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Attraction - Can it be Generated? - An Introduction to Compliance-Based Game


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
@BigPapa dude I agree, much much earlier in this thread I said and I quote "you can seduce any girl that will give you the opportunity"

As mentioned to chrance he is right that you can't assume, but ultimately she's a red in that moment and it doesn't matter why. You're not wrong to "assume" she's a red when she's acting like one. Not all reds can be turned and it's up to you if you want to try or that you think it's worth it.

Velasco summed it up when he said not all reds are equal and that both sides of the argument are right.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
@Fluxcapacitor and @Chrance I think that you over intellectualize the discussion without really an objective in mind and turning it to the Socrates Dialogue , and forgetting maybe that here we talk about practical things on how to improve the seduction skills .

What I know is that if she is not giving me the opportunity , I can not flip her , because in order to flip her you need to do something but you are not getting the chance to that something => a red that can not be flipped

So from a practical purpose , does it matter if she finds you attractive but ignoring you , especially if you guys are not part of the same social circle ? Since the answer is no , then we can skip all this intellectual back and forth that is not bringing anything of value to the thread .

I am not a fan of this positive mambo jambo about "yeah man , it was not me , it was her in a bad state " because in reality is very likely that it is you ( not good enough fundamentals , bad logistics , bad vibe , etc etc )

I don’t disagree with this. I disagree with calling a girl a “red” when you barely know her, assuming shit about someone you don’t even know. Are you a mind reader? If not, don’t make absolute statements about someone’s personality

I will not sleep with her. That's the bottomline. I'm reacting that way because shes gross looking lol

Good, so the next critical question you can ask yourself is: Does how you feel apply to every other man on Earth?

For you yes, but this does not apply to every man with every woman that hits on them. Therefore the girl assuming she had no chance with another man who gives a bad reaction just because of your bad reaction would be silly on her part. She would be a mind reader. She’s allowing a bad reaction to govern how she judges people she barely knows


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
Where I live, hot and decent looking guys get blownout all the time. So any reference to “immediate look of disgust” is obvious bullshit. This is why I say what I’m saying. I see hot guys get blownout so there’s more to it than “she was absolutely unattracted and he had 0 chance”. if these girls aren’t settling for these hot guys, who are they settling with? In essence: there’s more going on than just physical attractiveness that results in disgust reactions and cunt behavior. And one of my earliest lays was a girl who blew me out, but than a month later ran into her and she was like a different person.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
I don’t disagree with this. I disagree with calling a girl a “red” when you barely know her, assuming shit about someone you don’t even know. Are you a mind reader? If not, don’t make absolute statements about someone’s personality

This has nothing to do with her personality , it is about how she reacts to your presence

Good, so the next critical question you can ask yourself is: Does how you feel apply to every man on Earth?

For you yes, but this does not apply to every man with every woman that hits on them. Therefore the girl assuming she had no chance with another man who gives a bad reaction just because of your bad reaction would be silly on her part. She would be a mind reader. She’s allowing a bad reaction to govern how she judges people she barely knows

If you are not attracted to her you will send non verbal clues same as women do when they are approached by men :)
Again this are very primitive gestures that we do and we are not aware of doing them


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
This has nothing to do with her personality , it is about how she reacts to your presence

If you are not attracted to her you will send non verbal clues same as women do when they are approached by men :)
Again this are very primitive gestures that we do and we are not aware of doing them

Not all men’s non verbal cues are the same and are affected by mood and other factors. How you express yourself is not how other men express themselves. Not to say these cues don’t exist. But a girl seeing a bad reaction from a guy doesn’t imply that bad reaction means the same thing for every other guy she talks to afterwards. Also, unless you tell her specifically “I was absolutely disgusted by you” or something like that, she’d be assuming too much about what your reaction meant. Ever lead a chick on by accident because she can’t take a hint?
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
And one of my earliest lays was a girl who blew me out, but than a month later ran into her and she was like a different person.

Most likely it is the case that you were blown in a nice way , but again you are missing the whole point of this discussion & overthinking things :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
Ever lead a chick on by accident because she can’t take a hint?

Only when she was ugly and she did not wanted to accept the hints ( basically she choose to ignore everything , even me telling her that we are more like a brother & sister and that it would be a shame to ruin such a good friendship) .

