Today is my first day back in school. Spring 2019 may be my most important semester yet... even more so than the one I had to get my scholarship back. But more on that in a minute. First, an update on how break turned out, and events since my return to San Diego.
I worked for my dad for two weeks. The cash, once I get it, will be very nice. But it wasn't very productive for either myself or my dad. He left for a 6 day trip to visit his long distance girlfriend during the first week. When I went to pick him up from the airport the next week, he was an emotional wreck. His girlfriend had dumped him. That week we didn't work together at all due to how upset he was. To make matters worse, one of his employees had broken her hip, another had quit, and before that he had fired a different employee, leaving me alone in the office.
Beyond that, break was good. I added to my music collection, did some reading, including George RR Martin's
A Feast for Crows, and worked out at my club. My best friend and I finished season three of Fargo, which was excellent. And I ate like a king.
The only bad thing about break was missing Destiny (there are worse things than sitting around in an office). We texted everyday, and facetimed here and there, but the break started to take its toll. It got to the point where I started having nightmares about the past repeating itself with her. Of losing her the same way I had lost girls like her before. That last week in CO tested my frame more than anything. All this time I was watching how miserable my dad was. I did my best to show him the light, but the pessimism started to rub off on me and erode my once almighty confidence.
And then something clicked. I remembered my obligation as a man: I must be strong. So I fought off any fears I felt, and kept myself busy. When I returned to San Diego, I resolved to shower Destiny with love, since I knew how much she had missed me. I kept my cool, and didn't let things like her being 40 minutes late break my frame (later found out she was only late because I wanted her to bring her swimsuit and she doubled back to get it).
I snuck behind her on her walk to my apartment and surprise-picked her up and spun her around with a big smile. She got teary eyed and gave me a huge, long hug. If my insecurities hadn't been destroyed before they were gone now. In command once again, I whisked her back to my place where we had crazy sex. We then watched a show, have more sex, get food, and then drank. She's a total lightweight, and can get feisty, but I find it adorable

After getting a little tipsy, we hit the hot tub and swam, then back to my place for some super intense sex on the bathroom floor. She's crying throughout it. I'm consoling her as I thrust in her, and she really starts crying and tells me there's something she wants to tell me but she's so scared to. I already know what it it, but I lovingly coax it out of her.
Finally she tells me she loves me.
I evoke Han Solo, telling her I know, and furiously kiss her and stab into her. She cries harder. I tell her how much I care about her. She keeps telling me how much she loves me.
And then I tell her I love her too.
She can't believe it. And in this moment, more than ever before, I finally know just how much I've put her through. How scary it was for her to date me, to fall for me, when I had been so careful to never promise her anything. When I had left her for 5 weeks, and been real with what might happen.
Our love-making reaches a crescendo. And to top it all off, to crown this already glorious moment, I tell her that since we love each other, we should be together. Again she can't believe it. Clarifying, I tell her I'm making it official, and that she can tell people that she is my girlfriend.
The rest of the night is very intimate. We fall asleep in each other's arms. Early the next morning with the remainder of the alcohol out of our system I confirm we're still boyfriend and girlfriend. We have more sex over the next few hours before grabbing food and hitting a museum. Before she leaves that night she tells me how scared she was coming over and leading up to our reunion, and how happy and lucky she is.
I got the girl
After she left I was in an interesting mood. I haven't been exclusive since high school. Not only that, but I wouldn't have guessed my next girlfriend would be someone I'd actually fall in love with. That felt far off in the future not too long ago. But I do love her. I'm also in control of it.
She spent the night later that week, and we had the definitive best sex of our lives. I was so exhausted afterward... We fell asleep around 2, and spent the next morning and noon together. She came over again the next day, and spent the night again. We had two pool days and more sex despite promising each other we'd stop due to how sore we were. A very special week.
The only problem we had was the second time she spent the night. I could tell something was bugging her, so I did as Chase would and got it out of her. She was worried that I wanted sex too often, and that she might not be able to provide. I held my frame that sex was a necessity, then framed how much sex we have as something I do for her and how her perception of me as her sex god is great for our relationship (all
sooo true). She was all over me after that, as I mentioned before, even telling me as I ravaged her that she'll never not want sex from me

Communication like this is so key, and I'm very glad to have learned the hows and whys early through this site.
This is turning into a long post, so I'll wrap up with talking about how important this semester is, before doing Spring goals in a new post. I made a deal with my dad that if I get a 3.5 overall, he will pay for every A. So if I get straight As, I go to school for free. This would be so huge for me... money is running tight, and I don't want to take out excessive loans. I'm also taking 6 classes this semester, and won't have as much time to work as before. Doing well scholastically is paramount, not just to make things easier but to survive.
All in all, it never ends. I may have the girl, but that just means the game changes. I need to start this semester strong. And I want to continue progress in other endeavors including working out, reading, and music. I could also stand to make some better friends in SD.
Here's to the best semester of my life.
(P.S. Cro-Magnon Man!!! Very cool. I've dreamed of this day since my first LR.)