was that party girls were just MLTRs at best, so there was no danger commiting to a party girl, and that I'm gonna be so far above every other guy in bed that these girls would all be in love with me and under my thrall. I was right about both too. What I didn't give enough weight was that I hate the fact that a girl I care about is with another guy, even if I will never commit to her in a million years. Call me a hypocrite; I know some guys can handle it, and I can with FBs, but not MLTRs. So it serves me right for developing feelings. I now know on an emotional level why Chase works his relationships the way he does.
Beyond that, have done some approaching, had some dates flake, and missed out on a couple Fascination girls.
I'm calling this "The Summer of Music". My library is exploding right now. Any of you metal fans reading this, you have to check out Epica and The Black Halo by Kamelot. They are the best albums I have ever heard. It's not even close. Holy shit! They are so good! Kamelot has some other good stuff too, but Epica and TBH (which are sister concept albums based on Goethe's Faust) are on another level. Amorphis came out with a great album, Queen of Time, and I've been getting into the Devin Townsend Project and Kendrick as well. All these are highly masculine, and perfect for the aspiring pinnacle male. This group called The Gathering also has been blowing my mind, second only to Kamelot. They have some gothic metal, but in later albums they go more progressive, and knock it out of the park, unlike most bands who pull away from their roots. Seriously guys, PM me if you wanna talk music.
Been watching a lot of Archer lately. Hilarious show! The title character is the definition of IDGAF. The dialogue is sharper than a diamond edged buzzsaw.
Also read A Game of Thrones, and plan to read the rest. Adore the show, and the book was just as good. I've read 7500+ books in my life, was always the kid sneaking a book in class, and was the guy the library made an exception for in allowing me to check out more than the max allowed, but I hadn't devoured a book in a while the way I used to. I felt 10 years younger.
That should cover it.