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Attraction - Can it be Generated? - An Introduction to Compliance-Based Game


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
The girls who he didnt fuck, that gave him 0 initial compliance (not willing to hear him out) were reds.

If a girl talks to you, and you completely ignore her, that does not make you a red towards that woman. From her perspective you were a “red” but this is because she cannot read your mind - so it is only a matter of practicality that she assesses you as a “red”; she does not know your exact mood or feelings. Your facial expressions are not direct evidence of your mood or feelings.

The girls who he didnt fuck, that gave him compliance (willing to hear him out) were yellows/greens (he fucked it up).

talking to a woman who hits on you doesn’t mean you will have sex with her. She cannot read your mind. If she could read your mind than push pulls would not be possible, she would always know when you’re playing games. Manipulating people through lies would also not be possible. Girls would never have to ask “what are you thinking about?” cause they’d already know

You can’t know if someone is a red unless you were a mind reader


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
If a girl talks to you, and you completely ignore her, that does not make you a red towards that woman. From her perspective you were a “red” but this is because she cannot read your mind - so it is only a matter of practicality that she assesses you as a “red”; she does not know your exact mood or feelings. Your facial expressions are not direct evidence of your mood or feelings
You can’t know if someone is a red unless you were a mind reader
Why would you not talk back to a 10 (your exact type) unless ur a fag lol? If you dont talk back, then she'll just think ur socially retarded. If you make a face of disgust at her (unlikely if she's your type), then she'll know that you think she's ugly.

I experienced this myself back in 2015. I was talking to a girl in a supermarket, inside a very poor country. Instantly receptive to me. But then I saw her scar on her side of the cheek. (Before that I was attracted to her). (Scars on girls turn me off). And she noticed my facial expression change. I did not need to say anything and she auto rejected. She knew what was on my mind because my facial expression gave it away.

Again. Had a fuckbuddy come out of the shower. Water erased her painted eye brows (which I did not know were painted). I took one look at her (honest signals. Uncontrollable reaction). And she knew right away what I was thinking. Right away went into her makeup shit and painted her eyebrows lol.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
If a girl talks to you, and you completely ignore her, that does not make you a red towards that woman. From her perspective you were a “red” but this is because she cannot read your mind - so it is only a matter of practicality that she assesses you as a “red”; she does not know your exact mood or feelings. Your facial expressions are not direct evidence of your mood or feelings.

talking to a woman who hits on you doesn’t mean you will have sex with her. She cannot read your mind. If she could read your mind than push pulls would not be possible, she would always know when you’re playing games. Manipulating people through lies would also not be possible. Girls would never have to ask “what are you thinking about?” cause they’d already know

You can’t know if someone is a red unless you were a mind reader

No offence mate and I do not want to be a dickhead but what you are saying sounds more like Buddhist philosophy .

The reality is that some girls will like you , while others do not . Why to invent philosophies just to remain with a super positive opinion about ourselves ? Things are how they are , life is unfair , and then you die
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
No lol it’s common sense. You are assuming things about a persons character literally from a few subtle expressions and a few minutes of their time; then from this you are extrapolating that they were a red.

Notice neither of you actually got to the point:

If you ignore a girl who talks to you, this does not make you a red.

If you talk to a girl, doesn’t make you a yellow or green

Facial expressions only provides some evidence, not total proof, of your internal state. And how people express things is based off their previous experiences and their genetics.

Given that you cannot read minds, it is not possible to conclude from a 5 minutes interaction and a few facial ticks that the girl is a red. You are assuming things about her you don’t know. The opposite is true of a woman hitting on you - she assuming you were a red is bullshit on her part. Girls autorejecting is them assuming shit about you in order to spare their ego - ie failed attempt at reading your mind

Notice this doesn’t imply that reds don’t exist or that girls cannot like you lol - this simply means that it is not knowable from a short approach if a girl is truly a red or not without assuming things about her.

You can ignore a girl for whatever reason. Maybe you don’t feel like talking. Maybe you don’t feel like flirting around. Doesn’t matter. Whatever the reason is, she cannot read your mind.

^^^none of this is “ego sparing” lol


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
No offence mate and I do not want to be a dickhead but what you are saying sounds more like Buddhist philosophy .

The reality is that some girls will like you , while others do not . Why to invent philosophies just to remain with a super positive opinion about ourselves ? Things are how they are , life is unfair , and then you die
@BigPapa dude! I think what @Chrance is saying is you might think a girl is a red for you but she could have something going on in her life where she's unavailable to you at this point. (In a mood and not sociable for whatever reason) meet her another night and she might be all over you.

