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Attraction - Can it be Generated? - An Introduction to Compliance-Based Game


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
These are indicators my guy which are good. I referenced shyness because an LTR I had did not appear shy, but then later said she was shy when I approached her. There weren’t many indicators other than barely responding. Also, some girls say they were shy even when they acted bubbly from the get-go! There are variations of “shyness” just like every other emotions, and people express emotions slightly differently. There other emotions that overlap with shyness I was lazy to mention: like listlessness, nervousness, anxious and more. Emotions overlap with each other

but i do not really understand where are you going , I mean if you have this effect on her like her being nervous , anxious , etc because of you , that is a good thing , and totally different than a girl that just turns her back to you :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
but i do not really understand where are you going , I mean if you have this effect on her like her being nervous , anxious , etc because of you , that is a good thing , and totally different than a girl that just turns her back to you :)

I don’t think we disagree on anything. The tldr is that you shouldn’t consider a girl unflippable from some brief facial expressions when you barely know her. You shouldn’t presume you know her mental state from a few momentary indicators. Yea, I’d consider shyness better than completely ignoring me, so would any guy; but for any guy, a girl completely ignoring you or acting like a cunt towards you doesn’t make her unflippable
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Guys chasing after pigs doesn’t mean they value looks less than women.
At last call, do you see hot girls chasing after pigs or have they gone home already with or without a guy?
lol! And if they find an ugly guy hot, which sometimes they do, then you should stop caring so much about physical attractiveness.
if your a 4.5/10, and you want to only bang 9s and 10s, that percentage of greens to reds will be quite low (for every green 10, there will be five red 10s)
If your a 9/10, then for every red 10, there will be five green 10s. HE'D have no reason to need a model to catch outliers.
Someone who doesn't possess the traits of a physically attractive man (short, asymmetrical face, weak jawline, receding hair) will have less opportunities with the girls he wants (9s) than someone who does. All that matters tho, is if she finds you physically attractive (not ugly) herself.
You say it’s irrelevant, all while saying physical attractiveness is fundamental!
its irrelevant whether her friends think your physically attractive or not, if she does (in most cases. sometimes they'll think your too ugly for her. and then come in and take her away from you. Sometimes they'll try to take her away, but she'll ignore them (my case), and sometimes they just want their friend to be happy, so as long as they can see that she's happy with you, they won't butt in).

Now your goal post has shifted to “if she thinks youre hot, then you’re hot.”
To her. yes. that has always been my argument.
By implying looks are as important to women as to men, you are implying behavior is as important to women as to men. This is a necessary implication of the belief, which is obvious bullshit.
I don't know. If she's being a straight up bitch to you, too stupid to understand your jokes, refusing the let you escalate the conversation to sex (or let you physically escalate on her), then you'd move to another girl right?
Looks less important means behavior is more important; looks more important means behavior less important.
Good looking man with unattractive behavior beats out an unattractive man with attractive behavior. That's what the study and real life shows.
Good looking man with attractive behavior beats out an good looking man with unattractive behavior. Looks is the first thing we (males and females) take into consideration, before we assess behavior.
Tastes between men do not vary as much as tastes between women, hence why there is more variation between what makes a guy “hot” vs what makes a woman “hot”.
they do lol. did we not have an arguement in the chat about boobs guy Vs ass guy. Some guys love black girls. Others find them repulsive. Some guys love blondes, some like brunettes. Some hate asian girls. You only had to view that 300+ page thread on Roosh's forum "what's a 10 to you" to understand that our tastes vary just as much as women :)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
At last call, do you see hot girls chasing after pigs or have they gone home already with or without a guy?

Someone who doesn't possess the traits of a physically attractive man (short, asymmetrical face, weak jawline, receding hair) will have less opportunities with the girls he wants (9s) than someone who does. All that matters tho, is if she finds you physically attractive (not ugly) herself.

its irrelevant whether her friends think your physically attractive or not, if she does (in most cases. sometimes they'll think your too ugly for her. and then come in and take her away from you. Sometimes they'll try to take her away, but she'll ignore them (my case), and sometimes they just want their friend to be happy, so as long as they can see that she's happy with you, they won't butt in).

To her. yes. that has always been my argument.

I don't know if she's being a straight up bitch to you, too stupid to understand your jokes, refusing the let you escalate the conversation to sex (or let you physically escalate on her), then you'd move to another girl right?

