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Attraction - Can it be Generated? - An Introduction to Compliance-Based Game


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2019
Hey man! I hope you are doing alright. Sorry for not texting you back when you texted me. I was still busy with exams (and now that I am free, I am confined just like you).

Escalating creates compliance, I agree. I cannot reckon where I have stated otherwise.

I reread what I wrote and I can understanding the misconception. What I said was that escalating the vibe was not synonymous with generating desire. I did not say it could not generate it.

Escalating the vibe is defined as: "making it happen".
Compliance/desire: "make her want it to happen".

Not synonymous.

That was my point.

Hope this clarifies.

Np! Yeah man I know it's really frustating... Its sunny... I just want this to finish, take a beer pack and chill with friends at the quais de seine...

Ok got your point, thanks for clarifying =).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Nobody will ever claim that "turning red into greens" is common. It is hard and a lot of work.

And you are totally right saying that most lay reports starts with the girl being quite interested in the guy. This is because dealing with a girl who is already interested (or at least a "little bit interested") is the easiest, most efficient and oftentimes also the most fun way to run pick up.

However, there has been many reports posted... on say mASF of guys turning red into greens. It is not the most common but skilled guys can make it happen.

I have done it, I have seen others do it. I have seen Pablo do it. I even think I have seen Razorjack do it.

I know that Mystery was good at doing it too. So where some of the very skilled love-systems guys like Cajun.

But you are right, you will see this VERY rarely these days. The reason for that is because of the current trends ("new school") where guys simply move on from bad leads. So obviously, because it is out of fashion, you will not see it. It still does not mean it is not possible.

My take on this matter is that both red and yellow girls can be changed into green with game, if you have good game you can change how a girl percieves you and make her change her mind into fucking you.

In th GC/podcast i talk that you should not try to change yellow and red girls because that is a waste of time. This advice is for newbies and intermediats to not go for yellow girls. Changing reds into yellow and later on getting them green takes a big amount of game and time. When you reached the highest levels of game you got a huge skillset, red girls can be changed. I seen few people doing this, Teevster is one of the few people besides myself that i seen in field pulling this off. There are plenty of material you can use to change a girls opinion about you. To be honest i think this thread belongs under the "advanced" section becouse this can be a bit confusing for newbies to even grasp.

My disclaimer here is that some reds are impossible no matter what amount of game you have, if something about you triggers a trauma in the girl it will actually be impossible to change her mind about you.

Just my 2 cent about the matter.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Pablo told Varoon and K to forget about "yellows" not "reds". He said you can't get "reds".

48:00 - 53:00
but maybe his thoughts have changed since then?

Just to clarify.

I would never advice anyone to go for reds because it is very hard and most of the time a big waste of time. In the GC/podcast we cover seduction material for the mass, i'm advicing most dudes to stay away from yellow girls and go for the greens. That does not mean you can't change yellow or red girls into green. Just nothing i talk about here because this is so far away from most guys reality that it would be confusing. I still beleive that most dudes mistake in field is that they stay too long at yellow girls when they should get experience through finding greens and better their game/skills. When you get better you need more of a challange, then you will try to game harder girls and yellow girls are a good way of practicing that on. But this is only for advanced dudes with a huge skillset and aboundance of girls.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 17, 2020
Troll: this post has been rated a "Troll post" by forum members
if she's 'red', one could try the '8 orgasms' routine to get her 'green' (assuming isolation and no cockblocking friends)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
Thanks! Happy to hear you like it.

Just because I am claiming you can turn greens to yellow, I am not saying that it is always doable. As I mentioned "no other disturbing factors" must take place.

If you are ugly, there are ways to make you reach the "decent looking" threshold - or at least close to it such as grooming, awesome haircut, fixing skin problem, fixing teeth, style (big one), losing weight etc.

Most guys who struggle because they claim to be too ugly, after having met them (or seen pictures of them online), have in 90% of the case made 0 effort to fix the issue. They are ugly, but do their teeth have to be yellow? Do their hair really have to be greasy?

Now, if one is so ugly that even fixing those fundamentals won't help - i.e. if we are litterally talking about a living Quasimodo, then I think we are dealing with an extreme case. Extreme cases are outliers. You will always find outliers to the rule.