Women in general are super sensitive to your gestures and to what you say , which means that due to over thinking they exaggerate things and blow them out of proportions ( in a bad way )


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
Most likely it is the case that you were blown in a nice way , but again you are missing the whole point of this discussion & overthinking things :)


I actually comprehend the subject very well. Enough to know judging someone you barely know is mind reading. Also, if you are calling someone something than yea, you are judging their personality. If you aren’t their therapist or don’t know them very well, then your judgment is likely to be wrong. This is not overthinking or over complicating. It is common sense

Just realized I told myself not to post on this thread again. Fml gotta keep my word
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Such and amazing original post, destroyed and derailed to death... Very very sad...

Most girls with boyfriends do NOT cheat. they are dating a guy because they find him attractive and he brings massive value to their lives and they are already massively invested in him. there are the occasional girls who are unhappy with their relationships, as their boyfriends can no longer fulfill their needs (emotional, sexual) but they are in the minority.

^ are you serious?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
^ are you serious?
read daygame journals on this forum. How many guys get "I have a boyfriend" objections. After she was receptive to their approaches. It is rare that girls cheat on boyfriends. It only LOOKS like it happens more often, because the girls that go out to nightclubs (already only a small segment of total girls population) ("girls night out") are often the second type (unhappy with their relationships)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020

I actually comprehend the subject very well. Enough to know judging someone you barely know is mind reading. Also, if you are calling someone something than yea, you are judging their personality. If you aren’t their therapist or don’t know them very well, then your judgment is likely to be wrong. This is not overthinking or over complicating. It is common sense

Again , you are not judging her , you are just taking a rational decision based on facts . No response => moving to another girl that at least is giving you something to work on

I think your line of thinking has to do more with you not being able to accept the reality that some girls will never like you , and somehow think that you are special .

To be frank this way of thinking is more or less the root cause of everything that is wrong in the world , everyone thinking that is special , when the reality is that the world is kinda a fucked up place and there are at least 100 mil people having the same attributes as you :)

I used to think that I am special because I was intelligent , but you know what even if you are in the top 1 % when it comes to intelligence there are still 80 million people at least as intelligent as you . Same thing when it comes to everything else , you will always be in the same pool with another 100 million people . I do not know about you , but 100 million people is big number :)

But not feeling special anymore also liberated me and took a lot of pressure off my shoulders , which is a super nice feeling


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020


If you are calling a girl a “red” you are saying it is physically impossible for her to like you or desire you. The only way you can know this fact is if you’ve spent some time with her beyond a few minutes and experienced more from her than a brief look of disgust. So by calling her a red, you are judging her mental state, her temperament, her likes and dislikes. This is her personality, which you don’t even know yet so why call her a red? You don’t know you had 0 chance from an instinctual reaction wtf

My line of thinking is no different than other members in this forum, such as teevster, bacchus and others. So don’t take that up with me lol. I’m just willing to waste my time to explain basic things, like not judging someone when you barely know them

Note: it’s possible what you mean by red is diffferent from how I view the term, another reason why it’s a useless concept. I mean it as someone that no matter what you do in life, it would be impossible for that person to sexually desire you


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
The girls who he didnt fuck, that gave him 0 initial compliance (not willing to hear him out) were reds.

Alright, but then you agree that the next step would be to make her hear him out? You would also agree that a girl who is red - not initially willing to hear him out, is not necessarily harder to pull (that is, if she has great logistics and has no hang ups around sex) then a green (who may have bad logistics, and hung around sex, etc).

Hence if we look at only attraction, her not liking you much, or not at all is not an issue. If we see it as a compliance lack (basing your traffic light system on compliance), it is more of an issue I agree, but since compliance can be built, it is fixable (all else equal).

Hence you can twist reds - if the situation allows for it. Hence context matters more than her initial attraction and even initial compliance.
This has been my point all along.

The girls who he didnt fuck, that gave him compliance (willing to hear him out) were yellows/greens (he fucked it up).

Not really.

What if that "green" was in fact a harder pull than the red, or yellow? It is not necessarily an easier pull. Not banging a green (a girl with high initial attraction or even compliance) is not necessarily caused by a fuck up. Wildcards man! they happen!

In this scenario, the 'red' will be easier to pull for someone she's attracted to (who she's a 'green' for).

This is a weird argument.

A red can have good logistics and still be a red. Good logistics is not counted. Remember the traffic light system is only there to judge either her initial compliance or attraction (depending on how you frame it). Her logistics, her views, her beliefs are not counted in.

In fact, there are tons of sexually liberated girls who you may have labelled red in the past.