Good looking man with unattractive behavior beats out an unattractive man with attractive behavior. That's what the study and real life shows.
Good looking man with attractive behavior beats out an good looking man with unattractive behavior. Looks is the first thing we (males and females) take into consideration, before we assess behavior.

they do lol. did we not have an arguement in the chat about boobs guy Vs ass guy. Some guys love black girls. Others find them repulsive. Some guys love blondes, some like brunettes. Some hate asian girls. You only had to view that 300+ page thread on Roosh's forum "what's a 10 to you" to understand that our tastes vary just as much as women.

At the end of the night, some hot girls already left. Some stay and don’t talk to anyone but themselves. Some leave with guys they met. Men hitting on pigs in no way implies men value looks equally to women.

saying “if she thinks you’re hot, then your hot” means jack shit when determining if a guy is objectively hot. This is like saying “if you think it’s a dog, then it’s a dog”. No lol. If you can’t determine what makes a guy physically attractive, if there is no consistency, then your whole weird feminist looks theory falls apart. Lack of consistency means wide variation - height, physique and facial features. So using physical attractiveness as the base measure is useless. In the eyes of the woman, like you implied, it’s all what she considers attractive. So why care so much about jawlines and shit. We already know looks is a factor, just not as important to women

If an average guy gets with a hot girl, then he is actually a hot guy by your logic.

If a good looking guy can’t get a girl, then he’s actually just ugly.

^^^notice with the above, you can no longer think purely in terms of looksbeing the most fundamental criteria for attraction. The differences in results, again proven by average members on this forum pulling babes, demonstrates that looks is just one factor, less important to woman than to men.

There is variation but the variation is not as big as with women. Talking about ass/boobs or rooshes discussions (lol) doesn’t mean equal variation. Not sure how you got that conclusion

It’s interesting @Velasco youre taking the feminist line of thinking on attraction just to preserve your pickup-light-system-model. wtf is going on lol. It isn’t “Pu theory”. Literally Schopenhauer, philosophers and people of the past were aware of looks being less important to women. It is a consistent common observation.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Men hitting on pigs in no way implies men value looks equally to women.
Why would they hit on pigs if looks were so valuable to them?
Lack of consistency means wide variation - height, physique and facial features
Why is it that you never see a 4' 11" fat guy with eyes close together and a big nose slaying 9s left and right? The variation between what girls think is physically attractive is a lot closer than you imply.
If an average guy gets with a hot girl, then he is actually a hot guy by your logic.
to her. via cold approach? yes.
If a good looking guy can’t get a girl, then he’s actually just ugly.
that could be the case.

Some girls think Jeremy Renner is good looking while others don't. However, if she did find him good looking and he didn't sleep with him it was because he fucked it up.
The differences in results, again proven by average members on this forum pulling babes, demonstrates that looks is just one factor, less important to woman than to men.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
Why would they hit on pigs if looks were so valuable to them?

If a guy hits on pigs, doesn’t mean he values looks equal to how women value looks. Apples and oranges my man

Why is it that you never see a 4' 11" fat guy with eyes close together and a big nose slaying 9s left and right? The variation between what girls think is physically attractive is a lot closer than you imply.

If it were close, you could predict how well a guy (not just in night life btw) does by looking at him lol. You can’t. A guys vibe and personality are better indicators.

Btw, Im not implying that there aren’t hopeless ugly guys. There definitely are. Imo if you’re too ugly, you should probably do something else. But the playing field for looks between men is pretty level. A guy having a better looking face doesn’t give him much of an advabstdge. I’ve said several times that looks areca factor, but there are other behavioral factors that obviously take precedence. It is not an either/or situation

Get this feminist equalist shit out of here lol

Some girls think Jeremy Renner is good looking while others don't. However, if she did find him good looking and he didn't sleep with him it was because he fucked it up.

Many men are not as good looking than Jeremy, yet pull babes. Therefore, by your feminist logic, these men are actually better looking than Jeremy.

Seems like to be good looking according to you, you just need to pull hot babes. But in order to pull hot babes, you need to be good looking!!

Now, for the readers, I recommend going back to page 19 to read those basic infield phenomena that were conveniently avoided, basic things like:
1.) people’s minds change
2.) average guys pulling hot babes (including members of this forum)
3.) indirect openers being more effective

And more.