Social proof is one of the best solutions here (there are others). If ther availability is caused by a logistical issue, then you are not gaming in what i have labelled "propper conditions", especially if it is an unsolvable one (i.e. the girl is being arrested and detained by cops... then there is nothing you can do...)
@Teevster dude! That's true you didn't say you could be successful with all of them but I'm guessing flatrons experience with this is similar to @greenleaf example of getting a palm in the face. With this experience as a reference point he'll be stuck with this belief.

The alternative is that his idea of a red is a girl like this with 0 attraction, 0 compliance, 0 interest (maybe even negative) who has written you off immediately for whatever reason. The same way we'll see girls that we wouldn't approach, a no on a fuck yes/no scale. Just as you can be one girl's personal 10 you can be another's personal 5. She might acknowledge most girls see you as a 6 or 7 but she's neutral to you.

For the availability I read an article on good looking loser that discussed sexual availability where it mentioned that a girl can be in a mood or an un social mood for a number of reasons and not be into you that night. See her again tomorrow and she could have turned 180 and all over you. Even social proof might not help in this situation.

The issue with this is you may never see her again and you'd always rationalise she didn't like you or thought you were ugly which isn't always the case.

Ultimately I think flatron highlighted his limited belief or lack of experience with this and it'll be difficult to break this paradigm for a lot of guys. That's going out of the scope of this thread...

The big thing is defining a red (@Bacchus has just posted a great green red continuum in another thread) in my opinion I would define a girl that gave me time of day as a yellow and girls that flat out ignore me and not interested at all as a red. Where skills mentioned you can try again later after getting social proof or used preselection.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018

I'll take a crack at breaking this "hijack her system" down to you, at least how I do it.

I've never explained this to anybody before, so it may take a few iterations with Q&A to structure this properly, it's a bit complex (which is why it's not taught nowadays ;) ) but just bear with me

After 2 years into my PU journey, I never got an extremely harsh rejection, I'll try to explain why.

First you may be misunderstanding something. It's not I approach, she puts palm in my face and I hijack her system. It's more like I approach, so she ends up in "my sphere of influence" that hijacks her system and she is completely receptive so she never puts her palm in my face to begin with.

I need to introduce this term, "sphere of influence", by the way I don't know if there is an official term for this, this just the only way I can describe it. But more on this later

Continuing on....

Question: Why do people in a church behave one way and the same people in a nightclub behave another way?

And more importantly what is causing them to change and adapt their behavior (or let's say compliance ;) )?

It is some form of authoritative influence, it dictates how people behave in church, another authoritative influence at a work office, another at a bar / nightclub.

Hope you're with me so far.

Now, this authoritative influence, who owns it exactly or what is it exactly? It'll be different things in different places, at the work office it could be the highest boss, at church the head priest or group of priests etc. But it is they that dictate and influence other people's behavior.

So a couple of questions come up:
  1. Is the authority figure (person with authoritative influence) only have authoritative influence in the place or can he / she take it with him to wherever they go?
  2. If he/she can take it with him then what does it take for example to make people in a nightclub behave as if they are in church?
The answers:
  1. Yes, they can take it with them (however most of them and other people don't realize this)
  2. Super tight mental frame or as @Teevster put it in the OP: "Really tight and powerful game!"
So how can this be applied to hijack her system?

We need to go back to this "Spehere of influence" I mentioned earlier.

Hopefully you are familiar with concept of Awareness Radius (AR?), basically how far your awareness what is happening around you, extends. What if I told you that you also have a "sphere of influence?" This is the sphere around you that influences the people around you.

Believe it or not you do this already, for example with your FWB relationships, the girls fall in line with your mental frame. You are the authority figure and your mental frame is the authoritative influence when you interact and hook up with your FWBs

What we are talking about is AMPLIFYING THE SHIT OUT of your mental frame (increase your "sphere of influence") AND taking it with you outside of your bedroom to the nightclub to include new girls that put their palms up in guys' faces.

This is what @Teevster meant when he wrote in the OP that you need "Really tight and powerful game!" together with "VERY strong and powerful material - i.e. things that are so powerful that you hijack her system and you also need to deliver it almost crisp perfect"

The way I would describe it is you need to have total belief in your mental frame with zero incongruence (just like with your FWBs) but amplified to the max. So that when you approach the girl, you place her into your "sphere of influence" or let's say you hijack her system the same way that your mental frame dominates your FWB girls.

If you've ever read some of my LRs from my mASF days, I sometimes referred to being in "PU God Mode" this is what I was referring to, my "sphere of influence" was MASSIVE and POWERFUL, that's how I did the unreal shit that most guys on here think is impossible.