You can only judge from what you've got. In theory this is right, however practically you may never see her again and therefore you'd always think she was a red even if she wasn't. We can only judge on what we've got in front of us.

She might be attracted but bad logistics or timing messes it up.
She might not be attracted and not interested.

Either way you might think she was red. Arguably in this moment she is.

If you know what's stopping her you can work towards these obstacles if you felt it was worth it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
If she's in a bad mood the night you met her, you can totally flip her if you think she's worth it. Just want to make that perfectly clear in case nobody read that big ass post i wrote on the 3 types of reds.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
@Velasco dude! Even with that big ass post and bacchus' red - green continuum there's still a difference of opinion in what exactly is a red.

Ironically it's even moved this thread of topic on many different tangents as to what is a red? Is the traffic light system effective? Can you game reds? Is it worth gaming red's? A lot of semantics, misunderstandings and different ideas and opinions.

The OP is about compliance game, and whether or not you think you can or can't game a red and whether or not it's worth it we know we can't seduce every girl we want to, and we can build compliance and run compliance game.

As for flipping a girl in a mood you can also strike out gloriously:p


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
@Velasco okay and how do you discern if she’s in a mood not in your favor or if she’s 100% unflippable? (answer: assume shit or be a mind reader) Unless you get to know her more this is not something you can determine. This is the heart of the no-true-Scotsman (or lol no-true-red) fallacy in this thread.

“Ah, she started talking to you so she was never a true red to begin with”

“Oh, she laughed at what you said, so she was never a true red anyway.”

“She changed her mind after seeing you dancing with that girl, so wasn’t a true red”

Lol where are these “true” reds.

Not saying they don’t exist or that physical attractiveness isn’t a factor or that a guy can be attractive to every woman; but assuming a girls impossible to crack from a few minutes of talking to her defies common sense, my experience or the experience of other members.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
@Chrance dude! The true reds are putting their palms in greenleafs face! :')

Sorry @greenleaf dude! Couldn't resist (I know this only happened once and isn't a usual reaction that you get)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020

You could assume the girl is just being rude, or in a shit mood, or has social conditioning around liking a certain type of guy - SO MANY other explanations than “she’s a red”. Only when it’s very clear she is deeply disgusted by some unchangeable thing about you could you say “yea she’s a red”. Do you really know this when it’s in a club, girls are getting hit on left and right, and you just happen to be the next guy to say shit she’s already heard before ? Notvreally.

If I was a woman, knowing guys are hitting on me for a specific reason, I’d be harsh too lol


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019

It's a super complicated subject. One camp firmly believes you can't flip reds (in a single night. Always need to add this disclaimer to the discussion) While the other thinks you can. And ironically they are both correct :) because not all 'reds' are equal.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
this is how a red that can be flipped looks like. If she ignores you all together it means that she is a red that can not be flipped .

From experience again , a girl that finds you at least somehow attractive will never make you feel invisible or be aggressive :)

As @Velasco mentions there are different subtypes of reds that can be flipped , some require more work than others , but again this is the also the truth about greens and yellows :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
@Chrance dude! Based on that harsh interaction where they're basically telling him to fuck off you could assume they are a red. As velasco has just mentioned above not all reds are equal. You'd have to make a judgement call when in the field how you viewed it and if you felt it was worth it.

@Velasco dude! Totally agree

@BigPapa dude! That is what the continuum is about, explaining that not all can be boxed as a colour there's a scope to it. Basically a traffic light system within a traffic light system but the continuum is a better way of viewing that.

I also have experience of girls being attracted to me but making me feel invisible. They are exceptions to the rule but it murkies the water a bit when you're dealing with some mixed reference points.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
@Fluxcapacitor for practical purposes yes we can assume that, but no, it is still not known if she was as a matter of fact a “true” red.

you should view assessing if a girl is a “red” like assessing if someone is a narcissist, sociopath, or has any other mental characteristic. It is the same kind of thing. Judging someone’s mental state requires time. Jumping to conclusions about someone if you barely know them is rediculous


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
@Velasco okay and how do you discern if she’s in a mood not in your favor or if she’s 100% unflippable? (answer: assume shit or be a mind reader)
You can see what mood she's in prior to approaching her. Does she look like she's in a bad mood. Look at her face. Is she yelling at her friends. Is she sad/crying and doesnt want to talk to anybody. Ok she's in a bad mood. Let's not go in self amusing like a retard, "heyyyyy turn that frown upside down" let's either wait for her mood to change to a more productive one, or let's go in with empathy. Pace her emotions and lead her to the state you want (happy).