Also, consider the implications of these statements that were either claimed or implied:
- if you ever flip a girl then she was flippable to begin with
- if the girl thinks you are hot, then you are hot
- if she rejects you harshly, then this is definite proof it is impossible to have sex with her consensually
- women desire looks in men equally to men desiring looks in women


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
If a guy hits on pigs, doesn’t mean he values looks equal to how women value looks.
I did not say anything about women equally valuing looks over personality as men. (if that was your interpretation, my bad broski :) ). Just that both men and women value looks over personality when its comes to STR.

However...anyone that goes out, and decides to stay out till last call, can see that there will always be average guys (not average looking. Average as in no pickup skills/newbie/drunk) hitting on pigs while hot girls don't (or you'll see guys match with 5s (and talk to them with the intention of setting up a hook up, not just because they swiped right on everything) while women do not) all this puts into question, the original quote claiming looks matter less for women :)
A guy having a better looking face doesn’t give him much of an advabstdge.
Many men are not as good looking than Jeremy, yet pull babes.
Just be past her looks threshold, bro.
these men are actually better looking than Jeremy.
They'd only be considered better looking than Jeremy to her, if she didn't find Jeremy attractive at all.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
However...anyone that goes out, and decides to stay out till last call, can see that there will always be average guys (not average looking. Average as in no pickup skills/newbie/drunk) hitting on pigs while hot girls don't (or you'll see guys match with 5s (and talk to them with the intention of setting up a hook up, not just because they swiped right on everything) while women do not) all this puts into question, the original quote claiming looks matter less for women :)

Nah not at all. These men can still tell what an attractive woman is, producing consistency as to which women are the hottest. The opposite is not true of women - there would still remain greater variation as to what a “hot guy” is. Also, men chasing after women is influenced by our hormones. There are sex differences you are ignoring which produces the behavior of men chasing 5s.

There are “beautiful” women. There are not “beautiful” men. The latter doesn’t say much and isn’t really proper English with few exceptions. Aesthetic attractiveness (ie looks) is a feature of women, which is caused by men’s sexual selection of them. notice that the 1-10 scale doesn’t apply to men, because our aesthetics doesn’t tell the whole story. Maybe you’ve forgotten the phenomena of musicians or famous men having an easier time. There would be no easier lays for such men if looks were valued equally. Women would treat famous men the way men treat famous women. Not the case

As for the theoretical “looks threshold”. Well, every woman’s is different and her threshold is only knowable through isolation from other influences. Therefore it shouldn’t be used as an excuse if you get blown out harshly.
“What happened man?”
“I didn’t meet her looks threshold.”
“Uh what? How do you know that?”
“Well, she gave a mean face.”
“So what does that have to do with her looks threshold?”

Mind reading is required to answer the blow out question, so looks threshold per woman is theoretical, no point giving a shit about it if your an average or decent looking guy.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
There are “beautiful” women. There are not “beautiful” men. The latter doesn’t say much and isn’t really proper English with few exceptions. Aesthetic attractiveness (ie looks) is a feature of women, which is caused by men’s sexual selection of them. notice that the 1-10 scale doesn’t apply to men, because our aesthetics doesn’t tell the whole story. Maybe you’ve forgotten the phenomena of musicians or famous men having an easier time. There would be no easier lays for such men if looks were valued equally. Women would treat famous men the way men treat famous women.

Amigo talking from an epistemological point of view , the term aesthetics is something invented by the ancient greeks , and they were sculpting both naked women and naked men as per their view of what beauty is => romans copied the ancient greek culture and guess what they sculpting equally naked men and naked women per their view of what beauty is and so on :)

Famous men and musicians and stuff like that already have social proof and preselection already on their side

EDIT:: Looking at a woman only from a beauty point of view is a limiting belief


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
@BigPapa social proof and présélection don’t make a woman hotter. Make up, clothes and plastic surgery do. More reason to conclude men value looks more than woman.

As to the origin of aesthetics, People’s view of what is an attractive women and an attractive man has been consistent throughout history. It is known a mans behavior/personality is a greater factor in his total attractiveness in comparison to women.

Another thing: sculptures were not necessarily made to incite sexual arousal. There was more to the art than sculpting a “beautiful woman” or a “beautiful man”. Pornography on the other hand is made entirely to incite sexual arousal. This produces an illusion of there being “different standards” when there really aren’t many.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
@BigPapa social proof and présélection don’t make a woman hotter. Make up, clothes and plastic surgery do. More reason to conclude men value looks more than woman.

It works both ways , because us men are super competitive by nature , especially with other males ;)

As to the origin of aesthetics, People’s view of what is an attractive women and an attractive man has been consistent throughout history. It is known a mans behavior/personality is a greater factor in his total attractiveness in comparison to women.

Not really , if you want to be explained like to an engineer please see bellow my explanation :

In order for her to see your personality & behavior , firstly you need to be vetted as "deemed" for her attention => it is not enough have the best personality and behavior out there without meeting the minimum entry requirements , because she will never see them


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
men chasing after women is influenced by our hormones. There are sex differences you are ignoring which produces the behavior of men chasing 5s.
women chase men too. The one's they are physically attracted to. That is why at last call, you will not find hot women (if there even are any remaining) chasing the men still there (unless one of them has a shit ton of preselection working for him).
“Well, she gave a mean face.”
more like she gave him a look of disgust then proceeded to turn away from him.
Therefore it shouldn’t be used as an excuse if you get blown out harshly.
Getting blown out harshly isn't solely due to her not being physically attracted to you. Could be due to the fact that you went in totally uncalibrated (drunk) and started putting your hands all up on her, while not being able to speak proper english.
no point giving a shit about it if your an average or decent looking guy.
Its good to know why you got blown out, to determine whether there was something you could have done better to not lead to that result or if it was it due to factors outside of your control :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
@BigPapa your point has already been addressed earlier in this thread. Yes, you have to have a certain level of “base attraction”.

At this point there isn’t much to discuss. We can all agree you have to be a certain level of attractiveness. We can agree that people’s mind can be changed. We can also agree that getting blown out harshly doesn’t make her “impossible” or a “red” or that you didn’t meet that level. Unless suggestions can be made to definitively determine if she’s impossible or not while in set, no utility can come from participating in this thread further


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Going back to the main thrust of the 1st post.

Yes you can convert. And from a normie/blue pill world, conversion is not only possible, it's the norm. Instant attraction is the rare thing.

Couple being interviewed.

Guy - I knew she was the one for me.
Girl - I hated him when I met him.

I don't think the girl is lying about her first impression. I don't think she's trying to save face, which is how her statement of dislike is usually interpreted by people that don't believe in conversion. "She's just saying that, but she liked him deep down".

She didn't like him. And most guys would be deterred by her reluctance or apathy.

Yet her continued exposure to his behavior is what changes her tune.

I've seen this happen to me. It's happened to both guys and girls in my social circle. In America at least, it's part of the cultural narrative. This is the norm. In contemporary seduction circles, the norm is not the norm. It's some impossibility. Their parents are lying to them.

When you think about it, initial disgust/reluctance/hate is baseline.

This is much like hearing a song on the radio, hating it, and then hearing it again and starting to enjoy it. Food that you didn't like, you know enjoy. (Kimchi, Blue Cheese, Cantaloupe, For me)

With a lot of newbs, and apparently some vets, they have this idea that like/dislike, attraction/unattraction is just binary. On or off.

That's clearly not the case in everyday life.

No's get turned to yes's in the business and political arena, EVERY DAY. People often fight for the chance to make bad decisions, to put themselves in a worse health/financial position after being swayed.

So a girl going from disliking you, or not even noticing you, to actively liking you is not rare.

With pickup, it's been about understanding that process, and speeding it up.

That said, I personally find it harder and harder to actually get "true conversion" game, where I can find a truly non-interested girl.
They all seem to be somewhat interested. 1 on a scale of 1-100. I can't think of a time that i've dealt with a 0. Even a -1, i see in absolute value. The fact that she's having an emotional/instinctual reaction is promising to me.

As PUAs and players, we have improved our conventional attraction markers (looks, money, status), put ourselves in social situations, grown great interpersonal social skills, and have keen eyes for nonverbal reaction. What a rookie might see as a chick not being into him, we see a girl that is.

Rookie - "She's giving me a shit test, better say something funny and move past it"
Vet - "She's giving me a shit test, she's checking if I'm okay to bang"

On top of that, (maybe it's an old school perspective)but I believe most girls would rather be fucking. Sex is a biological function. Like sleeping and eating. She'd rather be doing those things too.

And if she could find a situation where she could get some vitamin D from a guy she likes, without all of the social AND EMOTIONAL baggage, she would do it.

There's a hot magma under that dress, and I'm the sort of guy to turn her into a volcano and release the lava.

My only real job during the interaction is getting past her very low bar of acceptability (not smell like I'm homeless), getting her involved in a pleasant and exciting conversation, building the trust, handling the social obstacles, and then uncovering the fire within.

This is probably just a useful fiction that keeps me going. It's a confirmation bias that helps me to succeed. I will fully admit to that. Probably not good enough for the seduction academics here. There's no real way for me to know.

So from where I stand, "true reds" and really "winning a girl over", "truly seducing her" - is a statistical anomaly.

I am not one of those men that women lust after when they see a photograph. I'm probably less impressive in person.

But then we start talking. I'm hilarious. And 5 minutes later, I'm kinda cute.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 21, 2018
But HOW ONE APPROACHES matters too. I had the problem greenleaf had back in the days. It went away the better I got with opening. It went totally away when in 2015 where I (and carousel) made our opening and hook game into a priority. It was our priority for 2 years and we both noticed a huge difference.


Hi Teevster

Thats currently my problem.

where can i find ur guides on hooking and openning


Jun 1, 2020
Have you guys never had girls WHO ARE NOT FUCKING INTO YOU AT ALL, and just stayed unreactive with your million dollar mouth piece, your piercing voice and passed a few shit-tests and they were into you?
I just registered on this forum but.... Being in game for many years. Seeing many gurus in field here in Prague (Kelvin, Artisan....) and regular gamers...some successful some not..... I have NEVER seen that or experienced EVER... IM being honest


Jun 1, 2020
Opened the girl. 8. Alternative vibe. Absolutely gorgeous. Ran up behind her. Semi-direct but social open.
Blew me off. Friends liked me. I gamed the friends.
Friends invited me to hang out. Girl fucking hated it, didn't talk to me.
We sat down at a coffee-shop. I talk about my life and as I was so fucking awesome the girl starting open up. I teased her and rewarded her a little.
Then the friends left us to our means. We vibed a bit. Got her #. Then vibed. More, the more I talked the more she got attracted.
Then we went to a restaurant.
Deep rapport.
Good connection.
She had to go. I was like cool.
She invited me to a party.
I went and fucked her. (Virgin girl, btw. Ah, Muslim too. Haha. Also completely closed off socially.)

Open up a little Velasco. Your game will be better off for it.

I deleted some self-identifying parts of the LR. You can PM me for more details.
Yeah money can do that. This is like 3rd post Ive read about you, that basically says- girl found out I have money.


Jun 1, 2020
I asked this question btw, one of the most successful europian daygamers.... Dude is 40+ has 17 year old super hot girl in Sweden and similar hot girls all around Europe- His answer was- Well unless you somehow demonstrate preselection by showing up with some super hot girls arlready... You cant improve attraction.....Mother fucking master....


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 14, 2020
But that is the thing , if she is attracted to you it does not mean that she also will sleep with you now or in the nearest future , but mainly this has nothing to do with you , and the best approach to this kind of women is to ping her from time to time ( sooner or later things will happen ) . Timing is super important , but people rarely talk about this. Being attracted is not the same thing as being "down to fuck"

Let me give you an example of something that just pumped into my head

I was talking with a girl but had to travel for 2 weeks so nothing happened fast enough. When I came back , she was still warm but never managed to meet her . After a couple of months I started seeing pictures with her boyfriend and stuff like that over fb ( they eventually married ) , but nerveless we still kept in touch ( liking pictures of eachother , occasionally how things are going discussions , stuff like that ) .

After some time out of thin air she tells me that she had a huge fight with her bf and that we should grab a drink , but in the same time she is also worried that if we meet things will happen and she is unsure if things ended with her bf or not and she will feel bad if her and her bf will get back togheter . I told her that if she is unsure about things let's catch up in a couple of weeks and see where things will go then ( I could have pushed for a meeting , but I was lazy as I was talking with more interesting girls ) .

But I was curious and asked her if he is the reason that we never really met and she told me that he is a guy that was pursuing her for some time and he looked like a serious guy that she can have a relationship with , while she perceived me as a guy more interesting but in the same time unsure if I would be interested in a real relationship with her or not , like the other guy was .

So basically because I did not move fast enough , I "lost" the battle with her current husband even though he did not play a good game , because of timing & me not moving fast enough , but nerveless the attraction was there and she knew exactly what will happen if we meet ( and guys here still say that women are not rational haha )
Yes , I agree with you on this . The whole ideas “ oh women are not irrational “ or “ if she likes you , she will sleep with you no matter what “ are just stupid , nonsense .
People , including women , make decisions based on risk and reward.