Ok, I know this concept might seem abstract and complex so there is probably alot of questions, so fire away.
@Razorjack dude! Thanks for the very detailed response. I think you might have misread my post a little but I'm grateful for the breakdown and it's actually put a lot of pieces together in my head from past interactions.

My question of how many harsh rejections do you get was rhetorical, I haven't faced a harsh rejection yet from the girl (I've had a very harsh rejection from one of my targets friends where she screamed in my face telling me to go away, followed by two white knighting guys. This wasn't even an uncalibrated approach in my onion she was on the edge of the group, not involved with them, gave me an AI, I said hi then got screamed at).

I've never had a palm in my face, greenleaf gave an example where this happened to him. I think it's possibly too late to hijack her system then Haha. I understand you don't let this happen and I can relate your soul gazing technique being very powerful to hijack her system even further with your sphere of influence.

I'm familiar with awareness radius and think it's a great way to think about sphere of influence. What this puts together for me is how some of my blue pill/ nice guy friends are confused why girls approach me, buy me drinks and are very receptive to me when they don't get the same results and I'm guessing it's with the sphere of influence.

How would you go about maxing it out and being more consistent with it? I find when I'm on low momentum I can't do anything right and whatever I try fails, I overthink what I'm doing more an usually make even more mistakes.

Again thanks for the breakdown on the concept dude!

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
I feel like people are saying that I'm saying converting Reds to Green cannot be done.

I am NOT saying that! Yes, you can. It's definitely possible, and you can do it. Day Game, Night Game, etc. It's always possible to do - in any kind of game environment (maybe even online and apps? haha).

The question is - do you want to do it?

Do you remember when you, @K__ and myself were roaming Montreal in 2018?

That evening we went looking for girls to approach, ending up in a fancy bookstore with a piano. There was an Asian girl I approached then, the chick with closed off body language. . . who seemed eager to leave and gave a bare-minimum response to my opener.

But the more we talked the more engaged she became. She also opened up her body language and asked getting-to-know-me questions.

After a 10 minute conversation she had gone from Red to Yellow. It was around this point I started losing my drive, but I still kept her immersed for a few extra minutes before I went silent. Because I stopped manipulating her state. . . it dropped. After a prolonged silence, she said goodbye and left.

Yes, I distinctly remember this experience; ironically I went and approached her later, and I felt she was much warmer to me from the start, but even then she walked away in the end.

However, your post I think this accurately describes the crux of the matter, actually, as a great example. Namely - because you stopped pumping her state, it dropped and she left.

Of course at first maybe she was Red, and as you stuck around and you kept on working on her, maybe she started to realize that you're not actually her first impression of whom you thought you were. She got curious, and started to ask you questions.

But - the point is that this whole interaction was entirely dependent on YOUR drive. With this girl, it would have been that way from that moment all the way up to when you'd have to be at your home and get inside her. With zero mistakes made, with this girl - I think you could have done it. But to do it, you'd have to be leading her 99.5% of the time, with zero mistakes, and setting all the coolest frames AND fighting any notion of her not being attracted to you (even physically) for whatever reason she has...

No one is saying Red's CAN'T be flipped. The question is whether or not you want to expend the effort.

With that in mind also - WHEN you've acquired amazing and consistent game skills, the whole game mindset changes for a lot of men. Suddenly you find yourself with a working system and get women very often - especially the greens and some of the yellows. It's like clockwork because you understand game, women, and know how much they love sex, and know exactly how to get them there anytime. Suddenly in absolutely abundance, you find yourself with many options at your fingers - and once you KNOW how women work, it's easy to apply the skillset to understanding what was previously difficult - the Red girls.

Reds become viable because you know game and you know what to do to work them - might as well try.

I think this is why taking shots with Reds like in your story also makes perfect sense to do once you've reached a certain level. By all means if you want to get better at that point, that's the way to do it. Also, if you want to get truly satisfying and exciting experiences, that's a great way to do it.

However, flipping the Red takes skill. It's advanced. It's like Expert Boss Level, almost.

Most guys are not in it to be the mPUA.

As you know I don't even find Asian girls attractive. . . but that evening I agreed to show you and @K__ how I tackle day game. Since we had mostly done night game up until that point. If I had any motivation to fuck that girl, I would have carried on until she was Green. Because in my experience flipping Reds during the day is a more straight forward goal. There are no wildcards or cockblocks to deal with. . . and the environment is very relaxed.