To determine if she's 100% unflippable, approach and see her immediate facial reaction to you. You'll know right away if she thinks your unattractive (as long as she's not unattracted (shes neutral, attracted, super attracted) you've got a shot).

After you've gotten past that stage is when you'll move on to see if shes the second kind of unflippable red for the night: sexually unavailable.

The best way ive seen this broken down, was by saul tee who I will now just copy paste from his book Technical Game Bible:

Girls who are ‘taken’ are usually far more inclined to give you positive reactions and flirt with you as opposed to girls who are single. just because they’ll flirt with you, doesnt mean they’ll actually sleep with you. because they have nothing to gain and nothing to lose, they’re just at the club to have fun, there is nothing at stake for them. at the end of the night, they are just going to go back home to their boyfriend - but in the meantime, they’re happy to take all the range emotions you can provide them with.

Most girls with boyfriends do NOT cheat. they are dating a guy because they find him attractive and he brings massive value to their lives and they are already massively invested in him. there are the occasional girls who are unhappy with their relationships, as their boyfriends can no longer fulfill their needs (emotional, sexual) but they are in the minority.

Giveaway that a girl has a boyfriend. when the girl is happy to flirt with you but as soon as you ask for a little bit of investment in return she deflects. say you have been spiking emotions for a while, she seems into you, and then you throw her a small hoop ‘do you have any brothers or sisters or what do you study?

if she responds in a very investment low way with a one or two word answer, after she was so engaged with the emotional spikes, you should be getting suspicious.

I determine if shes the second kind of unflippable red (and then gauge her reaction if she says she does have a bf whether it's the serious kind or not (I e. Did she hesitate? Did she look reluctant to reveal that?)immediately post-hook (I've already gotten past the first type at this point) so that I dont waste my night
Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
To determine if she's 100% unflippable, approach and see her immediate facial reaction to you. You'll know right away if she thinks your unattractive (as long as she's not unattracted (shes neutral, attracted, super attracted) you've got a shot).

No, this is NOT 100% unflippable. You are assuming things about her just from some brief facial expressions. Hot guys get facial expressions of disgust as well. You are making it out like every woman has the same way of expressing absolute disinterest. THIS is where you are mind reading. There are many other explanations for this besides “she’s a red”.

If hot guys are getting immediate expressions of disgust, then there are other factors at play.

Again, flipping this around:

If you react negatively to a girl hitting on you, does that mean you are a red to that woman? Not necessarily


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
@Fluxcapacitor for practical purposes yes we can assume that, but no, it is still not known if she was as a matter of fact a “true” red.

you should view assessing if a girl is a “red” like assessing if someone is a narcissist, sociopath, or has any other mental characteristic. It is the same kind of thing. Judging someone’s mental state requires time. Jumping to conclusions about someone if you barely know them is rediculous
@Chrance dude! Jumping to conclusions is ridiculous but if they're as un receptive as to tell you to fuck off or putting their palm in your face (as an extreme reaction that I've never encountered first hand) you're not given any more time or information to assess so you have to assume.

In terms of efficiency this isn't worth the time at this point. Maybe try again later on if you haven't met anyone else you like if you're inclined to remain open/optimistic about it. This is a black and white example we're possibly imagining differently. Body language, tone and facials would give a better indication to how she's feeling and you can assess what "red" she is that moment. I'd edge my bets that she's not flippable that night (and I believe you can flip some) unless she re evaluated with social proof, preselection or realised she made a mistake.

This is where it's a personal judgement if you persist, try again or write it off and each interaction you might decide differently. I wouldn't say you were wrong to think that she was currently (in that moment) a red.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 12, 2020
@Fluxcapacitor and @Chrance I think that you over intellectualize the discussion without really an objective in mind and turning it to the Socrates Dialogue , and forgetting maybe that here we talk about practical things on how to improve the seduction skills .

What I know is that if she is not giving me the opportunity , I can not flip her , because in order to flip her you need to do something but you are not getting the chance to that something => a red that can not be flipped

So from a practical purpose , does it matter if she finds you attractive but ignoring you , especially if you guys are not part of the same social circle ? Since the answer is no , then we can skip all this intellectual back and forth that is not bringing anything of value to the thread .

I am not a fan of this positive mambo jambo about "yeah man , it was not me , it was her in a bad state " because in reality is very likely that it is you ( not good enough fundamentals , bad logistics , bad vibe , etc etc )