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Barry's Social Circle Journal


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Oh yeah Barry, those Google Hangouts were fun! I still haven't been able to fix my camera lol.. one day maybe.

Thats an interesting solution to an interesting problem. Yeah I definitely have never activated my pelvic floor much in sex so that's interesting that's a problem for guys. Glad you got it figured out, I'm sure your girl is not to upset with the change either huh ;)

Right on man. Keep posting and being active on here if you have the time, its always cool seeing what the OG GirlsChase guys are up to in life.

And as always keep it pimping man ;0 haha



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Snap, I remember!

I think the coaching was definitely worth it because it was a contract over a long term so we messaged a lot. I never heard about it either, I never would of thought :/ I was pulsating it every second or so b/c it felt good, probably that's what got me into the habit. Shawtyyyyy you know it ;)

Hollah at that! Us forum old timers are gonna take over again.

Ah yeahhh!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake