@Warped Mindless,
I noticed your absence! Good to see you back.
@Skills said, the economy is absolute garbage right now.
Every business owner I know is complaining about falling sales. I'm in a marketing group where just a few months ago the head guy put together a special "intervention" webinar because he said he had so many people telling him "No one is buying anything right now!" I had a guy telling me about a coaching business where "the coaches are crying because no one is signing up for coaching anymore." If you go on Reddit there are constant threads about how atrocious the real economy is -- wages getting slashed, nobody hiring, Harvard grads needing a year+ to get hired, prices of everything exploding.
People who do contract work for us have been asking for more work, because we've been giving them less work, and a bunch of their other clients have disappeared altogether. All I can say is, "We'll have more work for you when things pick up again. Sorry."
Bet you 10 bucks your startup backers who pulled out just used your legal trouble as an excuse.
Good economy? "No problem bud, I'm sure you'll lick those charges!"
Bad economy? "On second thought, this seems like the perfect opportunity to de-risk and sit on our capital rather than betting on something to take off during a time when everything's in decline."
(the media does this whole "Economy's doing great right now! Maybe there might be a slight recession around the bend but overall it's great! Heck, unemployment is really low! Inflation is not too bad!" but they have about a bajillion funny numbers mixed in there. Most people at this point know it's pure propaganda)
You've just got to soldier through times like these. It never lasts forever. You always get a bunch of suicides at the start of a deep recession because people's expectations are so mismatched to reality, then everyone adjusts. Sooner or later things rebound.
That said, I think it also makes sense to be aware of general society / civilizational trends, economies-wise. This Ray Dalio video does a good job putting things in perspective:
All the massive inflation over the past few years came from the massive money printing they did during the lockdowns. Hopefully they'll lay off the money printer for a while and not make things worse.
Side note: any time I'm in a bit of a slump I like to step outside myself and say, "All right, obviously what I'm doing isn't working, otherwise I'd be excited and energetic. What am I sinking my time into right now that is not paying off, and what could I put time into instead that has potential or at least would excite me?" Then I do a little reorientation, de-prioritize the less effective stuff, ratchet up in priority whatever excites me. Helps a lot.
If the economy gets really bad, just focus on building skills for a while instead.
That's Confucius's advice: when there's no opportunity to make advances, pull back and work on yourself for a while until opportunities open up again for you to put those skills to use.