Same thing here - because you stopped putting in effort, it died. And you're saying you could have - yeah, it was all dependent on you.

I agree that the right Daygame environment for attempting this is one where you can easily be one on one with her and there's no rush to go anywhere. Like, a bookstore or coffee shop, it's potentially feasible.

The exception to this rule would be street game of course. Not saying it's impossible though. . . I just haven't done it.

Street game is also my own specialty, so I think maybe this is why I personally prefer to just move on from the red and find the green - in that setting. Simply because the volume is there (especially where I live) that you don't need to waste your time trying to flip a red to a green - just go find a green or even a yellow that looks just as good.

Now, in a setting like a bar or a club, you're going to have a much limited number of girls for the whole night. Same thing with a bookstore or even a bus stop - I think in either place IF you can get her attention and keep it, even if she starts as a red you can definitely use game to flip her and try to make it happen. Your options are going to be more limited anyway.

What I can say from experience, is that you can bait most girls into conversation via curiosity gambits, or they'll become somewhat intrigued after a smooth reality pace. While night game generally gives you faster transitions into sex talk, as well as opportunities to use social proof. But during the day you can run covert hypnosis with virtually no distractions. This is why I've been able to flip Reds at bookstores, bus-stops, and mall benches.

Yes, definitely. Like I said above once you've acquired all these skills - and these take a little bit of time to learn and get right in It's with each other - then you can use them and attempt it. All the tech you've listed is great and can be used methodically to get the job done. And yet, even after all of it there's still a possibility that it won't work, of course. You might make a mistake, some frame was missed, or something else happens and intervenes, or she changes her mind in LMR.

Hell, you could have even done it with the girl in Montreal. But, it would be entirely dependent on you leading the way and making the sale. Maybe it will even take 18-24 hours, haha....

This is like the art of becoming the master car salesman. It's advanced and highly nuanced.

Just to clarify.

I would never advice anyone to go for reds because it is very hard and most of the time a big waste of time. In the GC/podcast we cover seduction material for the mass, i'm advicing most dudes to stay away from yellow girls and go for the greens. That does not mean you can't change yellow or red girls into green. Just nothing i talk about here because this is so far away from most guys reality that it would be confusing. I still beleive that most dudes mistake in field is that they stay too long at yellow girls when they should get experience through finding greens and better their game/skills. When you get better you need more of a challange, then you will try to game harder girls and yellow girls are a good way of practicing that on. But this is only for advanced dudes with a huge skillset and aboundance of girls.

This is also exactly how I feel, by the way, and what I was advocating for in my article on the Traffic Light System as well for the record.

Advanced guys can honestly do whatever the hell they want - if you're good and you want a challenge, you should go for the most difficult girls and situations if you want to. At that point who cares, really? At this level you'll likely already be in the triple digits, or high double digits, so the challenges become more interesting. Go for the Reds - but at this level these same guys are not surprised or demotivated if/when such girls become a waste of time. Sometimes even with PERFECT game, these girls can still be a toss up. Sometimes they flip to greens, and sometimes they simply become yellows.

Whereas, in the entire time you spent trying to flip her, you could have likely found a Green or two and already have been deep inside her.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
What this puts together for me is how some of my blue pill/ nice guy friends are confused why girls approach me, buy me drinks and are very receptive to me when they don't get the same results and I'm guessing it's with the sphere of influence.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Speaking of 'reds' and 'greens' was just watching this movie, "two hands" with Heath Ledger (pretty shit movie, don't recommend lol). but this particular scene, was super good, in that it shows a clear illustration between a girl that's a 'red' to one dude and a 'green' to another.

36:34 - 39:00 (might wanna change the playback speed to 0:75 or just turn the volume off and observe their body language)

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 17, 2018
@Velasco dude! Haha I know what that sounds like and I've told them all to come here or at least read the articles and they don't. Or if they do they don't pay attention.

What I mean with this is how girls will see the lover value with me but the provider value with them because that's their belief system and so the girls will detect this and act accordingly.

However it is girls sense this they'll know they're not going to comply the same way to their belief system and thus less pull to their sphere of influence. Or equal pull but to a slower game style.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
The question is - do you want to do it?
I feel like this is the copout answer on this thread. Guys here saying yes, you can absolutely flip 'reds', I've even done it! (when really they were 'yellows' because they were at least willing to interact with you, and listen to what you have to say) But its not worth it, so I only go for 'greens' and 'yellows'. While the others guys are saying fuck 'reds' (me included) it is what it is, you can't get every girl lol, so just screen for 'greens' and 'yellows'. And they'll say like there is a huge skill gap (''expert boss level') between both guys, when really to get a girl who isn't physically attracted to you'll have to rely on factors that are outside of your control (she's horny + there's no one around that's she IS physically attracted to (in a bar, that's unlikely).