There are also tons of girls you may have labelled reds in the past who may have had good logistics. The latter can only been screened for as you are further into the interaction. This also holds true for the point above.

Hence, basically, you cannot assess things such as her logistics or her value-system during the very early game, and at least not during the pre-approach.

The traffic light system is only used before the initial openers, or as you open.

Beyond that, this frame-work is totally useless. You do not use this traffic light system. It is only made to judge her level of attraction and initial compliance.

I will repeat - a girl can have 0 attraction, and not be compliant to you at all - hence a clear red according to the framework. But she may have good logistics and a liberated belief-system (easy going with sex) - and therefore also be fuckable, one you get passed the initial hoop (i.e. her giving you shit, or ignoring you).

This girl who is a red, and have everything else going for her, is fuckable.

And she will in fact be easier than a green who has shitty logistics, and not initially open to have sex with strangers.

Now one may call "greens" those who have high initial attraction/compliance, good logistics and happen to be say sexually liberated. But there are two issues here:
1. You add to the model, so much so that it loses its purpose (I do not mind scratching the mode, I initially used it as a way
2. There is no way you can find out about her logistics (you can get an idea - for example who she is with and the dynamic of her group - which in my book are constituent of "logistics") before you open, or during the early game. There is also no way you can get any clear ideas of who she is on a sexual level until you are further into the interaction. So this model is flawed.

So I guess it is better to keep the model as it is - based on how much initial attraction or compliance she has.

And it can give you good indicators!

Especially for the early game - will she be hard or easy to hook? How fast can I start escalating an sexual the conversation? How much do I need to do to just make her willing to hear me out? Those are key indicators. So the the traffic light model IS useful.

But beyond that, it has not other purpose. It does not help, and should not help define other factors (logistics, context... etc... ), factors hat we can all agree matters too.

Other forms of compliance tests will be used later on - i.e. how she responds to sex talk, escalation, how much she reciprocate and so on. But those are not always determined and coherent with her "color" of the initial traffic light system. We may screen for logistics too (it is after all, recommended)

I.e. she can be a green and respond poorly to say sex talk, or physical escalation. Vice versa, she may be a red, but as you manage to gain some compliance i.e. making her willing to hear you out, you may then set frames and up her compliance, that may in turn make willing to respond well to say sex talk, and from there, even make her consider you as a potential sex partne (that is, if the sex talk was well-calibrated and delivered properly etc)

It is the latter scenario (with the red) that people seem to have issues with - I am aware of that.

Because people ask "how can you build compliance if she is not willing to hear you out"? Well you hear out a lot of people who you are not attracted to. You hear out sometimes even boring people. But you are not boring, and YOU know how to hook people in - that's that hook game is all about. Making some people just hearing you out, does not require crazy amount of compliance.

And yes there is a long stretch between making her compliant enough to just hear you out, and sexualizing conversations. I am aware of that. I never said things were easy. I did not say the hard work was always worth it either.

But this is the beauty of indirect game - because you do not show any interest in her, until she is compliant to you. Hence you do not force her to make any calls about whether or not she likes you. She does not need to reject a guy who has not shown any or not much interested in her. A person only starts rejecting once they feel another person starts showing interest, when you do not want to.

The beauty with sex talk (the way I use it) is that I can use it without showing much or any interest (depending on the gambit). Hence I never force her to make a call about whether or not she likes me - hence I also avoid the rejections.

(PS: not saying sex talk is the only way here - but as many know, this is what works for me)

She is oftentimes willing to hear me out irrelevant of her initial attraction - since I am "just an interesting dude", talking about an interesting subject (sex). Luckily, that subject happen, to build compliance and , may even turn her on even being aware of it (i.e. covert influence).

What I need is her hearing me out.

And making a girl hear you out is not an impossible task. Far from it.

This is where hook game comes in.

The 'green' in this scenario, if she really loves you with all her heart, will tell her friends to leave her alone. Go with you back to your place (after you've dealt with her asd limiting beliefs) and may even miss her flight for you. Because your worth it. Game.

I will not deny that this girl is indeed a green.

But a girl can be a green without going as far as telling her friends to piss off and drop her flight. But it is awesome when she does!

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
And one of my earliest lays was a girl who blew me out, but than a month later ran into her and she was like a different person.

Such experiences even let me to believe that women have no personality, only desires that are prone to change.

It is a radical view, I admit. I doubt this is really true, but one thing is sure, her state is changeable, and her state affects a lot of her
No, this is NOT 100% unflippable. You are assuming things about her just from some brief facial expressions. Hot guys get facial expressions of disgust as well. You are making it out like every woman has the same way of expressing absolute disinterest. THIS is where you are mind reading. There are many other explanations for this besides “she’s a red”.

If hot guys are getting immediate expressions of disgust, then there are other factors at play.

Again, flipping this around:

If you react negatively to a girl hitting on you, does that mean you are a red to that woman? Not necessarily

Many girls have that bitch vibe from distance, and once you approach, turns out to be very sweet and nice.

Sadly, the opposite happens to...

But yeah you cannot judge that much based on a brief analysis based on very limited information.

At best, one is just making an assumption.

Assumptions are needed to get an idea on how to calibrate the approach.

But assumptions are just assumptions, they are not necessarily "truths"....



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
If you are calling a girl a “red” you are saying it is physically impossible for her to like you or desire you. The only way you can know this fact is if you’ve spent some time with her beyond a few minutes and experienced more from her than a brief look of disgust. So by calling her a red, you are judging her mental state, her temperament, her likes and dislikes. This is her personality, which you don’t even know yet so why call her a red? You don’t know you had 0 chance from an instinctual reaction wtf

I am saying that it is quite a big chance her not liking what she sees , because well , if she would have been at least somehow interested she would not have ignored your approach in the first place :)

If she does not give you any room to maneuver , it means that you can not flip her , especially since in most cases you have only 1 chance
If she at least gives you something to work with , you can assume that you can flip her

I stayed between women for quite a long time now to see that it rarely happens for women to ignore guys they like or think they like , unless they play hard to get ( this happens mainly inside the social circle and you do not have the best reputation , because she knows that your paths will cross again and she does not want to be labeled as an idiot by her friends )
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
read daygame journals on this forum. How many guys get "I have a boyfriend" objections. After she was receptive to their approaches. It is rare that girls cheat on boyfriends. It only LOOKS like it happens more often, because the girls that go out to nightclubs (already only a small segment of total girls population) ("girls night out") are often the second type (unhappy with their relationships)

I am sure many would wish that was true.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
then you agree that the next step would be to make him hear him out?
Make her, you mean? yeah sure. After you've approached and she's given you a look of disgust and turned her back to you. Re-tap her on the shoulder, lean in and this time really make sure she gets to hear what you gotta say. tell me what happens :)

What if that "green" was in fact a harder pull than the red, or yellow? It is not necessarily an easier pull. Not banging a green (a girl with high initial attraction or even compliance) is not necessarily caused by a fuck up. Wildcards man! they happen!
fuck up has nothing to do with the ease of the pull. Fuck ups is not taking right action, after you've been given an opportunity to game. So not sexualizing, running out of things to say, overescalating, not dealing with her friends, not having a place to fuck. These factors were all in your control. You fucked up.

Wildcards are a non factor here. Because they can happen with the red with the great logistics and no sexual hangups as well (ex boyfriend shows up, there's a fight and she gets involved, friends interfere, etc)

Her logistics, her views, her beliefs are not counted in.
I don't understand your point. If she's a 'green' for someone, it will be easier for him to pull because she's already got good logistics and no sexual hangups. Barring wildcard, he's got an easy lay. If she's a red (the unflippable kind. There are 3 types) for someone, then he's not pass that initial entry point. So these factors you say that make it easier to bang her (good logistics+no sexual hangups) become nonfactors.

In fact, there are tons of sexually liberated girls who you may have labelled red in the past.
all that matters is what she is tonight, upon approach.
The traffic light system is only used before the initial openers, or as you open.

Beyond that, this frame-work is totally useless. You do not use this traffic light system. It is only made to judge her level of attraction and initial compliance.
yes agreed.
This girl who is a red, and have everything else going for her, is fuckable.
yeah. but not to you.
. There is also no way you can get any clear ideas of who she is on a sexual level until you are further into the interaction
that is why we screen for sexual compliance. after she's hooked (green). if you really want this girl, then proceed to deal with ASD busters. if you don't really want this girl (there are other girls in the venue who look just as hot as her, and may not have sexual hangups), then go for another girl (but make sure to use her for preselection first ;) )

Well you hear out a lot of people who you are not attracted to.
i am not actually really listening to what 5 have to say to me ("yeah cool story bro") when I'm warming up. I'm looking for where the girls I AM interested in are at.
A person only starts rejecting once they feel another person starts showing interest, when you do not want to.
in a nightgame setting, she knows why you approached her on a subconscious level. Even if you made zero indication that you want to fuck her ("hey how is your night going so far"?)
But a girl can be a green without going as far as telling her friends to piss off and drop her flight. But it is awesome when she does!
agreed. Got so fucking close one time! :)
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
i am not actually really listening to what 5 have to say to me ("yeah cool story bro") when I'm warming up. I'm looking for where the girls I AM interested in are at.

Same thing with girls , maybe you think she is listening to you but actually she is thinking just how annoying or boring you are and paying attention what is happening around her . Not really a good indicator , but at least this is better than ignoring you flat out haha . You have a shot that more is like a hail marry than a true shot :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Make her, you mean? yeah sure. After you've approached and she's given you a look of disgust and turned her back to you. Re-tap her on the shoulder, lean in and this time really make sure she gets to hear what you gotta say. tell me what happens :)

Typo fixed. I meant to write "her".

Well, what you suggest won't work. This is not how you deal with such a situation.

Also,honestly I very rarely get that look of disgust like you mentioned.

If you do get them often, there must either something you do wrong, or you happen to be too direct - and hence trigger it.

And if you still get it, I would not suggest using the worse strategy possible.

Razorjack and I have discussed how to to deal with this earlier in this thread.

fuck up has nothing to do with the ease of the pull. Fuck ups is not taking right action, after you've been given an opportunity to game. So not sexualizing, running out of things to say, overescalating, not dealing with her friends, not having a place to fuck. These factors were all in your control. You fucked up.

Sure, but say her logistics are bad, and she is some born again christian or something? Yet she is clearly a green, because she is super into you.

She is then obviously hard to pull, wildcards aside.

Wildcards are a non factor here. Because they can happen with the red with the great logistics and no sexual hangups as well (ex boyfriend shows up, there's a fight and she gets involved, friends interfere, etc)

Well wildcards are always a factor! I cannot how you can leave that out.

That said, they can happen with reds too - I have never said anything that would indicate the opposite.

I don't understand your point. If she's a 'green' for someone, it will be easier for him to pull because she's already got good logistics and no sexual hangups. Barring wildcard, he's got an easy lay. If she's a red (the unflippable kind. There are 3 types) for someone, then he's not pass that initial entry point. So these factors you say that make it easier to bang her (good logistics+no sexual hangups) become nonfactors.

Her being attracted to you, or her being initially compliant to you (depending on your model) has nothing to do with her logistics. Attraction and compliance does not magically generate logistics.

Again read my previous response - you cannot just change the model like that! And I have also pointed the issues related to doing exactly that.

all that matters is what she is tonight, upon approach.

So there are two things to mention here.

1. Suddenly you make a point leaning towards the fluidity of female emotions and their behaviour. I am not saying I disagree with this, but it is incoherent with the notion of "her not being attracted and hence not being willing, what-so-ever to have sex with you" - which is a notion, which if I am not wrong seems to be set in stone for you.

2. Second issue is, there is no way for you to really find out, if you do not get to interact with her for at least a bit. If you screen out girls because they are reds, they are no way for you to really know.

yeah. but not to you.

Well yes, and that is the whole point.

Again I will re-repeat the points:
* Get her to hear you out
* And from there build compliance.

With compliance, you can shag her - easier said than done, but it is possible. If you disagree I suggest your break down my OP and my numerous arguments which you so far has not yet been willing to cover.

Dogmatic "no you can't" are not good arguments in my book.

that is why we screen for sexual compliance. after she's hooked (green).

But what if she is a red to you, but happened to be a hell of a sexual freak with good logistics?

You can discover this as you interact with her, despite her not being into you. People do interact in this world without being attracted. It is a fact of life.

if you really want this girl, then proceed to deal with ASD busters. if you don't really want this girl (there are other girls in the venue who look just as hot as her, and may not have sexual hangups), then go for another girl (but make sure to use her for preselection first ;) )


i am not actually really listening to what 5 have to say to me ("yeah cool story bro") when I'm warming up. I'm looking for where the girls I AM interested in are at.

Yes but that's because you are a dude. It is known fact that looks matters less for women.

And I would listen out of politness to a five. Not sure I would give her a free 30 min conversation, but I have fucked 5's in my life - everybody has. I did it not because of my attraction to her, which probably was next to 0 when I met her, but eventually did it because of compliance. Again, re-read the op.

in a nightgame setting, she knows why you approached her on a subconscious level. Even if you made zero indication that you want to fuck her ("hey how is your night going so far"?)

Sure, to some extent this is true. She may have an idea, but maybe I do not have this problem because women usually initially think I am gay... (you probably know why!). But again, even when I dress normal, in many cases there are many things you can do to express even more disinterest. I will give some suggestions, but by no means a full list:
- False time constraints
- Plausible deniability in your opener (an excuse to open)
- Body rocking
- Hit and run
- Disqualifiers...

I wouldn't call the opener you suggest "direct", but it is more direct than what I would use in many cases. It subtly sub-communicates interest - maybe not much but some.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Also,honestly I very rarely get that look of disgust like you mentioned.
Maybe its because you are not the "u" word like I originally posted in the first paragraph of my post on page 14. This is a perspective I only arrived at, after observing my wingman who was "u" word, and seeing the type of reactions he'd get on a night out (not ALL girls reacted this way. Some were receptive to his looks and heard him out. if he didn't bang, it usually came down to the girl not being sexually available or a fuck up in his game) But it happened often enough, that caused me to update my mental model to what it is today. Had that experience not happened (I don't really observe other guys in the club, unless that guy is an important figure that could affect the outcome of my interaction), I probably would be supporting your argument, that initial attraction doesn't matter).

Sure, but say her logistics are bad, and she is some born again christian or something? Yet she is clearly a green, because she is super into you.

She is then obviously hard to pull
A bit extreme but yeah (like what the fuck is a born again christian doing in da club lol? like what does she expect will happen. You get a couple drinks in her (if she's super into me like you say, then she will be very compliant to my frames), and she'll return into that born-not christian again state) But if she is a born again Christian, then that means she's hanging out with fellow Christian chodes. Which are super easy to deal with. Logistics as in her place is far away/or she's staying with roommates? Pull her to yours/hotel/bang her outside after unleashing the bad girl within. Would make a great LR :)

Her being attracted to you, or her being initially compliant to you (depending on your model) has nothing to do with her logistics. Attraction and compliance does not magically generate logistics.
hmm, I agree?
Suddenly you make a point leaning towards the fluidity of female emotions and their behaviour. I am not saying I disagree with this, but it is incoherent with the notion of "her not being attracted and hence not being willing, what-so-ever to have sex with you" - which is a notion, which if I am not wrong seems to be set in stone for you.
Her not being attracted and hence not willing, what-so-ever to have sex with you tonight (not physically attracted to you, not sexually available). Attraction is either there or its not (this statement is only true for our purposes (SNL) as it is still open to debate as to whether attraction can be generated over the long term, where there was none or very little of it previously. i.e Love)
there is no way for you to really find out, if you do not get to interact with her for at least a bit. If you screen out girls because they are reds, they are no way for you to really know.
yeah that is why you approach to find out if she's attracted or not. You don't screen her out if she's not attracted to you, she screens you out.
With compliance, you can shag her - easier said than done, but it is possible. If you disagree I suggest your break down my OP and my numerous arguments which you so far has not yet been willing to cover.

Dogmatic "no you can't" are not good arguments in my book.
point out which parts of your OP you would like me to break down for you and I'll be more than happy to give it a shot :)
But what if she is a red to you, but happened to be a hell of a sexual freak with good logistics?
I'm sure somebody else would have a great time with her!
You can discover this as you interact with her, despite her not being into you
This is a yellow/neutral we are talking about now. Not a red.
It is known fact that looks matters less for women.
more like PUA dogma but yeah

physical attractiveness was more strongly related to women’s own dating preferences whereas personality favorability was more strongly related to fathers’ preferences for their daughters. Furthermore, when women and their fathers disagreed about the best mate, women chose the more attractive man while fathers chose the man with the more desirable personality traits.

I have fucked 5's in my life - everybody has. I did it not because of my attraction to her, which probably was next to 0 when I met her, but eventually did it because of compliance.
anybody whose fucked 5s did so because they 1) were a newbie who wanted to add to his lay count. 2) she was the only girl that was super receptive to him 3) so drunk, they thought she was an 8.

Banging a hot girl that isn't attracted to you, would come down to her being drunk (she's not doing it to add to her "lay count" or because you were the only guy receptive to her) and thinking your hotter than you actually are (and at that point she is attracted to you lol. but if she were sober, she won't even be talking to you). So luck rather than skill.
I wouldn't call the opener you suggest "direct", but it is more direct than what I would use in many cases. It subtly sub-communicates interest - maybe not much but some.
point taken.

Edit: added link
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