@naturalmikey (and everyone else)-
Pickup as a space has been on the decline for years now. Mid-2014 there was a major slump that set in that has just gotten worse over the years.
It is a combination of there no longer being any mainstream ambassadors like there were when Neil Strauss was doing all his PR-building and promoting
The Game so heavily, plus the total ruination of the image of pickup in popular thought due to weird guys trying it + scammy-seeming marketing tactics + media portrayals, mixed in with a zeitgeist in which more and more men would rather be angry at women rather than try to sleep with them. That's the sort of overview.
There was just a big YouTube purge a couple weeks ago after
the conviction and imprisonment of that Middle Eastern guy who got too aggressive in his approaches in Scotland. A bunch of YouTube channels got shut down, and many YouTube videos got axed, mainly the channels and videos that had hidden camera in-fields. (hidden camera in-field footage is illegal in many areas, so this was probably a mandatory move by YouTube legally, regardless of the political climate)
There's a general sense among many pickup business owners that the mood is souring a lot on seduction, and that it's going to get more and more restricted and harder and harder to reach an audience over time.
Then add to that the fact that most pickup business owners are guys in their 30s and 40s who have either made enough money to cash out, or switched over to some other form of entrepreneurship, and they all either have families now and don't want to be associated with the space any longer (wanting to move past the period of their lives and be more socially respectable) or they at least have long-term girlfriends who pressure them to not be so involved with that industry anymore, and you get a bunch of businesses closing up shop.
In RSD's case in particular, Tyler has been trying to move RSD away from pickup and over into social training, charisma, etc. He seems to think that's a safer direction to go, and that there won't be any oxygen at all for marketing seduction in the future, especially on the big channels like YouTube and Facebook.
So, that's kind of the overview.
One way to think of it is it's returning more to where it was pre-
The Game.
Before Strauss' book, there were a few big seduction companies (Double Your Dating being the industry titan), but it was overall pretty sparse.
There was one primary forum everybody was on (moderate Alt-Seduction.Fast -- mASF [Fast Seduction]), from Mystery to Tyler to Ross Jeffries and all the old school cats. I was on there, Alek and Tony and Cody were, everybody was.
It was a much smaller, more intimate, and pretty underground niche.
I don't think it's a bad thing if it's going back to that. You get a smaller community, but there were still plenty of brilliant guys in those days.
And you had a whole sense of "this is a small community, most people don't know about this and would never accept it, and when you stumble on it, it's like finding a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and a handful of skilled, like-minded individuals."
So, I do not think it's the end of the world.