You can also excite and sleep with women who are not fascinated with you, but it’s harder and rarer. You either have to meet such a girl in a situation where she really wants it (e.g., she’s horny, and you’re only the guy making a serious play for her; you’re not ideal, but you’re better than nothing), or you have to have enough time and opportunity to build excitement with her (and hope no one she’s more fascinated with than you plucks her off you before she’s yours).

Whereas, in the entire time you spent trying to flip her, you could have likely found a Green or two and already have been deep inside her
yes and unlike Gunwitch's point earlier in the thread that screening for 'greens' and 'yellows' will only result in girls within your 'normal hookup range', as Pablo says in the podcast (53:40 -54:40) her level of attractiveness (on the 1-10 HB scale) has nothing to do with what her color is towards you.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I feel like this is the copout answer on this thread. Guys here saying yes, you can absolutely flip 'reds', I've even done it! (when really they were 'yellows' because they were at least willing to interact with you, and listen to what you have to say) But its not worth it, so I only go for 'greens' and 'yellows'. While the others guys are saying fuck 'reds' (me included) it is what it is, you can't get every girl lol, so just screen for 'greens' and 'yellows'. And they'll say like there is a huge skill gap (''expert boss level') between both guys, when really to get a girl who isn't physically attracted to you'll have to rely on factors that are outside of your control (she's horny + there's no one around that's she IS physically attracted to (in a bar, that's unlikely).

You can also excite and sleep with women who are not fascinated with you, but it’s harder and rarer. You either have to meet such a girl in a situation where she really wants it (e.g., she’s horny, and you’re only the guy making a serious play for her; you’re not ideal, but you’re better than nothing), or you have to have enough time and opportunity to build excitement with her (and hope no one she’s more fascinated with than you plucks her off you before she’s yours).

yes and unlike Gunwitch's point earlier in the thread that screening for 'greens' and 'yellows' will only result in girls within your 'normal hookup range', as Pablo says in the podcast (53:40 -54:40) her level of attractiveness (on the 1-10 HB scale) has nothing to do with what her color is towards you.

you are lumping in too many people, i am not in the camp "you need huge skillset" and the likes, and i am in the camp of NOT EVERY RED can be converted, but you are not being honest in this argument.... You keep saying they are really yellows, you were not there, how can you know this?

I will explain it to you, SOME reds (not all), can be converted in my book 2 ways, with compliance and by enough time spent with her so you can change her perception of you from her.... And notice how you say "factors outside your control" in every seduction green, yellow and red, there are factors outside your control, that is not an argument...

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
But its not worth it, so I only go for 'greens' and 'yellows'. While the others guys are saying fuck 'reds' (me included) it is what it is, you can't get every girl lol, so just screen for 'greens' and 'yellows'.

To some guys, going for Reds is worth it. It's a choice they're making. There's also no guarantee that she'll flip if you go for her, even with the best game. Sometimes they will, though...

And they'll say like there is a huge skill gap (''expert boss level') between both guys

I don't think there has to be a huge skill gap between both kinds of guys. It's just a choice that each guy is making.
There are also guys that HAVE the game skill to get the Reds and flip them, and simply don't want to - just screen them out like you said and focus on the Greens and Yellows because it's a better return.

when really to get a girl who isn't physically attracted to you'll have to rely on factors that are outside of your control (she's horny + there's no one around that's she IS physically attracted to (in a bar, that's unlikely).

I cannot comment on this, I think it's so variable that there's no specific technique you can point to here that's all encompassing.

es and unlike Gunwitch's point earlier in the thread that screening for 'greens' and 'yellows' will only result in girls within your 'normal hookup range', as Pablo says in the podcast (53:40 -54:40) her level of attractiveness (on the 1-10 HB scale) has nothing to do with what her color is towards you.

Why does screening for Greens and Yellows result only in a normal hookup range? You're the one choosing whom to approach, so it's on you if you're only going for your normal girls.

In terms of SKILL, when you're learning a girl CAN seem like a Red, and then as you get better that same level of girl suddenly becomes attainable and is now a Green or Yellow. In terms of advocating a guy to push to learn and stretch his limits to get what he really wants - absolutely go for it. This is is one of the best ways to get better of course.

Yes her level of attractiveness has nothing to do with her color towards you. In fact, one of the weirdest things that I've noticed as I've gotten better in MY game is that NOW it's the less attractive girls that are the Reds - like 6s and 7s and 7.5s (and girls that I'm not attracted to all that much) are far less receptive than some 8s, 8.5s and 9s who find me attractive and interesting off the bat. So now the less attainable girls are actually the less attractive girls - and this means to me now that I do better with the hotter girls I'm into, and I get better AND hotter results when I go and approach those girls in the first place. The challenge I have these days is finding girls whom are hot enough in my city, because it's honestly full of 7s.

This also goes to Bacchus' example earlier - his girl was a Red and he tried to flip a little bit, but at the end of the day HE wasn't really attracted to her, and ejected to spend more time finding a girl he's really attracted to.

Which is again to the point of the Red - do you really want it? I'd rather have a Green 8-9 than a Red 6-7. Why would I expend my effort on approaching and trying to flip a Red 6-7 when I know that the 8-9 is attainable and out there?

Of course everyone hear is only imagining the Red who's a 9-9.5 that's probably mouth watering or something - if there's a Red 9-9.5, maybe it's worth a shot over the Green 8-9 that's in hand and you know how to get. That takes serious game and skill, and it might work and it might not.

This is a "Bird in Hand, or Two in the Bush" question.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
you are lumping in too many people, i am not in the camp "you need huge skillset" and the likes, and i am in the camp of NOT EVERY RED can be converted
I believe there's a type of reds you can convert in a single night/day interaction. Those girls who are in a bad mood (which has nothing to do with you). Stick in there and before you know it, she'll start giving you stuff to work with (become a yellow).
SOME reds (not all), can be converted in my book 2 ways, with compliance and by enough time spent with her so you can change her perception of you from her
notice how you say "factors outside your control" in every seduction green, yellow and red, there are factors outside your control
What is your arguement? I know that whether she's a green, yellow, or red when I open her, is not in my control. What does that have to do with, having to rely on luck in order to get reds? Where you have more control with greens and yellows (she doesnt need to be horny when you open her, you dont need to worry about another guy coming into your set and take her away, because she's already physically attracted to you. Just dont be boring and escalate (easier said than done).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Why does screening for Greens and Yellows result only in a normal hookup range?
Idk that was gunwitch who said that
I don't see what the appeal of even being here (on this forum, with its topic) is except to troll if you don't believe you can cold approach lay women outside of your normal "hookup range" based on tech.
So now the less attainable girls are actually the less attractive girls - and this means to me now that I do better with the hotter girls I'm into, and I get better AND hotter results when I go and approach those girls in the first place
Lol nice!
Which is again to the point of the Red - do you really want it? I'd rather have a Green 8-9 than a Red 6-7. Why would I expend my effort on approaching and trying to flip a Red 6-7 when I know that the 8-9 is attainable and out there
Agreed :)

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
I think this entire thread has two different arguments and ideas that are getting mixed up:

1. There are Girls whom are Reds only because you're not good enough in Skill yet. These hot girls are what YOU want, but they aren't attainable to YOU. With enough skill and with really good fundamentals, these girls can become Greens or Yellows to you. Use compliance game as a skill building exercise to get these girls and get better, and you can also achieve great results with these girls thru compliance based game.

2. There are Girls whom are truly Reds because they never have and never WILL like you OR you're just way higher value than them and you're accustomed to hotter girls (the girls don't think you're attainable anyway and that's why they're Reds); the effort put in to get these girls is a questionable return and may or may not work. Fuck these girls, focus on screening for the Greens and Yellows, especially as you're learning and building yourself up. If you've got some elite level game skills though, you can challenge yourself and use your game through compliance to flip her into a Green and close on her. May not work every time.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Of course everyone hear is only imagining the Red who's a 9-9.5 that's probably mouth watering or something - if there's a Red 9-9.5, maybe it's worth a shot over the Green 8-9 that's in hand and you know how to get.

Reading this comment (trying to lay a 'red' 9.5 VS go for a 'green' 9), and the last couple of comments on @Ree now locked thread between @Truthtomasses (who was called a troll by razorjack) and @Ree on the importance of location, I was reminded of this comment by @Razorjack on sedfast last year. Where he talked about why he'd go for an 'easy' 8 over a 'time consuming' 10, everytime. Didnt really think much of it at the time until now:

What I'm trying to get to here is the environment and places that where you are picking up women is going to make a huge difference to your success as a seducer for the women that you are interested in. I'm not interested in "learning seductions skills or pick up game", I'm more interested in efficiently getting results. So if I were to advise my younger self on becoming more successful with women or money, my advice would be rather than spending your time trying to improve skills in the gaming environment you're in, you would see a huge improvement in results by simply changing the parameters of the game or the gaming environment, e.g. stacking the deck in your favor.

People would be more successful if they evaluate and understand what it is they REALLY want. For example, I know that many will probably dismiss this as "gold-digger" pick up game or that this isn't "real seduction game" or whatever they want to label it. I would argue that these people are more interested in "learning to be a seducer or looking like a great pick up artist" rather than actual results with women. Yes, there are people like this. I meet them all the time, people who complain that making lots of money and becoming financially successful is difficult. When I explain to them that it's actually very easy following some simple principles and billionaires wouldn't become billionaires if it was very difficult, they dismiss is it as not realistic and couldn't be that easy. Then it's obvious to me that what these people REALLY want is getting satisfaction from working very hard NOT in becoming wealthy. There is nothing wrong with getting satisfaction from hard work but people become their own worst enemies and blockers to their own success when they complain about not getting results but at the same time don't realize that they deep down REALLY want something else.

And THAT is how a "rusty" 48 year old like me can hook hot girls half his age in a Copenhagen night club full of young girls without doing anything other than saying "hi" :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
Reading this comment (trying to lay a 'red' 9.5 VS go for a 'green' 9), and the last couple of comments on @Ree now locked thread between @Truthtomasses (who was called a troll by razorjack) and @Ree on the importance of location, I was reminded of this comment by @Razorjack on sedfast last year. Where he talked about why he'd go for an 'easy' 8 over a 'time consuming' 10, everytime. Didnt really think much of it at the time until now:

What I'm trying to get to here is the environment and places that where you are picking up women is going to make a huge difference to your success as a seducer for the women that you are interested in. I'm not interested in "learning seductions skills or pick up game", I'm more interested in efficiently getting results. So if I were to advise my younger self on becoming more successful with women or money, my advice would be rather than spending your time trying to improve skills in the gaming environment you're in, you would see a huge improvement in results by simply changing the parameters of the game or the gaming environment, e.g. stacking the deck in your favor.

People would be more successful if they evaluate and understand what it is they REALLY want. For example, I know that many will probably dismiss this as "gold-digger" pick up game or that this isn't "real seduction game" or whatever they want to label it. I would argue that these people are more interested in "learning to be a seducer or looking like a great pick up artist" rather than actual results with women. Yes, there are people like this. I meet them all the time, people who complain that making lots of money and becoming financially successful is difficult. When I explain to them that it's actually very easy following some simple principles and billionaires wouldn't become billionaires if it was very difficult, they dismiss is it as not realistic and couldn't be that easy. Then it's obvious to me that what these people REALLY want is getting satisfaction from working very hard NOT in becoming wealthy. There is nothing wrong with getting satisfaction from hard work but people become their own worst enemies and blockers to their own success when they complain about not getting results but at the same time don't realize that they deep down REALLY want something else.

And THAT is how a "rusty" 48 year old like me can hook hot girls half his age in a Copenhagen night club full of young girls without doing anything other than saying "hi" :)

@Velasco and everyone else....

A couple of things to clear up:

I didn't flag @Truthtomasses ' post.. I've never flagged a post ever on any forum, don't need to, I will call out bullshit and delusional KJ nonsense where I see it. Other members flagged it, which earned it the "troll post" label. I called him a troll because he was making absolute statements (not opinions) about needing money, status, good looks and all that other excuse making KJ nonsense to get women.

What you quoted from me on Next ASF is only half the story on the "easy 8" vs "time-consuming 10":
  1. Do you remember the thread "A tale of 2 naturals"? In Scandinavia my "market value" is lower than M-natural's. he can get "10s" easier and quicker than I can.
  2. In other countries / cultures where wealth / celebrity status is admired, I can get "10s" easier and quicker than M-natural. This is my market..
  3. The point I was trying to make is time is your most valuable asset. Lost money you can always get back and make more, lost time you can never get back. So purely focused on time efficiency, if I was doing pick up in Scandinavia I would go for the "easy 8" (or "easy 10") all day everyday over the "time consuming 10", simply because of the time it takes to close.
  4. However if I wanted only 10s, then I would travel to a place where my personal "market value" is sky high, e.g. Eastern Europe, Japan, US, etc where it takes much less time for me to get 10s.
  5. So the point was not to settle for "easy 8s" over "time-consuming 10s", the point was to learn your "market value", figure out where your best market is and then use your time wisely because you can always recover lost money, where as you can never recover lost time.
  6. I don't believe in putting girls on an attraction scale (1-10), I was just using it in this case to try to prove a point: keep your options open, the world has opportunities you may have not considered especially if your only focus is trying to improve your seduction skills to pick up the "time-consuming 10" at the local nightclub. Instead you can pick up "10s" much easier/quicker in other places without additional seduction skills and then the "time-consuming 10" at the local nightclub doesn't seem so special and time-worthy anymore.
This was written more as a learning lesson if I could go back in time to advise my younger advanced self, this advanced stuff and not recommended for newbies / seducers still learning the basics.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
I am kind of the same - although my take is different than yours. Getting to it in a min.

Yes... "assuming attraction" was a big thing back then. Personally, I have seen this works for people (it surely worked for you!). But it does not work for everyone, and it surely did not work for me.

Here is why.

"Assuming attraction" faces similar problems that affirmations (i.e. "I can do it") - namely that some people are fully to convince themselves, whereas others are not. Additionally, on those on this does not work, it can have a secondary negative effect - namely that they become self-conscious about it. They going all "meta" around the affirmation.

Ok this may seem a bit hard to grasp and is equally hard to explain for me. So an example should do:

Razorjack: "All women are into me" => you start believing that and it affects your actions and overall behaviour.
Teevster: "All women are into me" => makes me become self-conscious, making me ask "why do I need to tell this to myself, is it because I need to convince myself". And then the affirmation turns into "I have to tell myself that "all women are into me" because..." and it end up having an opposite effect.

My case is common and this is why affirmations have gotten out of fashion in the NLP world. It seems to be a double edged sword.

However what I do is that I always ask myself: "Ok what is the next step" or "what can I do to get further with this girl now".

Basically I had a belief that there is ALWAYS something I can do. will it always work out? No! But doing nothing, tend to lead to nothing (unless you are lucky - but I do not want to rely on luck).

My belief is "I can always build compliance". I have such deep trust in my game, that I know that IF the conditions allows me for it (i.e. I can get to deliver some nice 1on1 verbal game) the girl will become compliant.

For some reason I feel it is the same with you. Remember when we talked with each our girl at this cafee? That's what perfect conditions are to me. You seemed to do quite well there yourself.

That's mindset, but what is interesting is how it has the same effects as my mindsets. Because....

... all these strategies are things I would do myself (before I get to talk to her - If I can talk to her I prefer doing some verbals). In fact a few weeks ago I submitted GC articles that cover similar strategies.

Say... a girl is not attracted to me. Then I know I can always build compliance. Consider I am not talking to her, I will tend use any of those amazing techniques you cover (or something similar).

BTW... nice list there! I love such type of social proof game. My favorite style after verbal game! but ... again... does not work in overly chaotic venues. Sadly.


Yeah, I totally get it.

This is why I've always kept saying that there is no one magic bullet that will work for everyone. This assume attraction works for me and some others, but just like you wrote.... you need to find a way that works for you and keeps you from any self-doubt.

For you, it is focusing on the next step. For me it is "losing myself emotionally" in the pick up where I am on auto-pilot, meaning the last thing I want to do is think about what I should do next. The funny thing, is I barely remember the interactions the next day, it's like my logical mind just shut off and another part of me took over.

The thing that I find interesting is that we are essentially doing the same thing (or getting the same results) just by different means.

For example, you shift a woman's emotions by verbals (among other things) where as I would do what I call emotional mirroring (among other things). I'll explain in a bit more detail.

First of all, I hate doing pick up where I feel nothing for the girl, I need to feel some attraction or find something intriguing about her. If I don't have that, then I don't bother. For me, I need to feel and connect with her on an emotional and sexual level otherwise it's not worth the time.

So with that in mind, what is emotional mirroring?

Simply put, when I connect with my target via Soul Gazing or some other means, we empathize and mirror each other's emotions. I feel what she feels and she feels what I feel.

As we are connected, we end up in our own "time-distortion" bubble, then I shift towards sexual feelings which she then starts to mirror.

So yeah, I totally get where you are coming from. Different strokes for different folks but similar results :)